Jeremy Gebben daee1e7d34
instrument: Combine descriptor length and init state checking (#5274)
Simplify what we add to user code by moving most of it into a function
that checks both that the descriptor index is in bounds and the
initialization state. Move error logging into this function as

Remove many options to turn off parts of the instrumentation,
because there were far too many permutations to keep working and
test properly.

Combine Buffer and TexBuffer error checking. This requires that VVL
set the length of TexBuffers in the descriptor input state, rather
than relying on the instrumentation code to call OpImageQuerySize.
Since the error log includes the descriptor set and binding numbers
we can use a single OOB error code rather than having 4 per-type
error codes.

Since the error codes are getting renumbered, make them start at 1
rather than 0 so it is easier to determine if the error code was
actually set by the instrumentation.
2023-06-22 09:39:49 -06:00

279 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2018 Valve Corporation
// Copyright (c) 2018 LunarG Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Shader Instrumentation Interface
// This file provides an external interface for applications that wish to
// communicate with shaders instrumented by passes created by:
// CreateInstBindlessCheckPass
// CreateInstBuffAddrCheckPass
// CreateInstDebugPrintfPass
// More detailed documentation of these routines can be found in optimizer.hpp
namespace spvtools {
// Stream Output Buffer Offsets
// The following values provide offsets into the output buffer struct
// generated by InstrumentPass::GenDebugStreamWrite. This method is utilized
// by InstBindlessCheckPass, InstBuffAddrCheckPass, and InstDebugPrintfPass.
// The 1st member of the debug output buffer contains a set of flags
// controlling the behavior of instrumentation code.
static const int kDebugOutputFlagsOffset = 0;
// Values stored at kDebugOutputFlagsOffset
enum kInstFlags : unsigned int {
kInstBufferOOBEnable = 0x1,
// The 2nd member of the debug output buffer contains the next available word
// in the data stream to be written. Shaders will atomically read and update
// this value so as not to overwrite each others records. This value must be
// initialized to zero
static const int kDebugOutputSizeOffset = 1;
// The 3rd member of the output buffer is the start of the stream of records
// written by the instrumented shaders. Each record represents a validation
// error. The format of the records is documented below.
static const int kDebugOutputDataOffset = 2;
// Common Stream Record Offsets
// The following are offsets to fields which are common to all records written
// to the output stream.
// Each record first contains the size of the record in 32-bit words, including
// the size word.
static const int kInstCommonOutSize = 0;
// This is the shader id passed by the layer when the instrumentation pass is
// created.
static const int kInstCommonOutShaderId = 1;
// This is the ordinal position of the instruction within the SPIR-V shader
// which generated the validation error.
static const int kInstCommonOutInstructionIdx = 2;
// This is the stage which generated the validation error. This word is used
// to determine the contents of the next two words in the record.
// 0:Vert, 1:TessCtrl, 2:TessEval, 3:Geom, 4:Frag, 5:Compute
static const int kInstCommonOutStageIdx = 3;
static const int kInstCommonOutCnt = 4;
// Stage-specific Stream Record Offsets
// Each stage will contain different values in the next set of words of the
// record used to identify which instantiation of the shader generated the
// validation error.
// Vertex Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstVertOutVertexIndex = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstVertOutInstanceIndex = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstVertOutUnused = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Frag Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstFragOutFragCoordX = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstFragOutFragCoordY = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstFragOutUnused = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Compute Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstCompOutGlobalInvocationIdX = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstCompOutGlobalInvocationIdY = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstCompOutGlobalInvocationIdZ = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Tessellation Control Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstTessCtlOutInvocationId = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstTessCtlOutPrimitiveId = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstTessCtlOutUnused = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Tessellation Eval Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstTessEvalOutPrimitiveId = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstTessEvalOutTessCoordU = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstTessEvalOutTessCoordV = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Geometry Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstGeomOutPrimitiveId = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstGeomOutInvocationId = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstGeomOutUnused = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Ray Tracing Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstRayTracingOutLaunchIdX = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstRayTracingOutLaunchIdY = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstRayTracingOutLaunchIdZ = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Mesh Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstMeshOutGlobalInvocationIdX = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstMeshOutGlobalInvocationIdY = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstMeshOutGlobalInvocationIdZ = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Task Shader Output Record Offsets
static const int kInstTaskOutGlobalInvocationIdX = kInstCommonOutCnt;
static const int kInstTaskOutGlobalInvocationIdY = kInstCommonOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstTaskOutGlobalInvocationIdZ = kInstCommonOutCnt + 2;
// Size of Common and Stage-specific Members
static const int kInstStageOutCnt = kInstCommonOutCnt + 3;
// Validation Error Code Offset
// This identifies the validation error. It also helps to identify
// how many words follow in the record and their meaning.
static const int kInstValidationOutError = kInstStageOutCnt;
// Validation-specific Output Record Offsets
// Each different validation will generate a potentially different
// number of words at the end of the record giving more specifics
// about the validation error.
// A bindless bounds error will output the index and the bound.
static const int kInstBindlessBoundsOutDescSet = kInstStageOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstBindlessBoundsOutDescBinding = kInstStageOutCnt + 2;
static const int kInstBindlessBoundsOutDescIndex = kInstStageOutCnt + 3;
static const int kInstBindlessBoundsOutDescBound = kInstStageOutCnt + 4;
static const int kInstBindlessBoundsOutUnused = kInstStageOutCnt + 5;
static const int kInstBindlessBoundsOutCnt = kInstStageOutCnt + 6;
// A descriptor uninitialized error will output the index.
static const int kInstBindlessUninitOutDescSet = kInstStageOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstBindlessUninitOutBinding = kInstStageOutCnt + 2;
static const int kInstBindlessUninitOutDescIndex = kInstStageOutCnt + 3;
static const int kInstBindlessUninitOutUnused = kInstStageOutCnt + 4;
static const int kInstBindlessUninitOutUnused2 = kInstStageOutCnt + 5;
static const int kInstBindlessUninitOutCnt = kInstStageOutCnt + 6;
// A buffer out-of-bounds error will output the descriptor
// index, the buffer offset and the buffer size
static const int kInstBindlessBuffOOBOutDescSet = kInstStageOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstBindlessBuffOOBOutDescBinding = kInstStageOutCnt + 2;
static const int kInstBindlessBuffOOBOutDescIndex = kInstStageOutCnt + 3;
static const int kInstBindlessBuffOOBOutBuffOff = kInstStageOutCnt + 4;
static const int kInstBindlessBuffOOBOutBuffSize = kInstStageOutCnt + 5;
static const int kInstBindlessBuffOOBOutCnt = kInstStageOutCnt + 6;
// A buffer address unalloc error will output the 64-bit pointer in
// two 32-bit pieces, lower bits first.
static const int kInstBuffAddrUnallocOutDescPtrLo = kInstStageOutCnt + 1;
static const int kInstBuffAddrUnallocOutDescPtrHi = kInstStageOutCnt + 2;
static const int kInstBuffAddrUnallocOutCnt = kInstStageOutCnt + 3;
// Maximum Output Record Member Count
static const int kInstMaxOutCnt = kInstStageOutCnt + 6;
// Validation Error Codes
// These are the possible validation error codes.
static const int kInstErrorBindlessBounds = 1;
static const int kInstErrorBindlessUninit = 2;
static const int kInstErrorBuffAddrUnallocRef = 3;
static const int kInstErrorOOB = 4;
static const int kInstErrorMax = kInstErrorOOB;
// Direct Input Buffer Offsets
// The following values provide member offsets into the input buffers
// consumed by InstrumentPass::GenDebugDirectRead(). This method is utilized
// by InstBindlessCheckPass.
// The only object in an input buffer is a runtime array of unsigned
// integers. Each validation will have its own formatting of this array.
static const int kDebugInputDataOffset = 0;
// Debug Buffer Bindings
// These are the bindings for the different buffers which are
// read or written by the instrumentation passes.
// This is the output buffer written by InstBindlessCheckPass,
// InstBuffAddrCheckPass, and possibly other future validations.
static const int kDebugOutputBindingStream = 0;
// The binding for the input buffer read by InstBindlessCheckPass.
static const int kDebugInputBindingBindless = 1;
// The binding for the input buffer read by InstBuffAddrCheckPass.
static const int kDebugInputBindingBuffAddr = 2;
// This is the output buffer written by InstDebugPrintfPass.
static const int kDebugOutputPrintfStream = 3;
// clang-format off
// Bindless Validation Input Buffer Format
// An input buffer for bindless validation has this structure:
// GLSL:
// layout(buffer_reference, std430, buffer_reference_align = 8) buffer DescriptorSetData {
// uint num_bindings;
// uint data[];
// };
// layout(set = 7, binding = 1, std430) buffer inst_bindless_InputBuffer
// {
// DescriptorSetData desc_sets[32];
// } inst_bindless_input_buffer;
// To look up the length of a binding:
// uint length = inst_bindless_input_buffer[set].data[binding];
// Scalar bindings have a length of 1.
// To look up the initialization state of a descriptor in a binding:
// uint num_bindings = inst_bindless_input_buffer[set].num_bindings;
// uint binding_state_start = inst_bindless_input_buffer[set].data[num_bindings + binding];
// uint init_state = inst_bindless_input_buffer[set].data[binding_state_start + index];
// For scalar bindings, use 0 for the index.
// clang-format on
// The size of the inst_bindless_input_buffer array, regardless of how many
// descriptor sets the device supports.
static const int kDebugInputBindlessMaxDescSets = 32;
// Buffer Device Address Input Buffer Format
// An input buffer for buffer device address validation consists of a single
// array of unsigned 64-bit integers we will call Data[]. This array is
// formatted as follows:
// At offset kDebugInputBuffAddrPtrOffset is a list of sorted valid buffer
// addresses. The list is terminated with the address 0xffffffffffffffff.
// If 0x0 is not a valid buffer address, this address is inserted at the
// start of the list.
static const int kDebugInputBuffAddrPtrOffset = 1;
// At offset kDebugInputBuffAddrLengthOffset in Data[] is a single uint64 which
// gives an offset to the start of the buffer length data. More
// specifically, for a buffer whose pointer is located at input buffer offset
// i, the length is located at:
// Data[ i - kDebugInputBuffAddrPtrOffset
// + Data[ kDebugInputBuffAddrLengthOffset ] ]
// The length associated with the 0xffffffffffffffff address is zero. If
// not a valid buffer, the length associated with the 0x0 address is zero.
static const int kDebugInputBuffAddrLengthOffset = 0;
} // namespace spvtools