Steven Perron 476cae6f7d Add the IRContext (part 1)
This is the first part of adding the IRContext.  This class is meant to
hold the extra data that is build on top of the module that it

The first part will simply create the IRContext class and get it passed
to the passes in place of the module.  For now it does not have any
functionality of its own, but it acts more as a wrapper for the module.

The functions that I added to the IRContext are those that either
traverse the headers or add to them.  I did this because we may decide
to have other ways of dealing with these sections (for example adding a
type pool, or use the decoration manager).

I also added the function that add to the header because the IRContext
needs to know when an instruction is added to update other data
structures appropriately.

Note that there is still lots of work that needs to be done.  There are
still many places that change the module, and do not inform the context.
That will be the next step.
2017-10-31 13:46:05 -04:00

367 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "set_spec_constant_default_value_pass.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "def_use_manager.h"
#include "make_unique.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h"
#include "type_manager.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "util/parse_number.h"
#include "ir_context.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
namespace {
using spvutils::NumberType;
using spvutils::EncodeNumberStatus;
using spvutils::ParseNumber;
using spvutils::ParseAndEncodeNumber;
// Given a numeric value in a null-terminated c string and the expected type of
// the value, parses the string and encodes it in a vector of words. If the
// value is a scalar integer or floating point value, encodes the value in
// SPIR-V encoding format. If the value is 'false' or 'true', returns a vector
// with single word with value 0 or 1 respectively. Returns the vector
// containing the encoded value on success. Otherwise returns an empty vector.
std::vector<uint32_t> ParseDefaultValueStr(const char* text,
const analysis::Type* type) {
std::vector<uint32_t> result;
if (!strcmp(text, "true") && type->AsBool()) {
} else if (!strcmp(text, "false") && type->AsBool()) {
} else {
NumberType number_type = {32, SPV_NUMBER_UNSIGNED_INT};
if (const auto* IT = type->AsInteger()) {
number_type.bitwidth = IT->width();
number_type.kind =
} else if (const auto* FT = type->AsFloat()) {
number_type.bitwidth = FT->width();
number_type.kind = SPV_NUMBER_FLOATING;
} else {
// Does not handle types other then boolean, integer or float. Returns
// empty vector.
return result;
EncodeNumberStatus rc = ParseAndEncodeNumber(
text, number_type, [&result](uint32_t word) { result.push_back(word); },
// Clear the result vector on failure.
if (rc != EncodeNumberStatus::kSuccess) {
return result;
// Given a bit pattern and a type, checks if the bit pattern is compatible
// with the type. If so, returns the bit pattern, otherwise returns an empty
// bit pattern. If the given bit pattern is empty, returns an empty bit
// pattern. If the given type represents a SPIR-V Boolean type, the bit pattern
// to be returned is determined with the following standard:
// If any words in the input bit pattern are non zero, returns a bit pattern
// with 0x1, which represents a 'true'.
// If all words in the bit pattern are zero, returns a bit pattern with 0x0,
// which represents a 'false'.
std::vector<uint32_t> ParseDefaultValueBitPattern(
const std::vector<uint32_t>& input_bit_pattern,
const analysis::Type* type) {
std::vector<uint32_t> result;
if (type->AsBool()) {
if (std::any_of(input_bit_pattern.begin(), input_bit_pattern.end(),
[](uint32_t i) { return i != 0; })) {
} else {
return result;
} else if (const auto* IT = type->AsInteger()) {
if (IT->width() == input_bit_pattern.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) {
return std::vector<uint32_t>(input_bit_pattern);
} else if (const auto* FT = type->AsFloat()) {
if (FT->width() == input_bit_pattern.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) {
return std::vector<uint32_t>(input_bit_pattern);
return result;
// Returns true if the given instruction's result id could have a SpecId
// decoration.
bool CanHaveSpecIdDecoration(const ir::Instruction& inst) {
switch (inst.opcode()) {
case SpvOp::SpvOpSpecConstant:
case SpvOp::SpvOpSpecConstantFalse:
case SpvOp::SpvOpSpecConstantTrue:
return true;
return false;
// Given a decoration group defining instruction that is decorated with SpecId
// decoration, finds the spec constant defining instruction which is the real
// target of the SpecId decoration. Returns the spec constant defining
// instruction if such an instruction is found, otherwise returns a nullptr.
ir::Instruction* GetSpecIdTargetFromDecorationGroup(
const ir::Instruction& decoration_group_defining_inst,
analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr) {
// Find the OpGroupDecorate instruction which consumes the given decoration
// group. Note that the given decoration group has SpecId decoration, which
// is unique for different spec constants. So the decoration group cannot be
// consumed by different OpGroupDecorate instructions. Therefore we only need
// the first OpGroupDecoration instruction that uses the given decoration
// group.
ir::Instruction* group_decorate_inst = nullptr;
for (const auto& u :
*def_use_mgr->GetUses(decoration_group_defining_inst.result_id())) {
if (u.inst->opcode() == SpvOp::SpvOpGroupDecorate) {
group_decorate_inst = u.inst;
if (!group_decorate_inst) return nullptr;
// Scan through the target ids of the OpGroupDecorate instruction. There
// should be only one spec constant target consumes the SpecId decoration.
// If multiple target ids are presented in the OpGroupDecorate instruction,
// they must be the same one that defined by an eligible spec constant
// instruction. If the OpGroupDecorate instruction has different target ids
// or a target id is not defined by an eligible spec cosntant instruction,
// returns a nullptr.
ir::Instruction* target_inst = nullptr;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < group_decorate_inst->NumInOperands(); i++) {
// All the operands of a OpGroupDecorate instruction should be of type
uint32_t candidate_id = group_decorate_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(i);
ir::Instruction* candidate_inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(candidate_id);
if (!candidate_inst) {
if (!target_inst) {
// If the spec constant target has not been found yet, check if the
// candidate instruction is the target.
if (CanHaveSpecIdDecoration(*candidate_inst)) {
target_inst = candidate_inst;
} else {
// Spec id decoration should not be applied on other instructions.
// TODO(qining): Emit an error message in the invalid case once the
// error handling is done.
return nullptr;
} else {
// If the spec constant target has been found, check if the candidate
// instruction is the same one as the target. The module is invalid if
// the candidate instruction is different with the found target.
// TODO(qining): Emit an error messaage in the invalid case once the
// error handling is done.
if (candidate_inst != target_inst) return nullptr;
return target_inst;
Pass::Status SetSpecConstantDefaultValuePass::Process(ir::IRContext* irContext) {
// The operand index of decoration target in an OpDecorate instruction.
const uint32_t kTargetIdOperandIndex = 0;
// The operand index of the decoration literal in an OpDecorate instruction.
const uint32_t kDecorationOperandIndex = 1;
// The operand index of Spec id literal value in an OpDecorate SpecId
// instruction.
const uint32_t kSpecIdLiteralOperandIndex = 2;
// The number of operands in an OpDecorate SpecId instruction.
const uint32_t kOpDecorateSpecIdNumOperands = 3;
// The in-operand index of the default value in a OpSpecConstant instruction.
const uint32_t kOpSpecConstantLiteralInOperandIndex = 0;
bool modified = false;
analysis::DefUseManager def_use_mgr(consumer(), irContext->module());
analysis::TypeManager type_mgr(consumer(), *irContext->module());
// Scan through all the annotation instructions to find 'OpDecorate SpecId'
// instructions. Then extract the decoration target of those instructions.
// The decoration targets should be spec constant defining instructions with
// opcode: OpSpecConstant{|True|False}. The spec id of those spec constants
// will be used to look up their new default values in the mapping from
// spec id to new default value strings. Once a new default value string
// is found for a spec id, the string will be parsed according to the target
// spec constant type. The parsed value will be used to replace the original
// default value of the target spec constant.
for (ir::Instruction& inst : irContext->annotations()) {
// Only process 'OpDecorate SpecId' instructions
if (inst.opcode() != SpvOp::SpvOpDecorate) continue;
if (inst.NumOperands() != kOpDecorateSpecIdNumOperands) continue;
if (inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(kDecorationOperandIndex) !=
uint32_t(SpvDecoration::SpvDecorationSpecId)) {
// 'inst' is an OpDecorate SpecId instruction.
uint32_t spec_id = inst.GetSingleWordOperand(kSpecIdLiteralOperandIndex);
uint32_t target_id = inst.GetSingleWordOperand(kTargetIdOperandIndex);
// Find the spec constant defining instruction. Note that the
// target_id might be a decoration group id.
ir::Instruction* spec_inst = nullptr;
if (ir::Instruction* target_inst = def_use_mgr.GetDef(target_id)) {
if (target_inst->opcode() == SpvOp::SpvOpDecorationGroup) {
spec_inst =
GetSpecIdTargetFromDecorationGroup(*target_inst, &def_use_mgr);
} else {
spec_inst = target_inst;
} else {
if (!spec_inst) continue;
// Get the default value bit pattern for this spec id.
std::vector<uint32_t> bit_pattern;
if (spec_id_to_value_str_.size() != 0) {
// Search for the new string-form default value for this spec id.
auto iter = spec_id_to_value_str_.find(spec_id);
if (iter == spec_id_to_value_str_.end()) {
// Gets the string of the default value and parses it to bit pattern
// with the type of the spec constant.
const std::string& default_value_str = iter->second;
bit_pattern = ParseDefaultValueStr(default_value_str.c_str(),
} else {
// Search for the new bit-pattern-form default value for this spec id.
auto iter = spec_id_to_value_bit_pattern_.find(spec_id);
if (iter == spec_id_to_value_bit_pattern_.end()) {
// Gets the bit-pattern of the default value from the map directly.
bit_pattern = ParseDefaultValueBitPattern(
iter->second, type_mgr.GetType(spec_inst->type_id()));
if (bit_pattern.empty()) continue;
// Update the operand bit patterns of the spec constant defining
// instruction.
switch (spec_inst->opcode()) {
case SpvOp::SpvOpSpecConstant:
// If the new value is the same with the original value, no
// need to do anything. Otherwise update the operand words.
if (spec_inst->GetInOperand(kOpSpecConstantLiteralInOperandIndex)
.words != bit_pattern) {
modified = true;
case SpvOp::SpvOpSpecConstantTrue:
// If the new value is also 'true', no need to change anything.
// Otherwise, set the opcode to OpSpecConstantFalse;
if (!static_cast<bool>(bit_pattern.front())) {
modified = true;
case SpvOp::SpvOpSpecConstantFalse:
// If the new value is also 'false', no need to change anything.
// Otherwise, set the opcode to OpSpecConstantTrue;
if (static_cast<bool>(bit_pattern.front())) {
modified = true;
// No need to update the DefUse manager, as this pass does not change any
// ids.
return modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
// Returns true if the given char is ':', '\0' or considered as blank space
// (i.e.: '\n', '\r', '\v', '\t', '\f' and ' ').
bool IsSeparator(char ch) {
return std::strchr(":\0", ch) || std::isspace(ch) != 0;
SetSpecConstantDefaultValuePass::ParseDefaultValuesString(const char* str) {
if (!str) return nullptr;
auto spec_id_to_value = MakeUnique<SpecIdToValueStrMap>();
// The parsing loop, break when points to the end.
while (*str) {
// Find the spec id.
while (std::isspace(*str)) str++; // skip leading spaces.
const char* entry_begin = str;
while (!IsSeparator(*str)) str++;
const char* entry_end = str;
std::string spec_id_str(entry_begin, entry_end - entry_begin);
uint32_t spec_id = 0;
if (!ParseNumber(spec_id_str.c_str(), &spec_id)) {
// The spec id is not a valid uint32 number.
return nullptr;
auto iter = spec_id_to_value->find(spec_id);
if (iter != spec_id_to_value->end()) {
// Same spec id has been defined before
return nullptr;
// Find the ':', spaces between the spec id and the ':' are not allowed.
if (*str++ != ':') {
// ':' not found
return nullptr;
// Find the value string
const char* val_begin = str;
while (!IsSeparator(*str)) str++;
const char* val_end = str;
if (val_end == val_begin) {
// Value string is empty.
return nullptr;
// Update the mapping with spec id and value string.
(*spec_id_to_value)[spec_id] = std::string(val_begin, val_end - val_begin);
// Skip trailing spaces.
while (std::isspace(*str)) str++;
return spec_id_to_value;
} // namespace opt
} // namespace spvtools