
403 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Generates various info tables from SPIR-V JSON grammar."""
from __future__ import print_function
import functools
import json
import os.path
import re
# Prefix for all C variables generated by this script.
PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX = 'pygen_variable'
def make_path_to_file(f):
"""Makes all ancestor directories to the given file, if they
don't yet exist.
f: The file whose ancestor directories are to be created.
dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f))
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
def populate_capability_bit_mapping_dict(cap_dict):
- cap_dict: a dict containing all capability names and values
assert cap_dict['category'] == 'ValueEnum'
assert cap_dict['kind'] == 'Capability'
for enumerant in cap_dict['enumerants']:
CAPABILITY_BIT_MAPPING[enumerant['enumerant']] = enumerant['value']
def compose_capability_mask(caps):
"""Returns a bit mask for a sequence of capabilities
- caps: a sequence of capability names
a string containing the hexadecimal value of the bit mask
bits = [CAPABILITY_BIT_MAPPING[c] for c in caps]
caps_mask = functools.reduce(lambda m, b: m | (1 << b), bits, 0)
return '0x{:04x}'.format(caps_mask)
def convert_operand_kind(operand_tuple):
"""Returns the corresponding operand type used in spirv-tools for
the given operand kind and quantifier used in the JSON grammar.
- operand_tuple: a tuple of two elements:
- operand kind: used in the JSON grammar
- quantifier: '', '?', or '*'
a string of the enumerant name in spv_operand_type_t
kind, quantifier = operand_tuple
# The following cases are where we differ between the JSON grammar and
# spirv-tools.
if kind == 'IdResultType':
kind = 'TypeId'
elif kind == 'IdResult':
kind = 'ResultId'
elif kind == 'IdMemorySemantics' or kind == 'MemorySemantics':
kind = 'MemorySemanticsId'
elif kind == 'IdScope' or kind == 'Scope':
kind = 'ScopeId'
elif kind == 'IdRef':
kind = 'Id'
elif kind == 'ImageOperands':
kind = 'Image'
elif kind == 'Dim':
kind = 'Dimensionality'
elif kind == 'ImageFormat':
kind = 'SamplerImageFormat'
elif kind == 'KernelEnqueueFlags':
kind = 'KernelEnqFlags'
elif kind == 'LiteralExtInstInteger':
kind = 'ExtensionInstructionNumber'
elif kind == 'LiteralSpecConstantOpInteger':
kind = 'SpecConstantOpNumber'
elif kind == 'LiteralContextDependentNumber':
kind = 'TypedLiteralNumber'
elif kind == 'PairLiteralIntegerIdRef':
kind = 'LiteralIntegerId'
elif kind == 'PairIdRefLiteralInteger':
kind = 'IdLiteralInteger'
elif kind == 'PairIdRefIdRef': # Used by OpPhi in the grammar
kind = 'Id'
if kind == 'FPRoundingMode':
kind = 'FpRoundingMode'
elif kind == 'FPFastMathMode':
kind = 'FpFastMathMode'
if quantifier == '?':
kind = 'Optional{}'.format(kind)
elif quantifier == '*':
kind = 'Variable{}'.format(kind)
return 'SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_{}'.format(
re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', kind).upper())
class InstInitializer(object):
"""Instances holds a SPIR-V instruction suitable for printing as
the initializer for spv_opcode_desc_t."""
def __init__(self, opname, caps, operands):
- opname: opcode name (with the 'Op' prefix)
- caps: a sequence of capability names required by this opcode
- operands: a sequence of (operand-kind, operand-quantifier) tuples
assert opname.startswith('Op')
self.opname = opname[2:] # Remove the "Op" prefix.
self.caps_mask = compose_capability_mask(caps)
self.operands = [convert_operand_kind(o) for o in operands]
operands = [o[0] for o in operands]
self.ref_type_id = 'IdResultType' in operands
self.def_result_id = 'IdResult' in operands
def __str__(self):
template = ['{{"{opname}"', 'SpvOp{opname}', '{caps_mask}',
'{num_operands}', '{{{operands}}}',
'{def_result_id}', '{ref_type_id}}}']
return ', '.join(template).format(
operands=', '.join(self.operands),
def_result_id=(1 if self.def_result_id else 0),
ref_type_id=(1 if self.ref_type_id else 0))
class ExtInstInitializer(object):
"""Instances holds a SPIR-V extended instruction suitable for printing as
the initializer for spv_ext_inst_desc_t."""
def __init__(self, opname, opcode, caps, operands):
- opname: opcode name
- opcode: enumerant value for this opcode
- caps: a sequence of capability names required by this opcode
- operands: a sequence of (operand-kind, operand-quantifier) tuples
self.opname = opname
self.opcode = opcode
self.caps_mask = compose_capability_mask(caps)
self.operands = [convert_operand_kind(o) for o in operands]
def __str__(self):
template = ['{{"{opname}"', '{opcode}', '{caps_mask}',
return ', '.join(template).format(
operands=', '.join(self.operands))
def generate_instruction(inst, is_ext_inst):
"""Returns the C initializer for the given SPIR-V instruction.
- inst: a dict containing information about a SPIR-V instruction
- is_ext_inst: a bool indicating whether |inst| is an extended
a string containing the C initializer for spv_opcode_desc_t or
opname = inst.get('opname')
opcode = inst.get('opcode')
caps = inst.get('capabilities', [])
operands = inst.get('operands', {})
operands = [(o['kind'], o.get('quantifier', '')) for o in operands]
assert opname is not None
if is_ext_inst:
return str(ExtInstInitializer(opname, opcode, caps, operands))
return str(InstInitializer(opname, caps, operands))
def generate_instruction_table(inst_table, is_ext_inst):
"""Returns the info table containing all SPIR-V instructions.
- inst_table: a dict containing all SPIR-V instructions.
- is_ext_inst: a bool indicating whether |inst_table| is for
an extended instruction set.
return ',\n'.join([generate_instruction(inst, is_ext_inst)
for inst in inst_table])
class EnumerantInitializer(object):
"""Prints an enumerant as the initializer for spv_operand_desc_t."""
def __init__(self, enumerant, value, caps, parameters):
- enumerant: enumerant name
- value: enumerant value
- caps: a sequence of capability names required by this enumerant
- parameters: a sequence of (operand-kind, operand-quantifier) tuples
self.enumerant = enumerant
self.value = value
self.caps_mask = compose_capability_mask(caps)
self.parameters = [convert_operand_kind(p) for p in parameters]
def __str__(self):
template = ['{{"{enumerant}"', '{value}',
'{caps_mask}', '{{{parameters}}}}}']
return ', '.join(template).format(
parameters=', '.join(self.parameters))
def generate_enum_operand_kind_entry(entry):
"""Returns the C initializer for the given operand enum entry.
- entry: a dict containing information about an enum entry
a string containing the C initializer for spv_operand_desc_t
enumerant = entry.get('enumerant')
value = entry.get('value')
caps = entry.get('capabilities', [])
params = entry.get('parameters', [])
params = [p.get('kind') for p in params]
params = zip(params, [''] * len(params))
assert enumerant is not None
assert value is not None
return str(EnumerantInitializer(enumerant, value, caps, params))
def generate_enum_operand_kind(enum):
"""Returns the C definition for the given operand kind."""
kind = enum.get('kind')
assert kind is not None
name = '{}_{}Entries'.format(PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX, kind)
entries = [' {}'.format(generate_enum_operand_kind_entry(e))
for e in enum.get('enumerants', [])]
template = ['static const spv_operand_desc_t {name}[] = {{',
'{entries}', '}};']
entries = '\n'.join(template).format(
return kind, name, entries
def generate_operand_kind_table(enums):
"""Returns the info table containing all SPIR-V operand kinds."""
# We only need to output info tables for those operand kinds that are enums.
enums = [generate_enum_operand_kind(e)
for e in enums
if e.get('category') in ['ValueEnum', 'BitEnum']]
# We have three operand kinds that requires their optional counterpart to
# exist in the operand info table.
three_optional_enums = ['ImageOperands', 'AccessQualifier', 'MemoryAccess']
three_optional_enums = [e for e in enums if e[0] in three_optional_enums]
enum_kinds, enum_names, enum_entries = zip(*enums)
# Mark the last three as optional ones.
enum_quantifiers = [''] * (len(enums) - 3) + ['?'] * 3
# And we don't want redefinition of them.
enum_entries = enum_entries[:-3]
enum_kinds = [convert_operand_kind(e)
for e in zip(enum_kinds, enum_quantifiers)]
table_entries = zip(enum_kinds, enum_names, enum_names)
table_entries = [' {{{}, ARRAY_SIZE({}), {}}}'.format(*e)
for e in table_entries]
template = [
'static const spv_operand_desc_group_t {p}_OperandInfoTable[] = {{',
'{enums}', '}};']
table = '\n'.join(template).format(
p=PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX, enums=',\n'.join(table_entries))
return '\n\n'.join(enum_entries + (table,))
def main():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate SPIR-V info tables')
parser.add_argument('--spirv-core-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=True,
help='input JSON grammar file for core SPIR-V '
parser.add_argument('--extinst-glsl-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='input JSON grammar file for GLSL extended '
'instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--extinst-opencl-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='input JSON grammar file for OpenGL extended '
'instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--core-insts-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for core SPIR-V instructions')
parser.add_argument('--glsl-insts-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for GLSL extended instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--opencl-insts-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for OpenCL extended instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--operand-kinds-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for operand kinds')
args = parser.parse_args()
if (args.core_insts_output is None) != \
(args.operand_kinds_output is None):
print('error: --core-insts-output and --operand_kinds_output '
'should be specified together.')
if (args.glsl_insts_output is None) != \
(args.extinst_glsl_grammar is None):
print('error: --glsl-insts-output and --extinst-glsl-grammar '
'should be specified together.')
if (args.opencl_insts_output is None) != \
(args.extinst_opencl_grammar is None):
print('error: --opencl-insts-output and --extinst-opencl-grammar '
'should be specified together.')
if all([args.core_insts_output is None,
args.glsl_insts_output is None,
args.opencl_insts_output is None]):
print('error: at least one output should be specified.')
with open(args.spirv_core_grammar) as json_file:
grammar = json.loads(json_file.read())
# Get the dict for the Capability operand kind.
cap_dict = [o for o in grammar['operand_kinds']
if o['kind'] == 'Capability']
assert len(cap_dict) == 1
if args.core_insts_output is not None:
print(generate_instruction_table(grammar['instructions'], False),
file=open(args.core_insts_output, 'w'))
file=open(args.operand_kinds_output, 'w'))
if args.extinst_glsl_grammar is not None:
with open(args.extinst_glsl_grammar) as json_file:
grammar = json.loads(json_file.read())
print(generate_instruction_table(grammar['instructions'], True),
file=open(args.glsl_insts_output, 'w'))
if args.extinst_opencl_grammar is not None:
with open(args.extinst_opencl_grammar) as json_file:
grammar = json.loads(json_file.read())
print(generate_instruction_table(grammar['instructions'], True),
file=open(args.opencl_insts_output, 'w'))
if __name__ == '__main__':