Alastair Donaldson 9c4481419e
spirv-fuzz: Allow inapplicable transformations to be ignored (#4407)
spirv-fuzz features transformations that should be applicable by
construction. Assertions are used to detect when such transformations
turn out to be inapplicable. Failures of such assertions indicate bugs
in the fuzzer. However, when using the fuzzer at scale (e.g. in
ClusterFuzz) reports of these assertion failures create noise, and
cause the fuzzer to exit early. This change adds an option whereby
inapplicable transformations can be ignored. This reduces noise and
allows fuzzing to continue even when a transformation that should be
applicable but is not has been erroneously created.
2021-07-28 22:59:37 +01:00

203 lines
8.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer_context.h"
#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass.h"
#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h"
#include "source/fuzz/pass_management/repeated_pass_instances.h"
#include "source/fuzz/pass_management/repeated_pass_manager.h"
#include "source/fuzz/pass_management/repeated_pass_recommender.h"
#include "source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h"
#include "source/fuzz/random_generator.h"
#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
namespace spvtools {
namespace fuzz {
// Transforms a SPIR-V module into a semantically equivalent SPIR-V module by
// running a number of randomized fuzzer passes.
class Fuzzer {
// Possible statuses that can result from running the fuzzer.
enum class Status {
struct Result {
// Status of the fuzzing session.
Status status;
// Equals to true if new transformations were applied during the previous
// fuzzing session.
bool is_changed;
Fuzzer(std::unique_ptr<opt::IRContext> ir_context,
std::unique_ptr<TransformationContext> transformation_context,
std::unique_ptr<FuzzerContext> fuzzer_context,
MessageConsumer consumer,
const std::vector<fuzzerutil::ModuleSupplier>& donor_suppliers,
bool enable_all_passes, RepeatedPassStrategy repeated_pass_strategy,
bool validate_after_each_fuzzer_pass,
spv_validator_options validator_options,
bool ignore_inapplicable_transformations);
// Disables copy/move constructor/assignment operations.
Fuzzer(const Fuzzer&) = delete;
Fuzzer(Fuzzer&&) = delete;
Fuzzer& operator=(const Fuzzer&) = delete;
Fuzzer& operator=(Fuzzer&&) = delete;
// Transforms |ir_context_| by running a number of randomized fuzzer passes.
// Initial facts about the input binary and the context in which it will be
// executed are provided with |transformation_context_|.
// |num_of_transformations| is equal to the maximum number of transformations
// applied in a single call to this method. This parameter is ignored if its
// value is equal to 0. Because fuzzing cannot stop mid way through a fuzzer
// pass, fuzzing will stop after the fuzzer pass that exceeds
// |num_of_transformations| has completed, so that the total number of
// transformations may be somewhat larger than this number.
Result Run(uint32_t num_of_transformations_to_apply);
// Returns the current IR context. It may be invalid if the Run method
// returned Status::kFuzzerPassLedToInvalidModule previously.
opt::IRContext* GetIRContext();
// Returns the sequence of applied transformations.
const protobufs::TransformationSequence& GetTransformationSequence() const;
// A convenience method to add a repeated fuzzer pass to |pass_instances| with
// probability |percentage_chance_of_adding_pass|%, or with probability 100%
// if |enable_all_passes_| is true.
// All fuzzer passes take members |ir_context_|, |transformation_context_|,
// |fuzzer_context_| and |transformation_sequence_out_| as parameters. Extra
// arguments can be provided via |extra_args|.
template <typename FuzzerPassT, typename... Args>
void MaybeAddRepeatedPass(uint32_t percentage_chance_of_adding_pass,
RepeatedPassInstances* pass_instances,
Args&&... extra_args);
// The same as the above, with |percentage_chance_of_adding_pass| == 50%.
template <typename FuzzerPassT, typename... Args>
void MaybeAddRepeatedPass(RepeatedPassInstances* pass_instances,
Args&&... extra_args) {
MaybeAddRepeatedPass<FuzzerPassT>(50, pass_instances,
// A convenience method to add a final fuzzer pass to |passes| with
// probability 50%, or with probability 100% if |enable_all_passes_| is true.
// All fuzzer passes take members |ir_context_|, |transformation_context_|,
// |fuzzer_context_| and |transformation_sequence_out_| as parameters. Extra
// arguments can be provided via |extra_args|.
template <typename FuzzerPassT, typename... Args>
void MaybeAddFinalPass(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FuzzerPass>>* passes,
Args&&... extra_args);
// Decides whether to apply more repeated passes. The probability decreases as
// the number of transformations that have been applied increases.
// The described probability is only applied if
// |continue_fuzzing_probabilistically| is true.
bool ShouldContinueRepeatedPasses(bool continue_fuzzing_probabilistically);
// Applies |pass|, which must be a pass constructed with |ir_context|.
// If |validate_after_each_fuzzer_pass_| is not set, true is always returned.
// Otherwise, true is returned if and only if |ir_context| passes validation,
// every block has its enclosing function as its parent, and every
// instruction has a distinct unique id.
bool ApplyPassAndCheckValidity(FuzzerPass* pass) const;
// Message consumer that will be invoked once for each message communicated
// from the library.
const MessageConsumer consumer_;
// Determines whether all passes should be enabled, vs. having passes be
// probabilistically enabled.
const bool enable_all_passes_;
// Determines whether the validator should be invoked after every fuzzer pass.
const bool validate_after_each_fuzzer_pass_;
// Options to control validation.
const spv_validator_options validator_options_;
// The number of repeated fuzzer passes that have been applied is kept track
// of, in order to enforce a hard limit on the number of times such passes
// can be applied.
uint32_t num_repeated_passes_applied_;
// We use this to determine whether we can continue fuzzing incrementally
// since the previous call to the Run method could've returned
// kFuzzerPassLedToInvalidModule.
bool is_valid_;
// Intermediate representation for the module being fuzzed, which gets
// mutated as fuzzing proceeds.
std::unique_ptr<opt::IRContext> ir_context_;
// Contextual information that is required in order to apply
// transformations.
std::unique_ptr<TransformationContext> transformation_context_;
// Provides probabilities that control the fuzzing process.
std::unique_ptr<FuzzerContext> fuzzer_context_;
// The sequence of transformations that have been applied during fuzzing. It
// is initially empty and grows as fuzzer passes are applied.
protobufs::TransformationSequence transformation_sequence_out_;
// This object contains instances of all fuzzer passes that will participate
// in the fuzzing.
RepeatedPassInstances pass_instances_;
// This object defines the recommendation logic for fuzzer passes.
std::unique_ptr<RepeatedPassRecommender> repeated_pass_recommender_;
// This object manager a list of fuzzer pass and their available
// recommendations.
std::unique_ptr<RepeatedPassManager> repeated_pass_manager_;
// Some passes that it does not make sense to apply repeatedly, as they do not
// unlock other passes.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FuzzerPass>> final_passes_;
// When set, this flag causes inapplicable transformations that should be
// applicable by construction to be ignored. This is useful when the fuzzer
// is being deployed at scale to test a SPIR-V processing tool, and where it
// is desirable to ignore bugs in the fuzzer itself.
const bool ignore_inapplicable_transformations_;
} // namespace fuzz
} // namespace spvtools