Alastair Donaldson 9c4481419e
spirv-fuzz: Allow inapplicable transformations to be ignored (#4407)
spirv-fuzz features transformations that should be applicable by
construction. Assertions are used to detect when such transformations
turn out to be inapplicable. Failures of such assertions indicate bugs
in the fuzzer. However, when using the fuzzer at scale (e.g. in
ClusterFuzz) reports of these assertion failures create noise, and
cause the fuzzer to exit early. This change adds an option whereby
inapplicable transformations can be ignored. This reduces noise and
allows fuzzing to continue even when a transformation that should be
applicable but is not has been erroneously created.
2021-07-28 22:59:37 +01:00

177 lines
6.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_add_opphi_synonyms.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h"
#include "source/fuzz/pseudo_random_generator.h"
#include "test/fuzz/fuzz_test_util.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace fuzz {
namespace {
protobufs::Fact MakeSynonymFact(uint32_t first, uint32_t second) {
protobufs::FactDataSynonym data_synonym_fact;
*data_synonym_fact.mutable_data1() = MakeDataDescriptor(first, {});
*data_synonym_fact.mutable_data2() = MakeDataDescriptor(second, {});
protobufs::Fact result;
*result.mutable_data_synonym_fact() = data_synonym_fact;
return result;
// Adds synonym facts to the fact manager.
void SetUpIdSynonyms(FactManager* fact_manager) {
// Synonyms {9, 11, 15, 16, 21, 22}
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(11, 9));
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(15, 9));
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(16, 9));
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(21, 9));
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(22, 9));
// Synonyms {10, 23}
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(10, 23));
// Synonyms {14, 27}
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(14, 27));
// Synonyms {24, 26, 30}
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(26, 24));
fact_manager->MaybeAddFact(MakeSynonymFact(30, 24));
// Returns true if the given lists have the same elements, regardless of their
// order.
template <typename T>
bool ListsHaveTheSameElements(const std::vector<T>& list1,
const std::vector<T>& list2) {
auto sorted1 = list1;
std::sort(sorted1.begin(), sorted1.end());
auto sorted2 = list2;
std::sort(sorted2.begin(), sorted2.end());
return sorted1 == sorted2;
std::string shader = R"(
OpCapability Shader
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main"
OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft
OpSource ESSL 310
OpName %2 "main"
%3 = OpTypeVoid
%4 = OpTypeFunction %3
%5 = OpTypeBool
%6 = OpConstantTrue %5
%7 = OpTypeInt 32 1
%31 = OpTypeFunction %7
%8 = OpTypeInt 32 0
%9 = OpConstant %7 1
%10 = OpConstant %7 2
%11 = OpConstant %8 1
%12 = OpTypePointer Function %7
%2 = OpFunction %3 None %4
%13 = OpLabel
%14 = OpVariable %12 Function
%15 = OpCopyObject %7 %9
%16 = OpCopyObject %8 %11
OpBranch %17
%17 = OpLabel
OpSelectionMerge %18 None
OpBranchConditional %6 %19 %20
%19 = OpLabel
%21 = OpCopyObject %7 %15
%22 = OpCopyObject %8 %16
%23 = OpCopyObject %7 %10
%24 = OpIAdd %7 %9 %10
OpBranch %18
%20 = OpLabel
OpBranch %18
%18 = OpLabel
%26 = OpIAdd %7 %15 %10
%27 = OpCopyObject %12 %14
OpSelectionMerge %28 None
OpBranchConditional %6 %29 %28
%29 = OpLabel
%30 = OpCopyObject %7 %26
OpBranch %28
%28 = OpLabel
%32 = OpFunction %7 None %31
%33 = OpLabel
OpReturnValue %9
TEST(FuzzerPassAddOpPhiSynonymsTest, HelperFunctions) {
const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_5;
const auto consumer = nullptr;
const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
TransformationContext transformation_context(
MakeUnique<FactManager>(context.get()), validator_options);
FuzzerContext fuzzer_context(MakeUnique<PseudoRandomGenerator>(0), 100,
protobufs::TransformationSequence transformation_sequence;
FuzzerPassAddOpPhiSynonyms fuzzer_pass(context.get(), &transformation_context,
&transformation_sequence, false);
std::vector<std::set<uint32_t>> expected_equivalence_classes = {
{9, 15, 21}, {11, 16, 22}, {10, 23}, {6}, {24, 26, 30}};
fuzzer_pass.GetIdEquivalenceClasses(), expected_equivalence_classes));
// The set {24, 26, 30} is not suitable for 18 (none if the ids is available
// for predecessor 20).
fuzzer_pass.EquivalenceClassIsSuitableForBlock({24, 26, 30}, 18, 1));
// The set {6} is not suitable for 18 if we require at least 2 distinct
// available ids.
ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzer_pass.EquivalenceClassIsSuitableForBlock({6}, 18, 2));
// Only id 26 from the set {24, 26, 30} is available to use for the
// transformation at block 29, so the set is not suitable if we want at least
// 2 available ids.
fuzzer_pass.EquivalenceClassIsSuitableForBlock({24, 26, 30}, 29, 2));
fuzzer_pass.EquivalenceClassIsSuitableForBlock({24, 26, 30}, 29, 1));
// %21 is not available at the end of block 20.
fuzzer_pass.GetSuitableIds({9, 15, 21}, 20), {9, 15}));
// %24 and %30 are not available at the end of block 18.
fuzzer_pass.GetSuitableIds({24, 26, 30}, 18), {26}));
} // namespace
} // namespace fuzz
} // namespace spvtools