Alan Baker 867451f49e Add scalar replacement
Adds a scalar replacement pass. The pass considers all function scope
variables of composite type. If there are accesses to individual
elements (and it is legal) the pass replaces the variable with a
variable for each composite element and updates all the uses.

Added the pass to -O
Added NumUses and NumUsers to DefUseManager
Added some helper methods for the inst to block mapping in context
Added some helper methods for specific constant types

No longer generate duplicate pointer types.

* Now searches for an existing pointer of the appropriate type instead
of failing validation
* Fixed spec constant extracts
* Addressed changes for review
* Changed RunSinglePassAndMatch to be able to run validation
 * current users do not enable it

Added handling of acceptable decorations.

* Decorations are also transfered where appropriate

Refactored extension checking into FeatureManager

* Context now owns a feature manager
 * consciously NOT an analysis
 * added some test
* fixed some minor issues related to decorates
* added some decorate related tests for scalar replacement
2017-12-11 10:51:13 -05:00

676 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cfg.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "decoration_manager.h"
#include "def_use_manager.h"
#include "dominator_analysis.h"
#include "feature_manager.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "type_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace spvtools {
namespace ir {
class IRContext {
// Available analyses.
// When adding a new analysis:
// 1. Enum values should be powers of 2. These are cast into uint32_t
// bitmasks, so we can have at most 31 analyses represented.
// 2. Make sure it gets invalidated or preserved by IRContext methods that add
// or remove IR elements (e.g., KillDef, KillInst, ReplaceAllUsesWith).
// 3. Add handling code in BuildInvalidAnalyses and InvalidateAnalyses
enum Analysis {
kAnalysisNone = 0 << 0,
kAnalysisBegin = 1 << 0,
kAnalysisDefUse = kAnalysisBegin,
kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping = 1 << 1,
kAnalysisDecorations = 1 << 2,
kAnalysisCombinators = 1 << 3,
kAnalysisCFG = 1 << 4,
kAnalysisDominatorAnalysis = 1 << 5,
kAnalysisEnd = 1 << 6
friend inline Analysis operator|(Analysis lhs, Analysis rhs);
friend inline Analysis& operator|=(Analysis& lhs, Analysis rhs);
friend inline Analysis operator<<(Analysis a, int shift);
friend inline Analysis& operator<<=(Analysis& a, int shift);
// Creates an |IRContext| that contains an owned |Module|
IRContext(spvtools::MessageConsumer c)
: unique_id_(0),
module_(new Module()),
type_mgr_(nullptr) {
IRContext(std::unique_ptr<Module>&& m, spvtools::MessageConsumer c)
: unique_id_(0),
type_mgr_(nullptr) {
Module* module() const { return module_.get(); }
// Returns a vector of pointers to constant-creation instructions in this
// context.
inline std::vector<Instruction*> GetConstants();
inline std::vector<const Instruction*> GetConstants() const;
// Iterators for annotation instructions contained in this context.
inline Module::inst_iterator annotation_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator annotation_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> annotations();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> annotations() const;
// Iterators for capabilities instructions contained in this module.
inline Module::inst_iterator capability_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator capability_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> capabilities();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> capabilities() const;
// Iterators for types, constants and global variables instructions.
inline ir::Module::inst_iterator types_values_begin();
inline ir::Module::inst_iterator types_values_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> types_values();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> types_values() const;
// Iterators for extension instructions contained in this module.
inline Module::inst_iterator ext_inst_import_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator ext_inst_import_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> ext_inst_imports();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> ext_inst_imports() const;
// There are several kinds of debug instructions, according to where they can
// appear in the logical layout of a module:
// - Section 7a: OpString, OpSourceExtension, OpSource, OpSourceContinued
// - Section 7b: OpName, OpMemberName
// - Section 7c: OpModuleProcessed
// - Mostly anywhere: OpLine and OpNoLine
// Iterators for debug 1 instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) contained
// in this module. These are for layout section 7a.
inline Module::inst_iterator debug1_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator debug1_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> debugs1();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> debugs1() const;
// Iterators for debug 2 instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) contained
// in this module. These are for layout section 7b.
inline Module::inst_iterator debug2_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator debug2_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> debugs2();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> debugs2() const;
// Iterators for debug 3 instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) contained
// in this module. These are for layout section 7c.
inline Module::inst_iterator debug3_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator debug3_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> debugs3();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> debugs3() const;
// Clears all debug instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine).
inline void debug_clear();
// Appends a capability instruction to this module.
inline void AddCapability(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& c);
// Appends an extension instruction to this module.
inline void AddExtension(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e);
// Appends an extended instruction set instruction to this module.
inline void AddExtInstImport(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e);
// Set the memory model for this module.
inline void SetMemoryModel(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& m);
// Appends an entry point instruction to this module.
inline void AddEntryPoint(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e);
// Appends an execution mode instruction to this module.
inline void AddExecutionMode(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e);
// Appends a debug 1 instruction (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) to this module.
// "debug 1" instructions are the ones in layout section 7.a), see section
// 2.4 Logical Layout of a Module from the SPIR-V specification.
inline void AddDebug1Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d);
// Appends a debug 2 instruction (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) to this module.
// "debug 2" instructions are the ones in layout section 7.b), see section
// 2.4 Logical Layout of a Module from the SPIR-V specification.
inline void AddDebug2Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d);
// Appends a debug 3 instruction (OpModuleProcessed) to this module.
// This is due to decision by the SPIR Working Group, pending publication.
inline void AddDebug3Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d);
// Appends an annotation instruction to this module.
inline void AddAnnotationInst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& a);
// Appends a type-declaration instruction to this module.
inline void AddType(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& t);
// Appends a constant, global variable, or OpUndef instruction to this module.
inline void AddGlobalValue(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& v);
// Appends a function to this module.
inline void AddFunction(std::unique_ptr<Function>&& f);
// Returns a pointer to a def-use manager. If the def-use manager is
// invalid, it is rebuilt first.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* get_def_use_mgr() {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisDefUse)) {
return def_use_mgr_.get();
// Returns the basic block for instruction |instr|. Re-builds the instruction
// block map, if needed.
ir::BasicBlock* get_instr_block(ir::Instruction* instr) {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping)) {
auto entry = instr_to_block_.find(instr);
return (entry != instr_to_block_.end()) ? entry->second : nullptr;
// Returns the basic block for |id|. Re-builds the instruction block map, if
// needed.
// |id| must be a registered definition.
ir::BasicBlock* get_instr_block(uint32_t id) {
ir::Instruction* def = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(id);
return get_instr_block(def);
// Sets the basic block for |inst|. Re-builds the mapping if it has become
// invalid.
void set_instr_block(ir::Instruction* inst, ir::BasicBlock* block) {
if (AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping)) {
instr_to_block_[inst] = block;
} else {
// Returns a pointer the decoration manager. If the decoration manger is
// invalid, it is rebuilt first.
opt::analysis::DecorationManager* get_decoration_mgr() {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisDecorations)) {
return decoration_mgr_.get();
// Returns a pointer to the constant manager. If no constant manager has been
// created yet, it creates one. NOTE: Once created, the constant manager
// remains active and it is never re-built.
opt::analysis::ConstantManager* get_constant_mgr() {
if (!constant_mgr_)
constant_mgr_.reset(new opt::analysis::ConstantManager(this));
return constant_mgr_.get();
// Returns a pointer to the type manager. If no type manager has been created
// yet, it creates one. NOTE: Once created, the type manager remains active it
// is never re-built.
opt::analysis::TypeManager* get_type_mgr() {
if (!type_mgr_)
type_mgr_.reset(new opt::analysis::TypeManager(consumer(), *module()));
return type_mgr_.get();
// Sets the message consumer to the given |consumer|. |consumer| which will be
// invoked every time there is a message to be communicated to the outside.
void SetMessageConsumer(spvtools::MessageConsumer c) {
consumer_ = std::move(c);
// Returns the reference to the message consumer for this pass.
const spvtools::MessageConsumer& consumer() const { return consumer_; }
// Rebuilds the analyses in |set| that are invalid.
void BuildInvalidAnalyses(Analysis set);
// Invalidates all of the analyses except for those in |preserved_analyses|.
void InvalidateAnalysesExceptFor(Analysis preserved_analyses);
// Invalidates the analyses marked in |analyses_to_invalidate|.
void InvalidateAnalyses(Analysis analyses_to_invalidate);
// Deletes the instruction defining the given |id|. Returns true on
// success, false if the given |id| is not defined at all. This method also
// erases the name, decorations, and defintion of |id|.
// Pointers and iterators pointing to the deleted instructions become invalid.
// However other pointers and iterators are still valid.
bool KillDef(uint32_t id);
// Deletes the given instruction |inst|. This method erases the
// information of the given instruction's uses of its operands. If |inst|
// defines a result id, its name and decorations will also be deleted.
// Pointer and iterator pointing to the deleted instructions become invalid.
// However other pointers and iterators are still valid.
// Note that if an instruction is not in an instruction list, the memory may
// not be safe to delete, so the instruction is turned into a OpNop instead.
// This can happen with OpLabel.
// Returns a pointer to the instruction after |inst| or |nullptr| if no such
// instruction exists.
Instruction* KillInst(ir::Instruction* inst);
// Returns true if all of the given analyses are valid.
bool AreAnalysesValid(Analysis set) { return (set & valid_analyses_) == set; }
// Replaces all uses of |before| id with |after| id. Returns true if any
// replacement happens. This method does not kill the definition of the
// |before| id. If |after| is the same as |before|, does nothing and returns
// false.
// |before| and |after| must be registered definitions in the DefUseManager.
bool ReplaceAllUsesWith(uint32_t before, uint32_t after);
// Returns true if all of the analyses that are suppose to be valid are
// actually valid.
bool IsConsistent();
// Informs the IRContext that the uses of |inst| are going to change, and that
// is should forget everything it know about the current uses. Any valid
// analyses will be updated accordingly.
void ForgetUses(Instruction* inst);
// The IRContext will look at the uses of |inst| and update any valid analyses
// will be updated accordingly.
void AnalyzeUses(Instruction* inst);
// Kill all name and decorate ops targeting |id|.
void KillNamesAndDecorates(uint32_t id);
// Kill all name and decorate ops targeting the result id of |inst|.
void KillNamesAndDecorates(ir::Instruction* inst);
// Returns the next unique id for use by an instruction.
inline uint32_t TakeNextUniqueId() {
assert(unique_id_ != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// Skip zero.
return ++unique_id_;
// Returns true if |inst| is a combinator in the current context.
// |combinator_ops_| is built if it has not been already.
inline bool IsCombinatorInstruction(ir::Instruction* inst) {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisCombinators)) {
const uint32_t kExtInstSetIdInIndx = 0;
const uint32_t kExtInstInstructionInIndx = 1;
if (inst->opcode() != SpvOpExtInst) {
return combinator_ops_[0].count(inst->opcode()) != 0;
} else {
uint32_t set = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kExtInstSetIdInIndx);
uint32_t op = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kExtInstInstructionInIndx);
return combinator_ops_[set].count(op) != 0;
// Returns a pointer to the CFG for all the functions in |module_|.
ir::CFG* cfg() {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisCFG)) {
return cfg_.get();
// Gets the dominator analysis for function |f|.
opt::DominatorAnalysis* GetDominatorAnalysis(const ir::Function* f,
const ir::CFG&);
// Gets the postdominator analysis for function |f|.
opt::PostDominatorAnalysis* GetPostDominatorAnalysis(const ir::Function* f,
const ir::CFG&);
// Remove the dominator tree of |f| from the cache.
inline void RemoveDominatorAnalysis(const ir::Function* f) {
// Remove the postdominator tree of |f| from the cache.
inline void RemovePostDominatorAnalysis(const ir::Function* f) {
// Return the next available SSA id and increment it.
inline uint32_t TakeNextId() { return module()->TakeNextIdBound(); }
opt::FeatureManager* get_feature_mgr() {
if (!feature_mgr_.get()) {
return feature_mgr_.get();
// Builds the def-use manager from scratch, even if it was already valid.
void BuildDefUseManager() {
def_use_mgr_.reset(new opt::analysis::DefUseManager(module()));
valid_analyses_ = valid_analyses_ | kAnalysisDefUse;
// Builds the instruction-block map for the whole module.
void BuildInstrToBlockMapping() {
for (auto& fn : *module_) {
for (auto& block : fn) {
block.ForEachInst([this, &block](ir::Instruction* inst) {
instr_to_block_[inst] = &block;
valid_analyses_ = valid_analyses_ | kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping;
void BuildDecorationManager() {
decoration_mgr_.reset(new opt::analysis::DecorationManager(module()));
valid_analyses_ = valid_analyses_ | kAnalysisDecorations;
void BuildCFG() {
cfg_.reset(new ir::CFG(module()));
valid_analyses_ = valid_analyses_ | kAnalysisCFG;
// Analyzes the features in the owned module. Builds the manager if required.
void AnalyzeFeatures() {
feature_mgr_.reset(new opt::FeatureManager());
// Scans a module looking for it capabilities, and initializes combinator_ops_
// accordingly.
void InitializeCombinators();
// Add the combinator opcode for the given capability to combinator_ops_.
void AddCombinatorsForCapability(uint32_t capability);
// Add the combinator opcode for the given extension to combinator_ops_.
void AddCombinatorsForExtension(ir::Instruction* extension);
// An unique identifier for instructions in |module_|. Can be used to order
// instructions in a container.
// This member is initialized to 0, but always issues this value plus one.
// Therefore, 0 is not a valid unique id for an instruction.
uint32_t unique_id_;
// The module being processed within this IR context.
std::unique_ptr<Module> module_;
// A message consumer for diagnostics.
spvtools::MessageConsumer consumer_;
// The def-use manager for |module_|.
std::unique_ptr<opt::analysis::DefUseManager> def_use_mgr_;
// The instruction decoration manager for |module_|.
std::unique_ptr<opt::analysis::DecorationManager> decoration_mgr_;
std::unique_ptr<opt::FeatureManager> feature_mgr_;
// A map from instructions the the basic block they belong to. This mapping is
// built on-demand when get_instr_block() is called.
// NOTE: Do not traverse this map. Ever. Use the function and basic block
// iterators to traverse instructions.
std::unordered_map<ir::Instruction*, ir::BasicBlock*> instr_to_block_;
// A bitset indicating which analyes are currently valid.
Analysis valid_analyses_;
// Opcodes of shader capability core executable instructions
// without side-effect.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::unordered_set<uint32_t>> combinator_ops_;
// The CFG for all the functions in |module_|.
std::unique_ptr<ir::CFG> cfg_;
// Each function in the module will create its own dominator tree. We cache
// the result so it doesn't need to be rebuilt each time.
std::map<const ir::Function*, opt::DominatorAnalysis> dominator_trees_;
std::map<const ir::Function*, opt::PostDominatorAnalysis>
// Constant manager for |module_|.
std::unique_ptr<opt::analysis::ConstantManager> constant_mgr_;
// Type manager for |module_|.
std::unique_ptr<opt::analysis::TypeManager> type_mgr_;
inline ir::IRContext::Analysis operator|(ir::IRContext::Analysis lhs,
ir::IRContext::Analysis rhs) {
return static_cast<ir::IRContext::Analysis>(static_cast<int>(lhs) |
inline ir::IRContext::Analysis& operator|=(ir::IRContext::Analysis& lhs,
ir::IRContext::Analysis rhs) {
lhs = static_cast<ir::IRContext::Analysis>(static_cast<int>(lhs) |
return lhs;
inline ir::IRContext::Analysis operator<<(ir::IRContext::Analysis a,
int shift) {
return static_cast<ir::IRContext::Analysis>(static_cast<int>(a) << shift);
inline ir::IRContext::Analysis& operator<<=(ir::IRContext::Analysis& a,
int shift) {
a = static_cast<ir::IRContext::Analysis>(static_cast<int>(a) << shift);
return a;
std::vector<Instruction*> spvtools::ir::IRContext::GetConstants() {
return module()->GetConstants();
std::vector<const Instruction*> IRContext::GetConstants() const {
return ((const Module*)module())->GetConstants();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::annotation_begin() {
return module()->annotation_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::annotation_end() {
return module()->annotation_end();
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::annotations() {
return module_->annotations();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::annotations() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->annotations();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::capability_begin() {
return module()->capability_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::capability_end() {
return module()->capability_end();
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::capabilities() {
return module()->capabilities();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::capabilities() const {
return ((const Module*)module())->capabilities();
ir::Module::inst_iterator IRContext::types_values_begin() {
return module()->types_values_begin();
ir::Module::inst_iterator IRContext::types_values_end() {
return module()->types_values_end();
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::types_values() {
return module()->types_values();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::types_values() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->types_values();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::ext_inst_import_begin() {
return module()->ext_inst_import_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::ext_inst_import_end() {
return module()->ext_inst_import_end();
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::ext_inst_imports() {
return module()->ext_inst_imports();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::ext_inst_imports() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->ext_inst_imports();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug1_begin() {
return module()->debug1_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug1_end() { return module()->debug1_end(); }
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs1() {
return module()->debugs1();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs1() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->debugs1();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug2_begin() {
return module()->debug2_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug2_end() { return module()->debug2_end(); }
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs2() {
return module()->debugs2();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs2() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->debugs2();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug3_begin() {
return module()->debug3_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug3_end() { return module()->debug3_end(); }
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs3() {
return module()->debugs3();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs3() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->debugs3();
void IRContext::debug_clear() { module_->debug_clear(); }
void IRContext::AddCapability(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& c) {
void IRContext::AddExtension(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e) {
void IRContext::AddExtInstImport(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e) {
void IRContext::SetMemoryModel(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& m) {
void IRContext::AddEntryPoint(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e) {
void IRContext::AddExecutionMode(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e) {
void IRContext::AddDebug1Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d) {
void IRContext::AddDebug2Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d) {
void IRContext::AddDebug3Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d) {
void IRContext::AddAnnotationInst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& a) {
if (AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisDecorations)) {
void IRContext::AddType(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& t) {
void IRContext::AddGlobalValue(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& v) {
void IRContext::AddFunction(std::unique_ptr<Function>&& f) {
} // namespace ir
} // namespace spvtools