Alan Baker 867451f49e Add scalar replacement
Adds a scalar replacement pass. The pass considers all function scope
variables of composite type. If there are accesses to individual
elements (and it is legal) the pass replaces the variable with a
variable for each composite element and updates all the uses.

Added the pass to -O
Added NumUses and NumUsers to DefUseManager
Added some helper methods for the inst to block mapping in context
Added some helper methods for specific constant types

No longer generate duplicate pointer types.

* Now searches for an existing pointer of the appropriate type instead
of failing validation
* Fixed spec constant extracts
* Addressed changes for review
* Changed RunSinglePassAndMatch to be able to run validation
 * current users do not enable it

Added handling of acceptable decorations.

* Decorations are also transfered where appropriate

Refactored extension checking into FeatureManager

* Context now owns a feature manager
 * consciously NOT an analysis
 * added some test
* fixed some minor issues related to decorates
* added some decorate related tests for scalar replacement
2017-12-11 10:51:13 -05:00

984 lines
41 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <unordered_set>
#include "assembly_builder.h"
#include "pass_fixture.h"
#include "pass_utils.h"
namespace {
using namespace spvtools;
// Returns the types defining instructions commonly used in many tests.
std::vector<std::string> CommonTypes() {
return std::vector<std::string>{
// clang-format off
// scalar types
"%bool = OpTypeBool",
"%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0",
"%int = OpTypeInt 32 1",
"%uint64 = OpTypeInt 64 0",
"%int64 = OpTypeInt 64 1",
"%float = OpTypeFloat 32",
"%double = OpTypeFloat 64",
// vector types
"%v2bool = OpTypeVector %bool 2",
"%v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2",
"%v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2",
"%v3int = OpTypeVector %int 3",
"%v4int = OpTypeVector %int 4",
"%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2",
"%v3float = OpTypeVector %float 3",
"%v2double = OpTypeVector %double 2",
// struct types
"%inner_struct = OpTypeStruct %bool %float",
"%outer_struct = OpTypeStruct %inner_struct %int %double",
"%flat_struct = OpTypeStruct %bool %int %float %double",
// variable pointer types
"%_pf_bool = OpTypePointer Function %bool",
"%_pf_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint",
"%_pf_int = OpTypePointer Function %int",
"%_pf_uint64 = OpTypePointer Function %uint64",
"%_pf_int64 = OpTypePointer Function %int64",
"%_pf_float = OpTypePointer Function %float",
"%_pf_double = OpTypePointer Function %double",
"%_pf_v2int = OpTypePointer Function %v2int",
"%_pf_v3int = OpTypePointer Function %v3int",
"%_pf_v4int = OpTypePointer Function %v4int",
"%_pf_v2float = OpTypePointer Function %v2float",
"%_pf_v3float = OpTypePointer Function %v3float",
"%_pf_v2double = OpTypePointer Function %v2double",
"%_pf_inner_struct = OpTypePointer Function %inner_struct",
"%_pf_outer_struct = OpTypePointer Function %outer_struct",
"%_pf_flat_struct = OpTypePointer Function %flat_struct",
// clang-format on
// A helper function to strip OpName instructions from the given string of
// disassembly code and put those debug instructions to a set. Returns the
// string with all OpName instruction stripped and a set of OpName
// instructions.
std::tuple<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>>
StripOpNameInstructionsToSet(const std::string& str) {
std::stringstream ss(str);
std::ostringstream oss;
std::string inst_str;
std::unordered_set<std::string> opname_instructions;
while (std::getline(ss, inst_str, '\n')) {
if (inst_str.find("OpName %") == std::string::npos) {
oss << inst_str << '\n';
} else {
return std::make_tuple(oss.str(), std::move(opname_instructions));
// The test fixture for all tests of UnifyConstantPass. This fixture defines
// the rule of checking: all the optimized code should be exactly the same as
// the expected code, except the OpName instructions, which can be different in
// order.
template <typename T>
class UnifyConstantTest : public PassTest<T> {
// Runs UnifyConstantPass on the code built from the given |test_builder|,
// and checks whether the optimization result matches with the code built
// from |expected_builder|.
void Check(const AssemblyBuilder& expected_builder,
const AssemblyBuilder& test_builder) {
// unoptimized code
const std::string original_before_strip = test_builder.GetCode();
std::string original_without_opnames;
std::unordered_set<std::string> original_opnames;
std::tie(original_without_opnames, original_opnames) =
// expected code
std::string expected_without_opnames;
std::unordered_set<std::string> expected_opnames;
std::tie(expected_without_opnames, expected_opnames) =
// optimized code
std::string optimized_before_strip;
auto status = opt::Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
std::tie(optimized_before_strip, status) =
this->template SinglePassRunAndDisassemble<opt::UnifyConstantPass>(
/* skip_nop = */ true, /* do_validation = */ false);
std::string optimized_without_opnames;
std::unordered_set<std::string> optimized_opnames;
std::tie(optimized_without_opnames, optimized_opnames) =
// Flag "status" should be returned correctly.
EXPECT_NE(opt::Pass::Status::Failure, status);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_without_opnames == original_without_opnames,
status == opt::Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange);
// Code except OpName instructions should be exactly the same.
EXPECT_EQ(expected_without_opnames, optimized_without_opnames);
// OpName instructions can be in different order, but the content must be
// the same.
EXPECT_EQ(expected_opnames, optimized_opnames);
using UnifyFrontEndConstantSingleTest =
TEST_F(UnifyFrontEndConstantSingleTest, Basic) {
AssemblyBuilder test_builder;
AssemblyBuilder expected_builder;
"%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", "%_pf_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint",
"%unsigned_1 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%unsigned_1_duplicate = OpConstant %uint 1", // duplicated constant
"%uint_var = OpVariable %_pf_uint Function",
"OpStore %uint_var %unsigned_1_duplicate",
"%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0",
"%_pf_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint",
"%unsigned_1 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%uint_var = OpVariable %_pf_uint Function",
"OpStore %uint_var %unsigned_1",
"OpName %unsigned_1 \"unsigned_1_duplicate\"", // the OpName
// instruction of the
// removed duplicated
// constant won't be
// erased.
Check(expected_builder, test_builder);
TEST_F(UnifyFrontEndConstantSingleTest, SkipWhenResultIdHasDecorations) {
AssemblyBuilder test_builder;
AssemblyBuilder expected_builder;
// So far we don't have valid decorations for constants. This is
// preparing for the future updates of SPIR-V.
// TODO(qining): change to a valid decoration once they are available.
"OpDecorate %f_1 RelaxedPrecision",
"OpDecorate %f_2_dup RelaxedPrecision",
// clang-format off
"%float = OpTypeFloat 32",
"%_pf_float = OpTypePointer Function %float",
"%f_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
// %f_1 has decoration, so %f_1 will not be used to replace %f_1_dup.
"%f_1_dup = OpConstant %float 1",
"%f_2 = OpConstant %float 2",
// %_2_dup has decoration, so %f_2 will not replace %f_2_dup.
"%f_2_dup = OpConstant %float 2",
// no decoration for %f_3 or %f_3_dup, %f_3_dup should be replaced.
"%f_3 = OpConstant %float 3",
"%f_3_dup = OpConstant %float 3",
// clang-format on
// clang-format off
"%f_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %f_var %f_1_dup",
"OpStore %f_var %f_2_dup",
"OpStore %f_var %f_3_dup",
// clang-format on
"OpDecorate %f_1 RelaxedPrecision",
"OpDecorate %f_2_dup RelaxedPrecision",
// clang-format off
"%float = OpTypeFloat 32",
"%_pf_float = OpTypePointer Function %float",
"%f_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%f_1_dup = OpConstant %float 1",
"%f_2 = OpConstant %float 2",
"%f_2_dup = OpConstant %float 2",
"%f_3 = OpConstant %float 3",
// clang-format on
// clang-format off
"%f_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %f_var %f_1_dup",
"OpStore %f_var %f_2_dup",
"OpStore %f_var %f_3",
// clang-format on
"OpName %f_3 \"f_3_dup\"",
Check(expected_builder, test_builder);
TEST_F(UnifyFrontEndConstantSingleTest, UnifyWithDecorationOnTypes) {
AssemblyBuilder test_builder;
AssemblyBuilder expected_builder;
"OpMemberDecorate %flat_d 1 RelaxedPrecision",
// clang-format off
"%int = OpTypeInt 32 1",
"%float = OpTypeFloat 32",
"%flat = OpTypeStruct %int %float",
"%_pf_flat = OpTypePointer Function %flat",
// decorated flat struct
"%flat_d = OpTypeStruct %int %float",
"%_pf_flat_d = OpTypePointer Function %flat_d",
// perserved contants. %flat_1 and %flat_d has same members, but
// their type are different in decorations, so they should not be
// used to replace each other.
"%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%flat_1 = OpConstantComposite %flat %int_1 %float_1",
"%flat_d_1 = OpConstantComposite %flat_d %int_1 %float_1",
// duplicated constants.
"%flat_1_dup = OpConstantComposite %flat %int_1 %float_1",
"%flat_d_1_dup = OpConstantComposite %flat_d %int_1 %float_1",
// clang-format on
"%flat_var = OpVariable %_pf_flat Function",
"OpStore %flat_var %flat_1_dup",
"%flat_d_var = OpVariable %_pf_flat_d Function",
"OpStore %flat_d_var %flat_d_1_dup",
"OpMemberDecorate %flat_d 1 RelaxedPrecision",
// clang-format off
"%int = OpTypeInt 32 1",
"%float = OpTypeFloat 32",
"%flat = OpTypeStruct %int %float",
"%_pf_flat = OpTypePointer Function %flat",
// decorated flat struct
"%flat_d = OpTypeStruct %int %float",
"%_pf_flat_d = OpTypePointer Function %flat_d",
"%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%flat_1 = OpConstantComposite %flat %int_1 %float_1",
"%flat_d_1 = OpConstantComposite %flat_d %int_1 %float_1",
// clang-format on
"%flat_var = OpVariable %_pf_flat Function",
"OpStore %flat_var %flat_1",
"%flat_d_var = OpVariable %_pf_flat_d Function",
"OpStore %flat_d_var %flat_d_1",
"OpName %flat_1 \"flat_1_dup\"",
"OpName %flat_d_1 \"flat_d_1_dup\"",
Check(expected_builder, test_builder);
struct UnifyConstantTestCase {
// preserved constants.
std::vector<std::string> preserved_consts;
// expected uses of the preserved constants.
std::vector<std::string> use_preserved_consts;
// duplicated constants of the preserved constants.
std::vector<std::string> duplicate_consts;
// uses of the duplicated constants, expected to be updated to use the
// preserved constants.
std::vector<std::string> use_duplicate_consts;
// The updated OpName instructions that originally refer to duplicated
// constants.
std::vector<std::string> remapped_names;
using UnifyFrontEndConstantParamTest = UnifyConstantTest<
TEST_P(UnifyFrontEndConstantParamTest, TestCase) {
auto& tc = GetParam();
AssemblyBuilder test_builder;
AssemblyBuilder expected_builder;
// Duplicated constants are killed in the expected output, and the debug
// instructions attached to those duplicated instructions will be migrated to
// the corresponding preserved constants.
Check(expected_builder, test_builder);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Case, UnifyFrontEndConstantParamTest,
// clang-format off
// basic tests for scalar constants
// preserved constants
"%bool_true = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%signed_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%signed_minus_1 = OpConstant %int64 -1",
"%unsigned_max = OpConstant %uint64 18446744073709551615",
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%double_1 = OpConstant %double 1",
// use preserved constants in main
"%bool_var = OpVariable %_pf_bool Function",
"OpStore %bool_var %bool_true",
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %signed_1",
"%int64_var = OpVariable %_pf_int64 Function",
"OpStore %int64_var %signed_minus_1",
"%uint64_var = OpVariable %_pf_uint64 Function",
"OpStore %uint64_var %unsigned_max",
"%float_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %float_var %float_1",
"%double_var = OpVariable %_pf_double Function",
"OpStore %double_var %double_1",
// duplicated constants
"%bool_true_duplicate = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%signed_1_duplicate = OpConstant %int 1",
"%signed_minus_1_duplicate = OpConstant %int64 -1",
"%unsigned_max_duplicate = OpConstant %uint64 18446744073709551615",
"%float_1_duplicate = OpConstant %float 1",
"%double_1_duplicate = OpConstant %double 1",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%bool_var = OpVariable %_pf_bool Function",
"OpStore %bool_var %bool_true_duplicate",
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %signed_1_duplicate",
"%int64_var = OpVariable %_pf_int64 Function",
"OpStore %int64_var %signed_minus_1_duplicate",
"%uint64_var = OpVariable %_pf_uint64 Function",
"OpStore %uint64_var %unsigned_max_duplicate",
"%float_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %float_var %float_1_duplicate",
"%double_var = OpVariable %_pf_double Function",
"OpStore %double_var %double_1_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %bool_true \"bool_true_duplicate\"",
"OpName %signed_1 \"signed_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %signed_minus_1 \"signed_minus_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %unsigned_max \"unsigned_max_duplicate\"",
"OpName %float_1 \"float_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %double_1 \"double_1_duplicate\"",
// NaN in different bit patterns should not be unified, but the ones
// using same bit pattern should be unified.
// preserved constants
"%float_nan_1 = OpConstant %float 0x1.8p+128", // !2143289344, 7FC00000
"%float_nan_2 = OpConstant %float 0x1.800002p+128",// !2143289345 7FC00001
// use preserved constants in main
"%float_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %float_var %float_nan_1",
"OpStore %float_var %float_nan_2",
// duplicated constants
"%float_nan_1_duplicate = OpConstant %float 0x1.8p+128", // !2143289344, 7FC00000
"%float_nan_2_duplicate = OpConstant %float 0x1.800002p+128",// !2143289345, 7FC00001
// use duplicated constants in main
"%float_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %float_var %float_nan_1_duplicate",
"OpStore %float_var %float_nan_2_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %float_nan_1 \"float_nan_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %float_nan_2 \"float_nan_2_duplicate\"",
// null values
// preserved constants
"%bool_null = OpConstantNull %bool",
"%signed_null = OpConstantNull %int",
"%signed_64_null = OpConstantNull %int64",
"%float_null = OpConstantNull %float",
"%double_null = OpConstantNull %double",
// zero-valued constants will not be unified with the equivalent
// null constants.
"%signed_zero = OpConstant %int 0",
// use preserved constants in main
"%bool_var = OpVariable %_pf_bool Function",
"OpStore %bool_var %bool_null",
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %signed_null",
"%int64_var = OpVariable %_pf_int64 Function",
"OpStore %int64_var %signed_64_null",
"%float_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %float_var %float_null",
"%double_var = OpVariable %_pf_double Function",
"OpStore %double_var %double_null",
// duplicated constants
"%bool_null_duplicate = OpConstantNull %bool",
"%signed_null_duplicate = OpConstantNull %int",
"%signed_64_null_duplicate = OpConstantNull %int64",
"%float_null_duplicate = OpConstantNull %float",
"%double_null_duplicate = OpConstantNull %double",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%bool_var = OpVariable %_pf_bool Function",
"OpStore %bool_var %bool_null_duplicate",
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %signed_null_duplicate",
"%int64_var = OpVariable %_pf_int64 Function",
"OpStore %int64_var %signed_64_null_duplicate",
"%float_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %float_var %float_null_duplicate",
"%double_var = OpVariable %_pf_double Function",
"OpStore %double_var %double_null_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %bool_null \"bool_null_duplicate\"",
"OpName %signed_null \"signed_null_duplicate\"",
"OpName %signed_64_null \"signed_64_null_duplicate\"",
"OpName %float_null \"float_null_duplicate\"",
"OpName %double_null \"double_null_duplicate\"",
// constant sampler
// preserved constants
"%sampler = OpTypeSampler",
"%_pf_sampler = OpTypePointer Function %sampler",
"%sampler_1 = OpConstantSampler %sampler Repeat 0 Linear",
// use preserved constants in main
"%sampler_var = OpVariable %_pf_sampler Function",
"OpStore %sampler_var %sampler_1",
// duplicated constants
"%sampler_1_duplicate = OpConstantSampler %sampler Repeat 0 Linear",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%sampler_var = OpVariable %_pf_sampler Function",
"OpStore %sampler_var %sampler_1_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %sampler_1 \"sampler_1_duplicate\"",
// duplicate vector built from same ids.
// preserved constants
"%signed_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%signed_2 = OpConstant %int 2",
"%signed_3 = OpConstant %int 3",
"%signed_4 = OpConstant %int 4",
"%vec = OpConstantComposite %v4int %signed_1 %signed_2 %signed_3 %signed_4",
// use preserved constants in main
"%vec_var = OpVariable %_pf_v4int Function",
"OpStore %vec_var %vec",
// duplicated constants
"%vec_duplicate = OpConstantComposite %v4int %signed_1 %signed_2 %signed_3 %signed_4",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%vec_var = OpVariable %_pf_v4int Function",
"OpStore %vec_var %vec_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %vec \"vec_duplicate\"",
// duplicate vector built from duplicated ids.
// preserved constants
"%signed_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%signed_2 = OpConstant %int 2",
"%signed_3 = OpConstant %int 3",
"%signed_4 = OpConstant %int 4",
"%vec = OpConstantComposite %v4int %signed_1 %signed_2 %signed_3 %signed_4",
// use preserved constants in main
"%vec_var = OpVariable %_pf_v4int Function",
"OpStore %vec_var %vec",
// duplicated constants
"%signed_3_duplicate = OpConstant %int 3",
"%signed_4_duplicate = OpConstant %int 4",
"%vec_duplicate = OpConstantComposite %v4int %signed_1 %signed_2 %signed_3_duplicate %signed_4_duplicate",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%vec_var = OpVariable %_pf_v4int Function",
"OpStore %vec_var %vec_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %signed_3 \"signed_3_duplicate\"",
"OpName %signed_4 \"signed_4_duplicate\"",
"OpName %vec \"vec_duplicate\"",
// flat struct
// preserved constants
"%bool_true = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%signed_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%double_1 = OpConstant %double 1",
"%s = OpConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_1 %float_1 %double_1",
// use preserved constants in main
"%s_var = OpVariable %_pf_flat_struct Function",
"OpStore %s_var %s",
// duplicated constants
"%float_1_duplicate = OpConstant %float 1",
"%double_1_duplicate = OpConstant %double 1",
"%s_duplicate = OpConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_1 %float_1_duplicate %double_1_duplicate",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%s_var = OpVariable %_pf_flat_struct Function",
"OpStore %s_var %s_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %float_1 \"float_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %double_1 \"double_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %s \"s_duplicate\"",
// nested struct
// preserved constants
"%bool_true = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%signed_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%double_1 = OpConstant %double 1",
"%inner = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %float_1",
"%outer = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner %signed_1 %double_1",
// use preserved constants in main
"%outer_var = OpVariable %_pf_outer_struct Function",
"OpStore %outer_var %outer",
// duplicated constants
"%float_1_duplicate = OpConstant %float 1",
"%double_1_duplicate = OpConstant %double 1",
"%inner_duplicate = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %float_1_duplicate",
"%outer_duplicate = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner_duplicate %signed_1 %double_1_duplicate",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%outer_var = OpVariable %_pf_outer_struct Function",
"OpStore %outer_var %outer_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %float_1 \"float_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %double_1 \"double_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %inner \"inner_duplicate\"",
"OpName %outer \"outer_duplicate\"",
// composite type null constants. Null constants and zero-valued
// constants should not be used to replace each other.
// preserved constants
"%bool_zero = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%float_zero = OpConstant %float 0",
"%int_null = OpConstantNull %int",
"%double_null = OpConstantNull %double",
// inner_struct type null constant.
"%null_inner = OpConstantNull %inner_struct",
// zero-valued composite constant built from zero-valued constant
// component. inner_zero should not be replace by null_inner.
"%inner_zero = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_zero %float_zero",
// zero-valued composite contant built from zero-valued constants
// and null constants.
"%outer_zero = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner_zero %int_null %double_null",
// outer_struct type null constant, it should not be replaced by
// outer_zero.
"%null_outer = OpConstantNull %outer_struct",
// use preserved constants in main
"%inner_var = OpVariable %_pf_inner_struct Function",
"OpStore %inner_var %inner_zero",
"OpStore %inner_var %null_inner",
"%outer_var = OpVariable %_pf_outer_struct Function",
"OpStore %outer_var %outer_zero",
"OpStore %outer_var %null_outer",
// duplicated constants
"%null_inner_dup = OpConstantNull %inner_struct",
"%null_outer_dup = OpConstantNull %outer_struct",
"%inner_zero_dup = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_zero %float_zero",
"%outer_zero_dup = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner_zero_dup %int_null %double_null",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%inner_var = OpVariable %_pf_inner_struct Function",
"OpStore %inner_var %inner_zero_dup",
"OpStore %inner_var %null_inner_dup",
"%outer_var = OpVariable %_pf_outer_struct Function",
"OpStore %outer_var %outer_zero_dup",
"OpStore %outer_var %null_outer_dup",
// remapped names
"OpName %null_inner \"null_inner_dup\"",
"OpName %null_outer \"null_outer_dup\"",
"OpName %inner_zero \"inner_zero_dup\"",
"OpName %outer_zero \"outer_zero_dup\"",
// Spec Constants with SpecId decoration should be skipped.
// preserved constants
// Assembly builder will add OpDecorate SpecId instruction for the
// following spec constant instructions automatically.
"%spec_bool_1 = OpSpecConstantTrue %bool",
"%spec_bool_2 = OpSpecConstantTrue %bool",
"%spec_int_1 = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_2 = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
// use preserved constants in main
"%bool_var = OpVariable %_pf_bool Function",
"OpStore %bool_var %spec_bool_1",
"OpStore %bool_var %spec_bool_2",
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %spec_int_1",
"OpStore %int_var %spec_int_2",
// duplicated constants. No duplicated instruction to remove in this
// case.
// use duplicated constants in main. Same as the above 'use preserved
// constants in main' defined above, as no instruction should be
// removed in this case.
"%bool_var = OpVariable %_pf_bool Function",
"OpStore %bool_var %spec_bool_1",
"OpStore %bool_var %spec_bool_2",
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %spec_int_1",
"OpStore %int_var %spec_int_2",
// remapped names. No duplicated instruction removed, so this is
// empty.
// spec constant composite
// preserved constants
"%spec_bool_true = OpSpecConstantTrue %bool",
"%spec_signed_1 = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%double_1 = OpConstant %double 1",
"%spec_inner = OpSpecConstantComposite %inner_struct %spec_bool_true %float_1",
"%spec_outer = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %spec_inner %spec_signed_1 %double_1",
"%spec_vec2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2float %float_1 %float_1",
// use preserved constants in main
"%outer_var = OpVariable %_pf_outer_struct Function",
"OpStore %outer_var %spec_outer",
"%v2float_var = OpVariable %_pf_v2float Function",
"OpStore %v2float_var %spec_vec2",
// duplicated constants
"%float_1_duplicate = OpConstant %float 1",
"%double_1_duplicate = OpConstant %double 1",
"%spec_inner_duplicate = OpSpecConstantComposite %inner_struct %spec_bool_true %float_1_duplicate",
"%spec_outer_duplicate = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %spec_inner_duplicate %spec_signed_1 %double_1_duplicate",
"%spec_vec2_duplicate = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2float %float_1 %float_1_duplicate",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%outer_var = OpVariable %_pf_outer_struct Function",
"OpStore %outer_var %spec_outer_duplicate",
"%v2float_var = OpVariable %_pf_v2float Function",
"OpStore %v2float_var %spec_vec2_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %float_1 \"float_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %double_1 \"double_1_duplicate\"",
"OpName %spec_inner \"spec_inner_duplicate\"",
"OpName %spec_outer \"spec_outer_duplicate\"",
"OpName %spec_vec2 \"spec_vec2_duplicate\"",
// spec constant op with int scalar
// preserved constants
"%spec_signed_1 = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%spec_signed_2 = OpSpecConstant %int 2",
"%spec_signed_add = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_signed_1 %spec_signed_2",
// use preserved constants in main
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %spec_signed_add",
// duplicated constants
"%spec_signed_add_duplicate = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_signed_1 %spec_signed_2",
// use duplicated contants in main
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %spec_signed_add_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %spec_signed_add \"spec_signed_add_duplicate\"",
// spec constant op composite extract
// preserved constants
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%spec_vec2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2float %float_1 %float_1",
"%spec_extract = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %spec_vec2 1",
// use preserved constants in main
"%float_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %float_var %spec_extract",
// duplicated constants
"%spec_extract_duplicate = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %spec_vec2 1",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%float_var = OpVariable %_pf_float Function",
"OpStore %float_var %spec_extract_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %spec_extract \"spec_extract_duplicate\"",
// spec constant op vector shuffle
// preserved constants
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%float_2 = OpConstant %float 2",
"%spec_vec2_1 = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2float %float_1 %float_1",
"%spec_vec2_2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2float %float_2 %float_2",
"%spec_vector_shuffle = OpSpecConstantOp %v2float VectorShuffle %spec_vec2_1 %spec_vec2_2 1 2",
// use preserved constants in main
"%v2float_var = OpVariable %_pf_v2float Function",
"OpStore %v2float_var %spec_vector_shuffle",
// duplicated constants
"%spec_vector_shuffle_duplicate = OpSpecConstantOp %v2float VectorShuffle %spec_vec2_1 %spec_vec2_2 1 2",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%v2float_var = OpVariable %_pf_v2float Function",
"OpStore %v2float_var %spec_vector_shuffle_duplicate",
// remapped names
"OpName %spec_vector_shuffle \"spec_vector_shuffle_duplicate\"",
// long dependency chain
// preserved constants
"%array_size = OpConstant %int 4",
"%type_arr_int_4 = OpTypeArray %int %array_size",
"%signed_0 = OpConstant %int 100",
"%signed_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%signed_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_1",
"%signed_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_2",
"%signed_4 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_3",
"%signed_5 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_4",
"%signed_6 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_5",
"%signed_7 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_6",
"%signed_8 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_7",
"%signed_9 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_8",
"%signed_10 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_9",
"%signed_11 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_10",
"%signed_12 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_11",
"%signed_13 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_12",
"%signed_14 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_13",
"%signed_15 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_14",
"%signed_16 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_15",
"%signed_17 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_16",
"%signed_18 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_17",
"%signed_19 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0 %signed_18",
"%signed_20 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0 %signed_19",
"%signed_vec_a = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_18 %signed_19",
"%signed_vec_b = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IMul %signed_vec_a %signed_vec_a",
"%signed_21 = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %signed_vec_b 0",
"%signed_array = OpConstantComposite %type_arr_int_4 %signed_20 %signed_20 %signed_21 %signed_21",
"%signed_22 = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %signed_array 0",
// use preserved constants in main
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %signed_22",
// duplicated constants
"%signed_0_dup = OpConstant %int 100",
"%signed_1_dup = OpConstant %int 1",
"%signed_2_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_1_dup",
"%signed_3_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_2_dup",
"%signed_4_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_3_dup",
"%signed_5_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_4_dup",
"%signed_6_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_5_dup",
"%signed_7_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_6_dup",
"%signed_8_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_7_dup",
"%signed_9_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_8_dup",
"%signed_10_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_9_dup",
"%signed_11_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_10_dup",
"%signed_12_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_11_dup",
"%signed_13_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_12_dup",
"%signed_14_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_13_dup",
"%signed_15_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_14_dup",
"%signed_16_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_15_dup",
"%signed_17_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_16_dup",
"%signed_18_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_17_dup",
"%signed_19_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_0_dup %signed_18_dup",
"%signed_20_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_0_dup %signed_19_dup",
"%signed_vec_a_dup = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_18_dup %signed_19_dup",
"%signed_vec_b_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IMul %signed_vec_a_dup %signed_vec_a_dup",
"%signed_21_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %signed_vec_b_dup 0",
"%signed_array_dup = OpConstantComposite %type_arr_int_4 %signed_20_dup %signed_20_dup %signed_21_dup %signed_21_dup",
"%signed_22_dup = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %signed_array_dup 0",
// use duplicated constants in main
"%int_var = OpVariable %_pf_int Function",
"OpStore %int_var %signed_22_dup",
// remapped names
"OpName %signed_0 \"signed_0_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_1 \"signed_1_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_2 \"signed_2_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_3 \"signed_3_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_4 \"signed_4_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_5 \"signed_5_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_6 \"signed_6_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_7 \"signed_7_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_8 \"signed_8_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_9 \"signed_9_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_10 \"signed_10_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_11 \"signed_11_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_12 \"signed_12_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_13 \"signed_13_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_14 \"signed_14_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_15 \"signed_15_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_16 \"signed_16_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_17 \"signed_17_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_18 \"signed_18_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_19 \"signed_19_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_20 \"signed_20_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_vec_a \"signed_vec_a_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_vec_b \"signed_vec_b_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_21 \"signed_21_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_array \"signed_array_dup\"",
"OpName %signed_22 \"signed_22_dup\"",
// clang-format on
} // anonymous namespace