Steven Perron c2013e248b
Make the constant and type manager analyses. (#2250)
Currently it is impossible to invalidate the constnat and type manager.
However, the compact ids pass changes the ids for the types and
constants, which makes them invalid.  This change will make them
analyses that have to been explicitly marked as preserved by passes.
This will allow compact ids to invalidate them.

Fixes #2220.
2018-12-20 18:00:05 +00:00

358 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2018 Valve Corporation
// Copyright (c) 2018 LunarG Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "source/opt/ir_builder.h"
#include "source/opt/pass.h"
#include "spirv-tools/instrument.hpp"
// This is a base class to assist in the creation of passes which instrument
// shader modules. More specifically, passes which replace instructions with a
// larger and more capable set of instructions. Commonly, these new
// instructions will add testing of operands and execute different
// instructions depending on the outcome, including outputting of debug
// information into a buffer created especially for that purpose.
// This class contains helper functions to create an InstProcessFunction,
// which is the heart of any derived class implementing a specific
// instrumentation pass. It takes an instruction as an argument, decides
// if it should be instrumented, and generates code to replace it. This class
// also supplies function InstProcessEntryPointCallTree which applies the
// InstProcessFunction to every reachable instruction in a module and replaces
// the instruction with new instructions if generated.
// Chief among the helper functions are output code generation functions,
// used to generate code in the shader which writes data to output buffers
// associated with that validation. Currently one such function,
// GenDebugStreamWrite, exists. Other such functions may be added in the
// future. Each is accompanied by documentation describing the format of
// its output buffer.
// A validation pass may read or write multiple buffers. All such buffers
// are located in a single debug descriptor set whose index is passed at the
// creation of the instrumentation pass. The bindings of the buffers used by
// a validation pass are permanantly assigned and fixed and documented by
// the kDebugOutput* static consts.
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
// Validation Ids
// These are used to identify the general validation being done and map to
// its output buffers.
static const uint32_t kInstValidationIdBindless = 0;
class InstrumentPass : public Pass {
using cbb_ptr = const BasicBlock*;
using InstProcessFunction = std::function<void(
BasicBlock::iterator, UptrVectorIterator<BasicBlock>, uint32_t, uint32_t,
~InstrumentPass() override = default;
IRContext::Analysis GetPreservedAnalyses() override {
return IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse |
IRContext::kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping |
IRContext::kAnalysisDecorations | IRContext::kAnalysisCombinators |
IRContext::kAnalysisNameMap | IRContext::kAnalysisBuiltinVarId |
IRContext::kAnalysisConstants | IRContext::kAnalysisTypes;
// Create instrumentation pass which utilizes descriptor set |desc_set|
// for debug input and output buffers and writes |shader_id| into debug
// output records.
InstrumentPass(uint32_t desc_set, uint32_t shader_id, uint32_t validation_id)
: Pass(),
validation_id_(validation_id) {}
// Initialize state for instrumentation of module by |validation_id|.
void InitializeInstrument();
// Call |pfn| on all instructions in all functions in the call tree of the
// entry points in |module|. If code is generated for an instruction, replace
// the instruction's block with the new blocks that are generated. Continue
// processing at the top of the last new block.
bool InstProcessEntryPointCallTree(InstProcessFunction& pfn);
// Move all code in |ref_block_itr| preceding the instruction |ref_inst_itr|
// to be instrumented into block |new_blk_ptr|.
void MovePreludeCode(BasicBlock::iterator ref_inst_itr,
UptrVectorIterator<BasicBlock> ref_block_itr,
std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock>* new_blk_ptr);
// Move all code in |ref_block_itr| succeeding the instruction |ref_inst_itr|
// to be instrumented into block |new_blk_ptr|.
void MovePostludeCode(UptrVectorIterator<BasicBlock> ref_block_itr,
std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock>* new_blk_ptr);
// Generate instructions in |builder| which will atomically fetch and
// increment the size of the debug output buffer stream of the current
// validation and write a record to the end of the stream, if enough space
// in the buffer remains. The record will contain the index of the function
// and instruction within that function |func_idx, instruction_idx| which
// generated the record. It will also contain additional information to
// identify the instance of the shader, depending on the stage |stage_idx|
// of the shader. Finally, the record will contain validation-specific
// data contained in |validation_ids| which will identify the validation
// error as well as the values involved in the error.
// The output buffer binding written to by the code generated by the function
// is determined by the validation id specified when each specific
// instrumentation pass is created.
// The output buffer is a sequence of 32-bit values with the following
// format (where all elements are unsigned 32-bit unless otherwise noted):
// Size
// Record0
// Record1
// Record2
// ...
// Size is the number of 32-bit values that have been written or
// attempted to be written to the output buffer, excluding the Size. It is
// initialized to 0. If the size of attempts to write the buffer exceeds
// the actual size of the buffer, it is possible that this field can exceed
// the actual size of the buffer.
// Each Record* is a variable-length sequence of 32-bit values with the
// following format defined using static const offsets in the .cpp file:
// Record Size
// Shader ID
// Instruction Index
// Stage
// Stage-specific Word 0
// Stage-specific Word 1
// Validation Error Code
// Validation-specific Word 0
// Validation-specific Word 1
// Validation-specific Word 2
// ...
// Each record consists of three subsections: members common across all
// validation, members specific to the stage, and members specific to a
// validation.
// The Record Size is the number of 32-bit words in the record, including
// the Record Size word.
// Shader ID is a value that identifies which shader has generated the
// validation error. It is passed when the instrumentation pass is created.
// The Instruction Index is the position of the instruction within the
// SPIR-V file which is in error.
// The Stage is the pipeline stage which has generated the error as defined
// by the SpvExecutionModel_ enumeration. This is used to interpret the
// following Stage-specific words.
// The Stage-specific Words identify which invocation of the shader generated
// the error. Every stage will write two words, although in some cases the
// second word is unused and so zero is written. Vertex shaders will write
// the Vertex and Instance ID. Fragment shaders will write FragCoord.xy.
// Compute shaders will write the Global Invocation ID and zero (unused).
// Both tesselation shaders will write the Invocation Id and zero (unused).
// The geometry shader will write the Primitive ID and Invocation ID.
// The Validation Error Code specifies the exact error which has occurred.
// These are enumerated with the kInstError* static consts. This allows
// multiple validation layers to use the same, single output buffer.
// The Validation-specific Words are a validation-specific number of 32-bit
// words which give further information on the validation error that
// occurred. These are documented further in each file containing the
// validation-specific class which derives from this base class.
// Because the code that is generated checks against the size of the buffer
// before writing, the size of the debug out buffer can be used by the
// validation layer to control the number of error records that are written.
void GenDebugStreamWrite(uint32_t instruction_idx, uint32_t stage_idx,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& validation_ids,
InstructionBuilder* builder);
// Generate code to cast |value_id| to unsigned, if needed. Return
// an id to the unsigned equivalent.
uint32_t GenUintCastCode(uint32_t value_id, InstructionBuilder* builder);
// Return new label.
std::unique_ptr<Instruction> NewLabel(uint32_t label_id);
// Return id for 32-bit unsigned type
uint32_t GetUintId();
// Return id for 32-bit unsigned type
uint32_t GetBoolId();
// Return id for void type
uint32_t GetVoidId();
// Return id for output buffer uint type
uint32_t GetOutputBufferUintPtrId();
// Return binding for output buffer for current validation.
uint32_t GetOutputBufferBinding();
// Return id for debug output buffer
uint32_t GetOutputBufferId();
// Return id for v4float type
uint32_t GetVec4FloatId();
// Return id for v4uint type
uint32_t GetVec4UintId();
// Return id for output function. Define if it doesn't exist with
// |val_spec_arg_cnt| validation-specific uint32 arguments.
uint32_t GetStreamWriteFunctionId(uint32_t stage_idx,
uint32_t val_spec_param_cnt);
// Apply instrumentation function |pfn| to every instruction in |func|.
// If code is generated for an instruction, replace the instruction's
// block with the new blocks that are generated. Continue processing at the
// top of the last new block.
bool InstrumentFunction(Function* func, uint32_t stage_idx,
InstProcessFunction& pfn);
// Call |pfn| on all functions in the call tree of the function
// ids in |roots|.
bool InstProcessCallTreeFromRoots(InstProcessFunction& pfn,
std::queue<uint32_t>* roots,
uint32_t stage_idx);
// Gen code into |builder| to write |field_value_id| into debug output
// buffer at |base_offset_id| + |field_offset|.
void GenDebugOutputFieldCode(uint32_t base_offset_id, uint32_t field_offset,
uint32_t field_value_id,
InstructionBuilder* builder);
// Generate instructions into |builder| which will write the members
// of the debug output record common for all stages and validations at
// |base_off|.
void GenCommonStreamWriteCode(uint32_t record_sz, uint32_t instruction_idx,
uint32_t stage_idx, uint32_t base_off,
InstructionBuilder* builder);
// Generate instructions into |builder| which will write
// |uint_frag_coord_id| at |component| of the record at |base_offset_id| of
// the debug output buffer .
void GenFragCoordEltDebugOutputCode(uint32_t base_offset_id,
uint32_t uint_frag_coord_id,
uint32_t component,
InstructionBuilder* builder);
// Generate instructions into |builder| which will load the uint |builtin_id|
// and write it into the debug output buffer at |base_off| + |builtin_off|.
void GenBuiltinOutputCode(uint32_t builtin_id, uint32_t builtin_off,
uint32_t base_off, InstructionBuilder* builder);
// Generate instructions into |builder| which will write a uint null into
// the debug output buffer at |base_off| + |builtin_off|.
void GenUintNullOutputCode(uint32_t field_off, uint32_t base_off,
InstructionBuilder* builder);
// Generate instructions into |builder| which will write the |stage_idx|-
// specific members of the debug output stream at |base_off|.
void GenStageStreamWriteCode(uint32_t stage_idx, uint32_t base_off,
InstructionBuilder* builder);
// Return true if instruction must be in the same block that its result
// is used.
bool IsSameBlockOp(const Instruction* inst) const;
// Clone operands which must be in same block as consumer instructions.
// Look in same_blk_pre for instructions that need cloning. Look in
// same_blk_post for instructions already cloned. Add cloned instruction
// to same_blk_post.
void CloneSameBlockOps(
std::unique_ptr<Instruction>* inst,
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>* same_blk_post,
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Instruction*>* same_blk_pre,
std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock>* block_ptr);
// Update phis in succeeding blocks to point to new last block
void UpdateSucceedingPhis(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock>>& new_blocks);
// Debug descriptor set index
uint32_t desc_set_;
// Shader module ID written into output record
uint32_t shader_id_;
// Map from function id to function pointer.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Function*> id2function_;
// Map from block's label id to block. TODO(dnovillo): This is superfluous wrt
// CFG. It has functionality not present in CFG. Consolidate.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, BasicBlock*> id2block_;
// Map from function's position index to the offset of its first instruction
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> funcIdx2offset_;
// result id for OpConstantFalse
uint32_t validation_id_;
// id for output buffer variable
uint32_t output_buffer_id_;
// type id for output buffer element
uint32_t output_buffer_uint_ptr_id_;
// id for debug output function
uint32_t output_func_id_;
// param count for output function
uint32_t output_func_param_cnt_;
// id for v4float type
uint32_t v4float_id_;
// id for v4float type
uint32_t v4uint_id_;
// id for 32-bit unsigned type
uint32_t uint_id_;
// id for bool type
uint32_t bool_id_;
// id for void type
uint32_t void_id_;
// Pre-instrumentation same-block insts
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Instruction*> same_block_pre_;
// Post-instrumentation same-block op ids
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> same_block_post_;
} // namespace opt
} // namespace spvtools