Steven Perron e1bcd2b2d8 Fold OpVectorTimesScalar and OpPhi better.
If one of the operands to an OpVectorTimesScalar instruction is zero,
then the result will be the 0 vector. Currently we do not fold the
insturction unless both operands are constants. This change fixes that.

We also allow folding of OpPhi instructions where the incoming values
are either an OpUndef or the OpPhi instruction itself. As with other
cases, this can be simplified to the OpUndef.
2018-04-26 12:41:16 -04:00

4803 lines
185 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <opt/fold.h>
#include "effcee/effcee.h"
#include "opt/build_module.h"
#include "opt/def_use_manager.h"
#include "opt/ir_context.h"
#include "opt/module.h"
#include "pass_utils.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
namespace {
using ::testing::Contains;
using namespace spvtools;
using spvtools::opt::analysis::DefUseManager;
std::string Disassemble(const std::string& original, ir::IRContext* context,
uint32_t disassemble_options = 0) {
std::vector<uint32_t> optimized_bin;
context->module()->ToBinary(&optimized_bin, true);
spv_target_env target_env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2;
SpirvTools tools(target_env);
std::string optimized_asm;
tools.Disassemble(optimized_bin, &optimized_asm, disassemble_options))
<< "Disassembling failed for shader:\n"
<< original << std::endl;
return optimized_asm;
void Match(const std::string& original, ir::IRContext* context,
uint32_t disassemble_options = 0) {
std::string disassembly = Disassemble(original, context, disassemble_options);
auto match_result = effcee::Match(disassembly, original);
EXPECT_EQ(effcee::Result::Status::Ok, match_result.status())
<< match_result.message() << "\nChecking result:\n"
<< disassembly;
template <class ResultType>
struct InstructionFoldingCase {
InstructionFoldingCase(const std::string& tb, uint32_t id, ResultType result)
: test_body(tb), id_to_fold(id), expected_result(result) {}
std::string test_body;
uint32_t id_to_fold;
ResultType expected_result;
using IntegerInstructionFoldingTest =
TEST_P(IntegerInstructionFoldingTest, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
bool succeeded = opt::FoldInstruction(inst);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
if (inst != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpCopyObject);
inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpConstant);
opt::analysis::ConstantManager* const_mrg = context->get_constant_mgr();
const opt::analysis::IntConstant* result =
EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(result->GetU32BitValue(), tc.expected_result);
// Returns a common SPIR-V header for all of the test that follow.
#define INT_0_ID 100
#define TRUE_ID 101
#define VEC2_0_ID 102
#define INT_7_ID 103
#define FLOAT_0_ID 104
#define DOUBLE_0_ID 105
#define VEC4_0_ID 106
#define DVEC4_0_ID 106
#define HALF_0_ID 108
const std::string& Header() {
static const std::string header = R"(OpCapability Shader
OpCapability Float16
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
OpSource GLSL 140
OpName %main "main"
%void = OpTypeVoid
%void_func = OpTypeFunction %void
%bool = OpTypeBool
%float16 = OpTypeFloat 16
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%double = OpTypeFloat 64
%half = OpTypeFloat 16
%101 = OpConstantTrue %bool ; Need a def with an numerical id to define id maps.
%true = OpConstantTrue %bool
%false = OpConstantFalse %bool
%bool_null = OpConstantNull %bool
%short = OpTypeInt 16 1
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%long = OpTypeInt 64 1
%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
%v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2
%v4int = OpTypeVector %int 4
%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
%v4double = OpTypeVector %double 4
%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
%v2double = OpTypeVector %double 2
%v2bool = OpTypeVector %bool 2
%struct_v2int_int_int = OpTypeStruct %v2int %int %int
%_ptr_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
%_ptr_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint
%_ptr_bool = OpTypePointer Function %bool
%_ptr_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
%_ptr_double = OpTypePointer Function %double
%_ptr_half = OpTypePointer Function %half
%_ptr_long = OpTypePointer Function %long
%_ptr_v2int = OpTypePointer Function %v2int
%_ptr_v4int = OpTypePointer Function %v4int
%_ptr_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
%_ptr_v4double = OpTypePointer Function %v4double
%_ptr_struct_v2int_int_int = OpTypePointer Function %struct_v2int_int_int
%_ptr_v2float = OpTypePointer Function %v2float
%_ptr_v2double = OpTypePointer Function %v2double
%short_0 = OpConstant %short 0
%short_3 = OpConstant %short 3
%100 = OpConstant %int 0 ; Need a def with an numerical id to define id maps.
%103 = OpConstant %int 7 ; Need a def with an numerical id to define id maps.
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
%int_2 = OpConstant %int 2
%int_3 = OpConstant %int 3
%int_4 = OpConstant %int 4
%int_min = OpConstant %int -2147483648
%int_max = OpConstant %int 2147483647
%long_0 = OpConstant %long 0
%long_2 = OpConstant %long 2
%long_3 = OpConstant %long 3
%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
%uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
%uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
%uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
%uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
%uint_max = OpConstant %uint 4294967295
%v2int_undef = OpUndef %v2int
%v2int_2_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_2 %int_2
%v2int_2_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_2 %int_3
%v2int_3_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_3 %int_2
%v2int_4_4 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_4 %int_4
%v2bool_null = OpConstantNull %v2bool
%v2bool_true_false = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %true %false
%v2bool_false_true = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %false %true
%struct_v2int_int_int_null = OpConstantNull %struct_v2int_int_int
%v2int_null = OpConstantNull %v2int
%102 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %103 %103
%v4int_0_0_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4int %int_0 %int_0 %int_0 %int_0
%struct_undef_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %struct_v2int_int_int %v2int_undef %int_0 %int_0
%float16_0 = OpConstant %float16 0
%float16_1 = OpConstant %float16 1
%float16_2 = OpConstant %float16 2
%float_n1 = OpConstant %float -1
%104 = OpConstant %float 0 ; Need a def with an numerical id to define id maps.
%float_null = OpConstantNull %float
%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
%float_half = OpConstant %float 0.5
%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
%float_2 = OpConstant %float 2
%float_3 = OpConstant %float 3
%float_4 = OpConstant %float 4
%float_0p5 = OpConstant %float 0.5
%v2float_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_0 %float_0
%v2float_2_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_2 %float_2
%v2float_2_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_2 %float_3
%v2float_3_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_3 %float_2
%v2float_4_4 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_4 %float_4
%v2float_2_0p5 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_2 %float_0p5
%v2float_null = OpConstantNull %v2float
%double_n1 = OpConstant %double -1
%105 = OpConstant %double 0 ; Need a def with an numerical id to define id maps.
%double_null = OpConstantNull %double
%double_0 = OpConstant %double 0
%double_1 = OpConstant %double 1
%double_2 = OpConstant %double 2
%double_3 = OpConstant %double 3
%double_4 = OpConstant %double 4
%double_0p5 = OpConstant %double 0.5
%v2double_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v2double %double_0 %double_0
%v2double_2_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2double %double_2 %double_2
%v2double_2_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2double %double_2 %double_3
%v2double_3_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2double %double_3 %double_2
%v2double_4_4 = OpConstantComposite %v2double %double_4 %double_4
%v2double_2_0p5 = OpConstantComposite %v2double %double_2 %double_0p5
%v2double_null = OpConstantNull %v2double
%108 = OpConstant %half 0
%half_1 = OpConstant %half 1
%106 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_0
%v4float_0_0_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_0
%v4float_0_0_0_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_1
%v4float_0_1_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_1 %float_null %float_0
%v4float_1_1_1_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_1 %float_1 %float_1 %float_1
%107 = OpConstantComposite %v4double %double_0 %double_0 %double_0 %double_0
%v4double_0_0_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4double %double_0 %double_0 %double_0 %double_0
%v4double_0_0_0_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4double %double_0 %double_0 %double_0 %double_1
%v4double_0_1_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4double %double_0 %double_1 %double_null %double_0
%v4double_1_1_1_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4double %double_1 %double_1 %double_1 %double_1
%v4float_n1_2_1_3 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_n1 %float_2 %float_1 %float_3
return header;
// Returns the header with definitions of float NaN and double NaN. Since FC
// "; CHECK: [[double_n0:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[double]] -0\n" finds
// %double_nan = OpConstant %double -0x1.8p+1024 instead of
// %double_n0 = OpConstant %double -0,
// we separates those definitions from Header().
const std::string& HeaderWithNaN() {
static const std::string headerWithNaN =
Header() +
R"(%float_nan = OpConstant %float -0x1.8p+128
%double_nan = OpConstant %double -0x1.8p+1024
return headerWithNaN;
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestCase, IntegerInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold 0*n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpIMul %int %int_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 1: fold n*0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpIMul %int %load %int_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 2: fold 0/n (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSDiv %int %int_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 3: fold n/0 (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSDiv %int %load %int_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 4: fold 0/n (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUDiv %uint %uint_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 5: fold n/0 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSDiv %int %load %int_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 6: fold 0 remainder n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSRem %int %int_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 7: fold n remainder 0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSRem %int %load %int_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 8: fold 0%n (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSMod %int %int_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 9: fold n%0 (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSMod %int %load %int_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 10: fold 0%n (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUMod %uint %uint_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 11: fold n%0 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUMod %uint %load %uint_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 12: fold n << 32
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpShiftLeftLogical %uint %load %uint_32\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 13: fold n >> 32
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %load %uint_32\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 14: fold n | 0xFFFFFFFF
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %load %uint_max\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
// Test case 15: fold 0xFFFFFFFF | n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %uint_max %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
// Test case 16: fold n & 0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %load %uint_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0)
// clang-format on
using IntVectorInstructionFoldingTest =
TEST_P(IntVectorInstructionFoldingTest, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
bool succeeded = opt::FoldInstruction(inst);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
if (inst != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpCopyObject);
inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
std::vector<SpvOp> opcodes = {SpvOpConstantComposite};
EXPECT_THAT(opcodes, Contains(inst->opcode()));
opt::analysis::ConstantManager* const_mrg = context->get_constant_mgr();
const opt::analysis::Constant* result =
EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
const std::vector<const opt::analysis::Constant*>& componenets =
EXPECT_EQ(componenets.size(), tc.expected_result.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < componenets.size(); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(tc.expected_result[i], componenets[i]->GetU32());
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestCase, IntVectorInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold 0*n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %v2int_2_2 %v2int_2_3 0 3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, {2,3}),
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %v2int_null %v2int_2_3 0 3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, {0,3})
// clang-format on
using BooleanInstructionFoldingTest =
TEST_P(BooleanInstructionFoldingTest, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
bool succeeded = opt::FoldInstruction(inst);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
if (inst != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpCopyObject);
inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
std::vector<SpvOp> bool_opcodes = {SpvOpConstantTrue, SpvOpConstantFalse};
EXPECT_THAT(bool_opcodes, Contains(inst->opcode()));
opt::analysis::ConstantManager* const_mrg = context->get_constant_mgr();
const opt::analysis::BoolConstant* result =
EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(result->value(), tc.expected_result);
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestCase, BooleanInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold true || n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%2 = OpLogicalOr %bool %true %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 1: fold n || true
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%2 = OpLogicalOr %bool %load %true\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 2: fold false && n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%2 = OpLogicalAnd %bool %false %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 3: fold n && false
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%2 = OpLogicalAnd %bool %load %false\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 4: fold n < 0 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThan %bool %load %uint_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 5: fold UINT_MAX < n (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThan %bool %uint_max %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 6: fold INT_MAX < n (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSLessThan %bool %int_max %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 7: fold n < INT_MIN (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSLessThan %bool %load %int_min\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 8: fold 0 > n (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThan %bool %uint_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 9: fold n > UINT_MAX (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThan %bool %load %uint_max\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 10: fold n > INT_MAX (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSGreaterThan %bool %load %int_max\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 11: fold INT_MIN > n (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSGreaterThan %bool %int_min %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 12: fold 0 <= n (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThanEqual %bool %uint_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 13: fold n <= UINT_MAX (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThanEqual %bool %load %uint_max\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 14: fold INT_MIN <= n (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSLessThanEqual %bool %int_min %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 15: fold n <= INT_MAX (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSLessThanEqual %bool %load %int_max\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 16: fold n >= 0 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThanEqual %bool %load %uint_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 17: fold UINT_MAX >= n (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThanEqual %bool %uint_max %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 18: fold n >= INT_MIN (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSGreaterThanEqual %bool %load %int_min\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 19: fold INT_MAX >= n (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSGreaterThanEqual %bool %int_max %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
// clang-format on
using FloatInstructionFoldingTest =
TEST_P(FloatInstructionFoldingTest, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
bool succeeded = opt::FoldInstruction(inst);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
if (inst != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpCopyObject);
inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpConstant);
opt::analysis::ConstantManager* const_mrg = context->get_constant_mgr();
const opt::analysis::FloatConstant* result =
EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(result->GetFloatValue(), tc.expected_result);
// Not testing NaNs because there are no expectations concerning NaNs according
// to the "Precision and Operation of SPIR-V Instructions" section of the Vulkan
// specification.
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FloatConstantFoldingTest, FloatInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Fold 2.0 - 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 1.0),
// Test case 1: Fold 2.0 + 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFAdd %float %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3.0),
// Test case 2: Fold 3.0 * 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %float %float_3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 6.0),
// Test case 3: Fold 1.0 / 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %float %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0.5),
// Test case 4: Fold 1.0 / 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %float %float_1 %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()),
// Test case 5: Fold -1.0 / 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %float %float_n1 %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()),
// Test case 6: Fold (2.0, 3.0) dot (2.0, 0.5)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpDot %float %v2float_2_3 %v2float_2_0p5\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 5.5f),
// Test case 7: Fold (0.0, 0.0) dot v
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%v = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %v\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %float %v2float_0_0 %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 0.0f),
// Test case 8: Fold v dot (0.0, 0.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%v = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %v\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %float %2 %v2float_0_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 0.0f),
// Test case 9: Fold Null dot v
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%v = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %v\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %float %v2float_null %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 0.0f),
// Test case 10: Fold v dot Null
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%v = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %v\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %float %2 %v2float_null\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 0.0f),
// Test case 11: Fold -2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFNegate %float %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, -2)
// clang-format on
using DoubleInstructionFoldingTest =
TEST_P(DoubleInstructionFoldingTest, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
bool succeeded = opt::FoldInstruction(inst);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
if (inst != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpCopyObject);
inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpConstant);
opt::analysis::ConstantManager* const_mrg = context->get_constant_mgr();
const opt::analysis::FloatConstant* result =
EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(result->GetDoubleValue(), tc.expected_result);
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DoubleConstantFoldingTest, DoubleInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Fold 2.0 - 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %double %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 1.0),
// Test case 1: Fold 2.0 + 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFAdd %double %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3.0),
// Test case 2: Fold 3.0 * 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %double %double_3 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 6.0),
// Test case 3: Fold 1.0 / 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %double %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0.5),
// Test case 4: Fold 1.0 / 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %double %double_1 %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()),
// Test case 5: Fold -1.0 / 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %double %double_n1 %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()),
// Test case 6: Fold (2.0, 3.0) dot (2.0, 0.5)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpDot %double %v2double_2_3 %v2double_2_0p5\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 5.5f),
// Test case 7: Fold (0.0, 0.0) dot v
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%v = OpVariable %_ptr_v2double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2double %v\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %double %v2double_0_0 %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 0.0f),
// Test case 8: Fold v dot (0.0, 0.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%v = OpVariable %_ptr_v2double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2double %v\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %double %2 %v2double_0_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 0.0f),
// Test case 9: Fold Null dot v
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%v = OpVariable %_ptr_v2double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2double %v\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %double %v2double_null %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 0.0f),
// Test case 10: Fold v dot Null
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%v = OpVariable %_ptr_v2double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2double %v\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %double %2 %v2double_null\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 0.0f),
// Test case 11: Fold -2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFNegate %double %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, -2)
// clang-format on
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DoubleOrderedCompareConstantFoldingTest, BooleanInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold 1.0 == 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 1: fold 1.0 != 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdNotEqual %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 2: fold 1.0 < 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 3: fold 1.0 > 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 4: fold 1.0 <= 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThanEqual %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 5: fold 1.0 >= 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 6: fold 1.0 == 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 7: fold 1.0 != 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdNotEqual %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 8: fold 1.0 < 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 9: fold 1.0 > 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 10: fold 1.0 <= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThanEqual %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 11: fold 1.0 >= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 12: fold 2.0 < 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 13: fold 2.0 > 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 14: fold 2.0 <= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThanEqual %bool %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 15: fold 2.0 >= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual %bool %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DoubleUnorderedCompareConstantFoldingTest, BooleanInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold 1.0 == 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordEqual %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 1: fold 1.0 != 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordNotEqual %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 2: fold 1.0 < 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThan %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 3: fold 1.0 > 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThan %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 4: fold 1.0 <= 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThanEqual %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 5: fold 1.0 >= 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual %bool %double_1 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 6: fold 1.0 == 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordEqual %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 7: fold 1.0 != 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordNotEqual %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 8: fold 1.0 < 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThan %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 9: fold 1.0 > 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThan %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 10: fold 1.0 <= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThanEqual %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 11: fold 1.0 >= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual %bool %double_1 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 12: fold 2.0 < 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThan %bool %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 13: fold 2.0 > 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThan %bool %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 14: fold 2.0 <= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThanEqual %bool %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 15: fold 2.0 >= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual %bool %double_2 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FloatOrderedCompareConstantFoldingTest, BooleanInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold 1.0 == 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 1: fold 1.0 != 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdNotEqual %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 2: fold 1.0 < 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 3: fold 1.0 > 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 4: fold 1.0 <= 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThanEqual %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 5: fold 1.0 >= 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 6: fold 1.0 == 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 7: fold 1.0 != 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdNotEqual %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 8: fold 1.0 < 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 9: fold 1.0 > 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 10: fold 1.0 <= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThanEqual %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 11: fold 1.0 >= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 12: fold 2.0 < 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 13: fold 2.0 > 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 14: fold 2.0 <= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdLessThanEqual %bool %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 15: fold 2.0 >= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual %bool %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FloatUnorderedCompareConstantFoldingTest, BooleanInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold 1.0 == 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordEqual %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 1: fold 1.0 != 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordNotEqual %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 2: fold 1.0 < 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThan %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 3: fold 1.0 > 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThan %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 4: fold 1.0 <= 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThanEqual %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 5: fold 1.0 >= 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual %bool %float_1 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 6: fold 1.0 == 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordEqual %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 7: fold 1.0 != 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordNotEqual %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 8: fold 1.0 < 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThan %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 9: fold 1.0 > 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThan %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 10: fold 1.0 <= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThanEqual %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 11: fold 1.0 >= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual %bool %float_1 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 12: fold 2.0 < 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThan %bool %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 13: fold 2.0 > 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThan %bool %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 14: fold 2.0 <= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordLessThanEqual %bool %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 15: fold 2.0 >= 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual %bool %float_2 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DoubleNaNCompareConstantFoldingTest, BooleanInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold NaN == 0 (ord)
HeaderWithNaN() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %double_nan %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 1: fold NaN == NaN (unord)
HeaderWithNaN() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordEqual %bool %double_nan %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 2: fold NaN != NaN (ord)
HeaderWithNaN() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdNotEqual %bool %double_nan %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 3: fold NaN != NaN (unord)
HeaderWithNaN() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordNotEqual %bool %double_nan %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FloatNaNCompareConstantFoldingTest, BooleanInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold NaN == 0 (ord)
HeaderWithNaN() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %float_nan %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 1: fold NaN == NaN (unord)
HeaderWithNaN() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordEqual %bool %float_nan %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 2: fold NaN != NaN (ord)
HeaderWithNaN() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFOrdNotEqual %bool %float_nan %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, false),
// Test case 3: fold NaN != NaN (unord)
HeaderWithNaN() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFUnordNotEqual %bool %float_nan %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
// clang-format on
template <class ResultType>
struct InstructionFoldingCaseWithMap {
InstructionFoldingCaseWithMap(const std::string& tb, uint32_t id,
ResultType result,
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)> map)
: test_body(tb), id_to_fold(id), expected_result(result), id_map(map) {}
std::string test_body;
uint32_t id_to_fold;
ResultType expected_result;
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)> id_map;
using IntegerInstructionFoldingTestWithMap =
TEST_P(IntegerInstructionFoldingTestWithMap, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
inst = opt::FoldInstructionToConstant(inst, tc.id_map);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
EXPECT_NE(inst, nullptr);
if (inst != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpConstant);
opt::analysis::ConstantManager* const_mrg = context->get_constant_mgr();
const opt::analysis::IntConstant* result =
EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(result->GetU32BitValue(), tc.expected_result);
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestCase, IntegerInstructionFoldingTestWithMap,
// Test case 0: fold %3 = 0; %3 * n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCopyObject %int %int_0\n"
"%2 = OpIMul %int %3 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0, [](uint32_t id) {return (id == 3 ? INT_0_ID : id);})
// clang-format on
using BooleanInstructionFoldingTestWithMap =
TEST_P(BooleanInstructionFoldingTestWithMap, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
inst = opt::FoldInstructionToConstant(inst, tc.id_map);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
EXPECT_NE(inst, nullptr);
if (inst != nullptr) {
std::vector<SpvOp> bool_opcodes = {SpvOpConstantTrue, SpvOpConstantFalse};
EXPECT_THAT(bool_opcodes, Contains(inst->opcode()));
opt::analysis::ConstantManager* const_mrg = context->get_constant_mgr();
const opt::analysis::BoolConstant* result =
EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(result->value(), tc.expected_result);
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestCase, BooleanInstructionFoldingTestWithMap,
// Test case 0: fold %3 = true; %3 || n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCopyObject %bool %true\n" +
"%2 = OpLogicalOr %bool %3 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true, [](uint32_t id) {return (id == 3 ? TRUE_ID : id);})
// clang-format on
using GeneralInstructionFoldingTest =
TEST_P(GeneralInstructionFoldingTest, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
std::unique_ptr<ir::Instruction> original_inst(inst->Clone(context.get()));
bool succeeded = opt::FoldInstruction(inst);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
EXPECT_EQ(inst->result_id(), original_inst->result_id());
EXPECT_EQ(inst->type_id(), original_inst->type_id());
EXPECT_TRUE((!succeeded) == (tc.expected_result == 0));
if (succeeded) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpCopyObject);
EXPECT_EQ(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0), tc.expected_result);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->NumInOperands(), original_inst->NumInOperands());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst->NumInOperands(); ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->GetOperand(i), original_inst->GetOperand(i));
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(IntegerArithmeticTestCases, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Don't fold n * m
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %int %m\n" +
"%2 = OpIMul %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 1: Don't fold n / m (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpUDiv %uint %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 2: Don't fold n / m (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %int %m\n" +
"%2 = OpSDiv %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 3: Don't fold n remainder m
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %int %m\n" +
"%2 = OpSRem %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 4: Don't fold n % m (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %int %m\n" +
"%2 = OpSMod %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 5: Don't fold n % m (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpUMod %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 6: Don't fold n << m
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpShiftRightLogical %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 7: Don't fold n >> m
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpShiftLeftLogical %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 8: Don't fold n | m
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpBitwiseOr %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 9: Don't fold n & m
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpBitwiseAnd %int %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 10: Don't fold n < m (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThan %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 11: Don't fold n > m (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThan %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 12: Don't fold n <= m (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThanEqual %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 13: Don't fold n >= m (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %uint %m\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThanEqual %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 14: Don't fold n < m (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %int %m\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThan %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 15: Don't fold n > m (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %int %m\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThan %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 16: Don't fold n <= m (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %int %m\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThanEqual %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 17: Don't fold n >= m (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %int %m\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThanEqual %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 18: Don't fold n || m
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %bool %m\n" +
"%2 = OpLogicalOr %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 19: Don't fold n && m
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%load_m = OpLoad %bool %m\n" +
"%2 = OpLogicalAnd %bool %load_n %load_m\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 20: Don't fold n * 3
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpIMul %int %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 21: Don't fold n / 3 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUDiv %uint %load_n %uint_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 22: Don't fold n / 3 (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSDiv %int %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 23: Don't fold n remainder 3
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSRem %int %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 24: Don't fold n % 3 (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSMod %int %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 25: Don't fold n % 3 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUMod %int %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 26: Don't fold n << 3
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpShiftRightLogical %int %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 27: Don't fold n >> 3
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpShiftLeftLogical %int %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 28: Don't fold n | 3
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpBitwiseOr %int %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 29: Don't fold n & 3
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %load_n %uint_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 30: Don't fold n < 3 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThan %bool %load_n %uint_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 31: Don't fold n > 3 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThan %bool %load_n %uint_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 32: Don't fold n <= 3 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThanEqual %bool %load_n %uint_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 33: Don't fold n >= 3 (unsigned)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %uint %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThanEqual %bool %load_n %uint_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 34: Don't fold n < 3 (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThan %bool %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 35: Don't fold n > 3 (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThan %bool %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 36: Don't fold n <= 3 (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpULessThanEqual %bool %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 37: Don't fold n >= 3 (signed)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load_n = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpUGreaterThanEqual %bool %load_n %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 38: Don't fold 0 + 3 (long), bad length
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpIAdd %long %long_0 %long_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 39: Don't fold 0 + 3 (short), bad length
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpIAdd %short %short_0 %short_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 40: fold 1*n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpIMul %int %int_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 41: fold n*1
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpIMul %int %3 %int_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(CompositeExtractFoldingTest, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold Insert feeding extract
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeInsert %v4int %2 %v4int_0_0_0_0 0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeInsert %v4int %int_1 %3 1\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeInsert %v4int %int_1 %4 2\n" +
"%6 = OpCompositeInsert %v4int %int_1 %5 3\n" +
"%7 = OpCompositeExtract %int %6 0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
7, 2),
// Test case 1: fold Composite construct feeding extract (position 0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %2 %int_0 %int_0 %int_0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, 2),
// Test case 2: fold Composite construct feeding extract (position 3)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %2 %int_0 %int_0 %100\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, INT_0_ID),
// Test case 3: fold Composite construct with vectors feeding extract (scalar element)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeConstruct %v2int %2 %int_0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %3 %int_0 %100\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %4 3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
5, INT_0_ID),
// Test case 4: fold Composite construct with vectors feeding extract (start of vector element)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeConstruct %v2int %2 %int_0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %3 %int_0 %100\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %4 0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
5, 2),
// Test case 5: fold Composite construct with vectors feeding extract (middle of vector element)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeConstruct %v2int %int_0 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %3 %int_0 %100\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %4 1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
5, 2),
// Test case 6: fold Composite construct with multiple indices.
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeConstruct %v2int %int_0 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeConstruct %struct_v2int_int_int %3 %int_0 %100\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %4 0 1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
5, 2),
// Test case 7: fold constant extract.
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpCompositeExtract %int %102 1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, INT_7_ID),
// Test case 8: constant struct has OpUndef
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpCompositeExtract %int %struct_undef_0_0 0 1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 9: Extracting a member of element inserted via Insert
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_struct_v2int_int_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %struct_v2int_int_int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeInsert %struct_v2int_int_int %102 %2 0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 0 1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, 103),
// Test case 10: Extracting a element that is partially changed by Insert. (Don't fold)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_struct_v2int_int_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %struct_v2int_int_int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeInsert %struct_v2int_int_int %int_0 %2 0 1\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %v2int %3 0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, 0),
// Test case 11: Extracting from result of vector shuffle (first input)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %102 %2 3 0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, INT_7_ID),
// Test case 12: Extracting from result of vector shuffle (second input)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %2 %102 2 0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, INT_7_ID)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(CompositeConstructFoldingTest, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold Extracts feeding construct
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpCopyObject %v4int %v4int_0_0_0_0\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 1\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 2\n" +
"%6 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 3\n" +
"%7 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %3 %4 %5 %6\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
7, 2),
// Test case 1: Don't fold Extracts feeding construct (Different source)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpCopyObject %v4int %v4int_0_0_0_0\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 1\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 2\n" +
"%6 = OpCompositeExtract %int %v4int_0_0_0_0 3\n" +
"%7 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %3 %4 %5 %6\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
7, 0),
// Test case 2: Don't fold Extracts feeding construct (bad indices)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpCopyObject %v4int %v4int_0_0_0_0\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 0\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 2\n" +
"%6 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 3\n" +
"%7 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %3 %4 %5 %6\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
7, 0),
// Test case 3: Don't fold Extracts feeding construct (different type)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpCopyObject %struct_v2int_int_int %struct_v2int_int_int_null\n" +
"%3 = OpCompositeExtract %v2int %2 0\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 1\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %2 2\n" +
"%7 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %3 %4 %5\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
7, 0),
// Test case 4: Fold construct with constants to constant.
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpCompositeConstruct %v2int %103 %103\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, VEC2_0_ID)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(PhiFoldingTest, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Fold phi with the same values for all edges.
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
" OpBranchConditional %true %l1 %l2\n" +
"%l1 = OpLabel\n" +
" OpBranch %merge_lab\n" +
"%l2 = OpLabel\n" +
" OpBranch %merge_lab\n" +
"%merge_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpPhi %int %100 %l1 %100 %l2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, INT_0_ID),
// Test case 1: Fold phi in pass through loop.
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
" OpBranch %l1\n" +
"%l1 = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpPhi %int %100 %main_lab %2 %l1\n" +
" OpBranchConditional %true %l1 %merge_lab\n" +
"%merge_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, INT_0_ID),
// Test case 2: Don't Fold phi because of different values.
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
" OpBranch %l1\n" +
"%l1 = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpPhi %int %int_0 %main_lab %int_3 %l1\n" +
" OpBranchConditional %true %l1 %merge_lab\n" +
"%merge_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FloatRedundantFoldingTest, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Don't fold n + 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFAdd %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 1: Don't fold n - 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 2: Don't fold n * 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 3: Fold n + 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFAdd %float %3 %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 4: Fold 0.0 + n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFAdd %float %float_0 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 5: Fold n - 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %float %3 %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 6: Fold n * 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %float %3 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 7: Fold 1.0 * n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %float %float_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 8: Fold n / 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %float %3 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 9: Fold n * 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %float %3 %104\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, FLOAT_0_ID),
// Test case 10: Fold 0.0 * n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %float %104 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, FLOAT_0_ID),
// Test case 11: Fold 0.0 / n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %float %104 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, FLOAT_0_ID),
// Test case 12: Don't fold mix(a, b, 2.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%b = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %a\n" +
"%4 = OpLoad %float %b\n" +
"%2 = OpExtInst %float %1 FMix %3 %4 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 13: Fold mix(a, b, 0.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%b = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %a\n" +
"%4 = OpLoad %float %b\n" +
"%2 = OpExtInst %float %1 FMix %3 %4 %float_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 14: Fold mix(a, b, 1.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%b = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %a\n" +
"%4 = OpLoad %float %b\n" +
"%2 = OpExtInst %float %1 FMix %3 %4 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 4),
// Test case 15: Fold vector fadd with null
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %a\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %v2float %2 %v2float_null\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 2),
// Test case 16: Fold vector fadd with null
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %a\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %v2float %v2float_null %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 2),
// Test case 15: Fold vector fsub with null
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %a\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %v2float %2 %v2float_null\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, 2),
// Test case 16: Fold 0.0(half) * n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_half Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %half %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %half %108 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, HALF_0_ID),
// Test case 17: Don't fold 1.0(half) * n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_half Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %half %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %half %half_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 18: Don't fold 1.0 * 1.0 (half)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %half %half_1 %half_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DoubleRedundantFoldingTest, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Don't fold n + 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFAdd %double %3 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 1: Don't fold n - 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %double %3 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 2: Don't fold n * 2.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %double %3 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 3: Fold n + 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFAdd %double %3 %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 4: Fold 0.0 + n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFAdd %double %double_0 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 5: Fold n - 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %double %3 %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 6: Fold n * 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %double %3 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 7: Fold 1.0 * n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %double %double_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 8: Fold n / 1.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %double %3 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 9: Fold n * 0.0
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %double %3 %105\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, DOUBLE_0_ID),
// Test case 10: Fold 0.0 * n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %double %105 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, DOUBLE_0_ID),
// Test case 11: Fold 0.0 / n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFDiv %double %105 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, DOUBLE_0_ID),
// Test case 12: Don't fold mix(a, b, 2.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%b = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %a\n" +
"%4 = OpLoad %double %b\n" +
"%2 = OpExtInst %double %1 FMix %3 %4 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 13: Fold mix(a, b, 0.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%b = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %a\n" +
"%4 = OpLoad %double %b\n" +
"%2 = OpExtInst %double %1 FMix %3 %4 %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 14: Fold mix(a, b, 1.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%a = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%b = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %a\n" +
"%4 = OpLoad %double %b\n" +
"%2 = OpExtInst %double %1 FMix %3 %4 %double_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 4)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FloatVectorRedundantFoldingTest, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Don't fold a * vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %v4float %3 %v4float_0_0_0_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 1: Fold a * vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %v4float %3 %106\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, VEC4_0_ID),
// Test case 2: Fold a * vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %v4float %3 %v4float_1_1_1_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DoubleVectorRedundantFoldingTest, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Don't fold a * vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %v4double %3 %v4double_0_0_0_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 1: Fold a * vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %v4double %3 %106\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, DVEC4_0_ID),
// Test case 2: Fold a * vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFMul %v4double %3 %v4double_1_1_1_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FToIConstantFoldingTest, IntegerInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Fold int(3.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpConvertFToS %int %float_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 1: Fold uint(3.0)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpConvertFToU %int %float_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(IToFConstantFoldingTest, FloatInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Fold float(3)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpConvertSToF %float %int_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3.0),
// Test case 1: Fold float(3u)
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpConvertUToF %float %uint_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3.0)
// clang-format on
using ToNegateFoldingTest =
TEST_P(ToNegateFoldingTest, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
std::unique_ptr<ir::Instruction> original_inst(inst->Clone(context.get()));
bool succeeded = opt::FoldInstruction(inst);
// Make sure the instruction folded as expected.
EXPECT_EQ(inst->result_id(), original_inst->result_id());
EXPECT_EQ(inst->type_id(), original_inst->type_id());
EXPECT_TRUE((!succeeded) == (tc.expected_result == 0));
if (succeeded) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->opcode(), SpvOpFNegate);
EXPECT_EQ(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0), tc.expected_result);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->NumInOperands(), original_inst->NumInOperands());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst->NumInOperands(); ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst->GetOperand(i), original_inst->GetOperand(i));
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FloatRedundantSubFoldingTest, ToNegateFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Don't fold 1.0 - n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %float %float_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 1: Fold 0.0 - n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %float %float_0 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 2: Don't fold (0,0,0,1) - n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %v4float %v4float_0_0_0_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 3: Fold (0,0,0,0) - n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4float Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4float %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %v4float %v4float_0_0_0_0 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DoubleRedundantSubFoldingTest, ToNegateFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Don't fold 1.0 - n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %double %double_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 1: Fold 0.0 - n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %double %double_0 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3),
// Test case 2: Don't fold (0,0,0,1) - n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %v4double %v4double_0_0_0_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 0),
// Test case 3: Fold (0,0,0,0) - n
Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4double Function\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v4double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpFSub %v4double %v4double_0_0_0_0 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, 3)
using MatchingInstructionFoldingTest =
TEST_P(MatchingInstructionFoldingTest, Case) {
const auto& tc = GetParam();
// Build module.
std::unique_ptr<ir::IRContext> context =
BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, tc.test_body,
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context);
// Fold the instruction to test.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
ir::Instruction* inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(tc.id_to_fold);
std::unique_ptr<ir::Instruction> original_inst(inst->Clone(context.get()));
bool succeeded = opt::FoldInstruction(inst);
EXPECT_EQ(succeeded, tc.expected_result);
if (succeeded) {
Match(tc.test_body, context.get());
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MergeNegateTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold consecutive fnegate
// -(-x) = x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float:%\\w+]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpCopyObject [[float]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFNegate %float %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 1: fold fnegate(fmul with const).
// -(x * 2.0) = x * -2.0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_n2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFMul %float %2 %float_2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 2: fold fnegate(fmul with const).
// -(2.0 * x) = x * 2.0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_n2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFMul %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 3: fold fnegate(fdiv with const).
// -(x / 2.0) = x * -0.5
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n0p5:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -0.5\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_n0p5]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %2 %float_2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 4: fold fnegate(fdiv with const).
// -(2.0 / x) = -2.0 / x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFDiv [[float]] [[float_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 5: fold fnegate(fadd with const).
// -(2.0 + x) = -2.0 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 6: fold fnegate(fadd with const).
// -(x + 2.0) = -2.0 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %2 %float_2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 7: fold fnegate(fsub with const).
// -(2.0 - x) = x - 2.0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 8: fold fnegate(fsub with const).
// -(x - 2.0) = 2.0 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %2 %float_2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 9: fold consecutive snegate
// -(-x) = x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int:%\\w+]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpCopyObject [[int]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %int %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSNegate %int %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 10: fold consecutive vector negate
// -(-x) = x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[v2float:%\\w+]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpCopyObject [[v2float]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFNegate %v2float %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFNegate %v2float %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 11: fold snegate(iadd with const).
// -(2 + x) = -2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[int]] [[int_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIAdd %int %int_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSNegate %int %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 12: fold snegate(iadd with const).
// -(x + 2) = -2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[int]] [[int_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIAdd %int %2 %int_2\n" +
"%4 = OpSNegate %int %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 13: fold snegate(isub with const).
// -(2 - x) = x - 2
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpISub %int %int_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSNegate %int %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 14: fold snegate(isub with const).
// -(x - 2) = 2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[int]] [[int_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpISub %int %2 %int_2\n" +
"%4 = OpSNegate %int %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 15: fold snegate(iadd with const).
// -(x + 2) = -2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[long_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[long]] [[long_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIAdd %long %2 %long_2\n" +
"%4 = OpSNegate %long %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 16: fold snegate(isub with const).
// -(2 - x) = x - 2
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[long_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[long]] [[ld]] [[long_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
"%3 = OpISub %long %long_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSNegate %long %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 17: fold snegate(isub with const).
// -(x - 2) = 2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[long_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[long]] [[long_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
"%3 = OpISub %long %2 %long_2\n" +
"%4 = OpSNegate %long %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 18: fold -vec4(-1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0)
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v4float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[float]] 4\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v4float_1_n2_n1_n3:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v4float]] [[float_1]] [[float_n2]] [[float_n1]] [[float_n3]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[v4float]] [[v4float_1_n2_n1_n3]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFNegate %v4float %v4float_n1_2_1_3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 19: fold vector fnegate with null
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[double]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[double_n0:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[double]] -0\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2double_0_0:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2double]] [[double_n0]] [[double_n0]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[v2double]] [[v2double_0_0]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpFNegate %v2double %v2double_null\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ReciprocalFDivTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: scalar reicprocal
// x / 0.5 = x * 2.0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpFMul [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %2 %float_0p5\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true),
// Test case 1: Unfoldable
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_0:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 0\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpFDiv [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_0]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %2 %104\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, false),
// Test case 2: Vector reciprocal
// x / {2.0, 0.5} = x * {0.5, 2.0}
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_0p5:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 0.5\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float_0p5_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2float]] [[float_0p5]] [[float_2]]\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[v2float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpFMul [[v2float]] [[ld]] [[v2float_0p5_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %v2float %2 %v2float_2_0p5\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true),
// Test case 3: double reciprocal
// x / 2.0 = x * 0.5
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: [[double_0p5:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[double]] 0.5\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[double]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpFMul [[double]] [[ld]] [[double_0p5]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %double %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %double %2 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true),
// Test case 4: don't fold x / 0.
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %v2float %2 %v2float_null\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, false)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MergeMulTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: fold consecutive fmuls
// (x * 3.0) * 2.0 = x * 6.0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 6\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_6]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFMul %float %2 %float_3\n" +
"%4 = OpFMul %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 1: fold consecutive fmuls
// 2.0 * (x * 3.0) = x * 6.0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 6\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_6]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFMul %float %2 %float_3\n" +
"%4 = OpFMul %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 2: fold consecutive fmuls
// (3.0 * x) * 2.0 = x * 6.0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 6\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_6]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFMul %float %float_3 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFMul %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 3: fold vector fmul
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 6\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float_6_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2float]] [[float_6]] [[float_6]]\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[v2float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[v2float]] [[ld]] [[v2float_6_6]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFMul %v2float %2 %v2float_2_3\n" +
"%4 = OpFMul %v2float %3 %v2float_3_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 4: fold double fmuls
// (x * 3.0) * 2.0 = x * 6.0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: [[double_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[double]] 6\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[double]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[double]] [[ld]] [[double_6]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %double %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFMul %double %2 %double_3\n" +
"%4 = OpFMul %double %3 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 5: fold 32 bit imuls
// (x * 3) * 2 = x * 6
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 6\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_6]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIMul %int %2 %int_3\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %int %3 %int_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 6: fold 64 bit imuls
// (x * 3) * 2 = x * 6
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64\n" +
"; CHECK: [[long_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] 6\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[long]] [[ld]] [[long_6]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIMul %long %2 %long_3\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %long %3 %long_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 7: merge vector integer mults
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 6\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int_6_6:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2int]] [[int_6]] [[int_6]]\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[v2int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[v2int]] [[ld]] [[v2int_6_6]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIMul %v2int %2 %v2int_2_3\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %v2int %3 %v2int_3_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 8: merge fmul of fdiv
// 2.0 * (2.0 / x) = 4.0 / x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_4:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 4\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFDiv [[float]] [[float_4]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFMul %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 9: merge fmul of fdiv
// (2.0 / x) * 2.0 = 4.0 / x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_4:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 4\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFDiv [[float]] [[float_4]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFMul %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 10: Do not merge imul of sdiv
// 4 * (x / 2)
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSDiv %int %2 %int_2\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %int %int_4 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 11: Do not merge imul of sdiv
// (x / 2) * 4
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSDiv %int %2 %int_2\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %int %3 %int_4\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 12: Do not merge imul of udiv
// 4 * (x / 2)
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %uint %var\n" +
"%3 = OpUDiv %uint %2 %uint_2\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %uint %uint_4 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 13: Do not merge imul of udiv
// (x / 2) * 4
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %uint %var\n" +
"%3 = OpUDiv %uint %2 %uint_2\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %uint %3 %uint_4\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 14: Don't fold
// (x / 3) * 4
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %uint %var\n" +
"%3 = OpUDiv %uint %2 %uint_3\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %uint %3 %uint_4\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 15: merge vector fmul of fdiv
// (x / {2,2}) * {4,4} = x * {2,2}
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float_2_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2float]] [[float_2]] [[float_2]]\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[v2float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[v2float]] [[ld]] [[v2float_2_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %v2float %2 %v2float_2_2\n" +
"%4 = OpFMul %v2float %3 %v2float_4_4\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 16: merge vector imul of snegate
// (-x) * {2,2} = x * {-2,-2}
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int_n2_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2int]] [[int_n2]] [[int_n2]]\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[v2int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[v2int]] [[ld]] [[v2int_n2_n2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %v2int %2\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %v2int %3 %v2int_2_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 17: merge vector imul of snegate
// {2,2} * (-x) = x * {-2,-2}
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int_n2_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2int]] [[int_n2]] [[int_n2]]\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[v2int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[v2int]] [[ld]] [[v2int_n2_n2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %v2int %2\n" +
"%4 = OpIMul %v2int %v2int_2_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 18: Fold OpVectorTimesScalar
// {4,4} = OpVectorTimesScalar v2float {2,2} 2
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_4:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 4\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float_4_4:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2float]] [[float_4]] [[float_4]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[v2float]] [[v2float_4_4]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v2float %v2float_2_2 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 19: Fold OpVectorTimesScalar
// {0,0} = OpVectorTimesScalar v2float v2float_null -1
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2float_null:%\\w+]] = OpConstantNull [[v2float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[v2float]] [[v2float_null]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v2float %v2float_null %float_n1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 20: Fold OpVectorTimesScalar
// {4,4} = OpVectorTimesScalar v2double {2,2} 2
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[double]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[double_4:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[double]] 4\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2double_4_4:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2double]] [[double_4]] [[double_4]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[v2double]] [[v2double_4_4]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%2 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v2double %v2double_2_2 %double_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 21: Fold OpVectorTimesScalar
// {0,0} = OpVectorTimesScalar v2double {0,0} n
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[double]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: {{%\\w+}} = OpConstant [[double]] 0\n" +
"; CHECK: [[double_0:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[double]] 0\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2double_0_0:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2double]] [[double_0]] [[double_0]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[v2double]] [[v2double_0_0]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_double Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v2double %v2double_0_0 %load\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 22: Fold OpVectorTimesScalar
// {0,0} = OpVectorTimesScalar v2double n 0
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[double]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2double_null:%\\w+]] = OpConstantNull [[v2double]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[v2double]] [[v2double_null]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v2double Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %v2double %n\n" +
"%2 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v2double %load %double_0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MergeDivTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: merge consecutive fdiv
// 4.0 / (2.0 / x) = 2.0 * x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFMul [[float]] [[float_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFDiv %float %float_4 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 1: merge consecutive fdiv
// 4.0 / (x / 2.0) = 8.0 / x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_8:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 8\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFDiv [[float]] [[float_8]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %2 %float_2\n" +
"%4 = OpFDiv %float %float_4 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 2: merge consecutive fdiv
// (4.0 / x) / 2.0 = 2.0 / x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFDiv [[float]] [[float_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %float_4 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFDiv %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 3: Do not merge consecutive sdiv
// 4 / (2 / x)
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSDiv %int %int_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %int_4 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 4: Do not merge consecutive sdiv
// 4 / (x / 2)
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSDiv %int %2 %int_2\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %int_4 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 5: Do not merge consecutive sdiv
// (4 / x) / 2
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSDiv %int %int_4 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %3 %int_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 6: Do not merge consecutive sdiv
// (x / 4) / 2
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSDiv %int %2 %int_4\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %3 %int_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 7: Do not merge sdiv of imul
// 4 / (2 * x)
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIMul %int %int_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %int_4 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 8: Do not merge sdiv of imul
// 4 / (x * 2)
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIMul %int %2 %int_2\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %int_4 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 9: Do not merge sdiv of imul
// (4 * x) / 2
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIMul %int %int_4 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %3 %int_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 10: Do not merge sdiv of imul
// (x * 4) / 2
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpIMul %int %2 %int_4\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %3 %int_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false),
// Test case 11: merge sdiv of snegate
// (-x) / 2 = x / -2
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpSDiv [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_n2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %int %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %3 %int_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 12: merge sdiv of snegate
// 2 / (-x) = -2 / x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpSDiv [[int]] [[int_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %int %2\n" +
"%4 = OpSDiv %int %int_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 13: Don't merge
// (x / {null}) / {null}
Header() +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_v2float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFDiv %float %2 %v2float_null\n" +
"%4 = OpFDiv %float %3 %v2float_null\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, false)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MergeAddTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: merge add of negate
// (-x) + 2 = 2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFNegate %float %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 1: merge add of negate
// 2 + (-x) = 2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %float %2\n" +
"%4 = OpIAdd %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 2: merge add of negate
// (-x) + 2 = 2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[long_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[long]] [[long_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %long %2\n" +
"%4 = OpIAdd %long %3 %long_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 3: merge add of negate
// 2 + (-x) = 2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[long_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[long]] [[long_2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %long %2\n" +
"%4 = OpIAdd %long %long_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 4: merge add of subtract
// (x - 1) + 2 = x + 1
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_1]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %2 %float_1\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 5: merge add of subtract
// (1 - x) + 2 = 3 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_3]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %float_1 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 6: merge add of subtract
// 2 + (x - 1) = x + 1
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_1]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %2 %float_1\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 7: merge add of subtract
// 2 + (1 - x) = 3 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_3]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %float_1 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 8: merge add of add
// (x + 1) + 2 = x + 3
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_3]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %2 %float_1\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 9: merge add of add
// (1 + x) + 2 = 3 + x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_3]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %float_1 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 10: merge add of add
// 2 + (x + 1) = x + 1
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_3]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %2 %float_1\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 11: merge add of add
// 2 + (1 + x) = 3 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_3]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %float_1 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFAdd %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MergeSubTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: merge sub of negate
// (-x) - 2 = -2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFNegate %float %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %3 %float_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 1: merge sub of negate
// 2 - (-x) = x + 2
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFNegate %float %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 2: merge sub of negate
// (-x) - 2 = -2 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[long_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] -2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[long]] [[long_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %long %2\n" +
"%4 = OpISub %long %3 %long_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 3: merge sub of negate
// 2 - (-x) = x + 2
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[long_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpIAdd [[long]] [[ld]] [[long_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
"%3 = OpSNegate %long %2\n" +
"%4 = OpISub %long %long_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 4: merge add of subtract
// (x + 2) - 1 = x + 1
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_1]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %2 %float_2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %3 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 5: merge add of subtract
// (2 + x) - 1 = x + 1
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_1]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %3 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 6: merge add of subtract
// 2 - (x + 1) = 1 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_1]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %2 %float_1\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 7: merge add of subtract
// 2 - (1 + x) = 1 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_1]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFAdd %float %float_1 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 8: merge subtract of subtract
// (x - 2) - 1 = x - 3
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_3]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %2 %float_2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %3 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 9: merge subtract of subtract
// (2 - x) - 1 = 1 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_1]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %3 %float_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 10: merge subtract of subtract
// 2 - (x - 1) = 3 - x
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_3:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 3\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFSub [[float]] [[float_3]] [[ld]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %2 %float_1\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 11: merge subtract of subtract
// 1 - (2 - x) = x + (-1)
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_n1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] -1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_n1]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %float_1 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 12: merge subtract of subtract
// 2 - (1 - x) = x + 1
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: [[float_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[float]] 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[float]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpFAdd [[float]] [[ld]] [[float_1]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%var = OpVariable %_ptr_float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %float %var\n" +
"%3 = OpFSub %float %float_1 %2\n" +
"%4 = OpFSub %float %float_2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(SelectFoldingTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Fold select with the same values for both sides
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int0:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 0\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[int]] [[int0]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_bool Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSelect %int %load %100 %100\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 1: Fold select true to left side
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int0:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 0\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[int]] [[int0]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSelect %int %true %100 %n\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 2: Fold select false to right side
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int0:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 0\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[int]] [[int0]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %bool %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSelect %int %false %n %100\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 3: Fold select null to right side
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int0:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 0\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[int]] [[int0]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSelect %int %bool_null %load %100\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 4: vector null
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[int2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int2_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstantComposite [[v2int]] [[int2]] [[int2]]\n" +
"; CHECK: %2 = OpCopyObject [[v2int]] [[v2int2_2]]\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%load = OpLoad %v2int %n\n" +
"%2 = OpSelect %v2int %v2bool_null %load %v2int_2_2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
2, true),
// Test case 5: vector select
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpVectorShuffle [[v2int]] %2 %3 0 3\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v2int %n\n" +
"%4 = OpSelect %v2int %v2bool_true_false %2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 6: vector select
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: [[v2int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeVector [[int]] 2\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpVectorShuffle [[v2int]] %2 %3 2 1\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%m = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v2int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v2int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpLoad %v2int %n\n" +
"%4 = OpSelect %v2int %v2bool_false_true %2 %3\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(CompositeExtractMatchingTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Extracting from result of consecutive shuffles of differing
// size.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: %5 = OpCompositeExtract [[int]] %2 2\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %2 %2 2 3\n" +
"%4 = OpVectorShuffle %v4int %2 %3 0 4 2 5\n" +
"%5 = OpCompositeExtract %int %4 1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
5, true),
// Test case 1: Extracting from result of vector shuffle of differing
// input and result sizes.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpCompositeExtract [[int]] %2 2\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %2 %2 2 3\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 0\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true),
// Test case 2: Extracting from result of vector shuffle of differing
// input and result sizes.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
"; CHECK: %4 = OpCompositeExtract [[int]] %2 3\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4int Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4int %n\n" +
"%3 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %2 %2 2 3\n" +
"%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
4, true)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DotProductMatchingTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
// Test case 0: Using OpDot to extract last element.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpCompositeExtract [[float]] %2 3\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4float %n\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %float %2 %v4float_0_0_0_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true),
// Test case 1: Using OpDot to extract last element.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpCompositeExtract [[float]] %2 3\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4float %n\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %float %v4float_0_0_0_1 %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true),
// Test case 2: Using OpDot to extract second element.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[float:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 32\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpCompositeExtract [[float]] %2 1\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4float Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4float %n\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %float %v4float_0_1_0_0 %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true),
// Test case 3: Using OpDot to extract last element.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpCompositeExtract [[double]] %2 3\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4double %n\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %double %2 %v4double_0_0_0_1\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true),
// Test case 4: Using OpDot to extract last element.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpCompositeExtract [[double]] %2 3\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4double %n\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %double %v4double_0_0_0_1 %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true),
// Test case 5: Using OpDot to extract second element.
Header() +
"; CHECK: [[double:%\\w+]] = OpTypeFloat 64\n" +
"; CHECK: %3 = OpCompositeExtract [[double]] %2 1\n" +
"%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
"%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
"%n = OpVariable %_ptr_v4double Function\n" +
"%2 = OpLoad %v4double %n\n" +
"%3 = OpDot %double %v4double_0_1_0_0 %2\n" +
"OpReturn\n" +
3, true)
} // anonymous namespace