Greg Fischer 81ec2aaa0e
Add option to ADCE to remove output variables from interface. (#4994)
This can cause interface incompatibility and should only be done
if ADCE has been applied to the following shader in the pipeline.
For this reason this capability is not available through the CLI
but rather only non-default through the API. This functionality is
intended as part of a larger cross-shader dead code elimination
2022-11-23 10:48:58 -07:00

266 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2017 Valve Corporation
// Copyright (c) 2017 LunarG Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "source/opt/basic_block.h"
#include "source/opt/def_use_manager.h"
#include "source/opt/mem_pass.h"
#include "source/opt/module.h"
#include "source/util/bit_vector.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
// See optimizer.hpp for documentation.
class AggressiveDCEPass : public MemPass {
using cbb_ptr = const BasicBlock*;
using GetBlocksFunction =
std::function<std::vector<BasicBlock*>*(const BasicBlock*)>;
AggressiveDCEPass(bool preserve_interface = false,
bool remove_outputs = false)
: preserve_interface_(preserve_interface),
remove_outputs_(remove_outputs) {}
const char* name() const override { return "eliminate-dead-code-aggressive"; }
Status Process() override;
IRContext::Analysis GetPreservedAnalyses() override {
return IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse |
IRContext::kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping |
IRContext::kAnalysisConstants | IRContext::kAnalysisTypes;
// Preserve entry point interface if true. All variables in interface
// will be marked live and will not be eliminated. This mode is needed by
// GPU-Assisted Validation instrumentation where a change in the interface
// is not allowed.
bool preserve_interface_;
// Output variables can be removed from the interface if this is true.
// This is safe if the caller knows that the corresponding input variable
// in the following shader has been removed. It is false by default.
bool remove_outputs_;
// Return true if |varId| is a variable of |storageClass|. |varId| must either
// be 0 or the result of an instruction.
bool IsVarOfStorage(uint32_t varId, spv::StorageClass storageClass);
// Return true if the instance of the variable |varId| can only be access in
// |func|. For example, a function scope variable, or a private variable
// where |func| is an entry point with no function calls.
bool IsLocalVar(uint32_t varId, Function* func);
// Return true if |inst| is marked live.
bool IsLive(const Instruction* inst) const {
return live_insts_.Get(inst->unique_id());
// Adds entry points, execution modes and workgroup size decorations to the
// worklist for processing with the first function.
void InitializeModuleScopeLiveInstructions();
// Add |inst| to worklist_ and live_insts_.
void AddToWorklist(Instruction* inst) {
if (!live_insts_.Set(inst->unique_id())) {
// Add all store instruction which use |ptrId|, directly or indirectly,
// to the live instruction worklist.
void AddStores(Function* func, uint32_t ptrId);
// Initialize extensions allowlist
void InitExtensions();
// Return true if all extensions in this module are supported by this pass.
bool AllExtensionsSupported() const;
// Returns true if the target of |inst| is dead. An instruction is dead if
// its result id is used in decoration or debug instructions only. |inst| is
// assumed to be OpName, OpMemberName or an annotation instruction.
bool IsTargetDead(Instruction* inst);
// If |varId| is local, mark all stores of varId as live.
void ProcessLoad(Function* func, uint32_t varId);
// Add branch to |labelId| to end of block |bp|.
void AddBranch(uint32_t labelId, BasicBlock* bp);
// Add all break and continue branches in the construct associated with
// |mergeInst| to worklist if not already live
void AddBreaksAndContinuesToWorklist(Instruction* mergeInst);
// Eliminates dead debug2 and annotation instructions. Marks dead globals for
// removal (e.g. types, constants and variables).
bool ProcessGlobalValues();
// Erases functions that are unreachable from the entry points of the module.
bool EliminateDeadFunctions();
// For function |func|, mark all Stores to non-function-scope variables
// and block terminating instructions as live. Recursively mark the values
// they use. When complete, mark any non-live instructions to be deleted.
// Returns true if the function has been modified.
// Note: This function does not delete useless control structures. All
// existing control structures will remain. This can leave not-insignificant
// sequences of ultimately useless code.
// TODO(): Remove useless control constructs.
bool AggressiveDCE(Function* func);
Pass::Status ProcessImpl();
// Adds instructions which must be kept because of they have side-effects
// that ADCE cannot model to the work list.
void InitializeWorkList(Function* func,
std::list<BasicBlock*>& structured_order);
// Process each instruction in the work list by marking any instruction that
// that it depends on as live, and adding it to the work list. The work list
// will be empty at the end.
void ProcessWorkList(Function* func);
// Kills any instructions in |func| that have not been marked as live.
bool KillDeadInstructions(const Function* func,
std::list<BasicBlock*>& structured_order);
// Adds the instructions that define the operands of |inst| to the work list.
void AddOperandsToWorkList(const Instruction* inst);
// Marks all of the labels and branch that inst requires as live.
void MarkBlockAsLive(Instruction* inst);
// Marks any variables from which |inst| may require data as live.
void MarkLoadedVariablesAsLive(Function* func, Instruction* inst);
// Returns the id of the variable that |ptr_id| point to. |ptr_id| must be a
// value whose type is a pointer.
uint32_t GetVariableId(uint32_t ptr_id);
// Returns all of the ids for the variables from which |inst| will load data.
std::vector<uint32_t> GetLoadedVariables(Instruction* inst);
// Returns all of the ids for the variables from which |inst| will load data.
// The opcode of |inst| must be OpFunctionCall.
std::vector<uint32_t> GetLoadedVariablesFromFunctionCall(
const Instruction* inst);
// Returns the id of the variable from which |inst| will load data. |inst|
// must not be an OpFunctionCall. Returns 0 if no data is read or the
// variable cannot be determined. Note that in logical addressing mode the
// latter is not possible for function and private storage class because there
// cannot be variable pointers pointing to those storage classes.
uint32_t GetLoadedVariableFromNonFunctionCalls(Instruction* inst);
// Adds all decorations of |inst| to the work list.
void AddDecorationsToWorkList(const Instruction* inst);
// Adds DebugScope instruction associated with |inst| to the work list.
void AddDebugScopeToWorkList(const Instruction* inst);
// Adds all debug instruction associated with |inst| to the work list.
void AddDebugInstructionsToWorkList(const Instruction* inst);
// Marks all of the OpFunctionParameter instructions in |func| as live.
void MarkFunctionParameterAsLive(const Function* func);
// Returns the terminator instruction in the header for the innermost
// construct that contains |blk|. Returns nullptr if no such header exists.
Instruction* GetHeaderBranch(BasicBlock* blk);
// Returns the header for the innermost construct that contains |blk|. A loop
// header will be its own header. Returns nullptr if no such header exists.
BasicBlock* GetHeaderBlock(BasicBlock* blk) const;
// Returns the same as |GetHeaderBlock| except if |blk| is a loop header it
// will return the header of the next enclosing construct. Returns nullptr if
// no such header exists.
Instruction* GetBranchForNextHeader(BasicBlock* blk);
// Returns the merge instruction in the same basic block as |inst|. Returns
// nullptr if one does not exist.
Instruction* GetMergeInstruction(Instruction* inst);
// Returns true if |bb| is in the construct with header |header_block|.
bool BlockIsInConstruct(BasicBlock* header_block, BasicBlock* bb);
// Returns true if |func| is an entry point that does not have any function
// calls.
bool IsEntryPointWithNoCalls(Function* func);
// Returns true if |func| is an entry point.
bool IsEntryPoint(Function* func);
// Returns true if |func| contains a function call.
bool HasCall(Function* func);
// Marks the first block, which is the entry block, in |func| as live.
void MarkFirstBlockAsLive(Function* func);
// Adds an OpUnreachable instruction at the end of |block|.
void AddUnreachable(BasicBlock*& block);
// Marks the OpLoopMerge and the terminator in |basic_block| as live if
// |basic_block| is a loop header.
void MarkLoopConstructAsLiveIfLoopHeader(BasicBlock* basic_block);
// The cached results for |IsEntryPointWithNoCalls|. It maps the function's
// result id to the return value.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, bool> entry_point_with_no_calls_cache_;
// Live Instruction Worklist. An instruction is added to this list
// if it might have a side effect, either directly or indirectly.
// If we don't know, then add it to this list. Instructions are
// removed from this list as the algorithm traces side effects,
// building up the live instructions set |live_insts_|.
std::queue<Instruction*> worklist_;
// Live Instructions
utils::BitVector live_insts_;
// Live Local Variables
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> live_local_vars_;
// List of instructions to delete. Deletion is delayed until debug and
// annotation instructions are processed.
std::vector<Instruction*> to_kill_;
// Extensions supported by this pass.
std::unordered_set<std::string> extensions_allowlist_;
} // namespace opt
} // namespace spvtools