Alastair Donaldson 9e65f054d1
spirv-fuzz: Account for differing signedness in WrapVectorSynonym (#4414)
Makes the fuzzer pass and transformation that wraps vector synonyms
aware of the fact that integer operations can have arguments that
differ in signedness, and that the result type of such an operation
can have different sign from the argument types.

Fixes #4413.
2021-09-14 21:09:39 +00:00

627 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h"
#include "source/fuzz/transformation_context.h"
#include "source/opt/basic_block.h"
#include "source/opt/instruction.h"
#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
#include "source/opt/module.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
namespace spvtools {
namespace fuzz {
// Provides types and global utility methods for use by the fuzzer
namespace fuzzerutil {
// A silent message consumer.
extern const spvtools::MessageConsumer kSilentMessageConsumer;
// Function type that produces a SPIR-V module.
using ModuleSupplier = std::function<std::unique_ptr<opt::IRContext>()>;
// Builds a new opt::IRContext object. Returns true if successful and changes
// the |ir_context| parameter. Otherwise (if any errors occur), returns false
// and |ir_context| remains unchanged.
bool BuildIRContext(spv_target_env target_env,
const spvtools::MessageConsumer& message_consumer,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& binary_in,
spv_validator_options validator_options,
std::unique_ptr<spvtools::opt::IRContext>* ir_context);
// Returns true if and only if the module does not define the given id.
bool IsFreshId(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t id);
// Updates the module's id bound if needed so that it is large enough to
// account for the given id.
void UpdateModuleIdBound(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t id);
// Return the block with id |maybe_block_id| if it exists, and nullptr
// otherwise.
opt::BasicBlock* MaybeFindBlock(opt::IRContext* context,
uint32_t maybe_block_id);
// When adding an edge from |bb_from| to |bb_to| (which are assumed to be blocks
// in the same function), it is important to supply |bb_to| with ids that can be
// used to augment OpPhi instructions in the case that there is not already such
// an edge. This function returns true if and only if the ids provided in
// |phi_ids| suffice for this purpose,
bool PhiIdsOkForNewEdge(
opt::IRContext* context, opt::BasicBlock* bb_from, opt::BasicBlock* bb_to,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<google::protobuf::uint32>& phi_ids);
// Returns an OpBranchConditional instruction that will create an unreachable
// branch from |bb_from_id| to |bb_to_id|. |bool_id| must be a result id of
// either OpConstantTrue or OpConstantFalse. Based on the opcode of |bool_id|,
// operands of the returned instruction will be positioned in a way that the
// branch from |bb_from_id| to |bb_to_id| is always unreachable.
opt::Instruction CreateUnreachableEdgeInstruction(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t bb_from_id,
uint32_t bb_to_id,
uint32_t bool_id);
// Requires that |bool_id| is a valid result id of either OpConstantTrue or
// OpConstantFalse, that PhiIdsOkForNewEdge(context, bb_from, bb_to, phi_ids)
// holds, and that bb_from ends with "OpBranch %some_block". Turns OpBranch
// into "OpBranchConditional |condition_value| ...", such that control will
// branch to %some_block, with |bb_to| being the unreachable alternative.
// Updates OpPhi instructions in |bb_to| using |phi_ids| so that the new edge is
// valid. |condition_value| above is equal to |true| if |bool_id| is a result id
// of an OpConstantTrue instruction.
void AddUnreachableEdgeAndUpdateOpPhis(
opt::IRContext* context, opt::BasicBlock* bb_from, opt::BasicBlock* bb_to,
uint32_t bool_id,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<google::protobuf::uint32>& phi_ids);
// Returns true if and only if |loop_header_id| is a loop header and
// |block_id| is a reachable block branching to and dominated by
// |loop_header_id|.
bool BlockIsBackEdge(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t block_id,
uint32_t loop_header_id);
// Returns true if and only if |maybe_loop_header_id| is a loop header and
// |block_id| is in the continue construct of the associated loop.
bool BlockIsInLoopContinueConstruct(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t block_id,
uint32_t maybe_loop_header_id);
// If |block| contains |inst|, an iterator for |inst| is returned.
// Otherwise |block|->end() is returned.
opt::BasicBlock::iterator GetIteratorForInstruction(
opt::BasicBlock* block, const opt::Instruction* inst);
// Determines whether it is OK to insert an instruction with opcode |opcode|
// before |instruction_in_block|.
bool CanInsertOpcodeBeforeInstruction(
SpvOp opcode, const opt::BasicBlock::iterator& instruction_in_block);
// Determines whether it is OK to make a synonym of |inst|.
// |transformation_context| is used to verify that the result id of |inst|
// does not participate in IdIsIrrelevant fact.
bool CanMakeSynonymOf(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const TransformationContext& transformation_context,
const opt::Instruction& inst);
// Determines whether the given type is a composite; that is: an array, matrix,
// struct or vector.
bool IsCompositeType(const opt::analysis::Type* type);
// Returns a vector containing the same elements as |repeated_field|.
std::vector<uint32_t> RepeatedFieldToVector(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<uint32_t>& repeated_field);
// Given a type id, |base_object_type_id|, returns 0 if the type is not a
// composite type or if |index| is too large to be used as an index into the
// composite. Otherwise returns the type id of the type associated with the
// composite's index.
// Example: if |base_object_type_id| is 10, and we have:
// %10 = OpTypeStruct %3 %4 %5
// then 3 will be returned if |index| is 0, 5 if |index| is 2, and 0 if index
// is 3 or larger.
uint32_t WalkOneCompositeTypeIndex(opt::IRContext* context,
uint32_t base_object_type_id,
uint32_t index);
// Given a type id, |base_object_type_id|, checks that the given sequence of
// |indices| is suitable for indexing into this type. Returns the id of the
// type of the final sub-object reached via the indices if they are valid, and
// 0 otherwise.
uint32_t WalkCompositeTypeIndices(
opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t base_object_type_id,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<google::protobuf::uint32>& indices);
// Returns the number of members associated with |struct_type_instruction|,
// which must be an OpStructType instruction.
uint32_t GetNumberOfStructMembers(
const opt::Instruction& struct_type_instruction);
// Returns the constant size of the array associated with
// |array_type_instruction|, which must be an OpArrayType instruction. Returns
// 0 if there is not a static size.
uint32_t GetArraySize(const opt::Instruction& array_type_instruction,
opt::IRContext* context);
// Returns the bound for indexing into a composite of type
// |composite_type_inst|, i.e. the number of fields of a struct, the size of an
// array, the number of components of a vector, or the number of columns of a
// matrix. |composite_type_inst| must be the type of a composite.
uint32_t GetBoundForCompositeIndex(const opt::Instruction& composite_type_inst,
opt::IRContext* ir_context);
// Returns memory semantics mask for specific storage class.
SpvMemorySemanticsMask GetMemorySemanticsForStorageClass(
SpvStorageClass storage_class);
// Returns true if and only if |context| is valid, according to the validator
// instantiated with |validator_options|. |consumer| is used for error
// reporting.
bool IsValid(const opt::IRContext* context,
spv_validator_options validator_options, MessageConsumer consumer);
// Returns true if and only if IsValid(|context|, |validator_options|) holds,
// and furthermore every basic block in |context| has its enclosing function as
// its parent, and every instruction in |context| has a distinct unique id.
// |consumer| is used for error reporting.
bool IsValidAndWellFormed(const opt::IRContext* context,
spv_validator_options validator_options,
MessageConsumer consumer);
// Returns a clone of |context|, by writing |context| to a binary and then
// parsing it again.
std::unique_ptr<opt::IRContext> CloneIRContext(opt::IRContext* context);
// Returns true if and only if |id| is the id of a type that is not a function
// type.
bool IsNonFunctionTypeId(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t id);
// Returns true if and only if |block_id| is a merge block or continue target
bool IsMergeOrContinue(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t block_id);
// Returns the id of the header of the loop corresponding to the given loop
// merge block. Returns 0 if |merge_block_id| is not a loop merge block.
uint32_t GetLoopFromMergeBlock(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t merge_block_id);
// Returns the result id of an instruction of the form:
// %id = OpTypeFunction |type_ids|
// or 0 if no such instruction exists.
uint32_t FindFunctionType(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& type_ids);
// Returns a type instruction (OpTypeFunction) for |function|.
// Returns |nullptr| if type is not found.
opt::Instruction* GetFunctionType(opt::IRContext* context,
const opt::Function* function);
// Returns the function with result id |function_id|, or |nullptr| if no such
// function exists.
opt::Function* FindFunction(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t function_id);
// Returns true if |function| has a block that the termination instruction is
// OpKill or OpUnreachable.
bool FunctionContainsOpKillOrUnreachable(const opt::Function& function);
// Returns |true| if one of entry points has function id |function_id|.
bool FunctionIsEntryPoint(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t function_id);
// Checks whether |id| is available (according to dominance rules) at the use
// point defined by input operand |use_input_operand_index| of
// |use_instruction|. |use_instruction| must be a in some basic block.
bool IdIsAvailableAtUse(opt::IRContext* context,
opt::Instruction* use_instruction,
uint32_t use_input_operand_index, uint32_t id);
// Checks whether |id| is available (according to dominance rules) at the
// program point directly before |instruction|. |instruction| must be in some
// basic block.
bool IdIsAvailableBeforeInstruction(opt::IRContext* context,
opt::Instruction* instruction, uint32_t id);
// Returns true if and only if |instruction| is an OpFunctionParameter
// associated with |function|.
bool InstructionIsFunctionParameter(opt::Instruction* instruction,
opt::Function* function);
// Returns the type id of the instruction defined by |result_id|, or 0 if there
// is no such result id.
uint32_t GetTypeId(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t result_id);
// Given |pointer_type_inst|, which must be an OpTypePointer instruction,
// returns the id of the associated pointee type.
uint32_t GetPointeeTypeIdFromPointerType(opt::Instruction* pointer_type_inst);
// Given |pointer_type_id|, which must be the id of a pointer type, returns the
// id of the associated pointee type.
uint32_t GetPointeeTypeIdFromPointerType(opt::IRContext* context,
uint32_t pointer_type_id);
// Given |pointer_type_inst|, which must be an OpTypePointer instruction,
// returns the associated storage class.
SpvStorageClass GetStorageClassFromPointerType(
opt::Instruction* pointer_type_inst);
// Given |pointer_type_id|, which must be the id of a pointer type, returns the
// associated storage class.
SpvStorageClass GetStorageClassFromPointerType(opt::IRContext* context,
uint32_t pointer_type_id);
// Returns the id of a pointer with pointee type |pointee_type_id| and storage
// class |storage_class|, if it exists, and 0 otherwise.
uint32_t MaybeGetPointerType(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t pointee_type_id,
SpvStorageClass storage_class);
// Given an instruction |inst| and an operand absolute index |absolute_index|,
// returns the index of the operand restricted to the input operands.
uint32_t InOperandIndexFromOperandIndex(const opt::Instruction& inst,
uint32_t absolute_index);
// Returns true if and only if |type| is one of the types for which it is legal
// to have an OpConstantNull value. This may depend on the capabilities declared
// in |context|.
bool IsNullConstantSupported(opt::IRContext* context,
const opt::Instruction& type);
// Returns true if and only if the SPIR-V version being used requires that
// global variables accessed in the static call graph of an entry point need
// to be listed in that entry point's interface.
bool GlobalVariablesMustBeDeclaredInEntryPointInterfaces(
const opt::IRContext* context);
// Adds |id| into the interface of every entry point of the shader.
// Does nothing if SPIR-V doesn't require global variables, that are accessed
// from an entry point function, to be listed in that function's interface.
void AddVariableIdToEntryPointInterfaces(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t id);
// Adds a global variable with storage class |storage_class| to the module, with
// type |type_id| and either no initializer or |initializer_id| as an
// initializer, depending on whether |initializer_id| is 0. The global variable
// has result id |result_id|. Updates module's id bound to accommodate for
// |result_id|.
// - |type_id| must be the id of a pointer type with the same storage class as
// |storage_class|.
// - |storage_class| must be Private or Workgroup.
// - |initializer_id| must be 0 if |storage_class| is Workgroup, and otherwise
// may either be 0 or the id of a constant whose type is the pointee type of
// |type_id|.
// Returns a pointer to the new global variable instruction.
opt::Instruction* AddGlobalVariable(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t result_id,
uint32_t type_id,
SpvStorageClass storage_class,
uint32_t initializer_id);
// Adds an instruction to the start of |function_id|, of the form:
// |result_id| = OpVariable |type_id| Function |initializer_id|.
// Updates module's id bound to accommodate for |result_id|.
// - |type_id| must be the id of a pointer type with Function storage class.
// - |initializer_id| must be the id of a constant with the same type as the
// pointer's pointee type.
// - |function_id| must be the id of a function.
// Returns a pointer to the new local variable instruction.
opt::Instruction* AddLocalVariable(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t result_id,
uint32_t type_id, uint32_t function_id,
uint32_t initializer_id);
// Returns true if the vector |arr| has duplicates.
bool HasDuplicates(const std::vector<uint32_t>& arr);
// Checks that the given vector |arr| contains a permutation of a range
// [lo, hi]. That being said, all elements in the range are present without
// duplicates. If |arr| is empty, returns true iff |lo > hi|.
bool IsPermutationOfRange(const std::vector<uint32_t>& arr, uint32_t lo,
uint32_t hi);
// Returns OpFunctionParameter instructions corresponding to the function
// with result id |function_id|.
std::vector<opt::Instruction*> GetParameters(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t function_id);
// Removes an OpFunctionParameter instruction with result id |parameter_id|
// from the its function. Parameter's function must not be an entry-point
// function. The function must have a parameter with result id |parameter_id|.
// Prefer using this function to opt::Function::RemoveParameter since
// this function also guarantees that |ir_context| has no invalid pointers
// to the removed parameter.
void RemoveParameter(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t parameter_id);
// Returns all OpFunctionCall instructions that call a function with result id
// |function_id|.
std::vector<opt::Instruction*> GetCallers(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t function_id);
// Returns a function that contains OpFunctionParameter instruction with result
// id |param_id|. Returns nullptr if the module has no such function.
opt::Function* GetFunctionFromParameterId(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t param_id);
// Changes the type of function |function_id| so that its return type is
// |return_type_id| and its parameters' types are |parameter_type_ids|. If a
// suitable function type already exists in the module, it is used, otherwise
// |new_function_type_result_id| is used as the result id of a suitable new
// function type instruction. If the old type of the function doesn't have any
// more users, it is removed from the module. Returns the result id of the
// OpTypeFunction instruction that is used as a type of the function with
// |function_id|.
// CAUTION: When the old type of the function is removed from the module, its
// memory is deallocated. Be sure not to use any pointers to the old
// type when this function returns.
uint32_t UpdateFunctionType(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t function_id,
uint32_t new_function_type_result_id,
uint32_t return_type_id,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& parameter_type_ids);
// Creates new OpTypeFunction instruction in the module. |type_ids| may not be
// empty. It may not contain result ids of OpTypeFunction instructions.
// |type_ids[i]| may not be a result id of OpTypeVoid instruction for |i >= 1|.
// |result_id| may not equal to 0. Updates module's id bound to accommodate for
// |result_id|.
void AddFunctionType(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t result_id,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& type_ids);
// Returns a result id of an OpTypeFunction instruction in the module. Creates a
// new instruction if required and returns |result_id|. type_ids| may not be
// empty. It may not contain result ids of OpTypeFunction instructions.
// |type_ids[i]| may not be a result id of OpTypeVoid instruction for |i >= 1|.
// |result_id| must not be equal to 0. Updates module's id bound to accommodate
// for |result_id|.
uint32_t FindOrCreateFunctionType(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t result_id,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& type_ids);
// Returns a result id of an OpTypeInt instruction if present. Returns 0
// otherwise.
uint32_t MaybeGetIntegerType(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t width,
bool is_signed);
// Returns a result id of an OpTypeFloat instruction if present. Returns 0
// otherwise.
uint32_t MaybeGetFloatType(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t width);
// Returns a result id of an OpTypeBool instruction if present. Returns 0
// otherwise.
uint32_t MaybeGetBoolType(opt::IRContext* ir_context);
// Returns a result id of an OpTypeVector instruction if present. Returns 0
// otherwise. |component_type_id| must be a valid result id of an OpTypeInt,
// OpTypeFloat or OpTypeBool instruction in the module. |element_count| must be
// in the range [2, 4].
uint32_t MaybeGetVectorType(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t component_type_id, uint32_t element_count);
// Returns a result id of an OpTypeStruct instruction whose field types exactly
// match |component_type_ids| if such an instruction is present. Returns 0
// otherwise. |component_type_ids| may not contain a result id of an
// OpTypeFunction.
uint32_t MaybeGetStructType(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& component_type_ids);
// Returns a result id of an OpTypeVoid instruction if present. Returns 0
// otherwise.
uint32_t MaybeGetVoidType(opt::IRContext* ir_context);
// Recursive definition is the following:
// - if |scalar_or_composite_type_id| is a result id of a scalar type - returns
// a result id of the following constants (depending on the type): int -> 0,
// float -> 0.0, bool -> false.
// - otherwise, returns a result id of an OpConstantComposite instruction.
// Every component of the composite constant is looked up by calling this
// function with the type id of that component.
// Returns 0 if no such instruction is present in the module.
// The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not, depending
// on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t MaybeGetZeroConstant(
opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const TransformationContext& transformation_context,
uint32_t scalar_or_composite_type_id, bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns true if it is possible to create an OpConstant or an
// OpConstantComposite instruction of type |type_id|. That is, returns true if
// the type associated with |type_id| and all its constituents are either scalar
// or composite.
bool CanCreateConstant(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t type_id);
// Returns the result id of an OpConstant instruction. |scalar_type_id| must be
// a result id of a scalar type (i.e. int, float or bool). Returns 0 if no such
// instruction is present in the module. The returned id either participates in
// IdIsIrrelevant fact or not, depending on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t MaybeGetScalarConstant(
opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const TransformationContext& transformation_context,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& words, uint32_t scalar_type_id,
bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the result id of an OpConstantComposite instruction.
// |composite_type_id| must be a result id of a composite type (i.e. vector,
// matrix, struct or array). Returns 0 if no such instruction is present in the
// module. The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not,
// depending on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t MaybeGetCompositeConstant(
opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const TransformationContext& transformation_context,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& component_ids, uint32_t composite_type_id,
bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the result id of an OpConstant instruction of integral type.
// Returns 0 if no such instruction or type is present in the module.
// The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not, depending
// on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t MaybeGetIntegerConstant(
opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const TransformationContext& transformation_context,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& words, uint32_t width, bool is_signed,
bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the id of a 32-bit integer constant in the module with type
// |int_type_id| and value |value|, or 0 if no such constant exists in the
// module. |int_type_id| must exist in the module and it must correspond to a
// 32-bit integer type.
uint32_t MaybeGetIntegerConstantFromValueAndType(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t value,
uint32_t int_type_id);
// Returns the result id of an OpConstant instruction of floating-point type.
// Returns 0 if no such instruction or type is present in the module.
// The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not, depending
// on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t MaybeGetFloatConstant(
opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const TransformationContext& transformation_context,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& words, uint32_t width, bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the id of a boolean constant with value |value| if it exists in the
// module, or 0 otherwise. The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant
// fact or not, depending on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t MaybeGetBoolConstant(
opt::IRContext* context,
const TransformationContext& transformation_context, bool value,
bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns a vector of words representing the integer |value|, only considering
// the last |width| bits. The last |width| bits are sign-extended if the value
// is signed, zero-extended if it is unsigned.
// |width| must be <= 64.
// If |width| <= 32, returns a vector containing one value. If |width| > 64,
// returns a vector containing two values, with the first one representing the
// lower-order word of the value and the second one representing the
// higher-order word.
std::vector<uint32_t> IntToWords(uint64_t value, uint32_t width,
bool is_signed);
// Returns a bit pattern that represents a floating-point |value|.
inline uint32_t FloatToWord(float value) {
uint32_t result;
memcpy(&result, &value, sizeof(uint32_t));
return result;
// Returns true if any of the following is true:
// - |type1_id| and |type2_id| are the same id
// - |type1_id| and |type2_id| refer to integer scalar or vector types, only
// differing by their signedness.
bool TypesAreEqualUpToSign(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t type1_id,
uint32_t type2_id);
// Converts repeated field of UInt32Pair to a map. If two or more equal values
// of |UInt32Pair::first()| are available in |data|, the last value of
// |UInt32Pair::second()| is used.
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> RepeatedUInt32PairToMap(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<protobufs::UInt32Pair>& data);
// Converts a map into a repeated field of UInt32Pair.
MapToRepeatedUInt32Pair(const std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>& data);
// Returns the last instruction in |block_id| before which an instruction with
// opcode |opcode| can be inserted, or nullptr if there is no such instruction.
opt::Instruction* GetLastInsertBeforeInstruction(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t block_id,
SpvOp opcode);
// Checks whether various conditions hold related to the acceptability of
// replacing the id use at |use_in_operand_index| of |use_instruction| with a
// synonym or another id of appropriate type if the original id is irrelevant.
// In particular, this checks that:
// - If id use is an index of an irrelevant id (|use_in_operand_index > 0|)
// in OpAccessChain - it can't be replaced.
// - The id use is not an index into a struct field in an OpAccessChain - such
// indices must be constants, so it is dangerous to replace them.
// - The id use is not a pointer function call argument, on which there are
// restrictions that make replacement problematic.
// - The id use is not the Sample parameter of an OpImageTexelPointer
// instruction, as this must satisfy particular requirements.
bool IdUseCanBeReplaced(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
const TransformationContext& transformation_context,
opt::Instruction* use_instruction,
uint32_t use_in_operand_index);
// Requires that |struct_type_id| is the id of a struct type, and (as per the
// SPIR-V spec) that either all or none of the members of |struct_type_id| have
// the BuiltIn decoration. Returns true if and only if all members have the
// BuiltIn decoration.
bool MembersHaveBuiltInDecoration(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t struct_type_id);
// Returns true if and only if |id| is decorated with either Block or
// BufferBlock. Even though these decorations are only allowed on struct types,
// for convenience |id| can be any result id so that it is possible to call this
// method on something that *might* be a struct type.
bool HasBlockOrBufferBlockDecoration(opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t id);
// Returns true iff splitting block |block_to_split| just before the instruction
// |split_before| would separate an OpSampledImage instruction from its usage.
bool SplittingBeforeInstructionSeparatesOpSampledImageDefinitionFromUse(
opt::BasicBlock* block_to_split, opt::Instruction* split_before);
// Returns true if the instruction given has no side effects.
// TODO(https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/issues/3758): Add any
// missing instructions to the list. In particular, GLSL extended instructions
// (called using OpExtInst) have not been considered.
bool InstructionHasNoSideEffects(const opt::Instruction& instruction);
// Returns a set of the ids of all the return blocks that are reachable from
// the entry block of |function_id|.
// Assumes that the function exists in the module.
std::set<uint32_t> GetReachableReturnBlocks(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t function_id);
// Returns true if changing terminator instruction to |new_terminator| in the
// basic block with id |block_id| preserves domination rules and valid block
// order (i.e. dominator must always appear before dominated in the CFG).
// Returns false otherwise.
bool NewTerminatorPreservesDominationRules(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t block_id,
opt::Instruction new_terminator);
// Return the iterator that points to the function with the corresponding
// function id. If the function is not found, return the pointer pointing to
// module()->end().
opt::Module::iterator GetFunctionIterator(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t function_id);
// Returns true if the instruction with opcode |opcode| does not change its
// behaviour depending on the signedness of the operand at
// |use_in_operand_index|.
// Assumes that the operand must be the id of an integer scalar or vector.
bool IsAgnosticToSignednessOfOperand(SpvOp opcode,
uint32_t use_in_operand_index);
// Returns true if |type_id_1| and |type_id_2| represent compatible types
// given the context of the instruction with |opcode| (i.e. we can replace
// an operand of |opcode| of the first type with an id of the second type
// and vice-versa).
bool TypesAreCompatible(opt::IRContext* ir_context, SpvOp opcode,
uint32_t use_in_operand_index, uint32_t type_id_1,
uint32_t type_id_2);
} // namespace fuzzerutil
} // namespace fuzz
} // namespace spvtools