Alastair Donaldson bb56e892f5
spirv-fuzz: Fuzzer pass to add composite types (#3171)
Adds a fuzzer pass that randomly adds vector and matrix types not
already present in the module, and randomly adds structs with random
field types and arrays with random base types and sizes. Other passes
will be able to create variables and ids using these types.
2020-02-04 14:00:19 +00:00

192 lines
7.0 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include "source/fuzz/random_generator.h"
#include "source/opt/function.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace fuzz {
// Encapsulates all parameters that control the fuzzing process, such as the
// source of randomness and the probabilities with which transformations are
// applied.
class FuzzerContext {
// Constructs a fuzzer context with a given random generator and the minimum
// value that can be used for fresh ids.
FuzzerContext(RandomGenerator* random_generator, uint32_t min_fresh_id);
// Returns a random boolean.
bool ChooseEven();
// Returns true if and only if a randomly-chosen integer in the range [0, 100]
// is less than |percentage_chance|.
bool ChoosePercentage(uint32_t percentage_chance);
// Returns a random index into |sequence|, which is expected to have a 'size'
// method, and which must be non-empty. Typically 'HasSizeMethod' will be an
// std::vector.
template <typename HasSizeMethod>
uint32_t RandomIndex(const HasSizeMethod& sequence) {
assert(sequence.size() > 0);
return random_generator_->RandomUint32(
// Yields an id that is guaranteed not to be used in the module being fuzzed,
// or to have been issued before.
uint32_t GetFreshId();
// Probabilities associated with applying various transformations.
// Keep them in alphabetical order.
uint32_t GetChanceOfAddingAnotherStructField() {
return chance_of_adding_another_struct_field_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAddingArrayOrStructType() {
return chance_of_adding_array_or_struct_type_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAddingDeadBlock() { return chance_of_adding_dead_block_; }
uint32_t GetChanceOfAddingDeadBreak() { return chance_of_adding_dead_break_; }
uint32_t GetChanceOfAddingDeadContinue() {
return chance_of_adding_dead_continue_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAddingMatrixType() {
return chance_of_adding_matrix_type_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAddingNoContractionDecoration() {
return chance_of_adding_no_contraction_decoration_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAddingVectorType() {
return chance_of_adding_vector_type_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAdjustingFunctionControl() {
return chance_of_adjusting_function_control_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAdjustingLoopControl() {
return chance_of_adjusting_loop_control_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAdjustingMemoryOperandsMask() {
return chance_of_adjusting_memory_operands_mask_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfAdjustingSelectionControl() {
return chance_of_adjusting_selection_control_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfChoosingStructTypeVsArrayType() {
return chance_of_choosing_struct_type_vs_array_type_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfConstructingComposite() {
return chance_of_constructing_composite_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfCopyingObject() { return chance_of_copying_object_; }
uint32_t GetChanceOfDonatingAdditionalModule() {
return chance_of_donating_additional_module_;
uint32_t ChanceOfMakingDonorLivesafe() {
return chance_of_making_donor_livesafe_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfMergingBlocks() { return chance_of_merging_blocks_; }
uint32_t GetChanceOfMovingBlockDown() { return chance_of_moving_block_down_; }
uint32_t GetChanceOfObfuscatingConstant() {
return chance_of_obfuscating_constant_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfOutliningFunction() {
return chance_of_outlining_function_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfReplacingIdWithSynonym() {
return chance_of_replacing_id_with_synonym_;
uint32_t GetChanceOfSplittingBlock() { return chance_of_splitting_block_; }
uint32_t GetRandomLoopControlPeelCount() {
return random_generator_->RandomUint32(max_loop_control_peel_count_);
uint32_t GetRandomLoopControlPartialCount() {
return random_generator_->RandomUint32(max_loop_control_partial_count_);
uint32_t GetRandomLoopLimit() {
return random_generator_->RandomUint32(max_loop_limit_);
uint32_t GetRandomSizeForNewArray() {
// Ensure that the array size is non-zero.
return random_generator_->RandomUint32(max_new_array_size_limit_ - 1) + 1;
// Functions to control how deeply to recurse.
// Keep them in alphabetical order.
bool GoDeeperInConstantObfuscation(uint32_t depth) {
return go_deeper_in_constant_obfuscation_(depth, random_generator_);
// The source of randomness.
RandomGenerator* random_generator_;
// The next fresh id to be issued.
uint32_t next_fresh_id_;
// Probabilities associated with applying various transformations.
// Keep them in alphabetical order.
uint32_t chance_of_adding_another_struct_field_;
uint32_t chance_of_adding_array_or_struct_type_;
uint32_t chance_of_adding_dead_block_;
uint32_t chance_of_adding_dead_break_;
uint32_t chance_of_adding_dead_continue_;
uint32_t chance_of_adding_matrix_type_;
uint32_t chance_of_adding_no_contraction_decoration_;
uint32_t chance_of_adding_vector_type_;
uint32_t chance_of_adjusting_function_control_;
uint32_t chance_of_adjusting_loop_control_;
uint32_t chance_of_adjusting_memory_operands_mask_;
uint32_t chance_of_adjusting_selection_control_;
uint32_t chance_of_choosing_struct_type_vs_array_type_;
uint32_t chance_of_constructing_composite_;
uint32_t chance_of_copying_object_;
uint32_t chance_of_donating_additional_module_;
uint32_t chance_of_making_donor_livesafe_;
uint32_t chance_of_merging_blocks_;
uint32_t chance_of_moving_block_down_;
uint32_t chance_of_obfuscating_constant_;
uint32_t chance_of_outlining_function_;
uint32_t chance_of_replacing_id_with_synonym_;
uint32_t chance_of_splitting_block_;
// Limits associated with various quantities for which random values are
// chosen during fuzzing.
// Keep them in alphabetical order.
uint32_t max_loop_control_partial_count_;
uint32_t max_loop_control_peel_count_;
uint32_t max_loop_limit_;
uint32_t max_new_array_size_limit_;
// Functions to determine with what probability to go deeper when generating
// or mutating constructs recursively.
const std::function<bool(uint32_t, RandomGenerator*)>&
// Requires |min_max.first| <= |min_max.second|, and returns a value in the
// range [ |min_max.first|, |min_max.second| ]
uint32_t ChooseBetweenMinAndMax(const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& min_max);
} // namespace fuzz
} // namespace spvtools