Alastair Donaldson 67f4838659
spirv-fuzz: Make handling of synonym facts more efficient (#3301)
The fact manager maintains an equivalence relation on data descriptors
that tracks when one data descriptor could be used in place of
another.  An algorithm to compute the closure of such facts allows
deducing new synonym facts from existing facts.  E.g., for two 2D
vectors u and v it is known that u.x is synonymous with v.x and u.y is
synonymous with v.y, it can be deduced that u and v are synonymous.

The closure computation algorithm is very expensive if we get large
equivalence relations.

This change addresses this in three ways:

- The size of equivalence relations is reduced by limiting the extent
  to which the components of a composite are recursively noted as
  being equivalent, so that when we have large synonymous arrays we do
  not record all array elements as being pairwise equivalent.

- When computing the closure of facts, equivalence classes above a
  certain size are simply skipped (which can lead to missed facts)

- The closure computation is performed less frequently - it is invoked
  explicitly before fuzzer passes that will benefit from data synonym
  facts.  A new transformation is used to control its invocation, so
  that fuzzing and replaying do not get out of sync.

The change also tidies up the order in which some getters are declared
in FuzzerContext.
2020-04-20 19:02:49 +01:00

226 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "source/fuzz/data_descriptor.h"
#include "source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h"
#include "source/opt/constants.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace fuzz {
// Keeps track of facts about the module being transformed on which the fuzzing
// process can depend. Some initial facts can be provided, for example about
// guarantees on the values of inputs to SPIR-V entry points. Transformations
// may then rely on these facts, can add further facts that they establish.
// Facts are intended to be simple properties that either cannot be deduced from
// the module (such as properties that are guaranteed to hold for entry point
// inputs), or that are established by transformations, likely to be useful for
// future transformations, and not completely trivial to deduce straight from
// the module.
class FactManager {
// Adds all the facts from |facts|, checking them for validity with respect to
// |context|. Warnings about invalid facts are communicated via
// |message_consumer|; such facts are otherwise ignored.
void AddFacts(const MessageConsumer& message_consumer,
const protobufs::FactSequence& facts, opt::IRContext* context);
// Checks the fact for validity with respect to |context|. Returns false,
// with no side effects, if the fact is invalid. Otherwise adds |fact| to the
// fact manager.
bool AddFact(const protobufs::Fact& fact, opt::IRContext* context);
// Record the fact that |data1| and |data2| are synonymous.
void AddFactDataSynonym(const protobufs::DataDescriptor& data1,
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& data2,
opt::IRContext* context);
// Records the fact that |block_id| is dead.
void AddFactBlockIsDead(uint32_t block_id);
// Records the fact that |function_id| is livesafe.
void AddFactFunctionIsLivesafe(uint32_t function_id);
// Records the fact that the value of the pointee associated with |pointer_id|
// is irrelevant: it does not affect the observable behaviour of the module.
void AddFactValueOfPointeeIsIrrelevant(uint32_t pointer_id);
// Records the fact that |lhs_id| is defined by the equation:
// |lhs_id| = |opcode| |rhs_id[0]| ... |rhs_id[N-1]|
void AddFactIdEquation(uint32_t lhs_id, SpvOp opcode,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& rhs_id,
opt::IRContext* context);
// Inspects all known facts and adds corollary facts; e.g. if we know that
// a.x == b.x and a.y == b.y, where a and b have vec2 type, we can record
// that a == b holds.
// This method is expensive, and should only be called (by applying a
// transformation) at the start of a fuzzer pass that depends on data
// synonym facts, rather than calling it every time a new data synonym fact
// is added.
// The parameter |maximum_equivalence_class_size| specifies the size beyond
// which equivalence classes should not be mined for new facts, to avoid
// excessively-long closure computations.
void ComputeClosureOfFacts(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t maximum_equivalence_class_size);
// The fact manager is responsible for managing a few distinct categories of
// facts. In principle there could be different fact managers for each kind
// of fact, but in practice providing one 'go to' place for facts is
// convenient. To keep some separation, the public methods of the fact
// manager should be grouped according to the kind of fact to which they
// relate.
// Querying facts about uniform constants
// Provides the distinct type ids for which at least one "constant ==
// uniform element" fact is known.
std::vector<uint32_t> GetTypesForWhichUniformValuesAreKnown() const;
// Provides distinct constant ids with type |type_id| for which at least one
// "constant == uniform element" fact is known. If multiple identically-
// valued constants are relevant, only one will appear in the sequence.
std::vector<uint32_t> GetConstantsAvailableFromUniformsForType(
opt::IRContext* ir_context, uint32_t type_id) const;
// Provides details of all uniform elements that are known to be equal to the
// constant associated with |constant_id| in |ir_context|.
const std::vector<protobufs::UniformBufferElementDescriptor>
GetUniformDescriptorsForConstant(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
uint32_t constant_id) const;
// Returns the id of a constant whose value is known to match that of
// |uniform_descriptor|, and whose type matches the type of the uniform
// element. If multiple such constant is exist, the one that is returned
// is arbitrary. Returns 0 if no such constant id exists.
uint32_t GetConstantFromUniformDescriptor(
opt::IRContext* context,
const protobufs::UniformBufferElementDescriptor& uniform_descriptor)
// Returns all "constant == uniform element" facts known to the fact
// manager, pairing each fact with id of the type that is associated with
// both the constant and the uniform element.
const std::vector<std::pair<protobufs::FactConstantUniform, uint32_t>>&
GetConstantUniformFactsAndTypes() const;
// End of uniform constant facts
// Querying facts about id synonyms
// Returns every id for which a fact of the form "this id is synonymous with
// this piece of data" is known.
std::vector<uint32_t> GetIdsForWhichSynonymsAreKnown() const;
// Returns the equivalence class of all known synonyms of |id|, or an empty
// set if no synonyms are known.
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*> GetSynonymsForId(
uint32_t id) const;
// Returns the equivalence class of all known synonyms of |data_descriptor|,
// or empty if no synonyms are known.
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*> GetSynonymsForDataDescriptor(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& data_descriptor) const;
// Returns true if and ony if |data_descriptor1| and |data_descriptor2| are
// known to be synonymous.
bool IsSynonymous(const protobufs::DataDescriptor& data_descriptor1,
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& data_descriptor2) const;
// End of id synonym facts
// Querying facts about dead blocks
// Returns true if and ony if |block_id| is the id of a block known to be
// dynamically unreachable.
bool BlockIsDead(uint32_t block_id) const;
// End of dead block facts
// Querying facts about livesafe function
// Returns true if and ony if |function_id| is the id of a function known
// to be livesafe.
bool FunctionIsLivesafe(uint32_t function_id) const;
// End of dead livesafe function facts
// Querying facts about pointers with irrelevant pointee values
// Returns true if and ony if the value of the pointee associated with
// |pointer_id| is irrelevant.
bool PointeeValueIsIrrelevant(uint32_t pointer_id) const;
// End of irrelevant pointee value facts
// For each distinct kind of fact to be managed, we use a separate opaque
// class type.
class ConstantUniformFacts; // Opaque class for management of
// constant uniform facts.
uniform_constant_facts_; // Unique pointer to internal data.
class DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts; // Opaque class for management of data
// synonym and id equation facts.
data_synonym_and_id_equation_facts_; // Unique pointer to internal data.
class DeadBlockFacts; // Opaque class for management of dead block facts.
dead_block_facts_; // Unique pointer to internal data.
class LivesafeFunctionFacts; // Opaque class for management of livesafe
// function facts.
livesafe_function_facts_; // Unique pointer to internal data.
class IrrelevantPointeeValueFacts; // Opaque class for management of
// facts about pointers whose pointee values do not matter.
irrelevant_pointee_value_facts_; // Unique pointer to internal data.
} // namespace fuzz
} // namespace spvtools