
1514 lines
72 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "test/opt/assembly_builder.h"
#include "test/opt/pass_fixture.h"
#include "test/opt/pass_utils.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
namespace {
using FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassBasicTest = PassTest<::testing::Test>;
TEST_F(FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassBasicTest, Empty) {
"", "", /* skip_nop = */ true);
// A test of the basic functionality of FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePass.
// A spec constant defined with an integer addition operation should be folded
// to a normal constant with fixed value.
TEST_F(FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassBasicTest, Basic) {
AssemblyBuilder builder;
// clang-format off
"%int = OpTypeInt 32 1",
"%frozen_spec_const_int = OpConstant %int 1",
"%const_int = OpConstant %int 2",
// Folding target:
"%spec_add = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %frozen_spec_const_int %const_int",
// clang-format on
std::vector<const char*> expected = {
// clang-format off
"OpCapability Shader",
"OpCapability Float64",
"%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"",
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450",
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %main \"main\"",
"OpName %void \"void\"",
"OpName %main_func_type \"main_func_type\"",
"OpName %main \"main\"",
"OpName %main_func_entry_block \"main_func_entry_block\"",
"OpName %int \"int\"",
"OpName %frozen_spec_const_int \"frozen_spec_const_int\"",
"OpName %const_int \"const_int\"",
"OpName %spec_add \"spec_add\"",
"%void = OpTypeVoid",
"%main_func_type = OpTypeFunction %void",
"%int = OpTypeInt 32 1",
"%frozen_spec_const_int = OpConstant %int 1",
"%const_int = OpConstant %int 2",
// The SpecConstantOp IAdd instruction should be replace by OpConstant
// instruction:
"%spec_add = OpConstant %int 3",
"%main = OpFunction %void None %main_func_type",
"%main_func_entry_block = OpLabel",
// clang-format on
builder.GetCode(), JoinAllInsts(expected), /* skip_nop = */ true);
// A test of skipping folding an instruction when the instruction result type
// has decorations.
SkipWhenTypeHasDecorations) {
AssemblyBuilder builder;
// clang-format off
"OpDecorate %int RelaxedPrecision",
// clang-format on
// clang-format off
"%int = OpTypeInt 32 1",
"%frozen_spec_const_int = OpConstant %int 1",
"%const_int = OpConstant %int 2",
// The following spec constant should not be folded as the result type
// has relaxed precision decoration.
"%spec_add = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %frozen_spec_const_int %const_int",
// clang-format on
builder.GetCode(), builder.GetCode(), /* skip_nop = */ true);
// All types and some common constants that are potentially required in
// FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositeTest.
std::vector<std::string> CommonTypesAndConstants() {
return std::vector<std::string>{
// clang-format off
// scalar types
"%bool = OpTypeBool",
"%ushort = OpTypeInt 16 0",
"%short = OpTypeInt 16 1",
"%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0",
"%int = OpTypeInt 32 1",
"%ulong = OpTypeInt 64 0",
"%long = OpTypeInt 64 1",
"%float = OpTypeFloat 32",
"%double = OpTypeFloat 64",
// vector types
"%v2bool = OpTypeVector %bool 2",
"%v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2",
"%v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2",
"%v3int = OpTypeVector %int 3",
"%v4int = OpTypeVector %int 4",
"%v2long = OpTypeVector %long 2",
"%v2ulong = OpTypeVector %ulong 2",
"%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2",
"%v2double = OpTypeVector %double 2",
// variable pointer types
"%_pf_bool = OpTypePointer Function %bool",
"%_pf_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint",
"%_pf_int = OpTypePointer Function %int",
"%_pf_float = OpTypePointer Function %float",
"%_pf_double = OpTypePointer Function %double",
"%_pf_v2int = OpTypePointer Function %v2int",
"%_pf_v2float = OpTypePointer Function %v2float",
"%_pf_v2double = OpTypePointer Function %v2double",
// struct types
"%inner_struct = OpTypeStruct %bool %int %float",
"%outer_struct = OpTypeStruct %inner_struct %int",
"%flat_struct = OpTypeStruct %bool %int %float",
// common constants
// scalar constants:
"%bool_true = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%bool_false = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%bool_null = OpConstantNull %bool",
"%signed_zero = OpConstant %int 0",
"%unsigned_zero = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%long_zero = OpConstant %long 0",
"%ulong_zero = OpConstant %ulong 0",
"%signed_one = OpConstant %int 1",
"%unsigned_one = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%signed_two = OpConstant %int 2",
"%unsigned_two = OpConstant %uint 2",
"%signed_three = OpConstant %int 3",
"%unsigned_three = OpConstant %uint 3",
"%signed_null = OpConstantNull %int",
"%unsigned_null = OpConstantNull %uint",
"%signed_minus_one = OpConstant %int -1",
// vector constants:
"%bool_true_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_true %bool_true",
"%bool_false_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_false %bool_false",
"%bool_null_vec = OpConstantNull %v2bool",
"%signed_zero_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_zero",
"%unsigned_zero_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_zero %unsigned_zero",
"%signed_one_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_one",
"%unsigned_one_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
"%signed_two_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_two %signed_two",
"%unsigned_two_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_two %unsigned_two",
"%signed_three_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_three %signed_three",
"%unsigned_three_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_three %unsigned_three",
"%signed_null_vec = OpConstantNull %v2int",
"%unsigned_null_vec = OpConstantNull %v2uint",
"%signed_minus_one_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_minus_one %signed_minus_one",
"%v4int_0_1_2_3 = OpConstantComposite %v4int %signed_zero %signed_one %signed_two %signed_three",
// clang-format on
// A helper function to strip OpName instructions from the given string of
// disassembly code. Returns the string with all OpName instruction stripped.
std::string StripOpNameInstructions(const std::string& str) {
std::stringstream ss(str);
std::ostringstream oss;
std::string inst_str;
while (std::getline(ss, inst_str, '\n')) {
if (inst_str.find("OpName %") == std::string::npos) {
oss << inst_str << '\n';
return oss.str();
struct FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTestCase {
// Original constants with unfolded spec constants.
std::vector<std::string> original;
// Expected cosntants after folding.
std::vector<std::string> expected;
using FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest = PassTest<
TEST_P(FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest, ParamTestCase) {
AssemblyBuilder test_code_builder, expected_code_builder;
const auto& tc = GetParam();
const std::string original = test_code_builder.GetCode();
const std::string expected = expected_code_builder.GetCode();
// Run the optimization and get the result code in disassembly.
std::string optimized;
auto status = Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
std::tie(optimized, status) =
original, /* skip_nop = */ true, /* do_validation = */ false);
// Check the optimized code, but ignore the OpName instructions.
EXPECT_NE(Pass::Status::Failure, status);
StripOpNameInstructions(expected) == StripOpNameInstructions(original),
status == Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange);
// Tests that OpSpecConstantComposite opcodes are replace with
// OpConstantComposite correctly.
Composite, FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest,
// clang-format off
// normal vector
// original
"%spec_v2bool = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_true %bool_false",
"%spec_v2uint = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
"%spec_v2int_a = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_two",
// Spec constants whose value can not be fully resolved should
// not be processed.
"%spec_int = OpSpecConstant %int 99",
"%spec_v2int_b = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %spec_int",
// expected
"%spec_v2bool = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_true %bool_false",
"%spec_v2uint = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
"%spec_v2int_a = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_two",
"%spec_int = OpSpecConstant %int 99",
"%spec_v2int_b = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %spec_int",
// vector with null constants
// original
"%null_bool = OpConstantNull %bool",
"%null_int = OpConstantNull %int",
"%spec_v2bool = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2bool %null_bool %null_bool",
"%spec_v3int = OpSpecConstantComposite %v3int %null_int %null_int %null_int",
"%spec_v4int = OpSpecConstantComposite %v4int %null_int %null_int %null_int %null_int",
// expected
"%null_bool = OpConstantNull %bool",
"%null_int = OpConstantNull %int",
"%spec_v2bool = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %null_bool %null_bool",
"%spec_v3int = OpConstantComposite %v3int %null_int %null_int %null_int",
"%spec_v4int = OpConstantComposite %v4int %null_int %null_int %null_int %null_int",
// flat struct
// original
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%flat_1 = OpSpecConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
// following struct should not be folded as the value of
// %spec_float is not determined.
"%spec_float = OpSpecConstant %float 1",
"%flat_2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_one %spec_float",
// expected
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%flat_1 = OpConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%spec_float = OpSpecConstant %float 1",
"%flat_2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_one %spec_float",
// nested struct
// original
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%inner_1 = OpSpecConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%outer_1 = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner_1 %signed_one",
// following structs should not be folded as the value of
// %spec_float is not determined.
"%spec_float = OpSpecConstant %float 1",
"%inner_2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %spec_float",
"%outer_2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner_2 %signed_one",
// expected
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%inner_1 = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%outer_1 = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner_1 %signed_one",
"%spec_float = OpSpecConstant %float 1",
"%inner_2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %spec_float",
"%outer_2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner_2 %signed_one",
// composite constants touched by OpUndef should be skipped
// original
"%undef = OpUndef %float",
"%inner = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_one %undef",
"%outer = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner %signed_one",
// expected
"%undef = OpUndef %float",
"%inner = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_one %undef",
"%outer = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner %signed_one",
// Fold an QuantizetoF16 instruction
// original
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%quant_float = OpSpecConstantOp %float QuantizeToF16 %float_1",
// expected
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%quant_float = OpConstant %float 1",
// clang-format on
// Tests for operations that resulting in different types.
Cast, FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest,
// clang-format off
// int -> bool scalar
// original
"%spec_bool_t = OpSpecConstantOp %bool INotEqual %signed_three %signed_zero",
"%spec_bool_f = OpSpecConstantOp %bool INotEqual %signed_zero %signed_zero",
"%spec_bool_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %bool INotEqual %signed_null %signed_zero",
// expected
"%spec_bool_t = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%spec_bool_f = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%spec_bool_from_null = OpConstantFalse %bool",
// uint -> bool scalar
// original
"%spec_bool_t = OpSpecConstantOp %bool INotEqual %unsigned_three %unsigned_zero",
"%spec_bool_f = OpSpecConstantOp %bool INotEqual %unsigned_zero %unsigned_zero",
"%spec_bool_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %bool INotEqual %unsigned_null %unsigned_zero",
// expected
"%spec_bool_t = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%spec_bool_f = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%spec_bool_from_null = OpConstantFalse %bool",
// bool -> int scalar
// original
"%spec_int_one = OpSpecConstantOp %int Select %bool_true %signed_one %signed_zero",
"%spec_int_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %int Select %bool_false %signed_one %signed_zero",
"%spec_int_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %int Select %bool_null %signed_one %signed_zero",
// expected
"%spec_int_one = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_zero = OpConstant %int 0",
"%spec_int_from_null = OpConstant %int 0",
// uint -> int scalar
// original
"%spec_int_one = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %unsigned_one %signed_zero",
"%spec_int_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %unsigned_zero %signed_zero",
"%spec_int_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %unsigned_null %unsigned_zero",
// expected
"%spec_int_one = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_zero = OpConstant %int 0",
"%spec_int_from_null = OpConstant %int 0",
// bool -> uint scalar
// original
"%spec_uint_one = OpSpecConstantOp %uint Select %bool_true %unsigned_one %unsigned_zero",
"%spec_uint_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %uint Select %bool_false %unsigned_one %unsigned_zero",
"%spec_uint_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %uint Select %bool_null %unsigned_one %unsigned_zero",
// expected
"%spec_uint_one = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%spec_uint_zero = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%spec_uint_from_null = OpConstant %uint 0",
// int -> uint scalar
// original
"%spec_uint_one = OpSpecConstantOp %uint IAdd %signed_one %unsigned_zero",
"%spec_uint_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %uint IAdd %signed_zero %unsigned_zero",
"%spec_uint_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %uint IAdd %signed_null %unsigned_zero",
// expected
"%spec_uint_one = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%spec_uint_zero = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%spec_uint_from_null = OpConstant %uint 0",
// int -> bool vector
// original
"%spec_bool_t_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2bool INotEqual %signed_three_vec %signed_zero_vec",
"%spec_bool_f_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2bool INotEqual %signed_zero_vec %signed_zero_vec",
"%spec_bool_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2bool INotEqual %signed_null_vec %signed_zero_vec",
// expected
"%true = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%true_0 = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%spec_bool_t_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_true %bool_true",
"%false = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%false_0 = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%spec_bool_f_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_false %bool_false",
"%false_1 = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%false_2 = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%spec_bool_from_null = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_false %bool_false",
// uint -> bool vector
// original
"%spec_bool_t_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2bool INotEqual %unsigned_three_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
"%spec_bool_f_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2bool INotEqual %unsigned_zero_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
"%spec_bool_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2bool INotEqual %unsigned_null_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
// expected
"%true = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%true_0 = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%spec_bool_t_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_true %bool_true",
"%false = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%false_0 = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%spec_bool_f_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_false %bool_false",
"%false_1 = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%false_2 = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%spec_bool_from_null = OpConstantComposite %v2bool %bool_false %bool_false",
// bool -> int vector
// original
"%spec_int_one_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int Select %bool_true_vec %signed_one_vec %signed_zero_vec",
"%spec_int_zero_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int Select %bool_false_vec %signed_one_vec %signed_zero_vec",
"%spec_int_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int Select %bool_null_vec %signed_one_vec %signed_zero_vec",
// expected
"%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%int_1_0 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_one_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_one",
"%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%int_0_0 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%spec_int_zero_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_zero",
"%int_0_1 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%int_0_2 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%spec_int_from_null = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_zero",
// uint -> int vector
// original
"%spec_int_one_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %unsigned_one_vec %signed_zero_vec",
"%spec_int_zero_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %unsigned_zero_vec %signed_zero_vec",
"%spec_int_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %unsigned_null_vec %signed_zero_vec",
// expected
"%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%int_1_0 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_one_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_one",
"%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%int_0_0 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%spec_int_zero_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_zero",
"%int_0_1 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%int_0_2 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%spec_int_from_null = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_zero",
// bool -> uint vector
// original
"%spec_uint_one_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint Select %bool_true_vec %unsigned_one_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
"%spec_uint_zero_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint Select %bool_false_vec %unsigned_one_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
"%spec_uint_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint Select %bool_null_vec %unsigned_one_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
// expected
"%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%uint_1_0 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%spec_uint_one_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
"%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%uint_0_0 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%spec_uint_zero_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_zero %unsigned_zero",
"%uint_0_1 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%uint_0_2 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%spec_uint_from_null = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_zero %unsigned_zero",
// int -> uint vector
// original
"%spec_uint_one_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint IAdd %signed_one_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
"%spec_uint_zero_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint IAdd %signed_zero_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
"%spec_uint_from_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint IAdd %signed_null_vec %unsigned_zero_vec",
// expected
"%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%uint_1_0 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%spec_uint_one_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
"%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%uint_0_0 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%spec_uint_zero_vec = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_zero %unsigned_zero",
"%uint_0_1 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%uint_0_2 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%spec_uint_from_null = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_zero %unsigned_zero",
// UConvert scalar
// original
"%spec_uint_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %uint UConvert %bool_false",
"%spec_uint_one = OpSpecConstantOp %uint UConvert %bool_true",
"%spec_ulong_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %ulong UConvert %unsigned_zero",
"%spec_ulong_one = OpSpecConstantOp %ulong UConvert %unsigned_one",
"%spec_short_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %ushort UConvert %unsigned_zero",
"%spec_short_one = OpSpecConstantOp %ushort UConvert %unsigned_one",
"%uint_max = OpConstant %uint 4294967295",
"%spec_ushort_max = OpSpecConstantOp %ushort UConvert %uint_max",
"%uint_0xDDDDDDDD = OpConstant %uint 3722304989",
"%spec_ushort_0xDDDD = OpSpecConstantOp %ushort UConvert %uint_0xDDDDDDDD",
// expected
"%spec_uint_zero = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%spec_uint_one = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%spec_ulong_zero = OpConstant %ulong 0",
"%spec_ulong_one = OpConstant %ulong 1",
"%spec_short_zero = OpConstant %ushort 0",
"%spec_short_one = OpConstant %ushort 1",
"%uint_max = OpConstant %uint 4294967295",
"%spec_ushort_max = OpConstant %ushort 65535",
"%uint_0xDDDDDDDD = OpConstant %uint 3722304989",
"%spec_ushort_0xDDDD = OpConstant %ushort 56797",
// SConvert scalar
// original
"%spec_long_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %long SConvert %signed_zero",
"%spec_long_one = OpSpecConstantOp %long SConvert %signed_one",
"%spec_long_minus_one = OpSpecConstantOp %long SConvert %signed_minus_one",
"%spec_short_minus_one_trunc = OpSpecConstantOp %short SConvert %signed_minus_one",
"%int_2_to_17_minus_one = OpConstant %int 131071",
"%spec_short_minus_one_trunc2 = OpSpecConstantOp %short SConvert %int_2_to_17_minus_one",
// expected
"%spec_long_zero = OpConstant %long 0",
"%spec_long_one = OpConstant %long 1",
"%spec_long_minus_one = OpConstant %long -1",
"%spec_short_minus_one_trunc = OpConstant %short -1",
"%int_2_to_17_minus_one = OpConstant %int 131071",
"%spec_short_minus_one_trunc2 = OpConstant %short -1",
// UConvert vector
// original
"%spec_v2uint_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint UConvert %bool_false_vec",
"%spec_v2uint_one = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint UConvert %bool_true_vec",
"%spec_v2ulong_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %v2ulong UConvert %unsigned_zero_vec",
"%spec_v2ulong_one = OpSpecConstantOp %v2ulong UConvert %unsigned_one_vec",
// expected
"%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%uint_0_0 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%spec_v2uint_zero = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_zero %unsigned_zero",
"%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%uint_1_0 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%spec_v2uint_one = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
"%ulong_0 = OpConstant %ulong 0",
"%ulong_0_0 = OpConstant %ulong 0",
"%spec_v2ulong_zero = OpConstantComposite %v2ulong %ulong_zero %ulong_zero",
"%ulong_1 = OpConstant %ulong 1",
"%ulong_1_0 = OpConstant %ulong 1",
"%spec_v2ulong_one = OpConstantComposite %v2ulong %ulong_1 %ulong_1",
// SConvert vector
// original
"%spec_v2long_zero = OpSpecConstantOp %v2long SConvert %signed_zero_vec",
"%spec_v2long_one = OpSpecConstantOp %v2long SConvert %signed_one_vec",
"%spec_v2long_minus_one = OpSpecConstantOp %v2long SConvert %signed_minus_one_vec",
// expected
"%long_0 = OpConstant %long 0",
"%long_0_0 = OpConstant %long 0",
"%spec_v2long_zero = OpConstantComposite %v2long %long_zero %long_zero",
"%long_1 = OpConstant %long 1",
"%long_1_0 = OpConstant %long 1",
"%spec_v2long_one = OpConstantComposite %v2long %long_1 %long_1",
"%long_n1 = OpConstant %long -1",
"%long_n1_0 = OpConstant %long -1",
"%spec_v2long_minus_one = OpConstantComposite %v2long %long_n1 %long_n1",
// clang-format on
// Tests about boolean scalar logical operations and comparison operations with
// scalar int/uint type.
Logical, FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest,
// clang-format off
// scalar integer comparison
// original
"%int_minus_1 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%slt_0_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %bool SLessThan %signed_zero %signed_one",
"%sgt_0_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %bool SGreaterThan %signed_zero %signed_one",
"%sle_2_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %bool SLessThanEqual %signed_two %signed_two",
"%sge_2_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %bool SGreaterThanEqual %signed_two %signed_one",
"%sge_2_null = OpSpecConstantOp %bool SGreaterThanEqual %signed_two %signed_null",
"%sge_minus_1_null = OpSpecConstantOp %bool SGreaterThanEqual %int_minus_1 %signed_null",
"%ult_0_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %bool ULessThan %unsigned_zero %unsigned_one",
"%ugt_0_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %bool UGreaterThan %unsigned_zero %unsigned_one",
"%ule_2_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %bool ULessThanEqual %unsigned_two %unsigned_three",
"%uge_1_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %bool UGreaterThanEqual %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
"%uge_2_null = OpSpecConstantOp %bool UGreaterThanEqual %unsigned_two %unsigned_null",
"%uge_minus_1_null = OpSpecConstantOp %bool UGreaterThanEqual %int_minus_1 %unsigned_null",
// expected
"%int_minus_1 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%slt_0_1 = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%sgt_0_1 = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%sle_2_2 = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%sge_2_1 = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%sge_2_null = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%sge_minus_1_null = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%ult_0_1 = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%ugt_0_1 = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%ule_2_3 = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%uge_1_1 = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%uge_2_null = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%uge_minus_1_null = OpConstantTrue %bool",
// Logical and, or, xor.
// original
"%logical_or = OpSpecConstantOp %bool LogicalOr %bool_true %bool_false",
"%logical_and = OpSpecConstantOp %bool LogicalAnd %bool_true %bool_false",
"%logical_not = OpSpecConstantOp %bool LogicalNot %bool_true",
"%logical_eq = OpSpecConstantOp %bool LogicalEqual %bool_true %bool_true",
"%logical_neq = OpSpecConstantOp %bool LogicalNotEqual %bool_true %bool_true",
"%logical_and_null = OpSpecConstantOp %bool LogicalAnd %bool_true %bool_null",
// expected
"%logical_or = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%logical_and = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%logical_not = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%logical_eq = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%logical_neq = OpConstantFalse %bool",
"%logical_and_null = OpConstantFalse %bool",
// clang-format on
// Tests about arithmetic operations for scalar int and uint types.
ScalarArithmetic, FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest,
// clang-format off
// scalar integer negate
// original
"%int_minus_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SNegate %signed_one",
"%int_minus_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SNegate %signed_two",
"%int_neg_null = OpSpecConstantOp %int SNegate %signed_null",
"%int_max = OpConstant %int 2147483647",
"%int_neg_max = OpSpecConstantOp %int SNegate %int_max",
// expected
"%int_minus_1 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%int_minus_2 = OpConstant %int -2",
"%int_neg_null = OpConstant %int 0",
"%int_max = OpConstant %int 2147483647",
"%int_neg_max = OpConstant %int -2147483647",
// scalar integer not
// original
"%uint_4294967294 = OpSpecConstantOp %uint Not %unsigned_one",
"%uint_4294967293 = OpSpecConstantOp %uint Not %unsigned_two",
"%uint_neg_null = OpSpecConstantOp %uint Not %unsigned_null",
// expected
"%uint_4294967294 = OpConstant %uint 4294967294",
"%uint_4294967293 = OpConstant %uint 4294967293",
"%uint_neg_null = OpConstant %uint 4294967295",
// scalar integer add, sub, mul, div
// original
"%signed_max = OpConstant %int 2147483647",
"%signed_min = OpConstant %int -2147483648",
"%spec_int_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_three %signed_two",
"%spec_int_isub = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_one %spec_int_iadd",
"%spec_int_sdiv = OpSpecConstantOp %int SDiv %spec_int_isub %signed_two",
"%spec_int_imul = OpSpecConstantOp %int IMul %spec_int_sdiv %signed_three",
"%spec_int_iadd_null = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_imul %signed_null",
"%spec_int_imul_null = OpSpecConstantOp %int IMul %spec_int_iadd_null %signed_null",
"%spec_int_iadd_overflow = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_max %signed_three",
"%spec_int_isub_overflow = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %signed_min %signed_three",
"%spec_uint_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %uint IAdd %unsigned_three %unsigned_two",
"%spec_uint_isub = OpSpecConstantOp %uint ISub %unsigned_one %spec_uint_iadd",
"%spec_uint_udiv = OpSpecConstantOp %uint UDiv %spec_uint_isub %unsigned_three",
"%spec_uint_imul = OpSpecConstantOp %uint IMul %spec_uint_udiv %unsigned_two",
"%spec_uint_isub_null = OpSpecConstantOp %uint ISub %spec_uint_imul %signed_null",
// expected
"%signed_max = OpConstant %int 2147483647",
"%signed_min = OpConstant %int -2147483648",
"%spec_int_iadd = OpConstant %int 5",
"%spec_int_isub = OpConstant %int -4",
"%spec_int_sdiv = OpConstant %int -2",
"%spec_int_imul = OpConstant %int -6",
"%spec_int_iadd_null = OpConstant %int -6",
"%spec_int_imul_null = OpConstant %int 0",
"%spec_int_iadd_overflow = OpConstant %int -2147483646",
"%spec_int_isub_overflow = OpConstant %int 2147483645",
"%spec_uint_iadd = OpConstant %uint 5",
"%spec_uint_isub = OpConstant %uint 4294967292",
"%spec_uint_udiv = OpConstant %uint 1431655764",
"%spec_uint_imul = OpConstant %uint 2863311528",
"%spec_uint_isub_null = OpConstant %uint 2863311528",
// scalar integer rem, mod
// original
// common constants
"%int_7 = OpConstant %int 7",
"%uint_7 = OpConstant %uint 7",
"%int_minus_7 = OpConstant %int -7",
"%int_minus_3 = OpConstant %int -3",
// srem
"%7_srem_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SRem %int_7 %signed_three",
"%minus_7_srem_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SRem %int_minus_7 %signed_three",
"%7_srem_minus_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SRem %int_7 %int_minus_3",
"%minus_7_srem_minus_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SRem %int_minus_7 %int_minus_3",
// smod
"%7_smod_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SMod %int_7 %signed_three",
"%minus_7_smod_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SMod %int_minus_7 %signed_three",
"%7_smod_minus_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SMod %int_7 %int_minus_3",
"%minus_7_smod_minus_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SMod %int_minus_7 %int_minus_3",
// umod
"%7_umod_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %uint UMod %uint_7 %unsigned_three",
// null constant
"%null_srem_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SRem %signed_null %signed_three",
"%null_smod_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int SMod %signed_null %signed_three",
"%null_umod_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %uint UMod %unsigned_null %unsigned_three",
// expected
// common constants
"%int_7 = OpConstant %int 7",
"%uint_7 = OpConstant %uint 7",
"%int_minus_7 = OpConstant %int -7",
"%int_minus_3 = OpConstant %int -3",
// srem
"%7_srem_3 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%minus_7_srem_3 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%7_srem_minus_3 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%minus_7_srem_minus_3 = OpConstant %int -1",
// smod
"%7_smod_3 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%minus_7_smod_3 = OpConstant %int 2",
"%7_smod_minus_3 = OpConstant %int -2",
"%minus_7_smod_minus_3 = OpConstant %int -1",
// umod
"%7_umod_3 = OpConstant %uint 1",
// null constant
"%null_srem_3 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%null_smod_3 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%null_umod_3 = OpConstant %uint 0",
// scalar integer bitwise and shift
// original
// bitwise
"%xor_1_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int BitwiseXor %signed_one %signed_three",
"%and_1_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %int BitwiseAnd %signed_one %xor_1_3",
"%or_1_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %int BitwiseOr %signed_one %xor_1_3",
"%xor_3_null = OpSpecConstantOp %int BitwiseXor %or_1_2 %signed_null",
// shift
"%unsigned_31 = OpConstant %uint 31",
"%unsigned_left_shift_max = OpSpecConstantOp %uint ShiftLeftLogical %unsigned_one %unsigned_31",
"%unsigned_right_shift_logical = OpSpecConstantOp %uint ShiftRightLogical %unsigned_left_shift_max %unsigned_31",
"%signed_right_shift_arithmetic = OpSpecConstantOp %int ShiftRightArithmetic %unsigned_left_shift_max %unsigned_31",
"%left_shift_null_31 = OpSpecConstantOp %uint ShiftLeftLogical %unsigned_null %unsigned_31",
"%right_shift_31_null = OpSpecConstantOp %uint ShiftRightLogical %unsigned_31 %unsigned_null",
// expected
"%xor_1_3 = OpConstant %int 2",
"%and_1_2 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%or_1_2 = OpConstant %int 3",
"%xor_3_null = OpConstant %int 3",
"%unsigned_31 = OpConstant %uint 31",
"%unsigned_left_shift_max = OpConstant %uint 2147483648",
"%unsigned_right_shift_logical = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%signed_right_shift_arithmetic = OpConstant %int -1",
"%left_shift_null_31 = OpConstant %uint 0",
"%right_shift_31_null = OpConstant %uint 31",
// Skip folding if any operands have undetermined value.
// original
"%spec_int = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%spec_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_three %spec_int",
// expected
"%spec_int = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%spec_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %signed_three %spec_int",
// clang-format on
// Tests about arithmetic operations for vector int and uint types.
VectorArithmetic, FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest,
// clang-format off
// vector integer negate
// original
"%v2int_minus_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SNegate %signed_one_vec",
"%v2int_minus_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SNegate %signed_two_vec",
"%v2int_neg_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SNegate %signed_null_vec",
// expected
"%int_n1 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%int_n1_0 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%v2int_minus_1 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_minus_one %signed_minus_one",
"%int_n2 = OpConstant %int -2",
"%int_n2_0 = OpConstant %int -2",
"%v2int_minus_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_n2 %int_n2",
"%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%int_0_0 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%v2int_neg_null = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_zero",
// vector integer (including null vetors) add, sub, div, mul
// original
"%spec_v2int_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %signed_three_vec %signed_two_vec",
"%spec_v2int_isub = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int ISub %signed_one_vec %spec_v2int_iadd",
"%spec_v2int_sdiv = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SDiv %spec_v2int_isub %signed_two_vec",
"%spec_v2int_imul = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IMul %spec_v2int_sdiv %signed_three_vec",
"%spec_v2int_iadd_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %spec_v2int_imul %signed_null_vec",
"%spec_v2uint_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint IAdd %unsigned_three_vec %unsigned_two_vec",
"%spec_v2uint_isub = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint ISub %unsigned_one_vec %spec_v2uint_iadd",
"%spec_v2uint_udiv = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint UDiv %spec_v2uint_isub %unsigned_three_vec",
"%spec_v2uint_imul = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint IMul %spec_v2uint_udiv %unsigned_two_vec",
"%spec_v2uint_isub_null = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint ISub %spec_v2uint_imul %signed_null_vec",
// expected
"%int_5 = OpConstant %int 5",
"%int_5_0 = OpConstant %int 5",
"%spec_v2int_iadd = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_5 %int_5",
"%int_n4 = OpConstant %int -4",
"%int_n4_0 = OpConstant %int -4",
"%spec_v2int_isub = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_n4 %int_n4",
"%int_n2 = OpConstant %int -2",
"%int_n2_0 = OpConstant %int -2",
"%spec_v2int_sdiv = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_n2 %int_n2",
"%int_n6 = OpConstant %int -6",
"%int_n6_0 = OpConstant %int -6",
"%spec_v2int_imul = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_n6 %int_n6",
"%int_n6_1 = OpConstant %int -6",
"%int_n6_2 = OpConstant %int -6",
"%spec_v2int_iadd_null = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_n6 %int_n6",
"%uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5",
"%uint_5_0 = OpConstant %uint 5",
"%spec_v2uint_iadd = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_5 %uint_5",
"%uint_4294967292 = OpConstant %uint 4294967292",
"%uint_4294967292_0 = OpConstant %uint 4294967292",
"%spec_v2uint_isub = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_4294967292 %uint_4294967292",
"%uint_1431655764 = OpConstant %uint 1431655764",
"%uint_1431655764_0 = OpConstant %uint 1431655764",
"%spec_v2uint_udiv = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_1431655764 %uint_1431655764",
"%uint_2863311528 = OpConstant %uint 2863311528",
"%uint_2863311528_0 = OpConstant %uint 2863311528",
"%spec_v2uint_imul = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_2863311528 %uint_2863311528",
"%uint_2863311528_1 = OpConstant %uint 2863311528",
"%uint_2863311528_2 = OpConstant %uint 2863311528",
"%spec_v2uint_isub_null = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_2863311528 %uint_2863311528",
// vector integer rem, mod
// original
// common constants
"%int_7 = OpConstant %int 7",
"%v2int_7 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_7 %int_7",
"%uint_7 = OpConstant %uint 7",
"%v2uint_7 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_7 %uint_7",
"%int_minus_7 = OpConstant %int -7",
"%v2int_minus_7 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_minus_7 %int_minus_7",
"%int_minus_3 = OpConstant %int -3",
"%v2int_minus_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_minus_3 %int_minus_3",
// srem
"%7_srem_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SRem %v2int_7 %signed_three_vec",
"%minus_7_srem_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SRem %v2int_minus_7 %signed_three_vec",
"%7_srem_minus_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SRem %v2int_7 %v2int_minus_3",
"%minus_7_srem_minus_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SRem %v2int_minus_7 %v2int_minus_3",
// smod
"%7_smod_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SMod %v2int_7 %signed_three_vec",
"%minus_7_smod_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SMod %v2int_minus_7 %signed_three_vec",
"%7_smod_minus_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SMod %v2int_7 %v2int_minus_3",
"%minus_7_smod_minus_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int SMod %v2int_minus_7 %v2int_minus_3",
// umod
"%7_umod_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint UMod %v2uint_7 %unsigned_three_vec",
// expected
// common constants
"%int_7 = OpConstant %int 7",
"%v2int_7 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_7 %int_7",
"%uint_7 = OpConstant %uint 7",
"%v2uint_7 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_7 %uint_7",
"%int_minus_7 = OpConstant %int -7",
"%v2int_minus_7 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_minus_7 %int_minus_7",
"%int_minus_3 = OpConstant %int -3",
"%v2int_minus_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_minus_3 %int_minus_3",
// srem
"%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%int_1_0 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%7_srem_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_one",
"%int_n1 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%int_n1_0 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%minus_7_srem_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_minus_one %signed_minus_one",
"%int_1_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%int_1_2 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%7_srem_minus_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_one",
"%int_n1_1 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%int_n1_2 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%minus_7_srem_minus_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_minus_one %signed_minus_one",
// smod
"%int_1_3 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%int_1_4 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%7_smod_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_one",
"%int_2 = OpConstant %int 2",
"%int_2_0 = OpConstant %int 2",
"%minus_7_smod_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_two %signed_two",
"%int_n2 = OpConstant %int -2",
"%int_n2_0 = OpConstant %int -2",
"%7_smod_minus_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_n2 %int_n2",
"%int_n1_3 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%int_n1_4 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%minus_7_smod_minus_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_minus_one %signed_minus_one",
// umod
"%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%uint_1_0 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%7_umod_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
// vector integer bitwise, shift
// original
"%xor_1_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int BitwiseXor %signed_one_vec %signed_three_vec",
"%and_1_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int BitwiseAnd %signed_one_vec %xor_1_3",
"%or_1_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int BitwiseOr %signed_one_vec %xor_1_3",
"%unsigned_31 = OpConstant %uint 31",
"%v2unsigned_31 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_31 %unsigned_31",
"%unsigned_left_shift_max = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint ShiftLeftLogical %unsigned_one_vec %v2unsigned_31",
"%unsigned_right_shift_logical = OpSpecConstantOp %v2uint ShiftRightLogical %unsigned_left_shift_max %v2unsigned_31",
"%signed_right_shift_arithmetic = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int ShiftRightArithmetic %unsigned_left_shift_max %v2unsigned_31",
// expected
"%int_2 = OpConstant %int 2",
"%int_2_0 = OpConstant %int 2",
"%xor_1_3 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_two %signed_two",
"%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%int_0_0 = OpConstant %int 0",
"%and_1_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_zero",
"%int_3 = OpConstant %int 3",
"%int_3_0 = OpConstant %int 3",
"%or_1_2 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_three %signed_three",
"%unsigned_31 = OpConstant %uint 31",
"%v2unsigned_31 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_31 %unsigned_31",
"%uint_2147483648 = OpConstant %uint 2147483648",
"%uint_2147483648_0 = OpConstant %uint 2147483648",
"%unsigned_left_shift_max = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_2147483648 %uint_2147483648",
"%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%uint_1_0 = OpConstant %uint 1",
"%unsigned_right_shift_logical = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %unsigned_one %unsigned_one",
"%int_n1 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%int_n1_0 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%signed_right_shift_arithmetic = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_minus_one %signed_minus_one",
// Skip folding if any vector operands or components of the operands
// have undetermined value.
// original
"%spec_int = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%spec_vec = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %spec_int",
"%spec_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %signed_three_vec %spec_vec",
// expected
"%spec_int = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%spec_vec = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %spec_int",
"%spec_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %signed_three_vec %spec_vec",
// Skip folding if any vector operands are defined by OpUndef
// original
"%undef = OpUndef %int",
"%vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %undef %signed_one",
"%spec_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %signed_three_vec %vec",
// expected
"%undef = OpUndef %int",
"%vec = OpConstantComposite %v2int %undef %signed_one",
"%spec_iadd = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IAdd %signed_three_vec %vec",
// clang-format on
// Tests for SpecConstantOp CompositeExtract instruction
CompositeExtract, FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest,
// clang-format off
// normal vector
// original
"%r = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %signed_three_vec 0",
"%x = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %v4int_0_1_2_3 0",
"%y = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %v4int_0_1_2_3 1",
"%z = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %v4int_0_1_2_3 2",
"%w = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %v4int_0_1_2_3 3",
// expected
"%r = OpConstant %int 3",
"%x = OpConstant %int 0",
"%y = OpConstant %int 1",
"%z = OpConstant %int 2",
"%w = OpConstant %int 3",
// null vector
// original
"%x = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %signed_null_vec 0",
"%y = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %signed_null_vec 1",
"%null_v4int = OpConstantNull %v4int",
"%z = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %signed_null_vec 2",
// expected
"%x = OpConstantNull %int",
"%y = OpConstantNull %int",
"%null_v4int = OpConstantNull %v4int",
"%z = OpConstantNull %int",
// normal flat struct
// original
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%flat_1 = OpConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%extract_bool = OpSpecConstantOp %bool CompositeExtract %flat_1 0",
"%extract_int = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %flat_1 1",
"%extract_float_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %flat_1 2",
// foldable composite constants built with OpSpecConstantComposite
// should also be processed.
"%flat_2 = OpSpecConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%extract_float_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %flat_2 2",
// expected
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%flat_1 = OpConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%extract_bool = OpConstantTrue %bool",
"%extract_int = OpConstantNull %int",
"%extract_float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%flat_2 = OpConstantComposite %flat_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%extract_float_2 = OpConstant %float 1",
// null flat struct
// original
"%flat = OpConstantNull %flat_struct",
"%extract_bool = OpSpecConstantOp %bool CompositeExtract %flat 0",
"%extract_int = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %flat 1",
"%extract_float = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %flat 2",
// expected
"%flat = OpConstantNull %flat_struct",
"%extract_bool = OpConstantNull %bool",
"%extract_int = OpConstantNull %int",
"%extract_float = OpConstantNull %float",
// normal nested struct
// original
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%inner = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%outer = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner %signed_one",
"%extract_inner = OpSpecConstantOp %inner_struct CompositeExtract %outer 0",
"%extract_int = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %outer 1",
"%extract_inner_float = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %outer 0 2",
// expected
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%inner = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%outer = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner %signed_one",
"%extract_inner = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %float_1",
"%extract_int = OpConstant %int 1",
"%extract_inner_float = OpConstant %float 1",
// null nested struct
// original
"%outer = OpConstantNull %outer_struct",
"%extract_inner = OpSpecConstantOp %inner_struct CompositeExtract %outer 0",
"%extract_int = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %outer 1",
"%extract_inner_float = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %outer 0 2",
// expected
"%outer = OpConstantNull %outer_struct",
"%extract_inner = OpConstantNull %inner_struct",
"%extract_int = OpConstantNull %int",
"%extract_inner_float = OpConstantNull %float",
// skip folding if the any composite constant's value are not fully
// determined, even though the extracting target might have
// determined value.
// original
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%spec_float = OpSpecConstant %float 1",
"%spec_inner = OpSpecConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %spec_float",
"%spec_outer = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %spec_inner %signed_one",
"%spec_vec = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2float %spec_float %float_1",
"%extract_inner = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %spec_inner 1",
"%extract_outer = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %spec_outer 1",
"%extract_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %spec_vec 1",
// expected
"%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1",
"%spec_float = OpSpecConstant %float 1",
"%spec_inner = OpSpecConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_null %spec_float",
"%spec_outer = OpSpecConstantComposite %outer_struct %spec_inner %signed_one",
"%spec_vec = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2float %spec_float %float_1",
"%extract_inner = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %spec_inner 1",
"%extract_outer = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %spec_outer 1",
"%extract_vec = OpSpecConstantOp %float CompositeExtract %spec_vec 1",
// skip if the composite constant depends on the result of OpUndef,
// even though the composite extract target element does not depends
// on the OpUndef.
// original
"%undef = OpUndef %float",
"%inner = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_one %undef",
"%outer = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner %signed_one",
"%extract_inner = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %inner 1",
"%extract_outer = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %outer 1",
// expected
"%undef = OpUndef %float",
"%inner = OpConstantComposite %inner_struct %bool_true %signed_one %undef",
"%outer = OpConstantComposite %outer_struct %inner %signed_one",
"%extract_inner = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %inner 1",
"%extract_outer = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %outer 1",
// TODO(qining): Add tests for Array and other composite type constants.
// clang-format on
// Tests the swizzle operations for spec const vectors.
VectorShuffle, FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest,
// clang-format off
// normal vector
// original
"%xy = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %v4int_0_1_2_3 0 1",
"%yz = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %v4int_0_1_2_3 1 2",
"%zw = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %v4int_0_1_2_3 2 3",
"%wx = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %v4int_0_1_2_3 3 0",
"%xx = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %v4int_0_1_2_3 0 0",
"%yyy = OpSpecConstantOp %v3int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %v4int_0_1_2_3 1 1 1",
"%wwww = OpSpecConstantOp %v4int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %v4int_0_1_2_3 2 2 2 2",
// expected
"%xy = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_one",
"%yz = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_one %signed_two",
"%zw = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_two %signed_three",
"%wx = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_three %signed_zero",
"%xx = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_zero",
"%yyy = OpConstantComposite %v3int %signed_one %signed_one %signed_one",
"%wwww = OpConstantComposite %v4int %signed_two %signed_two %signed_two %signed_two",
// null vector
// original
"%a = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %signed_null_vec %v4int_0_1_2_3 0 1",
"%b = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %signed_null_vec %v4int_0_1_2_3 2 3",
"%c = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %signed_null_vec 3 4",
"%d = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %signed_null_vec %signed_null_vec 1 2",
// expected
"%a = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_null %signed_null",
"%b = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_zero %signed_one",
"%c = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_three %signed_null",
"%d = OpConstantComposite %v2int %signed_null %signed_null",
// skip if any of the components of the vector operands do not have
// determined value, even though the result vector might not be
// built with those undermined values.
// original
"%spec_int = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%spec_ivec = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_null %spec_int",
"%a = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %spec_ivec 0 1",
"%b = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %spec_ivec 3 4",
// expected
"%spec_int = OpSpecConstant %int 1",
"%spec_ivec = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %signed_null %spec_int",
"%a = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %spec_ivec 0 1",
"%b = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %v4int_0_1_2_3 %spec_ivec 3 4",
// Skip if any components of the two vector operands depend on
// the result of OpUndef. Even though the selected components do
// not depend on the OpUndef result.
// original
"%undef = OpUndef %int",
"%vec_1 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %undef %signed_one",
"%dep = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %vec_1 %signed_three_vec 0 3",
"%not_dep_element = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %vec_1 %signed_three_vec 1 3",
"%no_dep_vector = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %vec_1 %signed_three_vec 2 3",
// expected
"%undef = OpUndef %int",
"%vec_1 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %undef %signed_one",
"%dep = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %vec_1 %signed_three_vec 0 3",
"%not_dep_element = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %vec_1 %signed_three_vec 1 3",
"%no_dep_vector = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int VectorShuffle %vec_1 %signed_three_vec 2 3",
// clang-format on
// Test with long use-def chain.
LongDefUseChain, FoldSpecConstantOpAndCompositePassTest,
// clang-format off
// Long Def-Use chain with binary operations.
// original
"%array_size = OpConstant %int 4",
"%type_arr_int_4 = OpTypeArray %int %array_size",
"%spec_int_0 = OpConstant %int 100",
"%spec_int_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_1",
"%spec_int_3 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_2",
"%spec_int_4 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_3",
"%spec_int_5 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_4",
"%spec_int_6 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_5",
"%spec_int_7 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_6",
"%spec_int_8 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_7",
"%spec_int_9 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_8",
"%spec_int_10 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_9",
"%spec_int_11 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_10",
"%spec_int_12 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_11",
"%spec_int_13 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_12",
"%spec_int_14 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_13",
"%spec_int_15 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_14",
"%spec_int_16 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_15",
"%spec_int_17 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_16",
"%spec_int_18 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_17",
"%spec_int_19 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_0 %spec_int_18",
"%spec_int_20 = OpSpecConstantOp %int ISub %spec_int_0 %spec_int_19",
"%used_vec_a = OpSpecConstantComposite %v2int %spec_int_18 %spec_int_19",
"%used_vec_b = OpSpecConstantOp %v2int IMul %used_vec_a %used_vec_a",
"%spec_int_21 = OpSpecConstantOp %int CompositeExtract %used_vec_b 0",
"%array = OpConstantComposite %type_arr_int_4 %spec_int_20 %spec_int_20 %spec_int_21 %spec_int_21",
// Spec constants whose values can not be fully resolved should
// not be processed.
"%spec_int_22 = OpSpecConstant %int 123",
"%spec_int_23 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_22 %signed_one",
// expected
"%array_size = OpConstant %int 4",
"%type_arr_int_4 = OpTypeArray %int %array_size",
"%spec_int_0 = OpConstant %int 100",
"%spec_int_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_2 = OpConstant %int 101",
"%spec_int_3 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%spec_int_4 = OpConstant %int 99",
"%spec_int_5 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_6 = OpConstant %int 101",
"%spec_int_7 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%spec_int_8 = OpConstant %int 99",
"%spec_int_9 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_10 = OpConstant %int 101",
"%spec_int_11 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%spec_int_12 = OpConstant %int 99",
"%spec_int_13 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%spec_int_14 = OpConstant %int 101",
"%spec_int_15 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%spec_int_16 = OpConstant %int 101",
"%spec_int_17 = OpConstant %int 201",
"%spec_int_18 = OpConstant %int -101",
"%spec_int_19 = OpConstant %int -1",
"%spec_int_20 = OpConstant %int 101",
"%used_vec_a = OpConstantComposite %v2int %spec_int_18 %spec_int_19",
"%int_10201 = OpConstant %int 10201",
"%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1",
"%used_vec_b = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_10201 %signed_one",
"%spec_int_21 = OpConstant %int 10201",
"%array = OpConstantComposite %type_arr_int_4 %spec_int_20 %spec_int_20 %spec_int_21 %spec_int_21",
"%spec_int_22 = OpSpecConstant %int 123",
"%spec_int_23 = OpSpecConstantOp %int IAdd %spec_int_22 %signed_one",
// Long Def-Use chain with swizzle
} // namespace
} // namespace opt
} // namespace spvtools