Victor Lomuller 3497a94460 Add loop unswitch pass.
It moves all conditional branching and switch whose conditions are loop
invariant and uniform. Before performing the loop unswitch we check that
the loop does not contain any instruction that would prevent it
(barriers, group instructions etc.).
2018-02-27 08:52:46 -05:00

528 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "opt/basic_block.h"
#include "opt/module.h"
#include "opt/tree_iterator.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
class DominatorAnalysis;
struct DominatorTreeNode;
} // namespace opt
namespace ir {
class IRContext;
class CFG;
class LoopDescriptor;
// A class to represent and manipulate a loop in structured control flow.
class Loop {
// The type used to represent nested child loops.
using ChildrenList = std::vector<Loop*>;
using iterator = ChildrenList::iterator;
using const_iterator = ChildrenList::const_iterator;
using BasicBlockListTy = std::unordered_set<uint32_t>;
explicit Loop(IRContext* context)
: context_(context),
loop_is_marked_for_removal_(false) {}
Loop(IRContext* context, opt::DominatorAnalysis* analysis, BasicBlock* header,
BasicBlock* continue_target, BasicBlock* merge_target);
~Loop() {}
// Iterators over the immediate sub-loops.
inline iterator begin() { return nested_loops_.begin(); }
inline iterator end() { return nested_loops_.end(); }
inline const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
inline const_iterator end() const { return cend(); }
inline const_iterator cbegin() const { return nested_loops_.begin(); }
inline const_iterator cend() const { return nested_loops_.end(); }
// Returns the header (first basic block of the loop). This block contains the
// OpLoopMerge instruction.
inline BasicBlock* GetHeaderBlock() { return loop_header_; }
inline const BasicBlock* GetHeaderBlock() const { return loop_header_; }
inline void SetHeaderBlock(BasicBlock* header) { loop_header_ = header; }
// Updates the OpLoopMerge instruction to reflect the current state of the
// loop.
inline void UpdateLoopMergeInst() {
assert(GetHeaderBlock()->GetLoopMergeInst() &&
"The loop is not structured");
ir::Instruction* merge_inst = GetHeaderBlock()->GetLoopMergeInst();
merge_inst->SetInOperand(0, {GetMergeBlock()->id()});
// Returns the latch basic block (basic block that holds the back-edge).
// These functions return nullptr if the loop is not structured (i.e. if it
// has more than one backedge).
inline BasicBlock* GetLatchBlock() { return loop_continue_; }
inline const BasicBlock* GetLatchBlock() const { return loop_continue_; }
// Sets |latch| as the loop unique block branching back to the header.
// A latch block must have the following properties:
// - |latch| must be in the loop;
// - must be the only block branching back to the header block.
void SetLatchBlock(BasicBlock* latch);
// Returns the basic block which marks the end of the loop.
// These functions return nullptr if the loop is not structured.
inline BasicBlock* GetMergeBlock() { return loop_merge_; }
inline const BasicBlock* GetMergeBlock() const { return loop_merge_; }
// Sets |merge| as the loop merge block. A merge block must have the following
// properties:
// - |merge| must not be in the loop;
// - all its predecessors must be in the loop.
// - it must not be already used as merge block.
// If the loop has an OpLoopMerge in its header, this instruction is also
// updated.
void SetMergeBlock(BasicBlock* merge);
// Returns the loop pre-header, nullptr means that the loop predecessor does
// not qualify as a preheader.
// The preheader is the unique predecessor that:
// - Dominates the loop header;
// - Has only the loop header as successor.
inline BasicBlock* GetPreHeaderBlock() { return loop_preheader_; }
// Returns the loop pre-header.
inline const BasicBlock* GetPreHeaderBlock() const { return loop_preheader_; }
// Sets |preheader| as the loop preheader block. A preheader block must have
// the following properties:
// - |merge| must not be in the loop;
// - have an unconditional branch to the loop header.
void SetPreHeaderBlock(BasicBlock* preheader);
// Returns the loop pre-header, if there is no suitable preheader it will be
// created.
BasicBlock* GetOrCreatePreHeaderBlock();
// Returns true if this loop contains any nested loops.
inline bool HasNestedLoops() const { return nested_loops_.size() != 0; }
// Clears and fills |exit_blocks| with all basic blocks that are not in the
// loop and has at least one predecessor in the loop.
void GetExitBlocks(std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* exit_blocks) const;
// Clears and fills |merging_blocks| with all basic blocks that are
// post-dominated by the merge block. The merge block must exist.
// The set |merging_blocks| will only contain the merge block if it is
// unreachable.
void GetMergingBlocks(std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* merging_blocks) const;
// Returns true if the loop is in a Loop Closed SSA form.
// In LCSSA form, all in-loop definitions are used in the loop or in phi
// instructions in the loop exit blocks.
bool IsLCSSA() const;
// Returns the depth of this loop in the loop nest.
// The outer-most loop has a depth of 1.
inline size_t GetDepth() const {
size_t lvl = 1;
for (const Loop* loop = GetParent(); loop; loop = loop->GetParent()) lvl++;
return lvl;
inline size_t NumImmediateChildren() const { return nested_loops_.size(); }
// Adds |nested| as a nested loop of this loop. Automatically register |this|
// as the parent of |nested|.
inline void AddNestedLoop(Loop* nested) {
assert(!nested->GetParent() && "The loop has another parent.");
inline Loop* GetParent() { return parent_; }
inline const Loop* GetParent() const { return parent_; }
inline bool HasParent() const { return parent_; }
// Returns true if this loop is itself nested within another loop.
inline bool IsNested() const { return parent_ != nullptr; }
// Returns the set of all basic blocks contained within the loop. Will be all
// BasicBlocks dominated by the header which are not also dominated by the
// loop merge block.
inline const BasicBlockListTy& GetBlocks() const {
return loop_basic_blocks_;
// Returns true if the basic block |bb| is inside this loop.
inline bool IsInsideLoop(const BasicBlock* bb) const {
return IsInsideLoop(bb->id());
// Returns true if the basic block id |bb_id| is inside this loop.
inline bool IsInsideLoop(uint32_t bb_id) const {
return loop_basic_blocks_.count(bb_id);
// Returns true if the instruction |inst| is inside this loop.
bool IsInsideLoop(Instruction* inst) const;
// Adds the Basic Block |bb| to this loop and its parents.
void AddBasicBlock(const BasicBlock* bb) { AddBasicBlock(bb->id()); }
// Adds the Basic Block with |id| to this loop and its parents.
void AddBasicBlock(uint32_t id) {
for (Loop* loop = this; loop != nullptr; loop = loop->parent_) {
// Removes the Basic Block id |bb_id| from this loop and its parents.
// It the user responsibility to make sure the removed block is not a merge,
// header or continue block.
void RemoveBasicBlock(uint32_t bb_id) {
for (Loop* loop = this; loop != nullptr; loop = loop->parent_) {
// Removes all the basic blocks from the set of basic blocks within the loop.
// This does not affect any of the stored pointers to the header, preheader,
// merge, or continue blocks.
void ClearBlocks() { loop_basic_blocks_.clear(); }
// Adds the Basic Block |bb| this loop and its parents.
void AddBasicBlockToLoop(const BasicBlock* bb) {
assert(IsBasicBlockInLoopSlow(bb) &&
"Basic block does not belong to the loop");
// Returns the list of induction variables within the loop.
void GetInductionVariables(std::vector<ir::Instruction*>& inductions) const;
// This function uses the |condition| to find the induction variable which is
// used by the loop condition within the loop. This only works if the loop is
// bound by a single condition and single induction variable.
ir::Instruction* FindConditionVariable(const ir::BasicBlock* condition) const;
// Returns the number of iterations within a loop when given the |induction|
// variable and the loop |condition| check. It stores the found number of
// iterations in the output parameter |iterations| and optionally, the step
// value in |step_value| and the initial value of the induction variable in
// |init_value|.
bool FindNumberOfIterations(const ir::Instruction* induction,
const ir::Instruction* condition,
size_t* iterations,
int64_t* step_amount = nullptr,
int64_t* init_value = nullptr) const;
// Returns the value of the OpLoopMerge control operand as a bool. Loop
// control can be None(0), Unroll(1), or DontUnroll(2). This function returns
// true if it is set to Unroll.
inline bool HasUnrollLoopControl() const {
if (!loop_header_->GetLoopMergeInst()) return false;
return loop_header_->GetLoopMergeInst()->GetSingleWordOperand(2) == 1;
// Finds the conditional block with a branch to the merge and continue blocks
// within the loop body.
ir::BasicBlock* FindConditionBlock() const;
// Remove the child loop form this loop.
inline void RemoveChildLoop(Loop* loop) {
std::find(nested_loops_.begin(), nested_loops_.end(), loop));
// Mark this loop to be removed later by a call to
// LoopDescriptor::PostModificationCleanup.
inline void MarkLoopForRemoval() { loop_is_marked_for_removal_ = true; }
// Returns whether or not this loop has been marked for removal.
inline bool IsMarkedForRemoval() const { return loop_is_marked_for_removal_; }
// Returns true if all nested loops have been marked for removal.
inline bool AreAllChildrenMarkedForRemoval() const {
for (const Loop* child : nested_loops_) {
if (!child->IsMarkedForRemoval()) {
return false;
return true;
// Checks if the loop contains any instruction that will prevent it from being
// cloned. If the loop is structured, the merge construct is also considered.
bool IsSafeToClone() const;
// Sets the parent loop of this loop, that is, a loop which contains this loop
// as a nested child loop.
inline void SetParent(Loop* parent) { parent_ = parent; }
// Returns true is the instruction is invariant and safe to move wrt loop
bool ShouldHoistInstruction(IRContext* context, Instruction* inst);
// Returns true if all operands of inst are in basic blocks not contained in
// loop
bool AreAllOperandsOutsideLoop(IRContext* context, Instruction* inst);
// Extract the initial value from the |induction| variable and store it in
// |value|. If the function couldn't find the initial value of |induction|
// return false.
bool GetInductionInitValue(const ir::Instruction* induction,
int64_t* value) const;
// Takes in a phi instruction |induction| and the loop |header| and returns
// the step operation of the loop.
ir::Instruction* GetInductionStepOperation(
const ir::Instruction* induction) const;
// Returns true if we can deduce the number of loop iterations in the step
// operation |step|. IsSupportedCondition must also be true for the condition
// instruction.
bool IsSupportedStepOp(SpvOp step) const;
// Returns true if we can deduce the number of loop iterations in the
// condition operation |condition|. IsSupportedStepOp must also be true for
// the step instruction.
bool IsSupportedCondition(SpvOp condition) const;
// Creates the list of the loop's basic block in structured order and store
// the result in |ordered_loop_blocks|. If |include_pre_header| is true, the
// pre-header block will also be included at the beginning of the list if it
// exist. If |include_merge| is true, the merge block will also be included at
// the end of the list if it exist.
void ComputeLoopStructuredOrder(
std::vector<ir::BasicBlock*>* ordered_loop_blocks,
bool include_pre_header = false, bool include_merge = false) const;
// Given the loop |condition|, |initial_value|, |step_value|, the trip count
// |number_of_iterations|, and the |unroll_factor| requested, get the new
// condition value for the residual loop.
static int64_t GetResidualConditionValue(SpvOp condition,
int64_t initial_value,
int64_t step_value,
size_t number_of_iterations,
size_t unroll_factor);
IRContext* context_;
// The block which marks the start of the loop.
BasicBlock* loop_header_;
// The block which begins the body of the loop.
BasicBlock* loop_continue_;
// The block which marks the end of the loop.
BasicBlock* loop_merge_;
// The block immediately before the loop header.
BasicBlock* loop_preheader_;
// A parent of a loop is the loop which contains it as a nested child loop.
Loop* parent_;
// Nested child loops of this loop.
ChildrenList nested_loops_;
// A set of all the basic blocks which comprise the loop structure. Will be
// computed only when needed on demand.
BasicBlockListTy loop_basic_blocks_;
// Check that |bb| is inside the loop using domination property.
// Note: this is for assertion purposes only, IsInsideLoop should be used
// instead.
bool IsBasicBlockInLoopSlow(const BasicBlock* bb);
// Returns the loop preheader if it exists, returns nullptr otherwise.
BasicBlock* FindLoopPreheader(opt::DominatorAnalysis* dom_analysis);
// Sets |latch| as the loop unique continue block. No checks are performed
// here.
inline void SetLatchBlockImpl(BasicBlock* latch) { loop_continue_ = latch; }
// Sets |merge| as the loop merge block. No checks are performed here.
inline void SetMergeBlockImpl(BasicBlock* merge) { loop_merge_ = merge; }
// Each differnt loop |condition| affects how we calculate the number of
// iterations using the |condition_value|, |init_value|, and |step_values| of
// the induction variable. This method will return the number of iterations in
// a loop with those values for a given |condition|.
int64_t GetIterations(SpvOp condition, int64_t condition_value,
int64_t init_value, int64_t step_value) const;
// This is to allow for loops to be removed mid iteration without invalidating
// the iterators.
bool loop_is_marked_for_removal_;
// This is only to allow LoopDescriptor::dummy_top_loop_ to add top level
// loops as child.
friend class LoopDescriptor;
friend class LoopUtils;
// Loop descriptions class for a given function.
// For a given function, the class builds loop nests information.
// The analysis expects a structured control flow.
class LoopDescriptor {
// Iterator interface (depth first postorder traversal).
using iterator = opt::PostOrderTreeDFIterator<Loop>;
using const_iterator = opt::PostOrderTreeDFIterator<const Loop>;
// Creates a loop object for all loops found in |f|.
explicit LoopDescriptor(const Function* f);
// Disable copy constructor, to avoid double-free on destruction.
LoopDescriptor(const LoopDescriptor&) = delete;
// Move constructor.
LoopDescriptor(LoopDescriptor&& other) : dummy_top_loop_(nullptr) {
// We need to take ownership of the Loop objects in the other
// LoopDescriptor, to avoid double-free.
loops_ = std::move(other.loops_);
basic_block_to_loop_ = std::move(other.basic_block_to_loop_);
dummy_top_loop_ = std::move(other.dummy_top_loop_);
// Destructor
// Returns the number of loops found in the function.
inline size_t NumLoops() const { return loops_.size(); }
// Returns the loop at a particular |index|. The |index| must be in bounds,
// check with NumLoops before calling.
inline Loop& GetLoopByIndex(size_t index) const {
assert(loops_.size() > index &&
"Index out of range (larger than loop count)");
return *loops_[index];
// Returns the inner most loop that contains the basic block id |block_id|.
inline Loop* operator[](uint32_t block_id) const {
return FindLoopForBasicBlock(block_id);
// Returns the inner most loop that contains the basic block |bb|.
inline Loop* operator[](const BasicBlock* bb) const {
return (*this)[bb->id()];
// Iterators for post order depth first traversal of the loops.
// Inner most loops will be visited first.
inline iterator begin() { return iterator::begin(&dummy_top_loop_); }
inline iterator end() { return iterator::end(&dummy_top_loop_); }
inline const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
inline const_iterator end() const { return cend(); }
inline const_iterator cbegin() const {
return const_iterator::begin(&dummy_top_loop_);
inline const_iterator cend() const {
return const_iterator::end(&dummy_top_loop_);
// Returns the inner most loop that contains the basic block |bb|.
inline void SetBasicBlockToLoop(uint32_t bb_id, Loop* loop) {
basic_block_to_loop_[bb_id] = loop;
// Mark the loop |loop_to_add| as needing to be added when the user calls
// PostModificationCleanup. |parent| may be null.
inline void AddLoop(ir::Loop* loop_to_add, ir::Loop* parent) {
loops_to_add_.emplace_back(std::make_pair(parent, loop_to_add));
// Should be called to preserve the LoopAnalysis after loops have been marked
// for addition with AddLoop or MarkLoopForRemoval.
void PostModificationCleanup();
// Removes the basic block id |bb_id| from the block to loop mapping.
inline void ForgetBasicBlock(uint32_t bb_id) {
// Adds the loop |new_loop| and all its nested loops to the descriptor set.
// The object takes ownership of all the loops.
ir::Loop* AddLoopNest(std::unique_ptr<ir::Loop> new_loop);
// Remove the loop |loop|.
void RemoveLoop(ir::Loop* loop);
void SetAsTopLoop(ir::Loop* loop) {
assert(std::find(dummy_top_loop_.begin(), dummy_top_loop_.end(), loop) ==
dummy_top_loop_.end() &&
"already registered");
Loop* GetDummyRootLoop() { return &dummy_top_loop_; }
const Loop* GetDummyRootLoop() const { return &dummy_top_loop_; }
// TODO(dneto): This should be a vector of unique_ptr. But VisualStudio 2013
// is unable to compile it.
using LoopContainerType = std::vector<Loop*>;
using LoopsToAddContainerType = std::vector<std::pair<Loop*, Loop*>>;
// Creates loop descriptors for the function |f|.
void PopulateList(const Function* f);
// Returns the inner most loop that contains the basic block id |block_id|.
inline Loop* FindLoopForBasicBlock(uint32_t block_id) const {
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Loop*>::const_iterator it =
return it != basic_block_to_loop_.end() ? it->second : nullptr;
// Erase all the loop information.
void ClearLoops();
// A list of all the loops in the function. This variable owns the Loop
// objects.
LoopContainerType loops_;
// Dummy root: this "loop" is only there to help iterators creation.
Loop dummy_top_loop_;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Loop*> basic_block_to_loop_;
// List of the loops marked for addition when PostModificationCleanup is
// called.
LoopsToAddContainerType loops_to_add_;
} // namespace ir
} // namespace spvtools