dan sinclair 167f1270a9
Output disassembly line number for binary parse errors. (#2195)
This Cl changes the binary parser to keep track of the instruction count
being processed. The parser will then use that instruction number as the
error number, instead of the binary word.

This should make it easier to match the error up to what the
disassembler would output for the error.

Issue #2091
2018-12-21 16:24:15 -05:00

891 lines
41 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "source/latest_version_opencl_std_header.h"
#include "source/table.h"
#include "test/test_fixture.h"
#include "test/unit_spirv.h"
// Returns true if two spv_parsed_operand_t values are equal.
// To use this operator, this definition must appear in the same namespace
// as spv_parsed_operand_t.
static bool operator==(const spv_parsed_operand_t& a,
const spv_parsed_operand_t& b) {
return a.offset == b.offset && a.num_words == b.num_words &&
a.type == b.type && a.number_kind == b.number_kind &&
a.number_bit_width == b.number_bit_width;
namespace spvtools {
namespace {
using ::spvtest::Concatenate;
using ::spvtest::MakeInstruction;
using ::spvtest::MakeVector;
using ::spvtest::ScopedContext;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::AnyOf;
using ::testing::Eq;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Return;
// An easily-constructible and comparable object for the contents of an
// spv_parsed_instruction_t. Unlike spv_parsed_instruction_t, owns the memory
// of its components.
struct ParsedInstruction {
explicit ParsedInstruction(const spv_parsed_instruction_t& inst)
: words(inst.words, inst.words + inst.num_words),
operands(inst.operands, inst.operands + inst.num_operands) {}
std::vector<uint32_t> words;
SpvOp opcode;
spv_ext_inst_type_t ext_inst_type;
uint32_t type_id;
uint32_t result_id;
std::vector<spv_parsed_operand_t> operands;
bool operator==(const ParsedInstruction& b) const {
return words == b.words && opcode == b.opcode &&
ext_inst_type == b.ext_inst_type && type_id == b.type_id &&
result_id == b.result_id && operands == b.operands;
// Prints a ParsedInstruction object to the given output stream, and returns
// the stream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ParsedInstruction& inst) {
os << "\nParsedInstruction( {";
spvtest::PrintTo(spvtest::WordVector(inst.words), &os);
os << "}, opcode: " << int(inst.opcode)
<< " ext_inst_type: " << int(inst.ext_inst_type)
<< " type_id: " << inst.type_id << " result_id: " << inst.result_id;
for (const auto& operand : inst.operands) {
os << " { offset: " << operand.offset << " num_words: " << operand.num_words
<< " type: " << int(operand.type)
<< " number_kind: " << int(operand.number_kind)
<< " number_bit_width: " << int(operand.number_bit_width) << "}";
os << ")";
return os;
// Sanity check for the equality operator on ParsedInstruction.
TEST(ParsedInstruction, ZeroInitializedAreEqual) {
spv_parsed_instruction_t pi = {};
ParsedInstruction a(pi);
ParsedInstruction b(pi);
EXPECT_THAT(a, ::testing::TypedEq<ParsedInstruction>(b));
// Googlemock class receiving Header/Instruction calls from spvBinaryParse().
class MockParseClient {
MOCK_METHOD6(Header, spv_result_t(spv_endianness_t endian, uint32_t magic,
uint32_t version, uint32_t generator,
uint32_t id_bound, uint32_t reserved));
MOCK_METHOD1(Instruction, spv_result_t(const ParsedInstruction&));
// Casts user_data as MockParseClient and invokes its Header().
spv_result_t invoke_header(void* user_data, spv_endianness_t endian,
uint32_t magic, uint32_t version, uint32_t generator,
uint32_t id_bound, uint32_t reserved) {
return static_cast<MockParseClient*>(user_data)->Header(
endian, magic, version, generator, id_bound, reserved);
// Casts user_data as MockParseClient and invokes its Instruction().
spv_result_t invoke_instruction(
void* user_data, const spv_parsed_instruction_t* parsed_instruction) {
return static_cast<MockParseClient*>(user_data)->Instruction(
// The SPIR-V module header words for the Khronos Assembler generator,
// for a module with an ID bound of 1.
const uint32_t kHeaderForBound1[] = {
SpvMagicNumber, SpvVersion,
0 /*schema*/};
// Returns the expected SPIR-V module header words for the Khronos
// Assembler generator, and with a given Id bound.
std::vector<uint32_t> ExpectedHeaderForBound(uint32_t bound) {
return {SpvMagicNumber, 0x10000,
// Returns a parsed operand for a non-number value at the given word offset
// within an instruction.
spv_parsed_operand_t MakeSimpleOperand(uint16_t offset,
spv_operand_type_t type) {
return {offset, 1, type, SPV_NUMBER_NONE, 0};
// Returns a parsed operand for a literal unsigned integer value at the given
// word offset within an instruction.
spv_parsed_operand_t MakeLiteralNumberOperand(uint16_t offset) {
// Returns a parsed operand for a literal string value at the given
// word offset within an instruction.
spv_parsed_operand_t MakeLiteralStringOperand(uint16_t offset,
uint16_t length) {
// Returns a ParsedInstruction for an OpTypeVoid instruction that would
// generate the given result Id.
ParsedInstruction MakeParsedVoidTypeInstruction(uint32_t result_id) {
const auto void_inst = MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeVoid, {result_id});
const auto void_operands = std::vector<spv_parsed_operand_t>{
MakeSimpleOperand(1, SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_RESULT_ID)};
const spv_parsed_instruction_t parsed_void_inst = {
0, // type id
return ParsedInstruction(parsed_void_inst);
// Returns a ParsedInstruction for an OpTypeInt instruction that generates
// the given result Id for a 32-bit signed integer scalar type.
ParsedInstruction MakeParsedInt32TypeInstruction(uint32_t result_id) {
const auto i32_inst = MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeInt, {result_id, 32, 1});
const auto i32_operands = std::vector<spv_parsed_operand_t>{
MakeLiteralNumberOperand(2), MakeLiteralNumberOperand(3)};
spv_parsed_instruction_t parsed_i32_inst = {
0, // type id
return ParsedInstruction(parsed_i32_inst);
class BinaryParseTest : public spvtest::TextToBinaryTestBase<::testing::Test> {
void Parse(const SpirvVector& words, spv_result_t expected_result,
bool flip_words = false) {
SpirvVector flipped_words(words);
SCOPED_TRACE(flip_words ? "Flipped Endianness" : "Normal Endianness");
if (flip_words) {
std::transform(flipped_words.begin(), flipped_words.end(),
flipped_words.begin(), [](const uint32_t raw_word) {
return spvFixWord(raw_word,
spvBinaryParse(ScopedContext().context, &client_,
flipped_words.data(), flipped_words.size(),
invoke_header, invoke_instruction, &diagnostic_));
spv_diagnostic diagnostic_ = nullptr;
MockParseClient client_;
// Adds an EXPECT_CALL to client_->Header() with appropriate parameters,
// including bound. Returns the EXPECT_CALL result.
#define EXPECT_HEADER(bound) \
client_, \
bound, 0 /*reserved*/))
static const bool kSwapEndians[] = {false, true};
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, EmptyModuleHasValidHeaderAndNoInstructionCallbacks) {
for (bool endian_swap : kSwapEndians) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully("");
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
Parse(words, SPV_SUCCESS, endian_swap);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, NullDiagnosticsIsOkForGoodParse) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully("");
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
spvBinaryParse(ScopedContext().context, &client_, words.data(),
words.size(), invoke_header, invoke_instruction, nullptr));
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, NullDiagnosticsIsOkForBadParse) {
auto words = CompileSuccessfully("");
words.push_back(0xffffffff); // Certainly invalid instruction header.
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
spvBinaryParse(ScopedContext().context, &client_, words.data(),
words.size(), invoke_header, invoke_instruction, nullptr));
// Make sure that we don't blow up when both the consumer and the diagnostic are
// null.
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, NullConsumerNullDiagnosticsForBadParse) {
auto words = CompileSuccessfully("");
auto ctx = spvtools::Context(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1);
words.push_back(0xffffffff); // Certainly invalid instruction header.
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
spvBinaryParse(ctx.CContext(), &client_, words.data(), words.size(),
invoke_header, invoke_instruction, nullptr));
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, SpecifyConsumerNullDiagnosticsForGoodParse) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully("");
auto ctx = spvtools::Context(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1);
int invocation = 0;
ctx.SetMessageConsumer([&invocation](spv_message_level_t, const char*,
const spv_position_t&,
const char*) { ++invocation; });
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
spvBinaryParse(ctx.CContext(), &client_, words.data(), words.size(),
invoke_header, invoke_instruction, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(0, invocation);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, SpecifyConsumerNullDiagnosticsForBadParse) {
auto words = CompileSuccessfully("");
auto ctx = spvtools::Context(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1);
int invocation = 0;
[&invocation](spv_message_level_t level, const char* source,
const spv_position_t& position, const char* message) {
EXPECT_STREQ("input", source);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, position.line);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, position.column);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, position.index);
EXPECT_STREQ("Invalid opcode: 65535", message);
words.push_back(0xffffffff); // Certainly invalid instruction header.
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
spvBinaryParse(ctx.CContext(), &client_, words.data(), words.size(),
invoke_header, invoke_instruction, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(1, invocation);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, SpecifyConsumerSpecifyDiagnosticsForGoodParse) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully("");
auto ctx = spvtools::Context(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1);
int invocation = 0;
ctx.SetMessageConsumer([&invocation](spv_message_level_t, const char*,
const spv_position_t&,
const char*) { ++invocation; });
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
spvBinaryParse(ctx.CContext(), &client_, words.data(), words.size(),
invoke_header, invoke_instruction, &diagnostic_));
EXPECT_EQ(0, invocation);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, SpecifyConsumerSpecifyDiagnosticsForBadParse) {
auto words = CompileSuccessfully("");
auto ctx = spvtools::Context(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1);
int invocation = 0;
ctx.SetMessageConsumer([&invocation](spv_message_level_t, const char*,
const spv_position_t&,
const char*) { ++invocation; });
words.push_back(0xffffffff); // Certainly invalid instruction header.
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
spvBinaryParse(ctx.CContext(), &client_, words.data(), words.size(),
invoke_header, invoke_instruction, &diagnostic_));
EXPECT_EQ(0, invocation);
EXPECT_STREQ("Invalid opcode: 65535", diagnostic_->error);
ModuleWithSingleInstructionHasValidHeaderAndInstructionCallback) {
for (bool endian_swap : kSwapEndians) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully("%1 = OpTypeVoid");
InSequence calls_expected_in_specific_order;
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(MakeParsedVoidTypeInstruction(1)))
Parse(words, SPV_SUCCESS, endian_swap);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, NullHeaderCallbackIsIgnored) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully("%1 = OpTypeVoid");
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Header(_, _, _, _, _, _))
.Times(0); // No header callback.
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(MakeParsedVoidTypeInstruction(1)))
EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, spvBinaryParse(ScopedContext().context, &client_,
words.data(), words.size(), nullptr,
invoke_instruction, &diagnostic_));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, NullInstructionCallbackIsIgnored) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully("%1 = OpTypeVoid");
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0); // No instruction callback.
spvBinaryParse(ScopedContext().context, &client_, words.data(),
words.size(), invoke_header, nullptr, &diagnostic_));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
// Check the result of multiple instruction callbacks.
// This test exercises non-default values for the following members of the
// spv_parsed_instruction_t struct: words, num_words, opcode, result_id,
// operands, num_operands.
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, TwoScalarTypesGenerateTwoInstructionCallbacks) {
for (bool endian_swap : kSwapEndians) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully(
"%1 = OpTypeVoid "
"%2 = OpTypeInt 32 1");
InSequence calls_expected_in_specific_order;
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(MakeParsedVoidTypeInstruction(1)))
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(MakeParsedInt32TypeInstruction(2)))
Parse(words, SPV_SUCCESS, endian_swap);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, EarlyReturnWithZeroPassingCallbacks) {
for (bool endian_swap : kSwapEndians) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully(
"%1 = OpTypeVoid "
"%2 = OpTypeInt 32 1");
InSequence calls_expected_in_specific_order;
// Early exit means no calls to Instruction().
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0);
Parse(words, SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY, endian_swap);
// On error, the binary parser doesn't generate its own diagnostics.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
EarlyReturnWithZeroPassingCallbacksAndSpecifiedResultCode) {
for (bool endian_swap : kSwapEndians) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully(
"%1 = OpTypeVoid "
"%2 = OpTypeInt 32 1");
InSequence calls_expected_in_specific_order;
// Early exit means no calls to Instruction().
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).Times(0);
Parse(words, SPV_REQUESTED_TERMINATION, endian_swap);
// On early termination, the binary parser doesn't generate its own
// diagnostics.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, EarlyReturnWithOnePassingCallback) {
for (bool endian_swap : kSwapEndians) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully(
"%1 = OpTypeVoid "
"%2 = OpTypeInt 32 1 "
"%3 = OpTypeFloat 32");
InSequence calls_expected_in_specific_order;
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(MakeParsedVoidTypeInstruction(1)))
Parse(words, SPV_REQUESTED_TERMINATION, endian_swap);
// On early termination, the binary parser doesn't generate its own
// diagnostics.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, EarlyReturnWithTwoPassingCallbacks) {
for (bool endian_swap : kSwapEndians) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully(
"%1 = OpTypeVoid "
"%2 = OpTypeInt 32 1 "
"%3 = OpTypeFloat 32");
InSequence calls_expected_in_specific_order;
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(MakeParsedVoidTypeInstruction(1)))
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(MakeParsedInt32TypeInstruction(2)))
Parse(words, SPV_REQUESTED_TERMINATION, endian_swap);
// On early termination, the binary parser doesn't generate its own
// diagnostics.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, InstructionWithStringOperand) {
const std::string str =
"the future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed";
const auto str_words = MakeVector(str);
const auto instruction = MakeInstruction(SpvOpName, {99}, str_words);
const auto words = Concatenate({ExpectedHeaderForBound(100), instruction});
InSequence calls_expected_in_specific_order;
const auto operands = std::vector<spv_parsed_operand_t>{
MakeSimpleOperand(1, SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID),
MakeLiteralStringOperand(2, static_cast<uint16_t>(str_words.size()))};
instruction.data(), static_cast<uint16_t>(instruction.size()),
SpvOpName, SPV_EXT_INST_TYPE_NONE, 0 /*type id*/,
0 /* No result id for OpName*/, operands.data(),
// Since we are actually checking the output, don't test the
// endian-swapped version.
Parse(words, SPV_SUCCESS, false);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
// Checks for non-zero values for the result_id and ext_inst_type members
// spv_parsed_instruction_t.
TEST_F(BinaryParseTest, ExtendedInstruction) {
const auto words = CompileSuccessfully(
"%extcl = OpExtInstImport \"OpenCL.std\" "
"%result = OpExtInst %float %extcl sqrt %x");
EXPECT_CALL(client_, Instruction(_)).WillOnce(Return(SPV_SUCCESS));
// We're only interested in the second call to Instruction():
const auto operands = std::vector<spv_parsed_operand_t>{
MakeSimpleOperand(1, SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_TYPE_ID),
SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID), // Extended instruction set Id
MakeSimpleOperand(5, SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID), // Id of the argument
const auto instruction = MakeInstruction(
{2, 3, 1, static_cast<uint32_t>(OpenCLLIB::Entrypoints::Sqrt), 4});
instruction.data(), static_cast<uint16_t>(instruction.size()),
SpvOpExtInst, SPV_EXT_INST_TYPE_OPENCL_STD, 2 /*type id*/,
3 /*result id*/, operands.data(),
// Since we are actually checking the output, don't test the
// endian-swapped version.
Parse(words, SPV_SUCCESS, false);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, diagnostic_);
// A binary parser diagnostic test case where we provide the words array
// pointer and word count explicitly.
struct WordsAndCountDiagnosticCase {
const uint32_t* words;
size_t num_words;
std::string expected_diagnostic;
using BinaryParseWordsAndCountDiagnosticTest = spvtest::TextToBinaryTestBase<
TEST_P(BinaryParseWordsAndCountDiagnosticTest, WordAndCountCases) {
spvBinaryParse(ScopedContext().context, nullptr, GetParam().words,
GetParam().num_words, nullptr, nullptr, &diagnostic));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, diagnostic);
EXPECT_THAT(diagnostic->error, Eq(GetParam().expected_diagnostic));
BinaryParseDiagnostic, BinaryParseWordsAndCountDiagnosticTest,
{nullptr, 0, "Missing module."},
{kHeaderForBound1, 0,
"Module has incomplete header: only 0 words instead of 5"},
{kHeaderForBound1, 1,
"Module has incomplete header: only 1 words instead of 5"},
{kHeaderForBound1, 2,
"Module has incomplete header: only 2 words instead of 5"},
{kHeaderForBound1, 3,
"Module has incomplete header: only 3 words instead of 5"},
{kHeaderForBound1, 4,
"Module has incomplete header: only 4 words instead of 5"},
}), );
// A binary parser diagnostic test case where a vector of words is
// provided. We'll use this to express cases that can't be created
// via the assembler. Either we want to make a malformed instruction,
// or an invalid case the assembler would reject.
struct WordVectorDiagnosticCase {
std::vector<uint32_t> words;
std::string expected_diagnostic;
using BinaryParseWordVectorDiagnosticTest = spvtest::TextToBinaryTestBase<
TEST_P(BinaryParseWordVectorDiagnosticTest, WordVectorCases) {
const auto& words = GetParam().words;
EXPECT_THAT(spvBinaryParse(ScopedContext().context, nullptr, words.data(),
words.size(), nullptr, nullptr, &diagnostic),
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, diagnostic);
EXPECT_THAT(diagnostic->error, Eq(GetParam().expected_diagnostic));
BinaryParseDiagnostic, BinaryParseWordVectorDiagnosticTest,
{Concatenate({ExpectedHeaderForBound(1), {spvOpcodeMake(0, SpvOpNop)}}),
"Invalid instruction word count: 0"},
{spvOpcodeMake(1, static_cast<SpvOp>(
"Invalid opcode: 65535"},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpNop, {42})}),
"Invalid instruction OpNop starting at word 5: expected "
"no more operands after 1 words, but stated word count is 2."},
// Supply several more unexpectd words.
MakeInstruction(SpvOpNop, {42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47})}),
"Invalid instruction OpNop starting at word 5: expected "
"no more operands after 1 words, but stated word count is 7."},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeVoid, {1, 2})}),
"Invalid instruction OpTypeVoid starting at word 5: expected "
"no more operands after 2 words, but stated word count is 3."},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeVoid, {1, 2, 5, 9, 10})}),
"Invalid instruction OpTypeVoid starting at word 5: expected "
"no more operands after 2 words, but stated word count is 6."},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeInt, {1, 32, 1, 9})}),
"Invalid instruction OpTypeInt starting at word 5: expected "
"no more operands after 4 words, but stated word count is 5."},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeInt, {1})}),
"End of input reached while decoding OpTypeInt starting at word 5:"
" expected more operands after 2 words."},
// Check several cases for running off the end of input.
// Detect a missing single word operand.
{spvOpcodeMake(2, SpvOpTypeStruct)}}),
"End of input reached while decoding OpTypeStruct starting at word"
" 5: missing result ID operand at word offset 1."},
// Detect this a missing a multi-word operand to OpConstant.
// We also lie and say the OpConstant instruction has 5 words when
// it only has 3. Corresponds to something like this:
// %1 = OpTypeInt 64 0
// %2 = OpConstant %1 <missing>
{MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeInt, {1, 64, 0})},
{spvOpcodeMake(5, SpvOpConstant), 1, 2}}),
"End of input reached while decoding OpConstant starting at word"
" 9: missing possibly multi-word literal number operand at word "
"offset 3."},
// Detect when we provide only one word from the 64-bit literal,
// and again lie about the number of words in the instruction.
{MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeInt, {1, 64, 0})},
{spvOpcodeMake(5, SpvOpConstant), 1, 2, 42}}),
"End of input reached while decoding OpConstant starting at word"
" 9: truncated possibly multi-word literal number operand at word "
"offset 3."},
// Detect when a required string operand is missing.
// Also, lie about the length of the instruction.
{spvOpcodeMake(3, SpvOpString), 1}}),
"End of input reached while decoding OpString starting at word"
" 5: missing literal string operand at word offset 2."},
// Detect when a required string operand is truncated: it's missing
// a null terminator. Catching the error avoids a buffer overrun.
{spvOpcodeMake(4, SpvOpString), 1, 0x41414141,
"End of input reached while decoding OpString starting at word"
" 5: truncated literal string operand at word offset 2."},
// Detect when an optional string operand is truncated: it's missing
// a null terminator. Catching the error avoids a buffer overrun.
// (It is valid for an optional string operand to be absent.)
{spvOpcodeMake(6, SpvOpSource),
static_cast<uint32_t>(SpvSourceLanguageOpenCL_C), 210,
1 /* file id */,
/*start of string*/ 0x41414141, 0x41414141}}),
"End of input reached while decoding OpSource starting at word"
" 5: truncated literal string operand at word offset 4."},
// (End of input exhaustion test cases.)
// In this case the instruction word count is too small, where
// it would truncate a multi-word operand to OpConstant.
{MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeInt, {1, 64, 0})},
{spvOpcodeMake(4, SpvOpConstant), 1, 2, 44, 44}}),
"Invalid word count: OpConstant starting at word 9 says it has 4"
" words, but found 5 words instead."},
// Word count is to small, where it would truncate a literal string.
{spvOpcodeMake(3, SpvOpString), 1, 0x41414141, 0}}),
"Invalid word count: OpString starting at word 5 says it has 3"
" words, but found 4 words instead."},
// Word count is too large. The string terminates before the last
// word.
{spvOpcodeMake(4, SpvOpString), 1 /* result id */},
{0 /* this word does not belong*/}}),
"Invalid instruction OpString starting at word 5: expected no more"
" operands after 3 words, but stated word count is 4."},
// Word count is too large. There are too many words after the string
// literal. A linkage attribute decoration is the only case in SPIR-V
// where a string operand is followed by another operand.
{spvOpcodeMake(6, SpvOpDecorate), 1 /* target id */,
0 /* does not belong */}}),
"Invalid instruction OpDecorate starting at word 5: expected no more"
" operands after 5 words, but stated word count is 6."},
// Like the previous case, but with 5 extra words.
{spvOpcodeMake(10, SpvOpDecorate), 1 /* target id */,
/* don't belong */ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}}),
"Invalid instruction OpDecorate starting at word 5: expected no more"
" operands after 5 words, but stated word count is 10."},
// Like the previous two cases, but with OpMemberDecorate.
{spvOpcodeMake(7, SpvOpMemberDecorate), 1 /* target id */,
42 /* member index */,
0 /* does not belong */}}),
"Invalid instruction OpMemberDecorate starting at word 5: expected no"
" more operands after 6 words, but stated word count is 7."},
{spvOpcodeMake(11, SpvOpMemberDecorate),
1 /* target id */, 42 /* member index */,
/* don't belong */ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}}),
"Invalid instruction OpMemberDecorate starting at word 5: expected no"
" more operands after 6 words, but stated word count is 11."},
// Word count is too large. There should be no more words
// after the RelaxedPrecision decoration.
{spvOpcodeMake(4, SpvOpDecorate), 1 /* target id */,
0 /* does not belong */}}),
"Invalid instruction OpDecorate starting at word 5: expected no"
" more operands after 3 words, but stated word count is 4."},
// Word count is too large. There should be only one word after
// the SpecId decoration enum word.
{spvOpcodeMake(5, SpvOpDecorate), 1 /* target id */,
42 /* the spec id */, 0 /* does not belong */}}),
"Invalid instruction OpDecorate starting at word 5: expected no"
" more operands after 4 words, but stated word count is 5."},
{spvOpcodeMake(2, SpvOpTypeVoid), 0}}),
"Error: Result Id is 0"},
{spvOpcodeMake(2, SpvOpTypeVoid), 1},
{spvOpcodeMake(2, SpvOpTypeBool), 1},
"Id 1 is defined more than once"},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpExtInst, {2, 3, 100, 4, 5})}),
"OpExtInst set Id 100 does not reference an OpExtInstImport result "
MakeInstruction(SpvOpExtInstImport, {100},
// OpenCL cos is #14
MakeInstruction(SpvOpExtInst, {2, 3, 100, 14, 5, 999})}),
"Invalid instruction OpExtInst starting at word 10: expected no "
"more operands after 6 words, but stated word count is 7."},
// In this case, the OpSwitch selector refers to an invalid ID.
MakeInstruction(SpvOpSwitch, {1, 2, 42, 3})}),
"Invalid OpSwitch: selector id 1 has no type"},
// In this case, the OpSwitch selector refers to an ID that has
// no type.
MakeInstruction(SpvOpLabel, {1}),
MakeInstruction(SpvOpSwitch, {1, 2, 42, 3})}),
"Invalid OpSwitch: selector id 1 has no type"},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeInt, {1, 32, 0}),
MakeInstruction(SpvOpSwitch, {1, 3, 42, 3})}),
"Invalid OpSwitch: selector id 1 is a type, not a value"},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeFloat, {1, 32}),
MakeInstruction(SpvOpConstant, {1, 2, 0x78f00000}),
MakeInstruction(SpvOpSwitch, {2, 3, 42, 3})}),
"Invalid OpSwitch: selector id 2 is not a scalar integer"},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpExtInstImport, {1},
"Invalid extended instruction import 'invalid-import'"},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeInt, {1, 32, 0}),
MakeInstruction(SpvOpConstant, {2, 2, 42}),
"Type Id 2 is not a type"},
MakeInstruction(SpvOpTypeBool, {1}),
MakeInstruction(SpvOpConstant, {1, 2, 42}),
"Type Id 1 is not a scalar numeric type"},
}), );
// A binary parser diagnostic case generated from an assembly text input.
struct AssemblyDiagnosticCase {
std::string assembly;
std::string expected_diagnostic;
using BinaryParseAssemblyDiagnosticTest = spvtest::TextToBinaryTestBase<
TEST_P(BinaryParseAssemblyDiagnosticTest, AssemblyCases) {
auto words = CompileSuccessfully(GetParam().assembly);
EXPECT_THAT(spvBinaryParse(ScopedContext().context, nullptr, words.data(),
words.size(), nullptr, nullptr, &diagnostic),
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, diagnostic);
EXPECT_THAT(diagnostic->error, Eq(GetParam().expected_diagnostic));
BinaryParseDiagnostic, BinaryParseAssemblyDiagnosticTest,
{"%1 = OpConstant !0 42", "Error: Type Id is 0"},
// A required id is 0.
{"OpName !0 \"foo\"", "Id is 0"},
// An optional id is 0, in this case the optional
// initializer.
{"%2 = OpVariable %1 CrossWorkgroup !0", "Id is 0"},
{"OpControlBarrier !0 %1 %2", "scope ID is 0"},
{"OpControlBarrier %1 !0 %2", "scope ID is 0"},
{"OpControlBarrier %1 %2 !0", "memory semantics ID is 0"},
{"%import = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\" "
"%result = OpExtInst %type %import !999999 %x",
"Invalid extended instruction number: 999999"},
{"%2 = OpSpecConstantOp %1 !1000 %2",
"Invalid OpSpecConstantOp opcode: 1000"},
{"OpCapability !9999", "Invalid capability operand: 9999"},
{"OpSource !9999 100", "Invalid source language operand: 9999"},
{"OpEntryPoint !9999", "Invalid execution model operand: 9999"},
{"OpMemoryModel !9999", "Invalid addressing model operand: 9999"},
{"OpMemoryModel Logical !9999", "Invalid memory model operand: 9999"},
{"OpExecutionMode %1 !9999", "Invalid execution mode operand: 9999"},
{"OpTypeForwardPointer %1 !9999",
"Invalid storage class operand: 9999"},
{"%2 = OpTypeImage %1 !9999", "Invalid dimensionality operand: 9999"},
{"%2 = OpTypeImage %1 1D 0 0 0 0 !9999",
"Invalid image format operand: 9999"},
{"OpDecorate %1 FPRoundingMode !9999",
"Invalid floating-point rounding mode operand: 9999"},
{"OpDecorate %1 LinkageAttributes \"C\" !9999",
"Invalid linkage type operand: 9999"},
{"%1 = OpTypePipe !9999", "Invalid access qualifier operand: 9999"},
{"OpDecorate %1 FuncParamAttr !9999",
"Invalid function parameter attribute operand: 9999"},
{"OpDecorate %1 !9999", "Invalid decoration operand: 9999"},
{"OpDecorate %1 BuiltIn !9999", "Invalid built-in operand: 9999"},
{"%2 = OpGroupIAdd %1 %3 !9999",
"Invalid group operation operand: 9999"},
{"OpDecorate %1 FPFastMathMode !63",
"Invalid floating-point fast math mode operand: 63 has invalid mask "
"component 32"},
{"%2 = OpFunction %2 !31",
"Invalid function control operand: 31 has invalid mask component 16"},
{"OpLoopMerge %1 %2 !1027",
"Invalid loop control operand: 1027 has invalid mask component 1024"},
{"%2 = OpImageFetch %1 %image %coord !32770",
"Invalid image operand: 32770 has invalid mask component 32768"},
{"OpSelectionMerge %1 !7",
"Invalid selection control operand: 7 has invalid mask component 4"},
}), );
} // namespace
} // namespace spvtools