GregF 9de4e69856 Add AggressiveDCEPass
Create aggressive dead code elimination pass
This pass eliminates unused code from functions. In addition,
it detects and eliminates code which may have spurious uses but which do
not contribute to the output of the function. The most common cause of
such code sequences is summations in loops whose result is no longer used
due to dead code elimination. This optimization has additional compile
time cost over standard dead code elimination.

This pass only processes entry point functions. It also only processes
shaders with logical addressing. It currently will not process functions
with function calls. It currently only supports the GLSL.std.450 extended
instruction set. It currently does not support any extensions.

This pass will be made more effective by first running passes that remove
dead control flow and inlines function calls.

This pass can be especially useful after running Local Access Chain
Conversion, which tends to cause cycles of dead code to be left after
Store/Load elimination passes are completed. These cycles cannot be
eliminated with standard dead code elimination.

Additionally: This transform uses a whitelist of instructions that it
knows do have side effects, (a.k.a. combinators).  It assumes other
instructions have side effects: it will not remove them, and assumes
they have side effects via their ID operands.
2017-07-10 11:30:25 -04:00

282 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "function.h"
#include "instruction.h"
#include "iterator.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace ir {
// A struct for containing the module header information.
struct ModuleHeader {
uint32_t magic_number;
uint32_t version;
uint32_t generator;
uint32_t bound;
uint32_t reserved;
// A SPIR-V module. It contains all the information for a SPIR-V module and
// serves as the backbone of optimization transformations.
class Module {
using iterator = UptrVectorIterator<Function>;
using const_iterator = UptrVectorIterator<Function, true>;
using inst_iterator = UptrVectorIterator<Instruction>;
using const_inst_iterator = UptrVectorIterator<Instruction, true>;
// Creates an empty module with zero'd header.
Module() : header_({}) {}
// Sets the header to the given |header|.
void SetHeader(const ModuleHeader& header) { header_ = header; }
// Sets the Id bound.
void SetIdBound(uint32_t bound) { header_.bound = bound; }
// Returns the Id bound.
uint32_t IdBound() { return header_.bound; }
// Appends a capability instruction to this module.
inline void AddCapability(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> c);
// Appends an extension instruction to this module.
inline void AddExtension(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> e);
// Appends an extended instruction set instruction to this module.
inline void AddExtInstImport(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> e);
// Set the memory model for this module.
inline void SetMemoryModel(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> m);
// Appends an entry point instruction to this module.
inline void AddEntryPoint(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> e);
// Appends an execution mode instruction to this module.
inline void AddExecutionMode(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> e);
// Appends a debug instruction (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) to this module.
inline void AddDebugInst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> d);
// Appends an annotation instruction to this module.
inline void AddAnnotationInst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> a);
// Appends a type-declaration instruction to this module.
inline void AddType(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> t);
// Appends a constant, global variable, or OpUndef instruction to this module.
inline void AddGlobalValue(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> v);
// Appends a function to this module.
inline void AddFunction(std::unique_ptr<Function> f);
// Returns a vector of pointers to type-declaration instructions in this
// module.
std::vector<Instruction*> GetTypes();
std::vector<const Instruction*> GetTypes() const;
// Returns a vector of pointers to constant-creation instructions in this
// module.
std::vector<Instruction*> GetConstants();
std::vector<const Instruction*> GetConstants() const;
// Return result id of global value with |opcode|, 0 if not present.
uint32_t GetGlobalValue(SpvOp opcode) const;
// Add global value with |opcode|, |result_id| and |type_id|
void AddGlobalValue(SpvOp opcode, uint32_t result_id, uint32_t type_id);
inline uint32_t id_bound() const { return header_.bound; }
// Iterators for debug instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) contained in
// this module.
inline inst_iterator debug_begin();
inline inst_iterator debug_end();
inline IteratorRange<inst_iterator> debugs();
inline IteratorRange<const_inst_iterator> debugs() const;
// Iterators for entry point instructions contained in this module
inline IteratorRange<inst_iterator> entry_points();
inline IteratorRange<const_inst_iterator> entry_points() const;
// Clears all debug instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine).
void debug_clear() { debugs_.clear(); }
// Iterators for annotation instructions contained in this module.
IteratorRange<inst_iterator> annotations();
IteratorRange<const_inst_iterator> annotations() const;
// Iterators for extension instructions contained in this module.
IteratorRange<inst_iterator> extensions();
IteratorRange<const_inst_iterator> extensions() const;
// Iterators for types, constants and global variables instructions.
inline inst_iterator types_values_begin();
inline inst_iterator types_values_end();
inline IteratorRange<inst_iterator> types_values();
inline IteratorRange<const_inst_iterator> types_values() const;
// Iterators for functions contained in this module.
iterator begin() { return iterator(&functions_, functions_.begin()); }
iterator end() { return iterator(&functions_, functions_.end()); }
inline const_iterator cbegin() const;
inline const_iterator cend() const;
// Invokes function |f| on all instructions in this module, and optionally on
// the debug line instructions that precede them.
void ForEachInst(const std::function<void(Instruction*)>& f,
bool run_on_debug_line_insts = false);
void ForEachInst(const std::function<void(const Instruction*)>& f,
bool run_on_debug_line_insts = false) const;
// Pushes the binary segments for this instruction into the back of *|binary|.
// If |skip_nop| is true and this is a OpNop, do nothing.
void ToBinary(std::vector<uint32_t>* binary, bool skip_nop) const;
// Returns 1 more than the maximum Id value mentioned in the module.
uint32_t ComputeIdBound() const;
// Returns true if module has capability |cap|
bool HasCapability(uint32_t cap);
// Returns id for OpExtInst instruction for extension |extstr|.
// Returns 0 if not found.
uint32_t GetExtInstImportId(const char* extstr);
ModuleHeader header_; // Module header
// The following fields respect the "Logical Layout of a Module" in
// Section 2.4 of the SPIR-V specification.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> capabilities_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> extensions_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> ext_inst_imports_;
// A module only has one memory model instruction.
std::unique_ptr<Instruction> memory_model_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> entry_points_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> execution_modes_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> debugs_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> annotations_;
// Type declarations, constants, and global variable declarations.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> types_values_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> functions_;
inline void Module::AddCapability(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> c) {
inline void Module::AddExtension(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> e) {
inline void Module::AddExtInstImport(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> e) {
inline void Module::SetMemoryModel(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> m) {
memory_model_ = std::move(m);
inline void Module::AddEntryPoint(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> e) {
inline void Module::AddExecutionMode(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> e) {
inline void Module::AddDebugInst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> d) {
inline void Module::AddAnnotationInst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> a) {
inline void Module::AddType(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> t) {
inline void Module::AddGlobalValue(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> v) {
inline void Module::AddFunction(std::unique_ptr<Function> f) {
inline Module::inst_iterator Module::debug_begin() {
return inst_iterator(&debugs_, debugs_.begin());
inline Module::inst_iterator Module::debug_end() {
return inst_iterator(&debugs_, debugs_.end());
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> Module::debugs() {
return make_range(debugs_);
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> Module::debugs() const {
return make_const_range(debugs_);
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> Module::entry_points() {
return make_range(entry_points_);
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> Module::entry_points() const {
return make_const_range(entry_points_);
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> Module::annotations() {
return make_range(annotations_);
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> Module::annotations() const {
return make_const_range(annotations_);
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> Module::extensions() {
return make_range(extensions_);
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> Module::extensions() const {
return make_const_range(extensions_);
inline Module::inst_iterator Module::types_values_begin() {
return inst_iterator(&types_values_, types_values_.begin());
inline Module::inst_iterator Module::types_values_end() {
return inst_iterator(&types_values_, types_values_.end());
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> Module::types_values() {
return make_range(types_values_);
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> Module::types_values() const {
return make_const_range(types_values_);
inline Module::const_iterator Module::cbegin() const {
return const_iterator(&functions_, functions_.cbegin());
inline Module::const_iterator Module::cend() const {
return const_iterator(&functions_, functions_.cend());
} // namespace ir
} // namespace spvtools