Combine two types of commands into one generation function

This commit is contained in:
asuessenbach 2022-04-27 10:37:11 +02:00
parent b185820ddf
commit 74fd07216e
3 changed files with 173 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -2268,7 +2268,8 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateAllocatorTemplates( std::vector<size_t>
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams,
bool definition,
bool singular,
bool unique ) const
bool unique,
bool chained ) const
assert( returnParams.size() == returnDataTypes.size() );
std::string allocatorTemplates;
@ -2278,10 +2279,21 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateAllocatorTemplates( std::vector<size_t>
if ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] ) != vectorParams.end() )
allocatorTemplates += "typename " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( returnDataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
if ( !definition )
if ( chained )
allocatorTemplates += " = std::allocator<" + ( unique ? ( "UniqueHandle<" + returnDataTypes[i] + ", Dispatch>" ) : returnDataTypes[i] ) + ">";
allocatorTemplates += "typename StructureChainAllocator";
if ( !definition )
allocatorTemplates += " = std::allocator<StructureChain>";
allocatorTemplates += "typename " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( returnDataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
if ( !definition )
allocatorTemplates += " = std::allocator<" + ( unique ? ( "UniqueHandle<" + returnDataTypes[i] + ", Dispatch>" ) : returnDataTypes[i] ) + ">";
allocatorTemplates += ", ";
@ -2962,7 +2974,9 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallSequence( std::string const &
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool withAllocator,
bool chained ) const
// if at least one returnParam is a size value of a vector param (and no singular params), we need two calls
if ( singularParams.empty() &&
@ -2982,17 +2996,46 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallSequence( std::string const &
std::string vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) );
std::string vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second].name, "p" ) );
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(d.${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
if ( chained )
// chained data needs some more handling!!
std::string vectorElementType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
const std::string callSequenceTemplate =
R"(d.${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> structureChains( ${counterName}${structureChainAllocator} );
std::vector<${vectorElementType}> ${vectorName}( ${counterName} );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
${vectorName}[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>().pNext;
d.${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${counterName} <= ${vectorName}.size() );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second].type.type },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "structureChainAllocator", withAllocator ? ( ", structureChainAllocator" ) : "" },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(d.${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
${vectorName}.resize( ${vectorSize} );
d.${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${vectorSize} <= ${vectorName}.size() );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
@ -3005,6 +3048,12 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallSequence( std::string const &
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateChainTemplates( std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams, bool chained ) const
assert( !chained || ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) || ( returnParams.size() == 2 ) );
return chained ? ( ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) ? "typename X, typename Y, typename... Z, " : "typename StructureChain, " ) : "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommand( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const
std::string str;
@ -3158,9 +3207,7 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandEnhanced( std::string const &
assert( returnParams.size() <= 2 );
assert( vectorParams.empty() || ( vectorParams.begin()->second != INVALID_INDEX ) );
assert( !singular || !returnParams.empty() ); // if singular is true, then there is at least one returnParam !
assert( !chained || ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) ); // if chained is true, then there is one returnParam !
assert( !chained || isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
assert( !singular || !returnParams.empty() ); // if singular is true, then there is at least one returnParam !
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, returnParams, singular );
// special handling for vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT: here, we really need to stick with the const void * parameter !
@ -3230,15 +3277,15 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandEnhanced( std::string const &
std::string argumentTemplates = generateArgumentTemplates( commandData.params, templatedParams, false );
std::string chainTemplates = chained ? "typename X, typename Y, typename... Z, " : "";
std::string allocatorTemplates = generateAllocatorTemplates( returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, definition, singular, unique );
std::string chainTemplates = generateChainTemplates( returnParams, chained );
std::string allocatorTemplates = generateAllocatorTemplates( returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, definition, singular, unique, chained );
std::string uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates;
if ( unique && !allocatorTemplates.empty() )
uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates = ", " + stripPostfix( allocatorTemplates, ", " );
std::string typenameCheck = generateTypenameCheck( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, singular, withAllocator, unique );
std::string typenameCheck = generateTypenameCheck( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, singular, withAllocator, unique, chained );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard( !returnParams.empty(), 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), 1 < commandData.errorCodes.size() );
std::string returnType = generateReturnType( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, singular, unique, chained, dataType );
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "";
@ -3265,9 +3312,10 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandEnhanced( std::string const &
std::string dataDeclarations = generateDataDeclarations(
commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular, withAllocator, chained, unique, dataTypes, returnType, returnVariable );
std::string dataPreparation =
generateDataPreparation( commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular, withAllocator, unique );
std::string dataSizeChecks = generateDataSizeChecks( commandData, returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular );
std::string callSequence = generateCallSequence( name, commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, initialSkipCount, singularParams, templatedParams );
generateDataPreparation( commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular, withAllocator, unique, chained );
std::string dataSizeChecks = generateDataSizeChecks( commandData, returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular );
std::string callSequence =
generateCallSequence( name, commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, initialSkipCount, singularParams, templatedParams, withAllocator, chained );
std::string resultCheck = generateResultCheck( commandData, className, classSeparator, commandName );
std::string returnStatement = generateReturnStatement(
name, commandData, returnVariable, returnType, dataType, initialSkipCount, returnParams.empty() ? INVALID_INDEX : returnParams[0], unique );
@ -4697,8 +4745,8 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid2Return(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandVoidEnumerateChained( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, *vectorParams.begin(), returnParams, false ),
generateCommandVoidEnumerateChained( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, *vectorParams.begin(), returnParams, true ) );
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, true, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, true, false ) );
else if ( !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
@ -4715,81 +4763,6 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid2Return(
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoidEnumerateChained( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::pair<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParamIndex,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool withAllocators ) const
assert( ( commandData.params[0].type.type == commandData.handle ) && ( commandData.returnType == "void" ) && commandData.successCodes.empty() &&
commandData.errorCodes.empty() );
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, { vectorParamIndex }, returnParams, false );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced( commandData.params, skippedParams, {}, {}, definition, withAllocators, true, true );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, false, false );
std::string vectorElementType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[vectorParamIndex.first].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
if ( definition )
const std::string functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename StructureChain, typename StructureChainAllocator, typename Dispatch${typenameCheck}>
VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const
${counterType} ${counterName};
d.${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> returnVector( ${counterName}${structureChainAllocator} );
std::vector<${vectorElementType}> ${vectorName}( ${counterName} );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
${vectorName}[i].pNext =
returnVector[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>().pNext;
d.${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${counterName} <= ${vectorName}.size() );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
returnVector[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>() = ${vectorName}[i];
return returnVector;
std::string vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIndex.first].name, "p" ) );
std::string typenameCheck =
withAllocators ? ( ", typename B, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename B::value_type, StructureChain>::value, int>::type" ) : "";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "className", initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "" },
{ "classSeparator", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIndex.second].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIndex.second].type.type },
{ "firstCallArguments", generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, true, {}, {}, false ) },
{ "secondCallArguments", generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, {}, {}, false ) },
{ "structureChainAllocator", withAllocators ? ( ", structureChainAllocator" ) : "" },
{ "typenameCheck", typenameCheck },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
const std::string functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename StructureChain, typename StructureChainAllocator = std::allocator<StructureChain>, typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE${typenameCheck}>
VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const;)";
std::string typenameCheck =
? ( ", typename B = StructureChainAllocator, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename B::value_type, StructureChain>::value, int>::type = 0" )
: "";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate, { { "argumentList", argumentList }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "typenameCheck", typenameCheck } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateConstexprString( std::string const & structName ) const
// structs with a VkBaseInStructure and VkBaseOutStructure can't be a constexpr!
@ -4851,6 +4824,22 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations( CommandData const &
case 2:
if ( chained )
assert( !singular );
assert( returnParams.size() == 2 );
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) == vectorParams.end() );
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
assert( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() );
assert( vectorParamIt->second == returnParams[0] );
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(${counterType} ${counterName};)";
dataDeclarations = replaceWithMap(
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) ) }, { "counterType", dataTypes[0] } } );
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() || singular )
@ -4882,7 +4871,7 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations( CommandData const &
assert( !singular && !chained );
assert( !singular );
assert( vectorParamIt->second == returnParams[0] );
assert( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.isNonConstPointer() );
@ -4937,9 +4926,33 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataPreparation( CommandData const &
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool unique ) const
bool unique,
bool chained ) const
if ( unique && !singular && ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) && ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) != vectorParams.end() ) )
if ( chained && ( returnParams.size() == 2 ) )
assert( !unique && !singular );
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) == vectorParams.end() );
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
assert( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorParamIt->second == returnParams[0] ) );
assert( templatedParams.empty() );
std::string vectorElementType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
std::string vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) );
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>() = ${vectorName}[i];
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second].type.type },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName } } );
else if ( unique && !singular && ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) && ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) != vectorParams.end() ) )
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "";
std::string deleterDefinition;
@ -10050,13 +10063,24 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnType( CommandData const &
std::string returnType;
if ( chained )
assert( ( commandData.returnType == "void" ) || ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) );
assert( returnParams.size() == 1 );
assert( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
returnType = "StructureChain<X, Y, Z...>";
if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
assert( !singular && !unique );
if ( returnParams.size() == 1 )
returnType = "typename ResultValueType<" + returnType + ">::type";
assert( ( commandData.returnType == "void" ) || ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) );
assert( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
returnType = "StructureChain<X, Y, Z...>";
if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
returnType = "typename ResultValueType<" + returnType + ">::type";
assert( returnParams.size() == 2 );
assert( commandData.returnType == "void" );
auto vectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
assert( ( vectorIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorIt->second == returnParams[0] ) );
returnType = "std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator>";
else if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
@ -10146,7 +10170,11 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnVariable(
case 2:
assert( !chained );
if ( chained )
returnVariable = "structureChains";
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
@ -11194,7 +11222,8 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateTypenameCheck( CommandData const &
bool definition,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool unique ) const
bool unique,
bool chained ) const
std::string typenameCheck;
if ( !singular && withAllocator )
@ -11203,7 +11232,7 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateTypenameCheck( CommandData const &
if ( vectorParams.find( returnParam ) != vectorParams.end() )
std::string elementType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type, "Vk" );
std::string elementType = chained ? "StructureChain" : stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type, "Vk" );
std::string extendedElementType = elementType;
if ( unique )

View File

@ -423,7 +423,8 @@ private:
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams,
bool definition,
bool singular,
bool unique ) const;
bool unique,
bool chained ) const;
std::string generateArgumentListEnhanced( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
@ -466,7 +467,10 @@ private:
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const;
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool withAllocator,
bool chained ) const;
std::string generateChainTemplates( std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams, bool chained ) const;
std::string generateCommand( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const;
generateCommandDefinitions( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::set<std::string> & listedCommands, std::string const & title ) const;
@ -609,13 +613,6 @@ private:
generateCommandVoid1Return( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam ) const;
std::string generateCommandVoid2Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParamIndices ) const;
std::string generateCommandVoidEnumerateChained( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::pair<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParamIndex,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParamIndices,
bool withAllocators ) const;
std::string generateConstexprString( std::string const & structName ) const;
std::string generateDataDeclarations( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
@ -635,7 +632,8 @@ private:
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool unique ) const;
bool unique,
bool chained ) const;
std::string generateDataSizeChecks( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::vector<std::string> const & returnParamTypes,
@ -991,7 +989,8 @@ private:
bool definition,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool unique ) const;
bool unique,
bool chained ) const;
std::string generateUnion( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure ) const;
std::string generateUniqueTypes( std::string const & parentType, std::set<std::string> const & childrenTypes ) const;
std::string generateVectorSizeCheck( std::string const & name,

View File

@ -5690,22 +5690,24 @@ namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE
PhysicalDevice::getQueueFamilyProperties2( Dispatch const & d ) const
uint32_t queueFamilyPropertyCount;
d.vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2( m_physicalDevice, &queueFamilyPropertyCount, nullptr );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> returnVector( queueFamilyPropertyCount );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> structureChains( queueFamilyPropertyCount );
std::vector<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2> queueFamilyProperties( queueFamilyPropertyCount );
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < queueFamilyPropertyCount; i++ )
queueFamilyProperties[i].pNext = returnVector[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>().pNext;
queueFamilyProperties[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>().pNext;
m_physicalDevice, &queueFamilyPropertyCount, reinterpret_cast<VkQueueFamilyProperties2 *>( ) );
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( queueFamilyPropertyCount <= queueFamilyProperties.size() );
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < queueFamilyPropertyCount; i++ )
returnVector[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>() = queueFamilyProperties[i];
structureChains[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>() = queueFamilyProperties[i];
return returnVector;
return structureChains;
template <typename StructureChain,
@ -5717,22 +5719,24 @@ namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE
PhysicalDevice::getQueueFamilyProperties2( StructureChainAllocator & structureChainAllocator, Dispatch const & d ) const
uint32_t queueFamilyPropertyCount;
d.vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2( m_physicalDevice, &queueFamilyPropertyCount, nullptr );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> returnVector( queueFamilyPropertyCount, structureChainAllocator );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> structureChains( queueFamilyPropertyCount, structureChainAllocator );
std::vector<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2> queueFamilyProperties( queueFamilyPropertyCount );
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < queueFamilyPropertyCount; i++ )
queueFamilyProperties[i].pNext = returnVector[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>().pNext;
queueFamilyProperties[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>().pNext;
m_physicalDevice, &queueFamilyPropertyCount, reinterpret_cast<VkQueueFamilyProperties2 *>( ) );
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( queueFamilyPropertyCount <= queueFamilyProperties.size() );
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < queueFamilyPropertyCount; i++ )
returnVector[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>() = queueFamilyProperties[i];
structureChains[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>() = queueFamilyProperties[i];
return returnVector;
return structureChains;
@ -10787,22 +10791,24 @@ namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE
PhysicalDevice::getQueueFamilyProperties2KHR( Dispatch const & d ) const
uint32_t queueFamilyPropertyCount;
d.vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR( m_physicalDevice, &queueFamilyPropertyCount, nullptr );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> returnVector( queueFamilyPropertyCount );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> structureChains( queueFamilyPropertyCount );
std::vector<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2> queueFamilyProperties( queueFamilyPropertyCount );
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < queueFamilyPropertyCount; i++ )
queueFamilyProperties[i].pNext = returnVector[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>().pNext;
queueFamilyProperties[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>().pNext;
m_physicalDevice, &queueFamilyPropertyCount, reinterpret_cast<VkQueueFamilyProperties2 *>( ) );
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( queueFamilyPropertyCount <= queueFamilyProperties.size() );
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < queueFamilyPropertyCount; i++ )
returnVector[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>() = queueFamilyProperties[i];
structureChains[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>() = queueFamilyProperties[i];
return returnVector;
return structureChains;
template <typename StructureChain,
@ -10814,22 +10820,24 @@ namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE
PhysicalDevice::getQueueFamilyProperties2KHR( StructureChainAllocator & structureChainAllocator, Dispatch const & d ) const
uint32_t queueFamilyPropertyCount;
d.vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR( m_physicalDevice, &queueFamilyPropertyCount, nullptr );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> returnVector( queueFamilyPropertyCount, structureChainAllocator );
std::vector<StructureChain, StructureChainAllocator> structureChains( queueFamilyPropertyCount, structureChainAllocator );
std::vector<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2> queueFamilyProperties( queueFamilyPropertyCount );
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < queueFamilyPropertyCount; i++ )
queueFamilyProperties[i].pNext = returnVector[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>().pNext;
queueFamilyProperties[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>().pNext;
m_physicalDevice, &queueFamilyPropertyCount, reinterpret_cast<VkQueueFamilyProperties2 *>( ) );
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( queueFamilyPropertyCount <= queueFamilyProperties.size() );
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < queueFamilyPropertyCount; i++ )
returnVector[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>() = queueFamilyProperties[i];
structureChains[i].template get<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::QueueFamilyProperties2>() = queueFamilyProperties[i];
return returnVector;
return structureChains;