2022-09-21 10:08:07 +02:00

13746 lines
599 KiB

// Copyright(c) 2015-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "VulkanHppGenerator.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
void checkAttributes( int line,
std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes,
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> const & required,
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> const & optional );
void checkElements( int line,
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> const & elements,
std::map<std::string, bool> const & required,
std::set<std::string> const & optional = {} );
void checkForError( bool condition, int line, std::string const & message );
void checkForWarning( bool condition, int line, std::string const & message );
template <class InputIt, class UnaryPredicate>
std::vector<InputIt> findAll( InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryPredicate p );
std::string findTag( std::set<std::string> const & tags, std::string const & name, std::string const & postfix = "" );
std::string generateCArraySizes( std::vector<std::string> const & sizes );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> generateEnumSuffixes( std::string const & name, bool bitmask, std::set<std::string> const & tags );
std::string generateEnumValueName( std::string const & enumName, std::string const & valueName, bool bitmask, std::set<std::string> const & tags );
std::string generateNamespacedType( std::string const & type );
std::string generateNoDiscard( bool returnsSomething, bool multiSuccessCodes, bool multiErrorCodes );
std::string generateStandardArray( std::string const & type, std::vector<std::string> const & sizes );
std::string generateStandardArrayWrapper( std::string const & type, std::vector<std::string> const & sizes );
std::string generateSuccessCode( std::string const & code, std::set<std::string> const & tags );
std::map<std::string, std::string> getAttributes( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element );
template <typename ElementContainer>
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> getChildElements( ElementContainer const * element );
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::string> readModifiers( tinyxml2::XMLNode const * node );
std::string readSnippet( std::string const & snippetFile );
std::string replaceWithMap( std::string const & input, std::map<std::string, std::string> replacements );
std::string startLowerCase( std::string const & input );
std::string startUpperCase( std::string const & input );
std::string stripPostfix( std::string const & value, std::string const & postfix );
std::string stripPluralS( std::string const & name );
std::string stripPrefix( std::string const & value, std::string const & prefix );
std::string toCamelCase( std::string const & value );
std::string toUpperCase( std::string const & name );
std::vector<std::string> tokenize( std::string const & tokenString, std::string const & separator );
std::string toString( tinyxml2::XMLError error );
std::string trim( std::string const & input );
std::string trimEnd( std::string const & input );
std::string trimStars( std::string const & input );
void writeToFile( std::string const & str, std::string const & fileName );
const std::set<std::string> altLens = { "2*VK_UUID_SIZE", "codeSize / 4", "(rasterizationSamples + 31) / 32", "(samples + 31) / 32" };
const std::set<std::string> specialPointerTypes = { "Display", "IDirectFB", "wl_display", "xcb_connection_t", "_screen_window" };
// VulkanHppGenerator public interface
VulkanHppGenerator::VulkanHppGenerator( tinyxml2::XMLDocument const & document )
// insert the default "handle" without class (for createInstance, and such)
m_handles.insert( std::make_pair( "", HandleData( {}, "", false, 0 ) ) );
// read the document and check its correctness
int line = document.GetLineNum();
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> elements = getChildElements( &document );
checkElements( line, elements, { { "registry", true } } );
checkForError( elements.size() == 1, line, "encountered " + std::to_string( elements.size() ) + " elements named <registry> but only one is allowed" );
readRegistry( elements[0] );
// some "FlagBits" enums are not specified, but needed for our "Flags" handling -> add them here
for ( auto & feature : m_features )
addMissingFlagBits( feature.second.requireData, feature.first );
for ( auto & extension : m_extensions )
addMissingFlagBits( extension.second.requireData, extension.first );
// determine the extensionsByNumber map
for ( auto extensionIt = m_extensions.begin(); extensionIt != m_extensions.end(); ++extensionIt )
int number = stoi( extensionIt->second.number );
assert( m_extensionsByNumber.find( number ) == m_extensionsByNumber.end() );
m_extensionsByNumber[number] = extensionIt;
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanEnumsHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_enums_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_enums.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_enums_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanEnumsHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
template <typename EnumType, EnumType value>
struct CppType
template <typename Type>
struct isVulkanHandleType
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR bool value = false;
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanEnumsHppTemplate,
{ { "bitmasks", generateBitmasks() },
{ "enums", generateEnums() },
{ "indexTypeTraits", generateIndexTypeTraits() },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_enums_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanFormatTraitsHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_format_traits_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_format_traits.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_format_traits_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanFormatTraitsHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanFormatTraitsHppTemplate, { { "formatTraits", generateFormatTraits() }, { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_format_traits_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanFuncsHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_funcs_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_funcs.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_funcs_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanFuncsHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
std::string str =
replaceWithMap( vulkanFuncsHppTemplate, { { "commandDefinitions", generateCommandDefinitions() }, { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_funcs_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanHandlesHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_handles_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_handles.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_handles_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
std::string str = replaceWithMap(
{ { "handles", generateHandles() }, { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader }, { "structForwardDeclarations", generateStructForwardDeclarations() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_handles_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanHashHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_hash_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_hash.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_hash_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
namespace std
//=== HASH structures for Flags types ===
template <typename BitType>
struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Flags<BitType>>
std::size_t operator()( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Flags<BitType> const & flags ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return std::hash<typename std::underlying_type<BitType>::type>{}(
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<BitType>::type>( flags ) );
} // namespace std
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate,
{ { "handleHashStructures", generateHandleHashStructures() },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "structHashStructures", generateStructHashStructures() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_hash_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_hpp << " ... " << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
static_assert( VK_HEADER_VERSION == ${headerVersion}, "Wrong VK_HEADER_VERSION!" );
// 32-bit vulkan is not typesafe for non-dispatchable handles, so don't allow copy constructors on this platform by default.
// To enable this feature on 32-bit platforms please define VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION
# endif
#include <vulkan/vulkan_enums.hpp>
#if !defined( VULKAN_HPP_NO_TO_STRING )
#include <vulkan/vulkan_to_string.hpp>
namespace std
template <>
struct is_error_code_enum<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result> : public true_type
} // namespace std
// clang-format off
#include <vulkan/vulkan_handles.hpp>
#include <vulkan/vulkan_structs.hpp>
#include <vulkan/vulkan_funcs.hpp>
// clang-format on
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHppTemplate,
{ { "ArrayProxy", readSnippet( "ArrayProxy.hpp" ) },
{ "ArrayProxyNoTemporaries", readSnippet( "ArrayProxyNoTemporaries.hpp" ) },
{ "ArrayWrapper1D", readSnippet( "ArrayWrapper1D.hpp" ) },
{ "ArrayWrapper2D", readSnippet( "ArrayWrapper2D.hpp" ) },
{ "baseTypes", generateBaseTypes() },
{ "defines", readSnippet( "defines.hpp" ) },
{ "DispatchLoaderBase", readSnippet( "DispatchLoaderBase.hpp" ) },
{ "DispatchLoaderDefault", readSnippet( "DispatchLoaderDefault.hpp" ) },
{ "DispatchLoaderDynamic", generateDispatchLoaderDynamic() },
{ "DispatchLoaderStatic", generateDispatchLoaderStatic() },
{ "DynamicLoader", readSnippet( "DynamicLoader.hpp" ) },
{ "Exceptions", readSnippet( "Exceptions.hpp" ) },
{ "Flags", readSnippet( "Flags.hpp" ) },
{ "headerVersion", m_version },
{ "includes", readSnippet( "includes.hpp" ) },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "ObjectDestroy", readSnippet( "ObjectDestroy.hpp" ) },
{ "ObjectFree", readSnippet( "ObjectFree.hpp" ) },
{ "ObjectRelease", readSnippet( "ObjectRelease.hpp" ) },
{ "Optional", readSnippet( "Optional.hpp" ) },
{ "PoolFree", readSnippet( "PoolFree.hpp" ) },
{ "resultChecks", readSnippet( "resultChecks.hpp" ) },
{ "resultExceptions", generateResultExceptions() },
{ "structExtendsStructs", generateStructExtendsStructs() },
{ "ResultValue", readSnippet( "ResultValue.hpp" ) },
{ "StridedArrayProxy", readSnippet( "StridedArrayProxy.hpp" ) },
{ "StructureChain", readSnippet( "StructureChain.hpp" ) },
{ "throwResultException", generateThrowResultException() },
{ "typesafeCheck", m_typesafeCheck },
{ "UniqueHandle", readSnippet( "UniqueHandle.hpp" ) } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanRAIIHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_raii_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_raii.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_raii_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <memory>
#include <utility> // std::exchange, std::forward
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
template <class T, class U = T>
VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 VULKAN_HPP_INLINE T exchange( T & obj, U && newValue )
return std::exchange<T>( obj, std::forward<U>( newValue ) );
# else
T oldValue = std::move( obj );
obj = std::forward<U>( newValue );
return oldValue;
# endif
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate,
{ { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "RAIICommandDefinitions", generateRAIICommandDefinitions() },
{ "RAIIDispatchers", generateRAIIDispatchers() },
{ "RAIIHandles", generateRAIIHandles() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_raii_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanStaticAssertionsHppFile() const
std::string const static_assertions_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_static_assertions.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << static_assertions_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
//=== static_assertions ===
std::string str =
replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate, { { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader }, { "staticAssertions", generateStaticAssertions() } } );
writeToFile( str, static_assertions_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanStructsHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_structs_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_structs.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_structs_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <cstring> // strcmp
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate, { { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader }, { "structs", generateStructs() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_structs_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateVulkanToStringHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_to_string_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/vulkan_to_string.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_to_string_hpp << "..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/vulkan_enums.hpp>
#if __cpp_lib_format
# include <format> // std::format
# include <sstream> // std::stringstream
std::string str = replaceWithMap(
{ { "bitmasksToString", generateBitmasksToString() }, { "enumsToString", generateEnumsToString() }, { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_to_string_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::prepareRAIIHandles()
// filter out functions that are not usefull on this level of abstraction (like vkGetInstanceProcAddr)
// and all the construction and destruction functions, as they are used differently
assert( m_handles.begin()->first.empty() );
for ( auto handleIt = std::next( m_handles.begin() ); handleIt != m_handles.end(); ++handleIt )
handleIt->second.destructorIt = determineRAIIHandleDestructor( handleIt->first );
if ( handleIt->second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
m_RAIISpecialFunctions.insert( handleIt->second.destructorIt->first );
handleIt->second.constructorIts = determineRAIIHandleConstructors( handleIt->first, handleIt->second.destructorIt );
distributeSecondLevelCommands( m_RAIISpecialFunctions );
// we rename a couple of function parameters to prevent this warning, treated as an error:
// warning C4458: declaration of 'objectType' hides class member
for ( auto & command : m_commands )
for ( auto & param : command.second.params )
if ( == "objectType" )
{ += "_";
// VulkanHppGenerator private interface
void VulkanHppGenerator::addCommand( std::string const & name, CommandData & commandData )
// find the handle this command is going to be associated to
checkForError( !commandData.params.empty(), commandData.xmlLine, "command <" + name + "> with no params" );
std::map<std::string, HandleData>::iterator handleIt = m_handles.find( commandData.params[0].type.type );
if ( handleIt == m_handles.end() )
handleIt = m_handles.find( "" );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
commandData.handle = handleIt->first;
// add this command to the list of commands
checkForError( m_commands.insert( std::make_pair( name, commandData ) ).second, commandData.xmlLine, "already encountered command <" + name + ">" );
// put the command into the handle's list of commands
checkForError( handleIt->second.commands.insert( name ).second,
"command list of handle <" + handleIt->first + "> already holds a commnand <" + name + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::addMissingFlagBits( std::vector<RequireData> & requireData, std::string const & referencedIn )
for ( auto & require : requireData )
std::vector<std::string> newTypes;
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( type );
if ( ( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() ) && bitmaskIt->second.requirements.empty() )
// generate the flagBits enum name out of the bitmask name: VkFooFlagsXXX -> VkFooFlagBitsXXX
size_t pos = bitmaskIt->first.find( "Flags" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
std::string flagBits = bitmaskIt->first.substr( 0, pos + 4 ) + "Bit" + bitmaskIt->first.substr( pos + 4 );
// as the bitmask's requirement is still empty, this flagBits should not be listed in the require list!
assert( std::find_if( require.types.begin(), require.types.end(), [&flagBits]( std::string const & type ) { return ( type == flagBits ); } ) ==
require.types.end() );
bitmaskIt->second.requirements = flagBits;
// some flagsBits are specified but never listed as required for any flags!
// so, even if this bitmask has no enum listed as required, it might still already exist in the enums list
if ( m_enums.find( flagBits ) == m_enums.end() )
m_enums.insert( std::make_pair( flagBits, EnumData( 0, true ) ) );
assert( m_types.find( flagBits ) == m_types.end() );
m_types.insert( std::make_pair( flagBits, TypeData( TypeCategory::Bitmask, referencedIn ) ) );
assert( m_types.find( flagBits ) != m_types.end() );
newTypes.push_back( flagBits );
// add all the newly created flagBits types to the require list as if they had been part of the vk.xml!
require.types.insert( require.types.end(), newTypes.begin(), newTypes.end() );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::addTitleAndProtection( std::string const & title, std::string const & strIf, std::string const & strElse ) const
std::string str;
if ( !strIf.empty() )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( title, std::string() );
str = "\n" + enter + " //=== " + title + " ===\n" + strIf;
if ( !enter.empty() && !strElse.empty() )
str += "#else \n" + strElse;
str += leave;
return str;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::allVectorSizesSupported( std::vector<ParamData> const & params, std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams ) const
// check if all vector sizes are by value and their type is one of "uint32_t", "VkDeviceSize", or "VkSampleCountFlagBits"
return std::find_if_not( vectorParams.begin(),
[&params]( auto const & vpi )
return params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.isValue() &&
( ( params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" ) || ( params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.type == "VkDeviceSize" ) ||
( params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.type == "VkSampleCountFlagBits" ) );
} ) == vectorParams.end();
void VulkanHppGenerator::appendDispatchLoaderDynamicCommands( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title,
std::string & commandMembers,
std::string & initialCommandAssignments,
std::string & instanceCommandAssignments,
std::string & deviceCommandAssignments ) const
std::string members, initial, instance, device, placeholders;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( listedCommands.insert( command ).second )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
members += " PFN_" + commandIt->first + " " + commandIt->first + " = 0;\n";
placeholders += " PFN_dummy " + commandIt->first + "_placeholder = 0;\n";
if ( commandIt->second.handle.empty() )
initial += generateDispatchLoaderDynamicCommandAssignment( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, "NULL" );
instance += generateDispatchLoaderDynamicCommandAssignment( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, "instance" );
if ( isDeviceCommand( commandIt->second ) )
device += generateDispatchLoaderDynamicCommandAssignment( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, "device" );
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( title, std::string() );
std::string header = "\n" + enter + " //=== " + title + " ===\n";
if ( !members.empty() )
commandMembers += header + members;
if ( !enter.empty() )
commandMembers += "#else\n" + placeholders;
commandMembers += leave;
if ( !initial.empty() )
initialCommandAssignments += header + initial + leave;
if ( !instance.empty() )
instanceCommandAssignments += header + instance + leave;
if ( !device.empty() )
deviceCommandAssignments += header + device + leave;
void VulkanHppGenerator::appendRAIIDispatcherCommands( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title,
std::string & contextInitializers,
std::string & contextMembers,
std::string & deviceAssignments,
std::string & deviceMembers,
std::string & instanceAssignments,
std::string & instanceMembers ) const
std::string ci, cm, da, dm, dmp, ia, im, imp;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( listedCommands.insert( command ).second )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
if ( commandIt->second.handle.empty() )
assert( commandIt->second.alias.empty() );
ci += ", " + commandIt->first + "( PFN_" + commandIt->first + "( getProcAddr( NULL, \"" + commandIt->first + "\" ) ) )";
cm += " PFN_" + commandIt->first + " " + commandIt->first + " = 0;\n";
else if ( ( commandIt->second.handle == "VkDevice" ) || hasParentHandle( commandIt->second.handle, "VkDevice" ) )
da += " " + commandIt->first + " = PFN_" + commandIt->first + "( vkGetDeviceProcAddr( device, \"" + commandIt->first + "\" ) );\n";
// if this is an alias'ed function, use it as a fallback for the original one
if ( !commandIt->second.alias.empty() )
da += " if ( !" + commandIt->second.alias + " ) " + commandIt->second.alias + " = " + commandIt->first + ";\n";
dm += " PFN_" + commandIt->first + " " + commandIt->first + " = 0;\n";
dmp += " PFN_dummy " + commandIt->first + "_placeholder = 0;\n";
assert( ( commandIt->second.handle == "VkInstance" ) || hasParentHandle( commandIt->second.handle, "VkInstance" ) );
// filter out vkGetInstanceProcAddr, as starting with Vulkan 1.2 it can resolve itself only (!) with an
// instance nullptr !
if ( command != "vkGetInstanceProcAddr" )
ia += " " + commandIt->first + " = PFN_" + commandIt->first + "( vkGetInstanceProcAddr( instance, \"" + commandIt->first + "\" ) );\n";
// if this is an alias'ed function, use it as a fallback for the original one
if ( !commandIt->second.alias.empty() )
ia += " if ( !" + commandIt->second.alias + " ) " + commandIt->second.alias + " = " + commandIt->first + ";\n";
im += +" PFN_" + commandIt->first + " " + commandIt->first + " = 0;\n";
imp += " PFN_dummy " + commandIt->first + "_placeholder = 0;\n";
contextInitializers += addTitleAndProtection( title, ci );
contextMembers += addTitleAndProtection( title, cm );
deviceAssignments += addTitleAndProtection( title, da );
deviceMembers += addTitleAndProtection( title, dm, dmp );
instanceAssignments += addTitleAndProtection( title, ia );
instanceMembers += addTitleAndProtection( title, im, imp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkBitmaskCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & bitmask : m_bitmasks )
// check that a bitmask is referenced somewhere
// I think, it's not forbidden to not reference a bitmask, but it would probably be not intended?
auto typeIt = m_types.find( bitmask.first );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
checkForError( !typeIt->second.referencedIn.empty(), bitmask.second.xmlLine, "bitmask <" + bitmask.first + "> not listed in any feature or extension" );
// check that the requirement is an enum
if ( !bitmask.second.requirements.empty() )
checkForError( m_enums.find( bitmask.second.requirements ) != m_enums.end(),
"bitmask requires unknown <" + bitmask.second.requirements + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkCommandCorrectness() const
// prepare command checks by gathering all result codes and aliases into one set of resultCodes
auto resultIt = m_enums.find( "VkResult" );
assert( resultIt != m_enums.end() );
std::set<std::string> resultCodes;
for ( auto rc : resultIt->second.values )
resultCodes.insert( );
for ( auto rc : resultIt->second.aliases )
resultCodes.insert( rc.first );
// command checks
for ( auto const & command : m_commands )
// check that a command is referenced somewhere
// I think, it's not forbidden to not reference a function, but it would probably be not intended?
checkForError( !command.second.referencedIn.empty(), command.second.xmlLine, "command <" + command.first + "> not listed in any feature or extension" );
// check for unknow error or succes codes
for ( auto const & ec : command.second.errorCodes )
checkForError( resultCodes.find( ec ) != resultCodes.end(), command.second.xmlLine, "command uses unknown error code <" + ec + ">" );
for ( auto const & sc : command.second.successCodes )
checkForError( resultCodes.find( sc ) != resultCodes.end(), command.second.xmlLine, "command uses unknown success code <" + sc + ">" );
// check that functions returning a VkResult specify successcodes
checkForError( ( command.second.returnType != "VkResult" ) || !command.second.successCodes.empty(),
"missing successcodes on command <" + command.first + "> returning VkResult!" );
// check that all parameter types as well as the return type are known types
for ( auto const & p : command.second.params )
checkForError( m_types.find( p.type.type ) != m_types.end(), p.xmlLine, "comand uses parameter of unknown type <" + p.type.type + ">" );
checkForError( m_types.find( command.second.returnType ) != m_types.end(),
"command uses unknown return type <" + command.second.returnType + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkCorrectness() const
checkForError( !m_vulkanLicenseHeader.empty(), -1, "missing license header" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkEnumCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & e : m_enums )
// check that a bitmask is referenced somewhere
// it's not forbidden to not reference a bitmask, and in fact that happens! So just warn here
auto typeIt = m_types.find( e.first );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
checkForWarning( !typeIt->second.referencedIn.empty(), e.second.xmlLine, "enum <" + e.first + "> not listed in any feature or extension" );
// check that the aliasNames are known enum values or known aliases
for ( auto const & alias : e.second.aliases )
( std::find_if( e.second.values.begin(), e.second.values.end(), [&alias]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return ==; } ) !=
e.second.values.end() ) ||
( e.second.aliases.find( ) != e.second.aliases.end() ),
"enum <" + alias.first + "> uses unknown alias <" + + ">" );
// check that any protection fits to the corresponding extension
for ( auto const & v : e.second.values )
if ( !v.protect.empty() )
auto extIt = m_extensions.find( v.extension );
assert( extIt != m_extensions.end() );
auto platformIt = m_platforms.find( extIt->second.platform );
assert( platformIt != m_platforms.end() );
checkForError( v.protect == platformIt->second.protect,
"attribute <protect> of enum value <" + + "> is \"" + v.protect + "\" but corresponding extension <" + v.extension +
"> belongs to platform <" + platformIt->first + "> with protection \"" + platformIt->second.protect + "\"" );
// enum checks by features and extensions
for ( auto & feature : m_features )
checkEnumCorrectness( feature.second.requireData );
for ( auto & ext : m_extensions )
checkEnumCorrectness( ext.second.requireData );
// special check for VkFormat
if ( !m_formats.empty() )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkFormat" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
assert( enumIt->second.values.front().name == "VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED" );
for ( auto enumValueIt = std::next( enumIt->second.values.begin() ); enumValueIt != enumIt->second.values.end(); ++enumValueIt )
auto formatIt = m_formats.find( enumValueIt->name );
if ( formatIt == m_formats.end() )
auto aliasIt = std::find_if(
enumIt->second.aliases.begin(), enumIt->second.aliases.end(), [&enumValueIt]( auto const & ead ) { return == enumValueIt->name; } );
checkForError( aliasIt != enumIt->second.aliases.end(), enumValueIt->xmlLine, "missing format specification for <" + enumValueIt->name + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkEnumCorrectness( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData ) const
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto typeIt = m_types.find( type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
switch ( typeIt->second.category )
case TypeCategory::Bitmask:
// check that each "require" listed for a bitmask is listed for a feature or an extension
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( type );
if ( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() )
// not for every bitmask is a "require" listed
if ( !bitmaskIt->second.requirements.empty() )
auto requireTypeIt = m_types.find( bitmaskIt->second.requirements );
assert( requireTypeIt != m_types.end() );
checkForError( !requireTypeIt->second.referencedIn.empty(),
"bitmask <" + bitmaskIt->first + "> requires <" + bitmaskIt->second.requirements +
"> which is not listed for any feature or extension!" );
// every bitmask not listed in the m_bitmasks, should be an alias of such a thing
assert( std::find_if( m_bitmasks.begin(),
[&type]( std::pair<const std::string, BitmaskData> const & bd ) { return bd.second.alias == type; } ) != m_bitmasks.end() );
case TypeCategory::Enum:
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( type );
if ( enumIt != m_enums.end() )
if ( enumIt->second.isBitmask )
// check that any enum of a bitmask is listed as "require" or "bitvalues" for a bitmask
auto bitmaskIt = std::find_if(
m_bitmasks.begin(), m_bitmasks.end(), [&enumIt]( auto const & bitmask ) { return bitmask.second.requirements == enumIt->first; } );
checkForError( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end(),
"enum <" + enumIt->first + "> is not listed as an requires or bitvalues for any bitmask in the types section" );
// check that bitwidth of the enum and type of the corresponding bitmask are equal
checkForError( ( enumIt->second.bitwidth != "64" ) || ( bitmaskIt->second.type == "VkFlags64" ),
"enum <" + enumIt->first + "> is marked with bitwidth <64> but corresponding bitmask <" + bitmaskIt->first +
"> is not of type <VkFlags64>" );
// every enum not listed in the m_enums, should be an alias of such a thing
assert( std::find_if( m_enums.begin(),
[&type]( std::pair<const std::string, EnumData> const & ed ) { return ed.second.alias == type; } ) != m_enums.end() );
default: break;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::checkEquivalentSingularConstructor( std::vector<std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator> const & constructorIts,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::vector<ParamData>::const_iterator lenIt ) const
// check, if there is no singular constructor with the very same arguments as this array constructor
// (besides the size, of course)
auto isEquivalentSingularConstructor = [constructorIt, lenIt]( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator it )
if ( it->second.params.size() + 1 != constructorIt->second.params.size() )
return false;
size_t lenIdx = std::distance( constructorIt->second.params.begin(), lenIt );
for ( size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < it->second.params.size(); ++i, ++j )
assert( j < constructorIt->second.params.size() );
if ( j == lenIdx )
if ( it->second.params[i].type.type != constructorIt->second.params[j].type.type )
return false;
return true;
return ( std::find_if( constructorIts.begin(), constructorIts.end(), isEquivalentSingularConstructor ) != constructorIts.end() );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkExtensionCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
// check for existence of any deprecation, obsoletion, or promotion
if ( !extension.second.deprecatedBy.empty() )
checkForError( ( m_extensions.find( extension.second.deprecatedBy ) != m_extensions.end() ) ||
( m_features.find( extension.second.deprecatedBy ) != m_features.end() ),
"extension deprecated by unknown extension/version <" + extension.second.promotedTo + ">" );
if ( !extension.second.obsoletedBy.empty() )
checkForError( ( m_extensions.find( extension.second.obsoletedBy ) != m_extensions.end() ) ||
( m_features.find( extension.second.obsoletedBy ) != m_features.end() ),
"extension obsoleted by unknown extension/version <" + extension.second.promotedTo + ">" );
if ( !extension.second.promotedTo.empty() )
checkForError( ( m_extensions.find( extension.second.promotedTo ) != m_extensions.end() ) ||
( m_features.find( extension.second.promotedTo ) != m_features.end() ),
"extension promoted to unknown extension/version <" + extension.second.promotedTo + ">" );
// check for existence of any requirement
for ( auto const & require : extension.second.requireData )
if ( !require.titles.empty() )
for ( auto const & title : require.titles )
checkForError( ( m_features.find( title ) != m_features.end() ) || ( m_extensions.find( title ) != m_extensions.end() ),
"extension <" + extension.first + "> lists an unknown require <" + title + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkFuncPointerCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & funcPointer : m_funcPointers )
if ( !funcPointer.second.requirements.empty() )
checkForError( m_types.find( funcPointer.second.requirements ) != m_types.end(),
"funcpointer requires unknown <" + funcPointer.second.requirements + ">" );
for ( auto const & argument : funcPointer.second.arguments )
checkForError( m_types.find( argument.type ) != m_types.end(), argument.xmlLine, "funcpointer argument of unknown type <" + argument.type + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkHandleCorrectness() const
// prepare handle checks by getting the VkObjectType enum
auto objectTypeIt = m_enums.find( "VkObjectType" );
assert( objectTypeIt != m_enums.end() );
// handle checks
for ( auto const & handle : m_handles )
// check the existence of the parent
checkForError( m_handles.find( handle.second.parent ) != m_handles.end(),
"handle <" + handle.first + "> with unknown parent <" + handle.second.parent + ">" );
// check existence of objTypeEnum used with this handle type
if ( !handle.first.empty() )
assert( !handle.second.objTypeEnum.empty() );
checkForError( std::find_if( objectTypeIt->second.values.begin(),
[&handle]( EnumValueData const & evd )
{ return == handle.second.objTypeEnum; } ) != objectTypeIt->second.values.end(),
"handle <" + handle.first + "> specifies unknown \"objtypeenum\" <" + handle.second.objTypeEnum + ">" );
// check that all specified objectType values are used with a handle type
for ( auto const & objectTypeValue : objectTypeIt->second.values )
checkForError( std::find_if( m_handles.begin(),
[&objectTypeValue]( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & hd )
{ return hd.second.objTypeEnum ==; } ) != m_handles.end(),
"VkObjectType value <" + + "> not specified as \"objtypeenum\" for any handle" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkStructCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & structAlias : m_structureAliases )
auto structIt = m_structures.find( structAlias.second.alias );
checkForError( structIt != m_structures.end(), structAlias.second.xmlLine, "unknown struct alias <" + structAlias.second.alias + ">" );
for ( auto const & structAliasInverse : m_structureAliasesInverse )
auto structIt = m_structures.find( structAliasInverse.first );
if ( structIt == m_structures.end() )
assert( !structAliasInverse.second.empty() );
auto aliasIt = m_structureAliases.find( *structAliasInverse.second.begin() );
assert( aliasIt != m_structureAliases.end() );
checkForError( false, aliasIt->second.xmlLine, "struct <" + aliasIt->first + "> uses unknown alias <" + aliasIt->second.alias + ">" );
std::set<std::string> sTypeValues;
for ( auto const & structure : m_structures )
// check that a struct is referenced somewhere
// I think, it's not forbidden to not reference a struct, but it would probably be not intended?
auto typeIt = m_types.find( structure.first );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
!typeIt->second.referencedIn.empty(), structure.second.xmlLine, "structure <" + structure.first + "> not listed in any feature or extension" );
// check for existence of all structs that are extended by this struct
for ( auto const & extend : structure.second.structExtends )
checkForError( ( m_structures.find( extend ) != m_structures.end() ) || ( m_structureAliases.find( extend ) != m_structureAliases.end() ),
"struct <" + structure.first + "> extends unknown <" + extend + ">" );
// checks on the members of a struct
checkStructMemberCorrectness( structure.first, structure.second.members, sTypeValues );
// enum VkStructureType checks (need to be after structure checks because of sTypeValues gathered there)
auto structureTypeIt = m_enums.find( "VkStructureType" );
assert( structureTypeIt != m_enums.end() );
for ( auto const & enumValue : structureTypeIt->second.values )
sTypeValues.find( ) == sTypeValues.end(), enumValue.xmlLine, "Reserved VkStructureType enum value <" + + "> is used" );
checkForError( sTypeValues.erase( ) == 1, enumValue.xmlLine, "VkStructureType enum value <" + + "> never used" );
assert( sTypeValues.empty() );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkStructMemberCorrectness( std::string const & structureName,
std::vector<MemberData> const & members,
std::set<std::string> & sTypeValues ) const
for ( auto const & member : members )
// check that all member types are required in some feature or extension
!member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) ||
( std::find_if( m_features.begin(),
[&member]( std::pair<std::string, FeatureData> const & fd )
return std::find_if( fd.second.requireData.begin(),
[&member]( RequireData const & rd ) {
return std::find_if( rd.types.begin(),
[&member]( std::string const & t ) { return t == member.type.type; } ) != rd.types.end();
} ) != fd.second.requireData.end();
} ) != m_features.end() ) ||
( std::find_if( m_extensions.begin(),
[&member]( std::pair<std::string, ExtensionData> const & ed )
return std::find_if( ed.second.requireData.begin(),
[&member]( RequireData const & rd ) {
return std::find_if( rd.types.begin(),
[&member]( std::string const & t ) { return t == member.type.type; } ) != rd.types.end();
} ) != ed.second.requireData.end();
} ) != m_extensions.end() ),
"struct member type <" + member.type.type + "> used in struct <" + structureName + "> is never listed for any feature or extension" );
// if a member specifies a selector, that member is a union and the selector is an enum
// check that there's a 1-1 connection between the specified selections and the values of that enum
if ( !member.selector.empty() )
auto selectorIt = findStructMemberIt( member.selector, members );
assert( selectorIt != members.end() );
auto selectorEnumIt = m_enums.find( selectorIt->type.type );
assert( selectorEnumIt != m_enums.end() );
auto unionIt = m_structures.find( member.type.type );
assert( ( unionIt != m_structures.end() ) && unionIt->second.isUnion );
for ( auto const & unionMember : unionIt->second.members )
// check that each union member has a selection, that is a value of the seleting enum
assert( !unionMember.selection.empty() );
std::string const & selection = unionMember.selection;
checkForError( std::find_if( selectorEnumIt->second.values.begin(),
[&selection]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == selection; } ) != selectorEnumIt->second.values.end(),
"union member <" + + "> uses selection <" + selection + "> that is not part of the selector type <" +
selectorIt->type.type + ">" );
// check that each member type is known
checkForError( m_types.find( member.type.type ) != m_types.end(), member.xmlLine, "struct member uses unknown type <" + member.type.type + ">" );
// check that any used constant is a known constant
if ( !member.usedConstant.empty() )
checkForError( m_constants.find( member.usedConstant ) != m_constants.end(),
"struct member array size uses unknown constant <" + member.usedConstant + ">" );
// checks if a value is specified
if ( !member.value.empty() )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( member.type.type );
if ( enumIt != m_enums.end() )
// check that the value exists in the specified enum
checkForError( std::find_if( enumIt->second.values.begin(),
[&member]( auto const & evd ) { return member.value ==; } ) != enumIt->second.values.end(),
"value <" + member.value + "> for member <" + + "> in structure <" + structureName + "> of enum type <" + member.type.type +
"> not listed" );
// special handling for sType: no value should appear more than once
if ( == "sType" )
checkForError( sTypeValues.insert( member.value ).second, member.xmlLine, "sType value <" + member.value + "> has been used before" );
else if ( member.type.type == "uint32_t" )
// check that a value for a uint32_t is all digits
checkForError( member.value.find_first_not_of( "0123456789" ) == std::string::npos,
"value <" + member.value + "> for member <" + + "> in structure <" + structureName + "> of type <" + member.type.type +
"> is not a number" );
// don't know the type of the value -> error out
checkForError( false,
"member <" + + "> in structure <" + structureName + "> holds value <" + member.value + "> for an unhandled type <" +
member.type.type + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkValidStructs( int line, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes ) const
auto it = attributes.find( "validstructs" );
if ( it != attributes.end() )
std::vector<std::string> validStructs = tokenize( it->second, "," );
for ( auto const & vs : validStructs )
checkForError( m_structures.find( vs ) != m_structures.end(), line, "unknown struct <" + vs + "> listed in attribute <validstructs>" );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::combineDataTypes( std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool singular,
bool enumerating,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
bool unique,
bool raii ) const
assert( dataTypes.size() == returnParams.size() );
std::vector<std::string> modifiedDataTypes( dataTypes.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); ++i )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] );
modifiedDataTypes[i] = ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() || singular )
? dataTypes[i]
: ( "std::vector<" + dataTypes[i] +
( raii || unique ? ">" : ( ", " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator>" ) ) );
std::string combinedType;
switch ( modifiedDataTypes.size() )
case 0: combinedType = "void"; break;
case 1: combinedType = modifiedDataTypes[0]; break;
case 2:
assert( !enumerating || ( ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] ) != vectorParams.end() ) &&
( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) ) );
combinedType = enumerating ? modifiedDataTypes[1] : ( "std::pair<" + modifiedDataTypes[0] + ", " + modifiedDataTypes[1] + ">" );
case 3:
assert( enumerating && ( vectorParams.size() == 2 ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[1] ) &&
( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) && ( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first == returnParams[2] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
combinedType = "std::pair<" + modifiedDataTypes[1] + ", " + modifiedDataTypes[2] + ">";
default: assert( false ); break;
return combinedType;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::containsArray( std::string const & type ) const
// a simple recursive check if a type is or contains an array
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( type );
bool found = false;
if ( structureIt != m_structures.end() )
for ( auto memberIt = structureIt->second.members.begin(); memberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() && !found; ++memberIt )
found = !memberIt->arraySizes.empty() || containsArray( memberIt->type.type );
return found;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::containsFuncPointer( std::string const & type ) const
// a simple recursive check if a type contains a funcpointer
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( type );
bool found = false;
if ( structureIt != m_structures.end() )
for ( auto memberIt = structureIt->second.members.begin(); memberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() && !found; ++memberIt )
found = ( m_funcPointers.find( memberIt->type.type ) != m_funcPointers.end() ) ||
( ( memberIt->type.type != type ) && containsFuncPointer( memberIt->type.type ) );
return found;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::containsFloatingPoints( std::vector<MemberData> const & members ) const
for ( auto const & m : members )
if ( ( ( m.type.type == "float" ) || ( m.type.type == "double" ) ) && m.type.isValue() )
return true;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::containsUnion( std::string const & type ) const
// a simple recursive check if a type is or contains a union
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( type );
bool found = false;
if ( structureIt != m_structures.end() )
found = structureIt->second.isUnion;
for ( auto memberIt = structureIt->second.members.begin(); memberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() && !found; ++memberIt )
found = memberIt->type.isValue() && containsUnion( memberIt->type.type );
return found;
std::vector<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineConstPointerParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::vector<size_t> constPointerParams;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++ )
// very special handling for some types, which come in as non-const pointers, but are meant as const-pointers
if ( params[i].type.isConstPointer() ||
( params[i].type.isNonConstPointer() && ( specialPointerTypes.find( params[i].type.type ) != specialPointerTypes.end() ) ) )
constPointerParams.push_back( i );
return constPointerParams;
std::vector<std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::determineDataTypes( std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::ParamData> const & params,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
std::vector<std::string> dataTypes;
for ( auto rp : returnParams )
if ( templatedParams.find( rp ) != templatedParams.end() )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( rp );
if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vectorParamIt->first ) != returnParams.end() ) &&
( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vectorParamIt->second.lenParam ) != returnParams.end() ) )
dataTypes.push_back( "uint8_t" );
dataTypes.push_back( ( stripPrefix( params[rp].name, "p" ) + "Type" ) );
dataTypes.push_back( trimEnd( stripPostfix( params[rp].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), "*" ) ) );
return dataTypes;
size_t VulkanHppGenerator::determineDefaultStartIndex( std::vector<ParamData> const & params, std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams ) const
// determine the index where the arguments start to have defaults
size_t defaultStartIndex = INVALID_INDEX;
for ( int i = static_cast<int>( params.size() ) - 1; ( 0 <= i ) && ( params[i].optional || ( skippedParams.find( i ) != skippedParams.end() ) ); --i )
defaultStartIndex = i;
return defaultStartIndex;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::determineEnumeration( std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
// a command is considered to be enumerating some data, if for at least one vectorParam both, the data and the counter, are returnParams
return std::find_if( vectorParams.begin(),
[&returnParams]( auto const & vp )
return std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vp.first ) != returnParams.end() &&
std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vp.second.lenParam ) != returnParams.end();
} ) != vectorParams.end();
size_t VulkanHppGenerator::determineInitialSkipCount( std::string const & command ) const
// determine the number of arguments to skip for a function
// -> 0: the command is not bound to an instance or a device (the corresponding handle has no name)
// -> 1: the command bound to an instance or a device (the corresponding handle has a name)
// -> 2: the command has been moved to a second handle
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandIt->second.handle );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
if ( handleIt->second.commands.find( command ) == handleIt->second.commands.end() )
assert( 1 < commandIt->second.params.size() );
assert( m_handles.find( commandIt->second.params[1].type.type ) != m_handles.end() );
return 2;
return handleIt->first.empty() ? 0 : 1;
std::vector<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineReturnParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::vector<size_t> nonConstPointerParamIndices;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++ )
// very special handling of parameters of some types, which always come as a non-const pointer but are not meant
// to be a potential return value!
if ( params[i].type.isNonConstPointer() && ( specialPointerTypes.find( params[i].type.type ) == specialPointerTypes.end() ) )
nonConstPointerParamIndices.push_back( i );
return nonConstPointerParamIndices;
std::vector<std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator>
VulkanHppGenerator::determineRAIIHandleConstructors( std::string const & handleType, std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator destructorIt ) const
std::vector<std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator> constructorIts;
auto isConstructorCandidate = [&handleType]( std::pair<std::string, CommandData> const & cd )
return std::find_if( cd.second.params.begin(),
[&handleType]( ParamData const & pd )
{ return ( pd.type.type == handleType ) && pd.type.isNonConstPointer(); } ) != cd.second.params.end();
for ( auto commandIt = m_commands.begin(); commandIt != m_commands.end(); )
// find the commands that get a non-const pointer to the handleType, that is, return a handle type
commandIt = std::find_if( commandIt, m_commands.end(), isConstructorCandidate );
if ( commandIt != m_commands.end() )
// only commands that provide all information needed for the destructor can be considered a constructor!
bool valid = true;
if ( destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
// get the destructors parameter to the handleType
auto desctructorHandleParamIt = std::find_if( destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&handleType]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.type.type == handleType; } );
assert( desctructorHandleParamIt != destructorIt->second.params.end() );
// lambda to check if a destructor parameter is a parameter of the constructor candidate
// (or it's just the len parameter, which is not needed for the constructor)
auto isConstructorCandidateParam = [&desctructorHandleParamIt, &commandIt, this]( ParamData const & destructorParam )
// check if the destructor param type equals this param type, or, if this param type is a struct, is part of
// that struct
auto isDestructorParamType = [&destructorParam, this]( ParamData const & pd )
if ( pd.type.type != destructorParam.type.type )
// check if the destructor param type equals a structure member type
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( pd.type.type );
return ( structureIt != m_structures.end() ) &&
( findStructMemberItByType( destructorParam.type.type, structureIt->second.members ) != structureIt->second.members.end() );
return true;
return ( == desctructorHandleParamIt->len ) ||
( std::find_if( commandIt->second.params.begin(), commandIt->second.params.end(), isDestructorParamType ) != commandIt->second.params.end() );
// the constructor candidate is valid, if none of the (relevant) destructor parameters is missing in the
// constructor candidate params
valid = ( std::find_if_not( destructorIt->second.params.begin(), destructorIt->second.params.end(), isConstructorCandidateParam ) ==
destructorIt->second.params.end() );
if ( valid )
// filter out alias functions
if ( commandIt->second.alias.empty() )
constructorIts.push_back( commandIt );
assert( !constructorIts.empty() );
return constructorIts;
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::determineRAIIHandleDestructor( std::string const & handleType ) const
std::string type = stripPrefix( handleType, "Vk" );
auto destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkDestroy" + type );
if ( destructorIt == m_commands.end() )
destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkFree" + type + "s" );
if ( destructorIt == m_commands.end() )
destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkRelease" + type );
if ( destructorIt == m_commands.end() )
if ( handleType == "VkDeviceMemory" )
// special handling for vkDeviceMemory
destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkFreeMemory" );
assert( destructorIt != m_commands.end() );
else if ( handleType == "VkDisplayKHR" )
// special handling for VkDisplayKHR
destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkReleaseDisplayEXT" );
assert( destructorIt != m_commands.end() );
assert( ( handleType == "VkDisplayModeKHR" ) || ( handleType == "VkPhysicalDevice" ) || ( handleType == "VkQueue" ) );
return destructorIt;
std::set<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineSingularParams( size_t returnParam, std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams ) const
auto returnVectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParam );
assert( returnVectorIt != vectorParams.end() );
std::set<size_t> singularParams;
singularParams.insert( returnVectorIt->second.lenParam );
for ( auto const & vpi : vectorParams )
if ( vpi.second.lenParam == returnVectorIt->second.lenParam )
singularParams.insert( vpi.first );
return singularParams;
std::set<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineSkippedParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool singular ) const
// skip the initial skips (get fed by the object)
assert( initialSkipCount <= params.size() );
std::set<size_t> skippedParams;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < initialSkipCount; ++i )
skippedParams.insert( i );
// skip the size parameters (get derived from an array), and a stride parameter
for ( auto const & vpi : vectorParams )
assert( !params[vpi.first].len.empty() );
if ( ( ( std::find_if( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vpi]( size_t rpi ) { return vpi.first == rpi; } ) == returnParams.end() ) &&
isParam( params[vpi.first].len, params ) ) ||
( singular && params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.isValue() ) )
skippedParams.insert( vpi.second.lenParam );
if ( vpi.second.strideParam != INVALID_INDEX )
skippedParams.insert( vpi.second.strideParam );
// skip the return parameters (get resolved by local variables to be returned)
skippedParams.insert( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end() );
return skippedParams;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::determineSubStruct( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure ) const
if ( structure.second.members.front().name != "sType" )
// check if sd is a substruct of structure
auto isSubStruct = [&structure]( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & sd )
// member-by-member comparison of type and name
auto memberIt = structure.second.members.begin();
auto isMember = [&memberIt]( MemberData const & md )
if ( ( md.type == memberIt->type ) && ( == memberIt->name ) )
return true;
return false;
return ( sd.second.members.size() < structure.second.members.size() ) &&
( std::find_if_not( sd.second.members.begin(), sd.second.members.end(), isMember ) == sd.second.members.end() );
// look for a struct in m_structures that starts identically to structure
auto structIt = std::find_if( m_structures.begin(), m_structures.end(), isSubStruct );
return ( structIt == m_structures.end() ) ? "" : structIt->first;
return "";
std::map<size_t, VulkanHppGenerator::VectorParamData> VulkanHppGenerator::determineVectorParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams;
// look for the parameters whose len equals the name of an other parameter
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++ )
if ( !params[i].len.empty() && ( params[i].len != "null-terminated" ) )
VectorParamData & vpd = vectorParams[i];
std::string len;
if ( altLens.find( params[i].len ) != altLens.end() )
checkForError( params[i].len == "(samples + 31) / 32", params[i].xmlLine, "unknown command parameter len <" + params[i].len + ">" );
len = "samples";
len = params[i].len;
auto lenIt =
std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&len, this]( auto const & pd ) { return ( len == ) || isLenByStructMember( len, pd ); } );
assert( lenIt != params.end() );
vpd.lenParam = std::distance( params.begin(), lenIt );
if ( !params[i].stride.empty() )
std::string const & stride = params[i].stride;
auto strideIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&stride]( auto const & pd ) { return stride ==; } );
assert( strideIt != params.end() );
vpd.strideParam = std::distance( params.begin(), strideIt );
return vectorParams;
std::set<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineVoidPointerParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::set<size_t> voidPointerParams;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++ )
if ( !params[i].type.isValue() && ( params[i].type.type == "void" ) && ( params[i].type.postfix != "**" ) )
voidPointerParams.insert( i );
return voidPointerParams;
void VulkanHppGenerator::distributeSecondLevelCommands( std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions )
// distribute commands from instance/device to second-level handles, like Queue, Event,... for RAII handles
for ( auto & handle : m_handles )
if ( !handle.first.empty() )
for ( auto command = handle.second.commands.begin(); command != handle.second.commands.end(); )
bool foundCommand = false;
if ( specialFunctions.find( *command ) == specialFunctions.end() )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( *command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
assert( commandIt->second.params.front().type.type == handle.first );
if ( ( 1 < commandIt->second.params.size() ) && ( isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[1].type.type ) ) && !commandIt->second.params[1].optional )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandIt->second.params[1].type.type );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
assert( !handleIt->second.constructorIts.empty() );
if ( ( *handleIt->second.constructorIts.begin() )->second.handle == handle.first )
assert( std::find_if( handleIt->second.constructorIts.begin(),
[&handle]( auto const & constructorIt )
{ return constructorIt->second.handle != handle.first; } ) == handleIt->second.constructorIts.end() );
handleIt->second.secondLevelCommands.insert( *command );
command = handle.second.commands.erase( command );
foundCommand = true;
if ( !foundCommand )
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::findBaseName( std::string aliasName, std::map<std::string, EnumAliasData> const & aliases ) const
std::string baseName = aliasName;
auto aliasIt = aliases.find( baseName );
while ( aliasIt != aliases.end() )
baseName = aliasIt->;
aliasIt = aliases.find( baseName );
return baseName;
std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::MemberData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::findStructMemberIt( std::string const & name,
std::vector<MemberData> const & memberData ) const
return std::find_if( memberData.begin(), memberData.end(), [&name]( MemberData const & md ) { return == name; } );
std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::MemberData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::findStructMemberItByType( std::string const & type,
std::vector<MemberData> const & memberData ) const
return std::find_if( memberData.begin(), memberData.end(), [&type]( MemberData const & md ) { return md.type.type == type; } );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateAllocatorTemplates( std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::vector<std::string> const & returnDataTypes,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool definition,
bool singular,
bool unique,
bool chained ) const
assert( returnParams.size() == returnDataTypes.size() );
std::string allocatorTemplates;
if ( !singular )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); i++ )
if ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] ) != vectorParams.end() )
if ( chained )
allocatorTemplates += "typename StructureChainAllocator";
if ( !definition )
allocatorTemplates += " = std::allocator<StructureChain>";
allocatorTemplates += "typename " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( returnDataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
if ( !definition )
allocatorTemplates += " = std::allocator<" + ( unique ? ( "UniqueHandle<" + returnDataTypes[i] + ", Dispatch>" ) : returnDataTypes[i] ) + ">";
allocatorTemplates += ", ";
std::string uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates;
if ( unique && !allocatorTemplates.empty() )
uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates = ", " + stripPostfix( allocatorTemplates, ", " );
return std::make_pair( allocatorTemplates, uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateArgumentListEnhanced( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool definition,
bool withAllocators,
bool structureChain,
bool withDispatcher ) const
size_t defaultStartIndex = withAllocators ? ~0 : determineDefaultStartIndex( params, skippedParams );
std::string argumentList;
bool encounteredArgument = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i )
if ( skippedParams.find( i ) == skippedParams.end() )
if ( encounteredArgument )
argumentList += ", ";
bool hasDefaultAssignment = false;
std::string composedType = params[i].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" );
if ( singularParams.find( i ) != singularParams.end() )
assert( !params[i].optional );
assert( params[i].type.isConstPointer() && !params[i].len.empty() && !isLenByStructMember( params[i].len, params ) &&
params[i].type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) );
assert( !isHandleType( params[i].type.type ) );
assert( composedType.ends_with( " *" ) );
argumentList += stripPostfix( composedType, " *" ) + " & " + stripPluralS( startLowerCase( stripPrefix( params[i].name, "p" ) ) );
else if ( params[i].type.isConstPointer() )
assert( composedType.ends_with( " *" ) );
std::string name = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( params[i].name, "p" ) );
if ( params[i].len.empty() )
assert( withDispatcher || !isHandleType( params[i].type.type ) );
assert( !params[i].type.prefix.empty() && ( params[i].type.postfix == "*" ) );
assert( params[i].arraySizes.empty() );
if ( params[i].type.type == "void" )
assert( !params[i].optional );
argumentList += ( templatedParams.find( i ) == templatedParams.end() ) ? ( composedType + " " + params[i].name )
: ( stripPrefix( params[i].name, "p" ) + "Type const & " + name );
else if ( params[i].optional )
argumentList += "Optional<" + stripPostfix( composedType, " *" ) + "> " + name +
( ( definition || withAllocators ) ? "" : " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_NULLPTR_ASSIGNMENT" );
hasDefaultAssignment = true;
argumentList += stripPostfix( composedType, " *" ) + " & " + name;
// a const-pointer with a non-empty len is either null-terminated (aka a string) or represented by an
// ArrayProxy
assert( params[i].arraySizes.empty() );
if ( params[i].len == "null-terminated" )
assert( params[i].type.type == "char" );
if ( params[i].optional )
argumentList +=
"Optional<const std::string> " + name + ( ( definition || withAllocators ) ? "" : " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_NULLPTR_ASSIGNMENT" );
hasDefaultAssignment = true;
argumentList += "const std::string & " + name;
// an ArrayProxy also covers no data, so any optional flag can be ignored here
std::string type = stripPostfix( composedType, " *" );
size_t pos = type.find( "void" );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
type.replace( pos, 4, stripPrefix( params[i].name, "p" ) + "Type" );
argumentList +=
std::string( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + ( params[i].stride.empty() ? "" : "Strided" ) + "ArrayProxy<" + type + "> const & " + name;
if ( params[i].optional && !definition )
assert( params[i].stride.empty() );
hasDefaultAssignment = true;
else if ( params[i].type.isNonConstPointer() )
assert( withDispatcher || !isHandleType( params[i].type.type ) );
assert( params[i].len.empty() && !params[i].optional );
assert( composedType.ends_with( " *" ) );
argumentList += stripPostfix( composedType, " *" ) + " & " + params[i].name;
assert( params[i].type.isValue() );
argumentList += composedType + " " + params[i].name + generateCArraySizes( params[i].arraySizes );
argumentList += std::string( !definition && ( defaultStartIndex <= i ) && !hasDefaultAssignment ? " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT" : "" );
encounteredArgument = true;
if ( withAllocators )
if ( structureChain )
if ( encounteredArgument )
argumentList += ", ";
argumentList += "StructureChainAllocator & structureChainAllocator";
encounteredArgument = true;
for ( auto sp : skippedParams )
if ( !params[sp].len.empty() )
if ( encounteredArgument )
argumentList += ", ";
std::string type;
if ( templatedParams.find( sp ) != templatedParams.end() )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( sp );
if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) &&
( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vectorParamIt->first ) != returnParams.end() ) &&
( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vectorParamIt->second.lenParam ) != returnParams.end() ) )
type = "Uint8_t";
type = stripPrefix( params[sp].name, "p" ) + "Type";
type = ( params[sp].type.type == "void" ) ? "Uint8_t" : startUpperCase( stripPrefix( params[sp].type.type, "Vk" ) );
argumentList += type + "Allocator & " + startLowerCase( type ) + "Allocator";
encounteredArgument = true;
if ( withDispatcher )
if ( encounteredArgument )
argumentList += ", ";
argumentList += std::string( "Dispatch const & d" ) + ( definition ? "" : " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_ASSIGNMENT" );
return argumentList;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateArgumentListStandard( std::vector<ParamData> const & params, std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams ) const
std::string argumentList;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i )
if ( skippedParams.find( i ) == skippedParams.end() )
argumentList += params[i].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " " + params[i].name + generateCArraySizes( params[i].arraySizes ) + ", ";
argumentList += "Dispatch const & d ";
return argumentList;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateArgumentTemplates( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool chained,
bool raii ) const
std::string argumentTemplates;
if ( !templatedParams.empty() )
assert( !chained );
for ( auto t : templatedParams )
assert( params[t].name.starts_with( "p" ) );
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( t );
if ( ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() ) || ( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vectorParamIt->first ) == returnParams.end() ) ||
( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vectorParamIt->second.lenParam ) == returnParams.end() ) )
// only templated parameters that are not part of an enumeration are really templated
argumentTemplates += "typename " + stripPrefix( params[t].name, "p" ) + "Type, ";
else if ( chained )
argumentTemplates = ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) ? "typename X, typename Y, typename... Z, " : "typename StructureChain, ";
if ( !argumentTemplates.empty() && raii )
argumentTemplates = "template <" + stripPostfix( argumentTemplates, ", " ) + ">";
return argumentTemplates;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBaseTypes() const
assert( !m_baseTypes.empty() );
const std::string basetypesTemplate = R"(
//=== BASE TYPEs ===
std::string basetypes;
for ( auto const & baseType : m_baseTypes )
// filter out VkFlags and VkFlags64, as they are mapped to our own Flags class
if ( ( baseType.first != "VkFlags" ) && ( baseType.first != "VkFlags64" ) )
basetypes += " using " + stripPrefix( baseType.first, "Vk" ) + " = " + baseType.second.typeInfo.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + ";\n";
return replaceWithMap( basetypesTemplate, { { "basetypes", basetypes } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmask( std::map<std::string, BitmaskData>::const_iterator bitmaskIt ) const
auto bitmaskBitsIt = m_enums.find( bitmaskIt->second.requirements );
assert( bitmaskBitsIt != m_enums.end() );
std::string bitmaskName = stripPrefix( bitmaskIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string enumName = stripPrefix( bitmaskBitsIt->first, "Vk" );
// each Flags class is using the class 'Flags' with the corresponding FlagBits enum as the template parameter
std::string str = "\n using " + bitmaskName + " = Flags<" + enumName + ">;\n";
std::string alias = bitmaskIt->second.alias.empty() ? "" : ( "\n using " + stripPrefix( bitmaskIt->second.alias, "Vk" ) + " = " + bitmaskName + ";\n" );
if ( bitmaskBitsIt->second.values.empty() )
str += alias + "\n";
static const std::string bitmaskTemplate = R"(
template <> struct FlagTraits<${enumName}>
enum : ${bitmaskType}
allFlags = ${allFlags}
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR ${bitmaskName} operator|( ${enumName} bit0, ${enumName} bit1 ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return ${bitmaskName}( bit0 ) | bit1;
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR ${bitmaskName} operator&( ${enumName} bit0, ${enumName} bit1 ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return ${bitmaskName}( bit0 ) & bit1;
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR ${bitmaskName} operator^( ${enumName} bit0, ${enumName} bit1 ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return ${bitmaskName}( bit0 ) ^ bit1;
return ~( ${bitmaskName}( bits ) );
std::string allFlags;
bool encounteredFlag = false;
std::string previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & value : bitmaskBitsIt->second.values )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.extension, value.protect );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( bitmaskBitsIt->first,, true, m_tags );
allFlags += ( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( "\n" + previousLeave + enter ) : "\n" ) + " " + ( encounteredFlag ? "| " : " " ) +
bitmaskIt->second.type + "( " + enumName + "::" + valueName + " )";
encounteredFlag = true;
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
assert( previousLeave.ends_with( "\n" ) );
previousLeave.resize( previousLeave.size() - strlen( "\n" ) );
allFlags += "\n" + previousLeave;
str += replaceWithMap(
{ { "alias", alias }, { "allFlags", allFlags }, { "bitmaskName", bitmaskName }, { "bitmaskType", bitmaskIt->second.type }, { "enumName", enumName } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmasks() const
const std::string bitmasksTemplate = R"(
//=== BITMASKs ===
std::string bitmasks;
std::set<std::string> listedBitmasks;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
bitmasks += generateBitmasks( feature.second.requireData, listedBitmasks, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
bitmasks += generateBitmasks( extIt.second->second.requireData, listedBitmasks, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( bitmasksTemplate, { { "bitmasks", bitmasks } } );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmasks( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::set<std::string> & listedBitmasks, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( type );
if ( ( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() ) && ( listedBitmasks.find( type ) == listedBitmasks.end() ) )
listedBitmasks.insert( type );
str += generateBitmask( bitmaskIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmasksToString() const
const std::string bitmasksToStringTemplate = R"(
//=== BITMASKs to_string ===
std::string bitmasksToString;
std::set<std::string> listedBitmasks;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
bitmasksToString += generateBitmasksToString( feature.second.requireData, listedBitmasks, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
bitmasksToString += generateBitmasksToString( extIt.second->second.requireData, listedBitmasks, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( bitmasksToStringTemplate, { { "bitmasksToString", bitmasksToString } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmasksToString( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedBitmasks,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( type );
if ( ( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() ) && ( listedBitmasks.find( type ) == listedBitmasks.end() ) )
listedBitmasks.insert( type );
str += generateBitmaskToString( bitmaskIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmaskToString( std::map<std::string, BitmaskData>::const_iterator bitmaskIt ) const
auto bitmaskBitsIt = m_enums.find( bitmaskIt->second.requirements );
assert( bitmaskBitsIt != m_enums.end() );
std::string bitmaskName = stripPrefix( bitmaskIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string enumName = stripPrefix( bitmaskBitsIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string str;
if ( bitmaskBitsIt->second.values.empty() )
static std::string bitmaskToStringTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::string to_string( ${bitmaskName} )
return "{}";
str += replaceWithMap( bitmaskToStringTemplate, { { "bitmaskName", bitmaskName } } );
static const std::string bitmaskToStringTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::string to_string( ${bitmaskName} value )
if ( !value )
return "{}";
std::string result;
return "{ " + result.substr( 0, result.size() - 3 ) + " }";
std::string toStringChecks;
std::string previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & value : bitmaskBitsIt->second.values )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.extension, value.protect );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( bitmaskBitsIt->first,, true, m_tags );
if ( value.singleBit )
toStringChecks += ( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( previousLeave + enter ) : "" ) + " if ( value & " + enumName + "::" + valueName +
" ) result += \"" + valueName.substr( 1 ) + " | \";\n";
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
assert( previousLeave.ends_with( "\n" ) );
toStringChecks += previousLeave;
previousLeave.resize( previousLeave.size() - strlen( "\n" ) );
str += replaceWithMap( bitmaskToStringTemplate, { { "bitmaskName", bitmaskName }, { "toStringChecks", toStringChecks } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool nonConstPointerAsNullptr,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool raiiHandleMemberFunction ) const
assert( initialSkipCount <= commandData.params.size() );
std::string arguments;
bool encounteredArgument = false;
if ( raiiHandleMemberFunction )
switch ( initialSkipCount )
case 1:
assert( isHandleType( commandData.params[0].type.type ) && commandData.params[0].type.isValue() );
assert( commandData.params[0].arraySizes.empty() && commandData.params[0].len.empty() );
assert( commandData.params[0].type.type == commandData.handle );
arguments = "static_cast<" + commandData.handle + ">( m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.handle, "Vk" ) ) + " )";
encounteredArgument = true;
case 2:
assert( isHandleType( commandData.params[0].type.type ) && commandData.params[0].type.isValue() );
assert( commandData.params[0].arraySizes.empty() && commandData.params[0].len.empty() );
assert( commandData.params[0].type.type == commandData.handle );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandData.params[1].type.type );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
arguments = "static_cast<" + commandData.handle + ">( m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.handle, "Vk" ) ) + " )";
assert( commandData.params[1].type.isValue() && commandData.params[1].arraySizes.empty() && commandData.params[1].len.empty() );
arguments += ", static_cast<" + commandData.params[1].type.type + ">( m_" +
generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handleIt->first, handleIt->second.destructorIt ) + " )";
encounteredArgument = true;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < initialSkipCount; ++i )
if ( encounteredArgument )
arguments += ", ";
assert( isHandleType( commandData.params[i].type.type ) && commandData.params[i].type.isValue() );
assert( commandData.params[i].arraySizes.empty() && commandData.params[i].len.empty() );
arguments += "m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[i].type.type, "Vk" ) );
encounteredArgument = true;
for ( size_t i = initialSkipCount; i < commandData.params.size(); ++i )
if ( encounteredArgument )
arguments += ", ";
arguments += generateCallArgumentEnhanced( commandData.params, i, nonConstPointerAsNullptr, singularParams, templatedParams );
encounteredArgument = true;
return arguments;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentsRAIIFactory( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams ) const
assert( initialSkipCount <= params.size() );
std::string arguments = "*this";
// skip the last parameter!
for ( size_t i = initialSkipCount; i < params.size() - 1; ++i )
if ( skippedParams.find( i ) == skippedParams.end() )
std::string argument = params[i].name;
if ( !params[i].type.isValue() )
argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( argument, "p" ) );
if ( singularParams.find( i ) != singularParams.end() )
argument = stripPluralS( argument );
assert( singularParams.find( i ) == singularParams.end() );
arguments += ", " + argument;
return arguments;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentsStandard( std::string const & handle, std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::string arguments;
bool encounteredArgument = false;
for ( auto const & param : params )
if ( encounteredArgument )
arguments += ", ";
if ( ( param.type.type == handle ) && param.type.isValue() )
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() && param.len.empty() );
arguments += "m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( param.type.type, "Vk" ) );
std::string argument =;
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
if ( !param.arraySizes.empty() )
assert( param.arraySizes.size() == 1 );
assert( param.type.isValue() );
assert( param.type.postfix.empty() );
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + " *>( " + argument + " )";
else if ( param.type.isValue() )
argument = "static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( " + argument + " )";
assert( !param.type.postfix.empty() );
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + argument + " )";
arguments += argument;
encounteredArgument = true;
return arguments;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentEnhanced( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
size_t paramIndex,
bool nonConstPointerAsNullptr,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
std::string argument;
ParamData const & param = params[paramIndex];
if ( param.type.isConstPointer() || ( specialPointerTypes.find( param.type.type ) != specialPointerTypes.end() ) )
// parameter is a const-pointer or one of the special pointer types that are considered to be const-pointers
argument = generateCallArgumentEnhancedConstPointer( param, paramIndex, singularParams, templatedParams );
else if ( param.type.isNonConstPointer() && ( specialPointerTypes.find( param.type.type ) == specialPointerTypes.end() ) )
// parameter is a non-const pointer and none of the special pointer types, that are considered const-pointers
argument = generateCallArgumentEnhancedNonConstPointer( param, paramIndex, nonConstPointerAsNullptr, singularParams );
argument = generateCallArgumentEnhancedValue( params, paramIndex, singularParams );
assert( !argument.empty() );
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentEnhancedConstPointer( ParamData const & param,
size_t paramIndex,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
std::string argument;
std::string name = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) );
if ( isHandleType( param.type.type ) && param.type.isValue() )
assert( !param.optional );
// if at all, this is the first argument, and it's the implicitly provided member handle
assert( paramIndex == 0 );
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() && param.len.empty() );
argument = "m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( param.type.type, "Vk" ) );
else if ( param.len.empty() )
// this const-pointer parameter has no length, that is it's a const-pointer to a single value
if ( param.type.type == "void" )
assert( !param.optional );
argument = ( templatedParams.find( paramIndex ) == templatedParams.end() )
: "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + ">( &" + name + " )";
else if ( param.optional )
argument = "static_cast<" + param.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + ">( " + name + " )";
argument = "&" + name;
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + argument + " )";
else if ( param.len == "null-terminated" )
// this const-pointer parameter is "null-terminated", that is it's a string
assert( ( param.type.type == "char" ) && param.arraySizes.empty() );
if ( param.optional )
argument = name + " ? " + name + "->c_str() : nullptr";
argument = name + ".c_str()";
// this const-pointer parameter has some explicit length
if ( singularParams.find( paramIndex ) != singularParams.end() )
assert( !param.optional );
argument = "&" + stripPluralS( name );
// this const-parameter is represented by some array, where data() also works with no data (optional)
argument = name + ".data()";
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) || ( param.type.type == "void" ) )
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + argument + " )";
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentEnhancedNonConstPointer( ParamData const & param,
size_t paramIndex,
bool nonConstPointerAsNullptr,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams ) const
std::string argument;
std::string name = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) );
if ( param.len.empty() )
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( &" + name + " )";
assert( !param.optional );
argument = "&" + name;
// the non-const pointer has a len -> it will be represented by some array
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
if ( nonConstPointerAsNullptr )
argument = "nullptr";
if ( singularParams.find( paramIndex ) != singularParams.end() )
argument = "&" + stripPluralS( name );
// get the data of the array, which also covers no data -> no need to look at param.optional
argument = name + ".data()";
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) || ( param.type.type == "void" ) )
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + argument + " )";
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentEnhancedValue( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
size_t paramIndex,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams ) const
std::string argument;
ParamData const & param = params[paramIndex];
assert( param.len.empty() );
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
if ( param.arraySizes.empty() )
auto pointerIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.len ==; } );
if ( pointerIt != params.end() )
assert( !param.optional );
argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
if ( pointerIt->type.type == "void" )
argument += " * sizeof( " + stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) + "Type )";
argument = "static_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + + " )";
assert( std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.stride ==; } ) == params.end() );
assert( !param.optional );
assert( param.arraySizes.size() == 1 );
assert( param.type.prefix == "const" );
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + " *>( " + + " )";
auto pointerIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.len ==; } );
if ( pointerIt != params.end() )
// this parameter is the len of some other -> replace it with that parameter's size
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
assert( ( param.type.type == "size_t" ) || ( param.type.type == "uint32_t" ) );
if ( singularParams.find( paramIndex ) == singularParams.end() )
argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
if ( pointerIt->type.type == "void" )
argument += " * sizeof( " + stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) + "Type )";
if ( pointerIt->type.type == "void" )
argument = "sizeof( " + stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) + "Type )";
argument = "1";
assert( !param.optional );
assert( param.arraySizes.size() <= 1 );
pointerIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.stride ==; } );
if ( pointerIt != params.end() )
// this parameter is the stride of some other -> replace it with that parameter's stride
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
assert( param.type.type == "uint32_t" );
argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) ) + ".stride()";
argument =;
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallSequence( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool chained,
bool raii ) const
std::string dispatcher = raii ? "getDispatcher()->" : "d.";
// if at least one returnParam is a size value of a vector param (and no singular params), we need two calls
if ( singularParams.empty() &&
( std::find_if( returnParams.begin(),
[&vectorParams]( size_t rp )
return ( std::find_if( vectorParams.begin(), vectorParams.end(), [rp]( auto const & vp ) { return vp.second.lenParam == rp; } ) !=
vectorParams.end() );
} ) != returnParams.end() ) )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
assert( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorParamIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
std::string firstCallArguments = generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, true, {}, templatedParams, raii );
std::string secondCallArguments = generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, {}, templatedParams, raii );
std::string vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) );
std::string vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) );
if ( chained )
assert( vectorParams.size() == 1 );
// chained data needs some more handling!!
std::string vectorElementType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
const std::string callSequenceTemplate = R"(VkResult result;
result = ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
if ( ( result == VK_SUCCESS ) && ${counterName} )
structureChains.resize( ${counterName} );
${vectorName}.resize( ${counterName} );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
${vectorName}[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>().pNext;
result = ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );
} while ( result == VK_INCOMPLETE );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].type.type },
{ "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
const std::string callSequenceTemplate =
R"(${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
structureChains.resize( ${counterName} );
${vectorName}.resize( ${counterName} );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
${vectorName}[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>().pNext;
${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].type.type },
{ "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
else if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
assert( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) &&
( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) );
std::string resizes;
for ( auto const & vp : vectorParams )
assert( ( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vp.first ) != returnParams.end() ) &&
( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vp.second.lenParam ) != returnParams.end() ) );
resizes += startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vp.first].name, "p" ) ) + ".resize( " +
startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vp.second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) + " );\n";
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(VkResult result;
result = ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
if ( ( result == VK_SUCCESS ) && ${counterName} )
result = ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );
} while ( result == VK_INCOMPLETE );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "resizes", resizes },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
// no need to enumerate here, just two calls
assert( commandData.returnType == "void" );
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
${vectorName}.resize( ${vectorSize} );
${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(${resultAssignment}${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} );)";
std::string callArguments = generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, singularParams, templatedParams, raii );
std::string resultAssignment = generateResultAssignment( commandData );
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "callArguments", callArguments }, { "dispatcher", dispatcher }, { "resultAssignment", resultAssignment }, { "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommand( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const
std::string str;
if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
assert( !commandData.successCodes.empty() );
if ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 )
if ( commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
str = generateCommandResultSingleSuccessNoErrors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
str = generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
if ( commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
str = generateCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
str = generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
else if ( commandData.returnType == "void" )
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: str = generateCommandVoid0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ); break;
case 1: str = generateCommandVoid1Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams[0] ); break;
case 2: str = generateCommandVoid2Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams ); break;
str = generateCommandValue( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
if ( str.empty() )
throw std::runtime_error( "Never encountered a function like <" + name + "> !" );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandDefinitions() const
const std::string commandDefinitionsTemplate = R"(
//=== COMMAND Definitions ===
std::string commandDefinitions;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension!
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
commandDefinitions += generateCommandDefinitions( feature.second.requireData, listedCommands, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
commandDefinitions += generateCommandDefinitions( extIt.second->second.requireData, listedCommands, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( commandDefinitionsTemplate, { { "commandDefinitions", commandDefinitions } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandDefinitions( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( listedCommands.insert( command ).second )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
str += generateCommandDefinitions( command, commandIt->second.handle );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandDefinitions( std::string const & command, std::string const & handle ) const
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
std::string str = "\n" + generateCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, handle.empty() ? 0 : 1, true );
// special handling for destroy functions, filter out alias functions
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( commandIt->first, commandIt->second.params, 1, m_tags, false, false );
if ( commandIt->second.alias.empty() &&
( ( ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) && ( commandName != "destroy" ) ) || ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ||
( commandIt->first == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) ) )
CommandData commandData = commandIt->second;
assert( ( 1 < commandData.params.size() ) && ( commandData.params[0].type.type == handle ) );
commandData.params[1].optional = false; // make sure, the object to destroy/free/release is not optional in the shortened version!
std::string destroyCommandString = generateCommand( commandIt->first, commandData, handle.empty() ? 0 : 1, true );
std::string shortenedName;
if ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" )
shortenedName = "destroy";
else if ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" )
shortenedName = "free";
assert( commandIt->first == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" );
shortenedName = "release";
size_t pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.replace( pos, commandName.length(), shortenedName );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName, pos );
// special handling for "free", to prevent interfering with MSVC debug free!
if ( shortenedName == "free" )
std::string toEncloseString = stripPrefix( handle, "Vk" ) + "::free";
std::string enclosedString = "( " + toEncloseString + " )";
pos = destroyCommandString.find( toEncloseString );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.replace( pos, toEncloseString.length(), enclosedString );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( toEncloseString, pos + enclosedString.length() );
// we need to remove the default argument for the first argument, to prevent ambiguities!
assert( 1 < commandIt->second.params.size() );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandIt->second.params[1].name ); // skip the standard version of the function
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandIt->second.params[1].name,
pos + 1 ); // get the argument to destroy in the advanced version
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT", pos );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.erase( pos, strlen( " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT" ) );
str += "\n" + destroyCommandString;
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandEnhanced( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool chained,
bool unique ) const
assert( vectorParams.empty() || ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam != INVALID_INDEX ) );
assert( !singular || !returnParams.empty() ); // if singular is true, then there is at least one returnParam !
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, returnParams, singular );
// special handling for vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT: here, we really need to stick with the const void * parameter !
std::set<size_t> templatedParams = ( name == "vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT" ) ? std::set<size_t>() : determineVoidPointerParams( commandData.params );
std::set<size_t> singularParams = singular ? determineSingularParams( returnParams[0], vectorParams ) : std::set<size_t>();
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> vectorSizeCheck =
needsVectorSizeCheck( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams, singularParams );
bool enumerating = determineEnumeration( vectorParams, returnParams );
std::vector<std::string> dataTypes = determineDataTypes( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams, templatedParams );
std::string dataType = combineDataTypes( vectorParams, returnParams, singular, enumerating, dataTypes, unique, false );
std::string argumentTemplates = generateArgumentTemplates( commandData.params, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, chained, false );
auto [allocatorTemplates, uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates] =
generateAllocatorTemplates( returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, definition, singular, unique, chained );
std::string typenameCheck = generateTypenameCheck( returnParams, vectorParams, definition, dataTypes, singular, withAllocator, unique, chained );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard( !returnParams.empty(), 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), 1 < commandData.errorCodes.size() );
std::string returnType = generateReturnType( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, unique, chained, false, dataType );
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "";
std::string classSeparator = commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::";
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, singular, unique );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced(
commandData.params, returnParams, vectorParams, skippedParams, singularParams, templatedParams, definition, withAllocator, chained, true );
std::string constString = commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const";
std::string noexceptString = generateNoExcept( commandData.errorCodes, returnParams, vectorParams, singular, vectorSizeCheck.first, false );
if ( definition )
std::string vectorSizeCheckString =
vectorSizeCheck.first ? generateVectorSizeCheck( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, vectorSizeCheck.second, skippedParams, false ) : "";
std::string returnVariable = generateReturnVariable( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, chained, singular );
std::string dataDeclarations = generateDataDeclarations( commandData,
returnVariable );
std::string dataPreparation = generateDataPreparation(
commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular, withAllocator, unique, chained, enumerating );
std::string dataSizeChecks = generateDataSizeChecks( commandData, returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular );
std::string callSequence =
generateCallSequence( name, commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, initialSkipCount, singularParams, templatedParams, chained, false );
std::string resultCheck = generateResultCheck( commandData, className, classSeparator, commandName, enumerating );
std::string returnStatement = generateReturnStatement( name,
returnParams.empty() ? INVALID_INDEX : returnParams[0],
false );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}${allocatorTemplates}typename Dispatch${uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates}${typenameCheck}>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} )${const}${noexcept}
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "allocatorTemplates", allocatorTemplates },
{ "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "callSequence", callSequence },
{ "className", className },
{ "classSeparator", classSeparator },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", constString },
{ "dataDeclarations", dataDeclarations },
{ "dataPreparation", dataPreparation },
{ "dataSizeChecks", dataSizeChecks },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "resultCheck", resultCheck },
{ "returnStatement", returnStatement },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "typenameCheck", typenameCheck },
{ "uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates", uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates },
{ "vectorSizeCheck", vectorSizeCheckString } } );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}${allocatorTemplates}typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE${uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates}${typenameCheck}>
${nodiscard}${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} )${const}${noexcept};)";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "allocatorTemplates", allocatorTemplates },
{ "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const" },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "typenameCheck", typenameCheck },
{ "uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates", uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandName( std::string const & vulkanCommandName,
std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::set<std::string> const & tags,
bool singular,
bool unique ) const
std::string commandName( startLowerCase( stripPrefix( vulkanCommandName, "vk" ) ) );
for ( size_t i = initialSkipCount - 1; i < initialSkipCount; --i ) // count down to zero, then wrap around and stop
std::string const & argumentType = params[i].type.type;
std::string searchName = stripPrefix( argumentType, "Vk" );
std::string argumentTag = findTag( tags, argumentType );
if ( !argumentTag.empty() )
searchName = stripPostfix( searchName, argumentTag );
size_t pos = commandName.find( searchName );
if ( pos == std::string::npos )
searchName = startLowerCase( searchName );
pos = commandName.find( searchName );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
size_t len = searchName.length();
if ( commandName.find( searchName + "s" ) == pos )
// filter out any plural of the searchName as well!
commandName.erase( pos, len );
else if ( ( searchName == "commandBuffer" ) && commandName.starts_with( "cmd" ) )
commandName.erase( 0, 3 );
pos = 0;
if ( pos == 0 )
commandName = startLowerCase( commandName );
std::string commandTag = findTag( tags, commandName );
if ( !argumentTag.empty() && ( argumentTag == commandTag ) )
commandName = stripPostfix( commandName, argumentTag );
if ( singular )
commandName = stripPluralS( commandName );
if ( unique )
commandName += "Unique";
return commandName;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ); break;
case 2: return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors2Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams ); break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors0Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
std::vector<size_t> constPointerParams = determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params );
if ( constPointerParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardOrEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, {}, false, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors2Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
if ( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) && ( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "size_t" ) || ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocator(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: return generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ); break;
case 1: return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams[0] ); break;
case 2: return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors2Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams ); break;
case 3: return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors3Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams ); break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam ) const
if ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedSingular(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, false ) );
else if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorSingularUnique(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, true ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, true, false, true ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, true ) );
else if ( !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors2Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
if ( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) && ( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "size_t" ) || ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorChained(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, true, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, true, false ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocator(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ) );
else if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors3Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
if ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( returnParams[2] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocator(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessNoErrors( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0:
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
std::vector<size_t> constPointerParams = determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params );
if ( constPointerParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardOrEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, {}, false, false, false, false ) );
case 1:
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, {}, false, false, false, false ) );
case 1:
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: return generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ); break;
case 1: return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams[0] ); break;
case 2: return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors2Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams ); break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam ) const
if ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" )
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnVoid( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam );
else if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnHandle( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam );
else if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnChain( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam );
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnValue( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnChain(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedChained(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, true, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnHandle(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedUnique(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, true ) );
case 1:
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnHandle1Vector(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam, *vectorParams.begin() );
case 2:
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnHandle2Vector( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam, vectorParams );
return "";
VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnHandle1Vector( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
size_t returnParam,
std::pair<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParamIndex ) const
if ( returnParam == vectorParamIndex.first )
if ( isLenByStructMember( commandData.params[vectorParamIndex.first].len, commandData.params[vectorParamIndex.second.lenParam] ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorUnique(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, { vectorParamIndex }, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, { vectorParamIndex }, { returnParam }, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, { vectorParamIndex }, { returnParam }, false, false, false, true ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, { vectorParamIndex }, { returnParam }, false, true, false, true ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnHandle2Vector( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
size_t returnParam,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams ) const
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorSingularUnique(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, true ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, true, false, true ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, true ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnValue(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ) );
case 2:
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnValue2Vectors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam, vectorParams );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnValue2Vectors( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
size_t returnParam,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams ) const
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type != "void" ) &&
!isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorSingular(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnVoid(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ) );
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedSingular(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, false ) );
case 2:
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam != std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
if ( commandData.params[std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedSingular(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors2Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
if ( returnParams[0] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] ) == vectorParams.end() )
assert( ( returnParams[1] != vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) && ( returnParams[1] != std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam ) );
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
if ( ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type != "void" ) &&
!isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorSingular(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, true, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() && determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardOrEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, {}, false, false, false, false ) );
else if ( allVectorSizesSupported( commandData.params, vectorParams ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, {}, false, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandard( std::string const & standard ) const
const std::string commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate, std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandStandard", standard } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced( bool definition, std::string const & standard, std::string const & enhanced ) const
const std::string commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>(
{ { "commandEnhanced", enhanced }, { "commandStandard", standard }, { "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedChained( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::string const & enhanced,
std::string const & enhancedChained ) const
std::string const commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced },
{ "commandEnhancedChained", enhancedChained },
{ "commandStandard", standard },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedSingular( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::string const & enhanced,
std::string const & enhancedSingular ) const
std::string const commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced },
{ "commandEnhancedSingular", enhancedSingular },
{ "commandStandard", standard },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedUnique( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::string const & enhanced,
std::string const & enhancedUnique ) const
std::string const commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced },
{ "commandEnhancedUnique", enhancedUnique },
{ "commandStandard", standard },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocator( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::string const & enhanced,
std::string const & enhancedWithAllocator ) const
const std::string commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced },
{ "commandEnhancedWithAllocator", enhancedWithAllocator },
{ "commandStandard", standard },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorChained( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::string const & enhanced,
std::string const & enhancedWithAllocator,
std::string const & enhancedChained,
std::string const & enhancedChainedWithAllocator ) const
std::string const commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced },
{ "commandEnhancedChained", enhancedChained },
{ "commandEnhancedChainedWithAllocator", enhancedChainedWithAllocator },
{ "commandEnhancedWithAllocator", enhancedWithAllocator },
{ "commandStandard", standard },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorSingular( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::string const & enhanced,
std::string const & enhancedWithAllocator,
std::string const & enhancedSingular ) const
std::string const commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced },
{ "commandEnhancedSingular", enhancedSingular },
{ "commandEnhancedWithAllocator", enhancedWithAllocator },
{ "commandStandard", standard },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorSingularUnique( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::string const & enhanced,
std::string const & enhancedWithAllocator,
std::string const & enhancedSingular,
std::string const & enhancedUnique,
std::string const & enhancedUniqueWithAllocator,
std::string const & enhancedUniqueSingular ) const
std::string const commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced },
{ "commandEnhancedSingular", enhancedSingular },
{ "commandEnhancedUnique", enhancedUnique },
{ "commandEnhancedUniqueSingular", enhancedUniqueSingular },
{ "commandEnhancedUniqueWithAllocator", enhancedUniqueWithAllocator },
{ "commandEnhancedWithAllocator", enhancedWithAllocator },
{ "commandStandard", standard },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorUnique( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::string const & enhanced,
std::string const & enhancedWithAllocator,
std::string const & enhancedUnique,
std::string const & enhancedUniqueWithAllocator ) const
std::string const commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced },
{ "commandEnhancedUnique", enhancedUnique },
{ "commandEnhancedUniqueWithAllocator", enhancedUniqueWithAllocator },
{ "commandEnhancedWithAllocator", enhancedWithAllocator },
{ "commandStandard", standard },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandardOrEnhanced( std::string const & standard, std::string const & enhanced ) const
const std::string commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate, std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced }, { "commandStandard", standard } } ) );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandStandard( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, {}, {}, false );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListStandard( commandData.params, skippedParams );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, false, false );
std::string nodiscard = ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() + commandData.errorCodes.size() ) ? "VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD " : "";
std::string returnType = stripPrefix( commandData.returnType, "Vk" );
if ( definition )
std::string functionBody = "d." + name + "( " + generateCallArgumentsStandard( commandData.handle, commandData.params ) + " )";
if ( commandData.returnType.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
functionBody = "return static_cast<" + returnType + ">( " + functionBody + " )";
else if ( commandData.returnType != "void" )
functionBody = "return " + functionBody;
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename Dispatch>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} )${const} VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "className", initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "" },
{ "classSeparator", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const" },
{ "functionBody", functionBody },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>
${nodiscard}${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_ASSIGNMENT )${const} VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT;)";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const" },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandValue( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
if ( returnParams.empty() )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
if ( determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandard( generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ) );
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ) );
return "";
VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid0Return( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() && determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandard( generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ) );
else if ( allVectorSizesSupported( commandData.params, vectorParams ) )
// All the vectorParams have a counter by value, of type "uint32_t", "VkDeviceSize", or "VkSampleCountFlagBits" (!)
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, {}, false, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid1Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.postfix == "**" )
// get a pointer to something
if ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ) );
else if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ) );
else if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedChained(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, { returnParam }, false, false, true, false ) );
else if ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" )
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ) );
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( name == stripPluralS( name ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, true, false, false, false ) );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ) );
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
// you get a vector of stuff, with the size being one of the parameters
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocator(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, true, false, false ) );
if ( !isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type != "void" ) )
if ( isLenByStructMember( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].len, commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam] ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, { returnParam }, false, false, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid2Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
if ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorChained(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, true, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, true, false ) );
else if ( !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocator(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateConstexprString( std::string const & structName ) const
// structs with a VkBaseInStructure and VkBaseOutStructure can't be a constexpr!
bool isConstExpression = ( structName != "VkBaseInStructure" ) && ( structName != "VkBaseOutStructure" );
return isConstExpression ? ( std::string( "VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR" ) + ( ( containsUnion( structName ) || containsArray( structName ) ) ? "_14 " : " " ) ) : "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool chained,
bool unique,
bool raii,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
std::string const & dataType,
std::string const & returnType,
std::string const & returnVariable ) const
assert( dataTypes.size() == returnParams.size() );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: return ""; // no returnParams -> no data declarations
case 1:
return generateDataDeclarations1Return(
commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular, withAllocator, chained, unique, dataTypes, dataType, returnType, returnVariable );
case 2:
assert( !unique );
return generateDataDeclarations2Returns(
commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, singular, withAllocator, chained, raii, dataTypes, dataType, returnVariable );
case 3:
assert( ( vectorParams.size() == 2 ) && ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) &&
( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first ) && ( returnParams[2] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first ) &&
( returnParams[0] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam ) && templatedParams.empty() && !chained && !singular && !unique );
return generateDataDeclarations3Returns( commandData, returnParams, withAllocator, raii, dataTypes );
default: assert( false ); return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations1Return( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool chained,
bool unique,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
std::string const & dataType,
std::string const & returnType,
std::string const & returnVariable ) const
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( !chained )
if ( ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() ) || singular )
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${returnVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationsTemplate, { { "returnType", dataType }, { "returnVariable", returnVariable } } );
std::string allocator = stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator";
std::string vectorAllocator = ( withAllocator && !unique ) ? ( ", " + startLowerCase( allocator ) ) : "";
std::string vectorSize = getVectorSize( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams[0], dataTypes[0], templatedParams );
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate = R"(${dataType} ${returnVariable}( ${vectorSize}${vectorAllocator} );)";
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "dataType", dataType }, { "returnVariable", returnVariable }, { "vectorAllocator", vectorAllocator }, { "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
assert( ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() ) || singular );
std::string dataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${returnVariable};
${dataType} & ${dataVariable} = ${returnVariable}.template get<${dataType}>();)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationsTemplate,
{ { "dataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "dataVariable", dataVariable },
{ "returnType", ( commandData.returnType == "void" ) ? returnType : "StructureChain<X, Y, Z...>" },
{ "returnVariable", returnVariable } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations2Returns( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool chained,
bool raii,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
std::string const & dataType,
std::string const & returnVariable ) const
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
assert( !singular && !chained );
std::string firstDataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string secondDataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(std::pair<${firstDataType},${secondDataType}> data;
${firstDataType} & ${firstDataVariable} = data.first;
${secondDataType} & ${secondDataVariable} = data.second;)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "firstDataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "firstDataVariable", firstDataVariable },
{ "secondDataType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "secondDataVariable", secondDataVariable } } );
case 1:
assert( ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) && ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first ) && !singular );
std::string counterVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
if ( !chained )
std::string vectorAllocator = withAllocator ? ( "( " + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator )" ) : "";
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${returnVariable}${vectorAllocator};
${counterType} ${counterVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "counterType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "counterVariable", counterVariable },
{ "returnType", dataType },
{ "returnVariable", returnVariable },
{ "vectorAllocator", vectorAllocator } } );
std::string structureChainAllocator = raii ? "" : ", StructureChainAllocator";
std::string structureChainInitializer = withAllocator ? ( "( structureChainAllocator )" ) : "";
std::string vectorVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate =
R"(std::vector<StructureChain${structureChainAllocator}> structureChains${structureChainInitializer};
std::vector<${vectorElementType}> ${vectorVariable};
${counterType} ${counterVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ "counterType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "counterVariable", counterVariable },
{ "structureChainAllocator", structureChainAllocator },
{ "structureChainInitializer", structureChainInitializer },
{ "vectorElementType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "vectorVariable", vectorVariable },
} );
case 2:
assert( ( returnParams[0] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first ) && ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] ) == vectorParams.end() ) && !chained );
std::string firstDataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string secondDataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
if ( singular )
firstDataVariable = stripPluralS( firstDataVariable );
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(std::pair<${firstDataType},${secondDataType}> data;
${firstDataType} & ${firstDataVariable} = data.first;
${secondDataType} & ${secondDataVariable} = data.second;)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "firstDataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "firstDataVariable", firstDataVariable },
{ "secondDataType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "secondDataVariable", secondDataVariable } } );
std::string allocatorType = raii ? "" : ( startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator" );
std::string allocateInitializer = withAllocator ? ( ", " + startLowerCase( allocatorType ) ) : "";
if ( !raii )
allocatorType = ", " + allocatorType;
std::string vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate =
R"(std::pair<std::vector<${firstDataType}${allocatorType}>,${secondDataType}> data( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( ${vectorSize}${allocateInitializer} ), std::forward_as_tuple( 0 ) );
std::vector<${firstDataType}${allocatorType}> & ${firstDataVariable} = data.first;
${secondDataType} & ${secondDataVariable} = data.second;)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "allocateInitializer", allocateInitializer },
{ "allocatorType", allocatorType },
{ "firstDataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "firstDataVariable", firstDataVariable },
{ "secondDataType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "secondDataVariable", secondDataVariable },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
default: assert( false ); return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations3Returns(
CommandData const & commandData, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams, bool withAllocator, bool raii, std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes ) const
std::string counterVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string firstVectorVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
std::string secondVectorVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].name, "p" ) );
std::string firstVectorAllocatorType, secondVectorAllocatorType, pairConstructor;
if ( !raii )
firstVectorAllocatorType = startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
secondVectorAllocatorType = startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[2], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
pairConstructor = withAllocator ? ( "( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( " + startLowerCase( firstVectorAllocatorType ) +
" ), std::forward_as_tuple( " + startLowerCase( secondVectorAllocatorType ) + " ) )" )
: "";
firstVectorAllocatorType = ", " + firstVectorAllocatorType;
secondVectorAllocatorType = ", " + secondVectorAllocatorType;
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate =
R"(std::pair<std::vector<${firstVectorElementType}${firstVectorAllocatorType}>, std::vector<${secondVectorElementType}${secondVectorAllocatorType}>> data${pairConstructor};
std::vector<${firstVectorElementType}${firstVectorAllocatorType}> & ${firstVectorVariable} = data.first;
std::vector<${secondVectorElementType}${secondVectorAllocatorType}> & ${secondVectorVariable} = data.second;
${counterType} ${counterVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationsTemplate,
{ { "counterType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "counterVariable", counterVariable },
{ "firstVectorAllocatorType", firstVectorAllocatorType },
{ "firstVectorElementType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "firstVectorVariable", firstVectorVariable },
{ "pairConstructor", pairConstructor },
{ "secondVectorAllocatorType", secondVectorAllocatorType },
{ "secondVectorElementType", dataTypes[2] },
{ "secondVectorVariable", secondVectorVariable } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataPreparation( CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool unique,
bool chained,
bool enumerating ) const
auto vectorParamIt = ( 1 < returnParams.size() ) ? vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] ) : vectorParams.end();
if ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() )
assert( !unique );
std::string vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) );
if ( chained )
assert( !singular );
assert( templatedParams.empty() );
assert( returnParams.size() == 2 );
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) == vectorParams.end() );
assert( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorParamIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
std::string vectorElementType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
if ( enumerating )
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${counterName} <= ${vectorName}.size() );
if ( ${counterName} < ${vectorName}.size() )
structureChains.resize( ${counterName} );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>() = ${vectorName}[i];
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].type.type },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName } } );
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>() = ${vectorName}[i];
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].type.type },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName } } );
else if ( enumerating )
assert( !singular );
assert( ( vectorParams.size() != 2 ) ||
( ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[1] ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first == returnParams[2] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) ) );
std::string resizes;
for ( auto const & vp : vectorParams )
assert( ( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vp.first ) != returnParams.end() ) &&
( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vp.second.lenParam ) != returnParams.end() ) );
resizes += startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vp.first].name, "p" ) ) + ".resize( " +
startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vp.second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) + " );\n";
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${counterName} <= ${vectorName}.size() );
if ( ${counterName} < ${vectorName}.size() )
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "resizes", resizes },
{ "vectorName", vectorName } } );
else if ( unique && !singular && ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) && ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) != vectorParams.end() ) )
assert( !enumerating );
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "";
std::string deleterDefinition;
std::vector<std::string> lenParts = tokenize( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].len, "->" );
switch ( lenParts.size() )
case 1: deleterDefinition = "ObjectDestroy<" + className + ", Dispatch> deleter( *this, allocator, d )"; break;
case 2:
auto vpiIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
assert( vpiIt != vectorParams.end() );
std::string poolType, poolName;
std::tie( poolType, poolName ) = getPoolTypeAndName( commandData.params[vpiIt->second.lenParam].type.type );
assert( !poolType.empty() );
poolType = stripPrefix( poolType, "Vk" );
poolName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParts[0], "p" ) ) + "." + poolName;
deleterDefinition = "PoolFree<" + className + ", " + poolType + ", Dispatch> deleter( *this, " + poolName + ", d )";
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type, "Vk" );
std::string uniqueVectorName = "unique" + stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" );
std::string vectorAllocator = withAllocator ? ( "( " + startLowerCase( handleType ) + "Allocator )" ) : "";
std::string vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string elementName = stripPluralS( vectorName );
std::string vectorSize = getVectorSize( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams[0], commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type, templatedParams );
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(std::vector<UniqueHandle<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${handleType}, Dispatch>, ${handleType}Allocator> ${uniqueVectorName}${vectorAllocator};
${uniqueVectorName}.reserve( ${vectorSize} );
for ( auto const & ${elementName} : ${vectorName} )
${uniqueVectorName}.push_back( UniqueHandle<${handleType}, Dispatch>( ${elementName}, deleter ) );
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "elementName", elementName },
{ "deleterDefinition", deleterDefinition },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "uniqueVectorName", uniqueVectorName },
{ "vectorAllocator", vectorAllocator },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataSizeChecks( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::vector<std::string> const & returnParamTypes,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool singular ) const
assert( returnParams.size() == returnParamTypes.size() );
std::string dataSizeChecks;
if ( !singular )
const std::string dataSizeCheckTemplate = R"( VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${dataSize} % sizeof( ${dataType} ) == 0 );)";
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); i++ )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] );
if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( templatedParams.find( returnParams[i] ) != templatedParams.end() ) &&
( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vectorParamIt->second.lenParam ) == returnParams.end() ) )
dataSizeChecks += replaceWithMap( dataSizeCheckTemplate,
{ { "dataSize", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name }, { "dataType", returnParamTypes[i] } } );
return dataSizeChecks;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDispatchLoaderDynamic() const
const std::string dispatchLoaderDynamicTemplate = R"(
using PFN_dummy = void ( * )();
class DispatchLoaderDynamic : public DispatchLoaderBase
DispatchLoaderDynamic() VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
DispatchLoaderDynamic( DispatchLoaderDynamic const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
#if !defined( VK_NO_PROTOTYPES )
// This interface is designed to be used for per-device function pointers in combination with a linked vulkan library.
template <typename DynamicLoader>
void init(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Instance const & instance, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Device const & device, DynamicLoader const & dl) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr = dl.template getProcAddress<PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr>("vkGetInstanceProcAddr");
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr getDeviceProcAddr = dl.template getProcAddress<PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr>("vkGetDeviceProcAddr");
init(static_cast<VkInstance>(instance), getInstanceProcAddr, static_cast<VkDevice>(device), device ? getDeviceProcAddr : nullptr);
// This interface is designed to be used for per-device function pointers in combination with a linked vulkan library.
template <typename DynamicLoader
void init(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Instance const & instance, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Device const & device) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
static DynamicLoader dl;
init(instance, device, dl);
#endif // !defined( VK_NO_PROTOTYPES )
DispatchLoaderDynamic(PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
void init( PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
vkGetInstanceProcAddr = getInstanceProcAddr;
// This interface does not require a linked vulkan library.
DispatchLoaderDynamic( VkInstance instance,
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr,
VkDevice device = {},
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr getDeviceProcAddr = nullptr ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
init( instance, getInstanceProcAddr, device, getDeviceProcAddr );
// This interface does not require a linked vulkan library.
void init( VkInstance instance,
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr,
VkDevice device = {},
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr /*getDeviceProcAddr*/ = nullptr ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT(instance && getInstanceProcAddr);
vkGetInstanceProcAddr = getInstanceProcAddr;
init( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Instance(instance) );
if (device) {
init( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Device(device) );
void init( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Instance instanceCpp ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
VkInstance instance = static_cast<VkInstance>(instanceCpp);
VkDevice device = static_cast<VkDevice>(deviceCpp);
std::string commandMembers, deviceCommandAssignments, initialCommandAssignments, instanceCommandAssignments;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension!
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
appendDispatchLoaderDynamicCommands( feature.second.requireData,
deviceCommandAssignments );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
appendDispatchLoaderDynamicCommands( extIt.second->second.requireData,
deviceCommandAssignments );
return replaceWithMap( dispatchLoaderDynamicTemplate,
{ { "commandMembers", commandMembers },
{ "deviceCommandAssignments", deviceCommandAssignments },
{ "initialCommandAssignments", initialCommandAssignments },
{ "instanceCommandAssignments", instanceCommandAssignments } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDispatchLoaderStatic() const
const std::string dispatchLoaderStaticTemplate = R"(
#if !defined( VK_NO_PROTOTYPES )
class DispatchLoaderStatic : public DispatchLoaderBase
std::string commands;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
commands += generateDispatchLoaderStaticCommands( feature.second.requireData, listedCommands, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
commands += generateDispatchLoaderStaticCommands( extIt.second->second.requireData, listedCommands, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( dispatchLoaderStaticTemplate, { { "commands", commands } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDestroyCommand( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData ) const
// special handling for destroy functions, filter out alias functions
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, 1, m_tags, false, false );
if ( commandData.alias.empty() && ( ( ( name.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) && ( commandName != "destroy" ) ) || ( name.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ||
( name == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) ) )
assert( 1 < commandData.params.size() );
// make sure, the object to destroy/free/release is not optional in the shortened version!
CommandData localCommandData = commandData;
localCommandData.params[1].optional = false;
std::string destroyCommandString = generateCommand( name, localCommandData, 1, false );
std::string shortenedName;
if ( name.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" )
shortenedName = "destroy";
else if ( name.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" )
// enclose "free" in parenthesis to prevent interference with MSVC debug free
shortenedName = "( free )";
assert( name == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" );
shortenedName = "release";
size_t pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.replace( pos, commandName.length(), shortenedName );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName, pos );
// we need to remove the default argument for the first argument, to prevent ambiguities!
assert( 1 < localCommandData.params.size() );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( localCommandData.params[1].name ); // skip the standard version of the function
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( localCommandData.params[1].name,
pos + 1 ); // get the argument to destroy in the advanced version
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT", pos );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.erase( pos, strlen( " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT" ) );
return "\n" + destroyCommandString;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDispatchLoaderDynamicCommandAssignment( std::string const & commandName,
CommandData const & commandData,
std::string const & firstArg ) const
if ( commandName == "vkGetInstanceProcAddr" )
// Don't overwite vkGetInstanceProcAddr with NULL.
return "";
std::string str = " " + commandName + " = PFN_" + commandName + "( vkGet" + ( ( firstArg == "device" ) ? "Device" : "Instance" ) + "ProcAddr( " +
firstArg + ", \"" + commandName + "\" ) );\n";
// if this is an alias'ed function, use it as a fallback for the original one
if ( !commandData.alias.empty() )
str += " if ( !" + commandData.alias + " ) " + commandData.alias + " = " + commandName + ";\n";
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDispatchLoaderStaticCommands( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
// some commands are listed for multiple extensions !
if ( listedCommands.insert( command ).second )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
str += "\n";
std::string parameterList, parameters;
assert( !commandIt->second.params.empty() );
for ( auto param : commandIt->second.params )
parameterList += param.type.compose( "" ) + " " + + generateCArraySizes( param.arraySizes ) + ", ";
parameters += + ", ";
assert( parameterList.ends_with( ", " ) && parameters.ends_with( ", " ) );
parameterList.resize( parameterList.size() - 2 );
parameters.resize( parameters.size() - 2 );
const std::string commandTemplate = R"(
${returnType} ${commandName}( ${parameterList} ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return ::${commandName}( ${parameters} );
str += replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
{ { "commandName", commandIt->first },
{ "parameterList", parameterList },
{ "parameters", parameters },
{ "returnType", commandIt->second.returnType } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnum( std::pair<std::string, EnumData> const & enumData ) const
std::string bitmask;
if ( enumData.second.isBitmask )
auto bitmaskIt =
std::find_if( m_bitmasks.begin(), m_bitmasks.end(), [&enumData]( auto const & bitmask ) { return bitmask.second.requirements == enumData.first; } );
assert( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() );
bitmask = " : " + bitmaskIt->first;
std::string enumValues, previousEnter, previousLeave;
std::map<std::string, std::string> valueToNameMap;
for ( auto const & value : enumData.second.values )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.extension, value.protect );
if ( previousEnter != enter )
enumValues += previousLeave + enter;
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( enumData.first,, enumData.second.isBitmask, m_tags );
enumValues += " " + valueName + " = " + + ",\n";
assert( valueToNameMap.find( valueName ) == valueToNameMap.end() );
valueToNameMap[valueName] =;
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
enumValues += previousLeave;
for ( auto const & alias : enumData.second.aliases )
std::string aliasName =
generateEnumValueName( enumData.second.alias.empty() ? enumData.first : enumData.second.alias, alias.first, enumData.second.isBitmask, m_tags );
// make sure to only list alias values that differ from all previous values
auto valueToNameIt = valueToNameMap.find( aliasName );
if ( valueToNameIt == valueToNameMap.end() )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto enumIt = std::find_if(
enumData.second.values.begin(), enumData.second.values.end(), [&alias]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return ==; } );
if ( enumIt == enumData.second.values.end() )
auto aliasIt = enumData.second.aliases.find( );
assert( aliasIt != enumData.second.aliases.end() );
auto nextAliasIt = enumData.second.aliases.find( aliasIt-> );
while ( nextAliasIt != enumData.second.aliases.end() )
aliasIt = nextAliasIt;
nextAliasIt = enumData.second.aliases.find( aliasIt-> );
enumIt = std::find_if(
enumData.second.values.begin(), enumData.second.values.end(), [&aliasIt]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return aliasIt-> ==; } );
assert( enumIt != enumData.second.values.end() );
assert( enumIt->extension.empty() || generateProtection( enumIt->extension, enumIt->protect ).first.empty() );
enumValues += " " + aliasName + " = " + alias.first + ",\n";
// map the aliasName to the name of the base
std::string baseName = findBaseName(, enumData.second.aliases );
assert( std::find_if( enumData.second.values.begin(),
[&baseName]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == baseName; } ) != enumData.second.values.end() );
valueToNameMap[aliasName] = baseName;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
// verify, that the identical value represents the identical name
std::string baseName = findBaseName(, enumData.second.aliases );
assert( std::find_if( enumData.second.values.begin(),
[&baseName]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == baseName; } ) != enumData.second.values.end() );
assert( baseName == valueToNameIt->second );
if ( !enumValues.empty() )
size_t pos = enumValues.rfind( ',' );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
enumValues.erase( pos, 1 );
enumValues = "\n" + enumValues + " ";
std::string enumUsing;
if ( !enumData.second.alias.empty() )
enumUsing += " using " + stripPrefix( enumData.second.alias, "Vk" ) + " = " + stripPrefix( enumData.first, "Vk" ) + ";\n";
const std::string enumTemplate = R"( enum class ${enumName}${bitmask}
return replaceWithMap(
enumTemplate, { { "bitmask", bitmask }, { "enumName", stripPrefix( enumData.first, "Vk" ) }, { "enumUsing", enumUsing }, { "enumValues", enumValues } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnums() const
const std::string enumsTemplate = R"(
//=== ENUMs ===
std::string enums;
std::set<std::string> listedEnums;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
enums += generateEnums( feature.second.requireData, listedEnums, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
enums += generateEnums( extIt.second->second.requireData, listedEnums, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( enumsTemplate, { { "enums", enums } } );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnums( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::set<std::string> & listedEnums, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( type );
if ( ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) && ( listedEnums.find( type ) == listedEnums.end() ) )
listedEnums.insert( type );
str += "\n";
str += generateEnum( *enumIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumsToString() const
// start with toHexString, which is used in all the to_string functions here!
const std::string enumsToStringTemplate = R"(
//=== ENUMs to_string ===
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::string toHexString( uint32_t value )
#if __cpp_lib_format
return std::format( "{:x}", value );
std::stringstream stream;
stream << std::hex << value;
return stream.str();
std::string enumsToString;
std::set<std::string> listedEnums;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
enumsToString += generateEnumsToString( feature.second.requireData, listedEnums, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
enumsToString += generateEnumsToString( extIt.second->second.requireData, listedEnums, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( enumsToStringTemplate, { { "enumsToString", enumsToString } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumsToString( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedEnums,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( type );
if ( ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) && ( listedEnums.find( type ) == listedEnums.end() ) )
listedEnums.insert( type );
str += "\n";
str += generateEnumToString( *enumIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumInitializer( TypeInfo const & type,
std::vector<std::string> const & arraySizes,
std::vector<EnumValueData> const & values,
bool bitmask ) const
// enum arguments might need special initialization
assert( type.prefix.empty() && !values.empty() );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( type.type, values.front().name, bitmask, m_tags );
std::string value = generateNamespacedType( type.type ) + "::" + valueName;
std::string str;
if ( arraySizes.empty() )
str += value;
assert( arraySizes.size() == 1 );
auto constIt = m_constants.find( arraySizes[0] );
int count = std::stoi( ( constIt == m_constants.end() ) ? arraySizes[0] : constIt->second );
assert( 1 < count );
str += "{ { " + value;
for ( int i = 1; i < count; i++ )
str += ", " + value;
str += " } }";
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumToString( std::pair<std::string, EnumData> const & enumData ) const
std::string enumName = stripPrefix( enumData.first, "Vk" );
std::string functionBody;
if ( enumData.second.values.empty() )
functionBody = R"x( return "(void)";)x";
std::string cases, previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & value : enumData.second.values )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.extension, value.protect );
if ( previousEnter != enter )
cases += previousLeave + enter;
const std::string caseTemplate = R"( case ${enumName}::e${valueName} : return "${valueName}";
cases += replaceWithMap(
{ { "enumName", enumName }, { "valueName", generateEnumValueName( enumData.first,, enumData.second.isBitmask, m_tags ).substr( 1 ) } } );
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
cases += previousLeave;
const std::string functionBodyTemplate =
R"x( switch ( value )
${cases} default: return "invalid ( " + VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::toHexString( static_cast<uint32_t>( value ) ) + " )";
functionBody = replaceWithMap( functionBodyTemplate, { { "cases", cases } } );
const std::string enumToStringTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::string to_string( ${enumName}${argument} )
return replaceWithMap( enumToStringTemplate,
{ { "argument", enumData.second.values.empty() ? "" : " value" }, { "enumName", enumName }, { "functionBody", functionBody } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateFailureCheck( std::vector<std::string> const & successCodes ) const
assert( !successCodes.empty() );
std::string failureCheck = "result != " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[0], m_tags );
if ( 1 < successCodes.size() )
failureCheck = "( " + failureCheck + " )";
for ( size_t i = 1; i < successCodes.size(); ++i )
failureCheck += "&& ( result != " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[i], m_tags ) + " )";
return failureCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateFormatTraits() const
if ( m_formats.empty() )
return "";
const std::string formatTraitsTemplate = R"(
//=== Format Traits ===
// The texel block size in bytes.
switch( format )
default : VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 0;
// The number of texels in a texel block.
switch( format )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 0;
// The three-dimensional extent of a texel block.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 std::array<uint8_t, 3> blockExtent( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format )
switch( format )
default: return {{1, 1, 1 }};
// A textual description of the compression scheme, or an empty string if it is not compressed
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 char const * compressionScheme( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format )
switch( format )
default: return "";
// True, if this format is a compressed one.
return ( *VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::compressionScheme( format ) != 0 );
// The number of bits into which the format is packed. A single image element in this format
// can be stored in the same space as a scalar type of this bit width.
switch( format )
default: return 0;
// True, if the components of this format are compressed, otherwise false.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 bool componentsAreCompressed( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format )
switch( format )
return true;
default: return false;
// The number of bits in this component, if not compressed, otherwise 0.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 uint8_t componentBits( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t component )
switch( format )
default: return 0;
// The number of components of this format.
switch( format )
default: return 0;
// The name of the component
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 char const * componentName( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t component )
switch( format )
default: return "";
// The numeric format of the component
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 char const * componentNumericFormat( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t component )
switch( format )
default: return "";
// The plane this component lies in.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 uint8_t componentPlaneIndex( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t component )
switch( format )
default: return 0;
// The number of image planes of this format.
switch( format )
default: return 1;
// The single-plane format that this plane is compatible with.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format planeCompatibleFormat( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t plane )
switch( format )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( plane == 0 ); return format;
// The relative height of this plane. A value of k means that this plane is 1/k the height of the overall format.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 uint8_t planeHeightDivisor( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t plane )
switch( format )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( plane == 0 ); return 1;
// The relative width of this plane. A value of k means that this plane is 1/k the width of the overall format.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 uint8_t planeWidthDivisor( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t plane )
switch( format )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( plane == 0 ); return 1;
auto formatIt = m_enums.find( "VkFormat" );
assert( formatIt != m_enums.end() );
assert( formatIt->second.values.front().name == "VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED" );
std::string blockSizeCases, texelsPerBlockCases, blockExtentCases, compressionSchemeCases, packedCases, componentsAreCompressedCases, componentCountCases,
componentBitsCases, componentNameCases, componentNumericFormatCases, componentPlaneIndexCases, planeCountCases, planeCompatibleCases,
planeHeightDivisorCases, planeWidthDivisorCases;
for ( auto formatValuesIt = std::next( formatIt->second.values.begin() ); formatValuesIt != formatIt->second.values.end(); ++formatValuesIt )
auto traitIt = m_formats.find( formatValuesIt->name );
assert( traitIt != m_formats.end() );
std::string caseString = " case VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format::" + generateEnumValueName( "VkFormat", traitIt->first, false, m_tags ) + ":";
blockSizeCases += caseString + " return " + traitIt->second.blockSize + ";\n";
texelsPerBlockCases += caseString + " return " + traitIt->second.texelsPerBlock + ";\n";
if ( !traitIt->second.blockExtent.empty() )
std::vector<std::string> blockExtent = tokenize( traitIt->second.blockExtent, "," );
assert( blockExtent.size() == 3 );
blockExtentCases += caseString + " return {{ " + blockExtent[0] + ", " + blockExtent[1] + ", " + blockExtent[2] + " }};\n";
if ( !traitIt->second.compressed.empty() )
compressionSchemeCases += caseString + " return \"" + traitIt->second.compressed + "\";\n";
if ( !traitIt->second.packed.empty() )
packedCases += caseString + " return " + traitIt->second.packed + ";\n";
componentCountCases += caseString + " return " + std::to_string( traitIt->second.components.size() ) + ";\n";
if ( traitIt->second.components.front().bits == "compressed" )
componentsAreCompressedCases += caseString + "\n";
const std::string componentBitsCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( component )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 0;
std::string componentCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.components.size(); ++i )
componentCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return " + traitIt->second.components[i].bits + ";\n";
componentBitsCases += replaceWithMap( componentBitsCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "componentCases", componentCases } } );
const std::string componentNameCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( component )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return "";
std::string componentCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.components.size(); ++i )
componentCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return \"" + traitIt->second.components[i].name + "\";\n";
componentNameCases += replaceWithMap( componentNameCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "componentCases", componentCases } } );
const std::string componentNumericFormatCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( component )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return "";
std::string componentCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.components.size(); ++i )
componentCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return \"" + traitIt->second.components[i].numericFormat + "\";\n";
componentNumericFormatCases +=
replaceWithMap( componentNumericFormatCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "componentCases", componentCases } } );
if ( !traitIt->second.components.front().planeIndex.empty() )
const std::string componentPlaneIndexCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( component )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 0;
std::string componentCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.components.size(); ++i )
componentCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return " + traitIt->second.components[i].planeIndex + ";\n";
componentPlaneIndexCases += replaceWithMap( componentPlaneIndexCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "componentCases", componentCases } } );
if ( !traitIt->second.planes.empty() )
planeCountCases += caseString + " return " + std::to_string( traitIt->second.planes.size() ) + ";\n";
const std::string planeCompatibleCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( plane )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format::eUndefined;
const std::string planeHeightDivisorCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( plane )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 1;
const std::string planeWidthDivisorCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( plane )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 1;
std::string compatibleCases, heightDivisorCases, widthDivisorCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.planes.size(); ++i )
compatibleCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format::" +
generateEnumValueName( "VkFormat", traitIt->second.planes[i].compatible, false, m_tags ) + ";\n";
heightDivisorCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return " + traitIt->second.planes[i].heightDivisor + ";\n";
widthDivisorCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return " + traitIt->second.planes[i].widthDivisor + ";\n";
planeCompatibleCases += replaceWithMap( planeCompatibleCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "compatibleCases", compatibleCases } } );
planeHeightDivisorCases +=
replaceWithMap( planeHeightDivisorCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "heightDivisorCases", heightDivisorCases } } );
planeWidthDivisorCases += replaceWithMap( planeWidthDivisorCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "widthDivisorCases", widthDivisorCases } } );
return replaceWithMap( formatTraitsTemplate,
{ { "blockExtentCases", blockExtentCases },
{ "blockSizeCases", blockSizeCases },
{ "componentBitsCases", componentBitsCases },
{ "componentCountCases", componentCountCases },
{ "componentNameCases", componentNameCases },
{ "componentNumericFormatCases", componentNumericFormatCases },
{ "componentPlaneIndexCases", componentPlaneIndexCases },
{ "componentsAreCompressedCases", componentsAreCompressedCases },
{ "compressionSchemeCases", compressionSchemeCases },
{ "packedCases", packedCases },
{ "planeCompatibleCases", planeCompatibleCases },
{ "planeCountCases", planeCountCases },
{ "planeHeightDivisorCases", planeHeightDivisorCases },
{ "planeWidthDivisorCases", planeWidthDivisorCases },
{ "texelsPerBlockCases", texelsPerBlockCases } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateFunctionPointerCheck( std::string const & function, std::string const & referencedIn ) const
std::string functionPointerCheck;
if ( m_extensions.find( referencedIn ) != m_extensions.end() )
std::string message = "Function <" + function + "> needs extension <" + referencedIn + "> enabled!";
functionPointerCheck = "VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( getDispatcher()->" + function + " && \"" + message + "\" );";
return functionPointerCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandle( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handleData, std::set<std::string> & listedHandles ) const
assert( listedHandles.find( handleData.first ) == listedHandles.end() );
// first check for any handle that needs to be listed before this one
std::string str = generateHandleDependencies( handleData, listedHandles );
// list the commands of this handle
if ( handleData.first.empty() )
// the free functions, not bound to any handle
str += generateHandleEmpty( handleData.second );
// append any forward declaration of Deleters used by this handle
if ( !handleData.second.childrenHandles.empty() )
str += generateUniqueTypes( handleData.first, handleData.second.childrenHandles );
else if ( handleData.first == "VkPhysicalDevice" )
// special handling for class Device, as it's created from PhysicalDevice, but destroys itself
str += generateUniqueTypes( "", { "VkDevice" } );
// list all the commands that are mapped to members of this class
std::string commands = generateHandleCommandDeclarations( handleData.second.commands );
// create CPPType template specialization and the debugReportObjectType
std::string valueName = handleData.second.objTypeEnum;
valueName = valueName.replace( 3, 0, "DEBUG_REPORT_" ) + "_EXT";
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
auto valueIt =
std::find_if( enumIt->second.values.begin(), enumIt->second.values.end(), [&valueName]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return valueName ==; } );
std::string className = stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" );
std::string cppType, debugReportObjectType;
if ( valueIt == enumIt->second.values.end() )
debugReportObjectType = "eUnknown";
static const std::string cppTypeFromDebugReportObjectTypeEXTTemplate = R"(
template <>
struct CppType<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::e${className}>
using Type = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className};
cppType = replaceWithMap( cppTypeFromDebugReportObjectTypeEXTTemplate, { { "className", className } } );
debugReportObjectType = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, valueIt->name, false, m_tags );
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( handleData.first, !handleData.second.alias.empty() );
assert( !handleData.second.objTypeEnum.empty() );
enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkObjectType" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
valueIt = std::find_if( enumIt->second.values.begin(),
[&handleData]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == handleData.second.objTypeEnum; } );
assert( valueIt != enumIt->second.values.end() );
std::string usingAlias;
if ( !handleData.second.alias.empty() )
usingAlias += " using " + stripPrefix( handleData.second.alias, "Vk" ) + " = " + stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" ) + ";\n";
const std::string typesafeExplicitKeyword = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_EXPLICIT ";
const std::string typesafeConversionConditional = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "#if defined(VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION)\n";
const std::string typesafeConversionConditionalEnd = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "#endif\n";
static const std::string templateString = R"(
${enter} class ${className}
using CType = Vk${className};
using NativeType = Vk${className};
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT debugReportObjectType = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::${debugReportObjectType};
VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR ${className}() = default;
${typesafeExplicitKeyword}${className}( Vk${className} ${memberName} ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: m_${memberName}( ${memberName} )
${typesafeConversionConditional} ${className} & operator=(Vk${className} ${memberName}) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
m_${memberName} = ${memberName};
return *this;
${className} & operator=( std::nullptr_t ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
m_${memberName} = {};
return *this;
auto operator<=>( ${className} const & ) const = default;
bool operator==( ${className} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName} == rhs.m_${memberName};
bool operator!=(${className} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName} != rhs.m_${memberName};
bool operator<(${className} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName} < rhs.m_${memberName};
${typesafeExplicitKeyword}operator Vk${className}() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName};
explicit operator bool() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName} != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
bool operator!() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName} == VK_NULL_HANDLE;
Vk${className} m_${memberName} = {};
template <>
struct CppType<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ObjectType, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ObjectType::${objTypeEnum}>
using Type = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className};
template <>
struct isVulkanHandleType<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className}>
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR bool value = true;
str += replaceWithMap( templateString,
{ { "className", className },
{ "commands", commands },
{ "CppType", cppType },
{ "debugReportObjectType", debugReportObjectType },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "memberName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" ) ) },
{ "objTypeEnum", generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, valueIt->name, false, m_tags ) },
{ "usingAlias", usingAlias },
{ "typesafeExplicitKeyword", typesafeExplicitKeyword },
{ "typesafeConversionConditional", typesafeConversionConditional },
{ "typesafeConversionConditionalEnd", typesafeConversionConditionalEnd } } );
listedHandles.insert( handleData.first );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleCommandDeclarations( std::set<std::string> const & commands ) const
std::string str;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension!
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
std::vector<std::string> commandNames = selectCommandsByHandle( feature.second.requireData, commands, listedCommands );
if ( !commandNames.empty() )
str += "\n //=== " + feature.first + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : commandNames )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
str += "\n";
str += generateCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, 1, false );
str += generateDestroyCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
std::vector<std::string> commandNames = selectCommandsByHandle( extIt.second->second.requireData, commands, listedCommands );
if ( !commandNames.empty() )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( extIt.second->first, std::string() );
str += "\n" + enter + " //=== " + extIt.second->first + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : commandNames )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
std::string commandString;
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( commandIt->first, commandIt->second.params, 1, m_tags, false, false );
str += "\n";
str += generateCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, 1, false );
str += generateDestroyCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second );
str += leave;
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleDependencies( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handleData, std::set<std::string> & listedHandles ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & command : handleData.second.commands )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
for ( auto const & parameter : commandIt->second.params )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( parameter.type.type );
if ( ( handleIt != m_handles.end() ) && ( parameter.type.type != handleData.first ) &&
( listedHandles.find( parameter.type.type ) == listedHandles.end() ) )
str += generateHandle( *handleIt, listedHandles );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleEmpty( HandleData const & handleData ) const
std::string str;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension !
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
std::vector<std::string> commands = selectCommandsByHandle( feature.second.requireData, handleData.commands, listedCommands );
if ( !commands.empty() )
str += "\n //=== " + feature.first + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : commands )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
if ( commandIt->first == "vkCreateInstance" )
// special handling for createInstance, as we need to explicitly place the forward declarations and the
// deleter classes here
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( "" );
assert( ( handleIt != m_handles.end() ) && ( handleIt->second.childrenHandles.size() == 2 ) );
assert( handleIt->second.childrenHandles.find( "VkInstance" ) != handleIt->second.childrenHandles.end() );
str += generateUniqueTypes( "", { "VkInstance" } );
str += "\n";
str += generateCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, 0, false );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
assert( selectCommandsByHandle( extIt.second->second.requireData, handleData.commands, listedCommands ).empty() );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleHashStructures( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
const std::string hashTemplate = R"(
template <> struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${type}>
std::size_t operator()(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${type} const & ${name}) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return std::hash<Vk${type}>{}(static_cast<Vk${type}>(${name}));
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( type );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string handleName = startLowerCase( handleType );
str += replaceWithMap( hashTemplate, { { "name", handleName }, { "type", handleType } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleHashStructures() const
const std::string hashesTemplate = R"(
//=== HASH structures for handles ===
std::string hashes;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
hashes += generateHandleHashStructures( feature.second.requireData, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
hashes += generateHandleHashStructures( extIt.second->second.requireData, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( hashesTemplate, { { "hashes", hashes } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandles() const
// Note: reordering structs or handles by features and extensions is not possible!
std::string str = R"(
//=== HANDLEs ===
std::set<std::string> listedHandles;
for ( auto const & handle : m_handles )
if ( listedHandles.find( handle.first ) == listedHandles.end() )
str += generateHandle( handle, listedHandles );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateIndexTypeTraits() const
const std::string indexTypeTraitsTemplate = R"(
template<typename T>
struct IndexTypeValue
auto indexType = m_enums.find( "VkIndexType" );
assert( indexType != m_enums.end() );
std::string indexTypeTraits;
std::set<std::string> listedCppTypes;
for ( auto const & value : indexType->second.values )
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( indexType->first,, false, m_tags );
std::string cppType;
if ( !valueName.starts_with( "eNone" ) )
// get the bit count out of the value Name (8, 16, 32, ... ) and generate the cppType (uint8_t,...)
assert( valueName.starts_with( "eUint" ) );
auto beginDigit = valueName.begin() + strlen( "eUint" );
assert( isdigit( *beginDigit ) );
auto endDigit = std::find_if_not( beginDigit, valueName.end(), []( std::string::value_type c ) { return isdigit( c ); } );
cppType = "uint" + valueName.substr( strlen( "eUint" ), endDigit - beginDigit ) + "_t";
if ( !cppType.empty() )
if ( listedCppTypes.insert( cppType ).second )
// IndexType traits aren't necessarily invertible.
// The Type -> Enum translation will only occur for the first prefixed enum value.
// A hypothetical extension to this enum with a conflicting prefix will use the core spec value.
const std::string typeToEnumTemplate = R"(
template <>
struct IndexTypeValue<${cppType}>
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR IndexType value = IndexType::${valueName};
indexTypeTraits += replaceWithMap( typeToEnumTemplate, { { "cppType", cppType }, { "valueName", valueName } } );
// Enum -> Type translations are always able to occur.
const std::string enumToTypeTemplate = R"(
template <>
struct CppType<IndexType, IndexType::${valueName}>
using Type = ${cppType};
indexTypeTraits += replaceWithMap( enumToTypeTemplate, { { "cppType", cppType }, { "valueName", valueName } } );
return replaceWithMap( indexTypeTraitsTemplate, { { "indexTypeTraits", indexTypeTraits } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateLenInitializer(
std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator mit,
std::map<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator, std::vector<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator>>::const_iterator litit,
bool mutualExclusiveLens ) const
std::string initializer;
if ( mutualExclusiveLens )
// there are multiple mutually exclusive arrays related to this len
for ( size_t i = 0; i + 1 < litit->second.size(); i++ )
auto arrayIt = litit->second[i];
std::string argumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIt->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
initializer += "!" + argumentName + ".empty() ? " + argumentName + ".size() : ";
auto arrayIt = litit->second.back();
std::string argumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIt->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
initializer += argumentName + ".size()";
auto arrayIt = litit->second.front();
assert( ( arrayIt->len.front() == litit->first->name ) || ( ( arrayIt->len.front() == "codeSize / 4" ) && ( litit->first->name == "codeSize" ) ) );
assert( arrayIt->name.starts_with( "p" ) );
std::string argumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIt->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
assert( mit->type.prefix.empty() && mit->type.postfix.empty() );
initializer = argumentName + ".size()";
if ( arrayIt->len.front() == "codeSize / 4" )
initializer += " * 4";
if ( ( arrayIt->type.type == "void" ) &&
( std::count_if( arrayIt->type.postfix.begin(), arrayIt->type.postfix.end(), []( char c ) { return c == '*'; } ) < 2 ) )
initializer += " * sizeof(T)";
if ( mit->type.type != "size_t" )
initializer = "static_cast<" + mit->type.type + ">( " + initializer + " )";
return initializer;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateName( TypeInfo const & typeInfo ) const
std::string name = stripPrefix( typeInfo.type, "Vk" );
assert( typeInfo.prefix.find( '*' ) == std::string::npos );
if ( typeInfo.postfix.find( '*' ) != std::string::npos )
assert( typeInfo.postfix.find_first_of( '*' ) == typeInfo.postfix.find_last_of( '*' ) );
name = "p" + name;
name = startLowerCase( name );
return name;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateNoExcept( std::vector<std::string> const & errorCodes,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool singular,
bool vectorSizeCheck,
bool raii ) const
// noexcept is only possible with no error codes, and the return param (if any) is not a vector param (unless it's the singular version)
return ( errorCodes.empty() &&
( singular || returnParams.empty() ||
( std::find_if( returnParams.begin(),
[&vectorParams]( size_t rp ) { return vectorParams.find( rp ) != vectorParams.end(); } ) == returnParams.end() ) ) )
? ( vectorSizeCheck ? ( raii ? "" : " VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT_WHEN_NO_EXCEPTIONS" ) : " VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT" )
: "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateObjectDeleter( std::string const & commandName,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
size_t returnParam ) const
std::string objectDeleter, allocator;
if ( ( commandName.find( "Acquire" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( commandName.find( "Get" ) != std::string::npos ) )
if ( ( commandName == "vkAcquirePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) || ( commandName == "vkGetRandROutputDisplayEXT" ) ||
( commandName == "vkGetWinrtDisplayNV" ) || ( commandName == "vkGetDrmDisplayEXT" ) )
objectDeleter = "ObjectRelease";
throw std::runtime_error( "Found " + commandName + " which requires special handling for the object deleter" );
else if ( commandName.find( "Allocate" ) != std::string::npos )
objectDeleter = "ObjectFree";
allocator = "allocator, ";
assert( ( commandName.find( "Create" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( commandName.find( "Register" ) != std::string::npos ) );
objectDeleter = "ObjectDestroy";
allocator = "allocator, ";
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "";
std::string parentName = ( className.empty() || ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "VkDevice" ) ) ? "NoParent" : className;
return objectDeleter + "<" + parentName + ", Dispatch>( " + ( ( parentName == "NoParent" ) ? "" : "*this, " ) + allocator + "d )";
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateProtection( std::string const & referencedIn, std::string const & protect ) const
if ( !referencedIn.empty() )
if ( m_features.find( referencedIn ) == m_features.end() )
auto extensionIt = m_extensions.find( referencedIn );
assert( extensionIt != m_extensions.end() );
if ( !extensionIt->second.platform.empty() )
auto platformIt = m_platforms.find( extensionIt->second.platform );
assert( platformIt != m_platforms.end() );
if ( !platformIt->second.protect.empty() )
return std::make_pair( "#if defined( " + platformIt->second.protect + " )\n", "#endif /*" + platformIt->second.protect + "*/\n" );
else if ( !protect.empty() )
return std::make_pair( "#if defined( " + protect + " )\n", "#endif /*" + protect + "*/\n" );
return std::make_pair( "", "" );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateProtection( std::string const & type, bool isAliased ) const
if ( isAliased )
return std::make_pair( "", "" );
auto typeIt = m_types.find( type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
return generateProtection( typeIt->second.referencedIn, std::string() );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIICommandDefinitions() const
const std::string commandDefinitionsTemplate = R"(
//=== COMMAND Definitions ===
std::string commandDefinitions;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension!
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
commandDefinitions += generateRAIICommandDefinitions( feature.second.requireData, listedCommands, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
commandDefinitions += generateRAIICommandDefinitions( extIt.second->second.requireData, listedCommands, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( commandDefinitionsTemplate, { { "commandDefinitions", commandDefinitions } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIICommandDefinitions( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( listedCommands.insert( command ).second )
str += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, determineInitialSkipCount( command ), true );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIDispatchers() const
std::string contextInitializers, contextMembers, deviceAssignments, deviceMembers, instanceAssignments, instanceMembers;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
appendRAIIDispatcherCommands( feature.second.requireData,
instanceMembers );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
appendRAIIDispatcherCommands( extension.second.requireData,
instanceMembers );
std::string contextDispatcherTemplate = R"(
class ContextDispatcher : public DispatchLoaderBase
ContextDispatcher( PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getProcAddr )
: vkGetInstanceProcAddr( getProcAddr )${contextInitializers}
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr vkGetInstanceProcAddr = 0;
std::string str = replaceWithMap( contextDispatcherTemplate, { { "contextInitializers", contextInitializers }, { "contextMembers", contextMembers } } );
std::string instanceDispatcherTemplate = R"(
class InstanceDispatcher : public DispatchLoaderBase
InstanceDispatcher( PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getProcAddr, VkInstance instance )
: vkGetInstanceProcAddr( getProcAddr )
vkGetDeviceProcAddr =
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr( vkGetInstanceProcAddr( instance, "vkGetDeviceProcAddr" ) );
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr vkGetDeviceProcAddr = 0;
str += replaceWithMap( instanceDispatcherTemplate, { { "instanceAssignments", instanceAssignments }, { "instanceMembers", instanceMembers } } );
std::string deviceDispatcherTemplate = R"(
class DeviceDispatcher : public DispatchLoaderBase
DeviceDispatcher( PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr getProcAddr, VkDevice device ) : vkGetDeviceProcAddr( getProcAddr )
str += replaceWithMap( deviceDispatcherTemplate, { { "deviceAssignments", deviceAssignments }, { "deviceMembers", deviceMembers } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandle( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::set<std::string> & listedHandles,
std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions ) const
std::string str;
if ( listedHandles.find( handle.first ) == listedHandles.end() )
rescheduleRAIIHandle( str, handle, listedHandles, specialFunctions );
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( handle.first, !handle.second.alias.empty() );
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" );
std::string handleName = generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt );
auto [singularConstructors, arrayConstructors] = generateRAIIHandleConstructors( handle );
auto [clearMembers, getConstructorSuccessCode, memberVariables, moveConstructorInitializerList, moveAssignmentInstructions, swapMembers] =
generateRAIIHandleDetails( handle );
std::string declarations = generateRAIIHandleCommandDeclarations( handle, specialFunctions );
assert( !handle.second.objTypeEnum.empty() );
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkObjectType" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
auto valueIt = std::find_if(
enumIt->second.values.begin(), enumIt->second.values.end(), [&handle]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == handle.second.objTypeEnum; } );
assert( valueIt != enumIt->second.values.end() );
std::string objTypeEnum = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, valueIt->name, false, m_tags );
enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
std::string valueName = handle.second.objTypeEnum;
valueName = valueName.replace( 3, 0, "DEBUG_REPORT_" ) + "_EXT";
valueIt =
std::find_if( enumIt->second.values.begin(), enumIt->second.values.end(), [&valueName]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return valueName ==; } );
std::string debugReportObjectType =
( valueIt != enumIt->second.values.end() ) ? generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, valueIt->name, false, m_tags ) : "eUnknown";
std::string dispatcherType = ( ( handle.first == "VkDevice" ) || ( handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.front().type.type == "VkDevice" ) )
std::string getParent;
if ( ( handle.first != "VkInstance" ) && ( handle.first != "VkDevice" ) && ( handle.second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() ) )
assert( !handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.empty() );
std::string parentType = stripPrefix( handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.front().type.type, "Vk" );
getParent = " VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + parentType + " get" + parentType + "() const\n";
getParent += " {\n";
getParent += " return m_" + handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.front().name + ";\n";
getParent += " }\n";
std::string assignmentOperator, copyConstructor;
if ( handle.second.destructorIt == m_commands.end() )
// allow copy constructor and assignment operator for classes without destructor
std::string const copyConstructorTemplate =
R"( ${handleType}( ${handleType} const & rhs ) : m_${handleName}( rhs.m_${handleName} ), m_dispatcher( rhs.m_dispatcher ) {})";
copyConstructor += replaceWithMap( copyConstructorTemplate, { { "handleName", handleName }, { "handleType", handleType } } );
std::string assignmentOperatorTemplate = R"( ${handleType} & operator=( ${handleType} const & rhs )
m_${handleName} = rhs.m_${handleName};
m_dispatcher = rhs.m_dispatcher;
return *this;
assignmentOperator += replaceWithMap( assignmentOperatorTemplate, { { "handleName", handleName }, { "handleType", handleType } } );
std::string const copyConstructorTemplate = R"( ${handleType}( ${handleType} const & ) = delete;)";
copyConstructor += replaceWithMap( copyConstructorTemplate, { { "handleType", handleType } } );
std::string const assignmentOperatorTemplate = R"( ${handleType} & operator=( ${handleType} const & ) = delete;)";
assignmentOperator += replaceWithMap( assignmentOperatorTemplate, { { "handleType", handleType } } );
const std::string handleTemplate = R"(
${enter} class ${handleType}
using CType = Vk${handleType};
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT debugReportObjectType = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::${debugReportObjectType};
${handleType}( std::nullptr_t ) {}
${handleType}() = delete;
${handleType}( ${handleType} && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: ${moveConstructorInitializerList}
${handleType} & operator=( ${handleType} && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
if ( this != &rhs )
return *this;
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${handleType} const & operator*() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${handleName};
${dispatcherType} const * getDispatcher() const
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( m_dispatcher->getVkHeaderVersion() == VK_HEADER_VERSION );
return ${getDispatcherReturn}m_dispatcher;
str += replaceWithMap( handleTemplate,
{ { "assignmentOperator", assignmentOperator },
{ "clearMembers", clearMembers },
{ "copyConstructor", copyConstructor },
{ "debugReportObjectType", debugReportObjectType },
{ "dispatcherType", dispatcherType },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "getConstructorSuccessCode", getConstructorSuccessCode },
{ "getDispatcherReturn", ( handleType == "Device" ) || ( handleType == "Instance" ) ? "&*" : "" },
{ "getParent", getParent },
{ "handleName", handleName },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "memberFunctionsDeclarations", declarations },
{ "memberVariables", memberVariables },
{ "moveAssignmentInstructions", moveAssignmentInstructions },
{ "moveConstructorInitializerList", moveConstructorInitializerList },
{ "objTypeEnum", objTypeEnum },
{ "singularConstructors", singularConstructors },
{ "swapMembers", swapMembers } } );
if ( !arrayConstructors.empty() )
// it's a handle class with a friendly handles class
const std::string handlesTemplate = R"(
${enter} class ${handleType}s : public std::vector<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::${handleType}>
${handleType}s( std::nullptr_t ) {}
${handleType}s() = delete;
${handleType}s( ${handleType}s const & ) = delete;
${handleType}s( ${handleType}s && rhs ) = default;
${handleType}s & operator=( ${handleType}s const & ) = delete;
${handleType}s & operator=( ${handleType}s && rhs ) = default;
str +=
replaceWithMap( handlesTemplate, { { "arrayConstructors", arrayConstructors }, { "enter", enter }, { "handleType", handleType }, { "leave", leave } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommand( std::string const & command, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const
std::string str;
if ( m_RAIISpecialFunctions.find( command ) == m_RAIISpecialFunctions.end() )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
if ( commandIt->second.returnType == "VkResult" )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandResult( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition );
else if ( commandIt->second.returnType == "void" )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandVoid( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition );
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandValue( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition );
if ( str.empty() )
throw std::runtime_error( "Never encountered a command like <" + command + "> !" );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandDeclarations( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions ) const
std::string functionDeclarations;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension !
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
std::vector<std::string> firstLevelCommands, secondLevelCommands;
for ( auto const & require : feature.second.requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( specialFunctions.find( command ) == specialFunctions.end() )
if ( handle.second.commands.find( command ) != handle.second.commands.end() )
assert( listedCommands.find( command ) == listedCommands.end() );
listedCommands.insert( command );
firstLevelCommands.push_back( command );
else if ( handle.second.secondLevelCommands.find( command ) != handle.second.secondLevelCommands.end() )
assert( listedCommands.find( command ) == listedCommands.end() );
listedCommands.insert( command );
assert( !handle.first.empty() );
secondLevelCommands.push_back( command );
if ( !firstLevelCommands.empty() || !secondLevelCommands.empty() )
functionDeclarations += "\n //=== " + feature.first + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : firstLevelCommands )
functionDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, handle.first.empty() ? 0 : 1, false );
for ( auto const & command : secondLevelCommands )
assert( !handle.first.empty() );
functionDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, 2, false );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
std::vector<std::string> firstLevelCommands, secondLevelCommands;
for ( auto & req : extIt.second->second.requireData )
for ( auto const & command : req.commands )
if ( ( specialFunctions.find( command ) == specialFunctions.end() ) && ( listedCommands.find( command ) == listedCommands.end() ) )
if ( handle.second.commands.find( command ) != handle.second.commands.end() )
listedCommands.insert( command );
firstLevelCommands.push_back( command );
else if ( handle.second.secondLevelCommands.find( command ) != handle.second.secondLevelCommands.end() )
listedCommands.insert( command );
secondLevelCommands.push_back( command );
if ( !firstLevelCommands.empty() || !secondLevelCommands.empty() )
std::string enter, leave;
if ( extIt.second->first != m_types.find( handle.first )->second.referencedIn )
std::tie( enter, leave ) = generateProtection( extIt.second->first, std::string() );
functionDeclarations += "\n" + enter + " //=== " + extIt.second->first + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : firstLevelCommands )
functionDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, handle.first.empty() ? 0 : 1, false );
for ( auto const & command : secondLevelCommands )
assert( !handle.first.empty() );
functionDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, 2, false );
functionDeclarations += leave;
return functionDeclarations;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool definition,
bool chained,
bool singular ) const
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandIt->second.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, returnParams, singular );
std::set<size_t> singularParams = singular ? determineSingularParams( returnParams[0], vectorParams ) : std::set<size_t>();
// special handling for vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT: here, we really need to stick with the const void * parameter !
std::set<size_t> templatedParams =
( commandIt->first == "vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT" ) ? std::set<size_t>() : determineVoidPointerParams( commandIt->second.params );
bool enumerating = determineEnumeration( vectorParams, returnParams );
std::vector<std::string> dataTypes = determineDataTypes( commandIt->second.params, vectorParams, returnParams, templatedParams );
std::string dataType = combineDataTypes( vectorParams, returnParams, singular, enumerating, dataTypes, false, true );
std::string argumentTemplates = generateArgumentTemplates( commandIt->second.params, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, chained, true );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced(
commandIt->second.params, returnParams, vectorParams, skippedParams, singularParams, templatedParams, definition, false, false, false );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( commandIt->first, commandIt->second.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, singular, false );
std::string nodiscard =
generateNoDiscard( !returnParams.empty() || ( ( commandIt->second.returnType != "VkResult" ) && ( commandIt->second.returnType != "void" ) ),
1 < commandIt->second.successCodes.size(),
false );
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> vectorSizeCheck =
needsVectorSizeCheck( commandIt->second.params, vectorParams, returnParams, singularParams );
std::string noexceptString = generateNoExcept( commandIt->second.errorCodes, returnParams, vectorParams, singular, vectorSizeCheck.first, true );
std::string returnType = generateReturnType( commandIt->second, returnParams, vectorParams, false, chained, true, dataType );
if ( definition )
std::string const definitionTemplate =
${nodiscard} VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}::${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const ${noexcept}
std::string callSequence =
generateCallSequence( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, returnParams, vectorParams, initialSkipCount, singularParams, templatedParams, chained, true );
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandIt->second.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "Context";
std::string returnVariable = generateReturnVariable( commandIt->second, returnParams, vectorParams, chained, singular );
std::string dataDeclarations = generateDataDeclarations(
commandIt->second, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular, false, chained, false, true, dataTypes, dataType, returnType, returnVariable );
std::string dataPreparation =
generateDataPreparation( commandIt->second, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular, false, false, chained, enumerating );
std::string dataSizeChecks = generateDataSizeChecks( commandIt->second, returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular );
std::string resultCheck = generateResultCheck( commandIt->second, className, "::", commandName, enumerating );
std::string returnStatement = generateReturnStatement( commandIt->first,
returnParams.empty() ? INVALID_INDEX : returnParams[0],
true );
std::string vectorSizeCheckString =
vectorSizeCheck.first ? generateRAIIHandleVectorSizeCheck( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, initialSkipCount, vectorSizeCheck.second, skippedParams )
: "";
return replaceWithMap( definitionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "callSequence", callSequence },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "dataDeclarations", dataDeclarations },
{ "dataPreparation", dataPreparation },
{ "dataSizeChecks", dataSizeChecks },
{ "functionPointerCheck", generateFunctionPointerCheck( commandIt->first, commandIt->second.referencedIn ) },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "resultCheck", resultCheck },
{ "returnStatement", returnStatement },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "vectorSizeCheck", vectorSizeCheckString } } );
std::string const declarationTemplate =
${nodiscard} ${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const ${noexcept};
return replaceWithMap( declarationTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool definition,
bool singular ) const
assert( isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParams.back()].type.type ) );
assert( ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) ||
( ( returnParams.size() == 2 ) && ( vectorParams.size() == 1 ) && ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) &&
( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first ) ) );
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandIt->second.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, returnParams, singular );
std::set<size_t> singularParams = singular ? determineSingularParams( returnParams.back(), vectorParams ) : std::set<size_t>();
std::string argumentList = generateRAIIHandleCommandFactoryArgumentList( commandIt->second.params, skippedParams, definition, singular );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( commandIt->first, commandIt->second.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, singular, false );
std::string handleType = stripPostfix( commandIt->second.params[returnParams.back()].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
std::string returnType = handleType;
if ( ( vectorParams.find( returnParams.back() ) != vectorParams.end() ) && !singular )
returnType = "std::vector<" + handleType + ">";
handleType += "s";
if ( definition )
std::string callArguments = generateCallArgumentsRAIIFactory( commandIt->second.params, initialSkipCount, skippedParams, singularParams );
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandIt->second.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "Context";
std::string const definitionTemplate =
VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}::${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const
return ${handleType}( ${callArguments} );
return replaceWithMap( definitionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "callArguments", callArguments },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string const declarationTemplate =
VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD ${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const;
return replaceWithMap( declarationTemplate, { { "argumentList", argumentList }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandFactoryArgumentList( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams,
bool definition,
bool singular ) const
std::string arguments;
bool encounteredArgument = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i )
if ( skippedParams.find( i ) == skippedParams.end() )
if ( encounteredArgument )
arguments += ", ";
arguments += generateRAIIHandleConstructorArgument( params[i], definition, singular, false );
encounteredArgument = true;
return arguments;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResult( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
assert( !commandIt->second.successCodes.empty() );
if ( commandIt->second.successCodes.size() == 1 )
if ( commandIt->second.errorCodes.empty() )
return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultSingleSuccessNoErrors( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition );
return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition );
if ( commandIt->second.errorCodes.empty() )
return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition );
return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandIt->second.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced(
commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params ), definition, false, false );
case 2: return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors2Return( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors2Return( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
if ( ( commandIt->second.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandIt->second.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) &&
( commandIt->second.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) || ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "size_t" ) )
if ( ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandIt->second.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced(
commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params ), definition, false, false );
case 1: return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams[0] ); break;
case 2: return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors2Return( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams ); break;
case 3: return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors3Return( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams ); break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
size_t returnParam ) const
std::string str;
if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "size_t" )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, true );
else if ( isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false );
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, true );
else if ( !isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors2Return( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
if ( ( commandIt->second.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandIt->second.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) &&
( commandIt->second.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
if ( ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
if ( ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
case 1:
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) || ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "size_t" ) )
// needs some very special handling of "vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR" !!
if ( isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) && ( commandIt->first != "vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR" ) )
return generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false );
std::string str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, true, false );
return str;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors3Return( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
if ( ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[2]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[2]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[2]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( returnParams[2] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( ( commandIt->second.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandIt->second.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) &&
( commandIt->second.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) )
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultSingleSuccessNoErrors( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( returnParams.size() < 2 )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandIt->second.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced(
commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params ), definition, false, false );
case 1: return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams[0] ); break;
case 2: return generateRAIIHandleCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors2Return( commandIt, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams ); break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
size_t returnParam ) const
std::string str;
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" )
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0: str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, false ); break;
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "size_t" )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, true );
case 2:
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
if ( commandIt->second.params[std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam].type.type == "size_t" )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, true );
else if ( isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0: str = generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false ); break;
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( m_structures.find( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type ) != m_structures.end() )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false );
case 2:
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false );
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, true );
else if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, true, false );
else if ( vectorParams.empty() )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, { returnParam }, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors2Return( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
std::string str;
if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint64_t" )
if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type == "uint64_t" )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
if ( returnParams[0] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
assert( returnParams[1] != std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam );
if ( returnParams[1] != vectorParams.begin()->first )
assert( returnParams[1] != vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam );
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( ( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type != "void" ) &&
!isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
// two returns and two vectors! But one input vector, one output vector of the same size,
// and one output value
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, true );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandValue( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( returnParams.empty() )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandVoid( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator commandIt,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::string str;
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandIt->second.params );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandIt->second.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false ); break;
case 1:
if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.postfix == "**" )
// get a pointer to something
if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "void" )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
else if ( isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false );
else if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "void" )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
auto returnVectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( returnVectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, true, false );
case 2:
if ( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
str = generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, false, false );
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
str += generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( commandIt, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, true, false );
return str;
std::pair<std::string, std::string>
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructor( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
std::string singularConstructor, arrayConstructor;
if ( constructorIt->second.returnType == "VkResult" )
std::tie( singularConstructor, arrayConstructor ) = generateRAIIHandleConstructorResult( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave );
else if ( constructorIt->second.returnType == "void" )
std::tie( singularConstructor, arrayConstructor ) = generateRAIIHandleConstructorVoid( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave );
if ( singularConstructor.empty() && arrayConstructor.empty() )
throw std::runtime_error( "Never encountered a function like <" + constructorIt->first + "> !" );
return std::make_pair( singularConstructor, arrayConstructor );
std::pair<std::string, std::string>
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructor1Return2Vector( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave,
size_t returnParam,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams ) const
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
std::string singularConstructor;
auto lenParamIt = constructorIt->second.params.begin() + vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam;
auto handleParamIt = constructorIt->second.params.begin() + std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first;
if ( !checkEquivalentSingularConstructor( handle.second.constructorIts, constructorIt, lenParamIt ) )
singularConstructor = generateRAIIHandleConstructorVectorSingular( handle, constructorIt, handleParamIt, enter, leave );
return std::make_pair( singularConstructor, generateRAIIHandleConstructorVector( handle, constructorIt, handleParamIt, enter, leave ) );
return std::make_pair( "", "" );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructors( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( handle.first, !handle.second.alias.empty() );
std::string singularConstructors, arrayConstructors;
for ( auto constructorIt : handle.second.constructorIts )
// there is a non-const parameter with handle type : the to-be-constructed handle
// check for additional enter/leave guards for the constructors
auto [constructorEnter, constructorLeave] = generateProtection( constructorIt->second.referencedIn, std::string() );
if ( constructorEnter == enter )
auto [singularConstructor, arrayConstructor] = generateRAIIHandleConstructor( handle, constructorIt, constructorEnter, constructorLeave );
arrayConstructors += arrayConstructor;
singularConstructors += singularConstructor;
singularConstructors += generateRAIIHandleConstructorTakeOwnership( handle );
return std::make_pair( singularConstructors, arrayConstructors );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorArgument( ParamData const & param, bool definition, bool singular, bool takesOwnership ) const
std::string argument;
if ( param.type.isConstPointer() )
assert( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) );
assert( "p" ) );
std::string argumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) );
std::string argumentType = generateNamespacedType( param.type.type );
if ( param.optional )
assert( param.len.empty() );
argument = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Optional<const " + argumentType + "> " + argumentName + ( definition ? "" : " = nullptr" );
else if ( param.len.empty() )
argument = argumentType + " const & " + argumentName;
else if ( singular )
argument = argumentType + " const & " + stripPluralS( argumentName );
argument = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxy<" + argumentType + "> const & " + argumentName;
else if ( specialPointerTypes.find( param.type.type ) != specialPointerTypes.end() )
assert( !param.optional );
assert( param.type.isNonConstPointer() );
argument = param.type.type + " & " +;
else if ( ( param.type.isValue() ) && isHandleType( param.type.type ) )
if ( takesOwnership )
assert( !param.optional );
argument = param.type.type + " " +;
argument = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( param.type.type, "Vk" );
if ( param.optional )
argument = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Optional<const " + argument + ">";
argument += " const & " +;
assert( !param.optional );
argument = param.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " " +;
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
bool singular,
bool takesOwnership ) const
auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string arguments = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::" + parentType + " const & " + parentName;
if ( takesOwnership )
arguments += ", " + handle.first + " " + generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt );
if ( constructorIt != m_commands.end() )
parentType = "Vk" + parentType;
bool skip = skipLeadingGrandParent( handle );
for ( size_t i = skip ? 1 : 0; i < constructorIt->second.params.size(); i++ )
ParamData const & param = constructorIt->second.params[i];
// filter parent and handle type
if ( ( param.type.type != parentType ) && ( param.type.type != handle.first ) )
// the specialPointerTypes are considered const-pointers!
if ( param.type.isNonConstPointer() && ( specialPointerTypes.find( param.type.type ) == specialPointerTypes.end() ) )
// this is supposed to be the returned size on an enumeration function!
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
assert( param.type.type == "uint32_t" );
auto typeIt = std::find_if( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&handle]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.type.type == handle.first; } );
assert( typeIt != constructorIt->second.params.end() );
assert( typeIt->len == );
else if ( std::find_if( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.len ==; } ) != constructorIt->second.params.end() )
// this is the len of an other parameter, which will be mapped to an ArrayProxy
assert( param.type.isValue() && ( param.type.type == "uint32_t" ) );
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() && param.len.empty() && !param.optional );
arguments += ", " + generateRAIIHandleConstructorArgument( param, false, singular, takesOwnership );
return arguments;
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorCallArguments( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
bool nonConstPointerAsNullptr,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
bool allocatorIsMemberVariable ) const
std::string arguments;
bool encounteredArgument = false;
size_t i = 0;
if ( skipLeadingGrandParent( handle ) )
assert( ( 1 < constructorIt->second.params.size() ) && ( m_handles.find( constructorIt->second.params[0].type.type ) != m_handles.end() ) &&
( m_handles.find( constructorIt->second.params[1].type.type ) != m_handles.end() ) );
arguments += "static_cast<" + constructorIt->second.params[0].type.type + ">( " + constructorIt->second.params[1].name + ".get" +
stripPrefix( constructorIt->second.params[0].type.type, "Vk" ) + "() )";
encounteredArgument = true;
i = 1;
for ( ; i < constructorIt->second.params.size(); ++i )
ParamData const & param = constructorIt->second.params[i];
if ( encounteredArgument )
arguments += ", ";
if ( param.type.type == handle.first )
assert( param.type.isNonConstPointer() && param.arraySizes.empty() );
if ( param.len.empty() || !singularParams.empty() )
assert( !param.optional );
assert( singularParams.empty() || ( param.len == constructorIt->second.params[*singularParams.begin()].name ) );
std::string paramName = generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt );
arguments += "reinterpret_cast<" + handle.first + "*>( &m_" + paramName + " )";
else if ( nonConstPointerAsNullptr )
arguments += "nullptr";
arguments += startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) ) + ".data()";
else if ( param.type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" )
assert( param.optional );
if ( allocatorIsMemberVariable )
arguments += "reinterpret_cast<const VkAllocationCallbacks *>( m_allocator )";
arguments += "reinterpret_cast<const VkAllocationCallbacks *>(static_cast<const VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::AllocationCallbacks *>( allocator ) )";
else if ( m_handles.find( param.type.type ) != m_handles.end() )
assert( param.type.isValue() && param.arraySizes.empty() && param.len.empty() );
if ( param.optional )
arguments += + " ? static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( **" + + " ) : 0";
arguments += "static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( *" + + " )";
assert( !param.optional );
arguments += generateCallArgumentEnhanced( constructorIt->second.params, i, nonConstPointerAsNullptr, singularParams, {} );
encounteredArgument = true;
return arguments;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorEnumerate( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::vector<ParamData>::const_iterator handleParamIt,
std::vector<ParamData>::const_iterator lenParamIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
std::string handleConstructorArguments = generateRAIIHandleSingularConstructorArguments( handle, constructorIt );
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" );
std::string dispatcherType = hasParentHandle( handle.first, "VkDevice" ) ? "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::DeviceDispatcher"
const std::string constructorTemplate =
${enter} ${handleType}s( ${constructorArguments} )
${dispatcherType} const * dispatcher = ${parentName}.getDispatcher();
std::vector<${vectorElementType}> ${vectorName};
${counterType} ${counterName};
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( dispatcher->${constructorCall}( ${firstCallArguments} ) );
if ( ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eSuccess ) && ${counterName} )
${vectorName}.resize( ${counterName} );
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( dispatcher->${constructorCall}( ${secondCallArguments} ) );
} while ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eIncomplete );
if ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eSuccess )
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${counterName} <= ${vectorName}.size() );
this->reserve( ${counterName} );
for ( auto const & ${handleName} : ${vectorName} )
this->emplace_back( ${parentName}, ${handleConstructorArguments} );
throwResultException( result, "${constructorCall}" );
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "constructorArguments", generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, false ) },
{ "constructorCall", constructorIt->first },
{ "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParamIt->name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", lenParamIt->type.type },
{ "dispatcherType", dispatcherType },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "firstCallArguments", generateRAIIHandleConstructorCallArguments( handle, constructorIt, true, {}, true ) },
{ "handleConstructorArguments", handleConstructorArguments },
{ "handleName", startLowerCase( handleType ) },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "parentName", constructorIt->second.params.front().name },
{ "secondCallArguments", generateRAIIHandleConstructorCallArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, {}, true ) },
{ "vectorElementType", handleParamIt->type.type },
{ "vectorName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( handleParamIt->name, "p" ) ) } } );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorInitializationList( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator destructorIt,
bool takesOwnership ) const
auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string handleName = generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, destructorIt );
std::string initializationList;
if ( destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
for ( auto destructorParam : destructorIt->second.params )
if ( destructorParam.type.type == "Vk" + parentType )
initializationList += "m_" + parentName + "( *" + parentName + " ), ";
else if ( destructorParam.type.type == handle.first )
if ( takesOwnership )
initializationList += "m_" + handleName + "( " + handleName + " ), ";
else if ( destructorParam.type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" )
assert( destructorParam.type.isConstPointer() && destructorParam.arraySizes.empty() && destructorParam.len.empty() && destructorParam.optional );
initializationList += "m_allocator( static_cast<const VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::AllocationCallbacks *>( allocator ) ), ";
else if ( isHandleType( destructorParam.type.type ) )
assert( destructorParam.type.isValue() && destructorParam.arraySizes.empty() && destructorParam.len.empty() && !destructorParam.optional );
initializationList += "m_" + + "( ";
auto constructorParamIt = std::find_if( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&destructorParam]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.type.type == destructorParam.type.type; } );
if ( constructorParamIt != constructorIt->second.params.end() )
assert( constructorParamIt->type.isValue() && constructorParamIt->arraySizes.empty() && constructorParamIt->len.empty() &&
!constructorParamIt->optional );
if ( constructorParamIt->type.type == "Vk" + parentType )
initializationList += "*";
initializationList += constructorParamIt->name;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
bool found = false;
for ( auto constructorParam : constructorIt->second.params )
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( constructorParam.type.type );
if ( structureIt != m_structures.end() )
auto structureMemberIt = findStructMemberItByType( destructorParam.type.type, structureIt->second.members );
if ( structureMemberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() )
assert( constructorParam.type.isConstPointer() && constructorParam.arraySizes.empty() && constructorParam.len.empty() &&
!constructorParam.optional );
initializationList += startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) ) + "." + structureMemberIt->name;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
found = true;
assert( found );
initializationList += " ), ";
// we can ignore all other parameters here !
if ( !handle.second.secondLevelCommands.empty() )
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto constructorCommandIt = m_commands.find( handle.second.constructorIts.front()->first );
assert( ( constructorCommandIt != m_commands.end() ) && ( 1 < constructorCommandIt->second.params.size() ) );
assert( std::next( constructorCommandIt->second.params.begin() )->type.type == "Vk" + parentType );
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( *handle.second.secondLevelCommands.begin() );
assert( ( commandIt != m_commands.end() ) && ( 1 < commandIt->second.params.size() ) );
assert( commandIt->second.params.front().type.type == constructorCommandIt->second.params.front().type.type );
assert( std::next( commandIt->second.params.begin() )->type.type == handle.first );
std::string grandParentType = stripPrefix( commandIt->second.params.front().type.type, "Vk" );
initializationList += "m_" + startLowerCase( grandParentType ) + "( " + parentName + ".get" + grandParentType + "() ), ";
if ( takesOwnership )
initializationList += "m_" + handleName + "( " + handleName + " ), ";
return initializationList.empty() ? initializationList : initializationList.substr( 0, initializationList.size() - 2 );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( std::string const & type,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator destructorIt ) const
if ( destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
auto destructorParamIt = std::find_if( destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&type]( ParamData const & destructorParam ) { return destructorParam.type.type == type; } );
if ( destructorParamIt != destructorIt->second.params.end() )
assert( std::find_if( std::next( destructorParamIt ),
[&type]( ParamData const & destructorParam ) { return destructorParam.type.type == type; } ) == destructorIt->second.params.end() );
if ( !destructorParamIt->type.isValue() )
return startLowerCase( stripPrefix( stripPluralS( destructorParamIt->name ), "p" ) );
return destructorParamIt->name;
return startLowerCase( stripPrefix( type, "Vk" ) );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorResult( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
assert( !constructorIt->second.successCodes.empty() );
assert( constructorIt->second.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" );
switch ( constructorIt->second.successCodes.size() )
case 1:
if ( !constructorIt->second.errorCodes.empty() )
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( returnParams.size() == 1 )
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return std::make_pair( generateRAIIHandleConstructorResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return0Vector( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave ), "" );
case 1:
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( isLenByStructMember( constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].len,
constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam] ) )
auto handleParamIt = constructorIt->second.params.begin() + returnParams[0];
return std::make_pair( "", generateRAIIHandleConstructorVector( handle, constructorIt, handleParamIt, enter, leave ) );
case 2: return generateRAIIHandleConstructor1Return2Vector( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, returnParams[0], vectorParams );
case 2:
if ( !constructorIt->second.errorCodes.empty() )
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( constructorIt->second.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 1:
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
return generateRAIIHandleConstructor1Return2Vector( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, returnParams[0], vectorParams );
case 2:
if ( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" )
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
assert( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first );
assert( constructorIt->second.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" );
auto lenParamIt = constructorIt->second.params.begin() + returnParams[0];
auto handleParamIt = constructorIt->second.params.begin() + returnParams[1];
return std::make_pair( "", generateRAIIHandleConstructorEnumerate( handle, constructorIt, handleParamIt, lenParamIt, enter, leave ) );
case 4:
if ( !constructorIt->second.errorCodes.empty() )
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( returnParams.size() == 1 )
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
return generateRAIIHandleConstructor1Return2Vector( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, returnParams[0], vectorParams );
return std::make_pair( "", "" );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return0Vector(
std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string getDispatcher = parentName + ".getDispatcher()";
std::string dispatcherInitializer, dispatcherInit;
if ( ( handle.first != "VkInstance" ) && ( handle.first != "VkDevice" ) )
dispatcherInitializer = "m_dispatcher( " + getDispatcher + " )";
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" );
dispatcherInit = "\n m_dispatcher.reset( new VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::" + handleType + "Dispatcher( " + parentName +
".getDispatcher()->vkGet" + handleType + "ProcAddr, static_cast<" + handle.first + ">( m_" + startLowerCase( handleType ) + " ) ) );";
std::string constructorArguments = generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, false );
std::string callArguments = generateRAIIHandleConstructorCallArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, {}, handle.second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() );
std::string initializationList = generateRAIIHandleConstructorInitializationList( handle, constructorIt, handle.second.destructorIt, false );
if ( !initializationList.empty() && !dispatcherInitializer.empty() )
initializationList += ", ";
const std::string constructorTemplate =
${enter} ${handleType}( ${constructorArguments} )
: ${initializationList}${dispatcherInitializer}
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${getDispatcher}->${constructorCall}( ${callArguments} ) );
if ( ${failureCheck} )
throwResultException( result, "${constructorCall}" );
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "callArguments", callArguments },
{ "constructorArguments", constructorArguments },
{ "constructorCall", constructorIt->first },
{ "dispatcherInitializer", dispatcherInitializer },
{ "dispatcherInit", dispatcherInit },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "failureCheck", generateFailureCheck( constructorIt->second.successCodes ) },
{ "getDispatcher", getDispatcher },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "handleType", stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "initializationList", initializationList } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorTakeOwnership( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" );
std::string handleName = startLowerCase( handleType );
auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string constructorArguments = generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( handle, handle.second.destructorIt, false, true );
std::string initializationList = generateRAIIHandleConstructorInitializationList( handle, handle.second.destructorIt, handle.second.destructorIt, true );
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() );
if ( 1 < handle.second.constructorIts[0]->second.successCodes.size() && ( handle.second.constructorIts[0]->second.successCodes[1] != "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( size_t i = 1; i < handle.second.constructorIts.size(); ++i )
assert( 1 < handle.second.constructorIts[i]->second.successCodes.size() );
constructorArguments += ", VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result successCode = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eSuccess";
initializationList += ", m_constructorSuccessCode( successCode )";
std::string dispatcherInitializer;
if ( ( handle.first != "VkInstance" ) && ( handle.first != "VkDevice" ) )
dispatcherInitializer = "m_dispatcher( " + parentName + ".getDispatcher() )";
if ( !initializationList.empty() && !dispatcherInitializer.empty() )
initializationList += ", ";
std::string dispatcherInit;
if ( ( handle.first == "VkDevice" ) || ( handle.first == "VkInstance" ) )
dispatcherInit = "\n m_dispatcher.reset( new VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::" + handleType + "Dispatcher( " + parentName +
".getDispatcher()->vkGet" + handleType + "ProcAddr, static_cast<" + handle.first + ">( m_" + startLowerCase( handleType ) + " ) ) );";
const std::string constructorTemplate =
${handleType}( ${constructorArguments} )
: ${initializationList}${dispatcherInitializer}
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "constructorArguments", constructorArguments },
{ "dispatcherInitializer", dispatcherInitializer },
{ "dispatcherInit", dispatcherInit },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "initializationList", initializationList } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorVector( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::vector<ParamData>::const_iterator handleParamIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
std::string vectorSize;
auto lenIt = std::find_if( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&handleParamIt]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == handleParamIt->len; } );
if ( lenIt == constructorIt->second.params.end() )
std::vector<std::string> lenParts = tokenize( handleParamIt->len, "->" );
assert( lenParts.size() == 2 );
lenIt = std::find_if(
constructorIt->second.params.begin(), constructorIt->second.params.end(), [&lenParts]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == lenParts[0]; } );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
assert( lenIt != constructorIt->second.params.end() );
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( lenIt->type.type );
assert( structureIt != m_structures.end() );
assert( isStructMember( lenParts[1], structureIt->second.members ) );
assert( constructorIt->second.successCodes.size() == 1 );
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParts[0], "p" ) ) + "." + lenParts[1];
auto arrayIt = std::find_if( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&lenIt, &handleParamIt]( ParamData const & pd ) { return ( pd.len == lenIt->name ) && ( != handleParamIt->name ); } );
assert( arrayIt != constructorIt->second.params.end() );
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIt->name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
std::string handleConstructorArguments = generateRAIIHandleSingularConstructorArguments( handle, constructorIt );
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" );
std::string successCodePassToElement = ( 1 < constructorIt->second.successCodes.size() ) ? ", result" : "";
const std::string constructorTemplate =
${enter} ${handleType}s( ${constructorArguments} )
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::DeviceDispatcher const * dispatcher = ${parentName}.getDispatcher();
std::vector<${vectorElementType}> ${vectorName}( ${vectorSize} );
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( dispatcher->${constructorCall}( ${callArguments} ) );
if ( ${successCheck} )
this->reserve( ${vectorSize} );
for ( auto const & ${handleName} : ${vectorName} )
this->emplace_back( ${parentName}, ${handleConstructorArguments}${successCodePassToElement} );
throwResultException( result, "${constructorCall}" );
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "callArguments", generateRAIIHandleConstructorCallArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, {}, false ) },
{ "constructorArguments", generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, false ) },
{ "constructorCall", constructorIt->first },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "handleConstructorArguments", handleConstructorArguments },
{ "handleName", startLowerCase( handleType ) },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "parentName", constructorIt->second.params.front().name },
{ "successCheck", generateSuccessCheck( constructorIt->second.successCodes ) },
{ "successCodePassToElement", successCodePassToElement },
{ "vectorElementType", handleParamIt->type.type },
{ "vectorName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( handleParamIt->name, "p" ) ) },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorVectorSingular( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::vector<ParamData>::const_iterator handleParamIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
size_t returnParam = static_cast<size_t>( std::distance( constructorIt->second.params.begin(), handleParamIt ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
std::set<size_t> singularParams = determineSingularParams( returnParam, vectorParams );
std::string callArguments = generateRAIIHandleConstructorCallArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, singularParams, true );
std::string initializationList = generateRAIIHandleConstructorInitializationList( handle, constructorIt, handle.second.destructorIt, false );
assert( !initializationList.empty() );
std::string failureCheck = generateFailureCheck( constructorIt->second.successCodes );
failureCheck = std::regex_replace( failureCheck, std::regex( "result" ), "m_constructorSuccessCode" );
const std::string singularConstructorTemplate =
${enter} ${handleType}( ${constructorArguments} )
: ${initializationList}, m_dispatcher( ${firstArgument}.getDispatcher() )
m_constructorSuccessCode = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( getDispatcher()->${constructorCall}( ${callArguments} ) );
if ( ${failureCheck} )
throwResultException( m_constructorSuccessCode, "${constructorCall}" );
return replaceWithMap( singularConstructorTemplate,
{ { "initializationList", initializationList },
{ "callArguments", callArguments },
{ "constructorArguments", generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( handle, constructorIt, true, false ) },
{ "constructorCall", constructorIt->first },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "firstArgument", constructorIt->second.params[0].name },
{ "failureCheck", failureCheck },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "handleType", stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" ) } } );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorVoid( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
assert( constructorIt->second.successCodes.empty() && constructorIt->second.errorCodes.empty() );
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( returnParams.size() == 1 )
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return std::make_pair( generateRAIIHandleConstructorVoid1Return0Vector( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave ), "" );
return std::make_pair( "", "" );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorVoid1Return0Vector( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
std::string callArguments = generateRAIIHandleConstructorCallArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, {}, true );
std::string constructorArguments = generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( handle, constructorIt, false, false );
std::string initializationList = generateRAIIHandleConstructorInitializationList( handle, constructorIt, handle.second.destructorIt, false );
if ( !initializationList.empty() )
initializationList += ", ";
const std::string constructorTemplate =
${enter} ${handleType}( ${constructorArguments} )
: ${initializationList}m_dispatcher( ${firstArgument}.getDispatcher() )
getDispatcher()->${constructorCall}( ${callArguments} );
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "callArguments", callArguments },
{ "constructorArguments", constructorArguments },
{ "constructorCall", constructorIt->first },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "firstArgument", constructorIt->second.params[0].name },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "handleType", stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "initializationList", initializationList } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleContext( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions ) const
const std::string contextTemplate = R"(
class Context
: m_dispatcher( new VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::ContextDispatcher(
m_dynamicLoader.getProcAddress<PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr>( "vkGetInstanceProcAddr" ) ) )
Context( PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr )
: m_dispatcher( new VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::ContextDispatcher( getInstanceProcAddr ) )
~Context() = default;
Context( Context const & ) = delete;
Context( Context && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: m_dynamicLoader( std::move( rhs.m_dynamicLoader ) )
, m_dispatcher( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() )
: m_dispatcher( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() )
Context & operator=( Context const & ) = delete;
Context & operator=( Context && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
if ( this != &rhs )
m_dynamicLoader = std::move( rhs.m_dynamicLoader );
m_dispatcher.reset( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() );
return *this;
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::ContextDispatcher const * getDispatcher() const
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( m_dispatcher->getVkHeaderVersion() == VK_HEADER_VERSION );
return &*m_dispatcher;
std::swap( m_dynamicLoader, rhs.m_dynamicLoader );
m_dispatcher.swap( rhs.m_dispatcher );
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DynamicLoader m_dynamicLoader;
std::unique_ptr<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::ContextDispatcher> m_dispatcher;
return replaceWithMap( contextTemplate, { { "memberFunctionDeclarations", generateRAIIHandleCommandDeclarations( handle, specialFunctions ) } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleDestructorCallArguments( std::string const & handleType,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator destructorIt ) const
std::string arguments;
bool encounteredArgument = false;
for ( auto param : destructorIt->second.params )
if ( encounteredArgument )
arguments += ", ";
if ( param.type.type == handleType )
std::string handleName =;
if ( param.type.isValue() )
arguments += "static_cast<" + handleType + ">( m_" + handleName + " )";
arguments += "reinterpret_cast<" + handleType + " const *>( &m_" + stripPluralS( startLowerCase( stripPrefix( handleName, "p" ) ) ) + " )";
else if ( param.type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" )
// vk::AllocationCallbacks is stored as a member of the handle class
arguments += "reinterpret_cast<const VkAllocationCallbacks *>( m_allocator )";
else if ( isHandleType( param.type.type ) )
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
std::string argument = "m_" +;
if ( param.type.isValue() )
arguments += "static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( " + argument + " )";
assert( param.type.isConstPointer() );
assert( !param.len.empty() &&
( std::find_if( destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == param.len; } ) != destructorIt->second.params.end() ) );
arguments += "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.type + " const *>( &" + argument + " )";
assert( ( param.type.type == "uint32_t" ) && param.type.isValue() && param.arraySizes.empty() && param.len.empty() && !param.optional );
assert( std::find_if( destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.len ==; } ) != destructorIt->second.params.end() );
arguments += "1";
encounteredArgument = true;
return arguments;
std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string>
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleDetails( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
std::string getConstructorSuccessCode;
bool multiSuccessCodeContructor = isMultiSuccessCodeConstructor( handle.second.constructorIts );
if ( multiSuccessCodeContructor )
getConstructorSuccessCode = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result getConstructorSuccessCode() const
return m_constructorSuccessCode;
auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" );
std::string handleName = generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt );
std::string clearMembers, moveConstructorInitializerList, moveAssignmentInstructions, memberVariables, swapMembers;
if ( handle.second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
moveAssignmentInstructions = " clear();";
clearMembers = " if ( m_" + handleName + " )\n";
clearMembers += " {\n";
clearMembers += " getDispatcher()->" + handle.second.destructorIt->first + "( " +
generateRAIIHandleDestructorCallArguments( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt ) + " );\n";
clearMembers += " }";
for ( auto const & destructorParam : handle.second.destructorIt->second.params )
std::string memberName, memberType;
if ( destructorParam.type.type == "Vk" + parentType )
memberName = parentName;
memberType = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + parentType;
else if ( destructorParam.type.type == handle.first )
memberName = handleName;
memberType = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + handleType;
else if ( std::find_if( handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&destructorParam]( ParamData const & pd )
{ return pd.len ==; } ) == handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.end() )
std::string name =;
if ( !destructorParam.type.isValue() )
name = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( name, "p" ) );
memberName = name;
memberType = destructorParam.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" );
if ( !memberName.empty() )
clearMembers += "\n m_" + memberName + " = nullptr;";
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_" + memberName + "( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + memberName + ", {} ) ), ";
moveAssignmentInstructions +=
"\n m_" + memberName + " = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + memberName + ", {} );";
memberVariables += "\n " + memberType + " m_" + memberName + " = {};";
swapMembers += "\n std::swap( m_" + memberName + ", rhs.m_" + memberName + " );";
if ( !handle.second.secondLevelCommands.empty() )
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() );
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.empty() );
auto const & frontType = handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.front().type.type;
assert( isHandleType( frontType ) );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( "Vk" + parentType );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
assert( handleIt->second.parent == frontType );
std::string frontName = handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.front().name;
clearMembers += "\n m_" + frontName + " = nullptr;";
moveConstructorInitializerList = "m_" + frontName + "( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + frontName + ", {} ) ), ";
moveAssignmentInstructions =
"\n m_" + frontName + " = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + frontName + ", {} );";
memberVariables = "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( frontType, "Vk" ) + " m_" + frontName + " = {};";
swapMembers = "\n std::swap( m_" + frontName + ", rhs.m_" + frontName + " );";
clearMembers += "\n m_" + handleName + " = nullptr;";
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_" + handleName + "( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + handleName + ", {} ) ), ";
moveAssignmentInstructions +=
"\n m_" + handleName + " = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + handleName + ", {} );";
memberVariables += "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + handleType + " m_" + handleName + " = {};";
swapMembers += "\n std::swap( m_" + handleName + ", rhs.m_" + handleName + " );";
if ( multiSuccessCodeContructor )
clearMembers += "\n m_constructorSuccessCode = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eErrorUnknown;";
memberVariables += "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result m_constructorSuccessCode = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eErrorUnknown;";
swapMembers += "\n std::swap( m_constructorSuccessCode, rhs.m_constructorSuccessCode );";
moveConstructorInitializerList +=
"m_constructorSuccessCode( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_constructorSuccessCode, {} ) ), ";
moveAssignmentInstructions +=
"\n m_constructorSuccessCode = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_constructorSuccessCode, {} );";
if ( handle.first == "VkInstance" )
memberVariables += "\n std::unique_ptr<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::InstanceDispatcher> m_dispatcher;";
else if ( handle.first == "VkDevice" )
memberVariables += "\n std::unique_ptr<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::DeviceDispatcher> m_dispatcher;";
else if ( handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.front().type.type == "VkDevice" )
memberVariables += "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::DeviceDispatcher const * m_dispatcher = nullptr;";
memberVariables += "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::InstanceDispatcher const * m_dispatcher = nullptr;";
clearMembers += "\n m_dispatcher = nullptr;";
swapMembers += "\n std::swap( m_dispatcher, rhs.m_dispatcher );";
if ( ( handle.first == "VkInstance" ) || ( handle.first == "VkDevice" ) )
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_dispatcher( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() )";
moveAssignmentInstructions += "\n m_dispatcher.reset( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() );";
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_dispatcher( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_dispatcher, nullptr ) )";
moveAssignmentInstructions += "\n m_dispatcher = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_dispatcher, nullptr );";
return std::make_tuple( clearMembers, getConstructorSuccessCode, memberVariables, moveConstructorInitializerList, moveAssignmentInstructions, swapMembers );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleForwardDeclarations( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( type );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
str += " class " + stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) + ";\n";
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandles() const
const std::string raiiHandlesTemplate = R"(
//=== RAII HANDLE forward declarations ===
//=== RAII HANDLES ===
std::string forwardDeclarations;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
forwardDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleForwardDeclarations( feature.second.requireData, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
forwardDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleForwardDeclarations( extIt.second->second.requireData, extIt.second->first );
std::set<std::string> listedHandles;
auto handleIt = m_handles.begin();
assert( handleIt->first.empty() );
std::string raiiHandles = generateRAIIHandleContext( *handleIt, m_RAIISpecialFunctions );
for ( ++handleIt; handleIt != m_handles.end(); ++handleIt )
raiiHandles += generateRAIIHandle( *handleIt, listedHandles, m_RAIISpecialFunctions );
return replaceWithMap( raiiHandlesTemplate, { { "forwardDeclarations", forwardDeclarations }, { "raiiHandles", raiiHandles } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleSingularConstructorArguments( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt ) const
std::string arguments = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" ) );
if ( handle.second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
parentType = "Vk" + parentType;
for ( auto const & destructorParam : handle.second.destructorIt->second.params )
if ( ( destructorParam.type.type != parentType ) && ( destructorParam.type.type != handle.first ) &&
( std::find_if( handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&destructorParam]( ParamData const & pd )
{ return pd.len ==; } ) == handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.end() ) )
if ( std::find_if( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&destructorParam]( ParamData const & pd )
{ return pd.type.type == destructorParam.type.type; } ) != constructorIt->second.params.end() )
if ( isHandleType( destructorParam.type.type ) )
assert( destructorParam.type.isValue() );
arguments += ", static_cast<" + destructorParam.type.type + ">( *" + + " )";
assert( destructorParam.type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" );
arguments += ", allocator";
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
bool found = false;
for ( auto const & constructorParam : constructorIt->second.params )
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( constructorParam.type.type );
if ( structureIt != m_structures.end() )
auto memberIt = findStructMemberItByType( destructorParam.type.type, structureIt->second.members );
if ( memberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
found = true;
assert( !constructorParam.type.isValue() );
std::string argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) ) + "." + memberIt->name;
if ( isHandleType( memberIt->type.type ) )
argument = "static_cast<" + memberIt->type.type + ">( " + argument + " )";
arguments += ", " + argument;
assert( found );
return arguments;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleVectorSizeCheck( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>> const & countToVectorMap,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams ) const
std::string const throwTemplate =
R"#( if ( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() != ${secondVectorName}.size() )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${firstVectorName}.size() != ${secondVectorName}.size()" );
std::string const throwTemplateVoid =
R"#( if ( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${firstDataType} ) != ${secondVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${secondDataType} ) )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${firstVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${firstDataType} ) != ${secondVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${secondDataType} )" );
std::string const throwTemplateByLen = R"#( if ( ${vectorName}.size() != ${sizeValue} )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${vectorName}.size() != ${sizeValue}" );
std::string className = stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, false, false );
std::string sizeChecks;
for ( auto const & cvm : countToVectorMap )
size_t defaultStartIndex = determineDefaultStartIndex( commandData.params, skippedParams );
std::string firstVectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].name, "p" ) );
if ( cvm.second.size() == 1 )
assert( isLenByStructMember( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].len, commandData.params[cvm.first] ) );
std::vector<std::string> lenParts = tokenize( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].len, "->" );
assert( lenParts.size() == 2 );
std::string sizeValue = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParts[0], "p" ) ) + "." + lenParts[1];
sizeChecks += replaceWithMap(
throwTemplateByLen, { { "className", className }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "sizeValue", sizeValue }, { "vectorName", firstVectorName } } );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < cvm.second.size(); i++ )
std::string secondVectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].name, "p" ) );
bool withZeroSizeCheck = commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].optional && ( defaultStartIndex <= cvm.second[i] );
if ( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].type.type == "void" )
assert( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].type.type == "void" );
std::string firstDataType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].name, "p" ) + "Type";
std::string secondDataType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].name, "p" ) + "Type";
sizeChecks += replaceWithMap( throwTemplateVoid,
{ { "firstDataType", firstDataType },
{ "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "secondDataType", secondDataType },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( "!" + secondVectorName + ".empty() && " ) : "" } } );
sizeChecks += replaceWithMap( throwTemplate,
{ { "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( "!" + secondVectorName + ".empty() && " ) : "" } } );
if ( i + 1 < cvm.second.size() )
sizeChecks += "\n";
if ( !sizeChecks.empty() )
sizeChecks += "\n";
return sizeChecks;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateResultAssignment( CommandData const & commandData ) const
std::string resultAssignment;
if ( ( commandData.returnType != "void" ) &&
!( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) && ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 ) && commandData.errorCodes.empty() ) )
resultAssignment = commandData.returnType + " result = ";
return resultAssignment;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateResultCheck(
CommandData const & commandData, std::string const & className, std::string const & classSeparator, std::string commandName, bool enumerating ) const
std::string resultCheck;
if ( !commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
std::string successCodeList = generateSuccessCodeList( commandData.successCodes, enumerating );
std::string const resultCheckTemplate =
R"(resultCheck( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}"${successCodeList} );)";
resultCheck = replaceWithMap(
{ { "className", className }, { "classSeparator", classSeparator }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "successCodeList", successCodeList } } );
return resultCheck;
// Intended only for `enum class Result`!
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateResultExceptions() const
const std::string templateString = R"(
${enter} class ${className} : public SystemError
${className}( std::string const & message )
: SystemError( make_error_code( ${enumName}::${enumMemberName} ), message ) {}
${className}( char const * message )
: SystemError( make_error_code( ${enumName}::${enumMemberName} ), message ) {}
std::string str;
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkResult" );
for ( auto const & value : enumIt->second.values )
if ( "VK_ERROR" ) )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.extension, value.protect );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first,, false, m_tags );
str += replaceWithMap( templateString,
{ { "className", stripPrefix( valueName, "eError" ) + "Error" },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "enumName", stripPrefix( enumIt->first, "Vk" ) },
{ "enumMemberName", valueName },
{ "leave", leave } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnStatement( std::string const & commandName,
CommandData const & commandData,
std::string const & returnVariable,
std::string const & returnType,
std::string const & dataType,
size_t initialSkipCount,
size_t returnParam,
bool unique,
bool enumerating,
bool raii ) const
std::string returnStatement;
if ( commandData.returnType.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
if ( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 ) || enumerating )
assert( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" );
if ( raii || commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
if ( !returnVariable.empty() )
returnStatement = "return " + returnVariable + ";";
if ( returnVariable.empty() )
assert( !unique );
returnStatement = "return createResultValueType( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ) );";
else if ( unique )
assert( returnParam != INVALID_INDEX );
returnStatement = "return createResultValueType( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), ";
if ( dataType.starts_with( "std::" ) )
returnStatement += "std::move( unique" + startUpperCase( returnVariable ) + " )";
returnStatement += "UniqueHandle<" + dataType + ", Dispatch>( " + returnVariable + ", " +
generateObjectDeleter( commandName, commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParam ) + " )";
returnStatement += " );";
returnStatement = "return createResultValueType( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), " + returnVariable + " );";
if ( returnVariable.empty() )
assert( !unique );
returnStatement = "return static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( commandData.returnType, "Vk" ) + ">( result );";
else if ( unique )
assert( returnParam != INVALID_INDEX );
assert( returnType.starts_with( "ResultValue<" ) && returnType.ends_with( ">" ) );
returnStatement = "return " + returnType + "( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), ";
if ( dataType.starts_with( "std::" ) )
returnStatement += "std::move( unique" + startUpperCase( returnVariable ) + " )";
returnStatement += "UniqueHandle<" + dataType + ", Dispatch>( " + returnVariable + ", " +
generateObjectDeleter( commandName, commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParam ) + " )";
returnStatement += " );";
assert( returnType.starts_with( raii ? "std::pair<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result, " : "ResultValue<" ) && returnType.ends_with( ">" ) );
returnStatement =
"return " + ( raii ? "std::make_pair" : returnType ) + "( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), " + returnVariable + " );";
assert( !unique );
if ( returnVariable.empty() )
if ( commandData.returnType != "void" )
returnStatement = "return result;";
returnStatement = "return " + returnVariable + ";";
return returnStatement;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnType( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool unique,
bool chained,
bool raii,
std::string const & dataType ) const
std::string modifiedDataType = dataType;
if ( chained )
assert( !unique );
modifiedDataType = dataType.starts_with( "std::vector" )
? ( std::string( "std::vector<StructureChain" ) + ( raii ? "" : ", StructureChainAllocator" ) + "> " )
: " StructureChain<X, Y, Z...> ";
else if ( unique )
assert( !chained );
assert( ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) && isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
if ( dataType.starts_with( "std::vector" ) )
auto from = dataType.find( '<' ) + 1;
assert( from != std::string::npos );
auto to = dataType.find( '>', from );
assert( to == dataType.length() - 1 );
std::string type = dataType.substr( from, to - from );
assert( type.starts_with( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) );
modifiedDataType.replace( from, to - from, "UniqueHandle<" + type + ", Dispatch>, " + stripPrefix( type, "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator" );
assert( !dataType.starts_with( "std::" ) );
modifiedDataType = "UniqueHandle<" + dataType + ", Dispatch>";
std::string returnType;
if ( ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() ) && returnParams.empty() && !chained )
assert( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) && !unique );
returnType = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result";
else if ( ( commandData.returnType != "VkResult" ) && ( commandData.returnType != "void" ) )
assert( returnParams.empty() && !chained && !unique );
if ( commandData.returnType.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
returnType = generateNamespacedType( commandData.returnType );
returnType = commandData.returnType;
else if ( ( commandData.returnType == "void" ) ||
( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) && ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 ) && ( commandData.errorCodes.empty() || raii ) ) ||
( chained && raii ) )
assert( !unique );
assert( ( commandData.returnType != "void" ) || ( returnParams.size() <= 2 ) );
returnType = modifiedDataType;
assert( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" );
assert( !commandData.successCodes.empty() && ( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) );
if ( ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() ) && ( ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) || ( ( returnParams.size() == 2 ) && vectorParams.empty() ) ) )
assert( !commandData.errorCodes.empty() && !chained );
returnType = ( raii ? "std::pair<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result, " : "ResultValue<" ) + modifiedDataType + ">";
( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 ) || ( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) ) ) &&
( returnParams.size() <= 3 ) );
returnType = raii ? modifiedDataType : ( "typename ResultValueType<" + modifiedDataType + ">::type" );
return returnType;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnVariable( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool chained,
bool singular ) const
std::string returnVariable;
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: break; // no return variable
case 1:
if ( chained )
returnVariable = "structureChain";
returnVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
if ( singular )
returnVariable = stripPluralS( returnVariable );
case 2:
if ( chained )
returnVariable = "structureChains";
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
{ // the return variable is simply named "data", and holds the multi-return value stuff
returnVariable = "data";
assert( vectorParamIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] );
assert( !singular );
returnVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
case 3:
assert( !chained && !singular );
assert( ( vectorParams.size() == 2 ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[1] ) &&
( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) && ( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first == returnParams[2] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
returnVariable = "data";
return returnVariable;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSizeCheck( std::vector<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator> const & arrayIts,
std::string const & structName,
bool mutualExclusiveLens ) const
std::string sizeCheck;
if ( 1 < arrayIts.size() )
static const std::string throwTextTemplate = R"( if ( ${throwCheck} )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING"::${structName}::${structName}: ${throwCheck}" );
std::string assertionText, throwText;
if ( mutualExclusiveLens )
// exactly one of the arrays has to be non-empty
std::string sum;
for ( auto it : arrayIts )
sum += "!" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( it->name, "p" ) ) + "_.empty() + ";
sum.resize( sum.size() - 3 );
assertionText += " VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ( " + sum + " ) <= 1);\n";
throwText += replaceWithMap( throwTextTemplate, { { "structName", structName }, { "throwCheck", "1 < ( " + sum + " )" } } );
for ( size_t first = 0; first + 1 < arrayIts.size(); ++first )
assert( arrayIts[first]->name.starts_with( "p" ) );
std::string firstName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIts[first]->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
for ( auto second = first + 1; second < arrayIts.size(); ++second )
assert( arrayIts[second]->name.starts_with( "p" ) );
std::string secondName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIts[second]->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
std::string assertionCheck = firstName + ".size() == " + secondName + ".size()";
std::string throwCheck = firstName + ".size() != " + secondName + ".size()";
if ( ( !arrayIts[first]->optional.empty() && arrayIts[first]->optional.front() ) ||
( !arrayIts[second]->optional.empty() && arrayIts[second]->optional.front() ) )
assertionCheck = "( " + assertionCheck + " )";
throwCheck = "( " + throwCheck + " )";
if ( !arrayIts[second]->optional.empty() && arrayIts[second]->optional.front() )
assertionCheck = secondName + ".empty() || " + assertionCheck;
throwCheck = "!" + secondName + ".empty() && " + throwCheck;
if ( !arrayIts[first]->optional.empty() && arrayIts[first]->optional.front() )
assertionCheck = firstName + ".empty() || " + assertionCheck;
throwCheck = "!" + firstName + ".empty() && " + throwCheck;
assertionText += " VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( " + assertionCheck + " );\n";
throwText += replaceWithMap( throwTextTemplate, { { "structName", structName }, { "throwCheck", throwCheck } } );
sizeCheck += "\n#ifdef VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS\n" + assertionText + "#else\n" + throwText + "#endif /*VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS*/\n" + " ";
return sizeCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStaticAssertions() const
std::string staticAssertions;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
staticAssertions += generateStaticAssertions( feature.second.requireData, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
staticAssertions += generateStaticAssertions( extIt.second->second.requireData, extIt.second->first );
return staticAssertions;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStaticAssertions( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( type );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
std::string const assertionTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className} ) == sizeof( Vk${className} ), "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className}>::value, "${className} is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
str += replaceWithMap( assertionTemplate, { { "className", stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
auto structIt = m_structures.find( type );
if ( structIt != m_structures.end() )
std::string const assertionTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType} ) == sizeof( Vk${structureType} ), "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( std::is_standard_layout<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType}>::value, "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType}>::value, "${structureType} is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
str += replaceWithMap( assertionTemplate, { { "structureType", stripPrefix( structIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStruct( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure, std::set<std::string> & listedStructs ) const
assert( listedStructs.find( structure.first ) == listedStructs.end() );
std::string str;
for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members )
auto structIt = m_structures.find( member.type.type );
if ( ( structIt != m_structures.end() ) && ( structure.first != member.type.type ) && ( listedStructs.find( member.type.type ) == listedStructs.end() ) )
str += generateStruct( *structIt, listedStructs );
if ( !structure.second.subStruct.empty() )
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( structure.second.subStruct );
if ( ( structureIt != m_structures.end() ) && ( listedStructs.find( structureIt->first ) == listedStructs.end() ) )
str += generateStruct( *structureIt, listedStructs );
if ( structure.second.isUnion )
str += generateUnion( structure );
str += generateStructure( structure );
listedStructs.insert( structure.first );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructAssignmentOperators( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
static const std::string assignmentFromVulkanType = R"(
${structName} & operator=( ${structName} const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
${structName} & operator=( Vk${structName} const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
*this = *reinterpret_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structName} const *>( &rhs );
return *this;
return replaceWithMap( assignmentFromVulkanType, { { "structName", stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ) } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructCompareOperators( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
static const std::set<std::string> simpleTypes = { "char", "double", "DWORD", "float", "HANDLE", "HINSTANCE", "HMONITOR",
"HWND", "int", "int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "LPCWSTR",
"size_t", "uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t" };
// two structs are compared by comparing each of the elements
std::string compareMembers, spaceshipMembers;
std::string intro = "";
bool nonDefaultCompare = false;
std::string spaceshipOrdering = containsFloatingPoints( structData.second.members ) ? "std::partial_ordering" : "std::strong_ordering";
for ( size_t i = 0; i < structData.second.members.size(); i++ )
MemberData const & member = structData.second.members[i];
auto typeIt = m_types.find( member.type.type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
if ( ( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Requires ) && member.type.postfix.empty() && ( simpleTypes.find( member.type.type ) == simpleTypes.end() ) )
nonDefaultCompare = true;
// this type might support operator==() or operator<=>()... that is, use memcmp
compareMembers += intro + "( memcmp( &" + + ", &rhs." + + ", sizeof( " + member.type.type + " ) ) == 0 )";
static const std::string spaceshipMemberTemplate =
R"( if ( auto cmp = memcmp( &${name}, &rhs.${name}, sizeof( ${type} ) ); cmp != 0 )
return ( cmp < 0 ) ? ${ordering}::less : ${ordering}::greater;
spaceshipMembers +=
replaceWithMap( spaceshipMemberTemplate, { { "name", }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering }, { "type", member.type.type } } );
else if ( member.type.type == "char" && !member.len.empty() )
// compare null-terminated strings
nonDefaultCompare = true;
assert( member.len.size() < 3 );
if ( member.len.size() == 1 )
assert( member.len[0] == "null-terminated" );
compareMembers += intro + "( ( " + + " == rhs." + + " ) || ( strcmp( " + + ", rhs." + + " ) == 0 ) )";
static const std::string spaceshipMemberTemplate =
R"( if ( ${name} != rhs.${name} )
if ( auto cmp = strcmp( ${name}, rhs.${name} ); cmp != 0 )
return ( cmp < 0 ) ? ${ordering}::less : ${ordering}::greater;
spaceshipMembers += replaceWithMap( spaceshipMemberTemplate, { { "name", }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering } } );
assert( member.len[1] == "null-terminated" );
static const std::string commpareMemberTemplate = R"( [this, rhs]
bool equal = true;
for ( size_t i = 0; equal && ( i < ${count} ); ++i )
equal = ( ( ${name}[i] == rhs.${name}[i] ) || ( strcmp( ${name}[i], rhs.${name}[i] ) == 0 ) );
return equal;
compareMembers += intro + replaceWithMap( commpareMemberTemplate, { { "count", member.len[0] }, { "name", } } );
static const std::string spaceshipMemberTemplate = R"( for ( size_t i = 0; i < ${count}; ++i )
if ( ${name}[i] != rhs.${name}[i] )
if ( auto cmp = strcmp( ${name}[i], rhs.${name}[i] ); cmp != 0 )
return cmp < 0 ? ${ordering}::less : ${ordering}::greater;
spaceshipMembers +=
replaceWithMap( spaceshipMemberTemplate, { { "count", member.len[0] }, { "name", }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering } } );
// for all others, we use the operator== of that type
compareMembers += intro + "( " + + " == rhs." + + " )";
spaceshipMembers += " if ( auto cmp = " + + " <=> rhs." + + "; cmp != 0 ) return cmp;\n";
intro = "\n && ";
std::string structName = stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" );
std::string compareBody, spaceshipOperator, spaceshipOperatorIf, spaceshipOperatorElse, spaceshipOperatorEndif;
if ( nonDefaultCompare )
compareBody = " return " + compareMembers + ";";
if ( !containsFuncPointer( structData.first ) )
static const std::string spaceshipOperatorTemplate =
R"( ${ordering} operator<=>( ${name} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return ${ordering}::equivalent;
spaceshipOperatorIf = "#if defined(VULKAN_HPP_HAS_SPACESHIP_OPERATOR)";
spaceshipOperator =
replaceWithMap( spaceshipOperatorTemplate, { { "name", structName }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering }, { "spaceshipMembers", spaceshipMembers } } );
spaceshipOperatorElse = "#endif\n";
spaceshipOperatorEndif = "";
// use reflection only if VULKAN_HPP_USE_REFLECT is defined
static const std::string compareBodyTemplate = R"(#if defined( VULKAN_HPP_USE_REFLECT )
return this->reflect() == rhs.reflect();
return ${compareMembers};
compareBody = replaceWithMap( compareBodyTemplate, { { "compareMembers", compareMembers } } );
if ( !containsFuncPointer( structData.first ) )
spaceshipOperatorIf = "#if defined(VULKAN_HPP_HAS_SPACESHIP_OPERATOR)";
spaceshipOperator = "auto operator<=>( " + structName + " const & ) const = default;";
spaceshipOperatorElse = "#else";
spaceshipOperatorEndif = "#endif\n";
static const std::string compareTemplate = R"(
bool operator==( ${name} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
bool operator!=( ${name} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return !operator==( rhs );
return replaceWithMap( compareTemplate,
{ { "name", structName },
{ "compareBody", compareBody },
{ "spaceshipOperator", spaceshipOperator },
{ "spaceshipOperatorElse", spaceshipOperatorElse },
{ "spaceshipOperatorEndif", spaceshipOperatorEndif },
{ "spaceshipOperatorIf", spaceshipOperatorIf } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructConstructors( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
// the constructor with all the elements as arguments, with defaults
// and the simple copy constructor from the corresponding vulkan structure
static const std::string constructors = R"(
${constexpr}${structName}(${arguments}) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
${constexpr}${structName}( ${structName} const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
${structName}( Vk${structName} const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: ${structName}( *reinterpret_cast<${structName} const *>( &rhs ) )
std::string arguments, initializers;
bool listedArgument = false;
bool firstArgument = true;
for ( auto const & member : structData.second.members )
// gather the arguments
std::string argument = generateStructConstructorArgument( listedArgument, member, true );
if ( !argument.empty() )
listedArgument = true;
arguments += argument;
// gather the initializers; skip members with exactly one legal value
if ( member.value.empty() )
initializers += std::string( firstArgument ? ": " : ", " ) + + "( " + + "_ )";
firstArgument = false;
auto pNextIt = std::find_if( structData.second.members.begin(), structData.second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pNext"; } );
if ( pNextIt != structData.second.members.end() )
// add pNext as a last optional argument to the constructor
arguments += std::string( listedArgument ? ", " : "" ) + pNextIt->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " pNext_ = nullptr";
std::string str = replaceWithMap( constructors,
{ { "arguments", arguments },
{ "constexpr", generateConstexprString( structData.first ) },
{ "initializers", initializers },
{ "structName", stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ) } } );
str += generateStructConstructorsEnhanced( structData );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructConstructorsEnhanced( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
auto memberIts = findAll( structData.second.members.begin(),
[]( MemberData const & md ) {
return !md.len.empty() && !( md.len[0] == "null-terminated" ) &&
( ( altLens.find( md.len[0] ) == altLens.end() ) || ( md.len[0] == "codeSize / 4" ) );
} );
if ( !memberIts.empty() )
// map from len-members to all the array members using that len
std::map<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator, std::vector<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator>> lenIts;
for ( auto const & mit : memberIts )
std::string lenName = ( mit->len.front() == "codeSize / 4" ) ? "codeSize" : mit->len.front();
auto lenIt = findStructMemberIt( lenName, structData.second.members );
assert( lenIt != mit );
lenIts[lenIt].push_back( mit );
std::string arguments, initializers;
bool listedArgument = false;
bool firstArgument = true;
bool arrayListed = false;
std::string templateHeader, sizeChecks;
for ( auto mit = structData.second.members.begin(); mit != structData.second.members.end(); ++mit )
// gather the initializers
if ( mit->name == "pNext" ) // for pNext, we just get the initializer... the argument is added at the end
initializers += std::string( firstArgument ? ":" : "," ) + " pNext( pNext_ )";
firstArgument = false;
else if ( mit->value.empty() ) // skip constant members
auto litit = lenIts.find( mit );
if ( litit != lenIts.end() )
// len arguments just have an initalizer, from the ArrayProxyNoTemporaries size
initializers +=
( firstArgument ? ": " : ", " ) + mit->name + "( " + generateLenInitializer( mit, litit, structData.second.mutualExclusiveLens ) + " )";
sizeChecks += generateSizeCheck( litit->second, stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ), structData.second.mutualExclusiveLens );
else if ( std::find( memberIts.begin(), memberIts.end(), mit ) != memberIts.end() )
assert( mit->name.starts_with( "p" ) );
std::string argumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( mit->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
assert( mit->type.postfix.ends_with( "*" ) );
std::string argumentType = trimEnd( stripPostfix( mit->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), "*" ) );
if ( ( mit->type.type == "void" ) && ( argumentType.find( '*' ) == std::string::npos ) )
// the argument after stripping one pointer is just void
assert( templateHeader.empty() );
templateHeader = " template <typename T>\n";
size_t pos = argumentType.find( "void" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
argumentType.replace( pos, strlen( "void" ), "T" );
arguments += listedArgument ? ", " : "";
arguments += "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<" + argumentType + "> const & " + argumentName;
if ( arrayListed )
arguments += " = {}";
listedArgument = true;
arrayListed = true;
initializers += ( firstArgument ? ": " : ", " ) + mit->name + "( " + argumentName + ".data() )";
std::string argument = generateStructConstructorArgument( listedArgument, *mit, arrayListed );
if ( !argument.empty() )
listedArgument = true;
arguments += argument;
initializers += ( firstArgument ? ": " : ", " ) + mit->name + "( " + mit->name + "_ )";
firstArgument = false;
auto pNextIt =
std::find_if( structData.second.members.begin(), structData.second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pNext"; } );
if ( pNextIt != structData.second.members.end() )
// add pNext as a last optional argument to the constructor
arguments += std::string( listedArgument ? ", " : "" ) + pNextIt->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " pNext_ = nullptr";
static const std::string constructorTemplate = R"(
${templateHeader} ${structName}( ${arguments} )
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "arguments", arguments },
{ "initializers", initializers },
{ "sizeChecks", sizeChecks },
{ "structName", stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "templateHeader", templateHeader } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructConstructorArgument( bool listedArgument, MemberData const & memberData, bool withDefault ) const
// skip members 'pNext' and members with a specified value, as they are never explicitly set
std::string str;
if ( ( != "pNext" ) && memberData.value.empty() )
str += ( listedArgument ? ( ", " ) : "" );
if ( memberData.arraySizes.empty() )
str += memberData.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " ";
str += generateStandardArray( memberData.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), memberData.arraySizes ) + " const & ";
str += + "_";
if ( withDefault )
str += " = ";
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( memberData.type.type );
if ( enumIt != m_enums.end() && memberData.type.postfix.empty() )
str += generateEnumInitializer( memberData.type, memberData.arraySizes, enumIt->second.values, enumIt->second.isBitmask );
assert( memberData.value.empty() );
// all the rest can be initialized with just {}
str += "{}";
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructHashStructure( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure,
std::set<std::string> & listedStructs ) const
assert( listedStructs.find( structure.first ) == listedStructs.end() );
std::string str;
for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members )
auto structIt = m_structures.find( member.type.type );
if ( ( structIt != m_structures.end() ) && ( structure.first != member.type.type ) && ( listedStructs.find( member.type.type ) == listedStructs.end() ) )
str += generateStructHashStructure( *structIt, listedStructs );
if ( !containsUnion( structure.first ) )
static const std::string hashTemplate = R"(
${enter}template <> struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType}>
std::size_t operator()(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType} const & ${structureName}) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
std::size_t seed = 0;
return seed;
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( structure.first, m_structureAliasesInverse.find( structure.first ) != m_structureAliasesInverse.end() );
std::string structureType = stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" );
std::string structureName = startLowerCase( structureType );
str += replaceWithMap( hashTemplate,
{ { "enter", enter },
{ "hashSum", generateStructHashSum( structureName, structure.second.members ) },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "structureName", structureName },
{ "structureType", structureType } } );
listedStructs.insert( structure.first );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructHashStructures() const
const std::string hashesTemplate = R"(
//=== HASH structures for structures ===
# if !defined( VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE )
# define VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, value ) \
seed ^= std::hash<std::decay<decltype( value )>::type>{}( value ) + 0x9e3779b9 + ( seed << 6 ) + ( seed >> 2 )
# endif
#endif // 14 <= VULKAN_HPP_CPP_VERSION
// Note reordering structs or handles by features and extensions is not possible!
std::set<std::string> listedStructs;
std::string hashes;
for ( auto const & structure : m_structures )
if ( listedStructs.find( structure.first ) == listedStructs.end() )
hashes += generateStructHashStructure( structure, listedStructs );
return replaceWithMap( hashesTemplate, { { "hashes", hashes } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructHashSum( std::string const & structName, std::vector<MemberData> const & members ) const
std::string hashSum;
for ( auto const & member : members )
if ( !member.arraySizes.empty() )
assert( member.arraySizes.size() < 3 );
hashSum += " for ( size_t i = 0; i < " + member.arraySizes[0] + "; ++i )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
if ( member.arraySizes.size() == 1 )
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, " + structName + "." + + "[i] );\n";
hashSum += " for ( size_t j=0; j < " + member.arraySizes[1] + "; ++j )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, " + structName + "." + + "[i][j] );\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
else if ( member.type.type == "char" && !member.len.empty() )
assert( member.len.size() < 3 );
if ( member.len.size() == 1 )
assert( member.len[0] == "null-terminated" );
hashSum += " for ( const char* p = " + structName + "." + + "; *p != '\\0'; ++p )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, *p );\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
assert( member.len[1] == "null-terminated" );
hashSum += " for ( size_t i = 0; i < " + structName + "." + member.len[0] + "; ++i )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
hashSum += " for ( const char* p = " + structName + "." + + "[i]; *p != '\\0'; ++p )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, *p );\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, " + structName + "." + + " );\n";
assert( !hashSum.empty() );
return hashSum.substr( 0, hashSum.size() - 1 );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructs() const
const std::string structsTemplate = R"(
//=== STRUCTS ===
// Note reordering structs or handles by features and extensions is not possible!
std::set<std::string> listedStructs;
std::string structs;
for ( auto const & structure : m_structures )
if ( listedStructs.find( structure.first ) == listedStructs.end() )
structs += generateStruct( structure, listedStructs );
return replaceWithMap( structsTemplate, { { "structs", structs } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructure( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure ) const
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( structure.first, m_structureAliasesInverse.find( structure.first ) != m_structureAliasesInverse.end() );
std::string str = "\n" + enter;
std::string constructorAndSetters;
constructorAndSetters += "#if !defined( VULKAN_HPP_NO_STRUCT_CONSTRUCTORS )";
constructorAndSetters += generateStructConstructors( structure );
constructorAndSetters += generateStructSubConstructor( structure );
constructorAndSetters += "#endif /*VULKAN_HPP_NO_STRUCT_CONSTRUCTORS*/\n";
constructorAndSetters += generateStructAssignmentOperators( structure );
if ( !structure.second.returnedOnly )
// only structs that are not returnedOnly get setters!
constructorAndSetters += "\n#if !defined( VULKAN_HPP_NO_STRUCT_SETTERS )";
for ( size_t i = 0; i < structure.second.members.size(); i++ )
constructorAndSetters += generateStructSetter( stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" ), structure.second.members, i );
constructorAndSetters += "#endif /*VULKAN_HPP_NO_STRUCT_SETTERS*/\n";
std::string structureType = stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" );
// the member variables
std::string members, memberNames, memberTypes, sTypeValue;
std::tie( members, memberNames, memberTypes, sTypeValue ) = generateStructMembers( structure );
// reflect is meaningfull for structs only, filter out unions
std::string reflect;
if ( !structure.second.isUnion )
// use reflection only if VULKAN_HPP_USE_REFLECT is defined
static const std::string reflectTemplate = R"(
reflect() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return std::tie( ${memberNames} );
reflect = replaceWithMap( reflectTemplate, { { "memberNames", memberNames }, { "memberTypes", memberTypes } } );
// operator==() and operator!=()
// only structs without a union as a member can have a meaningfull == and != operation; we filter them out
std::string compareOperators;
if ( !containsUnion( structure.first ) )
compareOperators += generateStructCompareOperators( structure );
static const std::string structureTemplate = R"( struct ${structureType}
using NativeType = Vk${structureType};
operator Vk${structureType} const &() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *reinterpret_cast<const Vk${structureType}*>( this );
operator Vk${structureType} &() VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *reinterpret_cast<Vk${structureType}*>( this );
std::string allowDuplicate, typeValue;
if ( !sTypeValue.empty() )
allowDuplicate = std::string( " static const bool allowDuplicate = " ) + ( structure.second.allowDuplicate ? "true;" : "false;" );
typeValue = " static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR StructureType structureType = StructureType::" + sTypeValue + ";\n";
str += replaceWithMap( structureTemplate,
{ { "allowDuplicate", allowDuplicate },
{ "constructorAndSetters", constructorAndSetters },
{ "compareOperators", compareOperators },
{ "members", members },
{ "reflect", reflect },
{ "structureType", structureType },
{ "typeValue", typeValue } } );
if ( !sTypeValue.empty() )
std::string cppTypeTemplate = R"(
template <>
struct CppType<StructureType, StructureType::${sTypeValue}>
using Type = ${structureType};
str += replaceWithMap( cppTypeTemplate, { { "sTypeValue", sTypeValue }, { "structureType", structureType } } );
auto aliasIt = m_structureAliasesInverse.find( structure.first );
if ( aliasIt != m_structureAliasesInverse.end() )
for ( std::string const & alias : aliasIt->second )
str += " using " + stripPrefix( alias, "Vk" ) + " = " + structureType + ";\n";
str += leave;
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructExtendsStructs() const
const std::string structExtendsTemplate = R"(
std::string structExtends;
std::set<std::string> listedStructs;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
structExtends += generateStructExtendsStructs( feature.second.requireData, listedStructs, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
structExtends += generateStructExtendsStructs( extIt.second->second.requireData, listedStructs, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( structExtendsTemplate, { { "structExtends", structExtends } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructExtendsStructs( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedStructs,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto structIt = m_structures.find( type );
if ( structIt != m_structures.end() )
assert( listedStructs.find( type ) == listedStructs.end() );
listedStructs.insert( type );
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( title, std::string() );
// append all allowed structure chains
for ( auto extendName : structIt->second.structExtends )
std::map<std::string, StructureData>::const_iterator itExtend = m_structures.find( extendName );
if ( itExtend == m_structures.end() )
// look if the extendName acutally is an alias of some other structure
auto aliasIt = m_structureAliases.find( extendName );
if ( aliasIt != m_structureAliases.end() )
itExtend = m_structures.find( aliasIt->second.alias );
assert( itExtend != m_structures.end() );
auto [subEnter, subLeave] =
generateProtection( itExtend->first, m_structureAliasesInverse.find( itExtend->first ) != m_structureAliasesInverse.end() );
if ( enter != subEnter )
str += subEnter;
str += " template <> struct StructExtends<" + stripPrefix( structIt->first, "Vk" ) + ", " + stripPrefix( extendName, "Vk" ) +
">{ enum { value = true }; };\n";
if ( leave != subLeave )
str += subLeave;
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructForwardDeclarations() const
const std::string fowardDeclarationsTemplate = R"(
//=== STRUCT forward declarations ===
std::string forwardDeclarations;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
forwardDeclarations += generateStructForwardDeclarations( feature.second.requireData, feature.first );
for ( auto const & extIt : m_extensionsByNumber )
forwardDeclarations += generateStructForwardDeclarations( extIt.second->second.requireData, extIt.second->first );
return replaceWithMap( fowardDeclarationsTemplate, { { "forwardDeclarations", forwardDeclarations } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructForwardDeclarations( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto structIt = m_structures.find( type );
if ( structIt != m_structures.end() )
std::string structureType = stripPrefix( structIt->first, "Vk" );
str += ( structIt->second.isUnion ? " union " : " struct " ) + structureType + ";\n";
auto inverseIt = m_structureAliasesInverse.find( type );
if ( inverseIt != m_structureAliasesInverse.end() )
for ( auto alias : inverseIt->second )
str += " using " + stripPrefix( alias, "Vk" ) + " = " + structureType + ";\n";
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string>
VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructMembers( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
std::string members, memberNames, memberTypes, sTypeValue;
for ( auto const & member : structData.second.members )
members += " ";
std::string type;
if ( !member.bitCount.empty() && member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
assert( member.type.prefix.empty() && member.type.postfix.empty() ); // never encounterd a different case
type = member.type.type;
else if ( member.arraySizes.empty() )
type = member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" );
assert( member.type.prefix.empty() && member.type.postfix.empty() );
type = generateStandardArrayWrapper( member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), member.arraySizes );
members += type + " " +;
if ( !member.value.empty() )
// special handling for members with legal value: use it as the default
members += " = ";
if ( member.type.type == "uint32_t" )
members += member.value;
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( member.type.type );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
std::string enumValue = member.value;
auto valueIt = std::find_if(
enumIt->second.values.begin(), enumIt->second.values.end(), [&enumValue]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return enumValue ==; } );
assert( valueIt != enumIt->second.values.end() );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, valueIt->name, enumIt->second.isBitmask, m_tags );
members += stripPrefix( member.type.type, "Vk" ) + "::" + valueName;
if ( == "sType" )
sTypeValue = valueName;
// as we don't have any meaningful default initialization values, everything can be initialized by just '{}'
// !
assert( member.arraySizes.empty() || member.bitCount.empty() );
if ( !member.bitCount.empty() )
members += " : " + member.bitCount; // except for bitfield members, where no default member initializatin
// is supported (up to C++20)
members += " = ";
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( member.type.type );
if ( member.arraySizes.empty() && ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) && member.type.postfix.empty() )
members += generateEnumInitializer( member.type, member.arraySizes, enumIt->second.values, enumIt->second.isBitmask );
members += "{}";
members += ";\n";
memberNames += + ", ";
memberTypes += type + " const &, ";
return std::make_tuple( members, stripPostfix( memberNames, ", " ), stripPostfix( memberTypes, ", " ), sTypeValue );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructSetter( std::string const & structureName, std::vector<MemberData> const & memberData, size_t index ) const
std::string str;
MemberData const & member = memberData[index];
if ( member.type.type != "VkStructureType" ) // filter out StructureType, which is supposed to be immutable !
static const std::string templateString = R"(
${constexpr}${structureName} & set${MemberName}( ${memberType} ${reference}${memberName}_ ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *this;
std::string memberType = member.arraySizes.empty() ? member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" )
: generateStandardArray( member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), member.arraySizes );
bool isReinterpretation = !member.bitCount.empty() && member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" );
std::string assignment;
if ( isReinterpretation )
assignment = + " = " + "*reinterpret_cast<" + member.type.type + "*>(&" + + "_)";
assignment = + " = " + + "_";
str +=
replaceWithMap( templateString,
{ { "assignment", assignment },
{ "constexpr", isReinterpretation ? "" : "VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 " },
{ "memberName", },
{ "MemberName", startUpperCase( ) },
{ "memberType", memberType },
{ "reference", ( member.type.postfix.empty() && ( m_structures.find( member.type.type ) != m_structures.end() ) ) ? "const & " : "" },
{ "structureName", structureName } } );
if ( !member.len.empty() && ( member.len[0] != "null-terminated" ) &&
( ( altLens.find( member.len[0] ) == altLens.end() ) || ( member.len[0] == "codeSize / 4" ) ) )
assert( == 'p' );
std::string arrayName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) );
std::string lenName, lenValue;
if ( member.len[0] == "codeSize / 4" )
lenName = "codeSize";
lenValue = arrayName + "_.size() * 4";
lenName = member.len[0];
lenValue = arrayName + "_.size()";
assert( memberType.back() == '*' );
memberType = trimEnd( stripPostfix( memberType, "*" ) );
std::string templateHeader;
if ( ( member.type.type == "void" ) && ( memberType.find( '*' ) == std::string::npos ) )
assert( templateHeader.empty() );
templateHeader = "template <typename T>\n ";
size_t pos = memberType.find( "void" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
memberType.replace( pos, strlen( "void" ), "T" );
lenValue += " * sizeof(T)";
auto lenMember = findStructMemberIt( lenName, memberData );
assert( lenMember != memberData.end() && lenMember->type.prefix.empty() && lenMember->type.postfix.empty() );
if ( lenMember->type.type != "size_t" )
lenValue = "static_cast<" + lenMember->type.type + ">( " + lenValue + " )";
static const std::string setArrayTemplate = R"(
${templateHeader}${structureName} & set${ArrayName}( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<${memberType}> const & ${arrayName}_ ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
${lenName} = ${lenValue};
${memberName} = ${arrayName};
return *this;
str += replaceWithMap( setArrayTemplate,
{ { "arrayName", arrayName },
{ "ArrayName", startUpperCase( arrayName ) },
{ "lenName", lenName },
{ "lenValue", lenValue },
{ "memberName", },
{ "memberType", memberType },
{ "structureName", structureName },
{ "templateHeader", templateHeader } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructSubConstructor( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
if ( !structData.second.subStruct.empty() )
auto const & subStruct = m_structures.find( structData.second.subStruct );
assert( subStruct != m_structures.end() );
std::string subStructArgumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( subStruct->first, "Vk" ) );
std::string subCopies;
bool firstArgument = true;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < subStruct->second.members.size(); i++ )
assert( structData.second.members[i].arraySizes.empty() );
static const std::string subCopiesTemplate =
R"( ${separator} ${structMemberName}( ${subStructArgumentName}.${subStructMemberName} )
subCopies += replaceWithMap( subCopiesTemplate,
{ { "separator", firstArgument ? ":" : "," },
{ "structMemberName", structData.second.members[i].name },
{ "subStructMemberName", subStruct->second.members[i].name },
{ "subStructArgumentName", subStructArgumentName } } );
firstArgument = false;
std::string subArguments;
bool listedArgument = true;
for ( size_t i = subStruct->second.members.size(); i < structData.second.members.size(); i++ )
std::string argument = generateStructConstructorArgument( listedArgument, structData.second.members[i], true );
if ( !argument.empty() )
listedArgument = true;
subArguments += argument;
assert( structData.second.members[i].arraySizes.empty() );
static const std::string subCopiesTemplate = R"( , ${memberName}( ${memberName}_ )
subCopies += replaceWithMap( subCopiesTemplate, { { "memberName", structData.second.members[i].name } } );
static const std::string subStructConstructorTemplate = R"(
explicit ${structName}( ${subStructName} const & ${subStructArgumentName}${subArguments} )
${subCopies} {}
return replaceWithMap( subStructConstructorTemplate,
{ { "structName", stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "subArguments", subArguments },
{ "subCopies", subCopies },
{ "subStructArgumentName", subStructArgumentName },
{ "subStructName", stripPrefix( subStruct->first, "Vk" ) } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSuccessCheck( std::vector<std::string> const & successCodes ) const
assert( !successCodes.empty() );
std::string successCheck = "result == " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[0], m_tags );
if ( 1 < successCodes.size() )
successCheck = "( " + successCheck + " )";
for ( size_t i = 1; i < successCodes.size(); ++i )
successCheck += "|| ( result == " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[i], m_tags ) + " )";
return successCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSuccessCodeList( std::vector<std::string> const & successCodes, bool enumerating ) const
std::string successCodeList;
if ( ( 1 < successCodes.size() ) && !enumerating )
successCodeList = ", { " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[0], m_tags );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < successCodes.size(); ++i )
successCodeList += ", " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[i], m_tags );
successCodeList += " }";
return successCodeList;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateThrowResultException() const
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkResult" );
std::string cases;
for ( auto const & value : enumIt->second.values )
if ( "VK_ERROR" ) )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.extension, value.protect );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first,, false, m_tags );
cases += enter + " case Result::" + valueName + ": throw " + stripPrefix( valueName, "eError" ) + "Error( message );\n" + leave;
cases.pop_back(); // remove last newline
const std::string throwTemplate = R"(
[[noreturn]] void throwResultException( Result result, char const * message )
switch ( result )
default: throw SystemError( make_error_code( result ) );
return replaceWithMap( throwTemplate, { { "cases", cases } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateTypenameCheck( std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool definition,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
bool singular,
bool withAllocator,
bool unique,
bool chained ) const
std::string typenameCheck, enableIf;
if ( !singular && withAllocator )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); ++i )
if ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] ) != vectorParams.end() )
std::string elementType = chained ? "StructureChain" : stripPrefix( dataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" );
std::string extendedElementType = elementType;
if ( unique )
extendedElementType = "UniqueHandle<" + elementType + ", Dispatch>";
std::string index = std::to_string( i );
if ( definition )
typenameCheck += ", typename B" + index;
typenameCheck += ", typename B" + index + " = " + startUpperCase( elementType ) + "Allocator";
enableIf += enableIf.empty() ? ", typename std::enable_if<" : " && ";
enableIf += "std::is_same<typename B" + index + "::value_type, " + extendedElementType + ">::value";
assert( !typenameCheck.empty() );
if ( !typenameCheck.empty() )
typenameCheck += enableIf + ", int>::type";
if ( !definition )
typenameCheck += " = 0";
return typenameCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateUnion( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure ) const
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( structure.first, m_structureAliasesInverse.find( structure.first ) != m_structureAliasesInverse.end() );
std::string unionName = stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" );
bool firstMember = true;
std::set<TypeInfo> listedTypes; // create just one constructor per different type !
std::string constructors;
for ( auto memberIt = structure.second.members.begin(); memberIt != structure.second.members.end(); ++memberIt )
if ( listedTypes.insert( memberIt->type ).second )
// VkBool32 is aliased to uint32_t. Don't create a VkBool32 constructor if the union also contains a
// uint32_t constructor.
if ( memberIt->type.type == "VkBool32" )
if ( findStructMemberItByType( "uint32_t", structure.second.members ) != structure.second.members.end() )
bool multipleType =
( std::find_if( std::next( memberIt ),
[memberIt]( MemberData const & member ) { return member.type == memberIt->type; } ) != structure.second.members.end() );
std::string memberType = ( memberIt->arraySizes.empty() )
? memberIt->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" )
: ( "const " + generateStandardArray( memberIt->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), memberIt->arraySizes ) + "&" );
// In a majority of cases this can be constexpr in C++11 as well, however, determining when exactly
// that is the case is a lot more involved and probably not worth it.
static const std::string constructorTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 ${unionName}( ${memberType} ${argumentName}_${defaultAssignment} )
: ${memberName}( ${argumentName}_ )
constructors += ( firstMember ? "" : "\n" ) + replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "argumentName", multipleType ? generateName( memberIt->type ) : memberIt->name },
{ "defaultAssignment", firstMember ? " = {}" : "" },
{ "memberName", memberIt->name },
{ "memberType", memberType },
{ "unionName", stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" ) } } );
firstMember = false;
// one setter per union element
std::string setters;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < structure.second.members.size(); i++ )
setters += generateStructSetter( stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" ), structure.second.members, i );
// filter out leading and trailing newline
setters = setters.substr( 1, setters.length() - 2 );
// the union member variables
std::string members;
// if there's at least one Vk... type in this union, check for unrestricted unions support
bool needsUnrestrictedUnions =
( std::find_if( structure.second.members.begin(),
[]( MemberData const & member ) { return member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ); } ) != structure.second.members.end() );
if ( needsUnrestrictedUnions )
for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members )
static const std::string memberTemplate = R"( ${memberType} ${memberName};
members +=
replaceWithMap( memberTemplate,
{ { "memberName", },
{ "memberType",
member.arraySizes.empty() ? member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" )
: generateStandardArrayWrapper( member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), member.arraySizes ) } } );
if ( needsUnrestrictedUnions )
members += "#else\n";
for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members )
static const std::string memberTemplate = R"( ${memberType} ${memberName}${arraySizes};
members += replaceWithMap(
{ { "arraySizes", generateCArraySizes( member.arraySizes ) }, { "memberName", }, { "memberType", member.type.compose( "" ) } } );
members += "#endif /*VULKAN_HPP_HAS_UNRESTRICTED_UNIONS*/\n";
static const std::string unionTemplate = R"(
${enter} union ${unionName}
using NativeType = Vk${unionName};
operator Vk${unionName} const &() const
return *reinterpret_cast<const Vk${unionName}*>( this );
operator Vk${unionName} &()
return *reinterpret_cast<Vk${unionName}*>( this );
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "constructors", constructors }, { "enter", enter }, { "leave", leave }, { "members", members }, { "setters", setters }, { "unionName", unionName } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateUniqueTypes( std::string const & parentType, std::set<std::string> const & childrenTypes ) const
std::string childrenTraits;
for ( auto const & childType : childrenTypes )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( childType );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
std::string type = stripPrefix( childType, "Vk" );
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( handleIt->first, !handleIt->second.alias.empty() );
std::string aliasHandle;
if ( !handleIt->second.alias.empty() )
static const std::string aliasHandleTemplate =
R"( using Unique${aliasType} = UniqueHandle<${type}, VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>;
aliasHandle += replaceWithMap( aliasHandleTemplate, { { "aliasType", stripPrefix( handleIt->second.alias, "Vk" ) }, { "type", type } } );
static const std::string traitsTemplate = R"(${enter} template <typename Dispatch>
class UniqueHandleTraits<${type}, Dispatch>
using deleter = ${deleterType}${deleterAction}<${deleterParent}${deleterPool}, Dispatch>;
using Unique${type} = UniqueHandle<${type}, VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>;
childrenTraits += replaceWithMap( traitsTemplate,
{ { "aliasHandle", aliasHandle },
{ "deleterAction", ( handleIt->second.deleteCommand.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ? "Free" : "Destroy" },
{ "deleterParent", parentType.empty() ? "NoParent" : stripPrefix( parentType, "Vk" ) },
{ "deleterPool", handleIt->second.deletePool.empty() ? "" : ", " + stripPrefix( handleIt->second.deletePool, "Vk" ) },
{ "deleterType", handleIt->second.deletePool.empty() ? "Object" : "Pool" },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "type", type } } );
static const std::string uniqueTypeTemplate = R"(
${parentClass}${childrenTraits}#endif /*VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE*/
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "childrenTraits", childrenTraits }, { "parentClass", parentType.empty() ? "" : ( " class " + stripPrefix( parentType, "Vk" ) + ";\n" ) } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateVectorSizeCheck( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>> const & countToVectorMap,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams,
bool onlyThrows ) const
std::string const assertTemplate = " VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() == ${secondVectorName}.size() );";
std::string const assertTemplateVoid =
" VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${firstDataType} ) == ${secondVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${secondDataType} ) );";
std::string const assertTemplateByLen = " VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${vectorName}.size() == ${sizeValue} );";
std::string const throwTemplate =
R"#( if ( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() != ${secondVectorName}.size() )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${firstVectorName}.size() != ${secondVectorName}.size()" );
std::string const throwTemplateVoid =
R"#( if ( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${firstDataType} ) != ${secondVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${secondDataType} ) )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${firstVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${firstDataType} ) != ${secondVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${secondDataType} )" );
std::string const throwTemplateByLen = R"#( if ( ${vectorName}.size() != ${sizeValue} )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${vectorName}.size() != ${sizeValue}" );
std::string className = stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, false, false );
std::string assertions, throws;
for ( auto const & cvm : countToVectorMap )
size_t defaultStartIndex = determineDefaultStartIndex( commandData.params, skippedParams );
std::string firstVectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].name, "p" ) );
if ( cvm.second.size() == 1 )
assert( isLenByStructMember( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].len, commandData.params[cvm.first] ) );
std::vector<std::string> lenParts = tokenize( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].len, "->" );
assert( lenParts.size() == 2 );
std::string sizeValue = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParts[0], "p" ) ) + "." + lenParts[1];
assertions += replaceWithMap( assertTemplateByLen, { { "sizeValue", sizeValue }, { "vectorName", firstVectorName } } );
throws += replaceWithMap( throwTemplateByLen,
{ { "className", className }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "sizeValue", sizeValue }, { "vectorName", firstVectorName } } );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < cvm.second.size(); i++ )
std::string secondVectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].name, "p" ) );
bool withZeroSizeCheck = commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].optional && ( defaultStartIndex <= cvm.second[i] );
if ( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].type.type == "void" )
assert( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].type.type == "void" );
std::string firstDataType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].name, "p" ) + "Type";
std::string secondDataType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].name, "p" ) + "Type";
assertions += replaceWithMap( assertTemplateVoid,
{ { "firstDataType", firstDataType },
{ "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "secondDataType", secondDataType },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( secondVectorName + ".empty() || " ) : "" } } );
throws += replaceWithMap( throwTemplateVoid,
{ { "firstDataType", firstDataType },
{ "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "secondDataType", secondDataType },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( "!" + secondVectorName + ".empty() && " ) : "" } } );
assertions += replaceWithMap( assertTemplate,
{ { "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( secondVectorName + ".empty() || " ) : "" } } );
throws += replaceWithMap( throwTemplate,
{ { "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( "!" + secondVectorName + ".empty() && " ) : "" } } );
if ( i + 1 < cvm.second.size() )
assertions += "\n";
throws += "\n";
std::string const sizeCheckTemplate =
return onlyThrows ? throws : replaceWithMap( sizeCheckTemplate, { { "assertions", assertions }, { "throws", throws } } );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::getParentTypeAndName( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
std::string parentType, parentName;
if ( handle.first == "VkInstance" )
parentType = "Context";
parentName = "context";
bool skip = skipLeadingGrandParent( handle );
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() && ( ( skip ? 1u : 0u ) < handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.size() ) );
auto const & param = handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params[skip ? 1 : 0];
assert( isHandleType( param.type.type ) && param.type.isValue() );
parentType = stripPrefix( param.type.type, "Vk" );
parentName =;
return std::make_pair( parentType, parentName );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::getPlatform( std::string const & title ) const
if ( m_features.find( title ) == m_features.end() )
auto extensionIt = m_extensions.find( title );
assert( extensionIt != m_extensions.end() );
return extensionIt->second.platform;
return "";
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::getPoolTypeAndName( std::string const & type ) const
auto structIt = m_structures.find( type );
assert( structIt != m_structures.end() );
auto memberIt = std::find_if(
structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return "Pool" ) != std::string::npos; } );
assert( memberIt != structIt->second.members.end() );
assert( std::find_if( std::next( memberIt ),
[]( MemberData const & md ) { return "Pool" ) != std::string::npos; } ) == structIt->second.members.end() );
return std::make_pair( memberIt->type.type, memberIt->name );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::getVectorSize( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
size_t returnParam,
std::string const & returnParamType,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
std::string vectorSize;
std::vector<std::string> lenParts = tokenize( params[returnParam].len, "->" );
switch ( lenParts.size() )
case 1:
std::string const & len = lenParts[0];
size_t lenIdx =
std::distance( params.begin(), std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&len]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == len; } ) );
assert( lenIdx < params.size() );
// look for the len, not being the len of the return param, but of an other vector param
auto lenVectorParamIt =
std::find_if( vectorParams.begin(),
[&lenIdx, &returnParam]( auto const & vpi ) { return ( vpi.first != returnParam ) && ( vpi.second.lenParam == lenIdx ); } );
if ( lenVectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
vectorSize = lenParts[0];
if ( templatedParams.find( returnParam ) != templatedParams.end() )
vectorSize += " / sizeof( " + returnParamType + " )";
assert( templatedParams.find( returnParam ) == templatedParams.end() );
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( params[lenVectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
case 2:
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParam ) != vectorParams.end() );
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParts[0], "p" ) ) + "." + lenParts[1];
default: assert( false ); break;
assert( !vectorSize.empty() );
return vectorSize;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::hasParentHandle( std::string const & handle, std::string const & parent ) const
std::string candidate = handle;
while ( !candidate.empty() )
auto const & handleIt = m_handles.find( candidate );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
if ( handleIt->second.parent == parent )
return true;
candidate = handleIt->second.parent;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isDeviceCommand( CommandData const & commandData ) const
return !commandData.handle.empty() && !commandData.params.empty() && ( m_handles.find( commandData.params[0].type.type ) != m_handles.end() ) &&
( commandData.params[0].type.type != "VkInstance" ) && ( commandData.params[0].type.type != "VkPhysicalDevice" );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isHandleType( std::string const & type ) const
if ( type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
auto it = m_handles.find( type );
if ( it == m_handles.end() )
it = std::find_if( m_handles.begin(), m_handles.end(), [&type]( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & hd ) { return hd.second.alias == type; } );
return ( it != m_handles.end() );
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isLenByStructMember( std::string const & name, std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
// check if name specifies a member of a struct
std::vector<std::string> nameParts = tokenize( name, "->" );
if ( nameParts.size() == 1 )
// older versions of vk.xml used the notation parameter::member
nameParts = tokenize( name, "::" );
if ( nameParts.size() == 2 )
auto paramIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&n = nameParts[0]]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == n; } );
if ( paramIt != params.end() )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( paramIt->type.type );
assert( structureIt != m_structures.end() );
assert( isStructMember( nameParts[1], structureIt->second.members ) );
return true;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isLenByStructMember( std::string const & name, ParamData const & param ) const
// check if name specifies a member of a struct
std::vector<std::string> nameParts = tokenize( name, "->" );
if ( nameParts.size() == 1 )
// older versions of vk.xml used the notation parameter::member
nameParts = tokenize( name, "::" );
if ( ( nameParts.size() == 2 ) && ( nameParts[0] == ) )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto structureIt = m_structures.find( param.type.type );
assert( structureIt != m_structures.end() );
assert( isStructMember( nameParts[1], structureIt->second.members ) );
return true;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isMultiSuccessCodeConstructor( std::vector<std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator> const & constructorIts ) const
bool ok = !constructorIts.empty();
if ( ok )
auto constructorIt = constructorIts.begin();
ok = ( 2 < ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes.size() ) ||
( ( ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes[1] != "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( constructorIt = std::next( constructorIt ); constructorIt != constructorIts.end(); ++constructorIt )
assert( ok == ( 2 < ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes.size() ) ||
( ( ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes[1] != "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) ) );
return ok;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isParam( std::string const & name, std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
return std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&name]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == name; } ) != params.end();
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isStructMember( std::string const & name, std::vector<MemberData> const & memberData ) const
return findStructMemberIt( name, memberData ) != memberData.end();
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isStructureChainAnchor( std::string const & type ) const
if ( type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
auto it = m_structures.find( type );
if ( it == m_structures.end() )
auto aliasIt = m_structureAliases.find( type );
if ( aliasIt != m_structureAliases.end() )
it = m_structures.find( aliasIt->second.alias );
if ( it != m_structures.end() )
return m_extendedStructs.find( it->first ) != m_extendedStructs.end();
return false;
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> VulkanHppGenerator::needsVectorSizeCheck( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams ) const
std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>> countToVectorMap;
for ( auto const & vpi : vectorParams )
if ( ( vpi.second.lenParam != INVALID_INDEX ) && ( std::find( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), vpi.first ) == returnParams.end() ) &&
( ( singularParams.find( vpi.second.lenParam ) == singularParams.end() ) ||
isLenByStructMember( params[vpi.first].len, params[vpi.second.lenParam] ) ) )
countToVectorMap[vpi.second.lenParam].push_back( vpi.first );
return std::make_pair( std::find_if( countToVectorMap.begin(),
[this, &params]( auto const & cvm ) {
return ( 1 < cvm.second.size() ) || isLenByStructMember( params[cvm.second[0]].len, params[cvm.first] );
} ) != countToVectorMap.end(),
countToVectorMap );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readCommands( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, { { "comment", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "command", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "command" ) );
readCommandsCommand( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readCommandsCommand( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
if ( attributes.find( "alias" ) != attributes.end() )
// for command aliases, create a copy of the aliased command
checkAttributes( line,
{ "alias", {} },
{ "name", {} },
} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( name.starts_with( "vk" ), line, "name <" + name + "> should begin with <vk>" );
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( alias );
checkForError( commandIt != m_commands.end(), line, "missing command <" + alias + ">" );
CommandData commandData = commandIt->second;
commandData.alias = alias;
commandData.xmlLine = line;
addCommand( name, commandData );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "cmdbufferlevel", { "primary", "secondary" } },
{ "comment", {} },
{ "errorcodes", {} },
{ "queues", { "compute", "decode", "encode", "graphics", "sparse_binding", "transfer" } },
{ "renderpass", { "both", "inside", "outside" } },
{ "successcodes", {} },
{ "tasks", { "action", "indirection", "state", "synchronization" } },
{ "videocoding", { "both", "inside", "outside" } } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "param", false }, { "proto", true } }, { "implicitexternsyncparams" } );
CommandData commandData( line );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "errorcodes" )
commandData.errorCodes = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
// errorCodes are checked in checkCorrectness after complete reading
else if ( attribute.first == "successcodes" )
commandData.successCodes = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
// successCodes are checked in checkCorrectness after complete reading
std::string name;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "param" )
commandData.params.push_back( readCommandsCommandParam( child, commandData.params ) );
else if ( value == "proto" )
std::tie( name, commandData.returnType ) = readCommandsCommandProto( child );
assert( !name.empty() );
checkForError( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) || commandData.errorCodes.empty(),
"command <" + name + "> does not return a VkResult but specifies errorcodes" );
checkForError( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) || commandData.successCodes.empty(),
"command <" + name + "> does not return a VkResult but specifies successcodes" );
for ( auto const & param : commandData.params )
checkForError( param.stride.empty() || isParam( param.stride, commandData.params ),
"attribute <stride> holds an unknown value <" + param.stride + ">" );
registerDeleter( name, std::make_pair( name, commandData ) );
addCommand( name, commandData );
VulkanHppGenerator::ParamData VulkanHppGenerator::readCommandsCommandParam( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::vector<ParamData> const & params )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "altlen", {} },
{ "externsync", {} },
{ "len", {} },
{ "noautovalidity", { "true" } },
{ "objecttype", { "objectType" } },
{ "optional", { "false", "true" } },
{ "stride", {} },
{ "validstructs", {} } } );
checkValidStructs( line, attributes );
ParamData paramData( line );
for ( auto attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "altlen" )
assert( paramData.len.empty() );
paramData.len = attribute.second;
checkForError( altLens.find( paramData.len ) != altLens.end(), line, "attribute <altlen> holds unknown value <" + paramData.len + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "len" )
if ( paramData.len.empty() )
checkForError( ( attribute.second == "null-terminated" ) || isParam( attribute.second, params ) || isLenByStructMember( attribute.second, params ),
"attribute <len> holds an unknown value <" + attribute.second + ">" );
paramData.len = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "stride" )
paramData.stride = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "optional" )
paramData.optional = ( attribute.second == "true" );
NameData nameData;
std::tie( nameData, paramData.type ) = readNameAndType( element );
checkForError( m_types.find( paramData.type.type ) != m_types.end(), line, "unknown type <" + paramData.type.type + ">" );
checkForError( paramData.type.prefix.empty() || ( paramData.type.prefix == "const" ) || ( paramData.type.prefix == "const struct" ) ||
( paramData.type.prefix == "struct" ),
"unexpected type prefix <" + paramData.type.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( paramData.type.postfix.empty() || ( paramData.type.postfix == "*" ) || ( paramData.type.postfix == "**" ) ||
( paramData.type.postfix == "* const *" ),
"unexpected type postfix <" + paramData.type.postfix + ">" );
checkForError( std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&name =]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == name; } ) == params.end(),
"command param <" + + "> already used" ); =;
paramData.arraySizes = nameData.arraySizes;
return paramData;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::readCommandsCommandProto( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
auto [nameData, typeInfo] = readNameAndType( element );
checkForError( "vk" ), line, "name <" + + "> does not begin with <vk>" );
checkForError( nameData.arraySizes.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported arraySizes" );
checkForError( m_types.find( typeInfo.type ) != m_types.end(), line, "unknown type <" + typeInfo.type + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.prefix.empty(), line, "unexpected type prefix <" + typeInfo.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.postfix.empty(), line, "unexpected type postfix <" + typeInfo.postfix + ">" );
checkForError( m_commands.find( ) == m_commands.end(), line, "command <" + + "> already specified" );
return std::make_pair(, typeInfo.type );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readEnums( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "bitwidth", { "64" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "type", { "bitmask", "enum" } } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
std::string bitwidth, name, type;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "bitwidth" )
bitwidth = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "type" )
type = attribute.second;
assert( !name.empty() );
if ( name == "API Constants" )
checkElements( line, children, { { "enum", false } }, {} );
for ( auto const & child : children )
readEnumsConstant( child );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "comment", "enum", "unused" } );
checkForError( !type.empty(), line, "enum without type" );
// get the EnumData entry in enum map
std::map<std::string, EnumData>::iterator enumIt = m_enums.find( name );
if ( enumIt == m_enums.end() )
enumIt =
std::find_if( m_enums.begin(), m_enums.end(), [&name]( std::pair<std::string, EnumData> const & enumData ) { return enumData.second.alias == name; } );
checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "enum <" + name + "> is not listed as enum in the types section" );
checkForError( enumIt->second.values.empty(), line, "enum <" + name + "> already holds values" );
// mark it as a bitmask, if it is one
bool bitmask = ( type == "bitmask" );
if ( bitmask )
checkForError( name.find( "FlagBits" ) != std::string::npos, line, "bitmask <" + name + "> does not contain <FlagBits>" );
enumIt->second.isBitmask = bitmask;
enumIt->second.bitwidth = bitwidth;
// read the names of the enum values
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "comment" )
readComment( child );
else if ( value == "enum" )
readEnumsEnum( child, enumIt );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readEnumsConstant( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "alias", {} }, { "comment", {} }, { "type", {} }, { "value", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, name, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
checkForError( m_constants.find( attribute.second ) != m_constants.end(), line, "unknown enum constant alias <" + attribute.second + ">" );
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
checkForError( m_constants.find( attribute.second ) == m_constants.end(), line, "already specified enum constant <" + attribute.second + ">" );
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
checkForError( !attribute.second.empty(), line, "value of enum constant is empty" );
value = attribute.second;
checkForError( alias.empty() != value.empty(), line, "for enum <" + name + "> either alias or value need to be specified" );
m_constants[name] = alias.empty() ? value : m_constants[alias];
void VulkanHppGenerator::readEnumsEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, EnumData>::iterator enumIt )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
if ( attributes.find( "alias" ) != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "name", {} } }, { { "comment", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, bitpos, name, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
assert( !name.empty() );
enumIt->second.addEnumAlias( line, name, alias );
line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "bitpos", {} }, { "comment", {} }, { "protect", { "VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS" } }, { "value", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, bitpos, name, protect, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "bitpos" )
bitpos = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "protect" )
protect = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
value = attribute.second;
std::string prefix = generateEnumSuffixes( enumIt->first, enumIt->second.isBitmask, m_tags ).first;
checkForError( name.starts_with( prefix ), line, "encountered enum value <" + name + "> that does not begin with expected prefix <" + prefix + ">" );
checkForError( bitpos.empty() ^ value.empty(), line, "invalid set of attributes for enum <" + name + ">" );
enumIt->second.addEnumValue( line, name, protect, !bitpos.empty(), "" );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::readComment( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
return element->GetText();
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensions( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "extension", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "extension" ) );
readExtensionsExtension( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensionsExtension( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
auto it = attributes.find( "supported" );
checkForError( it != attributes.end(), line, "Missing attribute <supported> for extension!" );
if ( it->second == "disabled" )
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "require" } );
// kick out all the disabled stuff we've read before !!
for ( auto const & child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "require" ) );
readExtensionsExtensionDisabledRequire( child );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "name", {} }, { "number", {} }, { "supported", { "disabled", "enabled", "vulkan" } } },
{ { "author", {} },
{ "comment", {} },
{ "contact", {} },
{ "deprecatedby", {} },
{ "obsoletedby", {} },
{ "platform", {} },
{ "promotedto", {} },
{ "provisional", { "true" } },
{ "requires", {} },
{ "requiresCore", {} },
{ "sortorder", { "1" } },
{ "specialuse", { "cadsupport", "d3demulation", "debugging", "devtools", "glemulation" } },
{ "type", { "device", "instance" } } } );
checkElements( line, children, { { "require", false } } );
std::string deprecatedBy, name, number, obsoletedBy, platform, promotedTo, supported;
std::vector<std::string> requirements;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "deprecatedby" )
deprecatedBy = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "number" )
number = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "obsoletedby" )
obsoletedBy = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "platform" )
platform = attribute.second;
checkForError( m_platforms.find( platform ) != m_platforms.end(), line, "unknown platform <" + platform + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "promotedto" )
promotedTo = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "provisional" )
if ( platform.empty() )
// for now, having the attribute provisional="true" implies attribute platform="provisional" to get
// stuff protected by VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS
platform = "provisional";
checkForError( platform == "provisional",
"while attribute <provisional> is set to \"true\", attribute <platform> is not set to \"provisional\" but to \"" + platform + "\"" );
else if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
requirements = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
else if ( attribute.first == "requiresCore" )
std::string const & requiresCore = attribute.second;
checkForError( std::find_if( m_features.begin(),
[&requiresCore]( std::pair<std::string, FeatureData> const & feature )
{ return feature.second.number == requiresCore; } ) != m_features.end(),
"unknown feature number <" + attribute.second + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "supported" )
supported = attribute.second;
assert( supported != "disabled" );
auto pitb = m_extensions.insert( std::make_pair( name, ExtensionData( line, deprecatedBy, number, obsoletedBy, platform, promotedTo ) ) );
checkForError( pitb.second, line, "already encountered extension <" + name + ">" );
for ( auto const & r : requirements )
checkForError( pitb.first->second.requiresAttribute.insert( r ).second, line, "required extension <" + r + "> already listed" );
// extract the tag from the name, which is supposed to look like VK_<tag>_<other>
size_t tagStart = name.find( '_' );
checkForError( tagStart != std::string::npos, line, "name <" + name + "> is missing an underscore '_'" );
size_t tagEnd = name.find( '_', tagStart + 1 );
checkForError( tagEnd != std::string::npos, line, "name <" + name + "> is missing an underscore '_'" );
std::string tag = name.substr( tagStart + 1, tagEnd - tagStart - 1 );
checkForError( m_tags.find( tag ) != m_tags.end(), line, "name <" + name + "> is using an unknown tag <" + tag + ">" );
for ( auto child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "require" ) );
readExtensionsExtensionRequire( child, pitb.first );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensionsExtensionDisabledRequire( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "enum", false } }, { "command", "comment", "type" } );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "command" )
readExtensionsExtensionDisabledRequireCommand( child );
else if ( value == "comment" )
readComment( child );
else if ( value == "enum" )
// just skip enums of disabled extensions
assert( value == "type" );
readExtensionsExtensionDisabledRequireType( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensionsExtensionDisabledRequireCommand( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
// first unlink the command from its class
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( name );
if ( commandIt != m_commands.end() )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandIt->second.handle );
checkForError( handleIt != m_handles.end(), line, "cannot find handle corresponding to command <" + name + ">" );
handleIt->second.commands.erase( commandIt->first );
// then erase the command from the command list
m_commands.erase( commandIt );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensionsExtensionDisabledRequireType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
auto typeIt = m_types.find( name );
if ( typeIt != m_types.end() )
switch ( typeIt->second.category )
case TypeCategory::Bitmask:
auto bitmasksIt = m_bitmasks.find( name );
checkForError( bitmasksIt != m_bitmasks.end(), line, "trying to remove unknown bitmask <" + name + ">" );
bitmasksIt->second.alias.empty(), line, "trying to remove disabled bitmask <" + name + "> which has alias <" + bitmasksIt->second.alias + ">" );
m_bitmasks.erase( bitmasksIt );
case TypeCategory::Enum:
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( name );
checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "trying to remove unknown enum <" + name + ">" );
checkForError( enumIt->second.alias.empty(), line, "trying to remove disabled enum <" + name + "> which has alias <" + enumIt->second.alias + ">" );
m_enums.erase( enumIt );
case TypeCategory::Struct:
auto structIt = m_structures.find( name );
checkForError( structIt != m_structures.end(), line, "trying to remove unknown struct <" + name + ">" );
auto inverseAliasIt = m_structureAliasesInverse.find( name );
if ( inverseAliasIt != m_structureAliasesInverse.end() )
false, line, "trying to remove disabled structure <" + name + "> which has " + std::to_string( inverseAliasIt->second.size() ) + "aliases" );
m_structures.erase( structIt );
default: checkForError( false, line, "trying to remove <" + name + "> of unhandled type <" + toString( typeIt->second.category ) + ">" ); break;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensionsExtensionRequire( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, ExtensionData>::iterator extensionIt )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, { { "extension", {} }, { "feature", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "command", "comment", "enum", "type" } );
std::string requireTitle;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "extension" )
assert( requireTitle.empty() );
requireTitle = attribute.second;
checkForError( std::find_if( extensionIt->second.requireData.begin(),
[&requireTitle]( RequireData const & rd ) {
return std::find( rd.titles.begin(), rd.titles.end(), requireTitle ) != rd.titles.end();
} ) == extensionIt->second.requireData.end(),
"required extension <" + requireTitle + "> already listed" );
assert( attribute.first == "feature" );
checkForError( m_features.find( attribute.second ) != m_features.end(), line, "unknown feature <" + attribute.second + ">" );
assert( requireTitle.empty() );
requireTitle = attribute.second;
RequireData requireData( line, requireTitle );
bool requireDataEmpty = true;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "command" )
readExtensionsExtensionRequireCommand( child, extensionIt->first, requireData );
requireDataEmpty = false;
else if ( value == "comment" )
readComment( child );
else if ( value == "enum" )
readRequireEnum( child, extensionIt->first );
else if ( value == "type" )
readExtensionsExtensionRequireType( child, extensionIt->first, requireData );
requireDataEmpty = false;
if ( !requireDataEmpty )
extensionIt->second.requireData.push_back( requireData );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensionsExtensionRequireCommand( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element,
std::string const & extensionName,
RequireData & requireData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "comment", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
assert( !name.empty() );
// mark this command be part of this extension
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( name );
commandIt != m_commands.end(), line, "command <" + name + "> marked as required in extension <" + extensionName + "> was not listed before as a command!" );
if ( commandIt->second.referencedIn.empty() )
commandIt->second.referencedIn = extensionName;
checkForError( getPlatform( commandIt->second.referencedIn ) == getPlatform( extensionName ),
"command <" + name + "> is referenced in extensions <" + commandIt->second.referencedIn + "> and <" + extensionName +
"> and thus protected by different platforms <" + getPlatform( commandIt->second.referencedIn ) + "> and <" +
getPlatform( extensionName ) + ">!" );
assert( std::find( requireData.commands.begin(), requireData.commands.end(), name ) == requireData.commands.end() );
requireData.commands.push_back( name );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensionsExtensionRequireType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element,
std::string const & extensionName,
RequireData & requireData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "comment", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
assert( !name.empty() );
auto typeIt = m_types.find( name );
checkForError( typeIt != m_types.end(), line, "failed to find required type <" + name + ">" );
if ( typeIt->second.referencedIn.empty() )
typeIt->second.referencedIn = extensionName;
assert( std::find( requireData.types.begin(), requireData.types.end(), name ) == requireData.types.end() );
requireData.types.push_back( name );
checkForError( getPlatform( typeIt->second.referencedIn ) == getPlatform( extensionName ),
"type <" + name + "> is referenced in extensions <" + typeIt->second.referencedIn + "> and <" + extensionName +
"> and thus protected by different platforms <" + getPlatform( typeIt->second.referencedIn ) + "> and <" + getPlatform( extensionName ) +
">!" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFeature( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "api", { "vulkan" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "name", {} }, { "number", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "require", false } } );
std::string name, number, modifiedNumber;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "number" )
number = attribute.second;
modifiedNumber = number;
std::replace( modifiedNumber.begin(), modifiedNumber.end(), '.', '_' );
assert( !name.empty() && !number.empty() );
checkForError( name == "VK_VERSION_" + modifiedNumber, line, "unexpected formatting of name <" + name + ">" );
checkForError( m_features.find( name ) == m_features.end(), line, "already specified feature <" + name + ">" );
auto featureIt = m_features.insert( std::make_pair( name, number ) ).first;
for ( auto child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "require" ) );
readFeatureRequire( child, featureIt );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFeatureRequire( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, FeatureData>::iterator featureIt )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, { { "comment", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "command", "comment", "enum", "type" } );
RequireData requireData( line, "" );
bool requireDataEmpty = true;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "command" )
readFeatureRequireCommand( child, featureIt, requireData );
requireDataEmpty = false;
else if ( value == "comment" )
readComment( child );
else if ( value == "enum" )
readRequireEnum( child, "" );
else if ( value == "type" )
readFeatureRequireType( child, featureIt, requireData );
requireDataEmpty = false;
if ( !requireDataEmpty )
featureIt->second.requireData.push_back( requireData );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFeatureRequireCommand( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element,
std::map<std::string, FeatureData>::iterator featureIt,
RequireData & requireData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, { { "name", {} } } );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( name );
checkForError( commandIt != m_commands.end(), line, "feature requires unknown command <" + name + ">" );
checkForError( commandIt->second.referencedIn.empty(), line, "command <" + name + "> already listed with feature <" + commandIt->second.referencedIn + ">" );
commandIt->second.referencedIn = featureIt->first;
assert( std::find( requireData.commands.begin(), requireData.commands.end(), name ) == requireData.commands.end() );
requireData.commands.push_back( name );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFeatureRequireType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element,
std::map<std::string, FeatureData>::iterator featureIt,
RequireData & requireData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, { { "comment", {} }, { "name", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
auto requireTypeIt = std::find_if( requireData.types.begin(), requireData.types.end(), [&name]( std::string const & type ) { return type == name; } );
checkForError( requireTypeIt == requireData.types.end(), line, "type <" + name + "> already listed for this feature!" );
// some types are in fact includes (like vk_platform) or defines (like VK_API_VERSION)
if ( ( m_defines.find( name ) == m_defines.end() ) && ( m_includes.find( name ) == m_includes.end() ) )
auto typeIt = m_types.find( name );
checkForError( typeIt != m_types.end(), line, "feature requires unknown type <" + name + ">" );
checkForError( typeIt->second.referencedIn.empty() || ( typeIt->second.referencedIn == featureIt->first ),
"type <" + name + "> already listed on feature <" + typeIt->second.referencedIn + ">" );
typeIt->second.referencedIn = featureIt->first;
requireData.types.push_back( name );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormats( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "format", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
readFormatsFormat( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormatsFormat( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "blockSize", { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "8", "12", "16", "24", "32" } },
{ "class", {} },
{ "name", {} },
{ "texelsPerBlock", { "1", "16", "20", "25", "30", "36", "40", "48", "50", "60", "64", "80", "100", "120", "144" } } },
{ { "blockExtent", { "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "8", "10", "12" } },
{ "chroma", { "420", "422", "444" } },
{ "compressed", { "ASTC HDR", "ASTC LDR", "BC", "EAC", "ETC", "ETC2", "PVRTC" } },
{ "packed", { "8", "16", "32" } } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "component", false } }, { "plane", "spirvimageformat" } );
FormatData format( line );
std::string name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "blockExtent" )
checkForError( tokenize( attribute.second, "," ).size() == 3, line, "unexpected number of elements in attribute <blockExtent>" );
format.blockExtent = attribute.second;
if ( attribute.first == "blockSize" )
format.blockSize = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "chroma" )
format.chroma = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "class" )
format.classAttribute = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "compressed" )
format.compressed = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "packed" )
format.packed = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "texelsPerBlock" )
format.texelsPerBlock = attribute.second;
auto formatIt = m_enums.find( "VkFormat" );
assert( formatIt != m_enums.end() );
checkForError( std::find_if( formatIt->second.values.begin(),
[&name]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == name; } ) != formatIt->second.values.end() ||
( formatIt->second.aliases.find( name ) != formatIt->second.aliases.end() ),
"encountered unknown format <" + name + ">" );
auto [it, inserted] = m_formats.insert( std::make_pair( name, format ) );
checkForError( inserted, line, "format <" + name + "> already specified on line " + std::to_string( it->second.xmlLine ) );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "component" )
readFormatsFormatComponent( child, it->second );
else if ( value == "plane" )
readFormatsFormatPlane( child, it->second );
else if ( value == "spirvimageformat" )
readFormatsFormatSPIRVImageFormat( child, it->second );
if ( it->second.components.front().bits == "compressed" )
for ( auto componentIt = std::next( it->second.components.begin() ); componentIt != it->second.components.end(); ++componentIt )
checkForError( componentIt->bits == "compressed", line, "component is expected to be marked as compressed in attribute <bits>" );
if ( !it->second.components.front().planeIndex.empty() )
for ( auto componentIt = std::next( it->second.components.begin() ); componentIt != it->second.components.end(); ++componentIt )
checkForError( !componentIt->planeIndex.empty(), line, "component is expected to have a planeIndex" );
size_t planeCount = 1 + std::stoi( it->second.components.back().planeIndex );
checkForError( it->second.planes.size() == planeCount, line, "number of planes does not fit to largest planeIndex of the components" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormatsFormatComponent( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, FormatData & formatData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "bits", { "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "16", "24", "32", "64", "compressed" } },
{ "name", {} },
{ "numericFormat", { "SFLOAT", "SINT", "SNORM", "SRGB", "SSCALED", "UFLOAT", "UINT", "UNORM", "USCALED" } } },
{ { "planeIndex", { "0", "1", "2" } } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
formatData.components.emplace_back( line );
ComponentData & component = formatData.components.back();
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "bits" )
( attribute.second != "compressed" ) || !formatData.compressed.empty(), line, "component of a not compressed format is marked as compressed" );
component.bits = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
{ = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "numericFormat" )
component.numericFormat = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "planeIndex" )
component.planeIndex = attribute.second;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormatsFormatPlane( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, FormatData & formatData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
line, attributes, { { "compatible", {} }, { "index", { "0", "1", "2" } }, { "heightDivisor", { "1", "2" } }, { "widthDivisor", { "1", "2" } } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
formatData.planes.emplace_back( line );
PlaneData & plane = formatData.planes.back();
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "compatible" )
plane.compatible = attribute.second;
auto formatIt = m_enums.find( "VkFormat" );
assert( formatIt != m_enums.end() );
checkForError( std::find_if( formatIt->second.values.begin(),
[&plane]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == plane.compatible; } ) != formatIt->second.values.end(),
"encountered unknown format <" + plane.compatible + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "index" )
size_t index = std::stoi( attribute.second );
checkForError( index + 1 == formatData.planes.size(), line, "unexpected index <" + attribute.second + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "heightDivisor" )
plane.heightDivisor = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "widthDivisor" )
plane.widthDivisor = attribute.second;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormatsFormatSPIRVImageFormat( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, FormatData & formatData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
assert( attribute.first == "name" );
checkForError( formatData.spirvImageFormat.empty(), line, "spirvimageformat <" + attribute.second + "> already specified" );
formatData.spirvImageFormat = attribute.second;
std::pair<VulkanHppGenerator::NameData, VulkanHppGenerator::TypeInfo> VulkanHppGenerator::readNameAndType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "name", true } }, { { "type" } } );
NameData nameData;
TypeInfo typeInfo;
for ( auto child : children )
line = child->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( child ), {}, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( child ), {} );
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "name" )
{ = child->GetText();
std::string bitCount;
std::tie( nameData.arraySizes, bitCount ) = readModifiers( child->NextSibling() );
checkForError( bitCount.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported bitCount <" + bitCount + ">" );
else if ( value == "type" )
typeInfo = readTypeInfo( child );
return std::make_pair( nameData, typeInfo );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readPlatforms( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "platform", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
readPlatformsPlatform( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readPlatformsPlatform( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "comment", {} }, { "name", {} }, { "protect", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name, protect;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( !name.empty(), line, "attribute <name> is empty" );
else if ( attribute.first == "protect" )
protect = attribute.second;
checkForError( !protect.empty(), line, "attribute <protect> is empty" );
assert( !name.empty() && !protect.empty() );
checkForError( std::find_if( m_platforms.begin(),
[&protect]( std::pair<std::string, PlatformData> const & p ) { return p.second.protect == protect; } ) == m_platforms.end(),
"platform protect <" + protect + "> already specified" );
checkForError( m_platforms.insert( std::make_pair( name, PlatformData( protect ) ) ).second, line, "platform name <" + name + "> already specified" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readRegistry( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line,
{ { "commands", true },
{ "comment", false },
{ "enums", false },
{ "extensions", true },
{ "feature", false },
{ "platforms", true },
{ "spirvcapabilities", true },
{ "spirvextensions", true },
{ "tags", true },
{ "types", true } },
{ "formats" } );
for ( auto child : children )
const std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "commands" )
readCommands( child );
else if ( value == "comment" )
std::string comment = readComment( child );
if ( comment.find( "\nCopyright" ) == 0 )
setVulkanLicenseHeader( child->GetLineNum(), comment );
else if ( value == "enums" )
readEnums( child );
else if ( value == "extensions" )
readExtensions( child );
else if ( value == "feature" )
readFeature( child );
else if ( value == "formats" )
readFormats( child );
else if ( value == "platforms" )
readPlatforms( child );
else if ( value == "spirvcapabilities" )
readSPIRVCapabilities( child );
else if ( value == "spirvextensions" )
readSPIRVExtensions( child );
else if ( value == "tags" )
readTags( child );
else if ( value == "types" )
readTypes( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readRequireEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::string const & extensionName )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
if ( attributes.find( "alias" ) != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "name", {} } }, { { "comment", {} }, { "extends", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, bitpos, name, extends, extnumber, offset, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "extends" )
extends = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
if ( !extends.empty() )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( extends );
checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "feature extends unknown enum <" + extends + ">" );
// add this enum name to the list of aliases
enumIt->second.addEnumAlias( line, name, alias );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "name", {} } },
{ { "bitpos", {} },
{ "comment", {} },
{ "extends", {} },
{ "dir", { "-" } },
{ "extnumber", {} },
{ "offset", {} },
{ "protect", { "VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS" } },
{ "value", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string bitpos, name, extends, extnumber, offset, protect, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "bitpos" )
bitpos = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "extends" )
extends = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "offset" )
offset = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "protect" )
protect = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
value = attribute.second;
if ( !extends.empty() )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( extends );
checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "feature extends unknown enum <" + extends + ">" );
// add this enum name to the list of values
checkForError( bitpos.empty() + offset.empty() + value.empty() == 2,
"exactly one out of bitpos = <" + bitpos + ">, offset = <" + offset + ">, and value = <" + value + "> are supposed to be empty" );
enumIt->second.addEnumValue( element->GetLineNum(), name, protect, !bitpos.empty(), extensionName );
else if ( value.empty() )
checkForError( m_constants.find( name ) != m_constants.end(), line, "unknown required enum <" + name + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilities( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "spirvcapability" } );
for ( auto child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "spirvcapability" ) );
readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapability( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapability( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "enable" } );
for ( auto child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "enable" ) );
readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnable( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnable( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
if ( attributes.find( "extension" ) != attributes.end() )
readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnableExtension( line, attributes );
else if ( attributes.find( "property" ) != attributes.end() )
readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnableProperty( line, attributes );
else if ( attributes.find( "struct" ) != attributes.end() )
readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnableStruct( line, attributes );
else if ( attributes.find( "version" ) != attributes.end() )
readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnableVersion( line, attributes );
checkForError( false, line, "unknown set of attributes specified for SPIR-V capability" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnableExtension( int xmlLine, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
checkAttributes( xmlLine, attributes, { { "extension", {} } }, {} );
checkForError( attributes.size() == 1, xmlLine, "unexpected attributes in addition to <extension> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
assert( attribute.first == "extension" );
m_extensions.find( attribute.second ) != m_extensions.end(), xmlLine, "unknown extension <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnableProperty( int xmlLine, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
checkAttributes( xmlLine, attributes, { { "member", {} }, { "property", {} }, { "requires", {} }, { "value", {} } }, {} );
std::string member, property, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "member" )
member = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "property" )
property = attribute.second;
if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
std::vector<std::string> requiresAttribute = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
for ( auto const & r : requiresAttribute )
checkForError( ( m_features.find( r ) != m_features.end() ) || ( m_extensions.find( r ) != m_extensions.end() ),
"unknown requires <" + r + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
value = attribute.second;
assert( !member.empty() && !property.empty() && !value.empty() );
auto propertyIt = m_structures.find( property );
checkForError( propertyIt != m_structures.end(), xmlLine, "unknown property <" + property + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
auto memberIt = findStructMemberIt( member, propertyIt->second.members );
checkForError( memberIt != propertyIt->second.members.end(), xmlLine, "unknown member <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
if ( memberIt->type.type == "VkBool32" )
checkForError( ( value == "VK_FALSE" ) || ( value == "VK_TRUE" ),
"unknown value <" + value + "> for boolean member <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( memberIt->type.type );
checkForError( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end(), xmlLine, "attribute member = <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability is not a bitmask" );
assert( !bitmaskIt->second.requirements.empty() );
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( bitmaskIt->second.requirements );
checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(),
"attribute member = <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability requires an unknown enum <" + bitmaskIt->second.requirements + ">" );
auto valueIt =
std::find_if( enumIt->second.values.begin(), enumIt->second.values.end(), [&value]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == value; } );
checkForError( valueIt != enumIt->second.values.end(), xmlLine, "unknown attribute value = <" + value + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnableStruct( int xmlLine, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
checkAttributes( xmlLine, attributes, { { "feature", {} }, { "struct", {} } }, { { "alias", {} }, { "requires", {} } } );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
std::vector<std::string> requiresAttribute = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
for ( auto const & r : requiresAttribute )
checkForError( ( m_features.find( r ) != m_features.end() ) || ( m_extensions.find( r ) != m_extensions.end() ),
"unknown requires <" + r + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
else if ( attribute.first == "struct" )
checkForError( ( m_structures.find( attribute.second ) != m_structures.end() ) ||
( m_structureAliases.find( attribute.second ) != m_structureAliases.end() ),
"unknown structure <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
checkForError( attributes.find( "feature" ) != attributes.end(),
"missing feature attribute for SPIR-V capability specified with struct <" + attribute.second + ">" );
assert( ( attribute.first == "alias" ) || ( attribute.first == "feature" ) );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilitiesSPIRVCapabilityEnableVersion( int xmlLine, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
checkAttributes( xmlLine, attributes, { { "version", {} } }, {} );
checkForError( attributes.size() == 1, xmlLine, "unexpected attributes in addition to <version> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
assert( attribute.first == "version" );
std::string feature = attribute.second;
if ( feature.starts_with( "VK_API_" ) )
feature.erase( 3, 4 ); // remove "API_" from the version -> VK_VERSION_x_y
checkForError( feature.starts_with( "VK_VERSION_" ), xmlLine, "unknown version <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
checkForError( m_features.find( feature ) != m_features.end(), xmlLine, "unknown version <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVExtensions( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "spirvextension" } );
for ( auto child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "spirvextension" ) );
readSPIRVExtensionsExtension( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVExtensionsExtension( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "enable" } );
for ( auto child : children )
assert( child->Value() == std::string( "enable" ) );
readSPIRVExtensionsExtensionEnable( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVExtensionsExtensionEnable( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, { { "extension", {} }, { "version", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
checkForError( !attributes.empty(), line, "no version or extension specified for SPIR-V extension" );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "extension" )
m_extensions.find( attribute.second ) != m_extensions.end(), line, "unknown extension <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V extension" );
assert( attribute.first == "version" );
std::string feature = attribute.second;
if ( feature.starts_with( "VK_API_" ) )
feature.erase( 3, 4 ); // remove "API_" from the version -> VK_VERSION_x_y
checkForError( feature.starts_with( "VK_VERSION_" ), line, "unknown version <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V extension" );
checkForError( m_features.find( feature ) != m_features.end(), line, "unknown version <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V extension" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTags( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "tag", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
readTagsTag( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTagsTag( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "author", {} }, { "contact", {} }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
checkForError( m_tags.find( attribute.second ) == m_tags.end(), line, "tag named <" + attribute.second + "> has already been specified" );
m_tags.insert( attribute.second );
checkForError( ( attribute.first == "author" ) || ( attribute.first == "contact" ), line, "unknown attribute <" + attribute.first + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypes( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "comment", false }, { "type", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "comment" )
readComment( child );
assert( value == "type" );
readTypesType( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
auto categoryIt = attributes.find( "category" );
if ( categoryIt != attributes.end() )
if ( categoryIt->second == "basetype" )
readTypesTypeBasetype( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "bitmask" )
readTypesTypeBitmask( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "define" )
readTypesTypeDefine( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "enum" )
readTypesTypeEnum( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "funcpointer" )
readTypesTypeFuncpointer( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "handle" )
readTypesTypeHandle( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "include" )
readTypesTypeInclude( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "struct" )
readTypesTypeStruct( element, false, attributes );
checkForError( categoryIt->second == "union", element->GetLineNum(), "unknown type category <" + categoryIt->second + ">" );
readTypesTypeStruct( element, true, attributes );
auto requiresIt = attributes.find( "requires" );
if ( requiresIt != attributes.end() )
readTypesTypeRequires( element, attributes );
checkForError( ( attributes.size() == 1 ) && ( attributes.begin()->first == "name" ) && ( attributes.begin()->second == "int" ), line, "unknown type" );
checkForError( m_types.insert( std::make_pair( attributes.begin()->second, TypeCategory::Unknown ) ).second,
"type <" + attributes.begin()->second + "> already specified" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeBasetype( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "basetype" } } }, {} );
NameData nameData;
TypeInfo typeInfo;
std::tie( nameData, typeInfo ) = readNameAndType( element );
if ( typeInfo.prefix == "typedef" )
// remove redundant typeInfo.prefix "typedef"
checkForError( nameData.arraySizes.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported arraySizes" );
checkForError( typeInfo.prefix.empty(), line, "unexpected type prefix <" + typeInfo.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.postfix.empty() || ( typeInfo.postfix == "*" ), line, "unexpected type postfix <" + typeInfo.postfix + ">" );
if ( !typeInfo.type.empty() )
checkForError( m_baseTypes.insert( std::make_pair(, BaseTypeData( typeInfo, line ) ) ).second,
"basetype <" + + "> already specified" );
m_types.insert( std::make_pair(, TypeCategory::BaseType ) ).second, line, "basetype <" + + "> already specified as a type" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeBitmask( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
auto aliasIt = attributes.find( "alias" );
if ( aliasIt != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "category", { "bitmask" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
auto bitmasksIt = m_bitmasks.find( alias );
checkForError( bitmasksIt != m_bitmasks.end(), line, "missing alias <" + alias + ">." );
bitmasksIt->second.alias.empty(), line, "alias for bitmask <" + bitmasksIt->first + "> already specified as <" + bitmasksIt->second.alias + ">" );
bitmasksIt->second.alias = name;
checkForError( m_types.insert( std::make_pair( name, TypeCategory::Bitmask ) ).second, line, "aliased bitmask <" + name + "> already specified as a type" );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "bitmask" } } }, { { "bitvalues", {} }, { "requires", {} } } );
std::string bitvalues, requirements;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "bitvalues" )
bitvalues = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
requirements = attribute.second;
NameData nameData;
TypeInfo typeInfo;
std::tie( nameData, typeInfo ) = readNameAndType( element );
checkForError( "Vk" ), line, "name <" + + "> does not begin with <Vk>" );
checkForError( nameData.arraySizes.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported arraySizes" );
checkForWarning( ( typeInfo.type == "VkFlags" ) || ( typeInfo.type == "VkFlags64" ), line, "unexpected bitmask type <" + typeInfo.type + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.prefix == "typedef", line, "unexpected type prefix <" + typeInfo.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.postfix.empty(), line, "unexpected type postfix <" + typeInfo.postfix + ">" );
checkForError( bitvalues.empty() || requirements.empty(), line, "attributes <bitvalues> and <requires> are both specified" );
checkForError( ( typeInfo.type != "VkFlags64" ) || !bitvalues.empty(), line, "bitmask of type <VkFlags64> needs attribute bitvalues to be set" );
if ( !bitvalues.empty() )
requirements = bitvalues;
m_bitmasks.insert( std::make_pair(, BitmaskData( requirements, typeInfo.type, line ) ) );
m_types.insert( std::make_pair(, TypeCategory::Bitmask ) ).second, line, "bitmask <" + + "> already specified as a type" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeDefine( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "define" } } }, { { "name", {} }, { "requires", {} } } );
std::string name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
checkForError( m_defines.find( attribute.second ) != m_defines.end(), line, "using undefined requires <" + attribute.second + ">" );
if ( !name.empty() )
checkForError( !element->FirstChildElement(), line, "unknown formatting of type category=define name <" + name + ">" );
checkForError( element->LastChild() && element->LastChild()->ToText() && element->LastChild()->ToText()->Value(),
"unknown formatting of type category=define named <" + name + ">" );
// filter out the check for the different types of VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE
if ( name == "VK_USE_64_BIT_PTR_DEFINES" )
m_typesafeCheck = "#if ( VK_USE_64_BIT_PTR_DEFINES == 1 )";
else if ( ( name == "VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE" ) && ( m_typesafeCheck.empty() ) )
std::string text = element->LastChild()->ToText()->Value();
size_t start = text.find( "#if defined(__LP64__)" );
checkForError( start != std::string::npos, line, "unexpected text in type category=define named <" + name + ">" );
size_t end = text.find_first_of( "\r\n", start + 1 );
checkForError( end != std::string::npos, line, "unexpected text in type category=define named <" + name + ">" );
m_typesafeCheck = text.substr( start, end - start );
else if ( element->GetText() )
std::string text = element->GetText();
if ( ( text.find( "class" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( text.find( "struct" ) != std::string::npos ) )
// here are a couple of structs as defines, which really are types!
tinyxml2::XMLElement const * child = element->FirstChildElement();
checkForError( child && ( strcmp( child->Value(), "name" ) == 0 ) && child->GetText(), line, "unexpected formatting of type category=define" );
name = child->GetText();
checkForError( m_types.insert( std::make_pair( name, TypeCategory::Define ) ).second, line, "type <" + name + "> has already been speficied" );
tinyxml2::XMLElement const * child = element->FirstChildElement();
checkForError( child && !child->FirstAttribute() && ( strcmp( child->Value(), "name" ) == 0 ) && child->GetText(),
"unknown formatting of type category define" );
name = trim( child->GetText() );
if ( name == "VK_HEADER_VERSION" )
m_version = trimEnd( element->LastChild()->ToText()->Value() );
// ignore all the other defines
checkForWarning( !child->NextSiblingElement() ||
( child->NextSiblingElement() && !child->NextSiblingElement()->FirstAttribute() &&
( strcmp( child->NextSiblingElement()->Value(), "type" ) == 0 ) && !child->NextSiblingElement()->NextSiblingElement() ),
"unknown formatting of type category define" );
assert( !name.empty() );
checkForError( m_defines.insert( name ).second, line, "define <" + name + "> has already been specified" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "enum" } }, { "name", {} } }, { { "alias", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
checkForError( !alias.empty(), line, "enum with empty alias" );
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( !name.empty(), line, "enum with empty name" );
checkForError( m_enums.find( name ) == m_enums.end(), line, "enum <" + name + "> already specified" );
assert( !name.empty() );
if ( alias.empty() )
checkForError( m_enums.insert( std::make_pair( name, EnumData( line ) ) ).second, line, "enum <" + name + "> already specified" );
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( alias );
checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "enum with unknown alias <" + alias + ">" );
checkForError( enumIt->second.alias.empty(), line, "enum <" + enumIt->first + "> already has an alias <" + enumIt->second.alias + ">" );
enumIt->second.alias = name;
checkForError( m_types.insert( std::make_pair( name, TypeCategory::Enum ) ).second, line, "enum <" + name + "> already specified as a type" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeFuncpointer( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "funcpointer" } } }, { { "requires", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "name", true } }, { "type" } );
std::string requirements;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
requirements = attribute.second;
auto funcPointerIt = m_funcPointers.end();
std::set<std::string> argumentNames;
for ( auto const & child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
int childLine = child->GetLineNum();
if ( value == "name" )
std::string name = child->GetText();
checkForError( !name.empty(), childLine, "funcpointer with empty name" );
checkForError( m_funcPointers.find( name ) == m_funcPointers.end(), childLine, "funcpointer <" + name + "> already specified" );
funcPointerIt = m_funcPointers.insert( std::make_pair( name, FuncPointerData( requirements, line ) ) ).first;
m_types.insert( std::make_pair( name, TypeCategory::FuncPointer ) ).second, childLine, "funcpointer <" + name + "> already specified as a type" );
else if ( value == "type" )
assert( funcPointerIt != m_funcPointers.end() );
std::string type = child->GetText();
funcPointerIt->second.arguments.push_back( { type, childLine } );
auto sibling = child->NextSibling();
char const * siblingValue = sibling->Value();
assert( siblingValue != nullptr );
std::string argumentName = siblingValue;
argumentName = argumentName.substr( argumentName.find_first_not_of( "* " ) );
argumentName = argumentName.substr( 0, argumentName.find_first_of( ",)" ) );
checkForError( argumentNames.insert( argumentName ).second,
"funcpointer <" + funcPointerIt->first + "> already has an argument named <" + argumentName + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeHandle( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
auto aliasIt = attributes.find( "alias" );
if ( aliasIt != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "category", { "handle" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
auto handlesIt = m_handles.find( aliasIt->second );
checkForError( handlesIt != m_handles.end(), line, "using unspecified alias <" + aliasIt->second + ">." );
checkForError( handlesIt->second.alias.empty(), line, "handle <" + handlesIt->first + "> already has an alias <" + handlesIt->second.alias + ">" );
handlesIt->second.alias = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( m_types.insert( std::make_pair( handlesIt->second.alias, TypeCategory::Handle ) ).second,
"handle alias <" + handlesIt->second.alias + "> already specified as a type" );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "handle" } } }, { { "objtypeenum", {} }, { "parent", {} } } );
std::string objTypeEnum, parent;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "objtypeenum" )
objTypeEnum = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "parent" )
parent = attribute.second;
NameData nameData;
TypeInfo typeInfo;
std::tie( nameData, typeInfo ) = readNameAndType( element );
const bool isDispatchable = typeInfo.type == "VK_DEFINE_HANDLE";
checkForError( "Vk" ), line, "name <" + + "> does not begin with <Vk>" );
checkForError( nameData.arraySizes.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported arraySizes" );
checkForError( ( typeInfo.type == "VK_DEFINE_HANDLE" ) || ( typeInfo.type == "VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE" ),
"handle with invalid type <" + typeInfo.type + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.prefix.empty(), line, "unexpected type prefix <" + typeInfo.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.postfix == "(", line, "unexpected type postfix <" + typeInfo.postfix + ">" );
checkForError( !objTypeEnum.empty(), line, "handle <" + + "> does not specify attribute \"objtypeenum\"" );
checkForError( parent.find( ',' ) == std::string::npos, line, "mulitple parents specified for handle <" + + ">" );
checkForError( m_handles.insert( std::make_pair(, HandleData( parent, objTypeEnum, isDispatchable, line ) ) ).second,
"handle <" + + "> already specified" );
m_types.insert( std::make_pair(, TypeCategory::Handle ) ).second, line, "handle <" + + "> already specified as a type" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeInclude( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "include" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( m_includes.insert( name ).second, element->GetLineNum(), "include named <" + name + "> already specified" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeRequires( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "requires", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
for ( auto attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
m_types.insert( std::make_pair( attribute.second, TypeCategory::Requires ) ).second, line, "type named <" + attribute.second + "> already specified" );
assert( attribute.first == "requires" );
checkForError( m_includes.find( attribute.second ) != m_includes.end(), line, "type requires unknown include <" + attribute.second + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeStruct( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, bool isUnion, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
if ( attributes.find( "alias" ) != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "category", { "struct" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
std::string alias, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
m_structureAliases.insert( std::make_pair( name, StructureAliasData( alias, line ) ) ).second, line, "structure alias <" + name + "> already used" );
checkForError( m_structureAliasesInverse[alias].insert( name ).second, line, "structure alias <" + name + "> already used with structure <" + alias + ">" );
checkForError( m_types.insert( std::make_pair( name, TypeCategory::Struct ) ).second, line, "struct <" + name + "> already specified as a type" );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "category", { isUnion ? "union" : "struct" } }, { "name", {} } },
{ { "allowduplicate", { "false", "true" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "returnedonly", { "true" } }, { "structextends", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "member", "comment" } );
std::string category, name;
std::vector<std::string> structExtends;
bool allowDuplicate = false;
bool returnedOnly = false;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "allowduplicate" )
allowDuplicate = ( attribute.second == "true" );
else if ( attribute.first == "category" )
category = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "returnedonly" )
checkForError( attribute.second == "true", line, "unknown value for attribute returnedonly: <" + attribute.second + ">" );
returnedOnly = true;
else if ( attribute.first == "structextends" )
structExtends = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
assert( !name.empty() );
// make this warn a check, as soon as vk.xml has been fixed on attribute "allowduplicate" !
checkForWarning( !allowDuplicate || !structExtends.empty(), line, "attribute <allowduplicate> is true, but no structures are listed in <structextends>" );
checkForError( m_structures.find( name ) == m_structures.end(), line, "struct <" + name + "> already specfied" );
std::map<std::string, StructureData>::iterator it = m_structures.insert( std::make_pair( name, StructureData( structExtends, line ) ) ).first;
it->second.allowDuplicate = allowDuplicate;
it->second.isUnion = isUnion;
it->second.returnedOnly = returnedOnly;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "comment" )
readComment( child );
else if ( value == "member" )
readTypesTypeStructMember( child, it->second.members, isUnion );
it->second.subStruct = determineSubStruct( *it );
// check if multiple structure members use the very same (not empty) len attribute
// Note: even though the arrays are not marked as optional, they still might be mutually exclusive (like in
// VkWriteDescriptorSet)! That is, there's not enough information available in vk.xml to decide on that, so we
// need this external knowledge!
static std::set<std::string> mutualExclusiveStructs = { "VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR", "VkWriteDescriptorSet" };
static std::set<std::string> multipleLenStructs = { "VkImageConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA",
"VkWin32KeyedMutexAcquireReleaseInfoNV" };
bool warned = false;
for ( auto m0It = it->second.members.begin(); !warned && ( m0It != it->second.members.end() ); ++m0It )
if ( !m0It->len.empty() && ( m0It->len.front() != "null-terminated" ) )
for ( auto m1It = std::next( m0It ); !warned && ( m1It != it->second.members.end() ); ++m1It )
if ( !m1It->len.empty() && ( m0It->len.front() == m1It->len.front() ) )
if ( mutualExclusiveStructs.find( it->first ) != mutualExclusiveStructs.end() )
it->second.mutualExclusiveLens = true;
multipleLenStructs.find( it->first ) != multipleLenStructs.end(),
"Encountered structure <" + it->first +
"> with multiple members referencing the same member for len. Need to be checked if they are supposed to be mutually exclusive." );
warned = true;
m_extendedStructs.insert( structExtends.begin(), structExtends.end() );
checkForError( m_types.insert( std::make_pair( name, ( category == "struct" ) ? TypeCategory::Struct : TypeCategory::Union ) ).second,
"struct <" + name + "> already specified as a type" ); // log type and alias in m_types
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeStructMember( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::vector<MemberData> & members, bool isUnion )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "altlen", {} },
{ "externsync", { "true" } },
{ "len", {} },
{ "limittype", { "bitmask", "bits", "exact", "max", "min", "mul", "noauto", "pot", "range", "struct" } },
{ "noautovalidity", { "true" } },
{ "objecttype", { "objectType" } },
{ "optional", { "false", "true" } },
{ "selection", {} },
{ "selector", {} },
{ "values", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "name", true }, { "type", true } }, { "comment", "enum" } );
MemberData memberData( line );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "enum" )
readTypesTypeStructMemberEnum( child, memberData );
else if ( value == "name" )
readTypesTypeStructMemberName( child, memberData, members );
else if ( value == "type" )
readTypesTypeStructMemberType( child, memberData );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "altlen" )
assert( memberData.len.empty() );
memberData.len = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
checkForError( memberData.len.size() == 1, line, "member attribute <altlen> holds unknown number of data: " + std::to_string( memberData.len.size() ) );
checkForError( altLens.find( memberData.len[0] ) != altLens.end(), line, "member attribute <altlen> holds unknown value <" + memberData.len[0] + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "len" )
if ( memberData.len.empty() )
memberData.len = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
checkForError( !memberData.len.empty() && ( memberData.len.size() <= 2 ),
"member attribute <len> holds unknown number of data: " + std::to_string( memberData.len.size() ) );
auto lenMember = findStructMemberIt( memberData.len[0], members );
checkForError( lenMember != members.end() || ( memberData.len[0] == "null-terminated" ),
"member attribute <len> holds unknown value <" + memberData.len[0] + ">" );
if ( lenMember != members.end() )
checkForError( lenMember->type.prefix.empty() && lenMember->type.postfix.empty(),
"member attribute <len> references a member of unexpected type <" + lenMember->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + ">" );
if ( 1 < memberData.len.size() )
checkForError( ( memberData.len[1] == "1" ) || ( memberData.len[1] == "null-terminated" ),
"member attribute <len> holds unknown second value <" + memberData.len[1] + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "noautovalidity" )
memberData.noAutoValidity = ( attribute.second == "true" );
else if ( attribute.first == "optional" )
std::vector<std::string> optional = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
memberData.optional.reserve( optional.size() );
for ( auto const & o : optional )
memberData.optional.push_back( o == "true" );
else if ( attribute.first == "selection" )
checkForError( isUnion, line, "attribute <selection> is used with a non-union structure." );
memberData.selection = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "selector" )
memberData.selector = attribute.second;
auto selectorIt = findStructMemberIt( memberData.selector, members );
checkForError( selectorIt != members.end(), line, "member attribute <selector> holds unknown value <" + memberData.selector + ">" );
checkForError( m_enums.find( selectorIt->type.type ) != m_enums.end(),
"member attribute <selector> references unknown enum type <" + selectorIt->type.type + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "values" )
std::vector<std::string> values = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
checkForError( values.size() == 1, line, "attribute \"values\" holds multiple values <" + attribute.first + ">, but it's expected to hold just one" );
memberData.value = values[0];
members.push_back( memberData );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeStructMemberEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, MemberData & memberData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
std::string enumString = element->GetText();
checkForError( element->PreviousSibling() && ( strcmp( element->PreviousSibling()->Value(), "[" ) == 0 ) && element->NextSibling() &&
( strcmp( element->NextSibling()->Value(), "]" ) == 0 ),
std::string( "structure member array specifiation is ill-formatted: <" ) + enumString + ">" );
memberData.arraySizes.push_back( enumString );
checkForError( memberData.usedConstant.empty(), line, "struct already holds a constant <" + memberData.usedConstant + ">" );
memberData.usedConstant = enumString;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeStructMemberName( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, MemberData & memberData, std::vector<MemberData> const & members )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
std::string name = element->GetText();
checkForError( !isStructMember( name, members ), line, "structure member name <" + name + "> already used" ); = name;
std::tie( memberData.arraySizes, memberData.bitCount ) = readModifiers( element->NextSibling() );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesTypeStructMemberType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, MemberData & memberData )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
memberData.type = readTypeInfo( element );
VulkanHppGenerator::TypeInfo VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeInfo( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element ) const
TypeInfo typeInfo;
tinyxml2::XMLNode const * previousSibling = element->PreviousSibling();
if ( previousSibling && previousSibling->ToText() )
typeInfo.prefix = trim( previousSibling->Value() );
typeInfo.type = element->GetText();
tinyxml2::XMLNode const * nextSibling = element->NextSibling();
if ( nextSibling && nextSibling->ToText() )
typeInfo.postfix = trimStars( trimEnd( nextSibling->Value() ) );
return typeInfo;
void VulkanHppGenerator::registerDeleter( std::string const & name, std::pair<std::string, CommandData> const & commandData )
if ( ( commandData.first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) || ( commandData.first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) )
std::string key;
size_t valueIndex;
switch ( commandData.second.params.size() )
case 2:
case 3:
assert( commandData.second.params.back().type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" );
key = ( commandData.second.params.size() == 2 ) ? "" : commandData.second.params[0].type.type;
valueIndex = commandData.second.params.size() - 2;
case 4:
key = commandData.second.params[0].type.type;
valueIndex = 3;
assert( m_handles.find( commandData.second.params[valueIndex].type.type ) != m_handles.end() );
m_handles.find( commandData.second.params[valueIndex].type.type )->second.deletePool = commandData.second.params[1].type.type;
default: assert( false ); valueIndex = 0;
auto keyHandleIt = m_handles.find( key );
assert( ( keyHandleIt != m_handles.end() ) &&
( keyHandleIt->second.childrenHandles.find( commandData.second.params[valueIndex].type.type ) == keyHandleIt->second.childrenHandles.end() ) );
keyHandleIt->second.childrenHandles.insert( commandData.second.params[valueIndex].type.type );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandData.second.params[valueIndex].type.type );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
handleIt->second.deleteCommand = name;
void VulkanHppGenerator::rescheduleRAIIHandle( std::string & str,
std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::set<std::string> & listedHandles,
std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions ) const
listedHandles.insert( handle.first );
if ( !handle.second.parent.empty() && ( listedHandles.find( handle.second.parent ) == listedHandles.end() ) )
auto parentIt = m_handles.find( handle.second.parent );
assert( parentIt != m_handles.end() );
str += generateRAIIHandle( *parentIt, listedHandles, specialFunctions );
for ( auto constructorIt : handle.second.constructorIts )
for ( auto const & param : constructorIt->second.params )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( param.type.type );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() && ( listedHandles.find( param.type.type ) == listedHandles.end() ) )
str += generateRAIIHandle( *handleIt, listedHandles, specialFunctions );
std::vector<std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::selectCommandsByHandle( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> const & handleCommands,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands ) const
std::vector<std::string> selectedCommands;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( ( handleCommands.find( command ) != handleCommands.end() ) && listedCommands.insert( command ).second )
selectedCommands.push_back( command );
return selectedCommands;
void VulkanHppGenerator::setVulkanLicenseHeader( int line, std::string const & comment )
checkForError( m_vulkanLicenseHeader.empty(), line, "second encounter of a Copyright comment" );
m_vulkanLicenseHeader = comment;
// replace any '\n' with "\n// "
for ( size_t pos = m_vulkanLicenseHeader.find( '\n' ); pos != std::string::npos; pos = m_vulkanLicenseHeader.find( '\n', pos + 1 ) )
m_vulkanLicenseHeader.replace( pos, 1, "\n// " );
// replace any " \n" with "\n"
for ( size_t pos = m_vulkanLicenseHeader.find( " \n" ); pos != std::string::npos; pos = m_vulkanLicenseHeader.find( " \n", pos ) )
m_vulkanLicenseHeader.replace( pos, 2, "\n" );
// remove any trailing spaces
m_vulkanLicenseHeader = trimEnd( m_vulkanLicenseHeader );
// and add a little message on our own
m_vulkanLicenseHeader += "\n\n// This header is generated from the Khronos Vulkan XML API Registry.";
m_vulkanLicenseHeader = trim( m_vulkanLicenseHeader ) + "\n";
bool VulkanHppGenerator::skipLeadingGrandParent( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
bool skip = false;
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() );
auto constructorIt = handle.second.constructorIts.begin();
if ( ( 1 < ( *constructorIt )->second.params.size() ) && isHandleType( ( *constructorIt )->second.params[0].type.type ) &&
( ( *constructorIt )->second.params[1].type.type == handle.second.parent ) )
auto parentIt = m_handles.find( handle.second.parent );
assert( parentIt != m_handles.end() );
skip = ( ( *constructorIt )->second.params[0].type.type == parentIt->second.parent );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( auto it = std::next( constructorIt ); it != handle.second.constructorIts.end(); ++it )
assert( ( *it )->second.params[0].type.type == ( *constructorIt )->second.params[0].type.type );
assert( !skip || ( ( *it )->second.params[1].type.type == ( *constructorIt )->second.params[1].type.type ) );
return skip;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::toString( TypeCategory category )
switch ( category )
case TypeCategory::Bitmask: return "bitmask";
case TypeCategory::BaseType: return "basetype";
case TypeCategory::Define: return "define";
case TypeCategory::Enum: return "enum";
case TypeCategory::FuncPointer: return "funcpointer";
case TypeCategory::Handle: return "handle";
case TypeCategory::Requires: return "requires";
case TypeCategory::Struct: return "struct";
case TypeCategory::Union: return "union";
case TypeCategory::Unknown: return "unkown";
default: assert( false ); return "";
void VulkanHppGenerator::EnumData::addEnumAlias( int line, std::string const & name, std::string const & aliasName )
auto aliasIt = aliases.find( name );
( aliasIt == aliases.end() ) || ( aliasIt-> == aliasName ), line, "enum alias <" + name + "> already listed for a different enum value" );
aliases.insert( std::make_pair( name, EnumAliasData( aliasName, line ) ) );
void VulkanHppGenerator::EnumData::addEnumValue(
int line, std::string const & valueName, std::string const & protect, bool bitpos, std::string const & extension )
auto valueIt = std::find_if( values.begin(), values.end(), [&valueName]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return == valueName; } );
if ( valueIt == values.end() )
values.emplace_back( line, valueName, protect, extension, bitpos );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::TypeInfo::compose( std::string const & nameSpace ) const
return prefix + ( prefix.empty() ? "" : " " ) +
( nameSpace.empty() ? type : ( ( ( type.substr( 0, 2 ) == "Vk" ) ? ( nameSpace + "::" ) : "" ) + stripPrefix( type, "Vk" ) ) ) +
( postfix.empty() ? "" : " " ) + postfix;
VulkanHppGenerator::RequireData::RequireData( int line, std::string const & titles_ ) : titles( tokenize( titles_, "," ) ), xmlLine( line ) {}
// VulkanHppGenerator local functions
// check the validity of an attributes map
// line : the line in the xml file where the attributes are listed
// attributes : the map of name/value pairs of the encountered attributes
// required : the required attributes, with a set of allowed values per attribute
// optional : the optional attributes, with a set of allowed values per attribute
void checkAttributes( int line,
std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes,
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> const & required,
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> const & optional )
// check if all required attributes are included and if there is a set of allowed values, check if the actual
// value is part of that set
for ( auto const & r : required )
auto attributesIt = attributes.find( r.first );
checkForError( attributesIt != attributes.end(), line, "missing attribute <" + r.first + ">" );
checkForError( r.second.empty() || ( r.second.find( attributesIt->second ) != r.second.end() ),
"unexpected attribute value <" + attributesIt->second + "> in attribute <" + r.first + ">" );
// check if all not required attributes or optional, and if there is a set of allowed values, check if the
// actual value is part of that set
for ( auto const & a : attributes )
if ( required.find( a.first ) == required.end() )
auto optionalIt = optional.find( a.first );
if ( optionalIt == optional.end() )
checkForWarning( false, line, "unknown attribute <" + a.first + ">" );
if ( !optionalIt->second.empty() )
std::vector<std::string> values = tokenize( a.second, "," );
for ( auto const & v : values )
optionalIt->second.find( v ) != optionalIt->second.end(), line, "unexpected attribute value <" + v + "> in attribute <" + a.first + ">" );
void checkElements( int line,
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> const & elements,
std::map<std::string, bool> const & required,
std::set<std::string> const & optional )
std::map<std::string, size_t> encountered;
for ( auto const & e : elements )
std::string value = e->Value();
( required.find( value ) != required.end() ) || ( optional.find( value ) != optional.end() ), e->GetLineNum(), "unknown element <" + value + ">" );
for ( auto const & r : required )
auto encounteredIt = encountered.find( r.first );
checkForError( encounteredIt != encountered.end(), line, "missing required element <" + r.first + ">" );
// check: r.second (means: required excactly once) => (encouteredIt->second == 1)
checkForError( !r.second || ( encounteredIt->second == 1 ),
"required element <" + r.first + "> is supposed to be listed exactly once, but is listed " + std::to_string( encounteredIt->second ) );
void checkForError( bool condition, int line, std::string const & message )
if ( !condition )
throw std::runtime_error( "VulkanHppGenerator: Spec error on line " + std::to_string( line ) + ": " + message );
void checkForWarning( bool condition, int line, std::string const & message )
if ( !condition )
std::cerr << "VulkanHppGenerator: Spec warning on line " << std::to_string( line ) << ": " << message << "!" << std::endl;
template <class InputIt, class UnaryPredicate>
std::vector<InputIt> findAll( InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryPredicate p )
std::vector<InputIt> result;
while ( first != last )
if ( p( *first ) )
result.push_back( first );
return result;
std::string findTag( std::set<std::string> const & tags, std::string const & name, std::string const & postfix )
auto tagIt = std::find_if( tags.begin(), tags.end(), [&name, &postfix]( std::string const & t ) { return name.ends_with( t + postfix ); } );
return ( tagIt != tags.end() ) ? *tagIt : "";
std::string generateCArraySizes( std::vector<std::string> const & sizes )
std::string arraySizes;
for ( auto const & s : sizes )
arraySizes += "[" + s + "]";
return arraySizes;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> generateEnumSuffixes( std::string const & name, bool bitmask, std::set<std::string> const & tags )
std::string prefix, postfix;
if ( name == "VkResult" )
prefix = "VK_";
if ( bitmask )
// for a bitmask enum, start with "VK", cut off the trailing "FlagBits", and convert that name to upper case
// end that with "Bit"
size_t pos = name.find( "FlagBits" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
std::string shortenedName = name;
shortenedName.erase( pos, strlen( "FlagBits" ) );
std::string tag = findTag( tags, shortenedName );
prefix = toUpperCase( stripPostfix( shortenedName, tag ) ) + "_";
// for a non-bitmask enum, convert the name to upper case
prefix = toUpperCase( name ) + "_";
// if the enum name contains a tag move it from the prefix to the postfix to generate correct enum value
// names.
for ( auto const & tag : tags )
if ( prefix.ends_with( tag + "_" ) )
prefix.erase( prefix.length() - tag.length() - 1 );
postfix = "_" + tag;
else if ( name.ends_with( tag ) )
postfix = "_" + tag;
return std::make_pair( prefix, postfix );
std::string generateEnumValueName( std::string const & enumName, std::string const & valueName, bool bitmask, std::set<std::string> const & tags )
std::string prefix, postfix;
std::tie( prefix, postfix ) = generateEnumSuffixes( enumName, bitmask, tags );
std::string tag = findTag( tags, valueName, "" );
if ( postfix == "_" + tag )
tag = findTag( tags, valueName, postfix );
std::string result = "e" + toCamelCase( stripPostfix( stripPrefix( valueName, prefix ), postfix ) );
if ( bitmask )
size_t pos = result.find( "Bit" );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
result.erase( pos, 3 );
if ( !tag.empty() && ( result.substr( result.length() - tag.length() ) == toCamelCase( tag ) ) )
result = result.substr( 0, result.length() - tag.length() ) + tag;
return result;
std::string generateNamespacedType( std::string const & type )
return type.starts_with( "Vk" ) ? ( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( type, "Vk" ) ) : type;
std::string generateNoDiscard( bool returnsSomething, bool multiSuccessCodes, bool multiErrorCodes )
return ( returnsSomething || multiSuccessCodes ) ? "VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD " : ( multiErrorCodes ? "VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD_WHEN_NO_EXCEPTIONS " : "" );
std::string generateStandardArray( std::string const & type, std::vector<std::string> const & sizes )
std::string arrayString = "std::array<" + type + "," + sizes.back() + ">";
for ( size_t i = sizes.size() - 2; i < sizes.size(); i-- )
arrayString = "std::array<" + arrayString + "," + sizes[i] + ">";
return arrayString;
std::string generateStandardArrayWrapper( std::string const & type, std::vector<std::string> const & sizes )
std::string arrayString = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayWrapper" + std::to_string( sizes.size() ) + "D<" + type;
for ( auto const & size : sizes )
arrayString += ", " + size;
arrayString += ">";
return arrayString;
std::string generateSuccessCode( std::string const & code, std::set<std::string> const & tags )
std::string tag = findTag( tags, code );
// on each success code: prepend 'VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::e', strip "VK_" and a tag, convert it to camel
// case, and add the tag again
return "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::e" + toCamelCase( stripPostfix( stripPrefix( code, "VK_" ), tag ) ) + tag;
std::map<std::string, std::string> getAttributes( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes;
for ( auto attribute = element->FirstAttribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->Next() )
assert( attributes.find( attribute->Name() ) == attributes.end() );
attributes[attribute->Name()] = attribute->Value();
return attributes;
template <typename ElementContainer>
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> getChildElements( ElementContainer const * element )
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> childElements;
for ( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * childElement = element->FirstChildElement(); childElement; childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement() )
childElements.push_back( childElement );
return childElements;
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::string> readModifiers( tinyxml2::XMLNode const * node )
std::vector<std::string> arraySizes;
std::string bitCount;
if ( node && node->ToText() )
// following the name there might be some array size
std::string value = node->Value();
assert( !value.empty() );
if ( value[0] == '[' )
std::string::size_type endPos = 0;
while ( endPos + 1 != value.length() )
std::string::size_type startPos = value.find( '[', endPos );
checkForError( startPos != std::string::npos, node->GetLineNum(), "could not find '[' in <" + value + ">" );
endPos = value.find( ']', startPos );
checkForError( endPos != std::string::npos, node->GetLineNum(), "could not find ']' in <" + value + ">" );
checkForError( startPos + 2 <= endPos, node->GetLineNum(), "missing content between '[' and ']' in <" + value + ">" );
arraySizes.push_back( value.substr( startPos + 1, endPos - startPos - 1 ) );
else if ( value[0] == ':' )
bitCount = value.substr( 1 );
checkForError( ( value[0] == ';' ) || ( value[0] == ')' ), node->GetLineNum(), "unknown modifier <" + value + ">" );
return std::make_pair( arraySizes, bitCount );
std::string readSnippet( std::string const & snippetFile )
std::ifstream ifs( std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/snippets/" + snippetFile );
assert( ! );
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << ifs.rdbuf();
return oss.str();
std::string replaceWithMap( std::string const & input, std::map<std::string, std::string> replacements )
// This will match ${someVariable} and contain someVariable in match group 1
std::regex re( R"(\$\{([^\}]+)\})" );
auto it = std::sregex_iterator( input.begin(), input.end(), re );
auto end = std::sregex_iterator();
// No match, just return the original string
if ( it == end )
assert( replacements.empty() );
return input;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
std::set<std::string> matchedReplacements;
std::string result = "";
while ( it != end )
std::smatch match = *it;
auto itReplacement = replacements.find( match[1].str() );
assert( itReplacement != replacements.end() );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
matchedReplacements.insert( match[1].str() );
result += match.prefix().str() + ( ( itReplacement != replacements.end() ) ? itReplacement->second : match[0].str() );
// we've passed the last match. Append the rest of the orignal string
if ( it == end )
result += match.suffix().str();
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
std::set<std::string> missedReplacements;
for ( auto r : replacements )
if ( matchedReplacements.find( r.first ) == matchedReplacements.end() )
missedReplacements.insert( r.first );
assert( missedReplacements.empty() );
return result;
std::string startLowerCase( std::string const & input )
assert( !input.empty() );
return static_cast<char>( tolower( input[0] ) ) + input.substr( 1 );
std::string startUpperCase( std::string const & input )
assert( !input.empty() );
return static_cast<char>( toupper( input[0] ) ) + input.substr( 1 );
std::string stripPostfix( std::string const & value, std::string const & postfix )
std::string strippedValue = value;
if ( strippedValue.ends_with( postfix ) )
strippedValue.erase( strippedValue.length() - postfix.length() );
return strippedValue;
std::string stripPluralS( std::string const & name )
std::string strippedName( name );
size_t pos = strippedName.rfind( 's' );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
if ( ( 2 <= pos ) && ( strippedName.substr( pos - 2, 3 ) == "ies" ) )
strippedName.replace( pos - 2, 3, "y" );
strippedName.erase( pos, 1 );
return strippedName;
std::string stripPrefix( std::string const & value, std::string const & prefix )
std::string strippedValue = value;
if ( strippedValue.starts_with( prefix ) )
strippedValue.erase( 0, prefix.length() );
return strippedValue;
std::string toCamelCase( std::string const & value )
assert( !value.empty() && ( isupper( value[0] ) || isdigit( value[0] ) ) );
std::string result;
result.reserve( value.size() );
bool keepUpper = true;
for ( auto c : value )
if ( c == '_' )
keepUpper = true;
else if ( isdigit( c ) )
keepUpper = true;
result.push_back( c );
else if ( keepUpper )
result.push_back( c );
keepUpper = false;
result.push_back( static_cast<char>( tolower( c ) ) );
return result;
std::string toUpperCase( std::string const & name )
std::string convertedName;
bool previousIsLowerCase = false;
bool previousIsDigit = false;
for ( auto c : name )
if ( ( isupper( c ) && ( previousIsLowerCase || previousIsDigit ) ) || ( isdigit( c ) && previousIsLowerCase ) )
convertedName.push_back( '_' );
convertedName.push_back( static_cast<char>( toupper( c ) ) );
previousIsLowerCase = !!islower( c );
previousIsDigit = !!isdigit( c );
return convertedName;
std::vector<std::string> tokenize( std::string const & tokenString, std::string const & separator )
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
if ( !tokenString.empty() )
size_t start = 0, end;
end = tokenString.find( separator, start );
if ( start != end )
tokens.push_back( trim( tokenString.substr( start, end - start ) ) );
start = end + separator.length();
} while ( end != std::string::npos );
return tokens;
std::string trim( std::string const & input )
std::string result = input;
result.erase( result.begin(), std::find_if( result.begin(), result.end(), []( char c ) { return !std::isspace( c ); } ) );
result.erase( std::find_if( result.rbegin(), result.rend(), []( char c ) { return !std::isspace( c ); } ).base(), result.end() );
return result;
std::string trimEnd( std::string const & input )
std::string result = input;
result.erase( std::find_if( result.rbegin(), result.rend(), []( char c ) { return !std::isspace( c ); } ).base(), result.end() );
return result;
std::string trimStars( std::string const & input )
std::string result = input;
size_t pos = result.find( '*' );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
if ( ( 0 < pos ) && ( result[pos - 1] != ' ' ) && ( result[pos - 1] != '*' ) )
result.insert( pos, 1, ' ' );
else if ( ( pos < result.length() - 1 ) && ( result[pos + 1] != ' ' ) && ( result[pos + 1] != '*' ) )
result.insert( pos + 1, 1, ' ' );
pos = result.find( '*', pos + 1 );
return result;
void writeToFile( std::string const & str, std::string const & fileName )
std::ofstream ofs( fileName );
assert( ! );
ofs << str;
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Formatting " << fileName << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string commandString = "\"" CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE "\" -i --style=file " + fileName;
int ret = std::system( commandString.c_str() );
if ( ret != 0 )
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: failed to format file " << fileName << " with error <" << ret << ">\n";
std::string toString( tinyxml2::XMLError error )
switch ( error )
case tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS: return "XML_SUCCESS";
case tinyxml2::XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE: return "XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE";
case tinyxml2::XML_ERROR_PARSING: return "XML_ERROR_PARSING";
case tinyxml2::XML_NO_TEXT_NODE: return "XML_NO_TEXT_NODE";
default: return "unknown error code <" + std::to_string( error ) + ">";
int main( int argc, char ** argv )
tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
std::string filename = ( argc == 1 ) ? VK_SPEC : argv[1];
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Found ";
std::string commandString = "\"" CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE "\" --version ";
int ret = std::system( commandString.c_str() );
if ( ret != 0 )
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: failed to determine clang_format version with error <" << ret << ">\n";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Loading " << filename << std::endl;
tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.LoadFile( filename.c_str() );
if ( error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS )
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: failed to load file " << filename << " with error <" << toString( error ) << ">" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Parsing " << filename << std::endl;
VulkanHppGenerator generator( doc );
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: could not find clang-format. The generated files will not be formatted accordingly.\n";
catch ( std::exception const & e )
std::cout << "caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
catch ( ... )
std::cout << "caught unknown exception" << std::endl;
return -1;