2024-12-02 13:50:53 +01:00

16948 lines
708 KiB

// Copyright(c) 2015-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "VulkanHppGenerator.hpp"
#include "XMLHelper.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std::literals;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>> filterNumbers( std::vector<std::string> const & names );
template <typename T>
typename std::vector<T>::iterator findByName( std::vector<T> & values, std::string const & name );
template <typename T>
typename std::map<std::string, T>::const_iterator findByNameOrAlias( std::map<std::string, T> const & values, std::string const & name );
template <typename T>
typename std::map<std::string, T>::iterator findByNameOrAlias( std::map<std::string, T> & values, std::string const & name );
template <typename T>
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator findByNameOrAlias( std::vector<T> const & values, std::string const & name );
template <typename T>
typename std::vector<T>::iterator findByNameOrAlias( std::vector<T> & values, std::string const & name );
std::string generateCArraySizes( std::vector<std::string> const & sizes );
std::string generateList( std::vector<std::string> const & elements, std::string const & prefix, std::string const & separator );
std::string generateNamespacedType( std::string const & type );
std::string generateNoDiscard( bool returnsSomething, bool multiSuccessCodes, bool multiErrorCodes );
std::string generateStandardArray( std::string const & type, std::vector<std::string> const & sizes );
bool isAllUpper( std::string const & name );
VulkanHppGenerator::MacroData parseMacro( std::vector<std::string> const & completeMacro );
std::string readSnippet( std::string const & snippetFile );
std::string startLowerCase( std::string const & input );
std::string startUpperCase( std::string const & input );
std::vector<std::string> tokenizeAny( std::string const & tokenString, std::string const & separators );
} // namespace
void writeToFile( std::string const & str, std::string const & fileName );
const std::set<std::string> specialPointerTypes = { "Display", "IDirectFB", "wl_display", "xcb_connection_t", "_screen_window" };
// VulkanHppGenerator public interface
VulkanHppGenerator::VulkanHppGenerator( tinyxml2::XMLDocument const & document, std::string const & api ) : m_api( api )
// insert the default "handle" without class (for createInstance, and such)
m_handles.insert( std::make_pair( "", HandleData() ) );
// read the document and check its correctness
const int line = document.GetLineNum();
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> elements = getChildElements( &document );
checkElements( line, elements, { { "registry", true } } );
checkForError( elements.size() == 1, line, "encountered " + std::to_string( elements.size() ) + " elements named <registry> but only one is allowed" );
readRegistry( elements[0] );
// add the commands to the respective handles
// some "FlagBits" enums are not specified, but needed for our "Flags" handling -> add them here
for ( auto & feature : m_features )
addCommandsToHandle( feature.requireData );
addMissingFlagBits( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto & extension : m_extensions )
addCommandsToHandle( extension.requireData );
addMissingFlagBits( extension.requireData, );
m_definesPartition = partitionDefines( m_defines );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumsHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_enums_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_enums.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_enums_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanEnumsHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
// include-what-you-use: make sure, vulkan.hpp is used by code-completers
// IWYU pragma: private; include "vulkan.hpp"
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanEnumsHppTemplate,
{ { "enums", generateEnums() },
{ "Flags", readSnippet( "Flags.hpp" ) },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "objectTypeToDebugReportObjectType", generateObjectTypeToDebugReportObjectType() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_enums_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateExtensionInspectionFile() const
std::string const vulkan_extension_inspection_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_extension_inspection.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_extension_inspection_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanExtensionInspectionHppTemplate = readSnippet( "ExtensionInspection.hpp" );
std::string const deprecatedExtensions = generateReplacedExtensionsList( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.isDeprecated; },
[]( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.deprecatedBy; } );
std::string const deprecatedBy = generateExtensionReplacedBy( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.isDeprecated; },
[]( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.deprecatedBy; } );
std::string const obsoletedBy = generateExtensionReplacedBy( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return !extension.obsoletedBy.empty(); },
[]( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.obsoletedBy; } );
std::string const obsoletedExtensions = generateReplacedExtensionsList( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return !extension.obsoletedBy.empty(); },
[]( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.obsoletedBy; } );
std::string const promotedExtensions = generateReplacedExtensionsList( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return !extension.promotedTo.empty(); },
[]( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.promotedTo; } );
std::string const promotedTo = generateExtensionReplacedBy( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return !extension.promotedTo.empty(); },
[]( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.promotedTo; } );
std::string str =
replaceWithMap( vulkanExtensionInspectionHppTemplate,
{ { "api", m_api },
{ "deprecatedExtensions", deprecatedExtensions },
{ "deviceExtensions", generateExtensionsList( "device" ) },
{ "deviceTest", generateExtensionTypeTest( "device" ) },
{ "deprecatedBy", deprecatedBy },
{ "deprecatedTest", generateExtensionReplacedTest( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return extension.isDeprecated; } ) },
{ "extensionDependencies", generateExtensionDependencies() },
{ "getExtensionDependsByVersionDeclaration", generateExtensionDependsByVersion( false ) },
{ "getExtensionDependsByVersionDefinition", generateExtensionDependsByVersion( true ) },
{ "instanceExtensions", generateExtensionsList( "instance" ) },
{ "instanceTest", generateExtensionTypeTest( "instance" ) },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "obsoletedBy", obsoletedBy },
{ "obsoletedExtensions", obsoletedExtensions },
{ "obsoletedTest", generateExtensionReplacedTest( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return !extension.obsoletedBy.empty(); } ) },
{ "promotedExtensions", promotedExtensions },
{ "promotedTest", generateExtensionReplacedTest( []( ExtensionData const & extension ) { return !extension.promotedTo.empty(); } ) },
{ "promotedTo", promotedTo },
{ "voidExtension", ( m_api == "vulkan" ) ? "" : "(void)extension;" } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_extension_inspection_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateFormatTraitsHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_format_traits_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_format_traits.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_format_traits_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanFormatTraitsHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/${api}.hpp>
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanFormatTraitsHppTemplate,
{ { "api", m_api }, { "formatTraits", generateFormatTraits() }, { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_format_traits_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateFuncsHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_funcs_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_funcs.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_funcs_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanFuncsHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
// include-what-you-use: make sure, vulkan.hpp is used by code-completers
// IWYU pragma: private; include "vulkan.hpp"
std::string str =
replaceWithMap( vulkanFuncsHppTemplate, { { "commandDefinitions", generateCommandDefinitions() }, { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_funcs_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandlesHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_handles_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_handles.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_handles_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
// include-what-you-use: make sure, vulkan.hpp is used by code-completers
// IWYU pragma: private; include "vulkan.hpp"
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate,
{ "handles", generateHandles() },
{ "handleForwardDeclarations", generateHandleForwardDeclarations() },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "structForwardDeclarations", generateStructForwardDeclarations() },
{ "uniqueHandles", generateUniqueHandles() },
} );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_handles_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateHashHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_hash_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_hash.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_hash_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/${api}.hpp>
namespace std
//=== HASH structures for Flags types ===
template <typename BitType>
struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Flags<BitType>>
std::size_t operator()( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Flags<BitType> const & flags ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return std::hash<typename std::underlying_type<BitType>::type>{}(
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<BitType>::type>( flags ) );
} // namespace std
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate,
{ { "api", m_api },
{ "handleHashStructures", generateHandleHashStructures() },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "structHashStructures", generateStructHashStructures() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_hash_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + ".hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_hpp << " ... " << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#ifndef VULKAN_HPP
# define VULKAN_HPP
static_assert( VK_HEADER_VERSION == ${headerVersion}, "Wrong VK_HEADER_VERSION!" );
namespace detail
struct AllocationCallbacks;
namespace detail
template <typename Type, Type value = Type{}>
struct CppType
#include <vulkan/${api}_enums.hpp>
#if !defined( VULKAN_HPP_NO_TO_STRING )
#include <vulkan/${api}_to_string.hpp>
namespace std
template <>
struct is_error_code_enum<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result> : public true_type
} // namespace std
// clang-format off
#include <vulkan/${api}_handles.hpp>
#include <vulkan/${api}_structs.hpp>
#include <vulkan/${api}_funcs.hpp>
// clang-format on
namespace detail
std::string str = replaceWithMap(
{ { "api", m_api },
{ "ArrayProxy", readSnippet( "ArrayProxy.hpp" ) },
{ "ArrayProxyNoTemporaries", readSnippet( "ArrayProxyNoTemporaries.hpp" ) },
{ "ArrayWrapper1D", readSnippet( "ArrayWrapper1D.hpp" ) },
{ "ArrayWrapper2D", readSnippet( "ArrayWrapper2D.hpp" ) },
{ "baseTypes", generateBaseTypes() },
{ "constexprDefines", generateConstexprDefines() },
{ "defines", readSnippet( "defines.hpp" ) },
{ "DispatchLoaderBase", readSnippet( "DispatchLoaderBase.hpp" ) },
{ "DispatchLoaderDynamic", generateDispatchLoaderDynamic() },
{ "DispatchLoaderStatic", generateDispatchLoaderStatic() },
{ "DynamicLoader", readSnippet( "DynamicLoader.hpp" ) },
{ "Exceptions", readSnippet( "Exceptions.hpp" ) },
{ "Exchange", readSnippet( "Exchange.hpp" ) },
{ "headerVersion", m_version },
{ "includes", replaceWithMap( readSnippet( "includes.hpp" ), { { "vulkan_h", ( m_api == "vulkan" ) ? "vulkan.h" : "vulkan_sc_core.h" } } ) },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "ObjectDestroy", readSnippet( "ObjectDestroy.hpp" ) },
{ "ObjectFree", readSnippet( "ObjectFree.hpp" ) },
{ "ObjectRelease", readSnippet( "ObjectRelease.hpp" ) },
{ "Optional", readSnippet( "Optional.hpp" ) },
{ "PoolFree", readSnippet( "PoolFree.hpp" ) },
{ "resultChecks", readSnippet( "resultChecks.hpp" ) },
{ "resultExceptions", generateResultExceptions() },
{ "structExtendsStructs", generateStructExtendsStructs() },
{ "ResultValue", readSnippet( "ResultValue.hpp" ) },
{ "StridedArrayProxy", readSnippet( "StridedArrayProxy.hpp" ) },
{ "StructureChain", readSnippet( "StructureChain.hpp" ) },
{ "throwResultException", generateThrowResultException() },
{ "UniqueHandle", readSnippet( "UniqueHandle.hpp" ) } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateMacrosFile() const
std::string const macros_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_hpp_macros.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << macros_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const macrosTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
std::string str =
replaceWithMap( macrosTemplate,
{ { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "macros",
replaceWithMap( readSnippet( "macros.hpp" ),
{ { "vulkan_hpp", m_api + ".hpp" },
{ "vulkan_64_bit_ptr_defines", "VK_USE_64_BIT_PTR_DEFINES" ).possibleDefinition } } ) } } );
writeToFile( str, macros_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_raii_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_raii.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_raii_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/${api}.hpp>
#if !( defined( VULKAN_HPP_ENABLE_STD_MODULE ) && defined( VULKAN_HPP_STD_MODULE ) )
# include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
# include <utility> // std::forward
namespace detail
template <class T>
class CreateReturnType
using Type = T;
using PFN_dummy = void ( * )();
//=== RAII Helpers ===
template <typename RAIIType>
std::vector<typename RAIIType::CppType> filterCppTypes( std::vector<RAIIType> const & raiiTypes )
std::vector<typename RAIIType::CppType> cppTypes( raiiTypes.size() );
std::transform( raiiTypes.begin(), raiiTypes.end(), cppTypes.begin(), []( RAIIType const & d ) { return *d; } );
return cppTypes;
template <typename RAIIType, class UnaryPredicate>
std::vector<typename RAIIType::CppType> filterCppTypes( std::vector<RAIIType> const & raiiTypes, UnaryPredicate p)
std::vector<typename RAIIType::CppType> cppTypes;
for (auto const& t : raiiTypes)
if (p(t))
cppTypes.push_back( *t );
return cppTypes;
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate,
{ { "api", m_api },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "RAIICommandDefinitions", generateRAIICommandDefinitions() },
{ "RAIIDispatchers", generateRAIIDispatchers() },
{ "RAIIHandles", generateRAIIHandles() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_raii_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateSharedHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_shared_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_shared.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_shared_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/${api}.hpp>
#if !( defined( VULKAN_HPP_ENABLE_STD_MODULE ) && defined( VULKAN_HPP_STD_MODULE ) )
#include <atomic> // std::atomic_size_t
namespace detail
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate,
{ "api", m_api },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "sharedDestroy", readSnippet( "SharedDestroy.hpp" ) },
{ "sharedHandle", readSnippet( "SharedHandle.hpp" ) },
{ "sharedHandles", generateSharedHandles() },
{ "sharedHandlesNoDestroy", generateSharedHandlesNoDestroy() },
{ "sharedHandleSpecializations", readSnippet( "SharedHandleSpecializations.hpp" ) },
} );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_shared_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateStaticAssertionsHppFile() const
std::string const static_assertions_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_static_assertions.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << static_assertions_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/${api}.hpp>
//=== static_assertions ===
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate,
{ { "api", m_api }, { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader }, { "staticAssertions", generateStaticAssertions() } } );
writeToFile( str, static_assertions_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructsHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_structs_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_structs.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_structs_hpp << " ..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
// include-what-you-use: make sure, vulkan.hpp is used by code-completers
// IWYU pragma: private; include "vulkan.hpp"
#include <cstring> // strcmp
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate, { { "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader }, { "structs", generateStructs() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_structs_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateToStringHppFile() const
std::string const vulkan_to_string_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + "_to_string.hpp";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_to_string_hpp << "..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanHandlesHppTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
#include <vulkan/${api}_enums.hpp>
// ignore warnings on using deprecated enum values in this header
#if defined( __clang__ ) || defined( __GNUC__ )
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
#elif defined( _MSC_VER )
# pragma warning( push )
# pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
# if __cpp_lib_format
# include <format> // std::format
# else
# include <sstream> // std::stringstream
# endif
#if defined( __clang__ ) || defined( __GNUC__ )
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#elif defined( _MSC_VER )
# pragma warning( pop )
std::string str = replaceWithMap( vulkanHandlesHppTemplate,
{ { "api", m_api },
{ "bitmasksToString", generateBitmasksToString() },
{ "enumsToString", generateEnumsToString() },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_to_string_hpp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleFile() const
std::string const vulkan_cppm = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + m_api + ".cppm";
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Generating " << vulkan_cppm << "..." << std::endl;
std::string const vulkanCppmTemplate = R"(${licenseHeader}
// Note: This module is still in an experimental state.
// Any feedback is welcome on
#include <vulkan/vulkan_hpp_macros.hpp>
#if defined( __cpp_lib_modules ) && !defined( VULKAN_HPP_ENABLE_STD_MODULE )
#include <vulkan/${api}.hpp>
#include <vulkan/${api}_extension_inspection.hpp>
#include <vulkan/${api}_format_traits.hpp>
#include <vulkan/${api}_hash.hpp>
#include <vulkan/${api}_raii.hpp>
#include <vulkan/${api}_shared.hpp>
export module ${api}_hpp;
export namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE
export namespace std
auto const str = replaceWithMap( vulkanCppmTemplate,
{ { "api", m_api },
{ "hashSpecializations", generateCppModuleHashSpecializations() },
{ "licenseHeader", m_vulkanLicenseHeader },
{ "raiiUsings", generateCppModuleRaiiUsings() },
{ "usings", generateCppModuleUsings() } } );
writeToFile( str, vulkan_cppm );
void VulkanHppGenerator::prepareRAIIHandles()
// filter out functions that are not usefull on this level of abstraction (like vkGetInstanceProcAddr)
// and all the destruction functions, as they are used differently
assert( m_handles.begin()->first.empty() );
for ( auto handleIt = std::next( m_handles.begin() ); handleIt != m_handles.end(); ++handleIt )
handleIt->second.destructorIt = determineRAIIHandleDestructor( handleIt->first );
if ( handleIt->second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
m_RAIISpecialFunctions.insert( handleIt->second.destructorIt->first );
handleIt->second.constructorIts = determineRAIIHandleConstructors( handleIt->first, handleIt->second.destructorIt );
distributeSecondLevelCommands( m_RAIISpecialFunctions );
void VulkanHppGenerator::prepareVulkanFuncs()
// rename a couple of function parameters to prevent this warning, treated as an error:
// warning C4458: declaration of 'objectType' hides class member
for ( auto & command : m_commands )
for ( auto & param : command.second.params )
if ( == "objectType" )
{ += "_";
// VulkanHppGenerator private interface
void VulkanHppGenerator::addCommand( std::string const & name, CommandData & commandData )
// find the handle this command is going to be associated to
checkForError( !commandData.params.empty(), commandData.xmlLine, "command <" + name + "> with no params" );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandData.params[0].type.type );
if ( handleIt == m_handles.end() )
handleIt = m_handles.begin();
assert( handleIt->first == "" );
commandData.handle = handleIt->first;
// add this command to the list of commands
checkForError( m_commands.insert( std::make_pair( name, commandData ) ).second, commandData.xmlLine, "already encountered command <" + name + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::addCommandsToHandle( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData )
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandIt->second.handle );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
if ( !handleIt->second.commands.contains( ) )
handleIt->second.commands.insert( );
registerDeleter(, commandIt->second );
void VulkanHppGenerator::addMissingFlagBits( std::vector<RequireData> & requireData, std::string const & requiredBy )
for ( auto & require : requireData )
std::vector<NameLine> newTypes;
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( );
if ( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() )
if ( bitmaskIt->second.require.empty() )
// generate the flagBits enum name out of the bitmask name: VkFooFlagsXXX -> VkFooFlagBitsXXX
const size_t pos = bitmaskIt->first.find( "Flags" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
std::string flagBits = bitmaskIt->first.substr( 0, pos + 4 ) + "Bit" + bitmaskIt->first.substr( pos + 4 );
bitmaskIt->second.require = flagBits;
// some flagsBits are specified but never listed as required for any flags!
// so, even if this bitmask has no enum listed as required, it might still already exist in the enums list
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( flagBits );
if ( enumIt == m_enums.end() )
m_enums.insert( std::make_pair( flagBits, EnumData{ .isBitmask = true, .xmlLine = 0 } ) );
assert( !m_types.contains( flagBits ) );
m_types.insert( std::make_pair( flagBits, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Bitmask, { requiredBy }, 0 } ) );
assert( m_types.contains( flagBits ) );
enumIt->second.isBitmask = true;
if ( std::none_of(
require.types.begin(), require.types.end(), [bitmaskIt]( auto const & requireType ) { return == bitmaskIt->second.require; } ) )
// this bitmask requires a flags type that is not listed in here, so add it
newTypes.push_back( { bitmaskIt->second.require, bitmaskIt->second.xmlLine } );
// add all the newly created flagBits types to the require list as if they had been part of the vk.xml!
require.types.insert( require.types.end(), newTypes.begin(), newTypes.end() );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::addTitleAndProtection( std::string const & title, std::string const & strIf, std::string const & strElse ) const
std::string str;
if ( !strIf.empty() )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( title ) );
str = "\n" + enter + " //=== " + title + " ===\n" + strIf;
if ( !enter.empty() && !strElse.empty() )
str += "#else \n" + strElse;
str += leave;
return str;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::allVectorSizesSupported( std::vector<ParamData> const & params, std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams ) const
// check if all vector sizes are by value and their type is one of "uint32_t", "VkDeviceSize", or "VkSampleCountFlagBits"
return std::all_of( vectorParams.begin(),
[&params]( auto const & vpi )
return params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.isValue() &&
( ( params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" ) || ( params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.type == "VkDeviceSize" ) ||
( params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.type == "VkSampleCountFlagBits" ) );
} );
void VulkanHppGenerator::appendDispatchLoaderDynamicCommands( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title,
std::string & commandMembers,
std::string & initialCommandAssignments,
std::string & instanceCommandAssignments,
std::string & deviceCommandAssignments ) const
std::string members, initial, instance, device, placeholders;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( listedCommands.insert( ).second )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
members += " PFN_" + + " " + + " = 0;\n";
placeholders += " PFN_dummy " + + "_placeholder = 0;\n";
if ( commandIt->second.handle.empty() )
initial += generateDispatchLoaderDynamicCommandAssignment(, commandIt->first, "NULL" );
instance += generateDispatchLoaderDynamicCommandAssignment(, commandIt->first, "instance" );
if ( isDeviceCommand( commandIt->second ) )
device += generateDispatchLoaderDynamicCommandAssignment(, commandIt->first, "device" );
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( title ) );
std::string header = "\n" + enter + " //=== " + title + " ===\n";
if ( !members.empty() )
commandMembers += header + members;
if ( !enter.empty() )
commandMembers += "#else\n" + placeholders;
commandMembers += leave;
if ( !initial.empty() )
initialCommandAssignments += header + initial + leave;
if ( !instance.empty() )
instanceCommandAssignments += header + instance + leave;
if ( !device.empty() )
deviceCommandAssignments += header + device + leave;
void VulkanHppGenerator::appendRAIIDispatcherCommands( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title,
std::string & contextInitializers,
std::string & contextMembers,
std::string & deviceAssignments,
std::string & deviceMembers,
std::string & instanceAssignments,
std::string & instanceMembers ) const
std::string ci, cm, da, dm, dmp, ia, im, imp;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( listedCommands.insert( ).second )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, );
if ( commandIt->second.handle.empty() )
ci += ", " + + "( PFN_" + + "( getProcAddr( NULL, \"" + + "\" ) ) )";
cm += " PFN_" + + " " + + " = 0;\n";
else if ( ( commandIt->second.handle == "VkDevice" ) || hasParentHandle( commandIt->second.handle, "VkDevice" ) )
da += " " + + " = PFN_" + + "( vkGetDeviceProcAddr( device, \"" + + "\" ) );\n";
// if this is an alias'ed function, use it as a fallback for the original one
if ( != commandIt->first )
da += " if ( !" + commandIt->first + " ) " + commandIt->first + " = " + + ";\n";
dm += " PFN_" + + " " + + " = 0;\n";
dmp += " PFN_dummy " + + "_placeholder = 0;\n";
assert( ( commandIt->second.handle == "VkInstance" ) || hasParentHandle( commandIt->second.handle, "VkInstance" ) );
// filter out vkGetInstanceProcAddr, as starting with Vulkan 1.2 it can resolve itself only (!) with an
// instance nullptr !
if ( != "vkGetInstanceProcAddr" )
ia += " " + + " = PFN_" + + "( vkGetInstanceProcAddr( instance, \"" + + "\" ) );\n";
// if this is an alias'ed function, use it as a fallback for the original one
if ( != commandIt->first )
ia += " if ( !" + commandIt->first + " ) " + commandIt->first + " = " + + ";\n";
im += +" PFN_" + + " " + + " = 0;\n";
imp += " PFN_dummy " + + "_placeholder = 0;\n";
contextInitializers += addTitleAndProtection( title, ci );
contextMembers += addTitleAndProtection( title, cm );
deviceAssignments += addTitleAndProtection( title, da );
deviceMembers += addTitleAndProtection( title, dm, dmp );
instanceAssignments += addTitleAndProtection( title, ia );
instanceMembers += addTitleAndProtection( title, im, imp );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkBitmaskCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & bitmask : m_bitmasks )
// check that a bitmask is required somewhere
// I think, it's not forbidden to not reference a bitmask, but it would probably be not intended?
auto typeIt = m_types.find( bitmask.first );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
checkForError( !typeIt->second.requiredBy.empty(), bitmask.second.xmlLine, "bitmask <" + bitmask.first + "> not required in any feature or extension" );
// check that the requirement is an enum
if ( !bitmask.second.require.empty() )
checkForError( m_enums.contains( bitmask.second.require ),
"bitmask <" + bitmask.first + "> requires unknown enum <" + bitmask.second.require + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkCommandCorrectness() const
// prepare command checks by gathering all result codes (including aliases and not supported ones!) into one set of resultCodes
auto resultIt = m_enums.find( "VkResult" );
assert( resultIt != m_enums.end() );
std::set<std::string> resultCodes;
for ( auto rc : resultIt->second.values )
resultCodes.insert( );
for ( auto ac : rc.aliases )
resultCodes.insert( );
// some special handling needed for vulkansc!!
if ( m_api == "vulkansc" )
resultCodes.insert( { "VK_ERROR_FRAGMENTATION_EXT",
// command checks
for ( auto const & command : m_commands )
// check that a command is referenced somewhere
// I think, it's not forbidden to not reference a function, but it would probably be not intended?
checkForError( !command.second.requiredBy.empty(), command.second.xmlLine, "command <" + command.first + "> not required in any feature or extension" );
// check for unknown error or succes codes
for ( auto const & ec : command.second.errorCodes )
checkForError( resultCodes.contains( ec ), command.second.xmlLine, "command uses unknown error code <" + ec + ">" );
for ( auto const & sc : command.second.successCodes )
checkForError( resultCodes.contains( sc ), command.second.xmlLine, "command uses unknown success code <" + sc + ">" );
// check that functions returning a VkResult specify successcodes
if ( ( command.second.returnType == "VkResult" ) && command.second.successCodes.empty() )
// emit an error if this function is required in at least one supported feature or extension
// disabled or not supported features/extensions are still listed in requiredBy, but not in m_features/m_extensions
bool functionUsed = false;
for ( auto const & require : command.second.requiredBy )
functionUsed |= isSupportedFeature( require ) || isSupportedExtension( require );
if ( functionUsed )
checkForError( false, command.second.xmlLine, "missing successcodes on command <" + command.first + "> returning VkResult!" );
// check that all parameter types as well as the return type are known types
for ( auto const & p : command.second.params )
checkForError( m_types.contains( p.type.type ), p.xmlLine, "comand uses parameter of unknown type <" + p.type.type + ">" );
m_types.contains( command.second.returnType ), command.second.xmlLine, "command uses unknown return type <" + command.second.returnType + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkCorrectness() const
checkForError( !m_vulkanLicenseHeader.empty(), -1, "missing license header" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkDefineCorrectness() const
// check that any requirements of a define is known
for ( auto const & d : m_defines )
checkForError( d.second.require.empty() || m_types.contains( d.second.require ),
"define <" + d.first + "> uses unknown require <" + d.second.require + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkEnumCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & e : m_enums )
// check that a bitmask is required somewhere
// some bitmasks are never required, so make this a warning only
auto typeIt = m_types.find( e.first );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
checkForWarning( !typeIt->second.requiredBy.empty(), e.second.xmlLine, "enum <" + e.first + "> not required in any feature or extension" );
// enum checks by features and extensions
for ( auto & feature : m_features )
checkEnumCorrectness( feature.requireData );
for ( auto & ext : m_extensions )
checkEnumCorrectness( ext.requireData );
// special check for VkFormat
if ( !m_formats.empty() )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkFormat" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
assert( enumIt->second.values.front().name == "VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED" );
for ( auto enumValueIt = std::next( enumIt->second.values.begin() ); enumValueIt != enumIt->second.values.end(); ++enumValueIt )
checkForError( !enumValueIt->supported || m_formats.contains( enumValueIt->name ),
"missing format specification for <" + enumValueIt->name + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkEnumCorrectness( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData ) const
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto typeIt = m_types.find( );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
switch ( typeIt->second.category )
case TypeCategory::Bitmask:
// check that each "require" listed for a bitmask is listed for a feature or an extension
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( );
if ( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() )
// not for every bitmask is a "require" listed
if ( !bitmaskIt->second.require.empty() )
auto requireTypeIt = m_types.find( bitmaskIt->second.require );
assert( requireTypeIt != m_types.end() );
checkForError( !requireTypeIt->second.requiredBy.empty(),
"bitmask <" + bitmaskIt->first + "> requires <" + bitmaskIt->second.require +
"> which is not required by any feature or extension!" );
case TypeCategory::Enum:
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( );
if ( enumIt != m_enums.end() )
if ( enumIt->second.isBitmask && !enumIt->second.values.empty() )
// check that any non-empty enum of a bitmask is listed as "require" or "bitvalues" for a bitmask
auto bitmaskIt =
std::find_if( m_bitmasks.begin(), m_bitmasks.end(), [&enumIt]( auto const & bitmask ) { return bitmask.second.require == enumIt->first; } );
checkForError( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end(),
"enum <" + enumIt->first + "> is not listed as an requires or bitvalues for any bitmask in the types section" );
// check that bitwidth of the enum and type of the corresponding bitmask are equal
checkForError( ( enumIt->second.bitwidth != "64" ) || ( bitmaskIt->second.type == "VkFlags64" ),
"enum <" + enumIt->first + "> is marked with bitwidth <64> but corresponding bitmask <" + bitmaskIt->first +
"> is not of type <VkFlags64>" );
// every enum not listed in the m_enums, should be an alias of such a thing
findByNameOrAlias( m_enums, ) != m_enums.end(), typeIt->second.xmlLine, "enum type <" + + "> is not listed as an enum" );
default: break;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::checkEquivalentSingularConstructor( std::vector<std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator> const & constructorIts,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::vector<ParamData>::const_iterator lenIt ) const
// check, if there is no singular constructor with the very same arguments as this array constructor
// (besides the size, of course)
auto isEquivalentSingularConstructor = [constructorIt, lenIt]( std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator it )
if ( it->second.params.size() + 1 != constructorIt->second.params.size() )
return false;
const size_t lenIdx = std::distance( constructorIt->second.params.begin(), lenIt );
for ( size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < it->second.params.size(); ++i, ++j )
assert( j < constructorIt->second.params.size() );
if ( j == lenIdx )
if ( it->second.params[i].type.type != constructorIt->second.params[j].type.type )
return false;
return true;
return ( std::any_of( constructorIts.begin(), constructorIts.end(), isEquivalentSingularConstructor ) );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkExtensionCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
// check for existence of any depends, deprecation, obsoletion, or promotion
for ( auto const & dependsByVersion : extension.depends )
checkForError( isFeature( dependsByVersion.first ),
"extension <" + + "> lists an unknown feature <" + dependsByVersion.first + ">" );
for ( auto const & dependsSet : dependsByVersion.second )
for ( auto const & depends : dependsSet )
checkForError( isExtension( depends ), extension.xmlLine, "extension <" + + "> lists an unknown depends <" + depends + ">" );
if ( !extension.deprecatedBy.empty() )
checkForError( isFeature( extension.deprecatedBy ) || isExtension( extension.deprecatedBy ),
"extension <" + + "> is deprecated by unknown extension/version <" + extension.deprecatedBy + ">" );
if ( !extension.obsoletedBy.empty() )
checkForError( isFeature( extension.obsoletedBy ) || isExtension( extension.obsoletedBy ),
"extension <" + + "> is obsoleted by unknown extension/version <" + extension.obsoletedBy + ">" );
if ( !extension.promotedTo.empty() )
checkForError( isFeature( extension.promotedTo ) || isExtension( extension.promotedTo ),
"extension <" + + "> is promoted to unknown extension/version <" + extension.promotedTo + ">" );
// check for existence of any requirement
for ( auto const & require : extension.requireData )
if ( !require.depends.empty() )
std::vector<std::string> depends = tokenizeAny( require.depends, ",+()" );
for ( auto const & depend : depends )
isFeature( depend ) || isExtension( depend ), require.xmlLine, "extension <" + + "> lists an unknown depends <" + depend + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkFeatureCorrectness() const
// check that each require depends actually is an extension
// remove this check temporarily !
// for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
// for ( auto const & require : feature.requireData )
// {
// checkForError(
// require.depends.empty() ||
// std::any_of( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&depends = require.depends]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return == depends; } ),
// require.xmlLine,
// "feature <" + + "> depends on an unknown extension <" + require.depends + ">" );
// }
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkFuncPointerCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & funcPointer : m_funcPointers )
if ( !funcPointer.second.require.empty() )
m_types.contains( funcPointer.second.require ), funcPointer.second.xmlLine, "funcpointer requires unknown <" + funcPointer.second.require + ">" );
for ( auto const & argument : funcPointer.second.arguments )
checkForError( m_types.contains( argument.type ), argument.xmlLine, "funcpointer argument of unknown type <" + argument.type + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkHandleCorrectness() const
// prepare handle checks by getting the VkObjectType enum
auto objectTypeIt = m_enums.find( "VkObjectType" );
assert( objectTypeIt != m_enums.end() );
// handle checks
for ( auto const & handle : m_handles )
// check the existence of the parent
m_handles.contains( handle.second.parent ), handle.second.xmlLine, "handle <" + handle.first + "> with unknown parent <" + handle.second.parent + ">" );
// check existence of objTypeEnum used with this handle type
if ( !handle.first.empty() )
assert( !handle.second.objTypeEnum.empty() );
// only check with used handles!
checkForError( !isTypeUsed( handle.first ) || contains( objectTypeIt->second.values, handle.second.objTypeEnum ),
"handle <" + handle.first + "> specifies unknown \"objtypeenum\" <" + handle.second.objTypeEnum + ">" );
// check that all specified objectType values are used with a handle type
for ( auto const & objectTypeValue : objectTypeIt->second.values )
checkForError( std::any_of( m_handles.begin(),
[&objectTypeValue]( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & hd )
{ return hd.second.objTypeEnum ==; } ),
"VkObjectType value <" + + "> not specified as \"objtypeenum\" for any handle" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkSpirVCapabilityCorrectness() const
for ( auto const & capability : m_spirVCapabilities )
for ( auto const & enable : capability.second.structs )
assert( !enable.second.empty() );
auto structIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_structs, enable.first );
checkForError( structIt != m_structs.end(),
"unknown structure <" + enable.first + "> specified for SPIR-V capability <" + capability.first + ">" );
for ( auto const & member : enable.second )
auto memberIt =
std::find_if( structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), [&member]( auto const & md ) { return == member.first; } );
checkForError( memberIt != structIt->second.members.end(),
"unknown member <" + member.first + "> in struct <" + enable.first + "> specified for SPIR-V capability <" + capability.first + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkStructCorrectness() const
std::set<std::string> sTypeValues;
for ( auto const & structure : m_structs )
// check that a struct is referenced somewhere
// I think, it's not forbidden to not reference a struct, but it would probably be not intended?
auto typeIt = m_types.find( structure.first );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
!typeIt->second.requiredBy.empty(), structure.second.xmlLine, "structure <" + structure.first + "> not required by any feature or extension" );
// check for existence of all structs that are extended by this struct
for ( auto const & extend : structure.second.structExtends )
checkForError( findByNameOrAlias( m_structs, extend ) != m_structs.end(),
"struct <" + structure.first + "> extends unknown <" + extend + ">" );
// checks on the members of a struct
checkStructMemberCorrectness( structure.first, structure.second.members, sTypeValues );
// enum VkStructureType checks (need to be after structure checks because of sTypeValues gathered there)
auto structureTypeIt = m_enums.find( "VkStructureType" );
assert( structureTypeIt != m_enums.end() );
static std::set<std::string> reservedValues = { "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOADER_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO",
for ( auto const & enumValue : structureTypeIt->second.values )
if ( reservedValues.contains( ) )
checkForError( !sTypeValues.contains( ), enumValue.xmlLine, "Reserved VkStructureType enum value <" + + "> is used" );
checkForWarning( !enumValue.supported || ( sTypeValues.erase( ) == 1 ),
"VkStructureType enum value <" + + "> never used" );
assert( sTypeValues.empty() );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkStructMemberCorrectness( std::string const & structureName,
std::vector<MemberData> const & members,
std::set<std::string> & sTypeValues ) const
// determine if this struct is requird/used
const bool structUsed = isTypeUsed( structureName );
for ( auto const & member : members )
// check that all member types are required in some feature or extension
if ( member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
auto memberTypeIt = m_types.find( member.type.type );
assert( memberTypeIt != m_types.end() );
checkForError( !memberTypeIt->second.requiredBy.empty(),
"struct member type <" + member.type.type + "> used in struct <" + structureName + "> is never required for any feature or extension" );
// if a member specifies a selector, that member is a union and the selector is an enum
// check that there's a 1-1 connection between the specified selections and the values of that enum
if ( !member.selector.empty() )
auto selectorIt = findStructMemberIt( member.selector, members );
assert( selectorIt != members.end() );
auto selectorEnumIt = m_enums.find( selectorIt->type.type );
assert( selectorEnumIt != m_enums.end() );
auto unionIt = m_structs.find( member.type.type );
assert( ( unionIt != m_structs.end() ) && unionIt->second.isUnion );
for ( auto const & unionMember : unionIt->second.members )
// check that each union member has a selection, that is a value of the seleting enum
assert( !unionMember.selection.empty() );
for ( auto const & selection : unionMember.selection )
checkForError( contains( selectorEnumIt->second.values, selection ),
"union member <" + + "> uses selection <" + selection + "> that is not part of the selector type <" +
selectorIt->type.type + ">" );
// check that each member type is known
checkForError( m_types.contains( member.type.type ), member.xmlLine, "struct member uses unknown type <" + member.type.type + ">" );
// check that any used constant is a known constant or some potentially externally defined constant
for ( auto const & arraySize : member.arraySizes )
if ( !isNumber( arraySize ) && !m_constants.contains( arraySize ) )
auto typeIt = m_types.find( arraySize );
checkForError( ( typeIt != m_types.end() ) && isAllUpper( arraySize ) && ( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::ExternalType ),
"struct member array size uses unknown constant <" + arraySize + ">" );
// checks if a value is specified
if ( !member.value.empty() )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( member.type.type );
if ( enumIt != m_enums.end() )
// check that the value exists in the specified enum (if the struct is used at all)
if ( structUsed )
checkForError( contains( enumIt->second.values, member.value ),
"value <" + member.value + "> for member <" + + "> in structure <" + structureName + "> of enum type <" +
member.type.type + "> not listed" );
// special handling for sType: no value should appear more than once
if ( == "sType" )
checkForError( sTypeValues.insert( member.value ).second, member.xmlLine, "sType value <" + member.value + "> has been used before" );
else if ( member.type.type == "uint32_t" )
checkForError( isNumber( member.value ),
"value <" + member.value + "> for member <" + + "> in structure <" + structureName + "> of type <" + member.type.type +
"> is not a number" );
// don't know the type of the value -> error out
checkForError( false,
"member <" + + "> in structure <" + structureName + "> holds value <" + member.value + "> for an unhandled type <" +
member.type.type + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkSyncAccessCorrectness() const
auto accessFlagBitsIt = m_enums.find( "VkAccessFlagBits" );
assert( accessFlagBitsIt != m_enums.end() );
auto accessFlagBits2It = m_enums.find( "VkAccessFlagBits2" );
assert( accessFlagBits2It != m_enums.end() );
for ( auto const & syncAccess : m_syncAccesses )
auto nameIt = findByNameOrAlias( accessFlagBits2It->second.values, syncAccess.first );
checkForError( nameIt != accessFlagBits2It->second.values.end(),
"syncaccess name <" + syncAccess.first + "> not specified as a VkAccessFlagBits value!" );
if ( ! )
// with alias
auto aliasIt = findByNameOrAlias( accessFlagBitsIt->second.values, );
checkForError( aliasIt != accessFlagBitsIt->second.values.end(),
"syncaccess alias <" + + "> not specified as a VkAccessFlagBits value!" );
checkForError( ( aliasIt->value == nameIt->value ) && ( aliasIt->bitpos == nameIt->bitpos ),
"syncaccess name <" + syncAccess.first + "> has an alias <" + + "> with a different value or bitpos!" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::checkSyncStageCorrectness() const
auto stageFlagBitsIt = m_enums.find( "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" );
assert( stageFlagBitsIt != m_enums.end() );
auto stageFlagBits2It = m_enums.find( "VkPipelineStageFlagBits2" );
assert( stageFlagBits2It != m_enums.end() );
for ( auto const & syncStage : m_syncStages )
auto nameIt = findByNameOrAlias( stageFlagBits2It->second.values, syncStage.first );
checkForError( nameIt != stageFlagBits2It->second.values.end(),
"syncstage name <" + syncStage.first + "> not specified as a VkPipelineStageFlagBits2 value!" );
if ( ! )
// with alias
auto aliasIt = findByNameOrAlias( stageFlagBitsIt->second.values, );
checkForError( aliasIt != stageFlagBitsIt->second.values.end(),
"syncstage alias <" + + "> not specified as a VkPipelineStageFlagBits value!" );
checkForError( ( aliasIt->value == nameIt->value ) && ( aliasIt->bitpos == nameIt->bitpos ),
"syncstate name <" + syncStage.first + "> has an alias <" + + "> with a different value or bitpos!" );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::combineDataTypes( std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool enumerating,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool raii ) const
assert( dataTypes.size() == returnParams.size() );
std::vector<std::string> modifiedDataTypes( dataTypes.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); ++i )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] );
modifiedDataTypes[i] = ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() || ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular ) )
? dataTypes[i]
: ( "std::vector<" + dataTypes[i] +
( raii || ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique )
? ">"
: ( ", " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator>" ) ) );
std::string combinedType;
switch ( modifiedDataTypes.size() )
case 0: combinedType = "void"; break;
case 1: combinedType = modifiedDataTypes[0]; break;
case 2:
assert( !enumerating || ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams[1] ) && ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) ) );
combinedType = enumerating ? modifiedDataTypes[1] : ( "std::pair<" + modifiedDataTypes[0] + ", " + modifiedDataTypes[1] + ">" );
case 3:
assert( enumerating );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 1:
assert( ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[2] ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == returnParams[1] ) );
combinedType = "std::pair<" + modifiedDataTypes[0] + ", " + modifiedDataTypes[2] + ">";
case 2:
assert( ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[1] ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first == returnParams[2] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
combinedType = "std::pair<" + modifiedDataTypes[1] + ", " + modifiedDataTypes[2] + ">";
default: assert( false ); break;
default: assert( false ); break;
return combinedType;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::contains( std::vector<EnumValueData> const & enumValues, std::string const & name ) const
return std::any_of( enumValues.begin(),
[&name]( EnumValueData const & ev ) {
return ( == name ) ||
std::any_of( ev.aliases.begin(), ev.aliases.end(), [&name]( auto const & eav ) { return == name; } );
} );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::containsArray( std::string const & type ) const
// a simple recursive check if a type is or contains an array
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( type );
bool found = false;
if ( structureIt != m_structs.end() )
for ( auto memberIt = structureIt->second.members.begin(); memberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() && !found; ++memberIt )
found = !memberIt->arraySizes.empty() || containsArray( memberIt->type.type );
return found;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::containsFuncPointer( std::string const & type ) const
// a simple recursive check if a type contains a funcpointer
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( type );
bool found = false;
if ( structureIt != m_structs.end() )
for ( auto memberIt = structureIt->second.members.begin(); memberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() && !found; ++memberIt )
found = m_funcPointers.contains( memberIt->type.type ) || ( ( memberIt->type.type != type ) && containsFuncPointer( memberIt->type.type ) );
return found;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::containsFloatingPoints( std::vector<MemberData> const & members ) const
for ( auto const & m : members )
if ( m.type.isValue() )
if ( ( m.type.type == "float" ) || ( m.type.type == "double" ) )
return true;
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( m.type.type );
if ( structureIt != m_structs.end() && containsFloatingPoints( structureIt->second.members ) )
return true;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::containsUnion( std::string const & type ) const
// a simple recursive check if a type is or contains a union
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( type );
bool found = false;
if ( structureIt != m_structs.end() )
found = structureIt->second.isUnion;
for ( auto memberIt = structureIt->second.members.begin(); memberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() && !found; ++memberIt )
found = memberIt->type.isValue() && containsUnion( memberIt->type.type );
return found;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::describesVector( StructureData const & structure, std::string const & type ) const
for ( auto const & member : structure.members )
if ( ( type.empty() ? true : ( member.type.type == type ) ) && member.type.isNonConstPointer() && ( member.lenMembers.size() == 1 ) )
assert( member.lenMembers[0].second < structure.members.size() );
auto const & lenMember = structure.members[member.lenMembers[0].second];
if ( lenMember.type.isValue() && ( ( lenMember.type.type == "size_t" ) || ( lenMember.type.type == "uint32_t" ) ) )
return true;
return false;
std::vector<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineChainedReturnParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
std::vector<size_t> chainedParams;
for ( auto rp : returnParams )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( params[rp].type.type ) )
chainedParams.push_back( rp );
return chainedParams;
std::vector<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineConstPointerParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::vector<size_t> constPointerParams;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++ )
// very special handling for some types, which come in as non-const pointers, but are meant as const-pointers
if ( params[i].type.isConstPointer() || ( params[i].type.isNonConstPointer() && specialPointerTypes.contains( params[i].type.type ) ) )
constPointerParams.push_back( i );
return constPointerParams;
std::vector<std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::determineDataTypes( std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::ParamData> const & params,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
std::vector<std::string> dataTypes;
for ( auto rp : returnParams )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( rp );
if ( templatedParams.contains( rp ) )
assert( ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() ) || !vectorParamIt->second.byStructure );
if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) &&
std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->first; } ) &&
std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->second.lenParam; } ) )
dataTypes.push_back( "uint8_t" );
dataTypes.push_back( ( stripPrefix( params[rp].name, "p" ) + "Type" ) );
else if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && vectorParamIt->second.byStructure )
dataTypes.push_back( trimEnd( stripPostfix( vectorMemberByStructure( params[rp].type.type ).type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), "*" ) ) );
dataTypes.push_back( trimEnd( stripPostfix( params[rp].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), "*" ) ) );
return dataTypes;
size_t VulkanHppGenerator::determineDefaultStartIndex( std::vector<ParamData> const & params, std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams ) const
// determine the index where the arguments start to have defaults
size_t defaultStartIndex = INVALID_INDEX;
for ( int i = static_cast<int>( params.size() ) - 1; ( 0 <= i ) && ( params[i].optional || skippedParams.contains( i ) ); --i )
defaultStartIndex = i;
return defaultStartIndex;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::determineEnumeration( std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams, std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams ) const
// a command is considered to be enumerating some data, if for at least one vectorParam the data is a returnParam and either the vectorParams is specified
// by a structure or the lenParam is a returnParam as well
return std::any_of( vectorParams.begin(),
[&returnParams]( auto const & vp )
return std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vp]( size_t rp ) { return rp == vp.first; } ) &&
( vp.second.byStructure ||
std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vp]( size_t rp ) { return rp == vp.second.lenParam; } ) );
} );
size_t VulkanHppGenerator::determineInitialSkipCount( std::string const & command ) const
// determine the number of arguments to skip for a function
// -> 0: the command is not bound to an instance or a device (the corresponding handle has no name)
// -> 1: the command bound to an instance or a device (the corresponding handle has a name)
// -> 2: the command has been moved to a second handle
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandIt->second.handle );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
if ( !handleIt->second.commands.contains( command ) )
assert( 1 < commandIt->second.params.size() );
assert( m_handles.contains( commandIt->second.params[1].type.type ) );
return 2;
return handleIt->first.empty() ? 0 : 1;
std::vector<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineReturnParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::vector<size_t> nonConstPointerParamIndices;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++ )
// very special handling of parameters of some types, which always come as a non-const pointer but are not meant
// to be a potential return value!
if ( params[i].type.isNonConstPointer() && !specialPointerTypes.contains( params[i].type.type ) )
nonConstPointerParamIndices.push_back( i );
return nonConstPointerParamIndices;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isConstructorCandidate( std::pair<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData> const & command, std::string const & handleType ) const
return isSupported( command.second.requiredBy ) &&
std::any_of( command.second.params.begin(),
[this, &handleType]( ParamData const & pd ) { return isConstructorCandidate( pd, handleType ); } );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isConstructorCandidate( ParamData const & paramData, std::string const & handleType ) const
if ( paramData.type.isNonConstPointer() )
if ( paramData.type.type == handleType )
return true;
auto structIt = m_structs.find( paramData.type.type );
if ( structIt != m_structs.end() )
return describesVector( structIt->second, handleType );
return false;
std::vector<std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator>
VulkanHppGenerator::determineRAIIHandleConstructors( std::string const & handleType, std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator destructorIt ) const
std::vector<std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator> constructorIts;
for ( auto commandIt = m_commands.begin(); commandIt != m_commands.end(); ++commandIt )
if ( isConstructorCandidate( *commandIt, handleType ) )
// only commands that provide all information needed for the destructor can be considered a constructor!
bool valid = true;
if ( destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
// get the destructors parameter to the handleType
auto desctructorHandleParamIt = std::find_if( destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&handleType]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.type.type == handleType; } );
assert( desctructorHandleParamIt != destructorIt->second.params.end() );
// lambda to check if a destructor parameter is a parameter of the constructor candidate
// (or it's just the len parameter, which is not needed for the constructor)
auto isConstructorCandidateParam = [&desctructorHandleParamIt, &commandIt, this]( ParamData const & destructorParam )
// check if the destructor param type equals this param type, or, if this param type is a struct, is part of
// that struct
auto isDestructorParamType = [&destructorParam, this]( ParamData const & pd )
if ( pd.type.type != destructorParam.type.type )
// check if the destructor param type equals a structure member type
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( pd.type.type );
return ( structureIt != m_structs.end() ) &&
( findStructMemberItByType( destructorParam.type.type, structureIt->second.members ) != structureIt->second.members.end() );
return true;
return ( == desctructorHandleParamIt->lenExpression ) ||
std::any_of( commandIt->second.params.begin(), commandIt->second.params.end(), isDestructorParamType );
// the constructor candidate is valid, if none of the (relevant) destructor parameters is missing in the
// constructor candidate params
valid = std::all_of( destructorIt->second.params.begin(), destructorIt->second.params.end(), isConstructorCandidateParam );
if ( valid )
constructorIts.push_back( commandIt );
return constructorIts;
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::determineRAIIHandleDestructor( std::string const & handleType ) const
std::string type = stripPrefix( handleType, "Vk" );
auto destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkDestroy" + type );
if ( destructorIt == m_commands.end() )
destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkFree" + type + "s" );
if ( destructorIt == m_commands.end() )
destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkRelease" + type );
if ( destructorIt == m_commands.end() )
if ( handleType == "VkDeviceMemory" )
// special handling for vkDeviceMemory
destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkFreeMemory" );
assert( destructorIt != m_commands.end() );
else if ( handleType == "VkDisplayKHR" )
// special handling for VkDisplayKHR
destructorIt = m_commands.find( "vkReleaseDisplayEXT" );
assert( destructorIt != m_commands.end() );
assert( ( handleType == "VkDisplayModeKHR" ) || ( handleType == "VkPhysicalDevice" ) || ( handleType == "VkQueue" ) );
return destructorIt;
std::set<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineSingularParams( size_t returnParam, std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams ) const
auto returnVectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParam );
assert( returnVectorIt != vectorParams.end() );
std::set<size_t> singularParams;
singularParams.insert( returnVectorIt->second.lenParam );
for ( auto const & vpi : vectorParams )
if ( vpi.second.lenParam == returnVectorIt->second.lenParam )
singularParams.insert( vpi.first );
return singularParams;
std::set<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineSkippedParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool singular ) const
// skip the initial skips (get fed by the object)
assert( initialSkipCount <= params.size() );
std::set<size_t> skippedParams;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < initialSkipCount; ++i )
skippedParams.insert( i );
// skip the size parameters (get derived from an array), and a stride parameter
for ( auto const & vpi : vectorParams )
if ( !vpi.second.byStructure )
assert( !params[vpi.first].lenExpression.empty() );
if ( ( std::none_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vpi]( size_t rpi ) { return vpi.first == rpi; } ) &&
isParam( params[vpi.first].lenExpression, params ) ) ||
( singular && params[vpi.second.lenParam].type.isValue() ) )
skippedParams.insert( vpi.second.lenParam );
if ( vpi.second.strideParam != INVALID_INDEX )
skippedParams.insert( vpi.second.strideParam );
// skip the return parameters (get resolved by local variables to be returned)
skippedParams.insert( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end() );
return skippedParams;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::determineSubStruct( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure ) const
if ( structure.second.members.front().name != "sType" )
// check if sd is a substruct of structure
auto isSubStruct = [&structure]( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & sd ) noexcept
// member-by-member comparison of type and name
auto memberIt = structure.second.members.begin();
auto isMember = [&memberIt]( MemberData const & md ) noexcept
if ( ( md.type == memberIt->type ) && ( == memberIt->name ) )
return true;
return false;
return ( sd.second.members.size() < structure.second.members.size() ) && std::all_of( sd.second.members.begin(), sd.second.members.end(), isMember );
// look for a struct in m_structs that starts identically to structure
auto structIt = std::find_if( m_structs.begin(), m_structs.end(), isSubStruct );
return ( structIt == m_structs.end() ) ? "" : structIt->first;
return "";
std::map<size_t, VulkanHppGenerator::VectorParamData> VulkanHppGenerator::determineVectorParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams;
// look for the parameters whose len equals the name of an other parameter
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++ )
if ( !params[i].lenExpression.empty() && ( params[i].lenExpression != "null-terminated" ) && ( params[i].lenExpression != "1" ) )
VectorParamData & vpd = vectorParams[i];
if ( params[i].lenParams.empty() )
std::string const & lenExpression = params[i].lenExpression;
assert( std::none_of( params.begin(), params.end(), [&lenExpression]( auto const & pd ) { return ( lenExpression == ); } ) );
auto lenIt =
std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [this, &lenExpression]( auto const & pd ) { return isLenByStructMember( lenExpression, pd ); } );
assert( lenIt != params.end() );
vpd.lenParam = std::distance( params.begin(), lenIt );
assert( params[i].lenParams.size() == 1 );
vpd.lenParam = params[i].lenParams[0].second;
if ( !params[i].strideParam.first.empty() )
vpd.strideParam = params[i].strideParam.second;
auto structIt = m_structs.find( params[i].type.type );
if ( ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( params[i].type.type ) && describesVector( structIt->second ) )
VectorParamData & vpd = vectorParams[i];
vpd.byStructure = true;
vpd.lenParam = 2;
return vectorParams;
std::set<size_t> VulkanHppGenerator::determineVoidPointerParams( std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
std::set<size_t> voidPointerParams;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++ )
if ( !params[i].type.isValue() && ( params[i].type.type == "void" ) && ( params[i].type.postfix != "**" ) )
voidPointerParams.insert( i );
return voidPointerParams;
void VulkanHppGenerator::distributeEnumExtends()
for ( auto const & extendedEnum : m_enumExtends )
assert( !extendedEnum.second.empty() );
auto typeIt = m_types.find( extendedEnum.first );
checkForError( typeIt != m_types.end(),
"enum value <" + extendedEnum.second.front().name + "> extends unknown type <" + extendedEnum.first + ">" );
checkForError( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Enum,
"enum value <" + extendedEnum.second.front().name + "> extends non-enum type <" + extendedEnum.first + ">" );
const auto enumIt = m_enums.find( extendedEnum.first );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
for ( auto const & eed : extendedEnum.second )
for ( auto const & requiredBy : eed.requiredBy )
typeIt->second.requiredBy.insert( requiredBy );
eed.xmlLine,, eed.alias, getProtectFromPlatform( eed.platform ), ( eed.api.empty() || ( eed.api == m_api ) ) && eed.supported );
void VulkanHppGenerator::distributeEnumValueAliases()
assert( m_enumExtends.empty() );
for ( auto & e : m_enums )
for ( auto & a : e.second.valueAliases )
auto valueIt = findByName( e.second.values, a.alias );
if ( valueIt == e.second.values.end() )
auto aliasIt = findByName( e.second.valueAliases, a.alias );
aliasIt != e.second.valueAliases.end(), a.xmlLine, "enum value alias <" + + "> aliases non-existent enum value <" + a.alias + ">" );
valueIt = findByName( e.second.values, aliasIt->alias );
checkForError( valueIt != e.second.values.end(), a.xmlLine, "enum value alias <" + + "> aliases non-existent enum value <" + a.alias + ">" );
a.protect == valueIt->protect, a.xmlLine, "enum value alias <" + + "> aliases enum value <" + a.alias + "> with different properties" );
checkForError( std::none_of( valueIt->aliases.begin(), valueIt->aliases.end(), [&a]( auto const & eav ) { return ==; } ),
"enum value alias <" + + "> already contained as alias for enum value <" + a.alias + ">" );
valueIt->aliases.push_back( a );
void VulkanHppGenerator::distributeSecondLevelCommands( std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions )
// distribute commands from instance/device to second-level handles, like Queue, Event,... for RAII handles
for ( auto & handle : m_handles )
if ( !handle.first.empty() )
for ( auto command = handle.second.commands.begin(); command != handle.second.commands.end(); )
bool foundCommand = false;
if ( !specialFunctions.contains( *command ) )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, *command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
assert( commandIt->second.params.front().type.type == handle.first );
if ( ( 1 < commandIt->second.params.size() ) && ( isHandleType( commandIt->second.params[1].type.type ) ) && !commandIt->second.params[1].optional )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandIt->second.params[1].type.type );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
// filter out functions seem to fit due to taking handles as first and second argument, but the first argument is not the
// type to create the second one, and so it's unknown to the raii handle!
assert( !handleIt->second.constructorIts.empty() );
if ( ( *handleIt->second.constructorIts.begin() )->second.handle == handle.first )
assert( std::none_of( handleIt->second.constructorIts.begin(),
[&handle]( auto const & constructorIt ) { return constructorIt->second.handle != handle.first; } ) );
handleIt->second.secondLevelCommands.insert( *command );
command = handle.second.commands.erase( command );
foundCommand = true;
if ( !foundCommand )
void VulkanHppGenerator::distributeRequirements()
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
distributeRequirements( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
distributeRequirements( extension.requireData, );
distributeRequirements( extension.unsupportedRequireData, );
for ( auto const & feature : m_unsupportedFeatures )
distributeRequirements( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_unsupportedExtensions )
distributeRequirements( extension.requireData, );
distributeRequirements( extension.unsupportedRequireData, );
void VulkanHppGenerator::distributeRequirements( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & requiredBy )
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, );
checkForError( commandIt != m_commands.end(), command.xmlLine, "unknown required command <" + + ">" );
commandIt->second.requiredBy.insert( requiredBy );
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto typeIt = m_types.find( );
checkForError( typeIt != m_types.end(), type.xmlLine, "unknown required type <" + + ">" );
typeIt->second.requiredBy.insert( requiredBy );
void VulkanHppGenerator::distributeStructAliases()
for ( auto const & alias : m_structsAliases )
auto structIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_structs, );
structIt != m_structs.end(), alias.second.xmlLine, "struct alias <" + alias.first + "> references an unknown struct <" + + ">" );
checkForError( structIt->second.aliases.insert( { alias.first, alias.second.xmlLine } ).second,
"struct alias <" + alias.first + "> already listed as an alias for struct <" + + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::filterLenMembers()
for ( auto & sd : m_structs )
for ( auto & member : sd.second.members )
std::erase_if( member.lenMembers, [this]( std::pair<std::string, size_t> const & nameIndex ) { return m_constants.contains( nameIndex.first ); } );
for ( auto & lenMember : member.lenMembers )
if ( lenMember.second == static_cast<size_t>( ~0 ) )
auto lenMemberIt = findStructMemberIt( lenMember.first, sd.second.members );
checkForError( lenMemberIt != sd.second.members.end(),
"struct member <" + + "> uses unknown len member <" + lenMember.first + "> in its \"altlen\" attribute <" +
member.lenExpressions[0] + ">" );
lenMember.second = std::distance( sd.second.members.cbegin(), lenMemberIt );
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::NameLine>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::findAlias( std::string const & name,
std::map<std::string, NameLine> const & aliases ) const
auto lambda = [&name]( std::pair<std::string, NameLine> const & ad ) { return == name; };
auto it = std::find_if( aliases.begin(), aliases.end(), lambda );
assert( ( it == aliases.end() ) || std::none_of( std::next( it ), aliases.end(), lambda ) );
return it;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::findBaseName( std::string aliasName, std::map<std::string, NameLine> const & aliases ) const
std::string baseName = aliasName;
auto aliasIt = aliases.find( baseName );
while ( aliasIt != aliases.end() )
baseName = aliasIt->;
aliasIt = aliases.find( baseName );
return baseName;
std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::FeatureData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::findFeature( std::string const & name ) const
return std::find_if( m_features.begin(), m_features.end(), [&name]( FeatureData const & fd ) { return == name; } );
std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::ParamData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::findParamIt( std::string const & name,
std::vector<ParamData> const & paramData ) const
return std::find_if( paramData.begin(), paramData.end(), [&name]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == name; } );
std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::MemberData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::findStructMemberIt( std::string const & name,
std::vector<MemberData> const & memberData ) const
return std::find_if( memberData.begin(), memberData.end(), [&name]( MemberData const & md ) { return == name; } );
std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::MemberData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::findStructMemberItByType( std::string const & type,
std::vector<MemberData> const & memberData ) const
return std::find_if( memberData.begin(), memberData.end(), [&type]( MemberData const & md ) { return md.type.type == type; } );
std::vector<VulkanHppGenerator::ExtensionData>::const_iterator VulkanHppGenerator::findSupportedExtension( std::string const & name ) const
return std::find_if( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&name]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return == name; } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::findTag( std::string const & name, std::string const & postfix ) const
auto tagIt = std::find_if(
m_tags.begin(), m_tags.end(), [&name, &postfix]( std::pair<std::string, TagData> const & t ) { return name.ends_with( t.first + postfix ); } );
return ( tagIt != m_tags.end() ) ? tagIt->first : "";
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateAllocatorTemplates( std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::vector<std::string> const & returnDataTypes,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & chainedReturnParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool definition ) const
assert( chainedReturnParams.size() <= 1 );
const bool chained = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained;
const bool singular = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular;
const bool unique = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique;
assert( returnParams.size() == returnDataTypes.size() );
std::string allocatorTemplates;
if ( !singular )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); i++ )
if ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams[i] ) )
if ( chained && !chainedReturnParams.empty() && ( chainedReturnParams[0] == returnParams[i] ) )
allocatorTemplates += "typename StructureChainAllocator";
if ( !definition )
allocatorTemplates += " = std::allocator<StructureChain>";
allocatorTemplates += "typename " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( returnDataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
if ( !definition )
allocatorTemplates += " = std::allocator<" + ( unique ? ( "UniqueHandle<" + returnDataTypes[i] + ", Dispatch>" ) : returnDataTypes[i] ) + ">";
allocatorTemplates += ", ";
std::string uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates;
if ( unique && !allocatorTemplates.empty() )
uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates = ", " + stripPostfix( allocatorTemplates, ", " );
return std::make_pair( allocatorTemplates, uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateArgumentListEnhanced( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & chainedReturnParams,
bool definition,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool withDispatcher ) const
const bool withAllocators = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator;
const size_t defaultStartIndex = withAllocators ? ~0 : determineDefaultStartIndex( params, skippedParams );
std::vector<std::string> arguments;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i )
if ( !skippedParams.contains( i ) )
bool hasDefaultAssignment = false;
std::string composedType = params[i].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" );
if ( singularParams.contains( i ) )
assert( !params[i].optional );
assert( params[i].type.isConstPointer() && !params[i].lenExpression.empty() && !isLenByStructMember( params[i].lenExpression, params ) &&
params[i].type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) );
assert( !isHandleType( params[i].type.type ) );
assert( composedType.ends_with( " *" ) );
arguments.push_back( stripPostfix( composedType, " *" ) + " & " + stripPluralS( startLowerCase( stripPrefix( params[i].name, "p" ) ) ) );
else if ( params[i].type.isConstPointer() )
assert( composedType.ends_with( " *" ) );
std::string name = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( params[i].name, "p" ) );
if ( params[i].lenExpression.empty() )
assert( withDispatcher || !isHandleType( params[i].type.type ) );
assert( !params[i].type.prefix.empty() && ( params[i].type.postfix == "*" ) );
assert( params[i].arraySizes.empty() );
if ( params[i].type.type == "void" )
arguments.push_back( templatedParams.contains( i ) ? ( stripPrefix( params[i].name, "p" ) + "Type const & " + name )
: ( composedType + " " + params[i].name ) );
else if ( params[i].optional )
arguments.push_back( "Optional<" + stripPostfix( composedType, " *" ) + "> " + name +
( ( definition || withAllocators ) ? "" : " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_NULLPTR_ASSIGNMENT" ) );
hasDefaultAssignment = true;
arguments.push_back( stripPostfix( composedType, " *" ) + " & " + name );
// a const-pointer with a non-empty len is either null-terminated (aka a string) or represented by an
// ArrayProxy
assert( params[i].arraySizes.empty() );
if ( params[i].lenExpression == "null-terminated" )
assert( params[i].type.type == "char" );
if ( params[i].optional )
arguments.push_back( "Optional<const std::string> " + name +
( ( definition || withAllocators ) ? "" : " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_NULLPTR_ASSIGNMENT" ) );
hasDefaultAssignment = true;
arguments.push_back( "const std::string & " + name );
// an ArrayProxy also covers no data, so any optional flag can be ignored here
std::string type = stripPostfix( composedType, " *" );
const size_t pos = type.find( "void" );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
type.replace( pos, 4, stripPrefix( params[i].name, "p" ) + "Type" );
arguments.push_back( std::string( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + ( params[i].strideParam.first.empty() ? "" : "Strided" ) + "ArrayProxy<" + type +
"> const & " + name );
if ( params[i].optional && !definition )
assert( params[i].strideParam.first.empty() );
hasDefaultAssignment = true;
else if ( params[i].type.isNonConstPointer() )
if ( ( params[i].type.type == "void" ) && ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::keepVoidPtr ) )
arguments.push_back( composedType + " " );
assert( withDispatcher || !isHandleType( params[i].type.type ) );
assert( params[i].lenExpression.empty() && !params[i].optional );
assert( composedType.ends_with( " *" ) );
arguments.push_back( stripPostfix( composedType, " *" ) + " & " );
arguments.back() += params[i].name;
assert( params[i].type.isValue() );
arguments.push_back( composedType + " " + params[i].name + generateCArraySizes( params[i].arraySizes ) );
arguments.back() += std::string( !definition && ( defaultStartIndex <= i ) && !hasDefaultAssignment ? " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT" : "" );
if ( withAllocators )
if ( ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained ) && needsStructureChainResize( vectorParams, chainedReturnParams ) )
arguments.push_back( "StructureChainAllocator & structureChainAllocator" );
for ( auto sp : skippedParams )
if ( !params[sp].lenExpression.empty() )
std::string type;
if ( templatedParams.contains( sp ) )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( sp );
if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) &&
std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->first; } ) &&
returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->second.lenParam; } ) )
type = "Uint8_t";
type = stripPrefix( params[sp].name, "p" ) + "Type";
type = ( params[sp].type.type == "void" ) ? "Uint8_t" : startUpperCase( stripPrefix( params[sp].type.type, "Vk" ) );
arguments.push_back( type + "Allocator & " + startLowerCase( type ) + "Allocator" );
else if ( vectorParams.contains( sp ) && vectorParams.find( sp )->second.byStructure )
std::string type = stripPrefix( vectorMemberByStructure( params[sp].type.type ).type.type, "Vk" );
assert( isupper( type[0] ) );
arguments.push_back( type + "Allocator & " + startLowerCase( type ) + "Allocator" );
if ( withDispatcher )
arguments.push_back( std::string( "Dispatch const & d" ) + ( definition ? "" : " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_ASSIGNMENT" ) );
return generateList( arguments, "", ", " );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateArgumentListStandard( std::vector<ParamData> const & params, std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams, bool withDispatcher ) const
std::string argumentList;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i )
if ( !skippedParams.contains( i ) )
argumentList += params[i].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " " + params[i].name + generateCArraySizes( params[i].arraySizes ) + ", ";
if ( withDispatcher )
argumentList += "Dispatch const & d ";
else if ( !argumentList.empty() )
assert( argumentList.ends_with( ", " ) );
argumentList = stripPostfix( argumentList, ", " ) + " ";
return argumentList;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateArgumentTemplates( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & chainedReturnParams,
bool raii ) const
std::string argumentTemplates;
if ( !chainedReturnParams.empty() )
assert( chainedReturnParams.size() == 1 );
argumentTemplates = vectorParams.contains( chainedReturnParams[0] ) ? "typename StructureChain, " : "typename X, typename Y, typename... Z, ";
if ( !templatedParams.empty() )
for ( auto t : templatedParams )
assert( params[t].name.starts_with( "p" ) );
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( t );
if ( ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() ) ||
std::none_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->first; } ) ||
std::none_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->second.lenParam; } ) )
assert( chainedReturnParams.empty() );
// only templated parameters that are not part of an enumeration are really templated
argumentTemplates += "typename " + stripPrefix( params[t].name, "p" ) + "Type, ";
if ( !argumentTemplates.empty() && raii )
argumentTemplates = "template <" + stripPostfix( argumentTemplates, ", " ) + ">";
return argumentTemplates;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBaseTypes() const
assert( !m_baseTypes.empty() );
const std::string basetypesTemplate = R"(
//=== BASE TYPEs ===
std::string basetypes;
for ( auto const & baseType : m_baseTypes )
// filter out VkFlags and VkFlags64, as they are mapped to our own Flags class, and basetypes without any type information
if ( ( baseType.first != "VkFlags" ) && ( baseType.first != "VkFlags64" ) && !baseType.second.typeInfo.type.empty() )
basetypes += " using " + stripPrefix( baseType.first, "Vk" ) + " = " + baseType.second.typeInfo.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + ";\n";
return replaceWithMap( basetypesTemplate, { { "basetypes", basetypes } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmask( std::map<std::string, BitmaskData>::const_iterator bitmaskIt, std::string const & surroundingProtect ) const
auto bitmaskBitsIt = m_enums.find( bitmaskIt->second.require );
assert( bitmaskBitsIt != m_enums.end() );
std::string bitmaskName = stripPrefix( bitmaskIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string enumName = stripPrefix( bitmaskBitsIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string allFlags;
if ( bitmaskBitsIt->second.values.empty() ||
std::none_of( bitmaskBitsIt->second.values.begin(), bitmaskBitsIt->second.values.end(), []( auto const & evd ) { return evd.supported; } ) )
allFlags = " {};";
bool encounteredFlag = false;
std::string previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & value : bitmaskBitsIt->second.values )
if ( value.supported )
// if the value's protect differs from the surrounding protect, generate protection code
std::string enter, leave;
if ( !value.protect.empty() && ( value.protect != surroundingProtect ) )
tie( enter, leave ) = generateProtection( value.protect );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( bitmaskBitsIt->first,, true );
allFlags += ( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( "\n" + previousLeave + enter ) : "\n" ) + " " + ( encounteredFlag ? "| " : " " ) + enumName +
"::" + valueName;
encounteredFlag = true;
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
allFlags += "\n" + previousLeave;
allFlags += ";";
std::string aliases;
for ( auto const & a : bitmaskIt->second.aliases )
aliases += " using " + stripPrefix( a.first, "Vk" ) + " = " + bitmaskName + ";\n";
static const std::string bitmaskTemplate = R"(
using ${bitmaskName} = Flags<${enumName}>;
template <> struct FlagTraits<${enumName}>
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR bool isBitmask = true;
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR ${bitmaskName} allFlags = ${allFlags}
return replaceWithMap( bitmaskTemplate, { { "aliases", aliases }, { "allFlags", allFlags }, { "bitmaskName", bitmaskName }, { "enumName", enumName } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmasksToString() const
const std::string bitmasksToStringTemplate = R"(
//=== BITMASKs to_string ===
std::string bitmasksToString;
std::set<std::string> listedBitmasks;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
bitmasksToString += generateBitmasksToString( feature.requireData, listedBitmasks, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
bitmasksToString += generateBitmasksToString( extension.requireData, listedBitmasks, );
return replaceWithMap( bitmasksToStringTemplate, { { "bitmasksToString", bitmasksToString } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmasksToString( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedBitmasks,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( );
if ( ( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() ) && !listedBitmasks.contains( ) )
listedBitmasks.insert( );
str += generateBitmaskToString( bitmaskIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateBitmaskToString( std::map<std::string, BitmaskData>::const_iterator bitmaskIt ) const
auto bitmaskBitsIt = m_enums.find( bitmaskIt->second.require );
assert( bitmaskBitsIt != m_enums.end() );
std::string bitmaskName = stripPrefix( bitmaskIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string enumName = stripPrefix( bitmaskBitsIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string str;
if ( bitmaskBitsIt->second.values.empty() ||
std::none_of( bitmaskBitsIt->second.values.begin(), bitmaskBitsIt->second.values.end(), []( auto const & evd ) { return evd.supported; } ) )
static std::string bitmaskToStringTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::string to_string( ${bitmaskName} )
return "{}";
str += replaceWithMap( bitmaskToStringTemplate, { { "bitmaskName", bitmaskName } } );
static const std::string bitmaskToStringTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::string to_string( ${bitmaskName} value )
if ( !value )
return "${emptyValue}";
std::string result;
return "{ " + result.substr( 0, result.size() - 3 ) + " }";
std::string emptyValue = "{}";
std::string toStringChecks;
std::string previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & value : bitmaskBitsIt->second.values )
if ( value.supported )
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( bitmaskBitsIt->first,, true );
if ( value.value == "0" )
assert( emptyValue == "{}" );
emptyValue = valueName.substr( 1 );
else if ( !value.bitpos.empty() )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.protect );
toStringChecks += ( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( previousLeave + enter ) : "" ) + " if ( value & " + enumName + "::" + valueName +
" ) result += \"" + valueName.substr( 1 ) + " | \";\n";
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
assert( previousLeave.ends_with( "\n" ) );
toStringChecks += previousLeave;
previousLeave.resize( previousLeave.size() - strlen( "\n" ) );
str += replaceWithMap( bitmaskToStringTemplate, { { "bitmaskName", bitmaskName }, { "emptyValue", emptyValue }, { "toStringChecks", toStringChecks } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool nonConstPointerAsNullptr,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool raii,
bool raiiFactory,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags ) const
assert( initialSkipCount <= commandData.params.size() );
std::vector<std::string> arguments;
if ( raii )
switch ( initialSkipCount )
case 0: break;
case 1:
assert( isHandleType( commandData.params[0].type.type ) && commandData.params[0].type.isValue() );
assert( commandData.params[0].arraySizes.empty() && commandData.params[0].lenExpression.empty() );
assert( commandData.params[0].type.type == commandData.handle );
arguments.push_back( "static_cast<" + commandData.handle + ">( m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.handle, "Vk" ) ) + " )" );
case 2:
assert( isHandleType( commandData.params[0].type.type ) && commandData.params[0].type.isValue() );
assert( commandData.params[0].arraySizes.empty() && commandData.params[0].lenExpression.empty() );
assert( commandData.params[0].type.type == commandData.handle );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandData.params[1].type.type );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
arguments.push_back( "static_cast<" + commandData.handle + ">( m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.handle, "Vk" ) ) + " )" );
assert( commandData.params[1].type.isValue() && commandData.params[1].arraySizes.empty() && commandData.params[1].lenExpression.empty() );
arguments.push_back( "static_cast<" + commandData.params[1].type.type + ">( m_" +
generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handleIt->first, handleIt->second.destructorIt ) + " )" );
default: assert( false ); break;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < initialSkipCount; ++i )
assert( isHandleType( commandData.params[i].type.type ) && commandData.params[i].type.isValue() );
assert( commandData.params[i].arraySizes.empty() && commandData.params[i].lenExpression.empty() );
arguments.push_back( "m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[i].type.type, "Vk" ) ) );
for ( size_t i = initialSkipCount; i < commandData.params.size(); ++i )
generateCallArgumentEnhanced( commandData.params, i, nonConstPointerAsNullptr, singularParams, templatedParams, flavourFlags, raiiFactory ) );
return generateList( arguments, "", ", " );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentsStandard( std::vector<ParamData> const & params, size_t initialSkipCount ) const
std::vector<std::string> arguments;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < initialSkipCount; ++i )
auto const & param = params[i];
assert( isHandleType( param.type.type ) && param.type.isValue() );
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() && param.lenExpression.empty() );
arguments.push_back( "static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( param.type.type, "Vk" ) ) + " )" );
for ( size_t i = initialSkipCount; i < params.size(); ++i )
auto const & param = params[i];
std::string argument =;
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
if ( !param.arraySizes.empty() )
assert( param.arraySizes.size() == 1 );
assert( param.type.isValue() );
assert( param.type.postfix.empty() );
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + " *>( " + argument + " )";
else if ( param.type.isValue() )
argument = "static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( " + argument + " )";
assert( !param.type.postfix.empty() );
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + argument + " )";
arguments.push_back( argument );
return generateList( arguments, "", ", " );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentEnhanced( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
size_t paramIndex,
bool nonConstPointerAsNullptr,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool raiiFactory ) const
std::string argument;
ParamData const & param = params[paramIndex];
if ( param.type.isConstPointer() || specialPointerTypes.contains( param.type.type ) )
// parameter is a const-pointer or one of the special pointer types that are considered to be const-pointers
argument = generateCallArgumentEnhancedConstPointer( param, paramIndex, singularParams, templatedParams );
else if ( param.type.isNonConstPointer() && !specialPointerTypes.contains( param.type.type ) &&
!( ( param.type.type == "void" ) && ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::keepVoidPtr ) ) )
// parameter is a non-const pointer, none of the special pointer types, that are considered const-pointers, and no void-ptr to keep
argument = generateCallArgumentEnhancedNonConstPointer( param, paramIndex, nonConstPointerAsNullptr, singularParams );
argument = generateCallArgumentEnhancedValue( params, paramIndex, singularParams, flavourFlags, raiiFactory );
assert( !argument.empty() );
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentEnhancedConstPointer( ParamData const & param,
size_t paramIndex,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
std::string argument;
std::string name = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) );
if ( isHandleType( param.type.type ) && param.type.isValue() )
assert( !param.optional );
// if at all, this is the first argument, and it's the implicitly provided member handle
assert( paramIndex == 0 );
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() && param.lenExpression.empty() );
argument = "m_" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( param.type.type, "Vk" ) );
else if ( param.lenExpression.empty() )
// this const-pointer parameter has no length, that is it's a const-pointer to a single value
if ( param.type.type == "void" )
argument =
templatedParams.contains( paramIndex ) ? "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + ">( &" + name + " )" :;
else if ( param.optional )
argument = "static_cast<" + param.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + ">( " + name + " )";
argument = "&" + name;
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + argument + " )";
else if ( param.lenExpression == "null-terminated" )
// this const-pointer parameter is "null-terminated", that is it's a string
assert( ( param.type.type == "char" ) && param.arraySizes.empty() );
if ( param.optional )
argument = name + " ? " + name + "->c_str() : nullptr";
argument = name + ".c_str()";
// this const-pointer parameter has some explicit length
if ( singularParams.contains( paramIndex ) )
assert( !param.optional );
argument = "&" + stripPluralS( name );
// this const-parameter is represented by some array, where data() also works with no data (optional)
argument = name + ".data()";
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) || ( param.type.type == "void" ) )
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + argument + " )";
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentEnhancedNonConstPointer( ParamData const & param,
size_t paramIndex,
bool nonConstPointerAsNullptr,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams ) const
std::string argument;
std::string name = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) );
if ( param.lenExpression.empty() || ( param.lenExpression == "1" ) )
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( &" + name + " )";
assert( !param.optional );
argument = "&" + name;
// the non-const pointer has a lenExpression -> it will be represented by some array
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
if ( nonConstPointerAsNullptr )
argument = "nullptr";
if ( singularParams.contains( paramIndex ) )
argument = "&" + stripPluralS( name );
// get the data of the array, which also covers no data -> no need to look at param.optional
argument = name + ".data()";
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) || ( param.type.type == "void" ) )
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + ">( " + argument + " )";
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallArgumentEnhancedValue(
std::vector<ParamData> const & params, size_t paramIndex, std::set<size_t> const & singularParams, CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags, bool raiiFactory ) const
std::string argument;
ParamData const & param = params[paramIndex];
assert( ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::keepVoidPtr ) || param.lenExpression.empty() ); // !keepVoidPtr -> no lenExpression
if ( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
if ( param.arraySizes.empty() )
// check if this param is used as the len of an other param
auto pointerIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.lenExpression ==; } );
if ( pointerIt != params.end() )
assert( !param.optional );
argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
if ( pointerIt->type.type == "void" )
argument += " * sizeof( " + stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) + "Type )";
else if ( raiiFactory && m_handles.contains( param.type.type ) )
assert( param.type.isValue() && param.lenExpression.empty() );
if ( param.optional )
argument = + " ? static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( **" + + " ) : 0";
argument = "static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( *" + + " )";
assert( param.type.isValue() );
argument = "static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( " + + " )";
// check if this param is used as the stride of an other param
assert( std::none_of( params.begin(), params.end(), [paramIndex]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.strideParam.second == paramIndex; } ) );
assert( !param.optional );
assert( param.arraySizes.size() == 1 );
assert( param.type.prefix == "const" );
argument = "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.compose( "" ) + " *>( " + + " )";
auto pointerIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.lenExpression ==; } );
if ( ( pointerIt != params.end() ) && !( ( pointerIt->type.type == "void" ) && ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::keepVoidPtr ) ) )
// this parameter is the len of some other -> replace it with that parameter's size
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
assert( ( param.type.type == "size_t" ) || ( param.type.type == "uint32_t" ) );
if ( singularParams.contains( paramIndex ) )
if ( pointerIt->type.type == "void" )
argument = "sizeof( " + stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) + "Type )";
argument = "1";
argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
if ( pointerIt->type.type == "void" )
argument += " * sizeof( " + stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) + "Type )";
assert( !param.optional );
assert( param.arraySizes.size() <= 1 );
pointerIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [paramIndex]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.strideParam.second == paramIndex; } );
if ( pointerIt != params.end() )
// this parameter is the stride of some other -> replace it with that parameter's stride
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
assert( param.type.type == "uint32_t" );
assert( pointerIt->strideParam.first == );
argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( pointerIt->name, "p" ) ) + ".stride()";
argument =;
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallSequence( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & chainedReturnParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool raii,
bool raiiFactory ) const
std::string dispatcher = raii ? "getDispatcher()->" : "d.";
// first some special handling on vkCreatePipelineBinariesKHR !!
if ( name == "vkCreatePipelineBinariesKHR" )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto paramIt = std::find_if( commandData.params.begin(), commandData.params.end(), []( ParamData const & pd ) { return == "pCreateInfo"; } );
assert( paramIt != commandData.params.end() && ( paramIt->type.type == "VkPipelineBinaryCreateInfoKHR" ) );
auto structIt = m_structs.find( "VkPipelineBinaryCreateInfoKHR" );
assert( ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) &&
std::any_of( structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pipeline"; } ) &&
structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pPipelineCreateInfo"; } ) );
auto memberIt =
std::find_if( structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pKeysAndDataInfo"; } );
assert( memberIt != structIt->second.members.end() && ( memberIt->type.type == "VkPipelineBinaryKeysAndDataKHR" ) );
structIt = m_structs.find( "VkPipelineBinaryKeysAndDataKHR" );
assert( ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) &&
std::any_of( structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "binaryCount"; } ) );
structIt = m_structs.find( "VkPipelineBinaryHandlesInfoKHR" );
( structIt != m_structs.end() ) &&
structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pipelineBinaryCount"; } ) &&
std::any_of( structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pPipelineBinaries"; } ) );
const std::string callSequenceTemplate = R"( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result result;
if ( createInfo.pKeysAndDataInfo )
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( !createInfo.pipeline && !createInfo.pPipelineCreateInfo );
pipelineBinaries.resize( createInfo.pKeysAndDataInfo->binaryCount );
binaries.pipelineBinaryCount = createInfo.pKeysAndDataInfo->binaryCount;
binaries.pPipelineBinaries =;
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( !createInfo.pipeline ^ !createInfo.pPipelineCreateInfo );
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );
if ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eSuccess )
pipelineBinaries.resize( binaries.pipelineBinaryCount );
binaries.pPipelineBinaries =;
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );
std::string callArguments =
generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, singularParams, templatedParams, raii, raiiFactory, flavourFlags );
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate, { { "callArguments", callArguments }, { "dispatcher", dispatcher }, { "vkCommand", name } } );
// if at least one returnParam is a size value of a vector param (and no singular params), we need two calls
if ( singularParams.empty() &&
std::any_of( returnParams.begin(),
[&vectorParams]( size_t rp )
{ return std::any_of( vectorParams.begin(), vectorParams.end(), [rp]( auto const & vp ) { return vp.second.lenParam == rp; } ); } ) )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.begin();
assert( std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->first; } ) );
assert( std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->second.lenParam; } ) );
std::string firstCallArguments = generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, true, {}, templatedParams, raii, raiiFactory, flavourFlags );
std::string secondCallArguments =
generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, {}, templatedParams, raii, raiiFactory, flavourFlags );
std::string vectorName, vectorSize;
if ( vectorParamIt->second.byStructure )
auto structIt = m_structs.find( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].type.type );
assert( structIt != m_structs.end() );
vectorName = structIt->second.members.back().name;
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) ) + "." +
vectorName = commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name;
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) );
vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( vectorName, "p" ) );
if ( ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained ) && needsStructureChainResize( vectorParams, chainedReturnParams ) )
assert( vectorParams.size() == 1 );
// chained data needs some more handling!!
std::string vectorElementType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
const std::string callSequenceTemplate = R"(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result result;
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} ) );
if ( ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eSuccess ) && ${counterName} )
structureChains.resize( ${counterName} );
${vectorName}.resize( ${counterName} );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
${vectorName}[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>().pNext;
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} ) );
} while ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eIncomplete );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].type.type },
{ "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
const std::string callSequenceTemplate =
R"(${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
structureChains.resize( ${counterName} );
${vectorName}.resize( ${counterName} );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
${vectorName}[i].pNext = structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>().pNext;
${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].type.type },
{ "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
else if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
std::string resizes;
for ( auto const & vp : vectorParams )
assert( std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vp]( size_t rp ) { return rp == vp.first; } ) &&
std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vp]( size_t rp ) { return rp == vp.second.lenParam; } ) );
resizes += startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vp.first].name, "p" ) ) + ".resize( " +
startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vp.second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) + " );\n";
switch ( commandData.successCodes.size() )
case 1:
assert( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" );
if ( commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "resizes", resizes },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string const callSequenceTemplate =
R"(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} ) );
if ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eSuccess )
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} ) );
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "resizes", resizes },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
case 2:
case 3:
assert( ( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) && ( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) );
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result result;
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} ) );
if ( ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eSuccess ) && ${counterName} )
result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} ) );
} while ( result == VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eIncomplete );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "resizes", resizes },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
default: assert( false ); return "";
std::string resizeInstructions;
if ( vectorParamIt->second.byStructure )
std::string const resizeInstructionTemplate = R"(${vectorName}.resize( ${vectorSize} );
${structName}.${pointerName} = ${vectorName}.data();)";
resizeInstructions = replaceWithMap( resizeInstructionTemplate,
{ { "pointerName", "p" + startUpperCase( vectorName ) },
{ "structName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
std::string const resizeInstructionTemplate = R"(${vectorName}.resize( ${vectorSize} );)";
resizeInstructions = replaceWithMap( resizeInstructionTemplate, { { "vectorName", vectorName }, { "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
// no need to enumerate here, just two calls
assert( commandData.returnType == "void" );
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${firstCallArguments} );
${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${secondCallArguments} );)";
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate,
{ { "dispatcher", dispatcher },
{ "firstCallArguments", firstCallArguments },
{ "resizeInstructions", resizeInstructions },
{ "secondCallArguments", secondCallArguments },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
else if ( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) && ( ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() ) || !commandData.errorCodes.empty() ) )
std::string const callSequenceTemplate =
R"(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result result = static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( ${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );)";
std::string callArguments =
generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, singularParams, templatedParams, raii, raiiFactory, flavourFlags );
return replaceWithMap( callSequenceTemplate, { { "callArguments", callArguments }, { "dispatcher", dispatcher }, { "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string const callSequenceTemplate = R"(${resultAssignment}${dispatcher}${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} );)";
std::string callArguments =
generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, singularParams, templatedParams, raii, raiiFactory, flavourFlags );
std::string resultAssignment = generateResultAssignment( commandData );
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "callArguments", callArguments }, { "dispatcher", dispatcher }, { "resultAssignment", resultAssignment }, { "vkCommand", name } } );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommand( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::string cmd;
if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
cmd = generateCommandResult( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
else if ( commandData.returnType == "void" )
cmd = generateCommandVoid( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
cmd = generateCommandValue( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
if ( cmd.empty() )
throw std::runtime_error( "Never encountered a function like <" + name + "> !" );
return cmd;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandDefinitions() const
const std::string commandDefinitionsTemplate = R"(
//=== COMMAND Definitions ===
std::string commandDefinitions;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension!
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
commandDefinitions += generateCommandDefinitions( feature.requireData, listedCommands, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
commandDefinitions += generateCommandDefinitions( extension.requireData, listedCommands, );
return replaceWithMap( commandDefinitionsTemplate, { { "commandDefinitions", commandDefinitions } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandDefinitions( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( listedCommands.insert( ).second )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
str += generateCommandDefinitions(, commandIt->second.handle );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandDefinitions( std::string const & command, std::string const & handle ) const
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
std::string str = "\n" + generateCommand( command, commandIt->second, handle.empty() ? 0 : 1, true, false );
// special handling for destroy functions, filter out alias functions
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( command, commandIt->second.params, 1 );
if ( ( command == commandIt->first ) && ( ( ( command.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) && ( commandName != "destroy" ) ) ||
( command.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) || ( command == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) ) )
CommandData specialCommandData = commandIt->second;
assert( ( 1 < specialCommandData.params.size() ) && ( specialCommandData.params[0].type.type == handle ) );
specialCommandData.params[1].optional = false; // make sure, the object to destroy/free/release is not optional in the shortened version!
std::string destroyCommandString = generateCommand( command, specialCommandData, handle.empty() ? 0 : 1, true, false );
std::string shortenedName;
if ( command.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" )
shortenedName = "destroy";
else if ( command.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" )
shortenedName = "free";
assert( command == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" );
shortenedName = "release";
size_t pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.replace( pos, commandName.length(), shortenedName );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName, pos );
// special handling for "free", to prevent interfering with MSVC debug free!
if ( shortenedName == "free" )
std::string toEncloseString = stripPrefix( handle, "Vk" ) + "::free";
std::string enclosedString = "( " + toEncloseString + " )";
pos = destroyCommandString.find( toEncloseString );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.replace( pos, toEncloseString.length(), enclosedString );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( toEncloseString, pos + enclosedString.length() );
// we need to remove the default argument for the first argument, to prevent ambiguities!
assert( 1 < commandIt->second.params.size() );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandIt->second.params[1].name ); // skip the standard version of the function
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandIt->second.params[1].name,
pos + 1 ); // get the argument to destroy in the advanced version
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT", pos );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.erase( pos, strlen( " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT" ) );
str += "\n" + destroyCommandString;
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandEnhanced( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags ) const
const bool chained = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained;
const bool singular = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular;
assert( vectorParams.empty() || ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam != INVALID_INDEX ) );
assert( !singular || !returnParams.empty() ); // if singular is true, then there is at least one returnParam !
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, returnParams, singular );
std::set<size_t> templatedParams =
( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::keepVoidPtr ) ? std::set<size_t>() : determineVoidPointerParams( commandData.params );
std::vector<size_t> chainedReturnParams;
if ( chained )
chainedReturnParams = determineChainedReturnParams( commandData.params, returnParams );
assert( chainedReturnParams.size() == 1 );
std::set<size_t> singularParams = singular ? determineSingularParams( returnParams[0], vectorParams ) : std::set<size_t>();
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> vectorSizeCheck =
needsVectorSizeCheck( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams, singularParams, skippedParams );
const bool enumerating = determineEnumeration( vectorParams, returnParams );
std::vector<std::string> dataTypes = determineDataTypes( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams, templatedParams );
std::string dataType = combineDataTypes( vectorParams, returnParams, enumerating, dataTypes, flavourFlags, false );
std::string argumentTemplates = generateArgumentTemplates( commandData.params, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, chainedReturnParams, false );
auto [allocatorTemplates, uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates] =
generateAllocatorTemplates( returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, chainedReturnParams, flavourFlags, definition );
std::string typenameCheck = generateTypenameCheck( returnParams, vectorParams, chainedReturnParams, definition, dataTypes, flavourFlags );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard( !returnParams.empty(), 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), 1 < commandData.errorCodes.size() );
std::string returnType = generateReturnType( returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags, false, dataTypes );
std::string decoratedReturnType = generateDecoratedReturnType( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags, false, returnType );
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "";
std::string classSeparator = commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::";
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, flavourFlags );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced(
commandData.params, returnParams, vectorParams, skippedParams, singularParams, templatedParams, chainedReturnParams, definition, flavourFlags, true );
std::string constString = commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const";
std::string noexceptString = generateNoExcept( commandData.errorCodes, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags, vectorSizeCheck.first, false );
if ( definition )
std::string vectorSizeCheckString =
vectorSizeCheck.first ? generateVectorSizeCheck( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, vectorSizeCheck.second, skippedParams, false ) : "";
std::string returnVariable = generateReturnVariable( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags );
std::string dataDeclarations = generateDataDeclarations(
commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, flavourFlags, false, dataTypes, dataType, returnType, returnVariable );
std::string dataPreparation =
generateDataPreparation( commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, flavourFlags, enumerating, dataTypes );
std::string dataSizeChecks = generateDataSizeChecks( commandData, returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular );
std::string callSequence = generateCallSequence(
name, commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, initialSkipCount, singularParams, templatedParams, chainedReturnParams, flavourFlags, false, false );
std::string resultCheck = generateResultCheck( commandData, className, classSeparator, commandName, enumerating );
std::string returnStatement = generateReturnStatement( name,
returnParams.empty() ? INVALID_INDEX : returnParams[0],
false );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}${allocatorTemplates}typename Dispatch${uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates}${typenameCheck}>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${decoratedReturnType} ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} )${const}${noexcept}
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "allocatorTemplates", allocatorTemplates },
{ "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "callSequence", callSequence },
{ "className", className },
{ "classSeparator", classSeparator },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", constString },
{ "dataDeclarations", dataDeclarations },
{ "dataPreparation", dataPreparation },
{ "dataSizeChecks", dataSizeChecks },
{ "decoratedReturnType", decoratedReturnType },
{ "functionPointerCheck", generateFunctionPointerCheck( name, commandData.requiredBy, false ) },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "resultCheck", resultCheck },
{ "returnStatement", returnStatement },
{ "typenameCheck", typenameCheck },
{ "uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates", uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates },
{ "vectorSizeCheck", vectorSizeCheckString } } );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}${allocatorTemplates}typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE${uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates}${typenameCheck}>
${nodiscard}${decoratedReturnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} )${const}${noexcept};)";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "allocatorTemplates", allocatorTemplates },
{ "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const" },
{ "decoratedReturnType", decoratedReturnType },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "typenameCheck", typenameCheck },
{ "uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates", uniqueHandleAllocatorTemplates } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandName( std::string const & vulkanCommandName,
std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
size_t initialSkipCount,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags ) const
std::string commandName( startLowerCase( stripPrefix( vulkanCommandName, "vk" ) ) );
for ( size_t i = initialSkipCount - 1; i < initialSkipCount; --i ) // count down to zero, then wrap around and stop
std::string const & argumentType = params[i].type.type;
std::string searchName = stripPrefix( argumentType, "Vk" );
std::string argumentTag = findTag( argumentType );
if ( !argumentTag.empty() )
searchName = stripPostfix( searchName, argumentTag );
size_t pos = commandName.find( searchName );
if ( pos == std::string::npos )
searchName = startLowerCase( searchName );
pos = commandName.find( searchName );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
size_t len = searchName.length();
if ( commandName.find( searchName + "s" ) == pos )
// filter out any plural of the searchName as well!
commandName.erase( pos, len );
else if ( ( searchName == "commandBuffer" ) && commandName.starts_with( "cmd" ) )
commandName.erase( 0, 3 );
pos = 0;
if ( pos == 0 )
commandName = startLowerCase( commandName );
std::string commandTag = findTag( commandName );
if ( !argumentTag.empty() && ( argumentTag == commandTag ) )
commandName = stripPostfix( commandName, argumentTag );
if ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular )
commandName = stripPluralS( commandName );
if ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique )
commandName += "Unique";
return commandName;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResult(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
assert( !commandData.successCodes.empty() );
if ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 )
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccess( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
else if ( commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessNoErrors(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0:
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
std::vector<size_t> constPointerParams = determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params );
if ( constPointerParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetExclusive( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
case 2:
if ( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) && ( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "size_t" ) || ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: return generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
case 1: return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams[0], raii );
case 2: return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors2Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams, raii );
case 3: return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors3Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams, raii );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam, bool raii ) const
if ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular } );
else if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( ( ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type != "void" ) &&
!isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular } );
else if ( isHandleTypeByStructure( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
else if ( isVectorByStructure( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
// vector by structure is too complex to be supported! Just generate the standard version
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, { returnParam }, {}, false, {}, raii, false, {} );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors2Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool raii ) const
if ( ( 2 <= commandData.successCodes.size() ) && ( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) && ( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "size_t" ) || ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
// needs some very special handling of "vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR" !!
if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) && ( name != "vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR" ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
else if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced,
CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained | CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained } );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
else if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
// can't generate an enhanced version for such a complex command! Just use the standard version
return generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors3Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 1:
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type == "size_t" ) || ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type == "void" ) ||
( !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type ) ) )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[2] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
std::vector<CommandFlavourFlags> flags = { CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator };
std::vector<CommandFlavourFlags> raiiFlags = { CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced };
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
flags.push_back( CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained );
flags.push_back( CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained | CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator );
raiiFlags.push_back( CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained );
return generateCommandSetInclusive(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams, vectorParams, false, flags, raii, false, raiiFlags );
case 2:
if ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type ) )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( returnParams[2] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
default: assert( false ); break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccess(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
if ( commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessNoErrors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessNoErrors(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0:
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
if ( determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetExclusive( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
case 1:
if ( !raii )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSet( definition,
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
{ generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, {}, {} ) } );
default: break;
case 1:
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
case 2:
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "size_t" ) || ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: return generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
case 1: return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams[0], raii );
case 2: return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors2Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams, raii );
case 3: return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors3Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams, raii );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam, bool raii ) const
if ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" )
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnVoid( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam, raii );
else if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnHandle( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam, raii );
else if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnChain( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam, raii );
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnValue( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParam, raii );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnChain(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam, bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnHandle(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam, bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( isLenByStructMember( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].lenExpression, commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam] ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
case 2:
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
if ( ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type != "void" ) &&
!isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular } );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnValue(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam, bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags = CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced;
if ( name == "vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT" )
// special handling for this function: need to keep the void* argument as a void*!
flavourFlags |= CommandFlavourFlagBits::keepVoidPtr;
return generateCommandSetInclusive(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, { returnParam }, vectorParams, false, { flavourFlags }, raii, false, { flavourFlags } );
case 2:
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular } );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1ReturnVoid(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam, bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular } );
case 2:
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam != std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
if ( commandData.params[std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular } );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors2Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool raii ) const
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type != "void" ) && !isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
if ( returnParams[0] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( !vectorParams.contains( returnParams[1] ) )
assert( ( returnParams[1] != vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) && ( returnParams[1] != std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam ) );
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.isValue() )
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive(
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors3Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool raii ) const
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) &&
commandData.params[returnParams[0]].lenParams.empty() && ( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type == "size_t" ) &&
commandData.params[returnParams[1]].lenParams.empty() && ( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].type.type == "void" ) &&
( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].lenExpression == commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name ) )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( ( returnParams[2] == vectorParams.begin()->first ) && ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() && determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetExclusive( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
else if ( allVectorSizesSupported( commandData.params, vectorParams ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSet( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,
std::vector<std::string> const & enhanced,
std::vector<std::string> const & unique ) const
assert( unique.empty() || ( enhanced.size() == unique.size() ) );
std::string commandSet = "\n" + standard;
if ( !enhanced.empty() )
std::string separator = definition ? "\n" : "";
commandSet += separator + "\n#ifndef VULKAN_HPP_DISABLE_ENHANCED_MODE\n";
bool firstEnhanced = true;
for ( auto const & e : enhanced )
if ( !firstEnhanced )
commandSet += separator + "\n";
firstEnhanced = false;
commandSet += e;
if ( !unique.empty() )
commandSet += separator + "\n# ifndef VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE\n";
bool firstUnique = true;
for ( auto const & u : unique )
if ( !firstUnique )
commandSet += separator + "\n";
firstUnique = false;
commandSet += u;
commandSet += "\n# endif /* VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE */";
commandSet += "\n#endif /* VULKAN_HPP_DISABLE_ENHANCED_MODE */";
commandSet += "\n";
return commandSet;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSet( std::string const & standard, std::string const & enhanced ) const
const std::string commandTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( commandTemplate, std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "commandEnhanced", enhanced }, { "commandStandard", standard } } ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetExclusive(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
if ( raii )
return generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, {}, {}, definition );
return generateCommandSet( generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, {}, {} ) );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetInclusive( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams,
bool unique,
std::vector<CommandFlavourFlags> const & flags,
bool raii,
bool raiiFactory,
std::vector<CommandFlavourFlags> const & raiiFlags ) const
static const std::vector<size_t> emptyReturnParams;
static const std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> emptyVectorParams;
if ( raii )
std::string raiiCommands;
if ( raiiFlags.empty() )
// Functions without enhancements need to have a standard implementation
raiiCommands = generateRAIIHandleCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
for ( auto flag : raiiFlags )
const bool noReturn = flag & CommandFlavourFlagBits::noReturn;
assert( !noReturn || !raiiFactory ); // noReturn => !raiiFactory
raiiCommands += raiiFactory ? generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, definition, flag )
: generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( name,
noReturn ? emptyReturnParams : returnParams,
noReturn ? emptyVectorParams : vectorParams,
flag );
return raiiCommands;
std::vector<std::string> enhancedCommands, uniqueCommands;
for ( auto flag : flags )
const bool noReturn = flag & CommandFlavourFlagBits::noReturn;
assert( !noReturn || !unique ); // noReturn => !unique
enhancedCommands.push_back( generateCommandEnhanced(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, noReturn ? emptyVectorParams : vectorParams, noReturn ? emptyReturnParams : returnParams, flag ) );
if ( unique )
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, flag | CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique ) );
return generateCommandSet( definition, generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ), enhancedCommands, uniqueCommands );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandStandard( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, {}, {}, false );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListStandard( commandData.params, skippedParams, true );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount );
std::string nodiscard = ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() + commandData.errorCodes.size() ) ? "VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD " : "";
std::string returnType = stripPrefix( commandData.returnType, "Vk" );
if ( definition )
std::string functionBody = "d." + name + "( " + generateCallArgumentsStandard( commandData.params, initialSkipCount ) + " )";
if ( commandData.returnType.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
functionBody = "return static_cast<" + returnType + ">( " + functionBody + " )";
else if ( commandData.returnType != "void" )
functionBody = "return " + functionBody;
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename Dispatch>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} )${const} VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "className", initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "" },
{ "classSeparator", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const" },
{ "functionBody", functionBody },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>
${nodiscard}${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_ASSIGNMENT )${const} VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT;)";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const" },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: return generateCommandVoid0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, raii );
case 1: return generateCommandVoid1Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams[0], raii );
case 2: return generateCommandVoid2Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParams, raii );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandValue(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( commandData.params );
if ( returnParams.empty() )
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
if ( determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, vectorParams, false, {}, raii, false, { CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
else if ( vectorParams.size() <= 1 )
if ( !raii )
return generateCommandSet( definition,
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
{ generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, {} ) } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid0Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() && determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, {}, vectorParams, false, {}, raii, false, { CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
else if ( allVectorSizesSupported( commandData.params, vectorParams ) )
// All the vectorParams have a counter by value, of type "uint32_t", "VkDeviceSize", or "VkSampleCountFlagBits" (!)
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid1Return(
std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition, size_t returnParam, bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "void" ) )
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( name == stripPluralS( name ) )
std::vector<CommandFlavourFlags> flavourFlags;
if ( name == "vkGetDescriptorEXT" )
// special handling for this function: do not return the void*, but keep its argument as it is
flavourFlags.push_back( CommandFlavourFlagBits::noReturn | CommandFlavourFlagBits::keepVoidPtr );
flavourFlags.push_back( CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular );
return generateCommandSetInclusive(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, { returnParam }, vectorParams, false, flavourFlags, raii, false, flavourFlags );
default: break;
else if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
else if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type ) )
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained } );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
case 1:
if ( returnParam == vectorParams.begin()->first )
// you get a vector of stuff, with the size being one of the parameters
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
if ( !isHandleType( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
!isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) &&
( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type != "void" ) )
if ( isLenByStructMember( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].lenExpression,
commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam] ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ returnParam },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandVoid2Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool raii ) const
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
if ( isStructureType( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) && !isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
case 1:
if ( ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) && ( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
if ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( isStructureChainAnchor( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) )
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced,
CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained | CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained } );
return generateCommandSetInclusive( name,
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced, CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator },
{ CommandFlavourFlagBits::enhanced } );
default: break;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateConstexprString( std::string const & structName ) const
// structs with a VkBaseInStructure and VkBaseOutStructure can't be a constexpr!
const bool isConstExpression = ( structName != "VkBaseInStructure" ) && ( structName != "VkBaseOutStructure" );
return isConstExpression ? ( std::string( "VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR" ) + ( ( containsUnion( structName ) || containsArray( structName ) ) ? "_14 " : " " ) ) : "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateConstexprDefines() const
auto const constexprFunctionTemplate = std::string{ R"( template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type>
${deprecated}VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR uint32_t ${constName}( ${arguments} )
return ${implementation};
)" };
auto const constexprCallTemplate = std::string{ R"( ${deprecated}VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_INLINE auto ${constName} = ${callee}( ${arguments} );
)" };
auto const constexprValueTemplate = std::string{ R"( ${deprecated}VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_INLINE ${type} ${constName} = ${value};
)" };
auto const deprecatedAttribute = std::string{ R"(VULKAN_HPP_DEPRECATED("${reason}") )" };
// handle the value and callee macros first so they are visible for use in functions below.
auto constexprDefines = std::string{ R"(
)" };
auto const generateConstantsAndProtection =
[&constexprValueTemplate, this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title, std::set<std::string> & listedConstants )
auto constants = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & constant : require.constants )
if ( !listedConstants.contains( constant ) )
auto constIt = m_constants.find( constant );
std::string tag = findTag( constant );
constants += replaceWithMap( constexprValueTemplate,
{ { "type", constIt->second.type },
{ "constName", stripPrefix( toCamelCase( stripPostfix( constant, tag ) ), "Vk" ) + tag },
{ "deprecated", "" },
{ "value", constant } } );
listedConstants.insert( constant );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, constants );
std::set<std::string> listedConstants;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
constexprDefines += generateConstantsAndProtection( feature.requireData,, listedConstants );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
constexprDefines += generateConstantsAndProtection( extension.requireData,, listedConstants );
// values
constexprDefines += R"(
for ( auto const & [macro, data] : m_definesPartition.values )
auto const deprecated = data.deprecated ? replaceWithMap( deprecatedAttribute, { { "reason", data.deprecationReason } } ) : "";
// make `macro` PascalCase and strip the `Vk` prefix
auto const constName = stripPrefix( toCamelCase( macro ), "Vk" );
auto const valueString =
replaceWithMap( constexprValueTemplate, { { "type", "uint32_t" }, { "constName", constName }, { "deprecated", deprecated }, { "value", macro } } );
constexprDefines += valueString;
// functions
constexprDefines += R"(
for ( auto const & [macro, data] : m_definesPartition.callees )
auto const deprecated = data.deprecated ? replaceWithMap( deprecatedAttribute, { { "reason", data.deprecationReason } } ) : "";
// make `macro` camelCase and strip the `Vk` prefix
auto const constName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( toCamelCase( macro ), "Vk" ) );
// for every parameter, need to use auto const and append a comma if needed (i.e. has more than one parameter, and not for the last one)
auto parametersString = std::string{};
for ( auto const & paramString : data.params )
parametersString += "T const " + paramString + ", ";
// trim the last two characters (i.e. the last comma and the space)
parametersString.resize( parametersString.size() - 2 );
auto const functionString = replaceWithMap(
{ { "arguments", parametersString }, { "constName", constName }, { "deprecated", deprecated }, { "implementation", data.possibleDefinition } } );
constexprDefines += functionString;
// callers
constexprDefines += R"(
for ( auto const & [macro, data] : m_definesPartition.callers )
auto const deprecated = data.deprecated ? replaceWithMap( deprecatedAttribute, { { "reason", data.deprecationReason } } ) : "";
// make `macro` PascalCase and strip the `Vk` prefix
auto const constName = stripPrefix( toCamelCase( macro ), "Vk" );
auto argumentsString = std::string{};
// for every argument, append a comma if needed (i.e. has more than one parameter, and not for the last one)
for ( auto const & argString : data.params )
argumentsString += argString + ", ";
// trim the last two characters (i.e. the last comma and the space)
argumentsString.resize( argumentsString.size() - 2 );
auto const callerString = replaceWithMap(
{ { "arguments", argumentsString }, { "callee", startLowerCase( data.possibleCallee ) }, { "constName", constName }, { "deprecated", deprecated } } );
constexprDefines += callerString;
// extension constexprs
auto const extensionConstexprDefinesTemplate = std::string{ R"(
)" };
auto extensionConstexprs = std::string{};
static auto const extensionTemplate = std::string{ R"(${deprecated}VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_INLINE auto ${var} = ${macro};
)" };
static auto const deprecatedPrefixTemplate = std::string{ R"(VULKAN_HPP_DEPRECATED( ${message} ) )" };
static auto const deprecatedByMessageTemplate = std::string{ R"("The ${extensionName} extension has been deprecated by ${deprecatedBy}.")" };
static auto const deprecatedMessageTemplate = std::string{ R"("The ${extensionName} extension has been deprecated.")" };
static auto const obsoletedMessageTemplate = std::string{ R"("The ${extensionName} extension has been obsoleted by ${obsoletedBy}.")" };
// I really, really wish C++ had discards for structured bindings...
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
auto const & requireDatas = extension.requireData;
// assert that requireDatas has at least one require...
// and the first require has at least two enumConstants, which we are going to use
assert( requireDatas.size() >= 1 );
assert( requireDatas.front().enumConstants.size() >= 2 );
auto const & enumConstants = requireDatas.front().enumConstants;
auto const VENDORPascalCaseStripPrefix = []( std::string const & macro )
auto prefixStripped = stripPrefix( macro, "VK_" );
auto const vendor = prefixStripped.substr( 0, prefixStripped.find( '_' ) );
return vendor + toCamelCase( stripPrefix( prefixStripped, vendor + "_" ) );
// add asserts so we don't get a nullptr exception below
auto const & extensionMacroPtr =
std::find_if( enumConstants.begin(), enumConstants.end(), []( auto const & keyval ) { return keyval.first.ends_with( "_EXTENSION_NAME" ); } );
auto const & specVersionMacroPtr =
std::find_if( enumConstants.begin(), enumConstants.end(), []( auto const & keyval ) { return keyval.first.ends_with( "_SPEC_VERSION" ); } );
assert( extensionMacroPtr != enumConstants.end() );
assert( specVersionMacroPtr != enumConstants.end() );
auto const & extensionMacro = extensionMacroPtr->first;
auto const & specVersionMacro = specVersionMacroPtr->first;
auto const extensionVar = VENDORPascalCaseStripPrefix( extensionMacro );
auto const specVersionVar = VENDORPascalCaseStripPrefix( specVersionMacro );
std::string deprecationMessage;
if ( extension.isDeprecated )
assert( extension.obsoletedBy.empty() && extension.promotedTo.empty() );
deprecationMessage = extension.deprecatedBy.empty()
? replaceWithMap( deprecatedMessageTemplate, { { "extensionName", } } )
: replaceWithMap( deprecatedByMessageTemplate, { { "extensionName", }, { "deprecatedBy", extension.deprecatedBy } } );
else if ( !extension.obsoletedBy.empty() )
assert( extension.promotedTo.empty() );
deprecationMessage = replaceWithMap( obsoletedMessageTemplate, { { "extensionName", }, { "obsoletedBy", extension.obsoletedBy } } );
else if ( !extension.promotedTo.empty() )
// promoted extensions are _not_ deprecated!
auto const deprecatedPrefix = deprecationMessage.empty() ? "" : replaceWithMap( deprecatedPrefixTemplate, { { "message", deprecationMessage } } );
auto const thisExtensionConstexprs =
replaceWithMap( extensionTemplate, { { "deprecated", deprecatedPrefix }, { "macro", extensionMacro }, { "var", extensionVar } } ) +
replaceWithMap( extensionTemplate, { { "deprecated", deprecatedPrefix }, { "macro", specVersionMacro }, { "var", specVersionVar } } );
extensionConstexprs += addTitleAndProtection(, thisExtensionConstexprs );
constexprDefines += replaceWithMap( extensionConstexprDefinesTemplate, { { "extensionConstexprs", extensionConstexprs } } );
return constexprDefines;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateConstexprUsings() const
auto constexprUsings = std::string{ R"(
)" };
auto const constexprUsingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${constName};
)" };
auto const pascalCasePrefixStrip = []( std::string const & macro ) { return stripPrefix( toCamelCase( macro ), "Vk" ); };
auto const camelCasePrefixStrip = []( std::string const & macro ) { return startLowerCase( stripPrefix( toCamelCase( macro ), "Vk" ) ); };
auto const VENDORCasePrefixStrip = []( std::string const & macro )
auto prefixStripped = stripPrefix( macro, "VK_" );
auto const vendor = prefixStripped.substr( 0, prefixStripped.find( '_' ) );
return vendor + toCamelCase( stripPrefix( prefixStripped, vendor + "_" ) );
// constants
auto const generateConstantsAndProtection =
[&]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title, std::set<std::string> & listedConstants )
auto constants = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & constant : require.constants )
if ( !listedConstants.contains( constant ) )
assert( m_constants.find( constant ) != m_constants.end() );
std::string tag = findTag( constant );
constants += replaceWithMap( constexprUsingTemplate, { { "constName", stripPrefix( toCamelCase( stripPostfix( constant, tag ) ), "Vk" ) + tag } } );
listedConstants.insert( constant );
for ( auto const & [key, _] : require.enumConstants )
// keys are the constants themselves. Values are their definitions, and don't need them...
// Again, recall these constants are all in the form VK_<vendor>_<name>_EXTENSION_NAME and VK_<vendor>_<name>_SPEC_VERSION
// strip the Vk, get the vendor, and PascalCase the rest
constants += replaceWithMap( constexprUsingTemplate, { { "constName", VENDORCasePrefixStrip( key ) } } );
listedConstants.insert( key );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, constants );
std::set<std::string> listedConstants;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
constexprUsings += generateConstantsAndProtection( feature.requireData,, listedConstants );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
constexprUsings += generateConstantsAndProtection( extension.requireData,, listedConstants );
// values
constexprUsings += R"(
for ( auto const & macro : m_definesPartition.values )
// make `macro` PascalCase and strip the `Vk` prefix
auto const constName = pascalCasePrefixStrip( macro.first );
constexprUsings += replaceWithMap( constexprUsingTemplate, { { "constName", constName } } );
// callees
constexprUsings += R"(
for ( auto const & macro : m_definesPartition.callees )
// make `macro` camelCase and strip the `Vk` prefix
auto const constName = camelCasePrefixStrip( macro.first );
constexprUsings += replaceWithMap( constexprUsingTemplate, { { "constName", constName } } );
// callers
constexprUsings += R"(
for ( auto const & macro : m_definesPartition.callers )
// make `macro` PascalCase and strip the `Vk` prefix
auto const constName = pascalCasePrefixStrip( macro.first );
constexprUsings += replaceWithMap( constexprUsingTemplate, { { "constName", constName } } );
return constexprUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleHandleUsings() const
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className};
)" };
auto handleUsings = std::string{ R"(
//=== HANDLEs ===
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::isVulkanHandleType;
)" };
auto const generateUsingsAndProtection = [&usingTemplate, this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
auto usings = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
if ( auto const & handleIt = m_handles.find( ); handleIt != m_handles.end() )
usings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, usings );
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
handleUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
handleUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( extension.requireData, );
return handleUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleStructUsings() const
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structName};
)" };
auto structUsings = std::string{ R"(
//=== STRUCTs ===
)" };
auto listedStructs = std::set<std::string>{};
auto const generateUsingsAndProtection = [&listedStructs, &usingTemplate, this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
auto localUsings = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
if ( auto const & structIt = m_structs.find( ); structIt != m_structs.end() && listedStructs.insert( ).second )
auto const structureType = stripPrefix( structIt->first, "Vk" );
localUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "structName", structureType } } );
for ( auto const & alias : structIt->second.aliases )
localUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "structName", stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, localUsings );
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
structUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
structUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( extension.requireData, );
return structUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleSharedHandleUsings() const
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Shared${handleName};
)" };
auto sharedHandleUsings = std::string{ R"(
//=== SHARED HANDLEs ===
)" };
auto const [smartHandleEnter, smartHandleLeave] = generateProtection( "VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE", false );
sharedHandleUsings += "\n" + smartHandleEnter;
auto const generateUsingsAndProtection = [&usingTemplate, this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
auto usings = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
if ( auto const & handleIt = m_handles.find( ); handleIt != m_handles.end() )
usings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "handleName", stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, usings );
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
sharedHandleUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
sharedHandleUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( extension.requireData, );
sharedHandleUsings += R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::SharedHandleTraits;
sharedHandleUsings += smartHandleLeave + "\n";
return sharedHandleUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleUniqueHandleUsings() const
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Unique${handleName};
)" };
auto uniqueHandleUsings = std::string{ R"(
//=== UNIQUE HANDLEs ===
)" };
auto const [smartHandleEnter, smartHandleLeave] = generateProtection( "VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE", false );
uniqueHandleUsings += "\n" + smartHandleEnter;
auto const generateUsingsAndProtection = [&usingTemplate, this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
auto usings = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
if ( auto const & handleIt = m_handles.find( ); handleIt != m_handles.end() && !handleIt->second.deleteCommand.empty() )
usings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "handleName", stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, usings );
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
uniqueHandleUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
uniqueHandleUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( extension.requireData, );
uniqueHandleUsings += R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::UniqueHandleTraits;
uniqueHandleUsings += smartHandleLeave + "\n";
return uniqueHandleUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleFuncsUsings() const
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${funcName};
)" };
auto funcUsings = std::string{ R"(
//=== COMMAND Definitions ===
)" };
for ( auto const & func : "" ).commands )
funcUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "funcName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( func, "vk" ) ) } } );
auto const [enter, leave] = generateProtection( "VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE", false );
funcUsings += "\n" + enter + replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "funcName", "createInstanceUnique" } } ) + leave + "\n";
return funcUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleEnumUsings() const
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${enumName};
)" };
auto enumUsings = std::string{ R"(
//=== ENUMs ===
)" };
auto listedEnums = std::set<std::string>{};
// insert CppType first
enumUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "enumName", "CppType" } } );
auto const generateUsingsAndProtection = [&listedEnums, &usingTemplate, this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
auto localUsings = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
if ( auto const & enumIt = m_enums.find( ); enumIt != m_enums.end() && listedEnums.insert( ).second )
auto const enumName = stripPrefix( enumIt->first, "Vk" );
localUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "enumName", enumName } } );
for ( auto const & alias : enumIt->second.aliases )
localUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "enumName", stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) } } );
if ( auto const bitmaskIt =
std::find_if( m_bitmasks.begin(),
[&enumIt]( std::pair<std::string, BitmaskData> const & bitmask ) { return bitmask.second.require == enumIt->first; } );
bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() )
localUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "enumName", stripPrefix( bitmaskIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
for ( auto const & alias : bitmaskIt->second.aliases )
localUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "enumName", stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, localUsings );
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
enumUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
enumUsings += generateUsingsAndProtection( extension.requireData, );
// finally insert IndexTypeValue
auto const indexTypeComment = R"(
//=== Index Type Traits ===
enumUsings += indexTypeComment + replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "enumName", "IndexTypeValue" } } );
return enumUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleFormatTraitsUsings() const
// everything is hardcoded, so things are very easy...
auto formatTraitsUsings = std::string{ R"(
//=== Format Traits ===
)" };
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${function};
)" };
auto const formatTraitFunctions = std::array{ "blockExtent",
"texelsPerBlock" };
for ( auto const & func : formatTraitFunctions )
formatTraitsUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "function", func } } );
return formatTraitsUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleExtensionInspectionUsings() const
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${function};
)" };
auto extensionInspectionsUsings = std::string{ R"(
//=== Extension inspection functions ===
)" };
auto const extensionInspectionFunctions =
std::array{ "getDeviceExtensions", "getInstanceExtensions", "getDeprecatedExtensions", "getExtensionDepends", "getExtensionDepends",
"getObsoletedExtensions", "getPromotedExtensions", "getExtensionDeprecatedBy", "getExtensionObsoletedBy", "getExtensionPromotedTo",
"isDeprecatedExtension", "isDeviceExtension", "isInstanceExtension", "isObsoletedExtension", "isPromotedExtension" };
for ( auto const & func : extensionInspectionFunctions )
extensionInspectionsUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "function", func } } );
return extensionInspectionsUsings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleUsings() const
auto const usingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className};
)" };
auto const hardCodedEnhancedModeTypes = std::array{ "ArrayProxy", "ArrayProxyNoTemporaries", "StridedArrayProxy", "Optional", "StructureChain" };
auto const hardCodedSmartHandleHelperTypes = std::array{ "ObjectDestroy", "ObjectFree", "ObjectRelease", "PoolFree",
"ObjectDestroyShared", "ObjectFreeShared", "ObjectReleaseShared", "PoolFreeShared" };
auto const hardCodedFunctions = std::array{ "exchange" };
auto usings = std::string{ R"( //=====================================
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayWrapper1D;
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayWrapper2D;
namespace detail
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DispatchLoaderBase;
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DispatchLoaderDynamic;
#if !defined( VK_NO_PROTOTYPES )
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DispatchLoaderStatic;
)" };
// insert the Flags bitwise operators
auto const flagsBitWiseOperatorsUsings = std::array{ "operator&", "operator|", "operator^", "operator~" };
for ( auto const & operatorName : flagsBitWiseOperatorsUsings )
usings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", operatorName } } );
// delete the namespace declaration for the default dispatcher macro using statement
auto enhancedModeUsings = std::string{};
for ( auto const & className : hardCodedEnhancedModeTypes )
enhancedModeUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", std::string{ className } } } );
// protect the enhanced-mode usings with a macro
const auto [enterEnhancedMode, leaveEnhancedMode] = generateProtection( "VULKAN_HPP_DISABLE_ENHANCED_MODE", false );
usings += "\n" + enterEnhancedMode + enhancedModeUsings + leaveEnhancedMode + "\n";
std::string smartHandleUsings = " namespace detail\n {\n";
for ( auto const & helperType : hardCodedSmartHandleHelperTypes )
smartHandleUsings += " using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::"s + helperType + ";\n";
smartHandleUsings += R"( }
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::SharedHandle;
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::UniqueHandle;
// likewise for the smart-handle usings
const auto [enterNoSmartHandle, leaveNoSmartHandle] = generateProtection( "VULKAN_HPP_NO_SMART_HANDLE", false );
usings += "\n" + enterNoSmartHandle + smartHandleUsings + leaveNoSmartHandle + "\n";
for ( auto const & functionName : hardCodedFunctions )
usings += "\n" + replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", std::string{ functionName } } } );
// now generate baseTypes
auto baseTypes = std::string{ R"(
//=== BASE TYPEs ===
)" };
for ( auto const & baseType : m_baseTypes )
if ( baseType.first != "VkFlags" && baseType.first != "VkFlags64" && !baseType.second.typeInfo.type.empty() )
baseTypes += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", stripPrefix( baseType.first, "Vk" ) } } );
usings += baseTypes;
// generate Enums
usings += generateCppModuleEnumUsings();
// to_string, toHexString
auto const toString = std::array{ "to_string", "toHexString" };
auto const [toStringEnter, toStringLeave] = generateProtection( "VULKAN_HPP_NO_TO_STRING", false );
usings += R"(
//=== ENUM to_string ===
)" + toStringEnter;
for ( auto const & name : toString )
usings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", name } } );
usings += toStringLeave + "\n";
// hardcoded exceptions and functions
auto const hardCodedExceptionTypesAndFunctions =
std::array{ "ErrorCategoryImpl", "Error", "LogicError", "SystemError", "errorCategory", "make_error_code", "make_error_condition" };
const auto [exceptionsEnter, exceptionsLeave] = generateProtection( "VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS", false );
auto exceptionsUsings = std::string{ R"(
)" } + exceptionsEnter;
for ( auto const & name : hardCodedExceptionTypesAndFunctions )
exceptionsUsings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", name } } );
usings += exceptionsUsings;
// result Exceptions
auto resultExceptionsUsings = std::string{};
auto const & [name, data] = *m_enums.find( "VkResult" );
for ( auto const & value : data.values )
if ( value.supported && "VK_ERROR" ) )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.protect );
enter = enter.empty() ? enter : "\n" + enter;
leave = leave.empty() ? leave : leave + "\n";
auto const valueName = generateEnumValueName( name,, false );
auto const className = stripPrefix( valueName, "eError" ) + "Error";
resultExceptionsUsings += enter + replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", className } } ) + leave;
usings += resultExceptionsUsings;
usings += exceptionsLeave + "\n";
// some hardcoded types
auto const hardCodedResultValueTypes = std::array{ "ResultValue", "ResultValueType" };
for ( auto const & valueType : hardCodedResultValueTypes )
usings += replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", valueType } } );
usings += "\n" + generateConstexprUsings() + "\n";
// structs, handles, UniqueHandles, etc
usings += generateCppModuleStructUsings();
usings += generateCppModuleHandleUsings();
usings += generateCppModuleUniqueHandleUsings();
usings += generateCppModuleSharedHandleUsings();
usings += generateCppModuleFuncsUsings();
auto const [enterDisableEnhanced, leaveDisableEnhanced] = generateProtection( "VULKAN_HPP_DISABLE_ENHANCED_MODE", false );
usings += "\n" + enterDisableEnhanced + replaceWithMap( usingTemplate, { { "className", "StructExtends" } } ) + leaveDisableEnhanced + "\n";
auto const dynamicLoaderUsing = std::string{ R"(#if VULKAN_HPP_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_LOADER_TOOL
namespace detail
using VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DynamicLoader;
)" };
usings += dynamicLoaderUsing;
usings += generateCppModuleFormatTraitsUsings();
usings += generateCppModuleExtensionInspectionUsings();
return usings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleRaiiUsings() const
auto const raiiUsingTemplate = std::string{ R"( using VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::${className};
)" };
auto usings = std::string{ R"( //======================
namespace detail
using VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::ContextDispatcher;
using VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::InstanceDispatcher;
using VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::DeviceDispatcher;
//=== RAII HANDLEs ===
)" };
auto const generateUsingsAndProtection = [&raiiUsingTemplate, this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
auto usings = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
if ( auto const & handleIt = m_handles.find( ); handleIt != m_handles.end() )
usings += replaceWithMap( raiiUsingTemplate, { { "className", stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
// if there is an array constructor, generate the plural type also
if ( !generateRAIIHandleConstructors( *handleIt ).second.empty() )
usings += replaceWithMap( raiiUsingTemplate, { { "className", stripPrefix(, "Vk" ) + "s" } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, usings );
// now, insert features and extensions with protection, and strip Vk prefix
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
usings += generateUsingsAndProtection( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
usings += generateUsingsAndProtection( extension.requireData, );
return usings;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleHandleHashSpecializations() const
const std::string hashesTemplate = R"(
//=== HASH specializations for handles ===
auto const generateSpecializations = [this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
auto specializations = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
if ( auto const & handleIt = m_handles.find( ); handleIt != m_handles.end() )
specializations += " template <> struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) + ">;\n";
return addTitleAndProtection( title, specializations );
std::string specializations;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
specializations += generateSpecializations( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
specializations += generateSpecializations( extension.requireData, );
return replaceWithMap( hashesTemplate, { { "specializations", specializations } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleHashSpecializations() const
std::string const hasSpecializationsTemplate = R"(
//=== HASH specialization for Flags types ===
template <typename BitType>
struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Flags<BitType>>;
return replaceWithMap( hasSpecializationsTemplate,
{ { "handleHashSpecializations", generateCppModuleHandleHashSpecializations() },
{ "structHashSpecializations", generateCppModuleStructHashSpecializations() } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCppModuleStructHashSpecializations() const
const std::string hashesTemplate = R"(
//=== HASH specializations for structs ===
auto const generateSpecializations = [this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
auto specializations = std::string{};
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
if ( auto const & structIt = m_structs.find( ); structIt != m_structs.end() )
specializations += " template <> struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( structIt->first, "Vk" ) + ">;\n";
return addTitleAndProtection( title, specializations );
std::string specializations;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
specializations += generateSpecializations( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
specializations += generateSpecializations( extension.requireData, );
return replaceWithMap( hashesTemplate, { { "specializations", specializations } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool raii,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
std::string const & dataType,
std::string const & returnType,
std::string const & returnVariable ) const
assert( dataTypes.size() == returnParams.size() );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: return ""; // no returnParams -> no data declarations
case 1:
return generateDataDeclarations1Return(
commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, flavourFlags, dataTypes, dataType, returnType, returnVariable );
case 2:
assert( !( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique ) );
return generateDataDeclarations2Returns( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags, raii, dataTypes, dataType, returnVariable );
case 3:
assert( !( flavourFlags & ( CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular | CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique ) ) );
return generateDataDeclarations3Returns( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags, raii, dataTypes );
default: assert( false ); return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations1Return( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
std::string const & dataType,
std::string const & returnType,
std::string const & returnVariable ) const
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( !( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained ) )
if ( ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() ) || ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular ) )
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${returnVariable};)";
if ( dataType.starts_with( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) )
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationsTemplate, { { "returnType", dataType }, { "returnVariable", returnVariable } } );
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationsTemplate, { { "returnType", returnType }, { "returnVariable", returnVariable } } );
std::string allocator = stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator";
if ( vectorParamIt->second.byStructure )
std::string vectorAllocator = ( ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator ) && !( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique ) )
? ( "( " + startLowerCase( allocator ) + " )" )
: "";
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(${dataType} ${returnVariable}${vectorAllocator};
${structType} ${structVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "dataType", dataType },
{ "returnVariable", returnVariable },
{ "structType", stripPostfix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), "*" ) },
{ "structVariable", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "vectorAllocator", stripPrefix( vectorAllocator, "," ) } } );
std::string vectorAllocator = ( ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator ) && !( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique ) )
? ( ", " + startLowerCase( allocator ) )
: "";
std::string vectorSize = getVectorSize( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams[0], dataTypes[0], templatedParams );
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate = R"(${dataType} ${returnVariable}( ${vectorSize}${vectorAllocator} );)";
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "dataType", dataType }, { "returnVariable", returnVariable }, { "vectorAllocator", vectorAllocator }, { "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
assert( ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() ) || ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular ) );
std::string dataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${returnVariable};
${dataType} & ${dataVariable} = ${returnVariable}.template get<${dataType}>();)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationsTemplate,
{ { "dataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "dataVariable", dataVariable },
{ "returnType", ( commandData.returnType == "void" ) ? returnType : "StructureChain<X, Y, Z...>" },
{ "returnVariable", returnVariable } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations2Returns( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool raii,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
std::string const & returnType,
std::string const & returnVariable ) const
const bool chained = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained;
const bool singular = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular;
const bool withAllocator = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator;
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0:
assert( !singular && !chained );
std::string firstDataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string secondDataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(std::pair<${firstDataType},${secondDataType}> data_;
${firstDataType} & ${firstDataVariable} = data_.first;
${secondDataType} & ${secondDataVariable} = data_.second;)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "firstDataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "firstDataVariable", firstDataVariable },
{ "secondDataType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "secondDataVariable", secondDataVariable } } );
case 1:
assert( ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) && ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first ) && !singular );
std::string counterVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
if ( !chained )
std::string vectorAllocator = withAllocator ? ( "( " + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator )" ) : "";
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${returnVariable}${vectorAllocator};
${counterType} ${counterVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "counterType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "counterVariable", counterVariable },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "returnVariable", returnVariable },
{ "vectorAllocator", vectorAllocator } } );
std::string structureChainAllocator = raii ? "" : ", StructureChainAllocator";
std::string structureChainInitializer = withAllocator ? ( "( structureChainAllocator )" ) : "";
std::string vectorVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate =
R"(std::vector<StructureChain${structureChainAllocator}> structureChains${structureChainInitializer};
std::vector<${vectorElementType}> ${vectorVariable};
${counterType} ${counterVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ "counterType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "counterVariable", counterVariable },
{ "structureChainAllocator", structureChainAllocator },
{ "structureChainInitializer", structureChainInitializer },
{ "vectorElementType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "vectorVariable", vectorVariable },
} );
case 2:
assert( ( returnParams[0] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first ) && !vectorParams.contains( returnParams[1] ) && !chained );
std::string firstDataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string secondDataVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
if ( singular )
firstDataVariable = stripPluralS( firstDataVariable );
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(std::pair<${firstDataType},${secondDataType}> data_;
${firstDataType} & ${firstDataVariable} = data_.first;
${secondDataType} & ${secondDataVariable} = data_.second;)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "firstDataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "firstDataVariable", firstDataVariable },
{ "secondDataType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "secondDataVariable", secondDataVariable } } );
std::string allocatorType = raii ? "" : ( startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator" );
std::string allocateInitializer = withAllocator ? ( ", " + startLowerCase( allocatorType ) ) : "";
if ( !raii )
allocatorType = ", " + allocatorType;
std::string vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate =
R"(std::pair<std::vector<${firstDataType}${allocatorType}>,${secondDataType}> data_( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( ${vectorSize}${allocateInitializer} ), std::forward_as_tuple( 0 ) );
std::vector<${firstDataType}${allocatorType}> & ${firstDataVariable} = data_.first;
${secondDataType} & ${secondDataVariable} = data_.second;)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "allocateInitializer", allocateInitializer },
{ "allocatorType", allocatorType },
{ "firstDataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "firstDataVariable", firstDataVariable },
{ "secondDataType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "secondDataVariable", secondDataVariable },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
default: assert( false ); return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations3Returns( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool raii,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes ) const
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 1:
assert( ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) && ( returnParams[2] == vectorParams.begin()->first ) );
std::string valueVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string counterVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
std::string vectorVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].name, "p" ) );
std::string vectorAllocatorType, pairConstructor;
if ( !raii )
vectorAllocatorType = startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[2], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
pairConstructor =
( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator )
? ( "( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(), std::forward_as_tuple( " + startLowerCase( vectorAllocatorType ) + " ) )" )
: "";
vectorAllocatorType = ", " + vectorAllocatorType;
std::string const chainedDataDeclarationsTemplate =
R"(std::pair<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::StructureChain<X,Y,Z...>,std::vector<${vectorElementType}${vectorAllocatorType}>> data_${pairConstructor};
${valueType} & ${valueVariable} = data_.first.template get<${valueType}>();
std::vector<${vectorElementType}${vectorAllocatorType}> & ${vectorVariable} = data_.second;
${counterType} ${counterVariable};)";
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate =
R"(std::pair<${valueType},std::vector<${vectorElementType}${vectorAllocatorType}>> data_${pairConstructor};
${valueType} & ${valueVariable} = data_.first;
std::vector<${vectorElementType}${vectorAllocatorType}> & ${vectorVariable} = data_.second;
${counterType} ${counterVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained ) ? chainedDataDeclarationsTemplate : dataDeclarationsTemplate,
{ { "counterType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "counterVariable", counterVariable },
{ "vectorAllocatorType", vectorAllocatorType },
{ "vectorElementType", dataTypes[2] },
{ "vectorVariable", vectorVariable },
{ "pairConstructor", pairConstructor },
{ "valueType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "valueVariable", valueVariable } } );
case 2:
assert( !( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained ) );
assert( ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) && ( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first ) &&
( returnParams[2] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first ) && ( returnParams[0] == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam ) );
std::string counterVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
std::string firstVectorVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
std::string secondVectorVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[2]].name, "p" ) );
std::string firstVectorAllocatorType, secondVectorAllocatorType, pairConstructor;
if ( !raii )
firstVectorAllocatorType = startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
secondVectorAllocatorType = startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[2], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
pairConstructor = ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator )
? ( "( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( " + startLowerCase( firstVectorAllocatorType ) +
" ), std::forward_as_tuple( " + startLowerCase( secondVectorAllocatorType ) + " ) )" )
: "";
firstVectorAllocatorType = ", " + firstVectorAllocatorType;
secondVectorAllocatorType = ", " + secondVectorAllocatorType;
std::string const dataDeclarationsTemplate =
R"(std::pair<std::vector<${firstVectorElementType}${firstVectorAllocatorType}>, std::vector<${secondVectorElementType}${secondVectorAllocatorType}>> data_${pairConstructor};
std::vector<${firstVectorElementType}${firstVectorAllocatorType}> & ${firstVectorVariable} = data_.first;
std::vector<${secondVectorElementType}${secondVectorAllocatorType}> & ${secondVectorVariable} = data_.second;
${counterType} ${counterVariable};)";
return replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationsTemplate,
{ { "counterType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "counterVariable", counterVariable },
{ "firstVectorAllocatorType", firstVectorAllocatorType },
{ "firstVectorElementType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "firstVectorVariable", firstVectorVariable },
{ "pairConstructor", pairConstructor },
{ "secondVectorAllocatorType", secondVectorAllocatorType },
{ "secondVectorElementType", dataTypes[2] },
{ "secondVectorVariable", secondVectorVariable } } );
default: assert( false ); return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataPreparation( CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool enumerating,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes ) const
const bool chained = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained;
const bool singular = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular;
const bool unique = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique;
auto vectorParamIt = ( 1 < returnParams.size() ) ? vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] ) : vectorParams.end();
if ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() )
assert( !unique );
std::string vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) );
if ( chained )
assert( !singular );
assert( templatedParams.empty() );
assert( returnParams.size() == 2 );
assert( !vectorParams.contains( returnParams[0] ) );
assert( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorParamIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
std::string vectorElementType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->first].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
if ( enumerating )
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${counterName} <= ${vectorName}.size() );
if ( ${counterName} < ${vectorName}.size() )
structureChains.resize( ${counterName} );
for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>() = ${vectorName}[i];
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].type.type },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName } } );
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(for ( ${counterType} i = 0; i < ${counterName}; i++ )
structureChains[i].template get<${vectorElementType}>() = ${vectorName}[i];
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].type.type },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", vectorName } } );
else if ( enumerating )
assert( !singular );
assert( ( vectorParams.size() != 2 ) ||
( ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[1] ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first == returnParams[2] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) ) );
std::string resizes;
for ( auto const & vp : vectorParams )
assert( std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vp]( size_t rp ) { return rp == vp.first; } ) &&
std::any_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vp]( size_t rp ) { return rp == vp.second.lenParam; } ) );
resizes += startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vp.first].name, "p" ) ) + ".resize( " +
startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vp.second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) + " );\n";
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${counterName} <= ${vectorName}.size() );
if ( ${counterName} < ${vectorName}.size() )
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "resizes", resizes },
{ "vectorName", vectorName } } );
else if ( unique && !singular && ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) && vectorParams.contains( returnParams[0] ) )
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "";
std::string deleterDefinition, vectorName, vectorSize;
vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() && vectorParamIt->second.byStructure )
deleterDefinition = "detail::ObjectDestroy<" + className + ", Dispatch> deleter( *this, allocator, d )";
auto structIt = m_structs.find( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type );
assert( structIt != m_structs.end() );
vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( structIt->second.members.back().name, "p" ) );
vectorSize = vectorName + ".size()";
std::vector<std::string> lenParts = tokenize( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].lenExpression, "->" );
switch ( lenParts.size() )
case 1: deleterDefinition = "detail::ObjectDestroy<" + className + ", Dispatch> deleter( *this, allocator, d )"; break;
case 2:
auto vpiIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
assert( vpiIt != vectorParams.end() );
std::string poolType, poolName;
std::tie( poolType, poolName ) = getPoolTypeAndName( commandData.params[vpiIt->second.lenParam].type.type );
assert( !poolType.empty() );
poolType = stripPrefix( poolType, "Vk" );
poolName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParts[0], "p" ) ) + "." + poolName;
deleterDefinition = "detail::PoolFree<" + className + ", " + poolType + ", Dispatch> deleter( *this, " + poolName + ", d )";
default: assert( false ); break;
vectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
vectorSize = getVectorSize( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams[0], commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type, templatedParams );
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" );
std::string vectorAllocator = ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::withAllocator ) ? ( "( " + startLowerCase( handleType ) + "Allocator )" ) : "";
std::string elementName = stripPluralS( vectorName );
std::string uniqueVectorName = "unique" + startUpperCase( vectorName );
std::string const dataPreparationTemplate =
R"(std::vector<UniqueHandle<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${handleType}, Dispatch>, ${handleType}Allocator> ${uniqueVectorName}${vectorAllocator};
${uniqueVectorName}.reserve( ${vectorSize} );
for ( auto const & ${elementName} : ${vectorName} )
${uniqueVectorName}.push_back( UniqueHandle<${handleType}, Dispatch>( ${elementName}, deleter ) );
return replaceWithMap( dataPreparationTemplate,
{ { "elementName", elementName },
{ "deleterDefinition", deleterDefinition },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "uniqueVectorName", uniqueVectorName },
{ "vectorAllocator", vectorAllocator },
{ "vectorName", vectorName },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataSizeChecks( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::vector<std::string> const & returnParamTypes,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams,
bool singular ) const
assert( returnParams.size() == returnParamTypes.size() );
std::string dataSizeChecks;
if ( !singular )
const std::string dataSizeCheckTemplate = R"( VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${dataSize} % sizeof( ${dataType} ) == 0 );)";
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); i++ )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] );
if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && templatedParams.contains( returnParams[i] ) &&
std::none_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParamIt]( size_t rp ) noexcept { return rp == vectorParamIt->second.lenParam; } ) )
dataSizeChecks += replaceWithMap( dataSizeCheckTemplate,
{ { "dataSize", commandData.params[vectorParamIt->second.lenParam].name }, { "dataType", returnParamTypes[i] } } );
return dataSizeChecks;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDebugReportObjectType( std::string const & objectType ) const
std::string debugReportObjectType = objectType;
debugReportObjectType = debugReportObjectType.replace( 3, 0, "DEBUG_REPORT_" ) + "_EXT";
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
return contains( enumIt->second.values, debugReportObjectType ) ? generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, debugReportObjectType, false ) : "eUnknown";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDecoratedReturnType( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool raii,
std::string const & returnType ) const
const bool chained = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
const bool unique = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique;
assert( !( chained && unique ) );
std::string decoratedReturnType;
if ( ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() ) && returnParams.empty() && !chained )
assert( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) && !unique );
decoratedReturnType = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result";
else if ( ( commandData.returnType != "VkResult" ) && ( commandData.returnType != "void" ) )
assert( returnParams.empty() && !chained && !unique );
if ( commandData.returnType.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
decoratedReturnType = generateNamespacedType( commandData.returnType );
decoratedReturnType = commandData.returnType;
else if ( ( commandData.returnType == "void" ) ||
( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) && ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 ) && ( commandData.errorCodes.empty() || raii ) ) )
assert( !unique );
assert( ( commandData.returnType != "void" ) || ( returnParams.size() <= 2 ) );
decoratedReturnType = returnType;
assert( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" );
assert( !commandData.successCodes.empty() && ( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" ) );
if ( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 ) || ( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) ) )
decoratedReturnType = raii ? returnType : ( "typename ResultValueType<" + returnType + ">::type" );
else if ( !commandData.errorCodes.empty() && ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() ) &&
( ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) ||
( ( returnParams.size() == 2 ) && ( vectorParams.empty() || ( ( vectorParams.size() == 1 ) && ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 3 ) &&
( commandData.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) ) ) ) ) )
decoratedReturnType = ( raii ? "std::pair<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result, " : "ResultValue<" ) + returnType + ">";
assert( false );
return decoratedReturnType;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDispatchLoaderDynamic() const
const std::string dispatchLoaderDynamicTemplate = R"(
using PFN_dummy = void ( * )();
class DispatchLoaderDynamic : public DispatchLoaderBase
DispatchLoaderDynamic() VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
DispatchLoaderDynamic( DispatchLoaderDynamic const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
DispatchLoaderDynamic(PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
// This interface does not require a linked vulkan library.
DispatchLoaderDynamic( VkInstance instance,
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr,
VkDevice device = {},
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr getDeviceProcAddr = nullptr ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
init( instance, getInstanceProcAddr, device, getDeviceProcAddr );
template <typename DynamicLoader
= VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DynamicLoader
void init()
static DynamicLoader dl;
init( dl );
template <typename DynamicLoader>
void init( DynamicLoader const & dl ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr = dl.template getProcAddress<PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr>( "vkGetInstanceProcAddr" );
init( getInstanceProcAddr );
void init( PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
vkGetInstanceProcAddr = getInstanceProcAddr;
// This interface does not require a linked vulkan library.
void init( VkInstance instance,
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr,
VkDevice device = {},
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr /*getDeviceProcAddr*/ = nullptr ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT(instance && getInstanceProcAddr);
vkGetInstanceProcAddr = getInstanceProcAddr;
init( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Instance(instance) );
if (device)
init( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Device(device) );
void init( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Instance instanceCpp ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
VkInstance instance = static_cast<VkInstance>(instanceCpp);
VkDevice device = static_cast<VkDevice>(deviceCpp);
template <typename DynamicLoader>
void init(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Instance const & instance, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Device const & device, DynamicLoader const & dl) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr = dl.template getProcAddress<PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr>("vkGetInstanceProcAddr");
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr getDeviceProcAddr = dl.template getProcAddress<PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr>("vkGetDeviceProcAddr");
init(static_cast<VkInstance>(instance), getInstanceProcAddr, static_cast<VkDevice>(device), device ? getDeviceProcAddr : nullptr);
template <typename DynamicLoader
= VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DynamicLoader
void init(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Instance const & instance, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Device const & device) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
static DynamicLoader dl;
init(instance, device, dl);
std::string commandMembers, deviceCommandAssignments, initialCommandAssignments, instanceCommandAssignments;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension!
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
feature.requireData, listedCommands,, commandMembers, initialCommandAssignments, instanceCommandAssignments, deviceCommandAssignments );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
extension.requireData, listedCommands,, commandMembers, initialCommandAssignments, instanceCommandAssignments, deviceCommandAssignments );
return replaceWithMap( dispatchLoaderDynamicTemplate,
{ { "commandMembers", commandMembers },
{ "deviceCommandAssignments", deviceCommandAssignments },
{ "initialCommandAssignments", initialCommandAssignments },
{ "instanceCommandAssignments", instanceCommandAssignments } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDispatchLoaderStatic() const
const std::string dispatchLoaderStaticTemplate = R"(
class DispatchLoaderStatic : public DispatchLoaderBase
inline DispatchLoaderStatic & getDispatchLoaderStatic()
static DispatchLoaderStatic dls;
return dls;
std::string commands;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
commands += generateDispatchLoaderStaticCommands( feature.requireData, listedCommands, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
commands += generateDispatchLoaderStaticCommands( extension.requireData, listedCommands, );
return replaceWithMap( dispatchLoaderStaticTemplate, { { "commands", commands } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDestroyCommand( std::string const & name, CommandData const & commandData ) const
// special handling for destroy functions, filter out alias functions
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, 1 );
if ( m_commands.contains( name ) && ( ( ( name.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) && ( commandName != "destroy" ) ) || ( name.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ||
( name == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) ) )
assert( 1 < commandData.params.size() );
// make sure, the object to destroy/free/release is not optional in the shortened version!
CommandData localCommandData = commandData;
localCommandData.params[1].optional = false;
std::string destroyCommandString = generateCommand( name, localCommandData, 1, false, false );
std::string shortenedName;
if ( name.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" )
shortenedName = "destroy";
else if ( name.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" )
// enclose "free" in parenthesis to prevent interference with MSVC debug free
shortenedName = "( free )";
assert( name == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" );
shortenedName = "release";
size_t pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.replace( pos, commandName.length(), shortenedName );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName, pos );
// we need to remove the default argument for the first argument, to prevent ambiguities!
assert( 1 < localCommandData.params.size() );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( localCommandData.params[1].name ); // skip the standard version of the function
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( localCommandData.params[1].name,
pos + 1 ); // get the argument to destroy in the advanced version
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
pos = destroyCommandString.find( " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT", pos );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.erase( pos, strlen( " VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT" ) );
return "\n" + destroyCommandString;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDispatchLoaderDynamicCommandAssignment( std::string const & commandName,
std::string const & aliasName,
std::string const & firstArg ) const
if ( commandName == "vkGetInstanceProcAddr" )
// Don't overwite vkGetInstanceProcAddr with NULL.
return "";
std::string str = " " + commandName + " = PFN_" + commandName + "( vkGet" + ( ( firstArg == "device" ) ? "Device" : "Instance" ) + "ProcAddr( " +
firstArg + ", \"" + commandName + "\" ) );\n";
// if this is an alias'ed function, use it as a fallback for the original one
if ( commandName != aliasName )
str += " if ( !" + aliasName + " ) " + aliasName + " = " + commandName + ";\n";
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDispatchLoaderStaticCommands( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
// some commands are listed for multiple extensions !
if ( listedCommands.insert( ).second )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
str += "\n";
std::string parameterList, parameters;
assert( !commandIt->second.params.empty() );
for ( auto param : commandIt->second.params )
parameterList += param.type.compose( "" ) + " " + + generateCArraySizes( param.arraySizes ) + ", ";
parameters += + ", ";
assert( parameterList.ends_with( ", " ) && parameters.ends_with( ", " ) );
parameterList.resize( parameterList.size() - 2 );
parameters.resize( parameters.size() - 2 );
const std::string commandTemplate = R"(
${returnType} ${commandName}( ${parameterList} ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return ::${commandName}( ${parameters} );
str += replaceWithMap( commandTemplate,
{ { "commandName", },
{ "parameterList", parameterList },
{ "parameters", parameters },
{ "returnType", commandIt->second.returnType } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnum( std::pair<std::string, EnumData> const & enumData, std::string const & surroundingProtect ) const
std::string baseType, bitmask;
if ( enumData.second.isBitmask )
auto bitmaskIt =
std::find_if( m_bitmasks.begin(), m_bitmasks.end(), [&enumData]( auto const & bitmask ) { return bitmask.second.require == enumData.first; } );
assert( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end() );
baseType = " : " + bitmaskIt->first;
bitmask = generateBitmask( bitmaskIt, surroundingProtect );
std::string enumValues, previousEnter, previousLeave;
std::map<std::string, std::string> valueToNameMap;
for ( auto const & value : enumData.second.values )
if ( value.supported )
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( enumData.first,, enumData.second.isBitmask );
checkForError( valueToNameMap.insert( { valueName, } ).second,
"generated enum value name <" + valueName + "> already listed for enum <" + enumData.first + ">" );
// if the value's protect differs from the surrounding protect, generate protection code
std::string enter, leave;
if ( !value.protect.empty() && ( value.protect != surroundingProtect ) )
tie( enter, leave ) = generateProtection( value.protect );
if ( previousEnter != enter )
enumValues += previousLeave + enter;
enumValues += " " + valueName;
if ( value.deprecated )
enumValues += " VULKAN_HPP_DEPRECATED_17( \"" + valueName + " is deprecated, but no reason was given in the API XML\" )";
enumValues += " = " + + ",\n";
for ( auto const & valueAlias : value.aliases )
// only generate supported aliases
if ( valueAlias.supported )
std::string enumName = enumData.first;
for ( auto aliasIt = enumData.second.aliases.begin(); ( aliasIt != enumData.second.aliases.end() ) && ( enumName == enumData.first ); ++aliasIt )
auto enumAliasIt = enumData.second.aliases.begin();
std::string enumTag = findTag( enumData.first );
std::string aliasTag = findTag( enumAliasIt->first );
std::string valueTag = findTag( );
if ( ( stripPostfix( enumData.first, enumTag ) == stripPostfix( enumAliasIt->first, aliasTag ) ) && ( aliasTag == valueTag ) )
enumName = enumAliasIt->first;
std::string aliasName = generateEnumValueName( enumName,, enumData.second.isBitmask );
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator mapIt;
bool inserted;
std::tie( mapIt, inserted ) = valueToNameMap.insert( { aliasName, } );
if ( inserted )
enumValues += " " + aliasName + " = " + + ",\n";
// some aliases are so close to the original, that no new entry can be generated!
assert( mapIt->second != );
checkForError( ( mapIt->second == ) ||
std::any_of( value.aliases.begin(), value.aliases.end(), [mapIt]( auto const & eav ) { return == mapIt->second; } ),
"generated enum alias value name <" + aliasName + ">, generated from <" + +
"> is already generated from different enum value <" + mapIt->second + ">" );
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
enumValues += previousLeave;
if ( !enumValues.empty() )
const size_t pos = enumValues.rfind( ',' );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
enumValues.erase( pos, 1 );
enumValues = "\n" + enumValues + " ";
std::string enumUsing;
for ( auto const & alias : enumData.second.aliases )
enumUsing += " using " + stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) + " = " + stripPrefix( enumData.first, "Vk" ) + ";\n";
std::string typeTraits;
if ( enumData.first == "VkIndexType" )
typeTraits = generateIndexTypeTraits( enumData );
else if ( enumData.first == "VkLayerSettingTypeEXT" )
typeTraits = generateLayerSettingTypeTraits();
const std::string enumTemplate = R"( enum class ${enumName}${baseType}
return replaceWithMap( enumTemplate,
{ { "baseType", baseType },
{ "bitmask", bitmask },
{ "enumName", stripPrefix( enumData.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "enumUsing", enumUsing },
{ "enumValues", enumValues },
{ "typeTraits", typeTraits } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnums() const
const std::string enumsTemplate = R"(
//=== ENUMs ===
std::string enums;
std::set<std::string> listedEnums;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
enums += generateEnums( feature.requireData, listedEnums, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
enums += generateEnums( extension.requireData, listedEnums, );
return replaceWithMap( enumsTemplate, { { "enums", enums } } );
VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnums( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::set<std::string> & listedEnums, std::string const & title ) const
std::string surroundingProtect = getProtectFromTitle( title );
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( );
if ( ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) && !listedEnums.contains( ) )
listedEnums.insert( );
str += "\n";
str += generateEnum( *enumIt, surroundingProtect );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumsToString() const
// start with toHexString, which is used in all the to_string functions here!
const std::string enumsToStringTemplate = R"(
//=== ENUMs to_string ===
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::string toHexString( uint32_t value )
#if __cpp_lib_format
return std::format( "{:x}", value );
std::stringstream stream;
stream << std::hex << value;
return stream.str();
std::string enumsToString;
std::set<std::string> listedEnums;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
enumsToString += generateEnumsToString( feature.requireData, listedEnums, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
enumsToString += generateEnumsToString( extension.requireData, listedEnums, );
return replaceWithMap( enumsToStringTemplate, { { "enumsToString", enumsToString } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumsToString( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedEnums,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( );
if ( ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) && !listedEnums.contains( ) )
listedEnums.insert( );
str += "\n";
str += generateEnumToString( *enumIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumInitializer( TypeInfo const & type,
std::vector<std::string> const & arraySizes,
std::vector<EnumValueData> const & values,
bool bitmask ) const
// enum arguments might need special initialization
assert( type.prefix.empty() && !values.empty() );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( type.type, values.front().name, bitmask );
std::string value = generateNamespacedType( type.type ) + "::" + valueName;
std::string str;
if ( arraySizes.empty() )
str += value;
assert( arraySizes.size() == 1 );
auto constIt = m_constants.find( arraySizes[0] );
const int count = std::stoi( ( constIt == m_constants.end() ) ? arraySizes[0] : constIt->second.value );
assert( 1 < count );
str += "{ { " + value;
for ( int i = 1; i < count; i++ )
str += ", " + value;
str += " } }";
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumToString( std::pair<std::string, EnumData> const & enumData ) const
std::string enumName = stripPrefix( enumData.first, "Vk" );
std::string functionBody;
bool isEmpty = enumData.second.values.empty() ||
std::none_of( enumData.second.values.begin(), enumData.second.values.end(), []( auto const & evd ) { return evd.supported; } );
if ( isEmpty )
functionBody = R"x( return "(void)";)x";
std::string cases, previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & value : enumData.second.values )
if ( value.supported )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.protect );
if ( previousEnter != enter )
cases += previousLeave + enter;
const std::string caseTemplate = R"( case ${enumName}::e${valueName} : return "${valueName}";
cases += replaceWithMap(
{ { "enumName", enumName }, { "valueName", generateEnumValueName( enumData.first,, enumData.second.isBitmask ).substr( 1 ) } } );
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
cases += previousLeave;
const std::string functionBodyTemplate =
R"x( switch ( value )
${cases} default: return "invalid ( " + VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::toHexString( static_cast<uint32_t>( value ) ) + " )";
functionBody = replaceWithMap( functionBodyTemplate, { { "cases", cases } } );
const std::string enumToStringTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::string to_string( ${enumName}${argument} )
return replaceWithMap( enumToStringTemplate, { { "argument", isEmpty ? "" : " value" }, { "enumName", enumName }, { "functionBody", functionBody } } );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumSuffixes( std::string const & name, bool bitmask ) const
std::string prefix, postfix;
if ( name == "VkResult" )
prefix = "VK_";
if ( bitmask )
// for a bitmask enum, start with "VK", cut off the trailing "FlagBits", and convert that name to upper case
// end that with "Bit"
const size_t pos = name.find( "FlagBits" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
std::string shortenedName = name;
shortenedName.erase( pos, strlen( "FlagBits" ) );
std::string tag = findTag( shortenedName );
prefix = toUpperCase( stripPostfix( shortenedName, tag ) ) + "_";
// for a non-bitmask enum, convert the name to upper case
prefix = toUpperCase( name ) + "_";
// if the enum name contains a tag move it from the prefix to the postfix to generate correct enum value
// names.
for ( auto const & tag : m_tags )
if ( prefix.ends_with( tag.first + "_" ) )
prefix.erase( prefix.length() - tag.first.length() - 1 );
postfix = "_" + tag.first;
else if ( name.ends_with( tag.first ) )
postfix = "_" + tag.first;
return std::make_pair( prefix, postfix );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateEnumValueName( std::string const & enumName, std::string const & valueName, bool bitmask ) const
std::string prefix, postfix;
std::tie( prefix, postfix ) = generateEnumSuffixes( enumName, bitmask );
std::string tag = findTag( valueName, "" );
if ( postfix == "_" + tag )
tag = findTag( valueName, postfix );
std::string result = "e" + toCamelCase( stripPostfix( stripPrefix( valueName, prefix ), postfix ) );
if ( bitmask )
const size_t pos = result.rfind( "Bit" );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
result.erase( pos, 3 );
if ( !tag.empty() && ( result.substr( result.length() - tag.length() ) == toCamelCase( tag ) ) )
result = result.substr( 0, result.length() - tag.length() ) + tag;
return result;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateExtensionDependencies() const
std::string extensionDependencies, previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
if ( !extension.depends.empty() )
std::string dependsPerExtension = "{ \"" + + "\", { ";
for ( auto const & dependsByVersion : extension.depends )
dependsPerExtension += "{ \"" + dependsByVersion.first + "\", { ";
if ( !dependsByVersion.second.empty() )
dependsPerExtension += " { ";
for ( auto const & dependsSet : dependsByVersion.second )
for ( auto const & depends : dependsSet )
dependsPerExtension += "\"" + depends + "\", ";
dependsPerExtension += " }, ";
assert( dependsPerExtension.ends_with( ", " ) );
dependsPerExtension = dependsPerExtension.substr( 0, dependsPerExtension.length() - 2 );
dependsPerExtension += " } }, ";
assert( dependsPerExtension.ends_with( ", " ) );
dependsPerExtension = dependsPerExtension.substr( 0, dependsPerExtension.length() - 2 );
dependsPerExtension += " } }, ";
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( ) );
extensionDependencies += ( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( "\n" + previousLeave + enter ) : "\n" ) + dependsPerExtension;
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
assert( extensionDependencies.ends_with( ", " ) );
extensionDependencies = extensionDependencies.substr( 0, extensionDependencies.length() - 2 );
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
extensionDependencies += "\n" + previousLeave;
return extensionDependencies;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateExtensionDependsByVersion( bool definition ) const
if ( m_api != "vulkan" )
return "";
if ( definition )
const std::string generateExtensionDependsTemplate =
R"( VULKAN_HPP_INLINE std::pair<bool, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> const &> getExtensionDepends( std::string const & version, std::string const & extension )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
static std::set<std::string> versions = { ${versions} };
assert( versions.find( version ) != versions.end() );
static std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> noDependencies;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> const & dependencies = getExtensionDepends( extension );
if ( dependencies.empty() )
return { true, noDependencies };
auto depIt = dependencies.lower_bound( version );
if ( ( depIt == dependencies.end() ) || ( depIt->first != version ) )
depIt = std::prev( depIt );
if ( depIt == dependencies.end() )
return { false, noDependencies };
return { true, depIt->second };
std::string versions;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
versions += "\"" + + "\", ";
assert( versions.ends_with( ", " ) );
versions = versions.substr( 0, versions.length() - 2 );
return replaceWithMap( generateExtensionDependsTemplate, { { "versions", versions } } );
return "std::pair<bool, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> const &> getExtensionDepends( std::string const & version, std::string const & extension );";
template <class Predicate, class Extraction>
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateExtensionReplacedBy( Predicate p, Extraction e ) const
std::string replacedBy, previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
if ( p( extension ) )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( ) );
replacedBy += ( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( "\n" + previousLeave + enter ) : "\n" ) + " if ( extension == \"" + + "\" ) { return \"" +
e( extension ) + "\"; }";
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
replacedBy += "\n" + previousLeave;
replacedBy += "\n return \"\";";
return replacedBy;
template <class Predicate>
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateExtensionReplacedTest( Predicate p ) const
std::string replacedTest, previousEnter, previousLeave;
bool unprotectedEntry = false;
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
if ( p( extension ) )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( ) );
unprotectedEntry |= enter.empty();
replacedTest += ( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( "\n" + previousLeave + enter ) : "\n" ) + "( extension == \"" + + "\" ) || ";
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
if ( unprotectedEntry )
assert( replacedTest.ends_with( " || " ) );
replacedTest = replacedTest.substr( 0, replacedTest.length() - 4 );
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
replacedTest += "\n" + previousLeave;
if ( !unprotectedEntry )
replacedTest += "false"; // there might be no replacements at all, so add a "false" at the end...
return replacedTest;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateExtensionsList( std::string const & type ) const
std::string extensionsList, previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
if ( extension.type == type )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( ) );
extensionsList += ( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( "\n" + previousLeave + enter ) : "\n" ) + "\"" + + "\", ";
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
assert( extensionsList.ends_with( ", " ) );
extensionsList = extensionsList.substr( 0, extensionsList.length() - 2 );
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
extensionsList += "\n" + previousLeave;
return extensionsList;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateExtensionTypeTest( std::string const & type ) const
std::string typeTest, previousEnter, previousLeave;
bool first = true;
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
if ( extension.type == type )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( ) );
typeTest +=
( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( "\n" + previousLeave + enter ) : "\n" ) + ( first ? "" : " || " ) + "( extension == \"" + + "\" )";
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
first = false;
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
typeTest += "\n" + previousLeave;
return typeTest;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateFormatTraits() const
if ( m_formats.empty() )
return "";
const std::string formatTraitsTemplate = R"(
//=== Format Traits ===
// The three-dimensional extent of a texel block.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 std::array<uint8_t, 3> blockExtent( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format )
switch( format )
default: return {{1, 1, 1 }};
// The texel block size in bytes.
switch( format )
default : VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 0;
// The class of the format (can't be just named "class"!)
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 char const * compatibilityClass( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format )
switch( format )
default : VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return "";
// The number of bits in this component, if not compressed, otherwise 0.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 uint8_t componentBits( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t component )
switch( format )
default: return 0;
// The number of components of this format.
switch( format )
default: return 0;
// The name of the component
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 char const * componentName( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t component )
switch( format )
default: return "";
// The numeric format of the component
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 char const * componentNumericFormat( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t component )
switch( format )
default: return "";
// The plane this component lies in.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 uint8_t componentPlaneIndex( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t component )
switch( format )
default: return 0;
// True, if the components of this format are compressed, otherwise false.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 bool componentsAreCompressed( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format )
switch( format )
return true;
default: return false;
// A textual description of the compression scheme, or an empty string if it is not compressed
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 char const * compressionScheme( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format )
switch( format )
default: return "";
// True, if this format is a compressed one.
return ( *VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::compressionScheme( format ) != 0 );
// The number of bits into which the format is packed. A single image element in this format
// can be stored in the same space as a scalar type of this bit width.
switch( format )
default: return 0;
// The single-plane format that this plane is compatible with.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format planeCompatibleFormat( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t plane )
switch( format )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( plane == 0 ); return format;
// The number of image planes of this format.
switch( format )
default: return 1;
// The relative height of this plane. A value of k means that this plane is 1/k the height of the overall format.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 uint8_t planeHeightDivisor( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t plane )
switch( format )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( plane == 0 ); return 1;
// The relative width of this plane. A value of k means that this plane is 1/k the width of the overall format.
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 uint8_t planeWidthDivisor( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format format, uint8_t plane )
switch( format )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( plane == 0 ); return 1;
// The number of texels in a texel block.
switch( format )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 0;
auto formatIt = m_enums.find( "VkFormat" );
assert( formatIt != m_enums.end() );
assert( formatIt->second.values.front().name == "VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED" );
std::string blockSizeCases, blockExtentCases, classCases, componentBitsCases, componentCountCases, componentNameCases, componentNumericFormatCases,
componentPlaneIndexCases, componentsAreCompressedCases, compressionSchemeCases, packedCases, planeCompatibleCases, planeCountCases, planeHeightDivisorCases,
planeWidthDivisorCases, texelsPerBlockCases;
for ( auto formatValuesIt = std::next( formatIt->second.values.begin() ); formatValuesIt != formatIt->second.values.end(); ++formatValuesIt )
if ( formatValuesIt->supported )
auto traitIt = m_formats.find( formatValuesIt->name );
assert( traitIt != m_formats.end() );
std::string caseString = " case VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format::" + generateEnumValueName( "VkFormat", traitIt->first, false ) + ":";
blockSizeCases += caseString + " return " + traitIt->second.blockSize + ";\n";
if ( !traitIt->second.blockExtent.empty() )
std::vector<std::string> blockExtent = tokenize( traitIt->second.blockExtent, "," );
assert( blockExtent.size() == 3 );
blockExtentCases += caseString + " return {{ " + blockExtent[0] + ", " + blockExtent[1] + ", " + blockExtent[2] + " }};\n";
classCases += caseString + " return \"" + traitIt->second.classAttribute + "\";\n";
if ( traitIt->second.components.front().bits != "compressed" )
const std::string componentBitsCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( component )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 0;
std::string componentCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.components.size(); ++i )
componentCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return " + traitIt->second.components[i].bits + ";\n";
componentBitsCases += replaceWithMap( componentBitsCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "componentCases", componentCases } } );
componentCountCases += caseString + " return " + std::to_string( traitIt->second.components.size() ) + ";\n";
const std::string componentNameCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( component )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return "";
std::string componentCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.components.size(); ++i )
componentCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return \"" + traitIt->second.components[i].name + "\";\n";
componentNameCases += replaceWithMap( componentNameCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "componentCases", componentCases } } );
const std::string componentNumericFormatCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( component )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return "";
std::string componentCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.components.size(); ++i )
componentCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return \"" + traitIt->second.components[i].numericFormat + "\";\n";
componentNumericFormatCases +=
replaceWithMap( componentNumericFormatCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "componentCases", componentCases } } );
if ( !traitIt->second.components.front().planeIndex.empty() )
const std::string componentPlaneIndexCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( component )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 0;
std::string componentCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.components.size(); ++i )
componentCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return " + traitIt->second.components[i].planeIndex + ";\n";
componentPlaneIndexCases += replaceWithMap( componentPlaneIndexCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "componentCases", componentCases } } );
if ( traitIt->second.components.front().bits == "compressed" )
componentsAreCompressedCases += caseString + "\n";
if ( !traitIt->second.compressed.empty() )
compressionSchemeCases += caseString + " return \"" + traitIt->second.compressed + "\";\n";
if ( !traitIt->second.packed.empty() )
packedCases += caseString + " return " + traitIt->second.packed + ";\n";
if ( !traitIt->second.planes.empty() )
const std::string planeCompatibleCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( plane )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format::eUndefined;
const std::string planeHeightDivisorCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( plane )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 1;
const std::string planeWidthDivisorCaseTemplate = R"(${caseString}
switch( plane )
default: VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false ); return 1;
std::string compatibleCases, heightDivisorCases, widthDivisorCases;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < traitIt->second.planes.size(); ++i )
compatibleCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) +
": return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Format::" + generateEnumValueName( "VkFormat", traitIt->second.planes[i].compatible, false ) +
heightDivisorCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return " + traitIt->second.planes[i].heightDivisor + ";\n";
widthDivisorCases += " case " + std::to_string( i ) + ": return " + traitIt->second.planes[i].widthDivisor + ";\n";
planeCompatibleCases += replaceWithMap( planeCompatibleCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "compatibleCases", compatibleCases } } );
planeCountCases += caseString + " return " + std::to_string( traitIt->second.planes.size() ) + ";\n";
planeHeightDivisorCases +=
replaceWithMap( planeHeightDivisorCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "heightDivisorCases", heightDivisorCases } } );
planeWidthDivisorCases += replaceWithMap( planeWidthDivisorCaseTemplate, { { "caseString", caseString }, { "widthDivisorCases", widthDivisorCases } } );
texelsPerBlockCases += caseString + " return " + traitIt->second.texelsPerBlock + ";\n";
return replaceWithMap( formatTraitsTemplate,
{ { "blockExtentCases", blockExtentCases },
{ "blockSizeCases", blockSizeCases },
{ "classCases", classCases },
{ "componentBitsCases", componentBitsCases },
{ "componentCountCases", componentCountCases },
{ "componentNameCases", componentNameCases },
{ "componentNumericFormatCases", componentNumericFormatCases },
{ "componentPlaneIndexCases", componentPlaneIndexCases },
{ "componentsAreCompressedCases", componentsAreCompressedCases },
{ "compressionSchemeCases", compressionSchemeCases },
{ "packedCases", packedCases },
{ "planeCompatibleCases", planeCompatibleCases },
{ "planeCountCases", planeCountCases },
{ "planeHeightDivisorCases", planeHeightDivisorCases },
{ "planeWidthDivisorCases", planeWidthDivisorCases },
{ "texelsPerBlockCases", texelsPerBlockCases } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateFunctionPointerCheck( std::string const & function, std::set<std::string> const & requiredBy, bool raii ) const
std::string functionPointerCheck;
if ( !requiredBy.empty() )
std::string message = "Function <" + function + "> requires <" + *requiredBy.begin() + ">";
for ( auto it = std::next( requiredBy.begin() ); it != requiredBy.end(); ++it )
message += " or <" + *it + ">";
functionPointerCheck = std::string( "VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( " ) + ( raii ? "getDispatcher()->" : "d." ) + function + " && \"" + message + "\" );";
return functionPointerCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandle( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handleData, std::set<std::string> & listedHandles ) const
assert( !listedHandles.contains( handleData.first ) );
// first check for any handle that needs to be listed before this one
std::string str = generateHandleDependencies( handleData, listedHandles );
// list the commands of this handle
if ( handleData.first.empty() )
// the free functions, not bound to any handle
str += generateHandleEmpty( handleData.second );
// list all the commands that are mapped to members of this class
std::string commands = generateHandleCommandDeclarations( handleData.second.commands );
std::string debugReportObjectType = generateDebugReportObjectType( handleData.second.objTypeEnum );
// create CPPType template specialization
std::string className = stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" );
std::string cppType;
if ( debugReportObjectType != "eUnknown" )
static const std::string cppTypeFromDebugReportObjectTypeEXTTemplate = R"(
template <>
struct CppType<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::e${className}>
using Type = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className};
cppType = replaceWithMap( cppTypeFromDebugReportObjectTypeEXTTemplate, { { "className", className } } );
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromType( handleData.first ) );
assert( !handleData.second.objTypeEnum.empty() );
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkObjectType" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
assert( contains( enumIt->second.values, handleData.second.objTypeEnum ) );
std::string usingAlias;
for ( auto const & alias : handleData.second.aliases )
usingAlias += " using " + stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) + " = " + stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" ) + ";\n";
const std::string typesafeExplicitKeyword = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_EXPLICIT ";
const std::string typesafeConversionConditional = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "#if ( VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION == 1 )\n";
const std::string typesafeConversionConditionalEnd = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "#endif\n";
static const std::string templateString = R"(
${enter} class ${className}
using CType = Vk${className};
using NativeType = Vk${className};
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT debugReportObjectType = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::${debugReportObjectType};
${className}() VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT {}; // = default - try to workaround a compiler issue
${className}( ${className} const & rhs ) = default;
${className} & operator=( ${className} const & rhs ) = default;
${className}( ${className} && rhs ) = default;
${className} & operator=( ${className} && rhs ) = default;
${className}( ${className} && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: m_${memberName}( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_${memberName}, {} ) )
${className} & operator=( ${className} && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
m_${memberName} = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_${memberName}, {} );
return *this;
${typesafeExplicitKeyword}${className}( Vk${className} ${memberName} ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: m_${memberName}( ${memberName} )
${typesafeConversionConditional} ${className} & operator=(Vk${className} ${memberName}) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
m_${memberName} = ${memberName};
return *this;
${className} & operator=( std::nullptr_t ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
m_${memberName} = {};
return *this;
${typesafeExplicitKeyword}operator Vk${className}() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName};
explicit operator bool() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName} != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
bool operator!() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${memberName} == VK_NULL_HANDLE;
Vk${className} m_${memberName} = {};
template <>
struct CppType<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ObjectType, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ObjectType::${objTypeEnum}>
using Type = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className};
#if ( VK_USE_64_BIT_PTR_DEFINES == 1 )
template <>
struct CppType<Vk${className}, VK_NULL_HANDLE>
using Type = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className};
template <>
struct isVulkanHandleType<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className}>
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR bool value = true;
str += replaceWithMap( templateString,
{ { "className", className },
{ "commands", commands },
{ "CppType", cppType },
{ "debugReportObjectType", debugReportObjectType },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "memberName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" ) ) },
{ "objTypeEnum", generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, handleData.second.objTypeEnum, false ) },
{ "usingAlias", usingAlias },
{ "typesafeExplicitKeyword", typesafeExplicitKeyword },
{ "typesafeConversionConditional", typesafeConversionConditional },
{ "typesafeConversionConditionalEnd", typesafeConversionConditionalEnd } } );
listedHandles.insert( handleData.first );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleCommandDeclarations( std::set<std::string> const & commands ) const
std::string str;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension!
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
std::vector<std::string> commandNames = selectCommandsByHandle( feature.requireData, commands, listedCommands );
if ( !commandNames.empty() )
str += "\n //=== " + + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : commandNames )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
str += "\n";
str += generateCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, 1, false, false );
str += generateDestroyCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
std::vector<std::string> commandNames = selectCommandsByHandle( extension.requireData, commands, listedCommands );
if ( !commandNames.empty() )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( ) );
str += "\n" + enter + " //=== " + + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : commandNames )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
std::string commandString;
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( command, commandIt->second.params, 1 );
str += "\n";
str += generateCommand( command, commandIt->second, 1, false, false );
str += generateDestroyCommand( command, commandIt->second );
str += leave;
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleDependencies( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handleData, std::set<std::string> & listedHandles ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & command : handleData.second.commands )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
for ( auto const & parameter : commandIt->second.params )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( parameter.type.type );
if ( ( handleIt != m_handles.end() ) && ( parameter.type.type != handleData.first ) && !listedHandles.contains( parameter.type.type ) )
str += generateHandle( *handleIt, listedHandles );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleEmpty( HandleData const & handleData ) const
std::string str;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension !
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
std::vector<std::string> commands = selectCommandsByHandle( feature.requireData, handleData.commands, listedCommands );
if ( !commands.empty() )
str += "\n //=== "s + + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : commands )
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
str += "\n"s + generateCommand( commandIt->first, commandIt->second, 0, false, false );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
assert( selectCommandsByHandle( extension.requireData, handleData.commands, listedCommands ).empty() );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleForwardDeclarations() const
const std::string fowardDeclarationsTemplate = R"(
//=== HANDLE forward declarations ===
std::string forwardDeclarations;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
forwardDeclarations += generateHandleForwardDeclarations( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
forwardDeclarations += generateHandleForwardDeclarations( extension.requireData, );
return replaceWithMap( fowardDeclarationsTemplate, { { "forwardDeclarations", forwardDeclarations } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleForwardDeclarations( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
str += "class " + stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) + ";\n";
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleHashStructures( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
const std::string hashTemplate = R"(
template <> struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${type}>
std::size_t operator()(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${type} const & ${name}) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return std::hash<Vk${type}>{}(static_cast<Vk${type}>(${name}));
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" );
std::string handleName = startLowerCase( handleType );
str += replaceWithMap( hashTemplate, { { "name", handleName }, { "type", handleType } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandleHashStructures() const
const std::string hashesTemplate = R"(
//=== HASH structures for handles ===
std::string hashes;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
hashes += generateHandleHashStructures( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
hashes += generateHandleHashStructures( extension.requireData, );
return replaceWithMap( hashesTemplate, { { "hashes", hashes } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandles() const
// Note: reordering structs or handles by features and extensions is not possible!
std::string str = R"(
//=== HANDLEs ===
template <typename Type>
struct isVulkanHandleType
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR bool value = false;
std::set<std::string> listedHandles;
str += generateHandle( *m_handles.begin(), listedHandles ); // artificial handle without a name!
for ( auto handleIt = std::next( m_handles.begin() ); handleIt != m_handles.end(); ++handleIt )
if ( !listedHandles.contains( handleIt->first ) && isTypeUsed( handleIt->first ) )
str += generateHandle( *handleIt, listedHandles );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateIndexTypeTraits( std::pair<std::string, EnumData> const & enumData ) const
assert( enumData.first == "VkIndexType" );
std::string typeTraits;
for ( auto const & value : enumData.second.values )
assert( "VK_INDEX_TYPE_" ) );
std::string type = stripPrefix(, "VK_INDEX_TYPE_" );
if ( !type.starts_with( "NONE" ) )
checkForError( type.starts_with( "UINT" ), value.xmlLine, "unknown VkIndexType <" + + "> encountered" );
std::string::size_type pos = type.find_first_of( "0123456789" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
std::string::size_type end = type.find_first_not_of( "0123456789", pos );
std::string::size_type count = ( end != std::string::npos ) ? ( end - pos ) : end;
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( "VkIndexType",, false );
std::string cppType = "uint" + type.substr( pos, count ) + "_t";
const std::string typeTraitTemplate = R"( template <>
struct IndexTypeValue<${cppType}>
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR IndexType value = IndexType::${valueName};
template <>
struct CppType<IndexType, IndexType::${valueName}>
using Type = ${cppType};
typeTraits += replaceWithMap( typeTraitTemplate, { { "cppType", cppType }, { "valueName", valueName } } );
const std::string typeTraitsTemplate = R"(
//=== Index Type Traits ===
template<typename T>
struct IndexTypeValue
return replaceWithMap( typeTraitsTemplate, { { "typeTraits", typeTraits } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateLayerSettingTypeTraits() const
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkLayerSettingTypeEXT" );
assert( ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) && ( enumIt->second.values.size() == 8 ) && ( enumIt->second.values[0].name == "VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_BOOL32_EXT" ) &&
( enumIt->second.values[1].name == "VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_INT32_EXT" ) && ( enumIt->second.values[2].name == "VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_INT64_EXT" ) &&
( enumIt->second.values[3].name == "VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_UINT32_EXT" ) && ( enumIt->second.values[4].name == "VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_UINT64_EXT" ) &&
( enumIt->second.values[5].name == "VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_FLOAT32_EXT" ) &&
( enumIt->second.values[6].name == "VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_FLOAT64_EXT" ) && ( enumIt->second.values[7].name == "VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_STRING_EXT" ) );
const std::string typeTraits = R"(
//=== Layer Setting Type Traits ===
template <>
struct CppType<LayerSettingTypeEXT, LayerSettingTypeEXT::eBool32>
using Type = vk::Bool32;
template <>
struct CppType<LayerSettingTypeEXT, LayerSettingTypeEXT::eInt32>
using Type = int32_t;
template <>
struct CppType<LayerSettingTypeEXT, LayerSettingTypeEXT::eInt64>
using Type = int64_t;
template <>
struct CppType<LayerSettingTypeEXT, LayerSettingTypeEXT::eUint32>
using Type = uint32_t;
template <>
struct CppType<LayerSettingTypeEXT, LayerSettingTypeEXT::eUint64>
using Type = uint64_t;
template <>
struct CppType<LayerSettingTypeEXT, LayerSettingTypeEXT::eFloat32>
using Type = float;
template <>
struct CppType<LayerSettingTypeEXT, LayerSettingTypeEXT::eFloat64>
using Type = double;
template <>
struct CppType<LayerSettingTypeEXT, LayerSettingTypeEXT::eString>
using Type = char *;
template <typename T>
bool isSameType( LayerSettingTypeEXT layerSettingType )
switch ( layerSettingType )
case LayerSettingTypeEXT::eBool32: return std::is_same<T, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Bool32>::value;
case LayerSettingTypeEXT::eInt32: return std::is_same<T, int32_t>::value;
case LayerSettingTypeEXT::eInt64: return std::is_same<T, int64_t>::value;
case LayerSettingTypeEXT::eUint32: return std::is_same<T, uint32_t>::value;
case LayerSettingTypeEXT::eUint64: return std::is_same<T, uint64_t>::value;
case LayerSettingTypeEXT::eFloat32: return std::is_same<T, float>::value;
case LayerSettingTypeEXT::eFloat64: return std::is_same<T, double>::value;
case LayerSettingTypeEXT::eString: return std::is_same<T, char *>::value;
default: return false;
return typeTraits;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateLenInitializer(
std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator mit,
std::map<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator, std::vector<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator>>::const_iterator litit,
bool mutualExclusiveLens ) const
std::string initializer;
if ( mutualExclusiveLens )
// there are multiple mutually exclusive arrays related to this len
for ( size_t i = 0; i + 1 < litit->second.size(); i++ )
auto arrayIt = litit->second[i];
std::string argumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIt->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
initializer += "!" + argumentName + ".empty() ? " + argumentName + ".size() : ";
auto arrayIt = litit->second.back();
std::string argumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIt->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
initializer += argumentName + ".size()";
auto arrayIt = litit->second.front();
assert( ( arrayIt->lenExpressions.front() == litit->first->name ) ||
( ( arrayIt->lenExpressions.front() == "codeSize / 4" ) && ( litit->first->name == "codeSize" ) ) );
assert( arrayIt->type.isPointer() || !arrayIt->arraySizes.empty() );
assert( !arrayIt->type.isPointer() || arrayIt->name.starts_with( "p" ) );
std::string argumentName = ( arrayIt->type.isPointer() ? startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIt->name, "p" ) ) : arrayIt->name ) + "_";
assert( mit->type.prefix.empty() && mit->type.postfix.empty() );
initializer = argumentName + ".size()";
if ( arrayIt->lenExpressions.front() == "codeSize / 4" )
initializer += " * 4";
if ( ( arrayIt->type.type == "void" ) &&
( std::count_if( arrayIt->type.postfix.begin(), arrayIt->type.postfix.end(), []( char c ) { return c == '*'; } ) < 2 ) )
initializer += " * sizeof(T)";
if ( mit->type.type != "size_t" )
initializer = "static_cast<" + mit->type.type + ">( " + initializer + " )";
if ( !litit->second.front()->arraySizes.empty() )
assert( litit->second.front()->arraySizes.size() == 1 );
initializer = "(std::min)( " + initializer + ", " + litit->second.front()->arraySizes[0] + " )";
return initializer;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateName( TypeInfo const & typeInfo ) const
std::string name = stripPrefix( typeInfo.type, "Vk" );
assert( typeInfo.prefix.find( '*' ) == std::string::npos );
if ( typeInfo.postfix.find( '*' ) != std::string::npos )
assert( typeInfo.postfix.find_first_of( '*' ) == typeInfo.postfix.find_last_of( '*' ) );
name = "p" + name;
name = startLowerCase( name );
return name;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateNoExcept( std::vector<std::string> const & errorCodes,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool vectorSizeCheck,
bool raii ) const
// noexcept is only possible with no error codes, and the return param (if any) is not a vector param (unless it's the singular version)
return ( errorCodes.empty() &&
( ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular ) || returnParams.empty() ||
std::none_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vectorParams]( size_t rp ) { return vectorParams.contains( rp ); } ) ) )
? ( vectorSizeCheck ? ( raii ? "" : " VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT_WHEN_NO_EXCEPTIONS" ) : " VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT" )
: "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateObjectDeleter( std::string const & commandName,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
size_t returnParam ) const
std::string objectDeleter, allocator;
if ( ( commandName.find( "Acquire" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( commandName.find( "Get" ) != std::string::npos ) )
if ( ( commandName == "vkAcquirePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) || ( commandName == "vkGetRandROutputDisplayEXT" ) ||
( commandName == "vkGetWinrtDisplayNV" ) || ( commandName == "vkGetDrmDisplayEXT" ) )
objectDeleter = "detail::ObjectRelease";
throw std::runtime_error( "Found " + commandName + " which requires special handling for the object deleter" );
else if ( commandName.find( "Allocate" ) != std::string::npos )
objectDeleter = "detail::ObjectFree";
allocator = "allocator, ";
assert( ( commandName.find( "Create" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( commandName.find( "Register" ) != std::string::npos ) );
objectDeleter = "detail::ObjectDestroy";
allocator = "allocator, ";
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "";
std::string parentName = ( className.empty() || ( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type == "VkDevice" ) ) ? "detail::NoParent" : className;
return objectDeleter + "<" + parentName + ", Dispatch>( " + ( ( parentName == "detail::NoParent" ) ? "" : "*this, " ) + allocator + "d )";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateObjectTypeToDebugReportObjectType() const
auto objectTypeToDebugReportObjectTypeTemplate = std::string{ R"(
//=== Mapping from ObjectType to DebugReportObjectTypeEXT ===
VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT debugReportObjectType( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ObjectType objectType )
switch( objectType )
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( false && "unknown ObjectType" );
return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::eUnknown;
)" };
auto const generateObjectTypeCases = [this]( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title )
static const std::string objectTypeCaseTemplate =
" case VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ObjectType::${objectType} : return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::${debugReportObjectType};\n";
std::string objectTypeCases;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
objectTypeCases += replaceWithMap( objectTypeCaseTemplate,
{ { "debugReportObjectType", generateDebugReportObjectType( handleIt->second.objTypeEnum ) },
{ "objectType", generateEnumValueName( "VkObjectType", handleIt->second.objTypeEnum, false ) } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, objectTypeCases );
std::string objectTypeCases;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
objectTypeCases += generateObjectTypeCases( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
objectTypeCases += generateObjectTypeCases( extension.requireData, );
return replaceWithMap( objectTypeToDebugReportObjectTypeTemplate, { { "objectTypeCases", objectTypeCases } } );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateProtection( std::string const & protect, bool defined ) const
auto const openProtect = defined ? "#if defined( " : "#if !defined( ";
return protect.empty() ? std::make_pair( "", "" ) : std::make_pair( openProtect + protect + " )\n", "#endif /*" + protect + "*/\n" );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIICommandDefinitions() const
const std::string commandDefinitionsTemplate = R"(
//=== COMMAND Definitions ===
std::string commandDefinitions;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension!
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
commandDefinitions += generateRAIICommandDefinitions( feature.requireData, listedCommands, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
commandDefinitions += generateRAIICommandDefinitions( extension.requireData, listedCommands, );
return replaceWithMap( commandDefinitionsTemplate, { { "commandDefinitions", commandDefinitions } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIICommandDefinitions( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( listedCommands.insert( ).second )
str += generateRAIIHandleCommand(, determineInitialSkipCount( ), true );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIDispatchers() const
std::string contextInitializers, contextMembers, deviceAssignments, deviceMembers, instanceAssignments, instanceMembers;
std::set<std::string> listedCommands;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
appendRAIIDispatcherCommands( feature.requireData,
instanceMembers );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
appendRAIIDispatcherCommands( extension.requireData,
instanceMembers );
std::string contextDispatcherTemplate = R"(
class ContextDispatcher : public ::VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DispatchLoaderBase
ContextDispatcher( PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getProcAddr )
: vkGetInstanceProcAddr( getProcAddr )${contextInitializers}
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr vkGetInstanceProcAddr = 0;
std::string str = replaceWithMap( contextDispatcherTemplate, { { "contextInitializers", contextInitializers }, { "contextMembers", contextMembers } } );
std::string instanceDispatcherTemplate = R"(
class InstanceDispatcher : public ::VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DispatchLoaderBase
InstanceDispatcher( PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getProcAddr, VkInstance instance )
: vkGetInstanceProcAddr( getProcAddr )
vkGetDeviceProcAddr =
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr( vkGetInstanceProcAddr( instance, "vkGetDeviceProcAddr" ) );
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr vkGetDeviceProcAddr = 0;
str += replaceWithMap( instanceDispatcherTemplate, { { "instanceAssignments", instanceAssignments }, { "instanceMembers", instanceMembers } } );
std::string deviceDispatcherTemplate = R"(
class DeviceDispatcher : public ::VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DispatchLoaderBase
DeviceDispatcher( PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr getProcAddr, VkDevice device ) : vkGetDeviceProcAddr( getProcAddr )
str += replaceWithMap( deviceDispatcherTemplate, { { "deviceAssignments", deviceAssignments }, { "deviceMembers", deviceMembers } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIFactoryReturnStatements( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::vector<std::string> const & successCodes,
std::string const & vkType,
bool enumerating,
std::string const & returnType,
std::string const & returnVariable,
bool singular ) const
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( vkType );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
std::string successCodePassToElement = ( enumerating ? ( successCodes.size() <= 2 ) : ( successCodes.size() <= 1 ) ) ? "" : ", result";
if ( returnType.starts_with( "std::vector" ) )
assert( !successCodes.empty() );
std::string const & returnTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${returnVariable}RAII;
${returnVariable}RAII.reserve( ${returnVariable}.size() );
for ( auto & ${element} : ${returnVariable} )
${returnVariable}RAII.emplace_back( *this, ${handleConstructorArguments}${successCodePassToElement} );
return ${returnVariable}RAII;
std::string element = stripPluralS( returnVariable );
std::string handleConstructorArguments = generateRAIIHandleSingularConstructorArguments( *handleIt, params, vkType, element );
return replaceWithMap( returnTemplate,
{ { "element", element },
{ "handleConstructorArguments", handleConstructorArguments },
{ "successCodePassToElement", successCodePassToElement },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "returnVariable", returnVariable } } );
std::string const & returnTemplate = "return ${returnType}( *this, ${handleConstructorArguments}${successCodePassToElement} );";
std::string handleConstructorArguments =
generateRAIIHandleSingularConstructorArguments( *handleIt, params, vkType, singular ? stripPluralS( returnVariable ) : returnVariable );
return replaceWithMap( returnTemplate,
{ { "returnType", returnType },
{ "handleConstructorArguments", handleConstructorArguments },
{ "successCodePassToElement", successCodePassToElement } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandle( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::set<std::string> & listedHandles,
std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions ) const
std::string str;
if ( !listedHandles.contains( handle.first ) )
rescheduleRAIIHandle( str, handle, listedHandles, specialFunctions );
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromType( handle.first ) );
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" );
std::string handleName = generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt );
auto [singularConstructors, arrayConstructors] = generateRAIIHandleConstructors( handle );
auto [clearMembers, getConstructorSuccessCode, memberVariables, moveConstructorInitializerList, moveAssignmentInstructions, swapMembers, releaseMembers] =
generateRAIIHandleDetails( handle );
std::string declarations = generateRAIIHandleCommandDeclarations( handle, specialFunctions );
assert( !handle.second.objTypeEnum.empty() );
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkObjectType" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
assert( contains( enumIt->second.values, handle.second.objTypeEnum ) );
std::string objTypeEnum = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, handle.second.objTypeEnum, false );
enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
std::string valueName = handle.second.objTypeEnum;
valueName = valueName.replace( 3, 0, "DEBUG_REPORT_" ) + "_EXT";
std::string debugReportObjectType = contains( enumIt->second.values, valueName ) ? generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, valueName, false ) : "eUnknown";
std::string dispatcherType = ( ( handle.first == "VkDevice" ) || ( handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.front().type.type == "VkDevice" ) )
std::string getParent;
if ( ( handle.first != "VkInstance" ) && ( handle.first != "VkDevice" ) && ( handle.second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() ) )
assert( !handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.empty() );
std::string parentType = stripPrefix( handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.front().type.type, "Vk" );
getParent = " VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + parentType + " get" + parentType + "() const\n";
getParent += " {\n";
getParent += " return m_" + handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.front().name + ";\n";
getParent += " }\n";
std::string assignmentOperator, copyConstructor;
if ( handle.second.destructorIt == m_commands.end() )
// allow copy constructor and assignment operator for classes without destructor
std::string const copyConstructorTemplate =
R"( ${handleType}( ${handleType} const & rhs ) : m_${handleName}( rhs.m_${handleName} ), m_dispatcher( rhs.m_dispatcher ) {})";
copyConstructor += replaceWithMap( copyConstructorTemplate, { { "handleName", handleName }, { "handleType", handleType } } );
std::string assignmentOperatorTemplate = R"( ${handleType} & operator=( ${handleType} const & rhs )
m_${handleName} = rhs.m_${handleName};
m_dispatcher = rhs.m_dispatcher;
return *this;
assignmentOperator += replaceWithMap( assignmentOperatorTemplate, { { "handleName", handleName }, { "handleType", handleType } } );
std::string const copyConstructorTemplate = R"( ${handleType}( ${handleType} const & ) = delete;)";
copyConstructor += replaceWithMap( copyConstructorTemplate, { { "handleType", handleType } } );
std::string const assignmentOperatorTemplate = R"( ${handleType} & operator=( ${handleType} const & ) = delete;)";
assignmentOperator += replaceWithMap( assignmentOperatorTemplate, { { "handleType", handleType } } );
const std::string handleTemplate = R"(
${enter} class ${handleType}
using CType = Vk${handleType};
using CppType = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${handleType};
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT debugReportObjectType = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT::${debugReportObjectType};
${handleType}( std::nullptr_t ) {}
${handleType}() = delete;
${handleType}( ${handleType} && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: ${moveConstructorInitializerList}
${handleType} & operator=( ${handleType} && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
if ( this != &rhs )
return *this;
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${handleType} const & operator*() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${handleName};
operator VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${handleType}() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_${handleName};
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${handleType} release()
${dispatcherType} const * getDispatcher() const
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( m_dispatcher->getVkHeaderVersion() == VK_HEADER_VERSION );
return ${getDispatcherReturn}m_dispatcher;
template <>
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR bool value = true;
str += replaceWithMap( handleTemplate,
{ { "assignmentOperator", assignmentOperator },
{ "clearMembers", clearMembers },
{ "copyConstructor", copyConstructor },
{ "debugReportObjectType", debugReportObjectType },
{ "dispatcherType", dispatcherType },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "getConstructorSuccessCode", getConstructorSuccessCode },
{ "getDispatcherReturn", ( handleType == "Device" ) || ( handleType == "Instance" ) ? "&*" : "" },
{ "getParent", getParent },
{ "handleName", handleName },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "memberFunctionsDeclarations", declarations },
{ "memberVariables", memberVariables },
{ "moveAssignmentInstructions", moveAssignmentInstructions },
{ "moveConstructorInitializerList", moveConstructorInitializerList },
{ "objTypeEnum", objTypeEnum },
{ "releaseMembers", releaseMembers },
{ "singularConstructors", singularConstructors },
{ "swapMembers", swapMembers } } );
if ( !arrayConstructors.empty() )
// it's a handle class with a friendly handles class
const std::string handlesTemplate = R"(
${enter} class ${handleType}s : public std::vector<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::${handleType}>
${handleType}s( std::nullptr_t ) {}
${handleType}s() = delete;
${handleType}s( ${handleType}s const & ) = delete;
${handleType}s( ${handleType}s && rhs ) = default;
${handleType}s & operator=( ${handleType}s const & ) = delete;
${handleType}s & operator=( ${handleType}s && rhs ) = default;
${handleType}s( std::vector<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::${handleType}> && rhs )
std::swap( *this, rhs );
str +=
replaceWithMap( handlesTemplate, { { "arrayConstructors", arrayConstructors }, { "enter", enter }, { "handleType", handleType }, { "leave", leave } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommand( std::string const & command, size_t initialSkipCount, bool definition ) const
std::string str;
if ( !m_RAIISpecialFunctions.contains( command ) )
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
str = generateCommand( command, commandIt->second, initialSkipCount, definition, true );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandDeclarations( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions ) const
std::string functionDeclarations;
std::map<std::string, NameLine> listedCommands; // some commands are listed with more than one extension !
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
std::vector<std::string> firstLevelCommands, secondLevelCommands;
for ( auto const & require : feature.requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( !specialFunctions.contains( ) )
if ( handle.second.commands.contains( ) )
assert( !listedCommands.contains( ) );
listedCommands.insert( {, {, command.xmlLine } } );
firstLevelCommands.push_back( );
else if ( handle.second.secondLevelCommands.contains( ) )
auto listedIt = listedCommands.find( );
if ( listedIt == listedCommands.end() )
listedCommands.insert( {, {, command.xmlLine } } );
assert( !handle.first.empty() );
secondLevelCommands.push_back( );
checkForError( listedIt-> ==,
"command <" + + "> already listed as required for feature <" + listedIt-> + "> on line " +
std::to_string( listedIt->second.xmlLine ) );
if ( !firstLevelCommands.empty() || !secondLevelCommands.empty() )
functionDeclarations += "\n //=== " + + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : firstLevelCommands )
functionDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, handle.first.empty() ? 0 : 1, false );
for ( auto const & command : secondLevelCommands )
assert( !handle.first.empty() );
functionDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, 2, false );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
std::vector<std::string> firstLevelCommands, secondLevelCommands;
for ( auto & req : extension.requireData )
for ( auto const & command : req.commands )
if ( !specialFunctions.contains( ) && !listedCommands.contains( ) )
if ( handle.second.commands.contains( ) )
listedCommands.insert( {, {, command.xmlLine } } );
firstLevelCommands.push_back( );
else if ( handle.second.secondLevelCommands.contains( ) )
listedCommands.insert( {, {, command.xmlLine } } );
secondLevelCommands.push_back( );
if ( !firstLevelCommands.empty() || !secondLevelCommands.empty() )
std::string handleProtect = getProtectFromType( handle.first );
std::string titleProtect = getProtectFromTitle( );
std::string enter, leave;
if ( !titleProtect.empty() && ( titleProtect != handleProtect ) )
std::tie( enter, leave ) = generateProtection( titleProtect );
functionDeclarations += "\n" + enter + " //=== " + + " ===\n";
for ( auto const & command : firstLevelCommands )
functionDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, handle.first.empty() ? 0 : 1, false );
for ( auto const & command : secondLevelCommands )
assert( !handle.first.empty() );
functionDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleCommand( command, 2, false );
functionDeclarations += leave;
return functionDeclarations;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandEnhanced( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool definition,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags ) const
const bool singular = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular;
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, returnParams, singular );
std::set<size_t> singularParams = singular ? determineSingularParams( returnParams[0], vectorParams ) : std::set<size_t>();
std::set<size_t> templatedParams =
( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::keepVoidPtr ) ? std::set<size_t>() : determineVoidPointerParams( commandData.params );
std::vector<size_t> chainedReturnParams =
( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained ) ? determineChainedReturnParams( commandData.params, returnParams ) : std::vector<size_t>();
assert( chainedReturnParams.size() <= 1 );
const bool enumerating = determineEnumeration( vectorParams, returnParams );
std::vector<std::string> dataTypes = determineDataTypes( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams, templatedParams );
std::string dataType = combineDataTypes( vectorParams, returnParams, enumerating, dataTypes, flavourFlags, true );
std::string argumentTemplates = generateArgumentTemplates( commandData.params, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, chainedReturnParams, true );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced(
commandData.params, returnParams, vectorParams, skippedParams, singularParams, templatedParams, chainedReturnParams, definition, flavourFlags, false );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, flavourFlags );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard(
!returnParams.empty() || ( ( commandData.returnType != "VkResult" ) && ( commandData.returnType != "void" ) ), 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), false );
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> vectorSizeCheck =
needsVectorSizeCheck( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams, singularParams, skippedParams );
std::string noexceptString = generateNoExcept( commandData.errorCodes, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags, vectorSizeCheck.first, true );
std::string returnType = generateReturnType( returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags, true, dataTypes );
std::string decoratedReturnType = generateDecoratedReturnType( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags, true, returnType );
if ( definition )
std::string const definitionTemplate =
${nodiscard} VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}::${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const ${noexcept}
std::string callSequence = generateCallSequence(
name, commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, initialSkipCount, singularParams, templatedParams, chainedReturnParams, flavourFlags, true, false );
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "Context";
std::string returnVariable = generateReturnVariable( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags );
std::string dataDeclarations =
generateDataDeclarations( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, flavourFlags, true, dataTypes, dataType, returnType, returnVariable );
std::string dataPreparation =
generateDataPreparation( commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParams, vectorParams, templatedParams, flavourFlags, enumerating, dataTypes );
std::string dataSizeChecks = generateDataSizeChecks( commandData, returnParams, dataTypes, vectorParams, templatedParams, singular );
std::string resultCheck = generateResultCheck( commandData, className, "::", commandName, enumerating );
std::string returnStatement = generateReturnStatement( name,
returnParams.empty() ? INVALID_INDEX : returnParams[0],
true );
std::string vectorSizeCheckString =
vectorSizeCheck.first ? generateVectorSizeCheck( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, vectorSizeCheck.second, skippedParams, false ) : "";
return replaceWithMap( definitionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "callSequence", callSequence },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "dataDeclarations", dataDeclarations },
{ "dataPreparation", dataPreparation },
{ "dataSizeChecks", dataSizeChecks },
{ "functionPointerCheck", generateFunctionPointerCheck( name, commandData.requiredBy, true ) },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "resultCheck", resultCheck },
{ "returnStatement", returnStatement },
{ "returnType", decoratedReturnType },
{ "vectorSizeCheck", vectorSizeCheckString } } );
std::string const declarationTemplate =
${nodiscard} ${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const ${noexcept};
return replaceWithMap( declarationTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "returnType", decoratedReturnType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandFactory( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
bool definition,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags ) const
assert( isHandleType( commandData.params[returnParams.back()].type.type ) ||
( vectorParams.contains( returnParams.back() ) && vectorParams.find( returnParams.back() )->second.byStructure &&
isHandleType( vectorMemberByStructure( commandData.params[returnParams.back()].type.type ).type.type ) ) );
assert( ( returnParams.size() == 1 ) ||
( ( returnParams.size() == 2 ) && ( vectorParams.size() == 1 ) && ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam ) &&
( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first ) ) );
assert( determineVoidPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() );
const bool enumerating = determineEnumeration( vectorParams, returnParams );
const bool singular = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular;
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, returnParams, singular );
std::set<size_t> singularParams = singular ? determineSingularParams( returnParams.back(), vectorParams ) : std::set<size_t>();
std::string argumentList = generateRAIIHandleCommandFactoryArgumentList( commandData.params, skippedParams, definition, singular );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, flavourFlags );
std::string handleType;
if ( ( vectorParams.size() == 1 ) && vectorParams.begin()->second.byStructure )
assert( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams.back() );
handleType = vectorMemberByStructure( commandData.params.back().type.type ).type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE" );
handleType = commandData.params[returnParams.back()].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE" );
handleType = stripPostfix( handleType, " *" );
std::string noexceptString = enumerating ? "" : "VULKAN_HPP_RAII_CREATE_NOEXCEPT";
std::string returnType = handleType;
if ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams.back() ) && !singular )
noexceptString = "";
returnType = "std::vector<" + handleType + ">";
handleType += "s";
if ( definition )
std::string className = initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "Context";
std::vector<std::string> dataTypes = determineDataTypes( commandData.params, vectorParams, returnParams, {} );
std::string dataType = combineDataTypes( vectorParams, returnParams, enumerating, dataTypes, flavourFlags, true );
std::string returnVariable = generateReturnVariable( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, flavourFlags );
std::string vulkanType;
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams.back() );
if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && vectorParamIt->second.byStructure )
vulkanType = vectorMemberByStructure( commandData.params[returnParams.back()].type.type ).type.type;
vulkanType = commandData.params[returnParams.back()].type.type;
// some special handling for vkCreateDescriptorPool: not to have this flag set!
std::string specialAssertion;
if ( name == "vkCreateDescriptorPool" )
specialAssertion =
"VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( createInfo.flags & vk::DescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits::eFreeDescriptorSet && \"createInfo.flags need to have vk::DescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits::eFreeDesriptors set in order to allow destruction of VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::DescriptorSet which requires to return individual allocations to the pool\" );";
std::string dataDeclarations =
generateDataDeclarations( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, {}, flavourFlags, true, dataTypes, dataType, returnType, returnVariable );
std::string callSequence =
generateCallSequence( name, commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, initialSkipCount, singularParams, {}, {}, flavourFlags, true, true );
std::string resultCheck = generateResultCheckExpected( commandData.successCodes, className, commandName );
std::string returnStatements =
generateRAIIFactoryReturnStatements( commandData.params, commandData.successCodes, vulkanType, enumerating, returnType, returnVariable, singular );
std::string const definitionTemplate =
VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD VULKAN_HPP_INLINE VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::CreateReturnType<${returnType}>::Type ${className}::${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const ${noexcept}
return replaceWithMap( definitionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "callSequence", callSequence },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "dataDeclarations", dataDeclarations },
{ "noexcept", noexceptString },
{ "resultCheck", resultCheck },
{ "returnStatements", returnStatements },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "specialAssertion", specialAssertion } } );
std::string const declarationTemplate =
VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::CreateReturnType<${returnType}>::Type ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const ${noexcept};
return replaceWithMap( declarationTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "noexcept", noexceptString }, { "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandFactoryArgumentList( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams,
bool definition,
bool singular ) const
std::vector<std::string> arguments;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i )
if ( !skippedParams.contains( i ) )
arguments.push_back( generateRAIIHandleConstructorArgument( params[i], definition, singular, false ) );
return generateList( arguments, "", ", " );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleCommandStandard( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, {}, {}, false );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListStandard( commandData.params, skippedParams, false );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount );
std::string nodiscard = ( commandData.returnType != "void" ) ? "VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD" : "";
std::string returnType =
commandData.returnType.starts_with( "Vk" ) ? "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( commandData.returnType, "Vk" ) : commandData.returnType;
if ( definition )
std::string functionBody = "getDispatcher()->" + name + "( " + generateCallArgumentsStandard( commandData.params, initialSkipCount ) + " )";
if ( commandData.returnType.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
functionBody = "return static_cast<" + returnType + ">( " + functionBody + " )";
else if ( commandData.returnType != "void" )
functionBody = "return " + functionBody;
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( ${nodiscard} VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}::${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "className", initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "Context" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "functionBody", functionBody },
{ "functionPointerCheck", generateFunctionPointerCheck( name, commandData.requiredBy, true ) },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string const declarationTemplate =
${nodiscard} ${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT;
return replaceWithMap( declarationTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "nodiscard", nodiscard }, { "returnType", returnType } } );
std::pair<std::string, std::string>
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructor( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
std::string singularConstructor, arrayConstructor;
if ( constructorIt->second.returnType == "VkResult" )
std::tie( singularConstructor, arrayConstructor ) = generateRAIIHandleConstructorResult( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave );
else if ( constructorIt->second.returnType == "void" )
std::tie( singularConstructor, arrayConstructor ) = generateRAIIHandleConstructorVoid( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave );
if ( singularConstructor.empty() && arrayConstructor.empty() )
throw std::runtime_error( "Never encountered a function like <" + constructorIt->first + "> !" );
return std::make_pair( singularConstructor, arrayConstructor );
std::pair<std::string, std::string>
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructor1Return2Vector( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave,
size_t returnParam,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams ) const
if ( returnParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first )
if ( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam )
if ( constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam].type.type == "uint32_t" )
if ( ( constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type != "void" ) &&
!isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].type.type ) )
std::string singularConstructor;
auto lenParamIt = constructorIt->second.params.begin() + vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam;
if ( !checkEquivalentSingularConstructor( handle.second.constructorIts, constructorIt, lenParamIt ) )
singularConstructor = generateRAIIHandleConstructorByCall( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, true, true );
return std::make_pair( singularConstructor, generateRAIIHandleConstructorByCall( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, true, false ) );
return std::make_pair( "", "" );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructors( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromType( handle.first ) );
std::string singularConstructors, arrayConstructors;
for ( auto constructorIt : handle.second.constructorIts )
// there is a non-const parameter with handle type : the to-be-constructed handle
// check for additional enter/leave guards for the constructors
auto [constructorEnter, constructorLeave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitles( constructorIt->second.requiredBy ) );
if ( constructorEnter == enter )
const auto [singularConstructor, arrayConstructor] = generateRAIIHandleConstructor( handle, constructorIt, constructorEnter, constructorLeave );
arrayConstructors += arrayConstructor;
singularConstructors += singularConstructor;
singularConstructors += generateRAIIHandleConstructorTakeOwnership( handle );
return std::make_pair( singularConstructors, arrayConstructors );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorArgument( ParamData const & param, bool definition, bool singular, bool takesOwnership ) const
std::string argument;
if ( param.type.isConstPointer() )
assert( param.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) );
assert( "p" ) );
std::string argumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) );
std::string argumentType = generateNamespacedType( param.type.type );
if ( param.optional )
assert( param.lenExpression.empty() );
argument = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Optional<const " + argumentType + "> " + argumentName + ( definition ? "" : " = nullptr" );
else if ( param.lenExpression.empty() )
argument = argumentType + " const & " + argumentName;
else if ( singular )
argument = argumentType + " const & " + stripPluralS( argumentName );
argument = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxy<" + argumentType + "> const & " + argumentName;
else if ( specialPointerTypes.contains( param.type.type ) )
assert( !param.optional );
assert( param.type.isNonConstPointer() );
argument = param.type.type + " & " +;
else if ( ( param.type.isValue() ) && isHandleType( param.type.type ) )
if ( takesOwnership )
assert( !param.optional );
argument = param.type.type + " " +;
argument = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( param.type.type, "Vk" );
if ( param.optional )
argument = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Optional<const " + argument + ">";
argument += " const & " +;
assert( !param.optional );
if ( param.arraySizes.empty() )
argument = param.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " ";
argument = generateStandardArray( param.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), param.arraySizes ) + " const & ";
argument +=;
return argument;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
bool singular,
bool takesOwnership ) const
auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string arguments = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::" + parentType + " const & " + parentName;
if ( takesOwnership )
arguments += ", " + handle.first + " " + generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt );
if ( constructorIt != m_commands.end() )
parentType = "Vk" + parentType;
const bool skip = skipLeadingGrandParent( handle );
for ( size_t i = skip ? 1 : 0; i < constructorIt->second.params.size(); i++ )
ParamData const & param = constructorIt->second.params[i];
// filter parent and handle type
if ( ( param.type.type != parentType ) && ( param.type.type != handle.first ) )
// the specialPointerTypes are considered const-pointers!
if ( param.type.isNonConstPointer() && !specialPointerTypes.contains( param.type.type ) )
// this is supposed to be the returned size on an enumeration function!
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
if ( ( param.type.type == "size_t" ) || ( param.type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
auto typeIt = std::find_if( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&handle]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.type.type == handle.first; } );
assert( typeIt != constructorIt->second.params.end() );
assert( typeIt->lenExpression == );
assert( vectorMemberByStructure( param.type.type ).type.type == handle.first );
else if ( std::any_of( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.lenExpression ==; } ) )
// this is the len of an other parameter, which will be mapped to an ArrayProxy
assert( param.type.isValue() && ( param.type.type == "uint32_t" ) );
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() && param.lenExpression.empty() && !param.optional );
arguments += ", " + generateRAIIHandleConstructorArgument( param, false, singular, takesOwnership );
return arguments;
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorInitializationList( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator destructorIt,
bool takesOwnership ) const
const auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string handleName = generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, destructorIt );
std::string initializationList;
if ( destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
for ( auto destructorParam : destructorIt->second.params )
if ( destructorParam.type.type == "Vk" + parentType )
initializationList += "m_" + parentName + "( " + parentName + " ), ";
else if ( destructorParam.type.type == handle.first )
if ( takesOwnership )
initializationList += "m_" + handleName + "( " + handleName + " ), ";
else if ( destructorParam.type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" )
assert( destructorParam.type.isConstPointer() && destructorParam.arraySizes.empty() && destructorParam.lenExpression.empty() &&
destructorParam.optional );
initializationList += "m_allocator( static_cast<const VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::AllocationCallbacks *>( allocator ) ), ";
else if ( isHandleType( destructorParam.type.type ) )
assert( destructorParam.type.isValue() && destructorParam.arraySizes.empty() && destructorParam.lenExpression.empty() && !destructorParam.optional );
initializationList += "m_" + + "( ";
auto constructorParamIt = std::find_if( constructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&destructorParam]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.type.type == destructorParam.type.type; } );
if ( constructorParamIt != constructorIt->second.params.end() )
assert( constructorParamIt->type.isValue() && constructorParamIt->arraySizes.empty() && constructorParamIt->lenExpression.empty() &&
!constructorParamIt->optional );
if ( constructorParamIt->type.type == "Vk" + parentType )
initializationList += "*";
initializationList += constructorParamIt->name;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
bool found = false;
for ( auto constructorParam : constructorIt->second.params )
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( constructorParam.type.type );
if ( structureIt != m_structs.end() )
auto structureMemberIt = findStructMemberItByType( destructorParam.type.type, structureIt->second.members );
if ( structureMemberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() )
assert( constructorParam.type.isConstPointer() && constructorParam.arraySizes.empty() && constructorParam.lenExpression.empty() &&
!constructorParam.optional );
initializationList += startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) ) + "." + structureMemberIt->name;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
found = true;
assert( found );
initializationList += " ), ";
// we can ignore all other parameters here !
if ( !handle.second.secondLevelCommands.empty() )
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto constructorCommandIt = m_commands.find( handle.second.constructorIts.front()->first );
assert( ( constructorCommandIt != m_commands.end() ) && ( 1 < constructorCommandIt->second.params.size() ) );
assert( std::next( constructorCommandIt->second.params.begin() )->type.type == "Vk" + parentType );
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( *handle.second.secondLevelCommands.begin() );
assert( ( commandIt != m_commands.end() ) && ( 1 < commandIt->second.params.size() ) );
assert( commandIt->second.params.front().type.type == constructorCommandIt->second.params.front().type.type );
assert( std::next( commandIt->second.params.begin() )->type.type == handle.first );
std::string grandParentType = stripPrefix( commandIt->second.params.front().type.type, "Vk" );
initializationList += "m_" + startLowerCase( grandParentType ) + "( " + parentName + ".get" + grandParentType + "() ), ";
if ( takesOwnership )
initializationList += "m_" + handleName + "( " + handleName + " ), ";
return initializationList.empty() ? initializationList : initializationList.substr( 0, initializationList.size() - 2 );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( std::string const & type,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator destructorIt ) const
if ( destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
auto destructorParamIt = std::find_if( destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&type]( ParamData const & destructorParam ) { return destructorParam.type.type == type; } );
if ( destructorParamIt != destructorIt->second.params.end() )
assert( std::none_of( std::next( destructorParamIt ),
[&type]( ParamData const & destructorParam ) { return destructorParam.type.type == type; } ) );
if ( !destructorParamIt->type.isValue() )
return startLowerCase( stripPrefix( stripPluralS( destructorParamIt->name ), "p" ) );
return destructorParamIt->name;
return startLowerCase( stripPrefix( type, "Vk" ) );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorResult( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
assert( !constructorIt->second.successCodes.empty() );
assert( constructorIt->second.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" );
switch ( constructorIt->second.successCodes.size() )
case 1:
if ( !constructorIt->second.errorCodes.empty() )
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( returnParams.size() == 1 )
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
switch ( vectorParams.size() )
case 0: return std::make_pair( generateRAIIHandleConstructorByCall( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, false, false ), "" );
case 1:
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->first )
if ( isLenByStructMember( constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].lenExpression,
constructorIt->second.params[vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam] ) )
return std::make_pair( "", generateRAIIHandleConstructorByCall( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, true, false ) );
case 2: return generateRAIIHandleConstructor1Return2Vector( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, returnParams[0], vectorParams );
default: break;
case 2:
case 3:
if ( !constructorIt->second.errorCodes.empty() )
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( constructorIt->second.params );
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 1:
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) )
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
return generateRAIIHandleConstructor1Return2Vector( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, returnParams[0], vectorParams );
else if ( ( vectorParams.size() == 1 ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[0] ) && vectorParams.begin()->second.byStructure )
assert( isHandleTypeByStructure( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
return std::make_pair( "", generateRAIIHandleConstructorByCall( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, true, false ) );
case 2:
if ( ( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "size_t" ) ||
( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type == "uint32_t" ) )
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[1]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 1 )
if ( returnParams[0] == vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam )
assert( returnParams[1] == vectorParams.begin()->first );
assert( constructorIt->second.successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" );
return std::make_pair( "", generateRAIIHandleConstructorByCall( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, true, false ) );
default: break;
case 4:
if ( !constructorIt->second.errorCodes.empty() )
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( returnParams.size() == 1 )
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.size() == 2 )
return generateRAIIHandleConstructor1Return2Vector( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, returnParams[0], vectorParams );
default: break;
return std::make_pair( "", "" );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorByCall( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, VulkanHppGenerator::CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave,
bool isPlural,
bool forceSingular ) const
const auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
size_t skipCount = 0;
if ( constructorIt->second.handle == constructorIt->second.params[skipCount].type.type )
if ( handle.second.parent == constructorIt->second.params[skipCount].type.type )
std::string constructorArguments = generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( handle, constructorIt, forceSingular, false );
std::string createCall = generateCommandName(
constructorIt->first, constructorIt->second.params, skipCount, forceSingular ? CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular : CommandFlavourFlagBits() );
std::string createArguments;
for ( size_t i = skipCount; i < constructorIt->second.params.size() - 1; ++i )
if ( constructorIt->second.params[i].type.isValue() || specialPointerTypes.contains( constructorIt->second.params[i].type.type ) )
createArguments += constructorIt->second.params[i].name + ", ";
else if ( constructorIt->second.params[i].type.isConstPointer() )
assert( constructorIt->second.params[i].lenParams.empty() || isPlural );
if ( !constructorIt->second.params[i].lenParams.empty() )
assert( constructorIt->second.params[i].lenParams.size() == 1 );
const std::string::size_type start = createArguments.find( constructorIt->second.params[i].lenParams[0].first );
assert( start != std::string::npos );
// remove the size/count argument, and its trailing ", "
createArguments.replace( start, constructorIt->second.params[i].lenParams[0].first.length() + 2, "" );
std::string argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( constructorIt->second.params[i].name, "p" ) );
if ( isPlural && forceSingular )
argument = stripPluralS( argument );
createArguments += argument + ", ";
// this is the count argument (by pointer) for an enumeration function -> skip it
if ( !createArguments.empty() )
createArguments = stripPostfix( createArguments, ", " );
assert( ( constructorIt->second.params.back().type.type == handle.first ) ||
( vectorMemberByStructure( constructorIt->second.params.back().type.type ).type.type == handle.first ) );
const std::string constructorTemplate =
${enter} ${handleType}${plural}( ${constructorArguments} )
*this = ${parentName}.${createCall}( ${createArguments} );
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "constructorArguments", constructorArguments },
{ "createArguments", createArguments },
{ "createCall", createCall },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "handleType", stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "plural", isPlural && !forceSingular ? "s" : "" },
{ "parentName", parentName } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorTakeOwnership( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( handle.first, "Vk" );
std::string handleName = startLowerCase( handleType );
const auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string constructorArguments = generateRAIIHandleConstructorArguments( handle, handle.second.destructorIt, false, true );
std::string initializationList = generateRAIIHandleConstructorInitializationList( handle, handle.second.destructorIt, handle.second.destructorIt, true );
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() );
if ( ( 1 < handle.second.constructorIts[0]->second.successCodes.size() && ( handle.second.constructorIts[0]->second.successCodes[1] != "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) ) ||
( 2 < handle.second.constructorIts[0]->second.successCodes.size() ) )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( size_t i = 1; i < handle.second.constructorIts.size(); ++i )
assert( 1 < handle.second.constructorIts[i]->second.successCodes.size() );
constructorArguments += ", VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result successCode = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eSuccess";
if ( isMultiSuccessCodeConstructor( handle.second.constructorIts ) )
initializationList += ", m_constructorSuccessCode( successCode )";
std::string dispatcherInitializer;
if ( ( handle.first != "VkInstance" ) && ( handle.first != "VkDevice" ) )
dispatcherInitializer = "m_dispatcher( " + parentName + ".getDispatcher() )";
if ( !initializationList.empty() && !dispatcherInitializer.empty() )
initializationList += ", ";
std::string dispatcherInit;
if ( ( handle.first == "VkDevice" ) || ( handle.first == "VkInstance" ) )
dispatcherInit = "\n m_dispatcher.reset( new VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::" + handleType + "Dispatcher( " + parentName +
".getDispatcher()->vkGet" + handleType + "ProcAddr, static_cast<" + handle.first + ">( m_" + startLowerCase( handleType ) + " ) ) );";
const std::string constructorTemplate =
${handleType}( ${constructorArguments} )
: ${initializationList}${dispatcherInitializer}
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "constructorArguments", constructorArguments },
{ "dispatcherInitializer", dispatcherInitializer },
{ "dispatcherInit", dispatcherInit },
{ "handleType", handleType },
{ "initializationList", initializationList } } );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleConstructorVoid( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator constructorIt,
std::string const & enter,
std::string const & leave ) const
assert( constructorIt->second.successCodes.empty() && constructorIt->second.errorCodes.empty() );
std::vector<size_t> returnParams = determineReturnParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( returnParams.size() == 1 )
assert( isHandleType( constructorIt->second.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ) );
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( constructorIt->second.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() )
return std::make_pair( generateRAIIHandleConstructorByCall( handle, constructorIt, enter, leave, false, false ), "" );
return std::make_pair( "", "" );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleContext( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions ) const
const std::string contextTemplate = R"(
class Context
: m_dispatcher( new VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::ContextDispatcher(
m_dynamicLoader.getProcAddress<PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr>( "vkGetInstanceProcAddr" ) ) )
Context( PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr getInstanceProcAddr )
: m_dispatcher( new VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::ContextDispatcher( getInstanceProcAddr ) )
~Context() = default;
Context( Context const & ) = delete;
Context( Context && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: m_dynamicLoader( std::move( rhs.m_dynamicLoader ) )
, m_dispatcher( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() )
: m_dispatcher( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() )
Context & operator=( Context const & ) = delete;
Context & operator=( Context && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
if ( this != &rhs )
m_dynamicLoader = std::move( rhs.m_dynamicLoader );
m_dispatcher.reset( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() );
return *this;
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::ContextDispatcher const * getDispatcher() const
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( m_dispatcher->getVkHeaderVersion() == VK_HEADER_VERSION );
return &*m_dispatcher;
std::swap( m_dynamicLoader, rhs.m_dynamicLoader );
m_dispatcher.swap( rhs.m_dispatcher );
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::DynamicLoader m_dynamicLoader;
std::unique_ptr<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::ContextDispatcher> m_dispatcher;
return replaceWithMap( contextTemplate, { { "memberFunctionDeclarations", generateRAIIHandleCommandDeclarations( handle, specialFunctions ) } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleDestructorCallArguments( std::string const & handleType,
std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator destructorIt ) const
std::vector<std::string> arguments;
for ( auto param : destructorIt->second.params )
if ( param.type.type == handleType )
std::string handleName =;
if ( param.type.isValue() )
arguments.push_back( "static_cast<" + handleType + ">( m_" + handleName + " )" );
arguments.push_back( "reinterpret_cast<" + handleType + " const *>( &m_" + stripPluralS( startLowerCase( stripPrefix( handleName, "p" ) ) ) + " )" );
else if ( param.type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" )
// vk::AllocationCallbacks is stored as a member of the handle class
arguments.push_back( "reinterpret_cast<const VkAllocationCallbacks *>( m_allocator )" );
else if ( isHandleType( param.type.type ) )
assert( param.arraySizes.empty() );
std::string argument = "m_" +;
if ( param.type.isValue() )
arguments.push_back( "static_cast<" + param.type.type + ">( " + argument + " )" );
assert( param.type.isConstPointer() );
assert( !param.lenExpression.empty() && std::any_of( destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == param.lenExpression; } ) );
arguments.push_back( "reinterpret_cast<" + param.type.type + " const *>( &" + argument + " )" );
assert( ( param.type.type == "uint32_t" ) && param.type.isValue() && param.arraySizes.empty() && param.lenExpression.empty() && !param.optional );
assert( std::any_of(
destructorIt->second.params.begin(), destructorIt->second.params.end(), [&param]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.lenExpression ==; } ) );
arguments.push_back( "1" );
return generateList( arguments, "", ", " );
std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string>
VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleDetails( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
std::string getConstructorSuccessCode;
const bool multiSuccessCodeContructor = isMultiSuccessCodeConstructor( handle.second.constructorIts );
if ( multiSuccessCodeContructor )
getConstructorSuccessCode = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result getConstructorSuccessCode() const
return m_constructorSuccessCode;
const auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
std::string handleName = generateRAIIHandleConstructorParamName( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt );
std::string clearMembers, moveConstructorInitializerList, moveAssignmentInstructions, memberVariables, swapMembers, releaseMembers;
if ( handle.second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
clearMembers = " if ( m_" + handleName + " )\n";
clearMembers += " {\n";
clearMembers += " getDispatcher()->" + handle.second.destructorIt->first + "( " +
generateRAIIHandleDestructorCallArguments( handle.first, handle.second.destructorIt ) + " );\n";
clearMembers += " }";
for ( auto const & destructorParam : handle.second.destructorIt->second.params )
std::string memberName, memberType;
if ( destructorParam.type.type == "Vk" + parentType )
memberName = parentName;
memberType = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + parentType;
else if ( destructorParam.type.type == handle.first )
memberName = handleName;
memberType = generateNamespacedType( handle.first );
else if ( std::none_of( handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&destructorParam]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.lenExpression ==; } ) )
std::string name =;
if ( !destructorParam.type.isValue() )
name = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( name, "p" ) );
memberName = name;
memberType = destructorParam.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" );
if ( !memberName.empty() )
clearMembers += "\n m_" + memberName + " = nullptr;";
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_" + memberName + "( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + memberName + ", {} ) ), ";
moveAssignmentInstructions += "\n std::swap( m_" + memberName + ", rhs.m_" + memberName + " );";
memberVariables += "\n " + memberType + " m_" + memberName + " = {};";
swapMembers += "\n std::swap( m_" + memberName + ", rhs.m_" + memberName + " );";
if ( destructorParam.type.type != handle.first )
releaseMembers += "\n m_" + memberName + " = nullptr;";
if ( !handle.second.secondLevelCommands.empty() )
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() );
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.empty() );
auto const & frontType = handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.front().type.type;
assert( isHandleType( frontType ) );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( "Vk" + parentType );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
assert( handleIt->second.parent == frontType );
std::string frontName = handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.front().name;
clearMembers += "\n m_" + frontName + " = nullptr;";
moveConstructorInitializerList = "m_" + frontName + "( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + frontName + ", {} ) ), ";
moveAssignmentInstructions = "\n std::swap( m_" + frontName + ", rhs.m_" + frontName + " );";
memberVariables = "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( frontType, "Vk" ) + " m_" + frontName + " = {};";
swapMembers = "\n std::swap( m_" + frontName + ", rhs.m_" + frontName + " );";
releaseMembers += "\n m_" + frontName + " = nullptr;";
clearMembers += "\n m_" + handleName + " = nullptr;";
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_" + handleName + "( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_" + handleName + ", {} ) ), ";
moveAssignmentInstructions += "\n std::swap( m_" + handleName + ", rhs.m_" + handleName + " );";
memberVariables += "\n " + generateNamespacedType( handle.first ) + " m_" + handleName + " = {};";
swapMembers += "\n std::swap( m_" + handleName + ", rhs.m_" + handleName + " );";
if ( multiSuccessCodeContructor )
clearMembers += "\n m_constructorSuccessCode = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eErrorUnknown;";
memberVariables += "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result m_constructorSuccessCode = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eErrorUnknown;";
swapMembers += "\n std::swap( m_constructorSuccessCode, rhs.m_constructorSuccessCode );";
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_constructorSuccessCode( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_constructorSuccessCode, {} ) ), ";
moveAssignmentInstructions += "\n std::swap( m_constructorSuccessCode, rhs.m_constructorSuccessCode );";
releaseMembers += "\n m_constructorSuccessCode = VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::eErrorUnknown;";
if ( handle.first == "VkInstance" )
memberVariables += "\n std::unique_ptr<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::InstanceDispatcher> m_dispatcher;";
else if ( handle.first == "VkDevice" )
memberVariables += "\n std::unique_ptr<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::DeviceDispatcher> m_dispatcher;";
else if ( handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.front().type.type == "VkDevice" )
memberVariables += "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::DeviceDispatcher const * m_dispatcher = nullptr;";
memberVariables += "\n VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::detail::InstanceDispatcher const * m_dispatcher = nullptr;";
clearMembers += "\n m_dispatcher = nullptr;";
swapMembers += "\n std::swap( m_dispatcher, rhs.m_dispatcher );";
releaseMembers += "\n m_dispatcher = nullptr;";
releaseMembers += "\n return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::exchange( m_" + handleName + ", nullptr );";
if ( ( handle.first == "VkInstance" ) || ( handle.first == "VkDevice" ) )
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_dispatcher( rhs.m_dispatcher.release() )";
moveConstructorInitializerList += "m_dispatcher( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::exchange( rhs.m_dispatcher, nullptr ) )";
moveAssignmentInstructions += "\n std::swap( m_dispatcher, rhs.m_dispatcher );";
return std::make_tuple(
clearMembers, getConstructorSuccessCode, memberVariables, moveConstructorInitializerList, moveAssignmentInstructions, swapMembers, releaseMembers );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleForwardDeclarations( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
str += " class " + stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) + ";\n";
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandles() const
const std::string raiiHandlesTemplate = R"(
//=== RAII HANDLE forward declarations ===
//=== RAII HANDLES ===
template <typename Type>
struct isVulkanRAIIHandleType
static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR bool value = false;
// operators to compare vk::raii-handles
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::isVulkanRAIIHandleType<T>::value,bool>::type = 0>
auto operator<=>( T const & a, T const & b ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *a <=> *b;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::isVulkanRAIIHandleType<T>::value,bool>::type = 0>
bool operator==( T const & a, T const & b ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *a == *b;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::isVulkanRAIIHandleType<T>::value,bool>::type = 0>
bool operator!=(T const & a, T const & b ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *a != *b;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::isVulkanRAIIHandleType<T>::value,bool>::type = 0>
bool operator<(T const & a, T const & b ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *a < *b;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::isVulkanRAIIHandleType<T>::value,bool>::type = 0>
bool operator==( const T & v, std::nullptr_t ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return !*v;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::isVulkanRAIIHandleType<T>::value,bool>::type = 0>
bool operator==( std::nullptr_t, const T & v ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return !*v;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::isVulkanRAIIHandleType<T>::value,bool>::type = 0>
bool operator!=( const T & v, std::nullptr_t ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *v;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_RAII_NAMESPACE::isVulkanRAIIHandleType<T>::value,bool>::type = 0>
bool operator!=( std::nullptr_t, const T & v ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *v;
std::string forwardDeclarations;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
forwardDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleForwardDeclarations( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
forwardDeclarations += generateRAIIHandleForwardDeclarations( extension.requireData, );
std::set<std::string> listedHandles;
auto handleIt = m_handles.begin();
assert( handleIt->first.empty() );
std::string raiiHandles = generateRAIIHandleContext( *handleIt, m_RAIISpecialFunctions );
for ( ++handleIt; handleIt != m_handles.end(); ++handleIt )
if ( isTypeUsed( handleIt->first ) )
raiiHandles += generateRAIIHandle( *handleIt, listedHandles, m_RAIISpecialFunctions );
return replaceWithMap( raiiHandlesTemplate, { { "forwardDeclarations", forwardDeclarations }, { "raiiHandles", raiiHandles } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateRAIIHandleSingularConstructorArguments( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::string const & argumentType,
std::string const & argumentName ) const
std::string arguments = "*reinterpret_cast<" + argumentType + " *>( &" + argumentName + " )";
if ( handle.second.destructorIt != m_commands.end() )
auto [parentType, parentName] = getParentTypeAndName( handle );
parentType = "Vk" + parentType;
for ( auto const & destructorParam : handle.second.destructorIt->second.params )
if ( ( destructorParam.type.type != parentType ) && ( destructorParam.type.type != handle.first ) &&
std::none_of( handle.second.destructorIt->second.params.begin(),
[&destructorParam]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.lenExpression ==; } ) )
if ( std::any_of( params.begin(), params.end(), [&destructorParam]( ParamData const & pd ) { return pd.type.type == destructorParam.type.type; } ) )
if ( isHandleType( destructorParam.type.type ) )
assert( destructorParam.type.isValue() );
arguments += ", static_cast<" + destructorParam.type.type + ">( *" + + " )";
assert( destructorParam.type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" );
arguments += ", allocator";
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
bool found = false;
for ( auto const & param : params )
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( param.type.type );
if ( structureIt != m_structs.end() )
auto memberIt = findStructMemberItByType( destructorParam.type.type, structureIt->second.members );
if ( memberIt != structureIt->second.members.end() )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
found = true;
assert( !param.type.isValue() );
std::string argument = startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) ) + "." + memberIt->name;
if ( isHandleType( memberIt->type.type ) )
argument = "static_cast<" + memberIt->type.type + ">( " + argument + " )";
arguments += ", " + argument;
assert( found );
return arguments;
template <class Predicate, class Extraction>
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReplacedExtensionsList( Predicate p, Extraction e ) const
std::string extensionsList, previousEnter, previousLeave;
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
if ( p( extension ) )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( ) );
extensionsList +=
( ( previousEnter != enter ) ? ( "\n" + previousLeave + enter ) : "\n" ) + "{ \"" + + "\", \"" + e( extension ) + "\"}, ";
previousEnter = enter;
previousLeave = leave;
if ( !extensionsList.empty() )
assert( extensionsList.ends_with( ", " ) );
extensionsList = extensionsList.substr( 0, extensionsList.length() - 2 );
if ( !previousLeave.empty() )
extensionsList += "\n" + previousLeave;
return extensionsList;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateResultAssignment( CommandData const & commandData ) const
std::string resultAssignment;
if ( ( commandData.returnType != "void" ) &&
!( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) && ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 ) && commandData.errorCodes.empty() ) )
resultAssignment = commandData.returnType + " result = ";
return resultAssignment;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateResultCheck(
CommandData const & commandData, std::string const & className, std::string const & classSeparator, std::string commandName, bool enumerating ) const
std::string resultCheck;
if ( !commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
std::string successCodeList = generateSuccessCodeList( commandData.successCodes, enumerating );
std::string const resultCheckTemplate =
R"(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::resultCheck( result, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}"${successCodeList} );)";
resultCheck = replaceWithMap(
{ { "className", className }, { "classSeparator", classSeparator }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "successCodeList", successCodeList } } );
return resultCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateResultCheckExpected( std::vector<std::string> const & successCodes,
std::string const & className,
std::string const & commandName ) const
std::string resultCheck;
if ( !successCodes.empty() )
std::string condition = "result != " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[0] );
if ( 1 < successCodes.size() )
condition = "( " + condition + " )";
for ( size_t i = 1; i < successCodes.size(); ++i )
condition += " && ( result != " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[i] ) + " )";
std::string const resultCheckTemplate = R"(if ( ${condition} )
return VULKAN_HPP_UNEXPECTED( result );
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::throwResultException( result, "${className}::${commandName}" );
resultCheck = replaceWithMap( resultCheckTemplate, { { "className", className }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "condition", condition } } );
return resultCheck;
// Intended only for `enum class Result`!
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateResultExceptions() const
const std::string templateString = R"(
${enter} class ${className} : public SystemError
${className}( std::string const & message )
: SystemError( make_error_code( ${enumName}::${enumMemberName} ), message ) {}
${className}( char const * message )
: SystemError( make_error_code( ${enumName}::${enumMemberName} ), message ) {}
std::string str;
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkResult" );
for ( auto const & value : enumIt->second.values )
if ( value.supported && "VK_ERROR" ) )
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.protect );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first,, false );
str += replaceWithMap( templateString,
{ { "className", stripPrefix( valueName, "eError" ) + "Error" },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "enumName", stripPrefix( enumIt->first, "Vk" ) },
{ "enumMemberName", valueName },
{ "leave", leave } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnStatement( std::string const & commandName,
CommandData const & commandData,
std::string const & returnVariable,
std::string const & returnType,
std::string const & decoratedReturnType,
std::string const & dataType,
size_t initialSkipCount,
size_t returnParam,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool enumerating,
bool raii ) const
const bool unique = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique;
std::string returnStatement;
if ( commandData.returnType.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
if ( ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 ) || ( enumerating && ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 2 ) ) )
assert( commandData.successCodes[0] == "VK_SUCCESS" );
if ( raii || commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
if ( !returnVariable.empty() )
returnStatement = "return " + returnVariable + ";";
if ( returnVariable.empty() )
assert( !unique );
returnStatement = "return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::createResultValueType( result );";
else if ( unique )
assert( returnParam != INVALID_INDEX );
returnStatement = "return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::createResultValueType( result, ";
if ( dataType.starts_with( "std::" ) )
returnStatement += "std::move( unique" + startUpperCase( returnVariable ) + " )";
assert( dataType.starts_with( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) );
returnStatement +=
returnType + "( " + returnVariable + ", " + generateObjectDeleter( commandName, commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParam ) + " )";
returnStatement += " );";
returnStatement = "return VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::detail::createResultValueType( result, std::move( " + returnVariable + " ) );";
if ( returnVariable.empty() )
assert( !unique );
returnStatement = "return static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( commandData.returnType, "Vk" ) + ">( result );";
else if ( unique )
assert( returnParam != INVALID_INDEX );
assert( decoratedReturnType.starts_with( "ResultValue<" ) && decoratedReturnType.ends_with( ">" ) );
returnStatement = "return " + decoratedReturnType + "( result, ";
if ( dataType.starts_with( "std::" ) )
returnStatement += "std::move( unique" + startUpperCase( returnVariable ) + " )";
returnStatement += "UniqueHandle<" + dataType + ", Dispatch>( " + returnVariable + ", " +
generateObjectDeleter( commandName, commandData, initialSkipCount, returnParam ) + " )";
returnStatement += " );";
assert( decoratedReturnType.starts_with( raii ? "std::pair<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result, " : "ResultValue<" ) && decoratedReturnType.ends_with( ">" ) );
returnStatement = "return " + ( raii ? "std::make_pair" : decoratedReturnType ) + "( result, std::move( " + returnVariable + " ) );";
assert( !unique );
if ( returnVariable.empty() )
if ( commandData.returnType != "void" )
returnStatement = "return result;";
returnStatement = "return " + returnVariable + ";";
return returnStatement;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnType( std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags,
bool raii,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes ) const
assert( returnParams.size() == dataTypes.size() );
const bool chained = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained;
const bool singular = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular;
const bool unique = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique;
assert( !( chained && unique ) );
std::string returnType;
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: returnType = "void"; break;
case 1:
if ( chained )
assert( vectorParams.empty() );
returnType = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::StructureChain<X, Y, Z...>";
else if ( unique )
if ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams[0] ) && !singular )
returnType = "std::vector<UniqueHandle<" + dataTypes[0] + ", Dispatch>, " + stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator>";
returnType = "UniqueHandle<" + dataTypes[0] + ", Dispatch>";
if ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams[0] ) && !singular )
returnType = "std::vector<" + dataTypes[0] + ( raii ? "" : ( ", " + stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator" ) ) + ">";
else if ( dataTypes[0].starts_with( "Vk" ) )
returnType = "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "Vk" );
returnType = dataTypes[0];
case 2:
assert( !unique );
if ( chained )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto vectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
assert( ( vectorIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
returnType = std::string( "std::vector<StructureChain" ) + ( raii ? "" : ", StructureChainAllocator" ) + ">";
if ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams[0] ) )
if ( singular )
returnType = "std::pair<" + dataTypes[0] + ", " + dataTypes[1] + ">";
returnType =
"std::pair<std::vector<" + dataTypes[0] + ( raii ? "" : ( ", " + startUpperCase( dataTypes[0] ) + "Allocator" ) ) + ">, " + dataTypes[1] + ">";
else if ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams[1] ) )
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] );
if ( dataTypes[1].starts_with( "Vk" ) )
std::string type = stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "Vk" );
returnType = "std::vector<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + type + ( raii ? "" : ( ", " + type + "Allocator" ) ) + ">";
returnType = "std::vector<" + dataTypes[1] +
( raii ? "" : ( ", " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator" ) ) + ">";
returnType = "std::pair<" + dataTypes[0] + ", " + dataTypes[1] + ">";
case 3:
assert( !unique );
if ( chained )
assert( dataTypes[2] == "uint8_t" );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto vectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[2] );
assert( ( vectorIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[1] ) );
assert( !vectorParams.contains( returnParams[0] ) );
returnType = "std::pair<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::StructureChain<X, Y, Z...>, std::vector<" + dataTypes[2] +
( raii ? "" : ( ", " + startUpperCase( dataTypes[2] ) + "Allocator" ) ) + ">>";
if ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams[1] ) )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto vectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
assert( ( vectorIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
vectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[2] );
assert( ( vectorIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) );
returnType = "std::pair<std::vector<" + dataTypes[1] +
( raii ? "" : ( ", " + stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator" ) ) + ">, std::vector<" + dataTypes[2] +
( raii ? "" : ( ", " + stripPrefix( dataTypes[2], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator" ) ) + ">>";
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto vectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[2] );
assert( ( vectorIt != vectorParams.end() ) && ( vectorIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[1] ) );
assert( !vectorParams.contains( returnParams[0] ) );
returnType = "std::pair<" + dataTypes[0] + ", std::vector<" + dataTypes[2] +
( raii ? "" : ( ", " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[2], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator" ) ) + ">>";
default: assert( false );
return returnType;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnVariable( CommandData const & commandData,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags ) const
const bool chained = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained;
const bool singular = flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular;
std::string returnVariable;
switch ( returnParams.size() )
case 0: break; // no return variable
case 1:
if ( chained )
returnVariable = "structureChain";
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( ( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.end() ) && vectorParamIt->second.byStructure )
returnVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( vectorMemberByStructure( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.type ).name, "p" ) );
returnVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) );
if ( singular )
returnVariable = stripPluralS( returnVariable );
case 2:
if ( chained )
returnVariable = "structureChains";
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
{ // the return variable is simply named "data_", and holds the multi-return value stuff
returnVariable = "data_";
assert( vectorParamIt->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] );
assert( !singular );
returnVariable = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) );
case 3:
assert( !singular );
assert( ( ( vectorParams.size() == 1 ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[2] ) &&
( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == returnParams[1] ) ) ||
( ( vectorParams.size() == 2 ) && ( vectorParams.begin()->first == returnParams[1] ) &&
( vectorParams.begin()->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) && ( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->first == returnParams[2] ) &&
( std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second.lenParam == returnParams[0] ) ) );
returnVariable = "data_";
default: assert( false ); break;
return returnVariable;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSizeCheck( std::vector<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator> const & arrayIts,
std::string const & structName,
bool mutualExclusiveLens ) const
std::string sizeCheck;
if ( 1 < arrayIts.size() )
static const std::string throwTextTemplate = R"( if ( ${throwCheck} )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING"::${structName}::${structName}: ${throwCheck}" );
std::string assertionText, throwText;
if ( mutualExclusiveLens )
// exactly one of the arrays has to be non-empty
std::string sum;
for ( auto it : arrayIts )
sum += "!" + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( it->name, "p" ) ) + "_.empty() + ";
sum.resize( sum.size() - 3 );
assertionText += " VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ( " + sum + " ) <= 1);\n";
throwText += replaceWithMap( throwTextTemplate, { { "structName", structName }, { "throwCheck", "1 < ( " + sum + " )" } } );
for ( size_t first = 0; first + 1 < arrayIts.size(); ++first )
assert( arrayIts[first]->name.starts_with( "p" ) );
std::string firstName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIts[first]->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
for ( auto second = first + 1; second < arrayIts.size(); ++second )
assert( arrayIts[second]->name.starts_with( "p" ) );
std::string secondName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( arrayIts[second]->name, "p" ) ) + "_";
std::string assertionCheck = firstName + ".size() == " + secondName + ".size()";
std::string throwCheck = firstName + ".size() != " + secondName + ".size()";
if ( ( !arrayIts[first]->optional.empty() && arrayIts[first]->optional.front() ) ||
( !arrayIts[second]->optional.empty() && arrayIts[second]->optional.front() ) )
assertionCheck = "( " + assertionCheck + " )";
throwCheck = "( " + throwCheck + " )";
if ( !arrayIts[second]->optional.empty() && arrayIts[second]->optional.front() )
assertionCheck = secondName + ".empty() || " + assertionCheck;
throwCheck = "!" + secondName + ".empty() && " + throwCheck;
if ( !arrayIts[first]->optional.empty() && arrayIts[first]->optional.front() )
assertionCheck = firstName + ".empty() || " + assertionCheck;
throwCheck = "!" + firstName + ".empty() && " + throwCheck;
assertionText += " VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( " + assertionCheck + " );\n";
throwText += replaceWithMap( throwTextTemplate, { { "structName", structName }, { "throwCheck", throwCheck } } );
sizeCheck += "\n#ifdef VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS\n" + assertionText + "#else\n" + throwText + "#endif /*VULKAN_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS*/\n" + " ";
return sizeCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStaticAssertions() const
std::string staticAssertions;
std::set<std::string> listedStructs;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
staticAssertions += generateStaticAssertions( feature.requireData,, listedStructs );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
staticAssertions += generateStaticAssertions( extension.requireData,, listedStructs );
return staticAssertions;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStaticAssertions( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::string const & title,
std::set<std::string> & listedStructs ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
std::string const assertionTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className} ) == sizeof( Vk${className} ), "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( std::is_copy_constructible<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className}>::value, "${className} is not copy_constructible!" );
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${className}>::value, "${className} is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
str += replaceWithMap( assertionTemplate, { { "className", stripPrefix( handleIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
auto structIt = m_structs.find( );
if ( ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) && listedStructs.insert( ).second )
std::string const assertionTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType} ) == sizeof( Vk${structureType} ), "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( std::is_standard_layout<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType}>::value, "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType}>::value, "${structureType} is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
str += replaceWithMap( assertionTemplate, { { "structureType", stripPrefix( structIt->first, "Vk" ) } } );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStruct( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure, std::set<std::string> & listedStructs ) const
assert( !listedStructs.contains( structure.first ) );
std::string str;
for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members )
auto typeIt = m_types.find( member.type.type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
if ( ( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Struct ) || ( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Union ) )
auto structIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_structs, member.type.type );
assert( structIt != m_structs.end() );
if ( ( structure.first != member.type.type ) && !listedStructs.contains( member.type.type ) )
str += generateStruct( *structIt, listedStructs );
if ( !structure.second.subStruct.empty() )
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( structure.second.subStruct );
if ( ( structureIt != m_structs.end() ) && !listedStructs.contains( structureIt->first ) )
str += generateStruct( *structureIt, listedStructs );
if ( structure.second.isUnion )
str += generateUnion( structure );
str += generateStructure( structure );
listedStructs.insert( structure.first );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructCompareOperators( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
static const std::set<std::string> simpleTypes = { "char", "double", "DWORD", "float", "HANDLE", "HINSTANCE", "HMONITOR",
"HWND", "int", "int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "LPCWSTR",
"size_t", "uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t" };
// two structs are compared by comparing each of the elements
std::string compareMembers, spaceshipMembers;
std::string intro = "";
bool nonDefaultCompare = false;
std::string spaceshipOrdering = containsFloatingPoints( structData.second.members ) ? "std::partial_ordering" : "std::strong_ordering";
for ( size_t i = 0; i < structData.second.members.size(); i++ )
MemberData const & member = structData.second.members[i];
auto typeIt = m_types.find( member.type.type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
if ( ( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::ExternalType ) && member.type.postfix.empty() && !simpleTypes.contains( member.type.type ) )
nonDefaultCompare = true;
// this type might support operator==() or operator<=>()... that is, use memcmp
compareMembers += intro + "( memcmp( &" + + ", &rhs." + + ", sizeof( " + member.type.type + " ) ) == 0 )";
static const std::string spaceshipMemberTemplate =
R"( if ( auto cmp = memcmp( &${name}, &rhs.${name}, sizeof( ${type} ) ); cmp != 0 )
return ( cmp < 0 ) ? ${ordering}::less : ${ordering}::greater;
spaceshipMembers +=
replaceWithMap( spaceshipMemberTemplate, { { "name", }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering }, { "type", member.type.type } } );
else if ( member.type.type == "char" && !member.lenExpressions.empty() )
// compare null-terminated strings
nonDefaultCompare = true;
assert( member.lenExpressions.size() < 3 );
if ( member.lenExpressions.size() == 1 )
assert( member.lenExpressions[0] == "null-terminated" );
if ( member.arraySizes.empty() )
compareMembers += intro + "( ( " + + " == rhs." + + " ) || ( strcmp( " + + ", rhs." + + " ) == 0 ) )";
static const std::string spaceshipMemberTemplate =
R"( if ( ${name} != rhs.${name} )
if ( auto cmp = strcmp( ${name}, rhs.${name} ); cmp != 0 )
return ( cmp < 0 ) ? ${ordering}::less : ${ordering}::greater;
spaceshipMembers += replaceWithMap( spaceshipMemberTemplate, { { "name", }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering } } );
assert( member.arraySizes.size() == 1 );
compareMembers += intro + "( strcmp( " + + ", rhs." + + " ) == 0 )";
static const std::string spaceshipMemberTemplate =
R"( if ( auto cmp = strcmp( ${name}, rhs.${name} ); cmp != 0 )
return ( cmp < 0 ) ? ${ordering}::less : ${ordering}::greater;
spaceshipMembers += replaceWithMap( spaceshipMemberTemplate, { { "name", }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering } } );
assert( member.lenExpressions[1] == "null-terminated" );
assert( ( member.type.prefix == "const" ) && ( member.type.postfix == "* const *" ) );
static const std::string compareMemberTemplate =
R"(std::equal( ${name}, ${name} + ${count}, rhs.${name}, []( char const * left, char const * right ) { return ( left == right ) || ( strcmp( left, right ) == 0 ); } ))";
compareMembers += intro + replaceWithMap( compareMemberTemplate, { { "count", member.lenExpressions[0] }, { "name", } } );
static const std::string spaceshipMemberTemplate = R"( for ( size_t i = 0; i < ${count}; ++i )
if ( ${name}[i] != rhs.${name}[i] )
if ( auto cmp = strcmp( ${name}[i], rhs.${name}[i] ); cmp != 0 )
return cmp < 0 ? ${ordering}::less : ${ordering}::greater;
spaceshipMembers +=
replaceWithMap( spaceshipMemberTemplate, { { "count", member.lenExpressions[0] }, { "name", }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering } } );
else if ( !member.arraySizes.empty() && !member.lenExpressions.empty() )
nonDefaultCompare = true;
assert( ( member.arraySizes.size() == 1 ) && ( member.lenExpressions.size() == 1 ) );
assert( std::any_of( structData.second.members.begin(),
[&member]( MemberData const & m ) { return == member.lenExpressions[0]; } ) );
std::string type = member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) ? member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) : member.type.type;
static const std::string compareMemberTemplate = R"(( memcmp( ${name}, rhs.${name}, ${count} * sizeof( ${type} ) ) == 0 ))";
compareMembers += intro + replaceWithMap( compareMemberTemplate, { { "count", member.lenExpressions[0] }, { "name", }, { "type", type } } );
static const std::string spaceshipMemberTemplate = R"( for ( size_t i = 0; i < ${count}; ++i )
if ( auto cmp = ${name}[i] <=> rhs.${name}[i]; cmp != 0 ) return cmp;
spaceshipMembers += replaceWithMap( spaceshipMemberTemplate, { { "count", member.lenExpressions[0] }, { "name", } } );
// for all others, we use the operator== of that type
compareMembers += intro + "( " + + " == rhs." + + " )";
spaceshipMembers += " if ( auto cmp = " + + " <=> rhs." + + "; cmp != 0 ) return cmp;\n";
intro = "\n && ";
std::string structName = stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" );
std::string compareBody, spaceshipOperator, spaceshipOperatorIf, spaceshipOperatorElse, spaceshipOperatorEndif;
if ( nonDefaultCompare )
compareBody = " return " + compareMembers + ";";
if ( !containsFuncPointer( structData.first ) )
static const std::string spaceshipOperatorTemplate =
R"( ${ordering} operator<=>( ${name} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return ${ordering}::equivalent;
spaceshipOperatorIf = "#if defined(VULKAN_HPP_HAS_SPACESHIP_OPERATOR)";
spaceshipOperator =
replaceWithMap( spaceshipOperatorTemplate, { { "name", structName }, { "ordering", spaceshipOrdering }, { "spaceshipMembers", spaceshipMembers } } );
spaceshipOperatorElse = "#endif\n";
spaceshipOperatorEndif = "";
// use reflection only if VULKAN_HPP_USE_REFLECT is defined
static const std::string compareBodyTemplate = R"(#if defined( VULKAN_HPP_USE_REFLECT )
return this->reflect() == rhs.reflect();
return ${compareMembers};
compareBody = replaceWithMap( compareBodyTemplate, { { "compareMembers", compareMembers } } );
if ( !containsFuncPointer( structData.first ) )
spaceshipOperatorIf = "#if defined(VULKAN_HPP_HAS_SPACESHIP_OPERATOR)";
spaceshipOperator = "auto operator<=>( " + structName + " const & ) const = default;";
spaceshipOperatorElse = "#else";
spaceshipOperatorEndif = "#endif\n";
static const std::string compareTemplate = R"(
bool operator==( ${name} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
bool operator!=( ${name} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return !operator==( rhs );
return replaceWithMap( compareTemplate,
{ { "name", structName },
{ "compareBody", compareBody },
{ "spaceshipOperator", spaceshipOperator },
{ "spaceshipOperatorElse", spaceshipOperatorElse },
{ "spaceshipOperatorEndif", spaceshipOperatorEndif },
{ "spaceshipOperatorIf", spaceshipOperatorIf } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructConstructors( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
// the constructor with all the elements as arguments, with defaults
// and the simple copy constructor from the corresponding vulkan structure
static const std::string constructors = R"(${constexpr}${structName}(${arguments}) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
${constexpr}${structName}( ${structName} const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
${structName}( Vk${structName} const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: ${structName}( *reinterpret_cast<${structName} const *>( &rhs ) )
std::vector<std::string> arguments, initializers;
for ( auto const & member : structData.second.members )
// gather the arguments
std::string argument = generateStructConstructorArgument( member, true );
if ( !argument.empty() )
arguments.push_back( argument );
// gather the initializers; skip members with exactly one legal value
if ( member.value.empty() )
initializers.push_back( + "{ " + + "_ }" );
auto pNextIt = std::find_if( structData.second.members.begin(), structData.second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pNext"; } );
if ( pNextIt != structData.second.members.end() )
// add pNext as a last optional argument to the constructor
arguments.push_back( pNextIt->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " pNext_ = nullptr" );
std::string str = replaceWithMap( constructors,
{ { "arguments", generateList( arguments, "", ", " ) },
{ "constexpr", generateConstexprString( structData.first ) },
{ "initializers", generateList( initializers, ": ", ", " ) },
{ "structName", stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ) } } );
if ( !structData.second.returnedOnly )
str += generateStructConstructorsEnhanced( structData );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructConstructorsEnhanced( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
// some structs needs some special handling!
if ( structData.first == "VkLayerSettingEXT" )
assert( ( structData.second.members.size() == 5 ) && ( structData.second.members[0].name == "pLayerName" ) &&
( structData.second.members[1].name == "pSettingName" ) && ( structData.second.members[2].name == "type" ) &&
( structData.second.members[3].name == "valueCount" ) && ( structData.second.members[4].name == "pValues" ) );
static const std::string byTypeTemplate =
R"( LayerSettingEXT( char const * pLayerName_, char const * pSettingName_, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::LayerSettingTypeEXT type_, vk::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<const ${type}> const & values_ )
: pLayerName( pLayerName_ )
, pSettingName( pSettingName_ )
, type( type_ )
, valueCount( static_cast<uint32_t>( values_.size() ) )
, pValues( )
static const std::string constructorTemplate = R"(
// NOTE: you need to provide the type because vk::Bool32 and uint32_t are indistinguishable!
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ "byInt32", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "int32_t" } } ) },
{ "byInt64", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "int64_t" } } ) },
{ "byUint32", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "uint32_t" } } ) },
{ "byUint64", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "uint64_t" } } ) },
{ "byFloat32", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "float" } } ) },
{ "byFloat64", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "double" } } ) },
{ "byString", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "char *" } } ) },
} );
else if ( std::any_of( structData.second.members.begin(),
[this, &members = structData.second.members]( MemberData const & md ) { return hasLen( md, members ); } ) )
// map from len-members to all the array members using that len
std::map<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator, std::vector<std::vector<MemberData>::const_iterator>> lenIts;
for ( auto mit = structData.second.members.begin(); mit != structData.second.members.end(); ++mit )
if ( hasLen( *mit, structData.second.members ) )
std::string lenName = ( mit->lenExpressions.front() == "codeSize / 4" ) ? "codeSize" : mit->lenExpressions.front();
auto lenIt = findStructMemberIt( lenName, structData.second.members );
assert( lenIt != mit );
lenIts[lenIt].push_back( mit );
std::vector<std::string> arguments, initializers;
bool arrayListed = false;
std::string templateHeader, sizeChecks, copyOps;
for ( auto mit = structData.second.members.begin(); mit != structData.second.members.end(); ++mit )
// gather the initializers
if ( mit->name == "pNext" ) // for pNext, we just get the initializer... the argument is added at the end
initializers.push_back( "pNext( pNext_ )" );
else if ( mit->value.empty() ) // skip constant members
auto litit = lenIts.find( mit );
if ( litit != lenIts.end() )
// len arguments just have an initalizer, from the array size
initializers.push_back( mit->name + "( " + generateLenInitializer( mit, litit, structData.second.mutualExclusiveLens ) + " )" );
sizeChecks += generateSizeCheck( litit->second, stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ), structData.second.mutualExclusiveLens );
else if ( hasLen( *mit, structData.second.members ) )
assert( mit->type.isPointer() || !mit->arraySizes.empty() );
std::string argumentName = ( mit->type.isPointer() ? startLowerCase( stripPrefix( mit->name, "p" ) ) : mit->name ) + "_";
std::string argumentType = mit->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" );
if ( mit->type.isPointer() )
argumentType = trimEnd( stripPostfix( argumentType, "*" ) );
if ( ( mit->type.type == "void" ) && ( argumentType.find( '*' ) == std::string::npos ) )
// the argument after stripping one pointer is just void
assert( templateHeader.empty() );
templateHeader = " template <typename T>\n";
const size_t pos = argumentType.find( "void" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
argumentType.replace( pos, strlen( "void" ), "T" );
if ( mit->lenExpressions[0] == "null-terminated" )
assert( ( mit->type.type == "char" ) && ( mit->arraySizes.size() == 1 ) );
arguments.push_back( "std::string const & " + argumentName );
else if ( mit->arraySizes.empty() )
arguments.push_back( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<" + argumentType + "> const & " + argumentName );
assert( mit->arraySizes.size() == 1 );
arguments.push_back( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxy<" + argumentType + "> const & " + argumentName );
if ( arrayListed )
arguments.back() += " = {}";
arrayListed = true;
if ( mit->type.isPointer() )
initializers.push_back( mit->name + "( " + argumentName + ".data() )" );
assert( mit->arraySizes.size() == 1 );
if ( mit->lenExpressions[0] == "null-terminated" )
static const std::string strcpyTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${memberName}_.size() < ${arraySize} );
#if defined( WIN32 )
strncpy_s( ${memberName}, ${memberSize}, ${memberName}, ${memberName}_.size() );
strncpy( ${memberName}, ${memberName}, std::min<size_t>( ${memberSize}, ${memberName}_.size() ) );
copyOps +=
replaceWithMap( strcpyTemplate, { { "arraySize", mit->arraySizes[0] }, { "memberName", mit->name }, { "memberSize", mit->arraySizes[0] } } );
static const std::string memcpyTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${memberName}_.size() < ${arraySize} );
memcpy( ${memberName}, ${memberName}, ${lenExpression} * sizeof( ${argumentType} ) );)";
std::string arraySizeExpression = ( mit->lenExpressions[0] == "null-terminated" )
? ( "std::min<size_t>( " + mit->name + "_.size(), " + mit->arraySizes[0] + " )" )
: ( mit->lenExpressions[0] + " * sizeof( " + argumentType + " )" );
copyOps += replaceWithMap( memcpyTemplate,
{ { "arraySize", mit->arraySizes[0] },
{ "argumentType", argumentType },
{ "lenExpression", mit->lenExpressions[0] },
{ "memberName", mit->name } } );
std::string argument = generateStructConstructorArgument( *mit, arrayListed );
if ( !argument.empty() )
arguments.push_back( argument );
initializers.push_back( mit->name + "( " + mit->name + "_ )" );
auto pNextIt =
std::find_if( structData.second.members.begin(), structData.second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return == "pNext"; } );
if ( pNextIt != structData.second.members.end() )
// add pNext as a last optional argument to the constructor
arguments.push_back( pNextIt->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " pNext_ = nullptr" );
static const std::string constructorTemplate = R"(
${templateHeader} ${structName}( ${arguments} )
return replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "arguments", generateList( arguments, "", ", " ) },
{ "copyOps", copyOps },
{ "initializers", generateList( initializers, ": ", ", " ) },
{ "sizeChecks", sizeChecks },
{ "structName", stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "templateHeader", templateHeader } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructConstructorArgument( MemberData const & memberData, bool withDefault ) const
// skip members 'pNext' and members with a specified value, as they are never explicitly set
std::string str;
if ( ( != "pNext" ) && memberData.value.empty() )
if ( memberData.arraySizes.empty() )
str += memberData.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) + " ";
str += generateStandardArray( memberData.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), memberData.arraySizes ) + " const & ";
str += + "_";
if ( withDefault )
str += " = ";
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( memberData.type.type );
if ( enumIt != m_enums.end() && memberData.type.postfix.empty() )
str += generateEnumInitializer( memberData.type, memberData.arraySizes, enumIt->second.values, enumIt->second.isBitmask );
else if ( memberData.defaultValue.empty() )
// if there's no default value, it can be initialized with just {}
str += "{}";
assert( memberData.defaultValue.starts_with( "VK_" ) );
std::string tag = findTag( memberData.defaultValue );
str += "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + toCamelCase( stripPostfix( stripPrefix( memberData.defaultValue, "VK_" ), tag ) ) + tag;
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructHashStructure( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure,
std::set<std::string> & listedStructs ) const
assert( !listedStructs.contains( structure.first ) );
std::string str;
for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members )
auto structIt = m_structs.find( member.type.type );
if ( ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) && ( structure.first != member.type.type ) && !listedStructs.contains( member.type.type ) )
str += generateStructHashStructure( *structIt, listedStructs );
if ( !containsUnion( structure.first ) )
static const std::string hashTemplate = R"(
${enter}template <> struct hash<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType}>
std::size_t operator()(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structureType} const & ${structureName}) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
std::size_t seed = 0;
return seed;
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromType( structure.first ) );
std::string structureType = stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" );
std::string structureName = startLowerCase( structureType );
str += replaceWithMap( hashTemplate,
{ { "enter", enter },
{ "hashSum", generateStructHashSum( structureName, structure.second.members ) },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "structureName", structureName },
{ "structureType", structureType } } );
listedStructs.insert( structure.first );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructHashStructures() const
const std::string hashesTemplate = R"(
//=== HASH structures for structures ===
# if !defined( VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE )
# define VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, value ) \
seed ^= std::hash<std::decay<decltype( value )>::type>{}( value ) + 0x9e3779b9 + ( seed << 6 ) + ( seed >> 2 )
# endif
#endif // 14 <= VULKAN_HPP_CPP_VERSION
// Note reordering structs or handles by features and extensions is not possible!
std::set<std::string> listedStructs;
std::string hashes;
for ( auto const & structure : m_structs )
if ( !listedStructs.contains( structure.first ) && isTypeUsed( structure.first ) )
hashes += generateStructHashStructure( structure, listedStructs );
return replaceWithMap( hashesTemplate, { { "hashes", hashes } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructHashSum( std::string const & structName, std::vector<MemberData> const & members ) const
std::string hashSum;
for ( auto const & member : members )
if ( !member.arraySizes.empty() )
assert( member.arraySizes.size() < 3 );
hashSum += " for ( size_t i = 0; i < " + member.arraySizes[0] + "; ++i )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
if ( member.arraySizes.size() == 1 )
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, " + structName + "." + + "[i] );\n";
hashSum += " for ( size_t j=0; j < " + member.arraySizes[1] + "; ++j )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, " + structName + "." + + "[i][j] );\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
else if ( member.type.type == "char" && !member.lenExpressions.empty() )
assert( member.lenExpressions.size() < 3 );
if ( member.lenExpressions.size() == 1 )
assert( member.lenExpressions[0] == "null-terminated" );
hashSum += " for ( const char* p = " + structName + "." + + "; *p != '\\0'; ++p )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, *p );\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
assert( member.lenExpressions[1] == "null-terminated" );
hashSum += " for ( size_t i = 0; i < " + structName + "." + member.lenExpressions[0] + "; ++i )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
hashSum += " for ( const char* p = " + structName + "." + + "[i]; *p != '\\0'; ++p )\n";
hashSum += " {\n";
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, *p );\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
hashSum += " }\n";
hashSum += " VULKAN_HPP_HASH_COMBINE( seed, " + structName + "." + + " );\n";
assert( !hashSum.empty() );
return hashSum.substr( 0, hashSum.size() - 1 );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructs() const
const std::string structsTemplate = R"(
//=== STRUCTS ===
// Note reordering structs or handles by features and extensions is not possible!
std::set<std::string> listedStructs;
std::string structs;
for ( auto const & structure : m_structs )
if ( !listedStructs.contains( structure.first ) && isTypeUsed( structure.first ) )
structs += generateStruct( structure, listedStructs );
return replaceWithMap( structsTemplate, { { "structs", structs } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructure( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure ) const
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromType( structure.first ) );
std::string str = "\n" + enter;
std::string constructorsAndSetters;
if ( strcmp( &structure.first[0], "VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT" ) == 0 )
// special handling for this structure, as it is filled with dynamic memory on vk::Device::getFaultInfoEXT!
constructorsAndSetters += R"(
VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 DeviceFaultInfoEXT( std::array<char, VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE> const & description_ = {},
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT * pAddressInfos_ = {},
VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::DeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT * pVendorInfos_ = {},
void * pVendorBinaryData_ = {},
void * pNext_ = nullptr ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: pNext{ pNext_ }
, description{ description_ }
, pAddressInfos{ pAddressInfos_ }
, pVendorInfos{ pVendorInfos_ }
, pVendorBinaryData{ pVendorBinaryData_ }
VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 DeviceFaultInfoEXT( DeviceFaultInfoEXT const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
DeviceFaultInfoEXT( VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT : DeviceFaultInfoEXT( *reinterpret_cast<DeviceFaultInfoEXT const *>( &rhs ) ) {}
DeviceFaultInfoEXT & operator=( DeviceFaultInfoEXT const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
# else
DeviceFaultInfoEXT( DeviceFaultInfoEXT const & ) = delete;
DeviceFaultInfoEXT & operator=( DeviceFaultInfoEXT const & ) = delete;
DeviceFaultInfoEXT( DeviceFaultInfoEXT && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: pNext{ rhs.pNext }
, pAddressInfos{ rhs.pAddressInfos }
, pVendorInfos{ rhs.pVendorInfos }
, pVendorBinaryData{ rhs.pVendorBinaryData }
memcpy( description, rhs.description, VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE );
rhs.pNext = nullptr;
memset( rhs.description, 0, VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE );
rhs.pAddressInfos = nullptr;
rhs.pVendorInfos = nullptr;
rhs.pVendorBinaryData = nullptr;
DeviceFaultInfoEXT & operator=( DeviceFaultInfoEXT && rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
free( pAddressInfos );
free( pVendorInfos );
free( pVendorBinaryData );
pNext = rhs.pNext;
memcpy( description, rhs.description, VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE );
pAddressInfos = rhs.pAddressInfos;
pVendorInfos = rhs.pVendorInfos;
pVendorBinaryData = rhs.pVendorBinaryData;
rhs.pNext = nullptr;
memset( rhs.description, 0, VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE );
rhs.pAddressInfos = nullptr;
rhs.pVendorInfos = nullptr;
rhs.pVendorBinaryData = nullptr;
return *this;
free( pAddressInfos );
free( pVendorInfos );
free( pVendorBinaryData );
static const std::string constructorsTemplate = R"(
${structName} & operator=( ${structName} const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT = default;
${structName} & operator=( Vk${structName} const & rhs ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
*this = *reinterpret_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::${structName} const *>( &rhs );
return *this;
constructorsAndSetters = replaceWithMap( constructorsTemplate,
{ { "constructors", generateStructConstructors( structure ) },
{ "structName", stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "subConstructors", generateStructSubConstructor( structure ) } } );
if ( !structure.second.returnedOnly )
// only structs that are not returnedOnly get setters!
constructorsAndSetters += "\n#if !defined( VULKAN_HPP_NO_STRUCT_SETTERS )";
for ( size_t i = 0; i < structure.second.members.size(); i++ )
constructorsAndSetters += generateStructSetter( stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" ), structure.second.members, i );
constructorsAndSetters += "#endif /*VULKAN_HPP_NO_STRUCT_SETTERS*/\n";
std::string structureType = stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" );
// the member variables
std::string members, memberNames, memberTypes, sTypeValue;
std::tie( members, memberNames, memberTypes, sTypeValue ) = generateStructMembers( structure );
// reflect is meaningfull for structs only, filter out unions
std::string reflect;
if ( !structure.second.isUnion )
// use reflection only if VULKAN_HPP_USE_REFLECT is defined
static const std::string reflectTemplate = R"(
reflect() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return std::tie( ${memberNames} );
reflect = replaceWithMap( reflectTemplate, { { "memberNames", memberNames }, { "memberTypes", memberTypes } } );
// operator==() and operator!=()
// only structs without a union as a member can have a meaningfull == and != operation; we filter them out
std::string compareOperators;
if ( !containsUnion( structure.first ) )
compareOperators += generateStructCompareOperators( structure );
static const std::string structureTemplate = R"( struct ${structureType}
using NativeType = Vk${structureType};
operator Vk${structureType} const &() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *reinterpret_cast<const Vk${structureType}*>( this );
operator Vk${structureType} &() VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *reinterpret_cast<Vk${structureType}*>( this );
std::string allowDuplicate, typeValue;
if ( !sTypeValue.empty() )
allowDuplicate = std::string( " static const bool allowDuplicate = " ) + ( structure.second.allowDuplicate ? "true;" : "false;" );
typeValue = " static VULKAN_HPP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR StructureType structureType = StructureType::" + sTypeValue + ";\n";
str += replaceWithMap( structureTemplate,
{ { "allowDuplicate", allowDuplicate },
{ "constructorsAndSetters", constructorsAndSetters },
{ "compareOperators", compareOperators },
{ "members", members },
{ "reflect", reflect },
{ "structureType", structureType },
{ "typeValue", typeValue } } );
if ( !sTypeValue.empty() )
std::string cppTypeTemplate = R"(
template <>
struct CppType<StructureType, StructureType::${sTypeValue}>
using Type = ${structureType};
str += replaceWithMap( cppTypeTemplate, { { "sTypeValue", sTypeValue }, { "structureType", structureType } } );
for ( auto const & alias : structure.second.aliases )
str += " using " + stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) + " = " + structureType + ";\n";
str += leave;
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructExtendsStructs() const
const std::string structExtendsTemplate = R"(
std::string structExtends;
std::set<std::string> listedStructs;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
structExtends += generateStructExtendsStructs( feature.requireData, listedStructs, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
structExtends += generateStructExtendsStructs( extension.requireData, listedStructs, );
return replaceWithMap( structExtendsTemplate, { { "structExtends", structExtends } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructExtendsStructs( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> & listedStructs,
std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto structIt = m_structs.find( );
if ( ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) && listedStructs.insert( ).second )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromTitle( title ) );
// append all allowed structure chains
for ( auto extendName : structIt->second.structExtends )
auto extendsIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_structs, extendName );
const auto [subEnter, subLeave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromType( extendsIt->first ) );
if ( enter != subEnter )
str += subEnter;
str += " template <> struct StructExtends<" + stripPrefix( structIt->first, "Vk" ) + ", " + stripPrefix( extendName, "Vk" ) +
">{ enum { value = true }; };\n";
if ( leave != subLeave )
str += subLeave;
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructForwardDeclarations() const
const std::string fowardDeclarationsTemplate = R"(
//=== STRUCT forward declarations ===
std::string forwardDeclarations;
std::set<std::string> listedStructs;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
forwardDeclarations += generateStructForwardDeclarations( feature.requireData,, listedStructs );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
forwardDeclarations += generateStructForwardDeclarations( extension.requireData,, listedStructs );
return replaceWithMap( fowardDeclarationsTemplate, { { "forwardDeclarations", forwardDeclarations } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructForwardDeclarations( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::string const & title,
std::set<std::string> & listedStructs ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto structIt = m_structs.find( );
if ( ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) && listedStructs.insert( ).second )
std::string structureType = stripPrefix( structIt->first, "Vk" );
str += ( structIt->second.isUnion ? " union " : " struct " ) + structureType + ";\n";
for ( auto const & alias : structIt->second.aliases )
str += " using " + stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) + " = " + structureType + ";\n";
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string>
VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructMembers( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
std::string members, memberNames, memberTypes, sTypeValue;
for ( auto const & member : structData.second.members )
members += " ";
std::string type;
if ( !member.bitCount.empty() && member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
assert( member.type.prefix.empty() && member.type.postfix.empty() ); // never encounterd a different case
type = member.type.type;
else if ( member.arraySizes.empty() )
type = member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" );
assert( member.type.prefix.empty() && member.type.postfix.empty() );
type = generateStandardArrayWrapper( member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), member.arraySizes );
members += type + " " +;
if ( !member.value.empty() )
// special handling for members with legal value: use it as the default
members += " = ";
if ( member.type.type == "uint32_t" )
members += member.value;
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( member.type.type );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
assert( contains( enumIt->second.values, member.value ) );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first, member.value, enumIt->second.isBitmask );
members += stripPrefix( member.type.type, "Vk" ) + "::" + valueName;
if ( == "sType" )
sTypeValue = valueName;
// when we don't have any default initialization value, everything can be initialized by just '{}'
assert( member.arraySizes.empty() || member.bitCount.empty() );
if ( !member.bitCount.empty() )
members += " : " + member.bitCount; // except for bitfield members, where no default member initializatin
// is supported (up to C++20)
members += " = ";
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( member.type.type );
if ( member.arraySizes.empty() && ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) && member.type.postfix.empty() )
members += generateEnumInitializer( member.type, member.arraySizes, enumIt->second.values, enumIt->second.isBitmask );
else if ( member.defaultValue.empty() )
members += "{}";
assert( member.defaultValue.starts_with( "VK_" ) );
std::string tag = findTag( member.defaultValue );
members += "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + toCamelCase( stripPostfix( stripPrefix( member.defaultValue, "VK_" ), tag ) ) + tag;
members += ";\n";
memberNames += + ", ";
memberTypes += type + " const &, ";
return std::make_tuple( members, stripPostfix( memberNames, ", " ), stripPostfix( memberTypes, ", " ), sTypeValue );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructSetter( std::string const & structureName, std::vector<MemberData> const & memberData, size_t index ) const
std::string str;
MemberData const & member = memberData[index];
if ( member.type.type != "VkStructureType" ) // filter out StructureType, which is supposed to be immutable !
static const std::string templateString = R"(
${constexpr}${structureName} & set${MemberName}( ${memberType} ${reference}${memberName}_ ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return *this;
std::string memberType = member.arraySizes.empty() ? member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" )
: generateStandardArray( member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), member.arraySizes );
const bool isReinterpretation = !member.bitCount.empty() && member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" );
std::string assignment;
if ( isReinterpretation )
assignment = + " = " + "*reinterpret_cast<" + member.type.type + "*>(&" + + "_)";
assignment = + " = " + + "_";
str += replaceWithMap( templateString,
{ { "assignment", assignment },
{ "constexpr", isReinterpretation ? "" : "VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 " },
{ "memberName", },
{ "MemberName", startUpperCase( ) },
{ "memberType", memberType },
{ "reference", ( member.type.postfix.empty() && m_structs.contains( member.type.type ) ) ? "const & " : "" },
{ "structureName", structureName } } );
if ( hasLen( member, memberData ) )
assert( member.type.isPointer() || !member.arraySizes.empty() );
assert( !member.type.isPointer() || "p" ) );
std::string arrayName = member.type.isPointer() ? startLowerCase( stripPrefix(, "p" ) ) :;
if ( member.lenExpressions[0] == "null-terminated" )
assert( member.lenMembers.empty() && ( member.lenExpressions.size() == 1 ) && ( member.arraySizes.size() == 1 ) && ( member.type.type == "char" ) );
static const std::string setStringTemplate = R"(
${structureName} & set${ArrayName}( std::string const & ${arrayName}_ ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${arrayName}_.size() < ${arraySize} );
#if defined( WIN32 )
strncpy_s( ${arrayName}, ${arraySize}, ${arrayName}, ${arrayName}_.size() );
strncpy( ${arrayName}, ${arrayName}, std::min<size_t>( ${arraySize}, ${arrayName}_.size() ) );
return *this;
str += replaceWithMap( setStringTemplate,
{ { "arrayName", arrayName },
{ "ArrayName", startUpperCase( arrayName ) },
{ "arraySize", member.arraySizes[0] },
{ "structureName", structureName } } );
else if ( ( structureName == "LayerSettingEXT" ) && ( index == 4 ) )
// VkLayerSettingEXT::pValues needs some special handling!
assert( == "pValues" );
static const std::string byTypeTemplate =
R"( LayerSettingEXT & setValues( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<const ${type}> const & values_ ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
valueCount = static_cast<uint32_t>( values_.size() );
pValues =;
return *this;
static const std::string setArrayTemplate = R"(
return replaceWithMap( setArrayTemplate,
{ "byInt32", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "int32_t" } } ) },
{ "byInt64", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "int64_t" } } ) },
{ "byUint32", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "uint32_t" } } ) },
{ "byUint64", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "uint64_t" } } ) },
{ "byFloat32", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "float" } } ) },
{ "byFloat64", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "double" } } ) },
{ "byString", replaceWithMap( byTypeTemplate, { { "type", "char *" } } ) },
} );
assert( ( member.lenExpressions[0] == member.lenMembers[0].first ) || ( member.lenExpressions[0] == "codeSize / 4" ) );
std::string lenName, lenValue;
if ( member.lenExpressions[0] == "codeSize / 4" )
lenName = "codeSize";
lenValue = arrayName + "_.size() * 4";
lenName = member.lenExpressions[0];
lenValue = arrayName + "_.size()";
if ( member.type.isPointer() )
assert( memberType.back() == '*' );
memberType = trimEnd( stripPostfix( memberType, "*" ) );
std::string templateHeader;
if ( ( member.type.type == "void" ) && ( memberType.find( '*' ) == std::string::npos ) )
assert( templateHeader.empty() );
templateHeader = "template <typename T>\n ";
const size_t pos = memberType.find( "void" );
assert( pos != std::string::npos );
memberType.replace( pos, strlen( "void" ), "T" );
lenValue += " * sizeof(T)";
auto lenMember = findStructMemberIt( lenName, memberData );
assert( lenMember != memberData.end() && lenMember->type.prefix.empty() && lenMember->type.postfix.empty() );
if ( lenMember->type.type != "size_t" )
lenValue = "static_cast<" + lenMember->type.type + ">( " + lenValue + " )";
if ( !member.arraySizes.empty() )
assert( member.arraySizes.size() == 1 );
lenValue = "(std::min)( " + lenValue + ", " + member.arraySizes[0] + " )";
if ( member.type.isPointer() )
static const std::string setArrayTemplate = R"(
${templateHeader}${structureName} & set${ArrayName}( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxyNoTemporaries<${memberType}> const & ${arrayName}_ ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
${lenName} = ${lenValue};
${memberName} = ${arrayName};
return *this;
str += replaceWithMap( setArrayTemplate,
{ { "arrayName", arrayName },
{ "ArrayName", startUpperCase( arrayName ) },
{ "lenName", lenName },
{ "lenValue", lenValue },
{ "memberName", },
{ "memberType", memberType },
{ "structureName", structureName },
{ "templateHeader", templateHeader } } );
assert( member.arraySizes.size() == 1 );
static const std::string setArrayTemplate = R"(
${templateHeader}${structureName} & set${ArrayName}( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::ArrayProxy<${memberType}> const & ${arrayName}_ ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${arrayName}_.size() <= ${arraySize} );
${lenName} = ${lenValue};
memcpy( ${arrayName}, ${arrayName}, ${lenName} );
return *this;
str += replaceWithMap( setArrayTemplate,
{ { "arrayName", arrayName },
{ "ArrayName", startUpperCase( arrayName ) },
{ "arraySize", member.arraySizes[0] },
{ "lenName", lenName },
{ "lenValue", lenValue },
{ "memberType", member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ) },
{ "structureName", structureName },
{ "templateHeader", templateHeader } } );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateStructSubConstructor( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structData ) const
if ( !structData.second.subStruct.empty() )
auto const & subStruct = m_structs.find( structData.second.subStruct );
assert( subStruct != m_structs.end() );
std::string subStructArgumentName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( subStruct->first, "Vk" ) );
std::string subCopies;
bool firstArgument = true;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < subStruct->second.members.size(); i++ )
assert( structData.second.members[i].arraySizes.empty() );
static const std::string subCopiesTemplate =
R"( ${separator} ${structMemberName}( ${subStructArgumentName}.${subStructMemberName} )
subCopies += replaceWithMap( subCopiesTemplate,
{ { "separator", firstArgument ? ":" : "," },
{ "structMemberName", structData.second.members[i].name },
{ "subStructMemberName", subStruct->second.members[i].name },
{ "subStructArgumentName", subStructArgumentName } } );
firstArgument = false;
std::vector<std::string> subArguments;
for ( size_t i = subStruct->second.members.size(); i < structData.second.members.size(); i++ )
std::string argument = generateStructConstructorArgument( structData.second.members[i], true );
if ( !argument.empty() )
subArguments.push_back( argument );
assert( structData.second.members[i].arraySizes.empty() );
static const std::string subCopiesTemplate = R"( , ${memberName}( ${memberName}_ )
subCopies += replaceWithMap( subCopiesTemplate, { { "memberName", structData.second.members[i].name } } );
static const std::string subStructConstructorTemplate = R"(
explicit ${structName}( ${subStructName} const & ${subStructArgumentName}${subArguments} )
${subCopies} {}
return replaceWithMap( subStructConstructorTemplate,
{ { "structName", stripPrefix( structData.first, "Vk" ) },
{ "subArguments", generateList( subArguments, ", ", ", " ) },
{ "subCopies", subCopies },
{ "subStructArgumentName", subStructArgumentName },
{ "subStructName", stripPrefix( subStruct->first, "Vk" ) } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSuccessCheck( std::vector<std::string> const & successCodes ) const
assert( !successCodes.empty() );
std::string successCheck = "result == " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[0] );
if ( 1 < successCodes.size() )
successCheck = "( " + successCheck + " )";
for ( size_t i = 1; i < successCodes.size(); ++i )
successCheck += "|| ( result == " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[i] ) + " )";
return successCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSuccessCode( std::string const & code ) const
std::string tag = findTag( code );
// on each success code: prepend 'VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::e', strip "VK_" and a tag, convert it to camel
// case, and add the tag again
return "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result::e" + toCamelCase( stripPostfix( stripPrefix( code, "VK_" ), tag ) ) + tag;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSuccessCodeList( std::vector<std::string> const & successCodes, bool enumerating ) const
std::string successCodeList;
size_t skipSize = ( enumerating && ( 1 < successCodes.size() ) && ( successCodes[1] == "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) ) ? 2 : 1;
if ( skipSize < successCodes.size() )
successCodeList = ", { " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[0] );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < successCodes.size(); ++i )
successCodeList += ", " + generateSuccessCode( successCodes[i] );
successCodeList += " }";
return successCodeList;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateThrowResultException() const
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkResult" );
std::string cases;
for ( auto const & value : enumIt->second.values )
if ( value.supported && "VK_ERROR" ) )
const auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( value.protect );
std::string valueName = generateEnumValueName( enumIt->first,, false );
cases += enter + " case Result::" + valueName + ": throw " + stripPrefix( valueName, "eError" ) + "Error( message );\n" + leave;
cases.pop_back(); // remove last newline
const std::string throwTemplate = R"(
namespace detail
[[noreturn]] VULKAN_HPP_INLINE void throwResultException( Result result, char const * message )
switch ( result )
default: throw SystemError( make_error_code( result ), message );
return replaceWithMap( throwTemplate, { { "cases", cases } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateTypenameCheck( std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & chainedReturnParams,
bool definition,
std::vector<std::string> const & dataTypes,
CommandFlavourFlags flavourFlags ) const
std::string typenameCheck, enableIf;
if ( !( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::singular ) )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); ++i )
if ( vectorParams.contains( returnParams[i] ) )
std::string elementType =
( ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::chained ) &&
std::any_of( chainedReturnParams.begin(), chainedReturnParams.end(), [&returnParams, i]( size_t crp ) { return crp == returnParams[i]; } ) )
? "StructureChain"
: dataTypes[i];
std::string extendedElementType = elementType;
if ( flavourFlags & CommandFlavourFlagBits::unique )
extendedElementType = "UniqueHandle<" + elementType + ", Dispatch>";
elementType = startUpperCase( stripPrefix( elementType, "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) );
if ( !enableIf.empty() )
enableIf += " && ";
enableIf += "std::is_same<typename " + elementType + "Allocator::value_type, " + extendedElementType + " > ::value ";
if ( !enableIf.empty() )
typenameCheck = ", typename std::enable_if<" + enableIf + ", int>::type" + ( definition ? "" : " = 0" );
return typenameCheck;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateUnion( std::pair<std::string, StructureData> const & structure ) const
auto [enter, leave] = generateProtection( getProtectFromType( structure.first ) );
std::string unionName = stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" );
bool firstMember = true;
std::set<TypeInfo> listedTypes; // create just one constructor per different type !
std::string constructors;
for ( auto memberIt = structure.second.members.begin(); memberIt != structure.second.members.end(); ++memberIt )
if ( listedTypes.insert( memberIt->type ).second )
// VkBool32 is aliased to uint32_t. Don't create a VkBool32 constructor if the union also contains a
// uint32_t constructor.
if ( memberIt->type.type == "VkBool32" )
if ( findStructMemberItByType( "uint32_t", structure.second.members ) != structure.second.members.end() )
const bool multipleType = std::any_of(
std::next( memberIt ), structure.second.members.end(), [memberIt]( MemberData const & member ) noexcept { return member.type == memberIt->type; } );
std::string memberType = ( memberIt->arraySizes.empty() )
? memberIt->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" )
: ( "const " + generateStandardArray( memberIt->type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), memberIt->arraySizes ) + "&" );
// In a majority of cases this can be constexpr in C++11 as well, however, determining when exactly
// that is the case is a lot more involved and probably not worth it.
static const std::string constructorTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR_14 ${unionName}( ${memberType} ${argumentName}_${defaultAssignment} )
: ${memberName}( ${argumentName}_ )
constructors += ( firstMember ? "" : "\n" ) + replaceWithMap( constructorTemplate,
{ { "argumentName", multipleType ? generateName( memberIt->type ) : memberIt->name },
{ "defaultAssignment", firstMember ? " = {}" : "" },
{ "memberName", memberIt->name },
{ "memberType", memberType },
{ "unionName", stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" ) } } );
firstMember = false;
if ( !memberIt->arraySizes.empty() )
assert( !multipleType );
assert( memberIt->arraySizes.size() == 1 );
const int size = std::stoi( memberIt->arraySizes[0] );
assert( std::to_string( size ) == memberIt->arraySizes[0] );
std::vector<std::string> arguments, callArguments;
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
std::string argumentIndex = std::to_string( i );
arguments.push_back( memberIt->type.type + " " + memberIt->name + "_" + argumentIndex );
callArguments.push_back( memberIt->name + "_" + argumentIndex );
static const std::string constructorBySequenceTemplate = R"(
VULKAN_HPP_CONSTEXPR ${unionName}( ${arguments} )
: ${memberName}{ { { ${callArguments} } } }
constructors += "\n" + replaceWithMap( constructorBySequenceTemplate,
{ { "arguments", generateList( arguments, "", ", " ) },
{ "callArguments", generateList( callArguments, "", ", " ) },
{ "memberName", memberIt->name },
{ "unionName", stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" ) } } );
// one setter per union element
std::string setters;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < structure.second.members.size(); i++ )
setters += generateStructSetter( stripPrefix( structure.first, "Vk" ), structure.second.members, i );
// filter out leading and trailing newline
setters = setters.substr( 1, setters.length() - 2 );
// the union member variables
std::string members;
// if there's at least one Vk... type in this union, check for unrestricted unions support
const bool needsUnrestrictedUnions = std::any_of(
structure.second.members.begin(), structure.second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & member ) { return member.type.type.starts_with( "Vk" ); } );
if ( needsUnrestrictedUnions )
for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members )
static const std::string memberTemplate = R"( ${memberType} ${memberName};
members +=
replaceWithMap( memberTemplate,
{ { "memberName", },
{ "memberType",
member.arraySizes.empty() ? member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" )
: generateStandardArrayWrapper( member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), member.arraySizes ) } } );
if ( needsUnrestrictedUnions )
members += "#else\n";
for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members )
static const std::string memberTemplate = R"( ${memberType} ${memberName}${arraySizes};
members += replaceWithMap(
{ { "arraySizes", generateCArraySizes( member.arraySizes ) }, { "memberName", }, { "memberType", member.type.compose( "" ) } } );
members += "#endif /*VULKAN_HPP_HAS_UNRESTRICTED_UNIONS*/\n";
static const std::string unionTemplate = R"(
${enter} union ${unionName}
using NativeType = Vk${unionName};
operator Vk${unionName} const &() const
return *reinterpret_cast<const Vk${unionName}*>( this );
operator Vk${unionName} &()
return *reinterpret_cast<Vk${unionName}*>( this );
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "constructors", constructors }, { "enter", enter }, { "leave", leave }, { "members", members }, { "setters", setters }, { "unionName", unionName } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateUniqueHandle( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handleData ) const
if ( !handleData.second.deleteCommand.empty() )
std::string type = stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" );
std::string aliasHandle;
for ( auto const & alias : handleData.second.aliases )
static const std::string aliasHandleTemplate = R"( using Unique${aliasType} = UniqueHandle<${type}, VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>;)";
aliasHandle += replaceWithMap( aliasHandleTemplate, { { "aliasType", stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) }, { "type", type } } );
static const std::string uniqueHandleTemplate = R"( template <typename Dispatch>
class UniqueHandleTraits<${type}, Dispatch>
using deleter = detail::${deleterType}${deleterAction}<${deleterParent}${deleterPool}, Dispatch>;
using Unique${type} = UniqueHandle<${type}, VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>;
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "aliasHandle", aliasHandle },
{ "deleterAction", ( handleData.second.deleteCommand.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ? "Free" : "Destroy" },
{ "deleterParent", handleData.second.destructorType.empty() ? "detail::NoParent" : stripPrefix( handleData.second.destructorType, "Vk" ) },
{ "deleterPool", handleData.second.deletePool.empty() ? "" : ", " + stripPrefix( handleData.second.deletePool, "Vk" ) },
{ "deleterType", handleData.second.deletePool.empty() ? "Object" : "Pool" },
{ "type", type } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateUniqueHandle( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
str += generateUniqueHandle( *handleIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateUniqueHandles() const
std::string uniqueHandlesTemplate = R"(
//=== UNIQUE HANDLEs ===
std::string uniqueHandles;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
uniqueHandles += generateUniqueHandle( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
uniqueHandles += generateUniqueHandle( extension.requireData, );
assert( uniqueHandles.back() == '\n' );
return replaceWithMap( uniqueHandlesTemplate, { { "uniqueHandles", uniqueHandles } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSharedHandle( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handleData ) const
if ( !handleData.second.deleteCommand.empty() )
std::string type = stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" );
std::string aliasHandle;
for ( auto const & alias : handleData.second.aliases )
static const std::string aliasHandleTemplate = R"( using Shared${aliasType} = SharedHandle<${type}>;)";
aliasHandle += replaceWithMap( aliasHandleTemplate, { { "aliasType", stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) }, { "type", type } } );
static const std::string sharedHandleTemplate = R"( template <>
class SharedHandleTraits<${type}>
using DestructorType = ${destructor};
using deleter = detail::${deleterType}${deleterAction}Shared<${type}${deleterPool}>;
using Shared${type} = SharedHandle<${type}>;
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "aliasHandle", aliasHandle },
{ "deleterAction", ( handleData.second.deleteCommand.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ? "Free" : "Destroy" },
{ "deleterPool", handleData.second.deletePool.empty() ? "" : ", " + stripPrefix( handleData.second.deletePool, "Vk" ) },
{ "deleterType", handleData.second.deletePool.empty() ? "Object" : "Pool" },
{ "destructor", handleData.second.destructorType.empty() ? "NoDestructor" : stripPrefix( handleData.second.destructorType, "Vk" ) },
{ "type", type } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSharedHandleNoDestroy( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handleData ) const
if ( handleData.second.deleteCommand.empty() )
std::string type = stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" );
std::string aliasHandle;
for ( auto const & alias : handleData.second.aliases )
static const std::string aliasHandleTemplate = R"( using Shared${aliasType} = SharedHandle<${type}>;)";
aliasHandle += replaceWithMap( aliasHandleTemplate, { { "aliasType", stripPrefix( alias.first, "Vk" ) }, { "type", type } } );
static const std::string sharedHandleTemplate = R"(
template <>
class SharedHandle<${type}> : public SharedHandleBaseNoDestroy<${type}, ${parent}>
friend SharedHandleBase<${type}, ${parent}>;
SharedHandle() = default;
explicit SharedHandle(${type} handle, ${parent} parent) noexcept
: SharedHandleBaseNoDestroy<${type}, ${parent}>(handle, std::move(parent))
using Shared${type} = SharedHandle<${type}>;
return replaceWithMap( sharedHandleTemplate,
{ { "aliasHandle", aliasHandle }, { "parent", "Shared" + stripPrefix( handleData.second.parent, "Vk" ) }, { "type", type } } );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSharedHandle( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
str += generateSharedHandle( *handleIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSharedHandleNoDestroy( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const
std::string str;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & type : require.types )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() )
str += generateSharedHandleNoDestroy( *handleIt );
return addTitleAndProtection( title, str );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSharedHandlesNoDestroy() const
std::string sharedHandles;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
sharedHandles += generateSharedHandleNoDestroy( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
sharedHandles += generateSharedHandleNoDestroy( extension.requireData, );
assert( sharedHandles.back() == '\n' );
return sharedHandles;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateSharedHandles() const
std::string sharedHandlesTemplate = R"(
//=== SHARED HANDLEs ===
std::string sharedHandles;
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
sharedHandles += generateSharedHandle( feature.requireData, );
for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions )
sharedHandles += generateSharedHandle( extension.requireData, );
assert( sharedHandles.back() == '\n' );
return replaceWithMap( sharedHandlesTemplate, { { "sharedHandles", sharedHandles } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateVectorSizeCheck( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>> const & countToVectorMap,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams,
bool onlyThrows ) const
std::string const assertTemplate = " VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() == ${secondVectorName}.size() );";
std::string const assertTemplateVoid =
" VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${firstDataType} ) == ${secondVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${secondDataType} ) );";
std::string const assertTemplateSingle = " VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( ${vectorName}.size() == ${sizeValue} );";
std::string const throwTemplate =
R"#( if ( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() != ${secondVectorName}.size() )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${firstVectorName}.size() != ${secondVectorName}.size()" );
std::string const throwTemplateVoid =
R"#( if ( ${zeroSizeCheck}${firstVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${firstDataType} ) != ${secondVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${secondDataType} ) )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${firstVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${firstDataType} ) != ${secondVectorName}.size() * sizeof( ${secondDataType} )" );
std::string const throwTemplateSingle = R"#( if ( ${vectorName}.size() != ${sizeValue} )
throw LogicError( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}::${commandName}: ${vectorName}.size() != ${sizeValue}" );
std::string className = stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount );
std::string assertions, throws;
for ( auto const & cvm : countToVectorMap )
const size_t defaultStartIndex = determineDefaultStartIndex( commandData.params, skippedParams );
std::string firstVectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].name, "p" ) );
if ( cvm.second.size() == 1 )
std::string sizeValue;
if ( isLenByStructMember( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].lenExpression, commandData.params[cvm.first] ) )
std::vector<std::string> lenParts = tokenize( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].lenExpression, "->" );
assert( lenParts.size() == 2 );
sizeValue = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParts[0], "p" ) ) + "." + lenParts[1];
assert( !commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].lenParams.empty() );
if ( commandData.params[cvm.first].type.type == "VkSampleCountFlagBits" )
assert( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].lenExpression == "(" + commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].lenParams[0].first + " + 31) / 32" );
sizeValue = "( static_cast<uint32_t>( " + commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].lenParams[0].first + " ) + 31 ) / 32";
sizeValue = commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].lenExpression;
assertions += replaceWithMap( assertTemplateSingle, { { "sizeValue", sizeValue }, { "vectorName", firstVectorName } } );
throws += replaceWithMap( throwTemplateSingle,
{ { "className", className }, { "commandName", commandName }, { "sizeValue", sizeValue }, { "vectorName", firstVectorName } } );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < cvm.second.size(); i++ )
std::string secondVectorName = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].name, "p" ) );
const bool withZeroSizeCheck = commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].optional && ( defaultStartIndex <= cvm.second[i] );
if ( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].type.type == "void" )
assert( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].type.type == "void" );
std::string firstDataType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[0]].name, "p" ) + "Type";
std::string secondDataType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[cvm.second[i]].name, "p" ) + "Type";
assertions += replaceWithMap( assertTemplateVoid,
{ { "firstDataType", firstDataType },
{ "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "secondDataType", secondDataType },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( secondVectorName + ".empty() || " ) : "" } } );
throws += replaceWithMap( throwTemplateVoid,
{ { "firstDataType", firstDataType },
{ "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "secondDataType", secondDataType },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( "!" + secondVectorName + ".empty() && " ) : "" } } );
assertions += replaceWithMap( assertTemplate,
{ { "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( secondVectorName + ".empty() || " ) : "" } } );
throws += replaceWithMap( throwTemplate,
{ { "firstVectorName", firstVectorName },
{ "className", className },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "secondVectorName", secondVectorName },
{ "zeroSizeCheck", withZeroSizeCheck ? ( "!" + secondVectorName + ".empty() && " ) : "" } } );
if ( i + 1 < cvm.second.size() )
assertions += "\n";
throws += "\n";
std::string const sizeCheckTemplate =
return onlyThrows ? throws : replaceWithMap( sizeCheckTemplate, { { "assertions", assertions }, { "throws", throws } } );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::getParentTypeAndName( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
std::string parentType, parentName;
if ( handle.first == "VkInstance" )
parentType = "Context";
parentName = "context";
const bool skip = skipLeadingGrandParent( handle );
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() && ( ( skip ? 1u : 0u ) < handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params.size() ) );
auto const & param = handle.second.constructorIts.front()->second.params[skip ? 1 : 0];
assert( isHandleType( param.type.type ) && param.type.isValue() );
parentType = stripPrefix( param.type.type, "Vk" );
parentName =;
return std::make_pair( parentType, parentName );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::getPlatform( std::string const & title ) const
if ( !isSupportedFeature( title ) )
auto extensionIt = findSupportedExtension( title );
assert( extensionIt != m_extensions.end() );
return extensionIt->platform;
return "";
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::getPoolTypeAndName( std::string const & type ) const
auto structIt = m_structs.find( type );
assert( structIt != m_structs.end() );
auto memberIt = std::find_if(
structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return "Pool" ) != std::string::npos; } );
assert( memberIt != structIt->second.members.end() );
assert( std::none_of(
std::next( memberIt ), structIt->second.members.end(), []( MemberData const & md ) { return "Pool" ) != std::string::npos; } ) );
return std::make_pair( memberIt->type.type, memberIt->name );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::getProtectFromPlatform( std::string const & platform ) const
auto platformIt = m_platforms.find( platform );
return ( platformIt != m_platforms.end() ) ? platformIt->second.protect : "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::getProtectFromTitle( std::string const & title ) const
if ( !isSupportedFeature( title ) )
auto extensionIt = findSupportedExtension( title );
return ( extensionIt != m_extensions.end() ) ? getProtectFromPlatform( extensionIt->platform ) : "";
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::getProtectFromTitles( std::set<std::string> const & titles ) const
for ( auto titleIt = titles.begin(); titleIt != titles.end(); ++titleIt )
std::string protect = getProtectFromTitle( *titleIt );
if ( !protect.empty() )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( titleIt = std::next( titleIt ); titleIt != titles.end(); ++titleIt )
std::string p = getProtectFromTitle( *titleIt );
assert( p.empty() || ( p == protect ) );
return protect;
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::getProtectFromType( std::string const & type ) const
auto typeIt = m_types.find( type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
return getProtectFromTitles( typeIt->second.requiredBy );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::getVectorSize( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
size_t returnParam,
std::string const & returnParamType,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
std::string vectorSize;
auto returnVectorIt = vectorParams.find( returnParam );
assert( returnVectorIt != vectorParams.end() );
if ( returnVectorIt->second.byStructure )
auto structIt = m_structs.find( params[returnParam].type.type );
assert( structIt != m_structs.end() );
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( params[returnParam].name, "p" ) ) + "." + structIt->second.members[returnVectorIt->second.lenParam].name;
std::vector<std::string> lenParts = tokenize( params[returnParam].lenExpression, "->" );
switch ( lenParts.size() )
case 1:
std::string const & len = lenParts[0];
size_t lenIdx =
std::distance( params.begin(), std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&len]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == len; } ) );
assert( lenIdx < params.size() );
// look for the len, not being the len of the return param, but of an other vector param
auto lenVectorParamIt =
std::find_if( vectorParams.begin(),
[&lenIdx, &returnParam]( auto const & vpi ) { return ( vpi.first != returnParam ) && ( vpi.second.lenParam == lenIdx ); } );
if ( lenVectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
vectorSize = lenParts[0];
if ( templatedParams.contains( returnParam ) )
vectorSize += " / sizeof( " + returnParamType + " )";
assert( !templatedParams.contains( returnParam ) );
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( params[lenVectorParamIt->first].name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
case 2:
assert( vectorParams.contains( returnParam ) );
vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( lenParts[0], "p" ) ) + "." + lenParts[1];
default: assert( false ); break;
assert( !vectorSize.empty() );
return vectorSize;
void VulkanHppGenerator::handleRemoval( RemoveData const & removeData )
for ( auto const & command : removeData.commands )
bool removed = false;
auto commandIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_commands, command );
assert( commandIt != m_commands.end() );
for ( auto const & requiredBy : commandIt->second.requiredBy )
auto featureIt = std::find_if( m_features.begin(), m_features.end(), [&requiredBy]( FeatureData const & fd ) { return == requiredBy; } );
if ( featureIt != m_features.end() )
removed |= handleRemovalCommand( command, featureIt->requireData );
auto extensionIt =
std::find_if( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&requiredBy]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return == requiredBy; } );
if ( extensionIt != m_extensions.end() )
removed |= handleRemovalCommand( command, extensionIt->requireData );
assert( isUnsupportedExtension( requiredBy ) );
removed = true;
checkForError( removed, commandIt->second.xmlLine, "to be removed command <" + commandIt->first + "> could not be removed" );
for ( auto const & e : removeData.enums )
bool removed = false;
for ( auto enumIt = m_enums.begin(); !removed && enumIt != m_enums.end(); ++enumIt )
auto valueIt = findByName( enumIt->second.values, e );
if ( valueIt != enumIt->second.values.end() )
enumIt->second.values.erase( valueIt );
removed = true;
checkForError( removed, 0, "to be removed enum value <" + e + "> could not be removed" );
for ( auto const & type : removeData.types )
auto typeIt = m_types.find( type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
bool removed = typeIt->second.requiredBy.empty();
for ( auto const & requiredBy : typeIt->second.requiredBy )
auto featureIt = std::find_if( m_features.begin(), m_features.end(), [&requiredBy]( FeatureData const & fd ) { return == requiredBy; } );
if ( featureIt != m_features.end() )
removed |= handleRemovalType( type, featureIt->requireData );
auto extensionIt =
std::find_if( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&requiredBy]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return == requiredBy; } );
if ( extensionIt != m_extensions.end() )
removed |= handleRemovalType( type, extensionIt->requireData );
assert( isUnsupportedExtension( requiredBy ) );
removed = true;
checkForError( removed, typeIt->second.xmlLine, "to be removed type <" + typeIt->first + "> could not be removed" );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::handleRemovalCommand( std::string const & command, std::vector<RequireData> & requireData )
bool removed = false;
for ( auto requireDataIt = requireData.begin(); !removed && ( requireDataIt != requireData.end() ); ++requireDataIt )
auto requireCommandIt =
std::find_if( requireDataIt->commands.begin(), requireDataIt->commands.end(), [&command]( auto const & c ) { return == command; } );
if ( requireCommandIt != requireDataIt->commands.end() )
assert( std::none_of(
std::next( requireCommandIt ), requireDataIt->commands.end(), [&command]( auto const & requireCommand ) { return == command; } ) );
requireDataIt->commands.erase( requireCommandIt );
assert( !requireDataIt->commands.empty() || !requireDataIt->types.empty() );
removed = true;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( auto it = std::next( requireDataIt ); it != requireData.end(); ++it )
std::none_of( it->commands.begin(), it->commands.end(), [&command]( auto const & requireCommand ) { return == command; } ) );
return removed;
void VulkanHppGenerator::handleRemovals()
for ( auto const & feature : m_features )
for ( auto const & removeData : feature.removeData )
handleRemoval( removeData );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::handleRemovalType( std::string const & type, std::vector<RequireData> & requireData )
bool removed = false;
for ( auto requireDataIt = requireData.begin(); !removed && ( requireDataIt != requireData.end() ); )
auto requireTypeIt =
std::find_if( requireDataIt->types.begin(), requireDataIt->types.end(), [&type]( auto const & requireType ) { return == type; } );
if ( requireTypeIt != requireDataIt->types.end() )
std::none_of( std::next( requireTypeIt ), requireDataIt->types.end(), [&type]( auto const & requireType ) { return == type; } ) );
requireDataIt->types.erase( requireTypeIt );
requireDataIt = ( requireDataIt->commands.empty() && requireDataIt->types.empty() ) ? requireData.erase( requireDataIt ) : std::next( requireDataIt );
removed = true;
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( auto it = std::next( requireDataIt ); it != requireData.end(); ++it )
assert( std::none_of( it->types.begin(), it->types.end(), [&type]( auto const & requireType ) { return == type; } ) );
requireDataIt = std::next( requireDataIt );
return removed;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::hasLen( MemberData const & memberData, std::vector<MemberData> const & members ) const
return ( !memberData.lenMembers.empty() &&
( ( ( memberData.lenExpressions[0] == memberData.lenMembers[0].first ) && members[memberData.lenMembers[0].second].type.isValue() ) ||
( memberData.lenExpressions[0] == ( memberData.lenMembers[0].first + " / 4" ) ) ) ) ||
( !memberData.lenExpressions.empty() && ( memberData.lenExpressions[0] == "null-terminated" ) && !memberData.arraySizes.empty() );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::hasParentHandle( std::string const & handle, std::string const & parent ) const
std::string candidate = handle;
while ( !candidate.empty() )
auto const & handleIt = m_handles.find( candidate );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
if ( handleIt->second.parent == parent )
return true;
candidate = handleIt->second.parent;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isDeviceCommand( CommandData const & commandData ) const
return !commandData.handle.empty() && !commandData.params.empty() && m_handles.contains( commandData.params[0].type.type ) &&
( commandData.params[0].type.type != "VkInstance" ) && ( commandData.params[0].type.type != "VkPhysicalDevice" );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isExtension( std::string const & name ) const
return isSupportedExtension( name ) || isUnsupportedExtension( name );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isFeature( std::string const & name ) const
return isSupportedFeature( name ) || isUnsupportedFeature( name );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isHandleType( std::string const & type ) const
return type.starts_with( "Vk" ) && ( findByNameOrAlias( m_handles, type ) != m_handles.end() );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isHandleTypeByStructure( std::string const & type ) const
auto structIt = m_structs.find( type );
return ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) && describesVector( structIt->second ) && isHandleType( structIt->second.members[3].type.type );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isLenByStructMember( std::string const & name, std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
// check if name specifies a member of a struct
std::vector<std::string> nameParts = tokenize( name, "->" );
if ( nameParts.size() == 1 )
// older versions of vk.xml used the notation parameter::member
nameParts = tokenize( name, "::" );
if ( nameParts.size() == 2 )
auto paramIt = std::find_if( params.begin(), params.end(), [&n = nameParts[0]]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == n; } );
if ( paramIt != params.end() )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( paramIt->type.type );
assert( structureIt != m_structs.end() );
assert( isStructMember( nameParts[1], structureIt->second.members ) );
return true;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isLenByStructMember( std::string const & name, ParamData const & param ) const
// check if name specifies a member of a struct
std::vector<std::string> nameParts = tokenize( name, "->" );
if ( nameParts.size() == 1 )
// older versions of vk.xml used the notation parameter::member
nameParts = tokenize( name, "::" );
if ( ( nameParts.size() == 2 ) && ( nameParts[0] == ) )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
auto structureIt = m_structs.find( param.type.type );
assert( structureIt != m_structs.end() );
assert( isStructMember( nameParts[1], structureIt->second.members ) );
return true;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isMultiSuccessCodeConstructor( std::vector<std::map<std::string, CommandData>::const_iterator> const & constructorIts ) const
bool ok = !constructorIts.empty();
if ( ok )
auto constructorIt = constructorIts.begin();
ok = ( 2 < ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes.size() ) ||
( ( ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes[1] != "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( constructorIt = std::next( constructorIt ); constructorIt != constructorIts.end(); ++constructorIt )
assert( ok == ( 2 < ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes.size() ) ||
( ( ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes.size() == 2 ) && ( ( *constructorIt )->second.successCodes[1] != "VK_INCOMPLETE" ) ) );
return ok;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isParam( std::string const & name, std::vector<ParamData> const & params ) const
return findParamIt( name, params ) != params.end();
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isStructMember( std::string const & name, std::vector<MemberData> const & memberData ) const
return findStructMemberIt( name, memberData ) != memberData.end();
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isStructureChainAnchor( std::string const & type ) const
if ( type.starts_with( "Vk" ) )
auto it = findByNameOrAlias( m_structs, type );
if ( it != m_structs.end() )
return it->second.isExtended;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isStructureType( std::string const & type ) const
return type.starts_with( "Vk" ) && ( findByNameOrAlias( m_structs, type ) != m_structs.end() );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isSupported( std::set<std::string> const & requiredBy ) const
for ( auto const & r : requiredBy )
if ( isSupportedFeature( r ) || isSupportedExtension( r ) )
return true;
assert( isUnsupportedFeature( r ) || isUnsupportedExtension( r ) );
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isSupportedExtension( std::string const & name ) const
return std::any_of( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&name]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return == name; } );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isSupportedFeature( std::string const & name ) const
return std::any_of( m_features.begin(), m_features.end(), [&name]( FeatureData const & fd ) { return == name; } );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isTypeRequired( std::string const & type ) const
auto typeIt = m_types.find( type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
return !typeIt->second.requiredBy.empty();
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isTypeUsed( std::string const & type ) const
auto typeIt = m_types.find( type );
assert( typeIt != m_types.end() );
for ( auto const & require : typeIt->second.requiredBy )
auto featureIt = findFeature( require );
if ( featureIt != m_features.end() )
for ( auto const & r : featureIt->requireData )
if ( std::any_of( r.types.begin(), r.types.end(), [&type]( auto const & requireType ) { return == type; } ) )
return true;
auto extensionIt = findSupportedExtension( require );
if ( extensionIt != m_extensions.end() )
for ( auto const & r : extensionIt->requireData )
if ( std::any_of( r.types.begin(), r.types.end(), [&type]( auto const & requireType ) { return == type; } ) )
return true;
return false;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isUnsupportedExtension( std::string const & name ) const
return std::any_of( m_unsupportedExtensions.begin(), m_unsupportedExtensions.end(), [&name]( auto const & ed ) { return == name; } );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isUnsupportedFeature( std::string const & name ) const
return std::any_of( m_unsupportedFeatures.begin(), m_unsupportedFeatures.end(), [&name]( auto const & ed ) { return == name; } );
bool VulkanHppGenerator::isVectorByStructure( std::string const & type ) const
auto structIt = m_structs.find( type );
return ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) && describesVector( structIt->second );
void VulkanHppGenerator::markExtendedStructs()
for ( auto const & s : m_structs )
for ( auto const & extends : s.second.structExtends )
auto structIt = m_structs.find( extends );
checkForError( structIt != m_structs.end(), s.second.xmlLine, "struct <" + s.first + "> extends unknown struct <" + extends + ">" );
structIt->second.isExtended = true;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::needsStructureChainResize( std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & chainedReturnParams ) const
auto it = std::find_if( chainedReturnParams.begin(), chainedReturnParams.end(), [&vectorParams]( size_t crp ) { return vectorParams.contains( crp ); } );
// assert that there's no other chained vector param !
assert( ( it == chainedReturnParams.end() ) ||
std::none_of( std::next( it ), chainedReturnParams.end(), [&vectorParams]( size_t crp ) { return vectorParams.contains( crp ); } ) );
return ( it != chainedReturnParams.end() );
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> VulkanHppGenerator::needsVectorSizeCheck( std::vector<ParamData> const & params,
std::map<size_t, VectorParamData> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & skippedParams ) const
std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>> countToVectorMap;
for ( auto const & vpi : vectorParams )
if ( ( vpi.second.lenParam != INVALID_INDEX ) &&
std::none_of( returnParams.begin(), returnParams.end(), [&vpi]( size_t rp ) { return rp == vpi.first; } ) &&
( !singularParams.contains( vpi.second.lenParam ) || isLenByStructMember( params[vpi.first].lenExpression, params[vpi.second.lenParam] ) ) )
countToVectorMap[vpi.second.lenParam].push_back( vpi.first );
return std::make_pair( std::any_of( countToVectorMap.begin(),
[this, &params, &skippedParams]( auto const & cvm )
return ( 1 < cvm.second.size() ) || isLenByStructMember( params[cvm.second[0]].lenExpression, params[cvm.first] ) ||
std::none_of( params[cvm.second[0]].lenParams.begin(),
[&skippedParams]( std::pair<std::string, size_t> const & lenParam )
{ return skippedParams.contains( lenParam.second ); } );
} ),
countToVectorMap );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readCommand( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
auto aliasIt = attributes.find( "alias" );
if ( aliasIt != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
std::string alias = aliasIt->second;
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( name.starts_with( "vk" ), line, "name <" + name + "> should begin with \"vk\"" );
auto commandIt = m_commands.find( alias );
checkForError( commandIt != m_commands.end(), line, "command <" + name + "> is aliased to unknown command <" + alias + ">" );
commandIt->second.aliases.insert( { name, line } ).second, line, "command <" + name + "> is already listed as alias for command <" + alias + ">" );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } },
{ "cmdbufferlevel", { "primary", "secondary" } },
{ "comment", {} },
{ "errorcodes", {} },
{ "queues", {} },
{ "renderpass", { "both", "inside", "outside" } },
{ "successcodes", {} },
{ "tasks", { "action", "indirection", "state", "synchronization" } },
{ "videocoding", { "both", "inside", "outside" } } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "param", false }, { "proto", true } }, { "implicitexternsyncparams" } );
CommandData commandData;
commandData.xmlLine = line;
std::string api;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "errorcodes" )
commandData.errorCodes = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
// errorCodes are checked in checkCorrectness after complete reading
else if ( attribute.first == "queues" )
m_commandQueues.insert( attribute.second );
else if ( attribute.first == "successcodes" )
commandData.successCodes = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
// successCodes are checked in checkCorrectness after complete reading
std::string name;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "param" )
std::pair<bool, ParamData> result = readCommandParam( child, commandData.params );
if ( result.first )
commandData.params.push_back( result.second );
else if ( value == "proto" )
std::tie( name, commandData.returnType ) = readCommandProto( child );
for ( auto & param : commandData.params )
for ( auto & lenParam : param.lenParams )
auto paramIt = findParamIt( lenParam.first, commandData.params );
checkForError( paramIt != commandData.params.end(),
"param <" + + "> uses unknown len parameter <" + lenParam.first + "> in its \"altlen\" attribute <" + param.lenExpression +
">" );
lenParam.second = std::distance( commandData.params.cbegin(), paramIt );
if ( !param.strideParam.first.empty() )
auto paramIt = findParamIt( param.strideParam.first, commandData.params );
paramIt != commandData.params.end(), param.xmlLine, "param <" + + "> uses unknown stride parameter <" + param.strideParam.first + ">" );
param.strideParam.second = std::distance( commandData.params.cbegin(), paramIt );
assert( !name.empty() );
checkForError( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) || commandData.errorCodes.empty(),
"command <" + name + "> does not return a VkResult but specifies errorcodes" );
checkForError( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) || commandData.successCodes.empty(),
"command <" + name + "> does not return a VkResult but specifies successcodes" );
if ( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) )
checkForError( !m_commands.contains( name ), line, "command <" + name + "> already specified" );
addCommand( name, commandData );
std::pair<bool, VulkanHppGenerator::ParamData> VulkanHppGenerator::readCommandParam( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element,
std::vector<ParamData> const & params )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "altlen", {} },
{ "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } },
{ "externsync", {} },
{ "len", {} },
{ "noautovalidity", { "true" } },
{ "objecttype", { "objectType" } },
{ "optional", { "false", "true" } },
{ "stride", {} },
{ "validstructs", {} } } );
ParamData paramData;
paramData.xmlLine = line;
std::string api;
for ( auto attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "altlen" )
assert( paramData.lenExpression.empty() );
paramData.lenExpression = attribute.second;
paramData.lenParams = filterNumbers( tokenizeAny( attribute.second, " /()+" ) );
else if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "len" )
if ( paramData.lenExpression.empty() )
paramData.lenExpression = attribute.second;
auto paramIt = findParamIt( attribute.second, params );
if ( paramIt != params.end() )
paramData.lenParams.push_back( { attribute.second, std::distance( params.cbegin(), paramIt ) } );
checkForError( ( attribute.second == "null-terminated" ) || ( attribute.second == "1" ) || isLenByStructMember( attribute.second, params ),
"attribute <len> holds an unknown value <" + attribute.second + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "stride" )
paramData.strideParam.first = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "optional" )
paramData.optional = ( attribute.second == "true" );
else if ( attribute.first == "validstructs" )
std::vector<std::string> validStructs = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
for ( auto const & vs : validStructs )
checkForError( m_structs.contains( vs ), line, "unknown struct <" + vs + "> listed in attribute <validstructs>" );
NameData nameData;
std::tie( nameData, paramData.type ) = readNameAndType( element );
checkForError( paramData.type.prefix.empty() || ( paramData.type.prefix == "const" ) || ( paramData.type.prefix == "const struct" ) ||
( paramData.type.prefix == "struct" ),
"unexpected type prefix <" + paramData.type.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( paramData.type.postfix.empty() || ( paramData.type.postfix == "*" ) || ( paramData.type.postfix == "**" ) ||
( paramData.type.postfix == "* const *" ),
"unexpected type postfix <" + paramData.type.postfix + ">" );
paramData.lenParams.empty() || paramData.type.isPointer(), line, "parameter <" + + "> has an attribute <len> but is not a pointer" ); =;
paramData.arraySizes = nameData.arraySizes;
if ( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) )
checkForError( std::none_of( params.begin(), params.end(), [&name =]( ParamData const & pd ) { return == name; } ),
"command param <" + + "> already used" );
return std::make_pair( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ), paramData );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::readCommandProto( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
auto [nameData, typeInfo] = readNameAndType( element );
checkForError( "vk" ), line, "name <" + + "> does not begin with <vk>" );
checkForError( nameData.arraySizes.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported arraySizes" );
checkForError( m_types.contains( typeInfo.type ), line, "unknown type <" + typeInfo.type + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.prefix.empty(), line, "unexpected type prefix <" + typeInfo.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.postfix.empty(), line, "unexpected type postfix <" + typeInfo.postfix + ">" );
return std::make_pair(, typeInfo.type );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readCommands( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, { { "comment", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "command", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
readCommand( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readEnums( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "bitwidth", { "64" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "type", { "bitmask", "constants", "enum" } } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
std::string bitwidth, name;
std::string type = "constants"; // hard-coded fallback for older versions, where "API Constants" did not have a type attribute, yet
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "bitwidth" )
bitwidth = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "type" )
type = attribute.second;
assert( !name.empty() );
if ( type == "constants" )
assert( name == "API Constants" );
checkElements( line, children, { { "enum", false } }, {} );
for ( auto const & child : children )
readEnumsConstants( child );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "comment", "enum", "unused" } );
checkForError( !type.empty(), line, "enum without type" );
// get the EnumData entry in enum map
auto enumIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_enums, name );
checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "enum <" + name + "> is not listed as enum in the types section" );
checkForError( enumIt->second.values.empty(), line, "enum <" + name + "> already holds values" );
// mark it as a bitmask, if it is one
const bool bitmask = ( type == "bitmask" );
if ( bitmask )
checkForError( name.find( "FlagBits" ) != std::string::npos, line, "bitmask <" + name + "> does not contain \"FlagBits\"" );
enumIt->second.isBitmask = bitmask;
enumIt->second.bitwidth = bitwidth;
// read the names of the enum values
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "enum" )
readEnumsEnum( child, enumIt );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readEnumsConstants( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name, type, value;
auto aliasIt = attributes.find( "alias" );
if ( aliasIt != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
std::string alias;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( !m_constants.contains( name ), line, "already specified enum constant <" + name + ">" );
auto constIt = m_constants.find( alias );
checkForError( constIt != m_constants.end(), line, "constant alias <" + name + "> is an alias of an unknown constant <" + alias + ">." );
type = constIt->second.type;
value = constIt->second.value;
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "type", {} }, { "value", {} } }, { { "comment", {} } } );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( !m_constants.contains( name ), line, "already specified enum constant <" + name + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "type" )
type = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
value = attribute.second;
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Constant, {}, line } } ).second, line, "enum <" + name + "> already specified" );
m_constants[name] = { type, value, line };
void VulkanHppGenerator::readEnumsEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, EnumData>::iterator enumIt )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
bool deprecated = false;
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
if ( attributes.contains( "alias" ) )
line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "name", {} } }, { { "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "deprecated", { "aliased" } } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, api, bitpos, name, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "deprecated" )
deprecated = true;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
assert( !name.empty() );
if ( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) )
enumIt->second.addEnumAlias( line, name, alias, "", true );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "bitpos", {} }, { "comment", {} }, { "value", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, bitpos, name, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "bitpos" )
bitpos = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
value = attribute.second;
std::string prefix = generateEnumSuffixes( enumIt->first, enumIt->second.isBitmask ).first;
checkForError( name.starts_with( prefix ), line, "encountered enum value <" + name + "> that does not begin with expected prefix <" + prefix + ">" );
checkForError( bitpos.empty() ^ value.empty(), line, "both or none of \"bitpos\" and \"value\" are set for enum <" + name + "> which is invalid" );
enumIt->second.addEnumValue( line, name, "", bitpos, value, true, deprecated );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensionRequire( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, ExtensionData & extensionData, bool extensionSupported )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, { { "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "depends", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "command", "comment", "enum", "feature", "type" } );
RequireData requireData{ .xmlLine = line };
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "api" )
requireData.api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "depends" )
assert( requireData.depends.empty() );
requireData.depends = attribute.second;
checkForWarning( std::none_of( extensionData.requireData.begin(),
[&requireData]( RequireData const & rd )
{ return ( rd.api == requireData.api ) && ( rd.depends == requireData.depends ); } ),
"required dependency <" + requireData.depends + "> already listed for extension <" + + "> with the same api" );
const bool requireSupported = requireData.api.empty() || ( requireData.api == m_api );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "command" )
requireData.commands.push_back( readRequireCommand( child ) );
else if ( value == "enum" )
readRequireEnum( child,, extensionData.platform, extensionSupported && requireSupported, requireData );
else if ( value == "feature" )
requireData.features.push_back( readRequireFeature( child ) );
else if ( value == "type" )
requireData.types.push_back( readRequireType( child ) );
if ( !requireData.commands.empty() || !requireData.types.empty() || !requireData.enumConstants.empty() )
if ( requireSupported )
extensionData.requireData.push_back( requireData );
extensionData.unsupportedRequireData.push_back( requireData );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtensions( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, { { "comment", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "extension", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
readExtension( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readExtension( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "name", {} }, { "number", {} }, { "supported", { "disabled", "vulkan", "vulkansc" } } },
{ { "author", {} },
{ "comment", {} },
{ "contact", {} },
{ "depends", {} },
{ "deprecatedby", {} },
{ "nofeatures", { "true" } },
{ "obsoletedby", {} },
{ "platform", {} },
{ "promotedto", {} },
{ "provisional", { "true" } },
{ "ratified", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } },
{ "sortorder", { "1" } },
{ "specialuse", { "cadsupport", "d3demulation", "debugging", "devtools", "glemulation" } },
{ "type", { "device", "instance" } } } );
checkElements( line, children, { { "require", false } }, { "remove" } );
ExtensionData extensionData{ .xmlLine = line };
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "depends" )
// currently, we map the few complex depends attributes to a canonical format!
const std::map<std::string, std::string> complexToCanonicalDepends = {
{ "(VK_EXT_filter_cubic)+(VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax)",
"VK_EXT_filter_cubic+VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax,VK_VERSION_1_2+VK_EXT_filter_cubic" },
{ "VK_KHR_swapchain+VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2+(VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2,VK_VERSION_1_1)",
"VK_KHR_swapchain+VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2+VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2,VK_VERSION_1_1+VK_KHR_swapchain+VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2" },
{ "((VK_KHR_bind_memory2+VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2+VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion),VK_VERSION_1_1)+(VK_KHR_image_format_list,VK_VERSION_1_2)",
"VK_KHR_bind_memory2+VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2+VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion+VK_KHR_image_format_list,VK_VERSION_1_1+VK_KHR_image_format_list,VK_VERSION_1_2" },
{ "VK_KHR_swapchain+(VK_KHR_maintenance2,VK_VERSION_1_1)+(VK_KHR_image_format_list,VK_VERSION_1_2)",
"VK_KHR_swapchain+VK_KHR_maintenance2+VK_KHR_image_format_list,VK_VERSION_1_1+VK_KHR_swapchain+VK_KHR_image_format_list,VK_VERSION_1_2+VK_KHR_swapchain" },
{ "(VK_KHR_create_renderpass2,VK_VERSION_1_2)+(VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2,VK_VERSION_1_1)",
"VK_KHR_create_renderpass2+VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2,VK_VERSION_1_1+VK_KHR_create_renderpass2,VK_VERSION_1_2" },
{ "(VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2+VK_KHR_device_group),VK_VERSION_1_1",
"VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2+VK_KHR_device_group,VK_VERSION_1_1" },
{ "(VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2,VK_VERSION_1_1)+(VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering,VK_VERSION_1_3)",
"VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2+VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering,VK_VERSION_1_1+VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering,VK_VERSION_1_3" }
auto canonicalIt = complexToCanonicalDepends.find( attribute.second );
std::string depends;
if ( canonicalIt == complexToCanonicalDepends.end() )
depends = attribute.second;
std::erase_if( depends, []( char c ) { return ( c == '(' ) || ( c == ')' ); } );
depends = canonicalIt->second;
// first tokenize by ',', giving a vector of dependencies for different vulkan versions
std::vector<std::string> allDependencies = tokenize( depends, "," );
for ( auto dep : allDependencies )
// for ease of handling, prepend the (optional) VK_VERSION_1_0
if ( !dep.starts_with( "VK_VERSION" ) )
assert( dep.find( "VK_VERSION" ) == std::string::npos );
dep = "VK_VERSION_1_0+" + dep;
// then tokenize by '+', giving a vector of dependendies for the vulkan version listed as the first element here
std::vector<std::string> dependsByVersion = tokenize( dep, "+" );
extensionData.depends[dependsByVersion[0]].push_back( { std::next( dependsByVersion.begin() ), dependsByVersion.end() } );
else if ( attribute.first == "deprecatedby" )
extensionData.deprecatedBy = attribute.second;
extensionData.isDeprecated = true;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
{ = attribute.second;
checkForError( !isExtension( ), line, "already encountered extension <" + + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "number" )
extensionData.number = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "obsoletedby" )
extensionData.obsoletedBy = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "platform" )
extensionData.platform = attribute.second;
checkForError( m_platforms.contains( extensionData.platform ), line, "unknown platform <" + extensionData.platform + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "promotedto" )
extensionData.promotedTo = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "provisional" )
if ( extensionData.platform.empty() )
// for now, having the attribute provisional="true" implies attribute platform="provisional" to get
// stuff protected by VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS
extensionData.platform = "provisional";
checkForError( extensionData.platform == "provisional",
"while attribute <provisional> is set to \"true\", attribute <platform> is not set to \"provisional\" but to \"" + extensionData.platform +
"\"" );
else if ( attribute.first == "ratified" )
extensionData.ratified = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
else if ( attribute.first == "supported" )
extensionData.supported = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
else if ( attribute.first == "type" )
extensionData.type = attribute.second;
const bool extensionSupported =
extensionData.supported.empty() ||
std::any_of( extensionData.supported.begin(), extensionData.supported.end(), [this]( std::string const & s ) { return s == m_api; } );
checkForError( !extensionSupported || !extensionData.type.empty(), line, "missing attribute \"type\" for supported extension <" + + ">" );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "remove" )
extensionData.removeData.push_back( readRemoveData( child ) );
else if ( value == "require" )
readExtensionRequire( child, extensionData, extensionSupported );
if ( std::none_of( extensionData.supported.begin(), extensionData.supported.end(), []( std::string const & s ) { return s == "disabled"; } ) )
// extract the tag from the name, which is supposed to look like VK_<tag>_<other>
const size_t tagStart = '_' );
checkForError( tagStart != std::string::npos, line, "name <" + + "> is missing an underscore '_'" );
const size_t tagEnd = '_', tagStart + 1 );
checkForError( tagEnd != std::string::npos, line, "name <" + + "> is missing an underscore '_'" );
std::string tag = tagStart + 1, tagEnd - tagStart - 1 );
checkForError( ( m_tags.find( tag ) != m_tags.end() ), line, "name <" + + "> is using an unknown tag <" + tag + ">" );
if ( extensionSupported )
m_extensions.push_back( extensionData );
checkForError( !isUnsupportedExtension( ), line, "unsupported extension <" + + "> already specified" );
m_unsupportedExtensions.push_back( extensionData );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFeature( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "name", {} }, { "number", {} } }, { { "depends", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "require", false } }, { "remove" } );
FeatureData featureData;
featureData.xmlLine = line;
std::vector<std::string> api;
std::string modifiedNumber;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
{ = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "number" )
featureData.number = attribute.second;
modifiedNumber = featureData.number;
std::replace( modifiedNumber.begin(), modifiedNumber.end(), '.', '_' );
const bool featureSupported = std::any_of( api.begin(), api.end(), [this]( std::string const & a ) { return a == m_api; } );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "remove" )
featureData.removeData.push_back( readRemoveData( child ) );
else if ( value == "require" )
readFeatureRequire( child, featureData, featureSupported );
checkForError( ==
( std::any_of( api.begin(), api.end(), []( std::string const & a ) { return a == "vulkan"; } ) ? "VK_VERSION_" : "VKSC_VERSION_" ) +
"unexpected formatting of name <" + + ">" );
checkForError( !isFeature( ), line, "feature <" + + "> already specified" );
if ( featureSupported )
m_features.push_back( featureData );
m_unsupportedFeatures.push_back( featureData );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFeatureRequire( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, FeatureData & featureData, bool featureSupported )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, { { "comment", {} }, { "depends", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "command", "comment", "enum", "feature", "type" } );
std::string depends;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "depends" )
assert( depends.empty() );
depends = attribute.second;
std::none_of( featureData.requireData.begin(), featureData.requireData.end(), [&depends]( RequireData const & rd ) { return rd.depends == depends; } ),
"require depends <" + depends + "> already listed for feature <" + + ">" );
featureData.requireData.push_back( {} );
RequireData & requireData = featureData.requireData.back();
requireData.depends = depends;
requireData.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "command" )
requireData.commands.push_back( readRequireCommand( child ) );
else if ( value == "enum" )
readRequireEnum( child,, "", featureSupported, requireData );
else if ( value == "feature" )
requireData.features.push_back( readRequireFeature( child ) );
else if ( value == "type" )
requireData.types.push_back( readRequireType( child ) );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormat( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
{ { "blockSize", { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "8", "12", "16", "24", "27", "32", "36", "48", "64", "80", "100", "125", "150", "180", "216" } },
{ "class", {} },
{ "name", {} },
{ "texelsPerBlock", { "1", "16", "20", "25", "27", "30", "36", "40", "48", "50", "60", "64", "80", "100", "120", "125", "144", "150", "180", "216" } } },
{ { "blockExtent", { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "8", "10", "12" } },
{ "chroma", { "420", "422", "444" } },
{ "compressed", { "ASTC HDR", "ASTC LDR", "BC", "EAC", "ETC", "ETC2", "PVRTC" } },
{ "packed", { "8", "16", "32" } } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "component", false } }, { "plane", "spirvimageformat" } );
FormatData format;
format.xmlLine = line;
std::string name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "blockExtent" )
checkForError( tokenize( attribute.second, "," ).size() == 3, line, "unexpected number of elements in attribute <blockExtent>" );
format.blockExtent = attribute.second;
if ( attribute.first == "blockSize" )
format.blockSize = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "chroma" )
format.chroma = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "class" )
format.classAttribute = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "compressed" )
format.compressed = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "packed" )
format.packed = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "texelsPerBlock" )
format.texelsPerBlock = attribute.second;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "component" )
readFormatComponent( child, format );
else if ( value == "plane" )
readFormatPlane( child, format );
else if ( value == "spirvimageformat" )
readFormatSPIRVImageFormat( child, format );
if ( format.components.front().bits == "compressed" )
for ( auto componentIt = std::next( format.components.begin() ); componentIt != format.components.end(); ++componentIt )
checkForError( componentIt->bits == "compressed", line, "component is expected to be marked as compressed in attribute <bits>" );
if ( !format.components.front().planeIndex.empty() )
for ( auto componentIt = std::next( format.components.begin() ); componentIt != format.components.end(); ++componentIt )
checkForError( !componentIt->planeIndex.empty(), line, "component is expected to have a planeIndex" );
const size_t planeCount = 1 + static_cast<size_t>( std::stoi( format.components.back().planeIndex ) );
checkForError( format.planes.size() == planeCount, line, "number of planes does not fit to largest planeIndex of the components" );
auto formatIt = m_enums.find( "VkFormat" );
assert( formatIt != m_enums.end() );
checkForError( contains( formatIt->second.values, name ) && m_formats.insert( { name, format } ).second, line, "format <" + name + "> already specified" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormatComponent( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, FormatData & formatData )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "bits", { "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "16", "24", "32", "64", "compressed" } },
{ "name", {} },
{ "numericFormat", { "BOOL", "SFLOAT", "SINT", "SNORM", "SRGB", "SFIXED5", "SSCALED", "UFLOAT", "UINT", "UNORM", "USCALED" } } },
{ { "planeIndex", { "0", "1", "2" } } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
ComponentData & component = formatData.components.back();
component.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "bits" )
( attribute.second != "compressed" ) || !formatData.compressed.empty(), line, "component of a not compressed format is marked as compressed" );
component.bits = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
{ = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "numericFormat" )
component.numericFormat = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "planeIndex" )
component.planeIndex = attribute.second;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormatPlane( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, FormatData & formatData )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
line, attributes, { { "compatible", {} }, { "index", { "0", "1", "2" } }, { "heightDivisor", { "1", "2" } }, { "widthDivisor", { "1", "2" } } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
PlaneData & plane = formatData.planes.back();
plane.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "compatible" )
plane.compatible = attribute.second;
auto formatIt = m_enums.find( "VkFormat" );
assert( formatIt != m_enums.end() );
checkForError( contains( formatIt->second.values, plane.compatible ), line, "encountered unknown format <" + plane.compatible + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "index" )
const size_t index = std::stoi( attribute.second );
checkForError( index + 1 == formatData.planes.size(), line, "unexpected index <" + attribute.second + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "heightDivisor" )
plane.heightDivisor = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "widthDivisor" )
plane.widthDivisor = attribute.second;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormats( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, { { "comment", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "format", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
readFormat( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readFormatSPIRVImageFormat( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, FormatData & formatData )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( formatData.spirvImageFormat.empty(), line, "spirvimageformat <" + name + "> already specified" );
formatData.spirvImageFormat = name;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::readName( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
return attributes.find( "name" )->second;
std::pair<VulkanHppGenerator::NameData, TypeInfo> VulkanHppGenerator::readNameAndType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "name", true } }, { { "enum" }, { "type" } } );
NameData nameData;
TypeInfo typeInfo;
for ( auto child : children )
line = child->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( child ), {}, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( child ), {} );
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "enum" )
nameData.arraySizes.push_back( child->GetText() );
checkForError( child->PreviousSibling() && ( strcmp( child->PreviousSibling()->Value(), "[" ) == 0 ) && child->NextSibling() &&
( strcmp( child->NextSibling()->Value(), "]" ) == 0 ),
std::string( "array specifiation is ill-formatted: <" ) + nameData.arraySizes.back() + ">" );
checkForError( m_constants.contains( nameData.arraySizes.back() ), line, "using unknown enum value <" + nameData.arraySizes.back() + ">" );
else if ( value == "name" )
{ = child->GetText();
std::string bitCount;
std::tie( nameData.arraySizes, bitCount ) = readModifiers( child->NextSibling() );
checkForError( bitCount.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported bitCount <" + bitCount + ">" );
else if ( value == "type" )
typeInfo = readTypeInfo( child );
return std::make_pair( nameData, typeInfo );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readPlatform( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "comment", {} }, { "name", {} }, { "protect", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name, protect;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "protect" )
protect = attribute.second;
checkForError( std::none_of( m_platforms.begin(),
[&protect]( std::pair<std::string, PlatformData> const & p ) { return p.second.protect == protect; } ),
"protect <" + protect + "> of platform <" + name + "> is already used with some other platform" );
checkForError( m_platforms.insert( { name, { protect, line } } ).second, line, "platform <" + name + "> is already specified" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readPlatforms( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "platform", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
readPlatform( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readRegistry( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line,
{ { "commands", false },
{ "comment", false },
{ "enums", false },
{ "extensions", false },
{ "feature", false },
{ "formats", false },
{ "platforms", true },
{ "spirvcapabilities", true },
{ "spirvextensions", true },
{ "sync", true },
{ "tags", true },
{ "types", false } },
{ "videocodecs" } ); // make this optional for now, make it required around October 2024
for ( auto child : children )
const std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "commands" )
readCommands( child );
else if ( value == "comment" )
std::string comment = readComment( child );
if ( comment.find( "\nCopyright" ) == 0 )
m_vulkanLicenseHeader = generateCopyrightMessage( comment );
else if ( value == "enums" )
readEnums( child );
else if ( value == "extensions" )
readExtensions( child );
else if ( value == "feature" )
readFeature( child );
else if ( value == "formats" )
readFormats( child );
else if ( value == "platforms" )
readPlatforms( child );
else if ( value == "spirvcapabilities" )
readSPIRVCapabilities( child );
else if ( value == "spirvextensions" )
readSPIRVExtensions( child );
else if ( value == "sync" )
readSync( child );
else if ( value == "tags" )
readTags( child );
else if ( value == "types" )
readTypes( child );
else if ( value == "videocodecs" )
readVideoCodecs( child );
// after everything is read, distribute some information
VulkanHppGenerator::RemoveData VulkanHppGenerator::readRemoveData( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, { { "comment", {} }, { "reasonlink", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "command", "enum", "feature", "type" } );
RemoveData removeData;
removeData.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "command" )
removeData.commands.push_back( readName( child ) );
else if ( value == "enum" )
removeData.enums.push_back( readName( child ) );
else if ( value == "feature" )
removeData.features.push_back( readRequireFeature( child ) );
else if ( value == "type" )
removeData.types.push_back( readName( child ) );
return removeData;
VulkanHppGenerator::NameLine VulkanHppGenerator::readRequireCommand( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "comment", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
return { attributes.find( "name" )->second, line };
void VulkanHppGenerator::readRequireEnum(
tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::string const & requiredBy, std::string const & platform, bool supported, RequireData & requireData )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
if ( attributes.contains( "alias" ) )
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "alias", {} }, { "name", {} } },
{ { "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "deprecated", { "aliased" } }, { "extends", {} } } );
std::string alias, api, extends, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "extends" )
extends = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
if ( extends.empty() )
// enum aliases that don't extend something are listed as constants
auto typeIt = m_types.find( alias );
checkForError( typeIt != m_types.end(), line, "enum alias <" + name + "> is an alias of an unknown enum <" + alias + ">" );
checkForError( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Constant, line, "enum alias <" + name + "> is an alias of a non-constant type <" + alias + ">" );
m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Constant, { requiredBy }, line } } ).second, line, "required enum <" + name + "> already specified" );
auto constIt = m_constants.find( alias );
if ( constIt != m_constants.end() )
typeIt = m_types.find( name );
typeIt->second.requiredBy.insert( requiredBy );
m_constants[name] = { constIt->second.type, constIt->second.value, line };
requireData.constants.push_back( name );
auto extendIt = m_enumExtends.insert( { extends, {} } ).first;
auto eedIt = std::find_if( extendIt->second.begin(), extendIt->second.end(), [&name]( auto const & eed ) { return == name; } );
if ( eedIt == extendIt->second.end() )
extendIt->second.push_back( { alias, api, name, platform, { requiredBy }, supported, line } );
checkForError( ( eedIt->alias == alias ) && ( eedIt->api == api ) && ( eedIt->platform == platform ) && ( eedIt->supported == supported ),
"extending enum <" + extends + "> with already listed value <" + name + "> but different properties" );
eedIt->requiredBy.insert( requiredBy );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "name", {} } },
{ { "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } },
{ "bitpos", {} },
{ "comment", {} },
{ "deprecated", { "true" } },
{ "dir", { "-" } },
{ "extends", {} },
{ "extnumber", {} },
{ "offset", {} },
{ "protect", { "VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS" } },
{ "type", { "uint32_t" } },
{ "value", {} } } );
std::string api, bitpos, extends, name, offset, protect, type, value;
bool deprecated = false;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "bitpos" )
bitpos = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "deprecated" )
deprecated = true;
else if ( attribute.first == "extends" )
extends = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "offset" )
offset = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "protect" )
protect = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "type" )
type = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
value = attribute.second;
if ( extends.empty() )
if ( value.empty() )
auto typeIt = m_types.find( name );
checkForError( typeIt != m_types.end(), line, "unknown required enum <" + name + ">" );
typeIt->second.requiredBy.insert( requiredBy );
requireData.constants.push_back( name );
if ( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) )
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Constant, { requiredBy }, line } } ).second,
"required enum <" + name + "> specified by value <" + value + "> is already specified" );
if ( type == "uint32_t" )
assert( !m_constants.contains( name ) );
m_constants[name] = { type, value, line };
!supported || name.ends_with( "_EXTENSION_NAME" ) || name.ends_with( "_SPEC_VERSION" ), line, "encountered unexpected enum <" + name + ">" );
requireData.enumConstants.emplace( name, value );
checkForError( bitpos.empty() + offset.empty() + value.empty() == 2,
"exactly one out of bitpos = <" + bitpos + ">, offset = <" + offset + ">, and value = <" + value + "> are supposed to be empty" );
auto typeIt = m_types.find( extends );
checkForError( typeIt != m_types.end(), line, "enum value <" + name + "> extends unknown type <" + extends + ">" );
checkForError( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Enum, line, "enum value <" + name + "> extends non-enum type <" + extends + ">" );
typeIt->second.requiredBy.insert( requiredBy );
auto enumIt = findByNameOrAlias( m_enums, extends );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
enumIt->second.addEnumValue( line,
protect.empty() ? getProtectFromPlatform( platform ) : protect,
bitpos + offset,
( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) ) && supported,
deprecated );
VulkanHppGenerator::RequireFeature VulkanHppGenerator::readRequireFeature( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "struct", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::vector<std::string> name;
std::string structure;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
else if ( attribute.first == "struct" )
structure = attribute.second;
assert( !name.empty() && !structure.empty() );
auto structIt = m_structs.find( structure );
if ( structIt == m_structs.end() )
auto aliasIt = std::find_if(
m_structsAliases.begin(), m_structsAliases.end(), [&structure]( std::pair<std::string, NameLine> const & ad ) { return ad.first == structure; } );
checkForError( aliasIt != m_structsAliases.end(), line, "encountered unknown required feature struct <" + structure + ">" );
auto nextAliasIt = aliasIt;
nextAliasIt = std::find_if( m_structsAliases.begin(),
[&structure = aliasIt->]( std::pair<std::string, NameLine> const & ad ) { return ad.first == structure; } );
if ( nextAliasIt != m_structsAliases.end() )
aliasIt = nextAliasIt;
} while ( nextAliasIt != m_structsAliases.end() );
structIt = m_structs.find( aliasIt-> );
assert( structIt != m_structs.end() );
for ( auto const & n : name )
auto memberIt = std::find_if( structIt->second.members.begin(), structIt->second.members.end(), [&n]( MemberData const & md ) { return == n; } );
memberIt != structIt->second.members.end(), line, "required feature name <" + n + "> not part of the required feature struct <" + structure + ">" );
checkForError( ( memberIt->type.isValue() && ( memberIt->type.type == "VkBool32" ) ),
"required feature name <" + n + "> is not a VkBool32 member of the required feature struct <" + structure + ">" );
return { name, structure, line };
VulkanHppGenerator::NameLine VulkanHppGenerator::readRequireType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "comment", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
return { attributes.find( "name" )->second, line };
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapability( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "enable" } );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
auto [capabilityIt, inserted] = m_spirVCapabilities.insert( { name, { {}, line } } );
checkForError( inserted, line, "spirvcapability <" + name + "> already listed" );
for ( auto child : children )
readSPIRVCapabilityEnable( child, capabilityIt->second );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilityEnable( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, SpirVCapabilityData & capability )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
if ( attributes.contains( "extension" ) )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "extension", {} } }, {} );
std::string const & extension = attributes.find( "extension" )->second;
checkForError( isExtension( extension ), line, "unknown extension <" + extension + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
else if ( attributes.contains( "property" ) )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "member", {} }, { "property", {} }, { "requires", {} }, { "value", {} } }, {} );
std::string member, property, value;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "member" )
member = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "property" )
property = attribute.second;
if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
std::vector<std::string> require = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
for ( auto const & r : require )
checkForError( isFeature( r ) || isExtension( r ), line, "unknown requires <" + r + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
value = attribute.second;
auto propertyIt = m_structs.find( property );
checkForError( propertyIt != m_structs.end(), line, "unknown property <" + property + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
auto memberIt = findStructMemberIt( member, propertyIt->second.members );
checkForError( memberIt != propertyIt->second.members.end(), line, "unknown member <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
if ( memberIt->type.type == "VkBool32" )
checkForError( ( value == "VK_FALSE" ) || ( value == "VK_TRUE" ),
"unknown value <" + value + "> for boolean member <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( memberIt->type.type );
checkForError( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end(), line, "member <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability is not a bitmask" );
checkForError( !bitmaskIt->second.require.empty(), line, "member <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability has no required enum" );
const auto enumIt = m_enums.find( bitmaskIt->second.require );
enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "member <" + member + "> specified for SPIR-V capability requires an unknown enum <" + bitmaskIt->second.require + ">" );
checkForError( contains( enumIt->second.values, value ), line, "unknown attribute value <" + value + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
else if ( attributes.contains( "struct" ) )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "feature", {} }, { "struct", {} } }, { { "alias", {} }, { "requires", {} } } );
std::string feature, structure;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "feature" )
feature = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
std::vector<std::string> require = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
for ( auto const & r : require )
checkForError( isFeature( r ) || isExtension( r ), line, "unknown requires <" + r + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
else if ( attribute.first == "struct" )
structure = attribute.second;
auto structIt = capability.structs.insert( { structure, {} } ).first;
checkForError( structIt->second.insert( { feature, line } ).second,
"feature <" + feature + "> already specified for struct <" + structure + "> for SPIR-V capability" );
else if ( attributes.contains( "version" ) )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "version", {} } }, {} );
std::string version = attributes.find( "version" )->second;
if ( version.starts_with( "VK_API_" ) )
version.erase( 3, 4 ); // remove "API_" from the version -> VK_VERSION_x_y
checkForError( isFeature( version ), line, "unknown version <" + version + "> specified for SPIR-V capability" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVCapabilities( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "spirvcapability" } );
for ( auto child : children )
readSPIRVCapability( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVExtension( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "enable" } );
for ( auto child : children )
readSPIRVExtensionEnable( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVExtensionEnable( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, { { "extension", {} }, { "version", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "extension" )
checkForError( isExtension( attribute.second ), line, "unknown extension <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V extension" );
assert( attribute.first == "version" );
std::string feature = attribute.second;
if ( feature.starts_with( "VK_API_" ) )
feature.erase( 3, 4 ); // remove "API_" from the version -> VK_VERSION_x_y
checkForError( isFeature( feature ), line, "unknown version <" + attribute.second + "> specified for SPIR-V extension" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSPIRVExtensions( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "spirvextension" } );
for ( auto child : children )
readSPIRVExtension( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readStructMember( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::vector<MemberData> & members, bool isUnion )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "altlen", {} },
{ "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } },
{ "deprecated", { "ignored" } },
{ "externsync", { "true" } },
{ "featurelink", {} },
{ "len", {} },
{ "limittype", { "bitmask", "bits", "exact", "max", "min", "mul", "noauto", "not", "pot", "range", "struct" } },
{ "noautovalidity", { "true" } },
{ "objecttype", { "objectType" } },
{ "optional", { "false", "true" } },
{ "selection", {} },
{ "selector", {} },
{ "values", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "name", true }, { "type", true } }, { "comment", "enum" } );
MemberData memberData;
memberData.xmlLine = line;
std::string api;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "altlen" )
assert( memberData.lenExpressions.empty() );
memberData.lenExpressions = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
checkForError( memberData.lenExpressions.size() == 1,
"member attribute <altlen> holds unknown number of data: " + std::to_string( memberData.lenExpressions.size() ) );
memberData.lenMembers = filterNumbers( tokenizeAny( attribute.second, " /()+*" ) );
else if ( attribute.second == "deprecated" )
assert( false );
// the struct member is marked as deprecated/ignored, but still exisits -> no modifications needed here
else if ( attribute.first == "len" )
if ( memberData.lenExpressions.empty() )
memberData.lenExpressions = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
checkForError( !memberData.lenExpressions.empty() && ( memberData.lenExpressions.size() <= 2 ),
"member attribute <len> holds unknown number of data: " + std::to_string( memberData.lenExpressions.size() ) );
if ( memberData.lenExpressions[0] != "null-terminated" )
auto lenMemberIt = findStructMemberIt( memberData.lenExpressions[0], members );
checkForError( lenMemberIt != members.end(), line, "member attribute <len> holds unknown value <" + memberData.lenExpressions[0] + ">" );
memberData.lenMembers.push_back( { memberData.lenExpressions[0], std::distance( members.cbegin(), lenMemberIt ) } );
if ( 1 < memberData.lenExpressions.size() )
checkForError( ( memberData.lenExpressions[1] == "1" ) || ( memberData.lenExpressions[1] == "null-terminated" ),
"member attribute <len> holds unknown second value <" + memberData.lenExpressions[1] + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "noautovalidity" )
memberData.noAutoValidity = ( attribute.second == "true" );
else if ( attribute.first == "optional" )
std::vector<std::string> optional = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
memberData.optional.reserve( optional.size() );
for ( auto const & o : optional )
memberData.optional.push_back( o == "true" );
else if ( attribute.first == "selection" )
checkForError( isUnion, line, "attribute <selection> is used with a non-union structure." );
memberData.selection = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
else if ( attribute.first == "selector" )
memberData.selector = attribute.second;
auto selectorIt = findStructMemberIt( memberData.selector, members );
checkForError( selectorIt != members.end(), line, "member attribute <selector> holds unknown value <" + memberData.selector + ">" );
m_enums.contains( selectorIt->type.type ), line, "member attribute <selector> references unknown enum type <" + selectorIt->type.type + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "values" )
std::vector<std::string> values = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
checkForError( values.size() == 1, line, "attribute \"values\" holds multiple values <" + attribute.first + ">, but it's expected to hold just one" );
memberData.value = values[0];
std::string name;
for ( auto child : children )
const int childLine = child->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( childLine, getAttributes( child ), {}, {} );
checkElements( childLine, getChildElements( child ), {}, {} );
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "enum" )
std::string enumString = child->GetText();
checkForError( child->PreviousSibling() && ( strcmp( child->PreviousSibling()->Value(), "[" ) == 0 ) && child->NextSibling() &&
( strcmp( child->NextSibling()->Value(), "]" ) == 0 ),
std::string( "struct member array specifiation is ill-formatted: <" ) + enumString + ">" );
memberData.arraySizes.push_back( enumString );
else if ( value == "name" )
name = child->GetText();
std::tie( memberData.arraySizes, memberData.bitCount ) = readModifiers( child->NextSibling() );
else if ( value == "type" )
memberData.type = readTypeInfo( child );
assert( !name.empty() );
if ( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) )
checkForError( std::none_of( members.begin(), members.end(), [&name]( MemberData const & md ) { return == name; } ),
"struct member name <" + name + "> already used" ); = name;
members.push_back( memberData );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSync( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "syncaccess", false }, { "syncpipeline", false }, { "syncstage", false } }, {} );
auto accessFlagBits2It = m_enums.find( "VkAccessFlagBits2" );
assert( accessFlagBits2It != m_enums.end() );
auto stageFlagBits2It = m_enums.find( "VkPipelineStageFlagBits2" );
assert( stageFlagBits2It != m_enums.end() );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "syncaccess" )
readSyncAccess( child, accessFlagBits2It );
else if ( value == "syncpipeline" )
readSyncPipeline( child );
assert( value == "syncstage" );
readSyncStage( child, stageFlagBits2It );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSyncAccess( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, EnumData>::const_iterator accessFlagBits2It )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "alias", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "comment", "syncequivalent", "syncsupport" } );
std::string alias, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
assert( attribute.first == "name" );
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( m_syncAccesses.insert( { name, { alias, line } } ).second, line, "syncaccess <" + name + "> already listed" );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "syncequivalent" )
readSyncAccessEquivalent( child, accessFlagBits2It );
else if ( value == "syncsupport" )
readSyncAccessSupport( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSyncAccessEquivalent( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, EnumData>::const_iterator accessFlagBits2It )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "access", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
assert( attribute.first == "access" );
std::vector<std::string> access = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
for ( auto const & a : access )
checkForError( contains( accessFlagBits2It->second.values, a ), line, "syncequivalent access uses unknown value <" + a + ">!" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSyncAccessSupport( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "stage", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
std::vector<std::string> stages = tokenize( attributes.find( "stage" )->second, "," );
for ( auto const & stage : stages )
checkForError( m_syncStages.contains( stage ), line, "syncsupport uses unknown stage <" + stage + ">!" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSyncPipeline( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "depends", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "syncpipelinestage", false } }, {} );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "depends" )
std::vector<std::string> depends = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
for ( auto const & d : depends )
checkForError( isExtension( d ), line, "syncpipeline depends on unknown extension <" + d + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSyncStage( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, EnumData>::const_iterator stageFlagBits2It )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "alias", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "syncequivalent", "syncsupport" } );
std::string alias, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
assert( attribute.first == "name" );
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( m_syncStages.insert( { name, { alias, line } } ).second, line, "syncstage <" + name + "> already listed" );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "syncequivalent" )
readSyncStageEquivalent( child, stageFlagBits2It );
assert( value == "syncsupport" );
readSyncStageSupport( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSyncStageEquivalent( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, EnumData>::const_iterator stageFlagBits2It )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "stage", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
assert( attribute.first == "stage" );
std::vector<std::string> stage = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
for ( auto const & s : stage )
checkForError( contains( stageFlagBits2It->second.values, s ), line, "syncequivalent stage uses unknown value <" + s + ">!" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readSyncStageSupport( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "queues", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
assert( attribute.first == "queues" );
checkForError( m_commandQueues.contains( attribute.second ), line, "syncsupport queues uses unknown value <" + attribute.second + ">" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTag( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "author", {} }, { "contact", {} }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( m_tags.insert( { name, { line } } ).second, line, "tag <" + name + "> already specified" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTags( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), { { "comment", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "tag", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
readTag( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeBasetype( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "basetype" } } }, {} );
NameData nameData;
TypeInfo typeInfo;
std::tie( nameData, typeInfo ) = readNameAndType( element );
if ( typeInfo.prefix == "typedef" )
// remove redundant typeInfo.prefix "typedef"
checkForError( nameData.arraySizes.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported arraySizes" );
checkForError( typeInfo.prefix.empty(), line, "unexpected type prefix <" + typeInfo.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.postfix.empty() || ( typeInfo.postfix == "*" ), line, "unexpected type postfix <" + typeInfo.postfix + ">" );
m_types.insert( {, TypeData{ TypeCategory::BaseType, {}, line } } ).second, line, "basetype <" + + "> already specified" );
assert( !m_baseTypes.contains( ) );
m_baseTypes[] = { typeInfo, line };
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeBitmask( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
if ( attributes.contains( "alias" ) )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "category", { "bitmask" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Bitmask, {}, line } } ).second, line, "bitmask <" + name + "> already specified" );
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( alias );
checkForError( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end(), line, "bitmask <" + name + "> is an alias of an unknown bitmask <" + alias + ">." );
checkForError( bitmaskIt->second.aliases.insert( { name, line } ).second,
"bitmask alias <" + name + "> is already listed as an alias for bitmask <" + alias + ">" );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "bitmask" } } }, { { "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } }, { "bitvalues", {} }, { "requires", {} } } );
std::string api, bitvalues, require;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "bitvalues" )
bitvalues = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
require = attribute.second;
NameData nameData;
TypeInfo typeInfo;
std::tie( nameData, typeInfo ) = readNameAndType( element );
checkForError( "Vk" ), line, "name <" + + "> does not begin with <Vk>" );
checkForError( nameData.arraySizes.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported arraySizes" );
checkForWarning( ( typeInfo.type == "VkFlags" ) || ( typeInfo.type == "VkFlags64" ), line, "unexpected bitmask type <" + typeInfo.type + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.prefix == "typedef", line, "unexpected type prefix <" + typeInfo.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.postfix.empty(), line, "unexpected type postfix <" + typeInfo.postfix + ">" );
checkForError( bitvalues.empty() || require.empty(), line, "attributes <bitvalues> and <requires> are both specified" );
checkForError( ( typeInfo.type != "VkFlags64" ) || !bitvalues.empty(), line, "bitmask of type <VkFlags64> needs attribute bitvalues to be set" );
if ( !bitvalues.empty() )
require = bitvalues;
if ( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) )
m_types.insert( {, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Bitmask, {}, line } } ).second, line, "bitmask <" + + "> already specified" );
assert( !m_bitmasks.contains( ) );
m_bitmasks[] = { {}, require, typeInfo.type, line };
VulkanHppGenerator::DefinesPartition VulkanHppGenerator::partitionDefines( std::map<std::string, DefineData> const & defines )
DefinesPartition partition{};
for ( auto const & define : defines )
// VK_DEFINE_HANDLE is macro magic that cannot be constexpr-ed
// Also filter out the VKSC_ macros, as although they are in the spec, they are not defined in any header.
if ( define.first.starts_with( "VK_" ) && ( define.first != "VK_DEFINE_HANDLE" ) )
if ( define.second.possibleCallee.empty() )
if ( define.second.possibleDefinition.empty() )
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
const std::set<std::string> ignoredDefines{ "VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE", "VK_NULL_HANDLE", "VK_USE_64_BIT_PTR_DEFINES" };
assert( ignoredDefines.contains( define.first ) );
if ( define.second.params.empty() )
partition.values.insert( define );
partition.callees.insert( define );
assert( !define.second.params.empty() && define.second.possibleDefinition.empty() );
partition.callers.insert( define );
return partition;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeDefine( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "category", { "define" } } },
{ { "api", { "vulkan", "vulkansc" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "deprecated", { "true" } }, { "name", {} }, { "requires", {} } } );
std::string api, name, require;
bool deprecated = false;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "api" )
api = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "deprecated" )
assert( attribute.second == "true" );
deprecated = true;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
require = attribute.second;
if ( !name.empty() )
checkForError( !element->FirstChildElement(), line, "unknown formatting of type category=define name <" + name + ">" );
checkForError( element->LastChild() && element->LastChild()->ToText() && element->LastChild()->ToText()->Value(),
"unknown formatting of type category=define named <" + name + ">" );
else if ( element->GetText() )
std::string text = element->GetText();
if ( ( text.find( "class" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( text.find( "struct" ) != std::string::npos ) )
// here are a couple of structs as defines, which really are types!
assert( false );
tinyxml2::XMLElement const * child = element->FirstChildElement();
checkForError( child && ( strcmp( child->Value(), "name" ) == 0 ) && child->GetText(), line, "unexpected formatting of type category=define" );
name = child->GetText();
m_types.insert( std::make_pair( name, TypeData{ .category = TypeCategory::Define } ) ).second, line, "type <" + name + "> has already been speficied" );
tinyxml2::XMLElement const * child = element->FirstChildElement();
checkForError( child && !child->FirstAttribute() && ( strcmp( child->Value(), "name" ) == 0 ) && child->GetText(),
"unknown formatting of type category define" );
name = trim( child->GetText() );
if ( ( name == "VK_HEADER_VERSION" ) && ( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) ) )
m_version = trimEnd( element->LastChild()->ToText()->Value() );
// ignore all the other defines
checkForWarning( !child->NextSiblingElement() ||
( child->NextSiblingElement() && !child->NextSiblingElement()->FirstAttribute() &&
( strcmp( child->NextSiblingElement()->Value(), "type" ) == 0 ) && !child->NextSiblingElement()->NextSiblingElement() ),
"unknown formatting of type category define" );
assert( !name.empty() );
if ( api.empty() || ( api == m_api ) )
MacroVisitor definesVisitor{};
element->Accept( &definesVisitor );
auto const & [deprecatedReason, possibleCallee, params, possibleDefinition] = parseMacro( definesVisitor.macro );
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Define, {}, line } } ).second, line, "define <" + name + "> already specified" );
assert( !m_defines.contains( name ) );
m_defines[name] = { deprecated, require, line, deprecatedReason, possibleCallee, params, possibleDefinition };
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "enum" } }, { "name", {} } }, { { "alias", {} } } );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias, name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "alias" )
alias = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Enum, {}, line } } ).second, line, "enum <" + name + "> already specified" );
if ( alias.empty() )
assert( !m_enums.contains( name ) );
m_enums[name] = EnumData{ .xmlLine = line };
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( alias );
checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "enum <" + name + "> is an alias of an unknown enum <" + alias + ">" );
checkForError( enumIt->second.aliases.insert( { name, line } ).second, line, "enum <" + name + "> already specified as some alias" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeFuncpointer( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "funcpointer" } } }, { { "requires", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "name", true } }, { "type" } );
std::string require;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "requires" )
require = attribute.second;
std::string name;
std::vector<FuncPointerArgumentData> arguments;
for ( auto const & child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "name" )
name = child->GetText();
else if ( value == "type" )
const int argumentLine = child->GetLineNum();
std::string type = child->GetText();
auto sibling = child->NextSibling();
char const * siblingValue = sibling->Value();
assert( siblingValue != nullptr );
std::string argumentName = siblingValue;
argumentName = argumentName.substr( argumentName.find_first_not_of( "* " ) );
argumentName = argumentName.substr( 0, argumentName.find_first_of( ",)" ) );
checkForError( std::none_of( arguments.begin(),
[&argumentName]( FuncPointerArgumentData const & argument ) { return == argumentName; } ),
"argument <" + argumentName + "> already listed in funcpointer <" + name + ">" );
arguments.push_back( { argumentName, type, argumentLine } );
assert( !name.empty() );
std::set<std::string> argumentNames;
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::FuncPointer, {}, line } } ).second, line, "funcpointer <" + name + "> already specified" );
assert( !m_funcPointers.contains( name ) );
m_funcPointers[name] = { arguments, require, line };
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeHandle( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
auto aliasIt = attributes.find( "alias" );
if ( aliasIt != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "category", { "handle" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string alias = aliasIt->second;
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Handle, {}, line } } ).second, line, "handle <" + name + "> already specified" );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( alias );
checkForError( handleIt != m_handles.end(), line, "handle <" + name + "> uses unknown alias <" + alias + ">." );
checkForError( handleIt->second.aliases.insert( { name, line } ).second, line, "handle <" + name + "> already listed as alias for handle <" + alias + ">" );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "handle" } }, { "objtypeenum", {} } }, { { "parent", {} } } );
HandleData handleData;
handleData.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "objtypeenum" )
handleData.objTypeEnum = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "parent" )
handleData.parent = attribute.second;
NameData nameData;
TypeInfo typeInfo;
std::tie( nameData, typeInfo ) = readNameAndType( element );
handleData.isDispatchable = typeInfo.type == "VK_DEFINE_HANDLE";
checkForError( "Vk" ), line, "name <" + + "> does not begin with <Vk>" );
checkForError( nameData.arraySizes.empty(), line, "name <" + + "> with unsupported arraySizes" );
checkForError( ( typeInfo.type == "VK_DEFINE_HANDLE" ) || ( typeInfo.type == "VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE" ),
"handle with invalid type <" + typeInfo.type + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.prefix.empty(), line, "unexpected type prefix <" + typeInfo.prefix + ">" );
checkForError( typeInfo.postfix == "(", line, "unexpected type postfix <" + typeInfo.postfix + ">" );
checkForError( !handleData.objTypeEnum.empty(), line, "handle <" + + "> does not specify attribute \"objtypeenum\"" );
m_types.insert( {, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Handle, {}, line } } ).second, line, "handle <" + + "> already specified" );
assert( !m_handles.contains( ) );
m_handles.insert( {, handleData } );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeInclude( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "include" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Include, {}, line } } ).second, line, "type <" + name + "> already specified" );
assert( !m_includes.contains( name ) );
m_includes[name] = { line };
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeRequires( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "requires", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string name, require;
for ( auto attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
assert( attribute.first == "requires" );
require = attribute.second;
checkForError( m_includes.contains( require ), line, "type <" + name + "> requires unknown <" + require + ">" );
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::ExternalType, {}, line } } ).second, line, "type <" + name + "> already specified" );
assert( !m_externalTypes.contains( name ) );
m_externalTypes[name] = { require, line };
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeStruct( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, bool isUnion, std::map<std::string, std::string> const & attributes )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
auto aliasIt = attributes.find( "alias" );
if ( aliasIt != attributes.end() )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "alias", {} }, { "category", { "struct" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
std::string alias = aliasIt->second;
std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Struct, {}, line } } ).second, line, "struct <" + name + "> already specified" );
std::none_of( m_structsAliases.begin(), m_structsAliases.end(), [&name]( std::pair<std::string, NameLine> const & ad ) { return ad.first == name; } ),
"struct alias <" + name + "> already listed" );
m_structsAliases.push_back( { name, { alias, line } } );
checkAttributes( line,
{ { "category", { isUnion ? "union" : "struct" } }, { "name", {} } },
{ { "allowduplicate", { "false", "true" } }, { "comment", {} }, { "returnedonly", { "true" } }, { "structextends", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "member", "comment" } );
StructureData structureData;
structureData.xmlLine = line;
structureData.isUnion = isUnion;
std::string name;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "allowduplicate" )
structureData.allowDuplicate = ( attribute.second == "true" );
else if ( attribute.first == "category" )
assert( isUnion ? ( attribute.second == "union" ) : ( attribute.second == "struct" ) );
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
name = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "returnedonly" )
assert( attribute.second == "true" );
structureData.returnedOnly = true;
else if ( attribute.first == "structextends" )
structureData.structExtends = tokenize( attribute.second, "," );
assert( !name.empty() );
checkForError( !structureData.allowDuplicate || !structureData.structExtends.empty(),
"attribute <allowduplicate> is true, but no structures are listed in <structextends>" );
checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ isUnion ? TypeCategory::Union : TypeCategory::Struct, {}, line } } ).second,
"struct <" + name + "> already specified" );
assert( !m_structs.contains( name ) );
std::map<std::string, StructureData>::iterator it = m_structs.insert( std::make_pair( name, structureData ) ).first;
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "member" )
readStructMember( child, it->second.members, isUnion );
it->second.subStruct = determineSubStruct( *it );
// add some default values for some structures here!
if ( ( it->first == "VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoNV" ) || ( it->first == "VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR" ) )
assert( ( ( it->first != "VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoNV" ) || ( it->second.members.size() == 7 ) ) &&
( ( it->first != "VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR" ) || ( it->second.members.size() == 8 ) ) );
assert( ( it->second.members[3].name == "generalShader" ) && ( it->second.members[4].name == "closestHitShader" ) &&
( it->second.members[5].name == "anyHitShader" ) && ( it->second.members[6].name == "intersectionShader" ) );
const bool isKHR = ( it->first == "VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR" );
for ( const size_t i : { 3, 4, 5, 6 } )
it->second.members[i].defaultValue = isKHR ? "VK_SHADER_UNUSED_KHR" : "VK_SHADER_UNUSED_NV";
// check if multiple structure members use the very same (not empty) len attribute
// Note: even though the arrays are not marked as optional, they still might be mutually exclusive (like in
// VkWriteDescriptorSet)! That is, there's not enough information available in vk.xml to decide on that, so we
// need this external knowledge!
static std::set<std::string> mutualExclusiveStructs = {
"VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR", "VkAccelerationStructureTrianglesOpacityMicromapEXT", "VkMicromapBuildInfoEXT", "VkWriteDescriptorSet"
static std::set<std::string> multipleLenStructs = { "VkAccelerationStructureTrianglesDisplacementMicromapNV",
"VkWin32KeyedMutexAcquireReleaseInfoNV" };
bool warned = false;
for ( auto m0It = it->second.members.begin(); !warned && ( m0It != it->second.members.end() ); ++m0It )
if ( !m0It->lenExpressions.empty() && ( m0It->lenExpressions.front() != "null-terminated" ) )
for ( auto m1It = std::next( m0It ); !warned && ( m1It != it->second.members.end() ); ++m1It )
if ( !m1It->lenExpressions.empty() && ( m0It->lenExpressions.front() == m1It->lenExpressions.front() ) )
if ( mutualExclusiveStructs.contains( it->first ) )
it->second.mutualExclusiveLens = true;
multipleLenStructs.contains( it->first ),
"Encountered structure <" + it->first +
"> with multiple members referencing the same member for len. Need to be checked if they are supposed to be mutually exclusive." );
warned = true;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypes( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, { { "comment", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "type", false } }, { "comment" } );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "type" )
readTypesType( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readTypesType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
auto categoryIt = attributes.find( "category" );
if ( categoryIt != attributes.end() )
if ( categoryIt->second == "basetype" )
readTypeBasetype( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "bitmask" )
readTypeBitmask( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "define" )
readTypeDefine( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "enum" )
readTypeEnum( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "funcpointer" )
readTypeFuncpointer( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "handle" )
readTypeHandle( element, attributes );
else if ( categoryIt->second == "include" )
readTypeInclude( element, attributes );
else if ( ( categoryIt->second == "struct" ) || ( categoryIt->second == "union" ) )
readTypeStruct( element, ( categoryIt->second == "union" ), attributes );
checkForError( false, line, "unknown category <" + categoryIt->second + "> encountered" );
auto requiresIt = attributes.find( "requires" );
if ( requiresIt != attributes.end() )
readTypeRequires( element, attributes );
checkForError( ( attributes.size() == 1 ) && ( attributes.begin()->first == "name" ) && ( attributes.begin()->second == "int" ), line, "unknown type" );
checkForError( m_types.insert( { "int", TypeData{ TypeCategory::Unknown, {}, line } } ).second, line, "type <int> already specified" );
TypeInfo VulkanHppGenerator::readTypeInfo( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element ) const
TypeInfo typeInfo;
tinyxml2::XMLNode const * previousSibling = element->PreviousSibling();
if ( previousSibling && previousSibling->ToText() )
typeInfo.prefix = trim( previousSibling->Value() );
typeInfo.type = element->GetText();
tinyxml2::XMLNode const * nextSibling = element->NextSibling();
if ( nextSibling && nextSibling->ToText() )
typeInfo.postfix = trimStars( trimEnd( nextSibling->Value() ) );
return typeInfo;
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoCapabilities( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, VideoCodec & videoCodec )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "struct", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string capabilities = attributes.find( "struct" )->second;
checkForError( std::find( videoCodec.capabilities.begin(), videoCodec.capabilities.end(), capabilities ) == videoCodec.capabilities.end(),
"videocapabilities struct <" + capabilities + "> already listed for videoCodec <" + + ">" );
checkForError( m_structs.contains( capabilities ), line, "videocodec <" + + "> lists unknown capabilities struct <" + capabilities + ">" );
videoCodec.capabilities.push_back( capabilities );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoCodec( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "extend", {} }, { "value", {} } } );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "videocapabilities", false } }, { "videoformat", "videoprofiles" } );
VideoCodec videoCodec;
videoCodec.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "extend" )
videoCodec.extend = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "name" )
{ = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
videoCodec.value = attribute.second;
checkForError( findByName( m_videoCodecs, ) == m_videoCodecs.end(), line, "Video Codec <" + + "> already listed" );
checkForError( videoCodec.extend.empty() || findByName( m_videoCodecs, videoCodec.extend ) != m_videoCodecs.end(),
"Video Codec <" + + "> extends unknown <" + videoCodec.extend + ">" );
if ( !videoCodec.value.empty() )
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( "VkVideoCodecOperationFlagBitsKHR" );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
checkForError( findByName( enumIt->second.values, videoCodec.value ) != enumIt->second.values.end(),
"Video Codec <" + + "> lists unknown value <" + videoCodec.value + ">" );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "videocapabilities" )
readVideoCapabilities( child, videoCodec );
else if ( value == "videoformat" )
readVideoFormat( child, videoCodec );
else if ( value == "videoprofiles" )
readVideoProfiles( child, videoCodec );
m_videoCodecs.push_back( videoCodec );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoCodecs( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "videocodec", false } } );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
assert( value == "videocodec" );
readVideoCodec( child );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoFormat( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, VideoCodec & videoCodec )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
if ( attributes.contains( "extend" ) )
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "extend", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, { { "videoformatproperties", true } } );
std::string extend = attributes.find( "extend" )->second;
std::vector<VideoFormat>::iterator videoFormatIt;
auto videoCodecIt = std::find_if( m_videoCodecs.begin(),
[&extend, &videoFormatIt]( auto & vc )
videoFormatIt =
std::find_if( vc.formats.begin(), vc.formats.end(), [&extend]( auto & vf ) { return == extend; } );
return videoFormatIt != vc.formats.end();
} );
checkForError( videoCodecIt != m_videoCodecs.end(), line, "videocodec <" + + "> extends unknown videoformat <" + extend + ">" );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "videoformatproperties" )
readVideoFormatProperties( child, videoCodecIt->name, *videoFormatIt );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "usage", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "videoformatproperties", "videorequirecapabilities" } );
auto flagBitsIt = m_enums.find( "VkImageUsageFlagBits" );
assert( flagBitsIt != m_enums.end() );
VideoFormat format;
format.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
{ = attribute.second;
checkForError( findByName( videoCodec.formats, ) == videoCodec.formats.end(),
"Video Format <" + + "> has already been listed for Video Codec <" + + ">" );
else if ( attribute.first == "usage" )
format.usage = tokenize( attribute.second, "+" );
for ( auto const & usage : format.usage )
checkForError( findByName( flagBitsIt->second.values, usage ) != flagBitsIt->second.values.end(),
"Unknown Video Format <" + + "> listed for Video Codec <" + + ">" );
videoCodec.formats.push_back( format );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
if ( value == "videoformatproperties" )
readVideoFormatProperties( child,, videoCodec.formats.back() );
else if ( value == "videorequirecapabilities" )
readVideoRequireCapabilities( child, videoCodec );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoProfileMember( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, VideoCodec & videoCodec )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "videoprofile" } );
VideoProfileMember profileMember;
profileMember.xmlLine = line; = attributes.find( "name" )->second;
checkForError( findByName( videoCodec.profiles.back().members, ) == videoCodec.profiles.back().members.end(),
"Video Profile Member <" + + "> already listed for Video Profiles <" + videoCodec.profiles.back().name );
videoCodec.profiles.back().members.push_back( profileMember );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
assert( value == "videoprofile" );
readVideoProfile( child, videoCodec );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoProfile( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, VideoCodec & videoCodec )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "value", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {}, {} );
VideoProfile profile;
profile.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "name" )
{ = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
profile.value = attribute.second;
checkForError( findByName( videoCodec.profiles.back().members.back().profiles, ) == videoCodec.profiles.back().members.back().profiles.end(),
"Video Profile <" + + "> already listed for VideoProfileMember <" + videoCodec.profiles.back().members.back().name );
// value checking would need cross-loading of video.xml !!
videoCodec.profiles.back().members.back().profiles.push_back( profile );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoProfiles( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, VideoCodec & videoCodec )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "struct", {} } }, {} );
std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement const *> children = getChildElements( element );
checkElements( line, children, {}, { "videoprofilemember" } );
VideoProfiles profiles;
profiles.xmlLine = line; = attributes.find( "struct" )->second;
checkForError( findByName( videoCodec.profiles, ) == videoCodec.profiles.end(),
"Video Profiles struct <" + + "> already listed for Video Codec <" + + ">" );
checkForError( m_structs.find( ) != m_structs.end(),
"Unknown Video Profiles struct <" + + "> used with VideoCodec <" + + ">" );
videoCodec.profiles.push_back( profiles );
for ( auto child : children )
std::string value = child->Value();
assert( value == "videoprofilemember" );
readVideoProfileMember( child, videoCodec );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoFormatProperties( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::string const & videoCodec, VideoFormat & videoFormat )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "struct", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
std::string formatProperties = attributes.find( "struct" )->second;
checkForError( m_structs.find( formatProperties ) != m_structs.end(),
"videoCodec <" + videoCodec + "> lists unknown struct <" + formatProperties + "> as videoformatproperties" );
checkForError( std::find( videoFormat.formatProperties.begin(), videoFormat.formatProperties.end(), formatProperties ) == videoFormat.formatProperties.end(),
"videoformatproperties <" + formatProperties + "> listed in videocodec <" + videoCodec + "> already listed for videoformat <" + + ">" );
videoFormat.formatProperties.push_back( formatProperties );
void VulkanHppGenerator::readVideoRequireCapabilities( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, VideoCodec & videoCodec )
const int line = element->GetLineNum();
std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes = getAttributes( element );
checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "member", {} }, { "struct", {} }, { "value", {} } }, {} );
checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} );
VideoRequireCapabilities requireCapabilities;
requireCapabilities.xmlLine = line;
for ( auto const & attribute : attributes )
if ( attribute.first == "member" )
requireCapabilities.member = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "struct" )
{ = attribute.second;
else if ( attribute.first == "value" )
requireCapabilities.value = attribute.second;
VideoFormat & format = videoCodec.formats.back();
auto structIt = m_structs.find( );
checkForError( structIt != m_structs.end(),
"Unknown Video Require Capablities struct <" + + "> listed for Video Format <" + + "> in VideoCodec <" + + ">" );
auto memberIt = findByName( structIt->second.members, requireCapabilities.member );
checkForError( memberIt != structIt->second.members.end(),
"Unknown member <" + requireCapabilities.member + "> used for Video Require Capabilities struct <" + +
"> in VideoFormat <" + + "> in VideoCodec <" + + ">" );
auto bitmaskIt = m_bitmasks.find( memberIt->type.type );
checkForError( bitmaskIt != m_bitmasks.end(), line, "Video Require Capabilities member <" + requireCapabilities.member + "> is not a bitmask" );
auto enumIt = m_enums.find( bitmaskIt->second.require );
assert( enumIt != m_enums.end() );
checkForError( findByName( enumIt->second.values, requireCapabilities.value ) != enumIt->second.values.end(),
"Unknown value <" + requireCapabilities.value + "> listed for Video Require Capabilities <" + + "> in Video Codec <" + + ">" );
format.requireCapabilities.push_back( requireCapabilities );
void VulkanHppGenerator::registerDeleter( std::string const & commandName, CommandData const & commandData )
// some special handling for release functions that don't release an object
const std::set<std::string> noDeleterFunctions = {
"vkReleaseCapturedPipelineDataKHR", "vkReleaseFullScreenExclusiveModeEXT", "vkReleaseProfilingLockKHR", "vkReleaseSwapchainImagesEXT"
if ( ( commandName.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) || ( commandName.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ||
( ( commandName.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Release" ) && !noDeleterFunctions.contains( commandName ) ) )
std::string key;
size_t valueIndex = 0;
switch ( commandData.params.size() )
case 2:
if ( commandData.params.back().type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" )
key = "";
valueIndex = 0;
key = commandData.params[0].type.type;
valueIndex = 1;
case 3:
assert( commandData.params.back().type.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" );
key = commandData.params[0].type.type;
valueIndex = 1;
case 4:
key = commandData.params[0].type.type;
valueIndex = 3;
assert( m_handles.contains( commandData.params[valueIndex].type.type ) );
m_handles.find( commandData.params[valueIndex].type.type )->second.deletePool = commandData.params[1].type.type;
default: assert( false );
auto keyHandleIt = m_handles.find( key );
assert( keyHandleIt != m_handles.end() );
keyHandleIt->second.childrenHandles.insert( commandData.params[valueIndex].type.type );
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( commandData.params[valueIndex].type.type );
assert( handleIt != m_handles.end() );
handleIt->second.deleteCommand = commandName;
handleIt->second.destructorType = key;
void VulkanHppGenerator::rescheduleRAIIHandle( std::string & str,
std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle,
std::set<std::string> & listedHandles,
std::set<std::string> const & specialFunctions ) const
listedHandles.insert( handle.first );
if ( !handle.second.parent.empty() && !listedHandles.contains( handle.second.parent ) )
auto parentIt = m_handles.find( handle.second.parent );
assert( parentIt != m_handles.end() );
str += generateRAIIHandle( *parentIt, listedHandles, specialFunctions );
for ( auto constructorIt : handle.second.constructorIts )
for ( auto const & param : constructorIt->second.params )
auto handleIt = m_handles.find( param.type.type );
if ( handleIt != m_handles.end() && !listedHandles.contains( param.type.type ) )
str += generateRAIIHandle( *handleIt, listedHandles, specialFunctions );
std::vector<std::string> VulkanHppGenerator::selectCommandsByHandle( std::vector<RequireData> const & requireData,
std::set<std::string> const & handleCommands,
std::set<std::string> & listedCommands ) const
std::vector<std::string> selectedCommands;
for ( auto const & require : requireData )
for ( auto const & command : require.commands )
if ( handleCommands.contains( ) && listedCommands.insert( ).second )
selectedCommands.push_back( );
return selectedCommands;
bool VulkanHppGenerator::skipLeadingGrandParent( std::pair<std::string, HandleData> const & handle ) const
bool skip = false;
assert( !handle.second.constructorIts.empty() );
auto constructorIt = handle.second.constructorIts.begin();
if ( ( 1 < ( *constructorIt )->second.params.size() ) && isHandleType( ( *constructorIt )->second.params[0].type.type ) &&
( ( *constructorIt )->second.params[1].type.type == handle.second.parent ) )
auto parentIt = m_handles.find( handle.second.parent );
assert( parentIt != m_handles.end() );
skip = ( ( *constructorIt )->second.params[0].type.type == parentIt->second.parent );
#if !defined( NDEBUG )
for ( auto it = std::next( constructorIt ); it != handle.second.constructorIts.end(); ++it )
assert( ( *it )->second.params[0].type.type == ( *constructorIt )->second.params[0].type.type );
assert( !skip || ( ( *it )->second.params[1].type.type == ( *constructorIt )->second.params[1].type.type ) );
return skip;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::stripPluralS( std::string const & name ) const
std::string strippedName = name;
std::string tag = findTag( name );
if ( strippedName.ends_with( "s" + tag ) )
const size_t pos = strippedName.rfind( 's' );
if ( ( 2 <= pos ) && ( strippedName.substr( pos - 2, 3 ) == "ies" ) )
strippedName.replace( pos - 2, 3, "y" );
strippedName.erase( pos, 1 );
return strippedName;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::toString( TypeCategory category )
switch ( category )
case TypeCategory::Bitmask: return "bitmask";
case TypeCategory::BaseType: return "basetype";
case TypeCategory::Define: return "define";
case TypeCategory::Enum: return "enum";
case TypeCategory::ExternalType: return "ExternalType";
case TypeCategory::FuncPointer: return "funcpointer";
case TypeCategory::Handle: return "handle";
case TypeCategory::Struct: return "struct";
case TypeCategory::Union: return "union";
case TypeCategory::Unknown: return "unkown";
default: assert( false ); return "";
VulkanHppGenerator::MemberData const & VulkanHppGenerator::vectorMemberByStructure( std::string const & structureType ) const
auto structIt = m_structs.find( structureType );
assert( structIt != m_structs.end() );
assert( describesVector( structIt->second ) );
return structIt->second.members.back();
void VulkanHppGenerator::EnumData::addEnumAlias( int line, std::string const & name, std::string const & alias, std::string const & protect, bool supported )
auto aliasIt = findByName( valueAliases, name );
if ( aliasIt == valueAliases.end() )
valueAliases.push_back( { alias, name, protect, supported, line } );
checkForError( ( alias == aliasIt->alias ) && ( protect == aliasIt->protect ) && ( supported == aliasIt->supported ),
"enum value alias <" + name + "> already listed with different properties" );
void VulkanHppGenerator::EnumData::addEnumValue(
int line, std::string const & name, std::string const & protect, std::string const & bitpos, std::string const & value, bool supported, bool deprecated )
auto valueIt = findByName( values, name );
if ( valueIt == values.end() )
values.push_back( { {}, bitpos, deprecated, name, protect, supported, value, line } );
else if ( supported ) // only for supported enum values, we need to check for consistency!
checkForError( ( bitpos == valueIt->bitpos ) && ( protect == valueIt->protect ) && ( value == valueIt->value ),
"enum value <" + name + "> already listed with different properties" );
// if a previous version was not supported, make it supported now
if ( !valueIt->supported )
valueIt->supported = true;
valueIt->xmlLine = line;
// VulkanHppGenerator local functions
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>> filterNumbers( std::vector<std::string> const & names )
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>> filteredNames;
for ( auto const & name : names )
if ( !isNumber( name ) )
filteredNames.push_back( { name, ~0 } );
return filteredNames;
template <typename T>
typename std::vector<T>::iterator findByName( std::vector<T> & values, std::string const & name )
return std::find_if( values.begin(), values.end(), [&name]( T const & value ) { return == name; } );
template <typename T>
typename std::map<std::string, T>::const_iterator findByNameOrAlias( std::map<std::string, T> const & values, std::string const & name )
auto it = values.find( name );
if ( it == values.end() )
it = std::find_if(
values.begin(), values.end(), [&name]( auto const & value ) { return ( value.first == name ) || value.second.aliases.contains( name ); } );
return it;
template <typename T>
typename std::map<std::string, T>::iterator findByNameOrAlias( std::map<std::string, T> & values, std::string const & name )
auto it = values.find( name );
if ( it == values.end() )
it = std::find_if(
values.begin(), values.end(), [&name]( auto const & value ) { return ( value.first == name ) || value.second.aliases.contains( name ); } );
assert( it != values.end() );
return it;
template <typename T>
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator findByNameOrAlias( std::vector<T> const & values, std::string const & name )
return std::find_if( values.begin(),
[&name]( T const & value ) {
return ( == name ) ||
std::any_of( value.aliases.begin(), value.aliases.end(), [&name]( auto const & eav ) { return == name; } );
} );
template <typename T>
typename std::vector<T>::iterator findByNameOrAlias( std::vector<T> & values, std::string const & name )
return std::find_if( values.begin(), values.end(), [&name]( T const & value ) { return ( == name ) || value.aliases.contains( name ); } );
std::string generateCArraySizes( std::vector<std::string> const & sizes )
std::string arraySizes;
for ( auto const & s : sizes )
arraySizes += "[" + s + "]";
return arraySizes;
std::string generateList( std::vector<std::string> const & elements, std::string const & prefix, std::string const & separator )
std::string list;
if ( !elements.empty() )
list = prefix + elements[0];
for ( size_t i = 1; i < elements.size(); ++i )
list += separator + elements[i];
return list;
std::string generateNamespacedType( std::string const & type )
return type.starts_with( "Vk" ) ? ( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" + stripPrefix( type, "Vk" ) ) : type;
std::string generateNoDiscard( bool returnsSomething, bool multiSuccessCodes, bool multiErrorCodes )
return ( returnsSomething || multiSuccessCodes ) ? "VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD " : ( multiErrorCodes ? "VULKAN_HPP_NODISCARD_WHEN_NO_EXCEPTIONS " : "" );
std::string generateStandardArray( std::string const & type, std::vector<std::string> const & sizes )
std::string arrayString = "std::array<" + type + "," + sizes.back() + ">";
for ( size_t i = sizes.size() - 2; i < sizes.size(); i-- )
arrayString = "std::array<" + arrayString + "," + sizes[i] + ">";
return arrayString;
bool isAllUpper( std::string const & name )
return std::none_of( name.begin(), name.end(), []( auto const & c ) noexcept { return c != toupper( c ); } );
// function to take three or four-vector of strings containing a macro definition, and return
// a tuple with possibly the deprecation reason, possibly the called macro, the macro parameters, and possibly the definition
VulkanHppGenerator::MacroData parseMacro( std::vector<std::string> const & completeMacro )
// #define macro definition
// #define macro( params ) definition
// #define macro1 macro2( params )
auto const paramsRegex = std::regex{ R"((\(.*?\)))" };
auto const commentRegex = std::regex{ R"(\s*//.*)" };
auto rawComment = completeMacro[0];
std::erase( rawComment, '/' );
auto const strippedComment = trim( stripPostfix( stripPrefix( rawComment, " DEPRECATED:" ), "#define " ) );
// special case for VK_USE_64_BIT_PTR_DEFINES
if ( completeMacro.size() == 1 && completeMacro.front().find( "#ifndef VK_USE_64_BIT_PTR_DEFINES" ) != std::string::npos )
return { {}, {}, {}, strippedComment };
// macro with parameters and implementation
if ( completeMacro.size() == 3 )
auto const & paramsAndDefinitionAndTrailingComment = completeMacro[2];
if ( paramsAndDefinitionAndTrailingComment.find( '(' ) == std::string::npos )
// no opening parenthesis found => no parameters
return { strippedComment, {}, {}, std::regex_replace( paramsAndDefinitionAndTrailingComment, commentRegex, "" ) };
// match the first set of parentheses only
auto paramsMatch = std::smatch{};
std::regex_search( paramsAndDefinitionAndTrailingComment, paramsMatch, paramsRegex );
// remove the leading and trailing parentheses and tokenise the remaining string
auto params = tokenize( stripPrefix( stripPostfix( paramsMatch[1].str(), ")" ), "(" ), "," );
// replace the parameters with empty string, leaving behind the implementation and (possibly) a trailing comment
auto implementation = std::regex_replace( paramsAndDefinitionAndTrailingComment, paramsRegex, "", std::regex_constants::format_first_only );
implementation = implementation.substr( 0, implementation.find( "//" ) );
std::erase( implementation, '\\' );
implementation = trim( implementation );
return { strippedComment, {}, params, implementation };
if ( completeMacro.size() == 4 )
auto const & calledMacro = toCamelCase( stripPrefix( completeMacro[2], "VK_" ) );
auto const & argsAndTrailingComment = completeMacro[3];
auto argsMatch = std::smatch{};
std::regex_search( argsAndTrailingComment, argsMatch, paramsRegex );
auto args = tokenize( stripPrefix( stripPostfix( argsMatch[1].str(), ")" ), "(" ), "," );
return { strippedComment, calledMacro, args, {} };
return {};
std::string readSnippet( std::string const & snippetFile )
std::ifstream ifs( std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/snippets/" + snippetFile );
assert( ! );
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << ifs.rdbuf();
return oss.str();
std::string startLowerCase( std::string const & input )
assert( !input.empty() );
return static_cast<char>( tolower( input[0] ) ) + input.substr( 1 );
std::string startUpperCase( std::string const & input )
assert( !input.empty() );
return static_cast<char>( toupper( input[0] ) ) + input.substr( 1 );
std::vector<std::string> tokenizeAny( std::string const & tokenString, std::string const & separators )
const size_t len = tokenString.length();
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
if ( !tokenString.empty() )
size_t start = 0, end;
end = tokenString.find_first_of( separators, start );
if ( ( start != end ) && ( start < len ) )
tokens.push_back( trim( tokenString.substr( start, end - start ) ) );
start = end + 1;
} while ( end != std::string::npos );
return tokens;
} // namespace
int main( int argc, char const ** argv )
if ( ( argc % 2 ) == 0 )
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator usage: VulkanHppGenerator [-f filename][-api [vulkan|vulkansc]]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\tdefault for filename is <" << VK_SPEC << ">" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\tdefault for api <vulkan>" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\tsupported values for api are <vulkan> and <vulkansc>" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::string api = "vulkan";
std::string filename = VK_SPEC;
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i += 2 )
if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-api" ) == 0 )
api = argv[i + 1];
else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-f" ) == 0 )
filename = argv[i + 1];
std::cout << "unsupported argument <" << argv[i] << ">" << std::endl;
return -1;
if ( ( api != "vulkan" ) && ( api != "vulkansc" ) )
std::cout << "unsupported api <" << api << ">" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Found ";
std::string commandString = "\"" CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE "\" --version ";
const int ret = std::system( commandString.c_str() );
if ( ret != 0 )
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: failed to determine clang_format version with error <" << ret << ">\n";
tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Loading " << filename << std::endl;
const tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.LoadFile( filename.c_str() );
if ( error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS )
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: failed to load file " << filename << " with error <" << toString( error ) << ">" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: Parsing " << filename << std::endl;
VulkanHppGenerator generator( doc, api );
std::cout << "VulkanHppGenerator: could not find clang-format. The generated files will not be formatted accordingly.\n";
catch ( std::exception const & e )
std::cout << "caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
catch ( ... )
std::cout << "caught unknown exception" << std::endl;
return -1;