It is an auxiliary tool that can visualize internal state of [Vulkan Memory Allocator]( and
[D3D12 Memory Allocator]( libraries on a picture.
It is a Python script that must be launched from command line with appropriate parameters.
*`INPUT_FILE` - path to source file to be read, containing dump of internal state of the VMA/D3D12MA library in JSON format (encoding: UTF-8/UTF-16), generated using `vmaBuildStatsString()` and `D3D12MA::Allocator::BuildStatsString()` functions.
*`OUTPUT_FILE` - path to destination file to be written that will contain generated image. Image format is automatically recognized based on file extension. List of supported formats can be found [here]( and includes: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TGA.
* ![Image 1](README_files/Legend_Image_1.png "Image 1") Image with OPTIMAL tiling and usage containing DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT (Vulkan) or a texture with usage containing D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_DEPTH_STENCIL (D3D12).
* ![Image 2](README_files/Legend_Image_2.png "Image 2") Image with OPTIMAL tiling and usage containing INPUT_ATTACHMENT, TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT or COLOR_ATTACHMENT (Vulkan), or a texture with usage containing D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_RENDER_TARGET or D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_UNORDERED_ACCESS (D3D12).
* ![Image 3](README_files/Legend_Image_3.png "Image 3") Image with OPTIMAL tiling and usage containing SAMPLED (Vulkan) or a texture with usage not containing D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_DENY_SHARED_RESOURCE (D3D12).
* ![Image 4](README_files/Legend_Image_4.png "Image 4") Other image with OPTIMAL tiling (Vulkan) or a texture (D3D12).
* ![Image Linear](README_files/Legend_Image_Linear.png "Image Linear") Image with LINEAR tiling (Vulkan).
* ![Image Unknown](README_files/Legend_Image_Unknown.png "Image Unknown") Image with tiling unknown to the allocator (Vulkan).
* ![Unknown](README_files/Legend_Unknown.png "Unknown") Allocation of unknown type.
* ![Details](README_files/Legend_Details.png "Details") Black bar - one or more allocations of any kind too small to be visualized as filled rectangles.
Warning! Current version of the tool shows incorrect result when allocations alias (overlap) in memory, as it only looks at sizes of the allocations, not their offsets.