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synced 2025-01-11 09:40:06 +00:00
Improved documentation chapters: Defragmentation, vmaDefragment(), Features not supported.
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,8 +70,13 @@ $(function() {
<div class="contents">
<div class="textblock"><p>Interleaved allocations and deallocations of many objects of varying size can cause fragmentation, which can lead to a situation where the library is unable to find a continuous range of free memory for a new allocation despite there is enough free space, just scattered across many small free ranges between existing allocations.</p>
<p>To mitigate this problem, you can use <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a6aced90fcc7b39882b6654a740a0b9bb" title="Compacts memory by moving allocations. ">vmaDefragment()</a>. Given set of allocations, this function can move them to compact used memory, ensure more continuous free space and possibly also free some <code>VkDeviceMemory</code>. It can work only on allocations made from memory type that is <code>HOST_VISIBLE</code>. Allocations are modified to point to the new <code>VkDeviceMemory</code> and offset. Data in this memory is also <code>memmove</code>-ed to the new place. However, if you have images or buffers bound to these allocations (and you certainly do), you need to destroy, recreate, and bind them to the new place in memory.</p>
<p>For further details and example code, see documentation of function <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a6aced90fcc7b39882b6654a740a0b9bb" title="Compacts memory by moving allocations. ">vmaDefragment()</a>. </p>
<p>To mitigate this problem, you can use <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a6aced90fcc7b39882b6654a740a0b9bb" title="Compacts memory by moving allocations. ">vmaDefragment()</a>. Given set of allocations, this function can move them to compact used memory, ensure more continuous free space and possibly also free some <code>VkDeviceMemory</code>. Currently it can work only on allocations made from memory type that is <code>HOST_VISIBLE</code> and <code>HOST_COHERENT</code>. Allocations are modified to point to the new <code>VkDeviceMemory</code> and offset. Data in this memory is also <code>memmove</code>-ed to the new place. However, if you have images or buffers bound to these allocations (and you certainly do), you need to destroy, recreate, and bind them to the new place in memory.</p>
<p>After allocation has been moved, its <a class="el" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html#ae0bfb7dfdf79a76ffefc9a94677a2f67" title="Handle to Vulkan memory object. ">VmaAllocationInfo::deviceMemory</a> and/or <a class="el" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html#a4a3c732388dbdc7a23f9365b00825268" title="Offset into deviceMemory object to the beginning of this allocation, in bytes. (deviceMemory, offset) pair is unique to this allocation. ">VmaAllocationInfo::offset</a> changes. You must query them again using <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a86dd08aba8633bfa4ad0df2e76481d8b" title="Returns current information about specified allocation and atomically marks it as used in current fra...">vmaGetAllocationInfo()</a> if you need them.</p>
<p>If an allocation has been moved, data in memory is copied to new place automatically, but if it was bound to a buffer or an image, you must destroy that object yourself, create new one and bind it to the new memory pointed by the allocation. You must use <code>vkDestroyBuffer()</code>, <code>vkDestroyImage()</code>, <code>vkCreateBuffer()</code>, <code>vkCreateImage()</code> for that purpose and NOT <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a0d9f4e4ba5bf9aab1f1c746387753d77" title="Destroys Vulkan buffer and frees allocated memory. ">vmaDestroyBuffer()</a>, <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ae50d2cb3b4a3bfd4dd40987234e50e7e" title="Destroys Vulkan image and frees allocated memory. ">vmaDestroyImage()</a>, <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ac72ee55598617e8eecca384e746bab51">vmaCreateBuffer()</a>, <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a02a94f25679275851a53e82eacbcfc73" title="Function similar to vmaCreateBuffer(). ">vmaCreateImage()</a>! Example:</p>
<div class="fragment"><div class="line">VkDevice device = ...;</div><div class="line"><a class="code" href="struct_vma_allocator.html">VmaAllocator</a> allocator = ...;</div><div class="line">std::vector<VkBuffer> buffers = ...;</div><div class="line">std::vector<VmaAllocation> allocations = ...;</div><div class="line"><span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">size_t</span> allocCount = allocations.size();</div><div class="line"></div><div class="line">std::vector<VkBool32> allocationsChanged(allocCount);</div><div class="line"><a class="code" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a6aced90fcc7b39882b6654a740a0b9bb">vmaDefragment</a>(allocator, allocations.data(), allocCount, allocationsChanged.data(), <span class="keyword">nullptr</span>, <span class="keyword">nullptr</span>);</div><div class="line"></div><div class="line"><span class="keywordflow">for</span>(<span class="keywordtype">size_t</span> i = 0; i < allocCount; ++i)</div><div class="line">{</div><div class="line"> <span class="keywordflow">if</span>(allocationsChanged[i])</div><div class="line"> {</div><div class="line"> <span class="comment">// Destroy buffers that is immutably bound to memory region which is no longer valid.</span></div><div class="line"> vkDestroyBuffer(device, buffers[i], <span class="keyword">nullptr</span>);</div><div class="line"></div><div class="line"> <span class="comment">// Create new buffer with same parameters.</span></div><div class="line"> VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = ...;</div><div class="line"> vkCreateBuffer(device, &bufferInfo, <span class="keyword">nullptr</span>, &buffers[i]);</div><div class="line"> </div><div class="line"> <span class="comment">// You can make dummy call to vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements here to silence validation layer warning.</span></div><div class="line"> </div><div class="line"> <span class="comment">// Bind new buffer with new memory region. Data contained in it is already there.</span></div><div class="line"> <a class="code" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html">VmaAllocationInfo</a> allocInfo;</div><div class="line"> <a class="code" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a86dd08aba8633bfa4ad0df2e76481d8b">vmaGetAllocationInfo</a>(allocator, allocations[i], &allocInfo);</div><div class="line"> vkBindBufferMemory(device, buffers[i], allocInfo.<a class="code" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html#ae0bfb7dfdf79a76ffefc9a94677a2f67">deviceMemory</a>, allocInfo.<a class="code" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html#a4a3c732388dbdc7a23f9365b00825268">offset</a>);</div><div class="line"> }</div><div class="line">}</div></div><!-- fragment --><p>Please don't expect memory to be fully compacted after defragmentation. Algorithms inside are based on some heuristics that try to maximize number of Vulkan memory blocks to make totally empty to release them, as well as to maximimze continuous empty space inside remaining blocks, while minimizing the number and size of allocations that needs to be moved. Some fragmentation still remains after this call. This is normal.</p>
<p>If you defragment allocations bound to images, these images should be created with <code>VK_IMAGE_CREATE_ALIAS_BIT</code> flag, to make sure that new image created with same parameters and pointing to data copied to another memory region will interpret its contents consistently. Otherwise you may experience corrupted data on some implementations, e.g. due to different pixel swizzling used internally by the graphics driver.</p>
<p>If you defragment allocations bound to images, new images to be bound to new memory region after defragmentation should be created with <code>VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED</code> and then transitioned to their original layout from before defragmentation using an image memory barrier.</p>
<p>For further details, see documentation of function <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a6aced90fcc7b39882b6654a740a0b9bb" title="Compacts memory by moving allocations. ">vmaDefragment()</a>. </p>
</div></div><!-- contents -->
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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Allocation algorithm</h1>
Features not supported</h1>
<p>Features deliberately excluded from the scope of this library:</p>
<li>Sparse resources.</li>
<li>Support for sparse binding and sparse residency. You can still use these features (when supported by the device) with VMA. You just need to do it yourself. Any explicit support for sparse binding/residency would rather require another, higher-level library on top of VMA.</li>
<li>Data transfer - issuing commands that transfer data between buffers or images, any usage of <code>VkCommandList</code> or <code>VkQueue</code> and related synchronization is responsibility of the user.</li>
<li>Allocations for imported/exported external memory. They tend to require explicit memory type index and dedicated allocation anyway, so they don't interact with main features of this library. Such special purpose allocations should be made manually, using <code>vkCreateBuffer()</code> and <code>vkAllocateMemory()</code>.</li>
<li>Support for any programming languages other than C/C++. Bindings to other languages are welcomed as external projects. </li>
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ $(function() {
: <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a2e5612d871d64c5624087b837a338c34">vk_mem_alloc.h</a>
: <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a4dd2c44642312a147a4e93373a6e64d2">vk_mem_alloc.h</a>
: <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ade20b626a6635ce1bf30ea53dea774e4">vk_mem_alloc.h</a>
: <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#af3929a1a4547c592fc0b0e55ef452828">vk_mem_alloc.h</a>
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ $(function() {
<div class="title">Vulkan Memory Allocator </div> </div>
<div class="contents">
<div class="textblock"><p><b>Version 2.1.0</b> (2018-09-10)</p>
<div class="textblock"><p><b>Version 2.1.1-development</b> (2018-09-24)</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. <br />
License: MIT</p>
<p>Documentation of all members: <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html">vk_mem_alloc.h</a></p>
@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ var searchData=
@ -37,6 +44,8 @@ var searchData=
@ -1,117 +1,11 @@
var searchData=
['vulkan_20memory_20allocator',['Vulkan Memory Allocator',['../index.html',1,'']]],
['vmaallocationcreateflagbits',['VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits',['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ad9889c10c798b040d59c92f257cae597',1,'VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits(): vk_mem_alloc.h'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#abf6bf6748c7a9fe7ce5b7835c0f56af4',1,'VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmaallocationcreateinfo',['VmaAllocationCreateInfo',['../struct_vma_allocation_create_info.html',1,'VmaAllocationCreateInfo'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a86c44f9950b40d50088ed93a17870a7a',1,'VmaAllocationCreateInfo(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmaallocationinfo',['VmaAllocationInfo',['../struct_vma_allocation_info.html',1,'VmaAllocationInfo'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a795e6ff02a21d5486c0565f403dd9255',1,'VmaAllocationInfo(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmaallocatorcreateflagbits',['VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits',['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a4f87c9100d154a65a4ad495f7763cf7c',1,'VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits(): vk_mem_alloc.h'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a4ddf381b6ce795bdfbc6c614640b9915',1,'VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmaallocatorcreateinfo',['VmaAllocatorCreateInfo',['../struct_vma_allocator_create_info.html',1,'VmaAllocatorCreateInfo'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ae0f6d1d733dded220d28134da46b4283',1,'VmaAllocatorCreateInfo(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmadefragmentationinfo',['VmaDefragmentationInfo',['../struct_vma_defragmentation_info.html',1,'VmaDefragmentationInfo'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ae67f8573a0cf20f16f0a1eecbca566a0',1,'VmaDefragmentationInfo(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmadefragmentationstats',['VmaDefragmentationStats',['../struct_vma_defragmentation_stats.html',1,'VmaDefragmentationStats'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ab0f9b06441c840fee560de4a2967f8c9',1,'VmaDefragmentationStats(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmadevicememorycallbacks',['VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks',['../struct_vma_device_memory_callbacks.html',1,'VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a5e2eb68d727cfd4df25702b027b7aa31',1,'VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmamemoryusage',['VmaMemoryUsage',['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#aa5846affa1e9da3800e3e78fae2305cc',1,'VmaMemoryUsage(): vk_mem_alloc.h'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ad63b2113c0bfdbeade1cb498f5a8580d',1,'VmaMemoryUsage(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmapoolcreateflagbits',['VmaPoolCreateFlagBits',['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a9a7c45f9c863695d98c83fa5ac940fe7',1,'VmaPoolCreateFlagBits(): vk_mem_alloc.h'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a8f93195158e0e2ac80ca352064e71c1f',1,'VmaPoolCreateFlagBits(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmapoolcreateinfo',['VmaPoolCreateInfo',['../struct_vma_pool_create_info.html',1,'VmaPoolCreateInfo'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a211706e9348dcee25a843ed4ea69bce7',1,'VmaPoolCreateInfo(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmapoolstats',['VmaPoolStats',['../struct_vma_pool_stats.html',1,'VmaPoolStats'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a2e5612d871d64c5624087b837a338c34',1,'VmaPoolStats(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmarecordflagbits',['VmaRecordFlagBits',['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a4dd2c44642312a147a4e93373a6e64d2',1,'VmaRecordFlagBits(): vk_mem_alloc.h'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ade20b626a6635ce1bf30ea53dea774e4',1,'VmaRecordFlagBits(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmarecordsettings',['VmaRecordSettings',['../struct_vma_record_settings.html',1,'VmaRecordSettings'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a0ab61e87ff6365f1d59915eadc37a9f0',1,'VmaRecordSettings(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmastatinfo',['VmaStatInfo',['../struct_vma_stat_info.html',1,'VmaStatInfo'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a810b009a788ee8aac72a25b42ffbe31c',1,'VmaStatInfo(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmastats',['VmaStats',['../struct_vma_stats.html',1,'VmaStats'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a732be855fb4a7c248e6853d928a729af',1,'VmaStats(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]],
['vmavulkanfunctions',['VmaVulkanFunctions',['../struct_vma_vulkan_functions.html',1,'VmaVulkanFunctions'],['../vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a97064a1a271b0061ebfc3a079862d0c5',1,'VmaVulkanFunctions(): vk_mem_alloc.h']]]
@ -115,10 +115,12 @@ Classes</h2></td></tr>
</table><table class="memberdecls">
<tr class="heading"><td colspan="2"><h2 class="groupheader"><a name="define-members"></a>
<tr class="memitem:af7b860e63b96d11e44ae8587ba06bbf4"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">#define </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#af7b860e63b96d11e44ae8587ba06bbf4">VMA_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION</a>   0</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:af7b860e63b96d11e44ae8587ba06bbf4"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:a1f0c126759fc96ccb6e2d23c101d770c"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">#define </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a1f0c126759fc96ccb6e2d23c101d770c">VMA_RECORDING_ENABLED</a>   0</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:a1f0c126759fc96ccb6e2d23c101d770c"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:a9f918755b601cf4bffca775992e6fb90"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">#define </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a9f918755b601cf4bffca775992e6fb90">NOMINMAX</a></td></tr>
<tr class="separator:a9f918755b601cf4bffca775992e6fb90"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:af7b860e63b96d11e44ae8587ba06bbf4"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">#define </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#af7b860e63b96d11e44ae8587ba06bbf4">VMA_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION</a>   0</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:af7b860e63b96d11e44ae8587ba06bbf4"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:ae25f0d55fd91cb166f002b63244800e1"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">#define </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ae25f0d55fd91cb166f002b63244800e1">VMA_STATS_STRING_ENABLED</a>   1</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:ae25f0d55fd91cb166f002b63244800e1"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr>
</table><table class="memberdecls">
@ -357,6 +359,20 @@ Functions</h2></td></tr>
<tr class="separator:ae50d2cb3b4a3bfd4dd40987234e50e7e"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<h2 class="groupheader">Macro Definition Documentation</h2>
<a id="a9f918755b601cf4bffca775992e6fb90"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#a9f918755b601cf4bffca775992e6fb90">◆ </a></span>NOMINMAX</h2>
<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
<table class="memname">
<td class="memname">#define NOMINMAX</td>
</div><div class="memdoc">
<a id="af7b860e63b96d11e44ae8587ba06bbf4"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#af7b860e63b96d11e44ae8587ba06bbf4">◆ </a></span>VMA_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION</h2>
@ -1634,21 +1650,18 @@ Functions</h2></td></tr>
<dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>VK_SUCCESS if completed, VK_INCOMPLETE if succeeded but didn't make all possible optimizations because limits specified in pDefragmentationInfo have been reached, negative error code in case of error.</dd></dl>
<p>This function works by moving allocations to different places (different <code>VkDeviceMemory</code> objects and/or different offsets) in order to optimize memory usage. Only allocations that are in pAllocations array can be moved. All other allocations are considered nonmovable in this call. Basic rules:</p>
<dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd><code>VK_SUCCESS</code> if completed, <code>VK_INCOMPLETE</code> if succeeded but didn't make all possible optimizations because limits specified in <code>pDefragmentationInfo</code> have been reached, negative error code in case of error.</dd></dl>
<p>This function works by moving allocations to different places (different <code>VkDeviceMemory</code> objects and/or different offsets) in order to optimize memory usage. Only allocations that are in <code>pAllocations</code> array can be moved. All other allocations are considered nonmovable in this call. Basic rules:</p>
<li>Only allocations made in memory types that have <code>VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT</code> and <code>VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT</code> flags can be compacted. You may pass other allocations but it makes no sense - these will never be moved.</li>
<li>Custom pools created with <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a9a7c45f9c863695d98c83fa5ac940fe7a13c8a444197c67866be9cb05599fc726" title="Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this pool. ">VMA_POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT</a> or <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a9a7c45f9c863695d98c83fa5ac940fe7a97a0dc38e5161b780594d998d313d35e" title="Enables alternative, buddy allocation algorithm in this pool. ">VMA_POOL_CREATE_BUDDY_ALGORITHM_BIT</a> flag are not defragmented. Allocations passed to this function that come from such pools are ignored.</li>
<li>Allocations created with <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ad9889c10c798b040d59c92f257cae597a3fc311d855c2ff53f1090ef5c722b38f" title="Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block. ">VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT</a> or created as dedicated allocations for any other reason are also ignored.</li>
<li>Both allocations made with or without <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ad9889c10c798b040d59c92f257cae597a11da372cc3a82931c5e5d6146cd9dd1f" title="Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it...">VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT</a> flag can be compacted. If not persistently mapped, memory will be mapped temporarily inside this function if needed.</li>
<li>You must not pass same <a class="el" href="struct_vma_allocation.html" title="Represents single memory allocation. ">VmaAllocation</a> object multiple times in pAllocations array.</li>
<li>You must not pass same <a class="el" href="struct_vma_allocation.html" title="Represents single memory allocation. ">VmaAllocation</a> object multiple times in <code>pAllocations</code> array.</li>
<p>The function also frees empty <code>VkDeviceMemory</code> blocks.</p>
<p>After allocation has been moved, its <a class="el" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html#ae0bfb7dfdf79a76ffefc9a94677a2f67" title="Handle to Vulkan memory object. ">VmaAllocationInfo::deviceMemory</a> and/or <a class="el" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html#a4a3c732388dbdc7a23f9365b00825268" title="Offset into deviceMemory object to the beginning of this allocation, in bytes. (deviceMemory, offset) pair is unique to this allocation. ">VmaAllocationInfo::offset</a> changes. You must query them again using <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a86dd08aba8633bfa4ad0df2e76481d8b" title="Returns current information about specified allocation and atomically marks it as used in current fra...">vmaGetAllocationInfo()</a> if you need them.</p>
<p>If an allocation has been moved, data in memory is copied to new place automatically, but if it was bound to a buffer or an image, you must destroy that object yourself, create new one and bind it to the new memory pointed by the allocation. You must use <code>vkDestroyBuffer()</code>, <code>vkDestroyImage()</code>, <code>vkCreateBuffer()</code>, <code>vkCreateImage()</code> for that purpose and NOT <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a0d9f4e4ba5bf9aab1f1c746387753d77" title="Destroys Vulkan buffer and frees allocated memory. ">vmaDestroyBuffer()</a>, <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ae50d2cb3b4a3bfd4dd40987234e50e7e" title="Destroys Vulkan image and frees allocated memory. ">vmaDestroyImage()</a>, <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#ac72ee55598617e8eecca384e746bab51">vmaCreateBuffer()</a>, <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a02a94f25679275851a53e82eacbcfc73" title="Function similar to vmaCreateBuffer(). ">vmaCreateImage()</a>! Example:</p>
<div class="fragment"><div class="line">VkDevice device = ...;</div><div class="line"><a class="code" href="struct_vma_allocator.html">VmaAllocator</a> allocator = ...;</div><div class="line">std::vector<VkBuffer> buffers = ...;</div><div class="line">std::vector<VmaAllocation> allocations = ...;</div><div class="line"></div><div class="line">std::vector<VkBool32> allocationsChanged(allocations.size());</div><div class="line"><a class="code" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a6aced90fcc7b39882b6654a740a0b9bb">vmaDefragment</a>(allocator, allocations.data(), allocations.size(), allocationsChanged.data(), <span class="keyword">nullptr</span>, <span class="keyword">nullptr</span>);</div><div class="line"></div><div class="line"><span class="keywordflow">for</span>(<span class="keywordtype">size_t</span> i = 0; i < allocations.size(); ++i)</div><div class="line">{</div><div class="line"> <span class="keywordflow">if</span>(allocationsChanged[i])</div><div class="line"> {</div><div class="line"> <a class="code" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html">VmaAllocationInfo</a> allocInfo;</div><div class="line"> <a class="code" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html#a86dd08aba8633bfa4ad0df2e76481d8b">vmaGetAllocationInfo</a>(allocator, allocations[i], &allocInfo);</div><div class="line"></div><div class="line"> vkDestroyBuffer(device, buffers[i], <span class="keyword">nullptr</span>);</div><div class="line"></div><div class="line"> VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = ...;</div><div class="line"> vkCreateBuffer(device, &bufferInfo, <span class="keyword">nullptr</span>, &buffers[i]);</div><div class="line"> </div><div class="line"> <span class="comment">// You can make dummy call to vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements here to silence validation layer warning.</span></div><div class="line"> </div><div class="line"> vkBindBufferMemory(device, buffers[i], allocInfo.<a class="code" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html#ae0bfb7dfdf79a76ffefc9a94677a2f67">deviceMemory</a>, allocInfo.<a class="code" href="struct_vma_allocation_info.html#a4a3c732388dbdc7a23f9365b00825268">offset</a>);</div><div class="line"> }</div><div class="line">}</div></div><!-- fragment --><p>Note: Please don't expect memory to be fully compacted after this call. Algorithms inside are based on some heuristics that try to maximize number of Vulkan memory blocks to make totally empty to release them, as well as to maximimze continuous empty space inside remaining blocks, while minimizing the number and size of data that needs to be moved. Some fragmentation still remains after this call. This is normal.</p>
<p>Warning: This function is not 100% correct according to Vulkan specification. Use it at your own risk. That's because Vulkan doesn't guarantee that memory requirements (size and alignment) for a new buffer or image are consistent. They may be different even for subsequent calls with the same parameters. It really does happen on some platforms, especially with images.</p>
<p>Warning: This function may be time-consuming, so you shouldn't call it too often (like every frame or after every resource creation/destruction). You can call it on special occasions (like when reloading a game level or when you just destroyed a lot of objects). </p>
<p>Warning: This function may be time-consuming, so you shouldn't call it too often (like after every resource creation/destruction). You can call it on special occasions (like when reloading a game level or when you just destroyed a lot of objects). Calling it every frame may be OK, but you should measure that on your platform.</p>
<p>For more information, see <a class="el" href="defragmentation.html">Defragmentation</a> chapter. </p>
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -713,15 +713,74 @@ allocations.
To mitigate this problem, you can use vmaDefragment(). Given set of allocations,
this function can move them to compact used memory, ensure more continuous free
space and possibly also free some `VkDeviceMemory`. It can work only on
allocations made from memory type that is `HOST_VISIBLE`. Allocations are
space and possibly also free some `VkDeviceMemory`. Currently it can work only on
allocations made from memory type that is `HOST_VISIBLE` and `HOST_COHERENT`. Allocations are
modified to point to the new `VkDeviceMemory` and offset. Data in this memory is
also `memmove`-ed to the new place. However, if you have images or buffers bound
to these allocations (and you certainly do), you need to destroy, recreate, and
bind them to the new place in memory.
For further details and example code, see documentation of function
After allocation has been moved, its VmaAllocationInfo::deviceMemory and/or
VmaAllocationInfo::offset changes. You must query them again using
vmaGetAllocationInfo() if you need them.
If an allocation has been moved, data in memory is copied to new place
automatically, but if it was bound to a buffer or an image, you must destroy
that object yourself, create new one and bind it to the new memory pointed by
the allocation. You must use `vkDestroyBuffer()`, `vkDestroyImage()`,
`vkCreateBuffer()`, `vkCreateImage()` for that purpose and NOT vmaDestroyBuffer(),
vmaDestroyImage(), vmaCreateBuffer(), vmaCreateImage()! Example:
VkDevice device = ...;
VmaAllocator allocator = ...;
std::vector<VkBuffer> buffers = ...;
std::vector<VmaAllocation> allocations = ...;
const size_t allocCount = allocations.size();
std::vector<VkBool32> allocationsChanged(allocCount);
vmaDefragment(allocator, allocations.data(), allocCount, allocationsChanged.data(), nullptr, nullptr);
for(size_t i = 0; i < allocCount; ++i)
// Destroy buffers that is immutably bound to memory region which is no longer valid.
vkDestroyBuffer(device, buffers[i], nullptr);
// Create new buffer with same parameters.
VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = ...;
vkCreateBuffer(device, &bufferInfo, nullptr, &buffers[i]);
// You can make dummy call to vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements here to silence validation layer warning.
// Bind new buffer with new memory region. Data contained in it is already there.
VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
vmaGetAllocationInfo(allocator, allocations[i], &allocInfo);
vkBindBufferMemory(device, buffers[i], allocInfo.deviceMemory, allocInfo.offset);
Please don't expect memory to be fully compacted after defragmentation.
Algorithms inside are based on some heuristics that try to maximize number of Vulkan
memory blocks to make totally empty to release them, as well as to maximimze continuous
empty space inside remaining blocks, while minimizing the number and size of allocations that
needs to be moved. Some fragmentation still remains after this call. This is normal.
If you defragment allocations bound to images, these images should be created with
`VK_IMAGE_CREATE_ALIAS_BIT` flag, to make sure that new image created with same
parameters and pointing to data copied to another memory region will interpret
its contents consistently. Otherwise you may experience corrupted data on some
implementations, e.g. due to different pixel swizzling used internally by the graphics driver.
If you defragment allocations bound to images, new images to be bound to new
memory region after defragmentation should be created with `VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED`
and then transitioned to their original layout from before defragmentation using
an image memory barrier.
For further details, see documentation of function vmaDefragment().
\page lost_allocations Lost allocations
@ -1383,7 +1442,10 @@ The library uses following algorithm for allocation, in order:
Features deliberately excluded from the scope of this library:
- Sparse resources.
- Support for sparse binding and sparse residency. You can still use these
features (when supported by the device) with VMA. You just need to do it
yourself. Any explicit support for sparse binding/residency would rather
require another, higher-level library on top of VMA.
- Data transfer - issuing commands that transfer data between buffers or images, any usage of
`VkCommandList` or `VkQueue` and related synchronization is responsibility of the user.
- Allocations for imported/exported external memory. They tend to require
@ -2492,11 +2554,11 @@ typedef struct VmaDefragmentationStats {
@param[out] pAllocationsChanged Array of boolean values that will indicate whether matching allocation in pAllocations array has been moved. This parameter is optional. Pass null if you don't need this information.
@param pDefragmentationInfo Configuration parameters. Optional - pass null to use default values.
@param[out] pDefragmentationStats Statistics returned by the function. Optional - pass null if you don't need this information.
@return VK_SUCCESS if completed, VK_INCOMPLETE if succeeded but didn't make all possible optimizations because limits specified in pDefragmentationInfo have been reached, negative error code in case of error.
@return `VK_SUCCESS` if completed, `VK_INCOMPLETE` if succeeded but didn't make all possible optimizations because limits specified in `pDefragmentationInfo` have been reached, negative error code in case of error.
This function works by moving allocations to different places (different
`VkDeviceMemory` objects and/or different offsets) in order to optimize memory
usage. Only allocations that are in pAllocations array can be moved. All other
usage. Only allocations that are in `pAllocations` array can be moved. All other
allocations are considered nonmovable in this call. Basic rules:
- Only allocations made in memory types that have
@ -2511,65 +2573,17 @@ allocations are considered nonmovable in this call. Basic rules:
- Both allocations made with or without #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT
flag can be compacted. If not persistently mapped, memory will be mapped
temporarily inside this function if needed.
- You must not pass same #VmaAllocation object multiple times in pAllocations array.
- You must not pass same #VmaAllocation object multiple times in `pAllocations` array.
The function also frees empty `VkDeviceMemory` blocks.
After allocation has been moved, its VmaAllocationInfo::deviceMemory and/or
VmaAllocationInfo::offset changes. You must query them again using
vmaGetAllocationInfo() if you need them.
If an allocation has been moved, data in memory is copied to new place
automatically, but if it was bound to a buffer or an image, you must destroy
that object yourself, create new one and bind it to the new memory pointed by
the allocation. You must use `vkDestroyBuffer()`, `vkDestroyImage()`,
`vkCreateBuffer()`, `vkCreateImage()` for that purpose and NOT vmaDestroyBuffer(),
vmaDestroyImage(), vmaCreateBuffer(), vmaCreateImage()! Example:
VkDevice device = ...;
VmaAllocator allocator = ...;
std::vector<VkBuffer> buffers = ...;
std::vector<VmaAllocation> allocations = ...;
std::vector<VkBool32> allocationsChanged(allocations.size());
vmaDefragment(allocator, allocations.data(), allocations.size(), allocationsChanged.data(), nullptr, nullptr);
for(size_t i = 0; i < allocations.size(); ++i)
VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
vmaGetAllocationInfo(allocator, allocations[i], &allocInfo);
vkDestroyBuffer(device, buffers[i], nullptr);
VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = ...;
vkCreateBuffer(device, &bufferInfo, nullptr, &buffers[i]);
// You can make dummy call to vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements here to silence validation layer warning.
vkBindBufferMemory(device, buffers[i], allocInfo.deviceMemory, allocInfo.offset);
Note: Please don't expect memory to be fully compacted after this call.
Algorithms inside are based on some heuristics that try to maximize number of Vulkan
memory blocks to make totally empty to release them, as well as to maximimze continuous
empty space inside remaining blocks, while minimizing the number and size of data that
needs to be moved. Some fragmentation still remains after this call. This is normal.
Warning: This function is not 100% correct according to Vulkan specification. Use it
at your own risk. That's because Vulkan doesn't guarantee that memory
requirements (size and alignment) for a new buffer or image are consistent. They
may be different even for subsequent calls with the same parameters. It really
does happen on some platforms, especially with images.
Warning: This function may be time-consuming, so you shouldn't call it too often
(like every frame or after every resource creation/destruction).
(like after every resource creation/destruction).
You can call it on special occasions (like when reloading a game level or
when you just destroyed a lot of objects).
when you just destroyed a lot of objects). Calling it every frame may be OK, but
you should measure that on your platform.
For more information, see [Defragmentation](@ref defragmentation) chapter.
VkResult vmaDefragment(
VmaAllocator allocator,
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