Opaque structure that holds encoder state\&. Allocated and initialized with \fBBrotliEncoderCreateInstance\fP\&. Cleaned up and deallocated with \fBBrotliEncoderDestroyInstance\fP\&.
.SH"Enumeration Type Documentation"
.SS"enum \fBBrotliEncoderMode\fP"
Options for \fBBROTLI_PARAM_MODE\fP parameter\&.
Default compression mode\&. In this mode compressor does not know anything in advance about the properties of the input\&.
Compression mode for UTF-8 formatted text input\&.
Compression mode used in WOFF 2\&.0\&.
.SS"enum \fBBrotliEncoderOperation\fP"
Operations that can be performed by streaming encoder\&.
Process input\&. Encoder may postpone producing output, until it has processed enough input\&.
Produce output for all processed input\&. Actual flush is performed when input stream is depleted and there is enough space in output stream\&. This means that client should repeat \fBBROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH\fP operation until \fCavailable_in\fP becomes \fC0\fP, and \fBBrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput\fP returns \fBBROTLI_FALSE\fP\&. If output is acquired via \fBBrotliEncoderTakeOutput\fP, then operation should be repeated after output buffer is drained\&.
Finalize the stream\&. Actual finalization is performed when input stream is depleted and there is enough space in output stream\&. This means that client should repeat \fBBROTLI_OPERATION_FINISH\fP operation until \fCavailable_in\fP becomes \fC0\fP, and \fBBrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput\fP returns \fBBROTLI_FALSE\fP\&. If output is acquired via \fBBrotliEncoderTakeOutput\fP, then operation should be repeated after output buffer is drained\&.
Until finalization is complete, client \fBSHOULD\fP\fBNOT\fP swap, reduce or extend input stream\&.
Helper function \fBBrotliEncoderIsFinished\fP checks if stream is finalized and output fully dumped\&.
Adding more input data to finalized stream is impossible\&.
Emit metadata block to stream\&. Metadata is opaque to Brotli: neither encoder, nor decoder processes this data or relies on it\&. It may be used to pass some extra information from encoder client to decoder client without interfering with main data stream\&.
Encoder may emit empty metadata blocks internally, to pad encoded stream to byte boundary\&.
Until emitting metadata is complete client \fBSHOULD\fP\fBNOT\fP swap, reduce or extend input stream\&.
The whole content of input buffer is considered to be the content of metadata block\&. Do \fBNOT\fP\fIappend\fP metadata to input stream, before it is depleted with other operations\&.
Stream is soft-flushed before metadata block is emitted\&. Metadata block \fBMUST\fP be no longer than than 16MiB\&.
.SS"enum \fBBrotliEncoderParameter\fP"
Options to be used with \fBBrotliEncoderSetParameter\fP\&.
Tune encoder for specific input\&. \fBBrotliEncoderMode\fP enumerates all available values\&.
The main compression speed-density lever\&. The higher the quality, the slower the compression\&. Range is from \fBBROTLI_MIN_QUALITY\fP to \fBBROTLI_MAX_QUALITY\fP\&.
Recommended sliding LZ77 window size\&. Encoder may reduce this value, e\&.g\&. if input is much smaller than window size\&.
Window size is \fC(1 << value) - 16\fP\&.
Recommended input block size\&. Encoder may reduce this value, e\&.g\&. if input is much smaller than input block size\&.
Bigger input block size allows better compression, but consumes more memory\&.
The rough formula of memory used for temporary input storage is \fC3 << lgBlock\fP\&.
Flag that affects usage of 'literal context modeling' format feature\&. This flag is a 'decoding-speed vs compression ratio' trade-off\&.
Estimated total input size for all \fBBrotliEncoderCompressStream\fP calls\&. The default value is 0, which means that the total input size is unknown\&.
Number of bytes of input stream already processed by a different instance\&.
It is important to configure all the encoder instances with same parameters (except this one) in order to allow all the encoded parts obey the same restrictions implied by header\&.
If offset is not 0, then stream header is omitted\&. In any case output start is byte aligned, so for proper streams stitching 'predecessor' stream must be flushed\&.
Range is not artificially limited, but all the values greater or equal to maximal window size have the same effect\&. Values greater than 2**30 are not allowed\&.
Attaches a prepared dictionary of any type to the encoder\&. Can be used multiple times to attach multiple dictionaries\&. The dictionary type was determined by BrotliEncoderPrepareDictionary\&. Multiple raw prefix dictionaries and/or max 1 serialized dictionary with custom words can be attached\&.
Performs one-shot memory-to-memory compression\&. Compresses the data in \fCinput_buffer\fP into \fCencoded_buffer\fP, and sets \fC*encoded_size\fP to the compressed length\&.
If \fBBrotliEncoderMaxCompressedSize\fP(\fCinput_size\fP) returns non-zero value, then output is guaranteed to be no longer than that\&.
If \fClgwin\fP is greater than \fBBROTLI_MAX_WINDOW_BITS\fP then resulting stream might be incompatible with RFC 7932; to decode such streams, decoder should be configured with \fBBROTLI_DECODER_PARAM_LARGE_WINDOW\fP = \fC1\fP
Compresses input stream to output stream\&. The values \fC*available_in\fP and \fC*available_out\fP must specify the number of bytes addressable at \fC*next_in\fP and \fC*next_out\fP respectively\&. When \fC*available_out\fP is \fC0\fP, \fCnext_out\fP is allowed to be \fCNULL\fP\&.
After each call, \fC*available_in\fP will be decremented by the amount of input bytes consumed, and the \fC*next_in\fP pointer will be incremented by that amount\&. Similarly, \fC*available_out\fP will be decremented by the amount of output bytes written, and the \fC*next_out\fP pointer will be incremented by that amount\&.
actually compress data and (optionally) store it to internal buffer
(optionally) copy compressed bytes from internal buffer to output stream
Whenever all 3 tasks can't move forward anymore, or error occurs, this method returns the control flow to caller\&.
\fCop\fP is used to perform flush, finish the stream, or inject metadata block\&. See \fBBrotliEncoderOperation\fP for more information\&.
Flushing the stream means forcing encoding of all input passed to encoder and completing the current output block, so it could be fully decoded by stream decoder\&. To perform flush set \fCop\fP to \fBBROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH\fP\&. Under some circumstances (e\&.g\&. lack of output stream capacity) this operation would require several calls to \fBBrotliEncoderCompressStream\fP\&. The method must be called again until both input stream is depleted and encoder has no more output (see \fBBrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput\fP) after the method is called\&.
Finishing the stream means encoding of all input passed to encoder and adding specific 'final' marks, so stream decoder could determine that stream is complete\&. To perform finish set \fCop\fP to \fBBROTLI_OPERATION_FINISH\fP\&. Under some circumstances (e\&.g\&. lack of output stream capacity) this operation would require several calls to \fBBrotliEncoderCompressStream\fP\&. The method must be called again until both input stream is depleted and encoder has no more output (see \fBBrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput\fP) after the method is called\&.
When flushing and finishing, \fCop\fP should not change until operation is complete; input stream should not be swapped, reduced or extended as well\&.
\fIstate\fP encoder instance
\fIop\fP requested operation
\fIavailable_in\fP\fBin:\fP amount of available input;
\fBout:\fP amount of unused input
\fInext_in\fP pointer to the next input byte
\fIavailable_out\fP\fBin:\fP length of output buffer;
\fBout:\fP remaining size of output buffer
\fInext_out\fP compressed output buffer cursor; can be \fCNULL\fP if \fCavailable_out\fP is \fC0\fP
\fItotal_out\fP number of bytes produced so far; can be \fCNULL\fP
Creates an instance of \fBBrotliEncoderState\fP and initializes it\&. \fCalloc_func\fP and \fCfree_func\fP\fBMUST\fP be both zero or both non-zero\&. In the case they are both zero, default memory allocators are used\&. \fCopaque\fP is passed to \fCalloc_func\fP and \fCfree_func\fP when they are called\&. \fCfree_func\fP has to return without doing anything when asked to free a NULL pointer\&.
Result is only valid if quality is at least \fC2\fP and, in case \fBBrotliEncoderCompressStream\fP was used, no flushes (\fBBROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH\fP) were performed\&.
Prepares a shared dictionary from the given file format for the encoder\&. \fCalloc_func\fP and \fCfree_func\fP\fBMUST\fP be both zero or both non-zero\&. In the case they are both zero, default memory allocators are used\&. \fCopaque\fP is passed to \fCalloc_func\fP and \fCfree_func\fP when they are called\&. \fCfree_func\fP has to return without doing anything when asked to free a NULL pointer\&.
\fItype\fP type of dictionary stored in data
\fIdata_size\fP size of \fCdata\fP buffer
\fIdata\fP pointer to the dictionary data
\fIquality\fP the maximum Brotli quality to prepare the dictionary for, use BROTLI_MAX_QUALITY by default
\fIalloc_func\fP custom memory allocation function
Sets the specified parameter to the given encoder instance\&.
\fIstate\fP encoder instance
\fIparam\fP parameter to set
\fIvalue\fP new parameter value
\fBBROTLI_FALSE\fP if parameter is unrecognized, or value is invalid
\fBBROTLI_FALSE\fP if value of parameter can not be changed at current encoder state (e\&.g\&. when encoding is started, window size might be already encoded and therefore it is impossible to change it)
\fBBROTLI_TRUE\fP if value is accepted
invalid values might be accepted in case they would not break encoding process\&.
use \fBBrotliEncoderTakeOutput\fP to peek bytes and copy to language-specific entity
Also this could be useful if there is an output stream that is able to consume all the provided data (e\&.g\&. when data is saved to file system)\&.
After every call to \fBBrotliEncoderTakeOutput\fP\fC*size\fP bytes of output are considered consumed for all consecutive calls to the instance methods; returned pointer becomes invalidated as well\&.
Encoder output is not guaranteed to be contiguous\&. This means that after the size-unrestricted call to \fBBrotliEncoderTakeOutput\fP, immediate next call to \fBBrotliEncoderTakeOutput\fP may return more data\&.
\fIstate\fP encoder instance
\fIsize\fP\fBin:\fP number of bytes caller is ready to take, \fC0\fP if any amount could be handled;
\fBout:\fP amount of data pointed by returned pointer and considered consumed;
out value is never greater than in value, unless it is \fC0\fP
pointer to output data
.SS"uint32_t BrotliEncoderVersion (void)"
Gets an encoder library version\&. Look at BROTLI_VERSION for more information\&.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Brotli from the source code\&.