try: import setuptools except: pass import distutils from distutils.core import setup, Extension from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext from distutils.cmd import Command import platform import os import re CURR_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) def get_version(): """ Return BROTLI_VERSION string as defined in 'common/version.h' file. """ brotlimodule = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, 'common', 'version.h') version = 0 with open(brotlimodule, 'r') as f: for line in f: m = re.match(r'#define\sBROTLI_VERSION\s+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)', line) if m: version = int(, 16) if version == 0: return "" return "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(version >> 24, (version >> 12) & 0xFFF, version & 0xFFF) class TestCommand(Command): """ Run all * scripts in 'tests' folder with the same Python interpreter used to run """ user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): import sys, subprocess, glob test_dir = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, 'python', 'tests') os.chdir(test_dir) for test in glob.glob("*"): try: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, test]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise SystemExit(1) class BuildExt(build_ext): def get_source_files(self): filenames = build_ext.get_source_files(self) for ext in self.extensions: filenames.extend(ext.depends) return filenames def build_extension(self, ext): c_sources = [] cxx_sources = [] for source in ext.sources: if source.endswith(".c"): c_sources.append(source) else: cxx_sources.append(source) extra_args = ext.extra_compile_args or [] objects = [] for lang, sources in (("c", c_sources), ("c++", cxx_sources)): if lang == "c++": if self.compiler.compiler_type == "msvc": extra_args.append("/EHsc") macros = ext.define_macros[:] if platform.system() == "Darwin": macros.append(("OS_MACOSX", "1")) elif self.compiler.compiler_type == "mingw32": # On Windows Python 2.7, pyconfig.h defines "hypot" as "_hypot", # This clashes with GCC's cmath, and causes compilation errors when # building under MinGW: macros.append(("_hypot", "hypot")) for undef in ext.undef_macros: macros.append((undef,)) objs = self.compiler.compile(sources, output_dir=self.build_temp, macros=macros, include_dirs=ext.include_dirs, debug=self.debug, extra_postargs=extra_args, depends=ext.depends) objects.extend(objs) self._built_objects = objects[:] if ext.extra_objects: objects.extend(ext.extra_objects) extra_args = ext.extra_link_args or [] # when using GCC on Windows, we statically link libgcc and libstdc++, # so that we don't need to package extra DLLs if self.compiler.compiler_type == "mingw32": extra_args.extend(['-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++']) ext_path = self.get_ext_fullpath( # Detect target language, if not provided language = ext.language or self.compiler.detect_language(sources) self.compiler.link_shared_object( objects, ext_path, libraries=self.get_libraries(ext), library_dirs=ext.library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs=ext.runtime_library_dirs, extra_postargs=extra_args, export_symbols=self.get_export_symbols(ext), debug=self.debug, build_temp=self.build_temp, target_lang=language) brotli = Extension("brotli", sources=[ "python/", "common/dictionary.c", "dec/bit_reader.c", "dec/decode.c", "dec/huffman.c", "dec/state.c", "enc/backward_references.c", "enc/bit_cost.c", "enc/block_splitter.c", "enc/brotli_bit_stream.c", "enc/cluster.c", "enc/compress_fragment.c", "enc/compress_fragment_two_pass.c", "enc/encode.c", "enc/entropy_encode.c", "enc/histogram.c", "enc/literal_cost.c", "enc/memory.c", "enc/metablock.c", "enc/static_dict.c", "enc/utf8_util.c", ], depends=[ "common/constants.h", "common/dictionary.h", "common/port.h", "common/version.h", "dec/bit_reader.h", "dec/context.h", "dec/huffman.h", "dec/port.h", "dec/prefix.h", "dec/state.h", "dec/streams.h", "dec/transform.h", "enc/backward_references.h", "enc/backward_references_inc.h", "enc/bit_cost.h", "enc/bit_cost_inc.h", "enc/block_splitter.h", "enc/block_splitter_inc.h", "enc/brotli_bit_stream.h", "enc/cluster.h", "enc/cluster_inc.h", "enc/command.h", "enc/compress_fragment.h", "enc/compress_fragment_two_pass.h" "enc/context.h", "enc/dictionary_hash.h", "enc/entropy_encode.h", "enc/entropy_encode_static.h", "enc/fast_log.h", "enc/find_match_length.h", "enc/hash.h", "enc/hash_longest_match_inc.h", "enc/hash_longest_match_quickly_inc.h", "enc/histogram.h", "enc/histogram_inc.h", "enc/literal_cost.h", "enc/memory.h", "enc/metablock.h", "enc/metablock_inc.h", "enc/port.h", "enc/prefix.h", "enc/ringbuffer.h", "enc/static_dict.h", "enc/static_dict_lut.h", "enc/utf8_util.h", "enc/write_bits.h", "public/decode.h", "public/encode.h", "public/types.h", ], language="c++", ) setup( name="Brotli", version=get_version(), url="", description="Python binding of the Brotli compression library", author="Khaled Hosny", author_email="", license="Apache 2.0", classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Console', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Programming Language :: C', 'Programming Language :: C++', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Unix Shell', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Topic :: System :: Archiving', 'Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Compression', 'Topic :: Text Processing :: Fonts', 'Topic :: Utilities', ], ext_modules=[brotli], cmdclass={ 'build_ext': BuildExt, 'test': TestCommand }, )