Zoltan Szabadka 417107b3dd Add two more fast modes to the brotli compressor.
The new modes process the input data in independent blocks,
using backward references only from within an input block.

The new modes can be used by specifying quality 0 or quality 1,
the old quality 1 and quality 2 modes are renamed quality 2 and
quality 3, respectively, and the old quality 3 mode is removed.
2016-01-11 11:21:42 +01:00

772 lines
29 KiB

/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under MIT license.
See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
// Function to find backward reference copies.
#include "./backward_references.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "./command.h"
#include "./fast_log.h"
#include "./literal_cost.h"
namespace brotli {
static const double kInfinity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// Histogram based cost model for zopflification.
class ZopfliCostModel {
ZopfliCostModel() : min_cost_cmd_(kInfinity) {}
void SetFromCommands(size_t num_bytes,
size_t position,
const uint8_t* ringbuffer,
size_t ringbuffer_mask,
const Command* commands,
size_t num_commands,
size_t last_insert_len) {
std::vector<uint32_t> histogram_literal(256, 0);
std::vector<uint32_t> histogram_cmd(kNumCommandPrefixes, 0);
std::vector<uint32_t> histogram_dist(kNumDistancePrefixes, 0);
size_t pos = position - last_insert_len;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_commands; i++) {
size_t inslength = commands[i].insert_len_;
size_t copylength = commands[i].copy_len_;
size_t distcode = commands[i].dist_prefix_;
size_t cmdcode = commands[i].cmd_prefix_;
if (cmdcode >= 128) histogram_dist[distcode]++;
for (size_t j = 0; j < inslength; j++) {
histogram_literal[ringbuffer[(pos + j) & ringbuffer_mask]]++;
pos += inslength + copylength;
std::vector<double> cost_literal;
Set(histogram_literal, &cost_literal);
Set(histogram_cmd, &cost_cmd_);
Set(histogram_dist, &cost_dist_);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumCommandPrefixes; ++i) {
min_cost_cmd_ = std::min(min_cost_cmd_, cost_cmd_[i]);
literal_costs_.resize(num_bytes + 1);
literal_costs_[0] = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) {
literal_costs_[i + 1] = literal_costs_[i] +
cost_literal[ringbuffer[(position + i) & ringbuffer_mask]];
void SetFromLiteralCosts(size_t num_bytes,
size_t position,
const uint8_t* ringbuffer,
size_t ringbuffer_mask) {
std::vector<float> literal_cost(num_bytes + 1);
EstimateBitCostsForLiterals(position, num_bytes, ringbuffer_mask,
ringbuffer, &literal_cost[0]);
literal_costs_.resize(num_bytes + 1);
literal_costs_[0] = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) {
literal_costs_[i + 1] = literal_costs_[i] + literal_cost[i];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumCommandPrefixes; ++i) {
cost_cmd_[i] = FastLog2(11 + i);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumDistancePrefixes; ++i) {
cost_dist_[i] = FastLog2(20 + i);
min_cost_cmd_ = FastLog2(11);
double GetCommandCost(
size_t dist_code, size_t length_code, size_t insert_length) const {
uint16_t inscode = GetInsertLengthCode(insert_length);
uint16_t copycode = GetCopyLengthCode(length_code);
uint16_t cmdcode = CombineLengthCodes(inscode, copycode, dist_code == 0);
uint16_t dist_symbol;
uint32_t distextra;
PrefixEncodeCopyDistance(dist_code, 0, 0, &dist_symbol, &distextra);
uint32_t distnumextra = distextra >> 24;
double result = static_cast<double>(
kInsExtra[inscode] + kCopyExtra[copycode] + distnumextra);
result += cost_cmd_[cmdcode];
if (cmdcode >= 128) result += cost_dist_[dist_symbol];
return result;
double GetLiteralCosts(size_t from, size_t to) const {
return literal_costs_[to] - literal_costs_[from];
double GetMinCostCmd() const {
return min_cost_cmd_;
void Set(const std::vector<uint32_t>& histogram, std::vector<double>* cost) {
size_t sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < histogram.size(); i++) {
sum += histogram[i];
double log2sum = FastLog2(sum);
for (size_t i = 0; i < histogram.size(); i++) {
if (histogram[i] == 0) {
(*cost)[i] = log2sum + 2;
// Shannon bits for this symbol.
(*cost)[i] = log2sum - FastLog2(histogram[i]);
// Cannot be coded with less than 1 bit
if ((*cost)[i] < 1) (*cost)[i] = 1;
std::vector<double> cost_cmd_; // The insert and copy length symbols.
std::vector<double> cost_dist_;
// Cumulative costs of literals per position in the stream.
std::vector<double> literal_costs_;
double min_cost_cmd_;
inline void SetDistanceCache(size_t distance,
size_t distance_code,
size_t max_distance,
const int* dist_cache,
int* result_dist_cache) {
if (distance <= max_distance && distance_code > 0) {
result_dist_cache[0] = static_cast<int>(distance);
memcpy(&result_dist_cache[1], dist_cache, 3 * sizeof(dist_cache[0]));
} else {
memcpy(result_dist_cache, dist_cache, 4 * sizeof(dist_cache[0]));
inline size_t ComputeDistanceCode(size_t distance,
size_t max_distance,
int quality,
const int* dist_cache) {
if (distance <= max_distance) {
if (distance == static_cast<size_t>(dist_cache[0])) {
return 0;
} else if (distance == static_cast<size_t>(dist_cache[1])) {
return 1;
} else if (distance == static_cast<size_t>(dist_cache[2])) {
return 2;
} else if (distance == static_cast<size_t>(dist_cache[3])) {
return 3;
} else if (quality > 3 && distance >= 6) {
for (size_t k = 4; k < kNumDistanceShortCodes; ++k) {
size_t idx = kDistanceCacheIndex[k];
size_t candidate =
static_cast<size_t>(dist_cache[idx] + kDistanceCacheOffset[k]);
static const size_t kLimits[16] = { 0, 0, 0, 0,
6, 6, 11, 11,
11, 11, 11, 11,
12, 12, 12, 12 };
if (distance == candidate && distance >= kLimits[k]) {
return k;
return distance + 15;
struct ZopfliNode {
ZopfliNode() : length(1),
cost(kInfinity) {}
// best length to get up to this byte (not including this byte itself)
uint32_t length;
// distance associated with the length
uint32_t distance;
uint32_t distance_code;
int distance_cache[4];
// length code associated with the length - usually the same as length,
// except in case of length-changing dictionary transformation.
uint32_t length_code;
// number of literal inserts before this copy
uint32_t insert_length;
// smallest cost to get to this byte from the beginning, as found so far
double cost;
inline void UpdateZopfliNode(ZopfliNode* nodes, size_t pos, size_t start_pos,
size_t len, size_t len_code, size_t dist,
size_t dist_code, size_t max_dist,
const int* dist_cache, double cost) {
ZopfliNode& next = nodes[pos + len];
next.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(len);
next.length_code = static_cast<uint32_t>(len_code);
next.distance = static_cast<uint32_t>(dist);
next.distance_code = static_cast<uint32_t>(dist_code);
next.insert_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(pos - start_pos);
next.cost = cost;
SetDistanceCache(dist, dist_code, max_dist, dist_cache,
// Maintains the smallest 2^k cost difference together with their positions
class StartPosQueue {
explicit StartPosQueue(int bits)
: mask_((1u << bits) - 1), q_(1 << bits), idx_(0) {}
void Clear() {
idx_ = 0;
void Push(size_t pos, double costdiff) {
if (costdiff == kInfinity) {
// We can't start a command from an unreachable start position.
// E.g. position 1 in a stream is always unreachable, because all commands
// have a copy of at least length 2.
size_t offset = -idx_ & mask_;
size_t len = size();
q_[offset] = std::make_pair(pos, costdiff);
/* Restore the sorted order. In the list of |len| items at most |len - 1|
adjacent element comparisons / swaps are required. */
for (size_t i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
if (q_[offset & mask_].second > q_[(offset + 1) & mask_].second) {
std::swap(q_[offset & mask_], q_[(offset + 1) & mask_]);
size_t size() const { return std::min(idx_, mask_ + 1); }
size_t GetStartPos(size_t k) const {
return q_[(k + 1 - idx_) & mask_].first;
const size_t mask_;
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, double> > q_;
size_t idx_;
// Returns the minimum possible copy length that can improve the cost of any
// future position.
size_t ComputeMinimumCopyLength(const StartPosQueue& queue,
const std::vector<ZopfliNode>& nodes,
const ZopfliCostModel& model,
size_t pos,
double min_cost_cmd) {
// Compute the minimum possible cost of reaching any future position.
const size_t start0 = queue.GetStartPos(0);
double min_cost = (nodes[start0].cost +
model.GetLiteralCosts(start0, pos) +
size_t len = 2;
size_t next_len_bucket = 4;
size_t next_len_offset = 10;
while (pos + len < nodes.size() && nodes[pos + len].cost <= min_cost) {
// We already reached (pos + len) with no more cost than the minimum
// possible cost of reaching anything from this pos, so there is no point in
// looking for lengths <= len.
if (len == next_len_offset) {
// We reached the next copy length code bucket, so we add one more
// extra bit to the minimum cost.
min_cost += 1.0;
next_len_offset += next_len_bucket;
next_len_bucket *= 2;
return len;
void ZopfliIterate(size_t num_bytes,
size_t position,
const uint8_t* ringbuffer,
size_t ringbuffer_mask,
const size_t max_backward_limit,
const ZopfliCostModel& model,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& num_matches,
const std::vector<BackwardMatch>& matches,
int* dist_cache,
size_t* last_insert_len,
Command* commands,
size_t* num_commands,
size_t* num_literals) {
const Command * const orig_commands = commands;
std::vector<ZopfliNode> nodes(num_bytes + 1);
nodes[0].length = 0;
nodes[0].cost = 0;
memcpy(nodes[0].distance_cache, dist_cache, 4 * sizeof(dist_cache[0]));
StartPosQueue queue(3);
const double min_cost_cmd = model.GetMinCostCmd();
size_t cur_match_pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i + 3 < num_bytes; i++) {
size_t cur_ix = position + i;
size_t cur_ix_masked = cur_ix & ringbuffer_mask;
size_t max_distance = std::min(cur_ix, max_backward_limit);
size_t max_length = num_bytes - i;
queue.Push(i, nodes[i].cost - model.GetLiteralCosts(0, i));
const size_t min_len = ComputeMinimumCopyLength(queue, nodes, model,
i, min_cost_cmd);
// Go over the command starting positions in order of increasing cost
// difference.
for (size_t k = 0; k < 5 && k < queue.size(); ++k) {
const size_t start = queue.GetStartPos(k);
const double start_costdiff =
nodes[start].cost - model.GetLiteralCosts(0, start);
const int* dist_cache2 = &nodes[start].distance_cache[0];
// Look for last distance matches using the distance cache from this
// starting position.
size_t best_len = min_len - 1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumDistanceShortCodes; ++j) {
const size_t idx = kDistanceCacheIndex[j];
const size_t backward =
static_cast<size_t>(dist_cache2[idx] + kDistanceCacheOffset[j]);
size_t prev_ix = cur_ix - backward;
if (prev_ix >= cur_ix) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(backward > max_distance)) {
prev_ix &= ringbuffer_mask;
if (cur_ix_masked + best_len > ringbuffer_mask ||
prev_ix + best_len > ringbuffer_mask ||
ringbuffer[cur_ix_masked + best_len] !=
ringbuffer[prev_ix + best_len]) {
const size_t len =
for (size_t l = best_len + 1; l <= len; ++l) {
const size_t inslen = i - start;
double cmd_cost = model.GetCommandCost(j, l, inslen);
double cost = start_costdiff + cmd_cost + model.GetLiteralCosts(0, i);
if (cost < nodes[i + l].cost) {
UpdateZopfliNode(&nodes[0], i, start, l, l, backward, j,
max_distance, dist_cache2, cost);
best_len = l;
// At higher iterations look only for new last distance matches, since
// looking only for new command start positions with the same distances
// does not help much.
if (k >= 2) continue;
// Loop through all possible copy lengths at this position.
size_t len = min_len;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_matches[i]; ++j) {
BackwardMatch match = matches[cur_match_pos + j];
size_t dist = match.distance;
bool is_dictionary_match = dist > max_distance;
// We already tried all possible last distance matches, so we can use
// normal distance code here.
size_t dist_code = dist + 15;
// Try all copy lengths up until the maximum copy length corresponding
// to this distance. If the distance refers to the static dictionary, or
// the maximum length is long enough, try only one maximum length.
size_t max_len = match.length();
if (len < max_len && (is_dictionary_match || max_len > kMaxZopfliLen)) {
len = max_len;
for (; len <= max_len; ++len) {
size_t len_code = is_dictionary_match ? match.length_code() : len;
const size_t inslen = i - start;
double cmd_cost = model.GetCommandCost(dist_code, len_code, inslen);
double cost = start_costdiff + cmd_cost + model.GetLiteralCosts(0, i);
if (cost < nodes[i + len].cost) {
UpdateZopfliNode(&nodes[0], i, start, len, len_code, dist,
dist_code, max_distance, dist_cache2, cost);
cur_match_pos += num_matches[i];
// The zopflification can be too slow in case of very long lengths, so in
// such case skip it all, it does not cost a lot of compression ratio.
if (num_matches[i] == 1 &&
matches[cur_match_pos - 1].length() > kMaxZopfliLen) {
i += matches[cur_match_pos - 1].length() - 1;
std::vector<uint32_t> backwards;
size_t index = num_bytes;
while (nodes[index].cost == kInfinity) --index;
while (index != 0) {
size_t len = nodes[index].length + nodes[index].insert_length;
index -= len;
std::vector<uint32_t> path;
for (size_t i = backwards.size(); i > 0; i--) {
path.push_back(backwards[i - 1]);
size_t pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
const ZopfliNode& next = nodes[pos + path[i]];
size_t copy_length = next.length;
size_t insert_length = next.insert_length;
pos += insert_length;
if (i == 0) {
insert_length += *last_insert_len;
*last_insert_len = 0;
size_t distance = next.distance;
size_t len_code = next.length_code;
size_t max_distance = std::min(position + pos, max_backward_limit);
bool is_dictionary = (distance > max_distance);
size_t dist_code = next.distance_code;
Command cmd(insert_length, copy_length, len_code, dist_code);
*commands++ = cmd;
if (!is_dictionary && dist_code > 0) {
dist_cache[3] = dist_cache[2];
dist_cache[2] = dist_cache[1];
dist_cache[1] = dist_cache[0];
dist_cache[0] = static_cast<int>(distance);
*num_literals += insert_length;
insert_length = 0;
pos += copy_length;
*last_insert_len += num_bytes - pos;
*num_commands += static_cast<size_t>(commands - orig_commands);
template<typename Hasher>
void CreateBackwardReferences(size_t num_bytes,
size_t position,
bool is_last,
const uint8_t* ringbuffer,
size_t ringbuffer_mask,
const size_t max_backward_limit,
const int quality,
Hasher* hasher,
int* dist_cache,
size_t* last_insert_len,
Command* commands,
size_t* num_commands,
size_t* num_literals) {
// Choose which init method is faster.
// memset is about 100 times faster than hasher->InitForData().
const size_t kMaxBytesForPartialHashInit = Hasher::kHashMapSize >> 7;
if (position == 0 && is_last && num_bytes <= kMaxBytesForPartialHashInit) {
hasher->InitForData(ringbuffer, num_bytes);
} else {
if (num_bytes >= 3 && position >= 3) {
// Prepare the hashes for three last bytes of the last write.
// These could not be calculated before, since they require knowledge
// of both the previous and the current block.
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[(position - 3) & ringbuffer_mask],
static_cast<uint32_t>(position - 3));
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[(position - 2) & ringbuffer_mask],
static_cast<uint32_t>(position - 2));
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[(position - 1) & ringbuffer_mask],
static_cast<uint32_t>(position - 1));
const Command * const orig_commands = commands;
size_t insert_length = *last_insert_len;
size_t i = position & ringbuffer_mask;
const size_t i_diff = position - i;
const size_t i_end = i + num_bytes;
// For speed up heuristics for random data.
const size_t random_heuristics_window_size = quality < 9 ? 64 : 512;
size_t apply_random_heuristics = i + random_heuristics_window_size;
// Minimum score to accept a backward reference.
const int kMinScore = 4.0;
while (i + Hasher::kHashTypeLength - 1 < i_end) {
size_t max_length = i_end - i;
size_t max_distance = std::min(i + i_diff, max_backward_limit);
size_t best_len = 0;
size_t best_len_code = 0;
size_t best_dist = 0;
double best_score = kMinScore;
bool match_found = hasher->FindLongestMatch(
ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
dist_cache, static_cast<uint32_t>(i + i_diff), max_length, max_distance,
&best_len, &best_len_code, &best_dist, &best_score);
if (match_found) {
// Found a match. Let's look for something even better ahead.
int delayed_backward_references_in_row = 0;
for (;;) {
size_t best_len_2 =
quality < 5 ? std::min(best_len - 1, max_length) : 0;
size_t best_len_code_2 = 0;
size_t best_dist_2 = 0;
double best_score_2 = kMinScore;
max_distance = std::min(i + i_diff + 1, max_backward_limit);
hasher->Store(ringbuffer + i, static_cast<uint32_t>(i + i_diff));
match_found = hasher->FindLongestMatch(
ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
dist_cache, static_cast<uint32_t>(i + i_diff + 1),
max_length, max_distance,
&best_len_2, &best_len_code_2, &best_dist_2, &best_score_2);
double cost_diff_lazy = 7.0;
if (match_found && best_score_2 >= best_score + cost_diff_lazy) {
// Ok, let's just write one byte for now and start a match from the
// next byte.
best_len = best_len_2;
best_len_code = best_len_code_2;
best_dist = best_dist_2;
best_score = best_score_2;
if (++delayed_backward_references_in_row < 4) {
apply_random_heuristics =
i + 2 * best_len + random_heuristics_window_size;
max_distance = std::min(i + i_diff, max_backward_limit);
// The first 16 codes are special shortcodes, and the minimum offset is 1.
size_t distance_code =
ComputeDistanceCode(best_dist, max_distance, quality, dist_cache);
if (best_dist <= max_distance && distance_code > 0) {
dist_cache[3] = dist_cache[2];
dist_cache[2] = dist_cache[1];
dist_cache[1] = dist_cache[0];
dist_cache[0] = static_cast<int>(best_dist);
Command cmd(insert_length, best_len, best_len_code, distance_code);
*commands++ = cmd;
*num_literals += insert_length;
insert_length = 0;
// Put the hash keys into the table, if there are enough
// bytes left.
for (size_t j = 1; j < best_len; ++j) {
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[i + j],
static_cast<uint32_t>(i + i_diff + j));
i += best_len;
} else {
hasher->Store(ringbuffer + i, static_cast<uint32_t>(i + i_diff));
// If we have not seen matches for a long time, we can skip some
// match lookups. Unsuccessful match lookups are very very expensive
// and this kind of a heuristic speeds up compression quite
// a lot.
if (i > apply_random_heuristics) {
// Going through uncompressible data, jump.
if (i > apply_random_heuristics + 4 * random_heuristics_window_size) {
// It is quite a long time since we saw a copy, so we assume
// that this data is not compressible, and store hashes less
// often. Hashes of non compressible data are less likely to
// turn out to be useful in the future, too, so we store less of
// them to not to flood out the hash table of good compressible
// data.
size_t i_jump = std::min(i + 16, i_end - 4);
for (; i < i_jump; i += 4) {
hasher->Store(ringbuffer + i, static_cast<uint32_t>(i + i_diff));
insert_length += 4;
} else {
size_t i_jump = std::min(i + 8, i_end - 3);
for (; i < i_jump; i += 2) {
hasher->Store(ringbuffer + i, static_cast<uint32_t>(i + i_diff));
insert_length += 2;
insert_length += i_end - i;
*last_insert_len = insert_length;
*num_commands += static_cast<size_t>(commands - orig_commands);
void CreateBackwardReferences(size_t num_bytes,
size_t position,
bool is_last,
const uint8_t* ringbuffer,
size_t ringbuffer_mask,
const size_t max_backward_limit,
const int quality,
Hashers* hashers,
int hash_type,
int* dist_cache,
size_t* last_insert_len,
Command* commands,
size_t* num_commands,
size_t* num_literals) {
bool zopflify = quality > 9;
if (zopflify) {
Hashers::H9* hasher = hashers->hash_h9;
if (num_bytes >= 3 && position >= 3) {
// Prepare the hashes for three last bytes of the last write.
// These could not be calculated before, since they require knowledge
// of both the previous and the current block.
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[(position - 3) & ringbuffer_mask],
static_cast<uint32_t>(position - 3));
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[(position - 2) & ringbuffer_mask],
static_cast<uint32_t>(position - 2));
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[(position - 1) & ringbuffer_mask],
static_cast<uint32_t>(position - 1));
std::vector<uint32_t> num_matches(num_bytes);
std::vector<BackwardMatch> matches(3 * num_bytes);
size_t cur_match_pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i + 3 < num_bytes; ++i) {
size_t max_distance = std::min(position + i, max_backward_limit);
size_t max_length = num_bytes - i;
// Ensure that we have at least kMaxZopfliLen free slots.
if (matches.size() < cur_match_pos + kMaxZopfliLen) {
matches.resize(cur_match_pos + kMaxZopfliLen);
size_t num_found_matches = hasher->FindAllMatches(
ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position + i, max_length, max_distance,
num_matches[i] = static_cast<uint32_t>(num_found_matches);
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[(position + i) & ringbuffer_mask],
static_cast<uint32_t>(position + i));
cur_match_pos += num_found_matches;
if (num_found_matches == 1) {
const size_t match_len = matches[cur_match_pos - 1].length();
if (match_len > kMaxZopfliLen) {
for (size_t j = 1; j < match_len; ++j) {
hasher->Store(&ringbuffer[(position + i) & ringbuffer_mask],
static_cast<uint32_t>(position + i));
num_matches[i] = 0;
size_t orig_num_literals = *num_literals;
size_t orig_last_insert_len = *last_insert_len;
int orig_dist_cache[4] = {
dist_cache[0], dist_cache[1], dist_cache[2], dist_cache[3]
size_t orig_num_commands = *num_commands;
static const size_t kIterations = 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kIterations; i++) {
ZopfliCostModel model;
if (i == 0) {
model.SetFromLiteralCosts(num_bytes, position,
ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask);
} else {
model.SetFromCommands(num_bytes, position,
ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
commands, *num_commands - orig_num_commands,
*num_commands = orig_num_commands;
*num_literals = orig_num_literals;
*last_insert_len = orig_last_insert_len;
memcpy(dist_cache, orig_dist_cache, 4 * sizeof(dist_cache[0]));
ZopfliIterate(num_bytes, position, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, model, num_matches, matches, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
switch (hash_type) {
case 2:
num_bytes, position, is_last, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, quality, hashers->hash_h2, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
case 3:
num_bytes, position, is_last, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, quality, hashers->hash_h3, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
case 4:
num_bytes, position, is_last, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, quality, hashers->hash_h4, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
case 5:
num_bytes, position, is_last, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, quality, hashers->hash_h5, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
case 6:
num_bytes, position, is_last, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, quality, hashers->hash_h6, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
case 7:
num_bytes, position, is_last, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, quality, hashers->hash_h7, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
case 8:
num_bytes, position, is_last, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, quality, hashers->hash_h8, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
case 9:
num_bytes, position, is_last, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask,
max_backward_limit, quality, hashers->hash_h9, dist_cache,
last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);
} // namespace brotli