2016-10-05 23:31:48 +00:00
IF NOT EXIST bin mkdir bin
IF NOT EXIST bin\openvr_api.dll copy examples\ThirdPartyLibs\openvr\bin\win32\openvr_api.dll bin
2017-02-22 23:50:09 +00:00
IF NOT EXIST bin\openvr64pi.dll copy examples\ThirdPartyLibs\openvr\bin\win64\openvr_api.dll bin\openvr64pi.dll
#aargh, see https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/issues/412
2016-10-05 23:31:48 +00:00
2016-10-19 14:42:55 +00:00
#find a python version (hopefully just 1) and use this
dir c:\python* /b /ad > tmp1234.txt
set /p myvar1= < tmp1234.txt
set myvar=c:/%myvar1%
del tmp1234.txt
Thanks to @dchichkov for some of the fixes in the eglRendererPlugin!
Rename tinyRenderer -> eglRenderer in the eglRendererPlugin.
Allow to run the eglRendererPlugin to run on Windows (not in EGL mode but Win32OpenGLWindow mode)
Here is a script I tested on Windows:
mport pybullet as p
import time
plugin = p.loadPlugin("e:/develop/bullet3/bin/pybullet_eglRendererPlugin_vs2010_x64_debug.dll","_eglRendererPlugin")
pixelWidth = 320
pixelHeight = 220
while (1):
viewMatrix = [1.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.1736481785774231, -0.9848078489303589, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9848078489303589, 0.1736481785774231, 0.0, -0.0, -5.960464477539063e-08, -4.0, 1.0]
projectionMatrix = [1.0825318098068237, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.732050895690918, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0002000331878662, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.020002000033855438, 0.0]
#img_arr = p.getCameraImage(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, viewMatrix,projectionMatrix, shadow=1,lightDirection=[1,1,1])#,renderer=pybullet.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL)
img_arr = p.getCameraImage(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, shadow=1,lightDirection=[1,1,1])#,renderer=pybullet.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL)
2018-09-09 20:37:49 +00:00
rem you can also override and hardcode the Python path like this (just remove the # hashmark in next line)
rem SET myvar=c:\python-3.5.2
2016-10-19 14:42:55 +00:00
2016-10-05 23:31:48 +00:00
cd build3
2017-10-25 17:00:45 +00:00
2020-10-07 15:42:32 +00:00
premake4 --double --enable_stable_pd --enable_multithreading --midi --enable_static_vr_plugin --enable_openvr --enable_pybullet --python_include_dir="%myvar%/include" --python_lib_dir="%myvar%/libs" --targetdir="../bin" vs2010
2017-05-02 05:37:45 +00:00
Thanks to @dchichkov for some of the fixes in the eglRendererPlugin!
Rename tinyRenderer -> eglRenderer in the eglRendererPlugin.
Allow to run the eglRendererPlugin to run on Windows (not in EGL mode but Win32OpenGLWindow mode)
Here is a script I tested on Windows:
mport pybullet as p
import time
plugin = p.loadPlugin("e:/develop/bullet3/bin/pybullet_eglRendererPlugin_vs2010_x64_debug.dll","_eglRendererPlugin")
pixelWidth = 320
pixelHeight = 220
while (1):
viewMatrix = [1.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.1736481785774231, -0.9848078489303589, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9848078489303589, 0.1736481785774231, 0.0, -0.0, -5.960464477539063e-08, -4.0, 1.0]
projectionMatrix = [1.0825318098068237, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.732050895690918, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0002000331878662, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.020002000033855438, 0.0]
#img_arr = p.getCameraImage(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, viewMatrix,projectionMatrix, shadow=1,lightDirection=[1,1,1])#,renderer=pybullet.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL)
img_arr = p.getCameraImage(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, shadow=1,lightDirection=[1,1,1])#,renderer=pybullet.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL)
2018-09-09 20:37:49 +00:00
rem premake4 --double --enable_multithreading --midi --enable_static_vr_plugin --enable_openvr --enable_pybullet --python_include_dir="%myvar%/include" --python_lib_dir="%myvar%/libs" --targetdir="../binserver" vs2010
rem premake4 --double --enable_grpc --enable_multithreading --midi --enable_static_vr_plugin --enable_openvr --enable_pybullet --python_include_dir="%myvar%/include" --python_lib_dir="%myvar%/libs" --targetdir="../binserver" vs2010
rem premake4 --serial --audio --double --midi --enable_openvr --enable_pybullet --python_include_dir="%myvar%/include" --python_lib_dir="%myvar%/libs" --targetdir="../bin" vs2010
2017-05-02 05:37:45 +00:00
2016-10-05 23:31:48 +00:00
start vs2010
2016-10-19 14:42:55 +00:00