2016-07-25 05:22:42 +00:00
#include "InverseKinematicsExample.h"
#include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonGraphicsAppInterface.h"
#include "Bullet3Common/b3Quaternion.h"
#include "Bullet3Common/b3Transform.h"
#include "Bullet3Common/b3AlignedObjectArray.h"
#include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonRenderInterface.h"
#include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonExampleInterface.h"
#include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonGUIHelperInterface.h"
#include "../OpenGLWindow/OpenGLInclude.h"
#include "BussIK/Node.h"
#include "BussIK/Tree.h"
#include "BussIK/Jacobian.h"
#include "BussIK/VectorRn.h"
#define RADIAN(X) ((X)*RadiansToDegrees)
#define MAX_NUM_NODE 1000
#define MAX_NUM_THETA 1000
#define MAX_NUM_EFFECT 100
double T = 0;
2016-08-30 21:44:11 +00:00
VectorR3 targetaa[MAX_NUM_EFFECT];
2016-07-25 05:22:42 +00:00
// Make slowdown factor larger to make the simulation take larger, less frequent steps
// Make the constant factor in Tstep larger to make time pass more quickly
//const int SlowdownFactor = 40;
const int SlowdownFactor = 0; // Make higher to take larger steps less frequently
const int SleepsPerStep=SlowdownFactor;
int SleepCounter=0;
//const double Tstep = 0.0005*(double)SlowdownFactor; // Time step
int AxesList; /* list to hold the axes */
int AxesOn; /* ON or OFF */
float Scale, Scale2; /* scaling factors */
int JointLimitsOn;
int RestPositionOn;
int UseJacobianTargets1;
int numIteration = 1;
double error = 0.0;
double errorDLS = 0.0;
double errorSDLS = 0.0;
double sumError = 0.0;
double sumErrorDLS = 0.0;
double sumErrorSDLS = 0.0;
#ifdef _DYNAMIC
bool initMaxDist = true;
extern double Excess[];
extern double dsnorm[];
void Reset(Tree &tree, Jacobian* m_ikJacobian)
AxesOn = false;
Scale = 1.0;
Scale2 = 0.0; /* because add 1. to it in Display() */
JointLimitsOn = true;
RestPositionOn = false;
UseJacobianTargets1 = false;
// Update target positions
void UpdateTargets( double T2, Tree & treeY) {
2016-07-26 22:36:21 +00:00
double T = T2 / 5.;
2016-08-30 21:44:11 +00:00
targetaa[0].Set(0.6*b3Sin(0), 0.6*b3Cos(0), 0.5+0.4*b3Sin(3 * T));
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// Does a single update (on one kind of tree)
void DoUpdateStep(double Tstep, Tree & treeY, Jacobian *jacob, int ikMethod) {
if ( SleepCounter==0 ) {
T += Tstep;
UpdateTargets( T , treeY);
if ( UseJacobianTargets1 ) {
else {
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jacob->ComputeJacobian(targetaa); // Set up Jacobian and deltaS vectors
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// Calculate the change in theta values
switch (ikMethod) {
jacob->CalcDeltaThetasTranspose(); // Jacobian transpose method
case IK_DLS:
jacob->CalcDeltaThetasDLS(); // Damped least squares method
2016-07-25 06:50:18 +00:00
case IK_DLS_SVD:
2016-07-25 05:22:42 +00:00
jacob->CalcDeltaThetasPseudoinverse(); // Pure pseudoinverse method
case IK_SDLS:
jacob->CalcDeltaThetasSDLS(); // Selectively damped least squares method
if ( SleepCounter==0 ) {
jacob->UpdateThetas(); // Apply the change in the theta values
2016-08-30 21:44:11 +00:00
2016-07-25 05:22:42 +00:00
SleepCounter = SleepsPerStep;
else {
///quick demo showing the right-handed coordinate system and positive rotations around each axis
class InverseKinematicsExample : public CommonExampleInterface
CommonGraphicsApp* m_app;
int m_ikMethod;
Tree m_ikTree;
b3AlignedObjectArray<Node*> m_ikNodes;
Jacobian* m_ikJacobian;
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b3AlignedObjectArray<int> m_movingInstances;
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int m_targetInstance;
numCubesX = 20,
numCubesY = 20
InverseKinematicsExample(CommonGraphicsApp* app, int option)
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2016-07-25 05:22:42 +00:00
b3Vector3 extents=b3MakeVector3(100,100,100);
int xres = 20;
int yres = 20;
b3Vector4 color0=b3MakeVector4(0.4, 0.4, 0.4,1);
b3Vector4 color1=b3MakeVector4(0.6, 0.6, 0.6,1);
m_app->registerGrid(xres, yres, color0, color1);
///create some graphics proxy for the tracking target
///the endeffector tries to track it using Inverse Kinematics
int sphereId = m_app->registerGraphicsUnitSphereShape(SPHERE_LOD_MEDIUM);
b3Vector3 pos = b3MakeVector3(1,1,1);
pos[app->getUpAxis()] = 1;
b3Quaternion orn(0, 0, 0, 1);
b3Vector4 color = b3MakeVector4(1., 0.3, 0.3, 1);
b3Vector3 scaling = b3MakeVector3(.02, .02, .02);
m_targetInstance = m_app->m_renderer->registerGraphicsInstance(sphereId, pos, orn, color, scaling);
virtual ~InverseKinematicsExample()
virtual void physicsDebugDraw(int debugDrawMode)
virtual void initPhysics()
m_ikJacobian = new Jacobian(&m_ikTree);
virtual void exitPhysics()
delete m_ikJacobian;
m_ikJacobian = 0;
void BuildKukaIIWAShape();
void getLocalTransform(const Node* node, b3Transform& act)
b3Vector3 axis = b3MakeVector3(node->v.x, node->v.y, node->v.z);
b3Quaternion rot(0, 0, 0, 1);
if (axis.length())
rot = b3Quaternion (axis, node->theta);
act.setOrigin(b3MakeVector3(node->r.x, node->r.y, node->r.z));
void MyDrawTree(Node* node, const b3Transform& tr)
b3Vector3 lineColor = b3MakeVector3(0, 0, 0);
int lineWidth = 2;
if (node != 0) {
// glPushMatrix();
b3Vector3 pos = b3MakeVector3(tr.getOrigin().x, tr.getOrigin().y, tr.getOrigin().z);
b3Vector3 color = b3MakeVector3(0, 1, 0);
int pointSize = 10;
m_app->m_renderer->drawPoint(pos, color, pointSize);
m_app->m_renderer->drawLine(pos, pos+ 0.05*tr.getBasis().getColumn(0), b3MakeVector3(1,0,0), lineWidth);
m_app->m_renderer->drawLine(pos, pos + 0.05*tr.getBasis().getColumn(1), b3MakeVector3(0, 1, 0), lineWidth);
m_app->m_renderer->drawLine(pos, pos + 0.05*tr.getBasis().getColumn(2), b3MakeVector3(0, 0, 1), lineWidth);
b3Vector3 axisLocal = b3MakeVector3(node->v.x, node->v.y, node->v.z);
b3Vector3 axisWorld = tr.getBasis()*axisLocal;
m_app->m_renderer->drawLine(pos, pos + 0.1*axisWorld, b3MakeVector3(.2, 0.2, 0.7), 5);
//node->DrawNode(node == root); // Recursively draw node and update ModelView matrix
if (node->left) {
b3Transform act;
getLocalTransform(node->left, act);
b3Transform trl = tr*act;
m_app->m_renderer->drawLine(tr.getOrigin(), trl.getOrigin(), lineColor, lineWidth);
MyDrawTree(node->left, trl); // Draw tree of children recursively
// glPopMatrix();
if (node->right) {
b3Transform act;
getLocalTransform(node->right, act);
b3Transform trr = tr*act;
m_app->m_renderer->drawLine(tr.getOrigin(), trr.getOrigin(), lineColor, lineWidth);
MyDrawTree(node->right,trr); // Draw right siblings recursively
virtual void stepSimulation(float deltaTime)
DoUpdateStep(deltaTime, m_ikTree, m_ikJacobian, m_ikMethod);
virtual void renderScene()
b3Transform act;
getLocalTransform(m_ikTree.GetRoot(), act);
MyDrawTree(m_ikTree.GetRoot(), act);
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b3Vector3 pos = b3MakeVector3(targetaa[0].x, targetaa[0].y, targetaa[0].z);
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b3Quaternion orn(0, 0, 0, 1);
m_app->m_renderer->writeSingleInstanceTransformToCPU(pos, orn, m_targetInstance);
virtual void physicsDebugDraw()
virtual bool mouseMoveCallback(float x,float y)
return false;
virtual bool mouseButtonCallback(int button, int state, float x, float y)
return false;
virtual bool keyboardCallback(int key, int state)
return false;
virtual void resetCamera()
float dist = 1.3;
float pitch = 120;
float yaw = 13;
float targetPos[3]={-0.35,0.14,0.25};
if (m_app->m_renderer && m_app->m_renderer->getActiveCamera())
void InverseKinematicsExample::BuildKukaIIWAShape()
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//const VectorR3& unitx = VectorR3::UnitX;
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const VectorR3& unity = VectorR3::UnitY;
const VectorR3& unitz = VectorR3::UnitZ;
const VectorR3 unit1(sqrt(14.0) / 8.0, 1.0 / 8.0, 7.0 / 8.0);
const VectorR3& zero = VectorR3::Zero;
float minTheta = -4 * PI;
float maxTheta = 4 * PI;
m_ikNodes.resize(8);//7DOF+additional endeffector
m_ikNodes[0] = new Node(VectorR3(0.100000, 0.000000, 0.087500), unitz, 0.08, JOINT, -1e30, 1e30, RADIAN(0.));
m_ikNodes[1] = new Node(VectorR3(0.100000, -0.000000, 0.290000), unity, 0.08, JOINT, -0.5, 0.4, RADIAN(0.));
m_ikTree.InsertLeftChild(m_ikNodes[0], m_ikNodes[1]);
m_ikNodes[2] = new Node(VectorR3(0.100000, -0.000000, 0.494500), unitz, 0.08, JOINT, minTheta, maxTheta, RADIAN(0.));
m_ikTree.InsertLeftChild(m_ikNodes[1], m_ikNodes[2]);
m_ikNodes[3] = new Node(VectorR3(0.100000, 0.000000, 0.710000), -unity, 0.08, JOINT, minTheta, maxTheta, RADIAN(0.));
m_ikTree.InsertLeftChild(m_ikNodes[2], m_ikNodes[3]);
m_ikNodes[4] = new Node(VectorR3(0.100000, 0.000000, 0.894500), unitz, 0.08, JOINT, minTheta, maxTheta, RADIAN(0.));
m_ikTree.InsertLeftChild(m_ikNodes[3], m_ikNodes[4]);
m_ikNodes[5] = new Node(VectorR3(0.100000, 0.000000, 1.110000), unity, 0.08, JOINT, minTheta, maxTheta, RADIAN(0.));
m_ikTree.InsertLeftChild(m_ikNodes[4], m_ikNodes[5]);
m_ikNodes[6] = new Node(VectorR3(0.100000, 0.000000, 1.191000), unitz, 0.08, JOINT, minTheta, maxTheta, RADIAN(0.));
m_ikTree.InsertLeftChild(m_ikNodes[5], m_ikNodes[6]);
m_ikNodes[7] = new Node(VectorR3(0.100000, 0.000000, 1.20000), zero, 0.08, EFFECTOR);
m_ikTree.InsertLeftChild(m_ikNodes[6], m_ikNodes[7]);
class CommonExampleInterface* InverseKinematicsExampleCreateFunc(struct CommonExampleOptions& options)
return new InverseKinematicsExample(options.m_guiHelper->getAppInterface(), options.m_option);