Bullet 3.x only implements a small set of collision shapes and constraints:
Static plane
Static concave triangle mesh
Convex Polyhedron
Compound of Convex Polyhedra
Bullet 3.x uses the separating axis test (SAT) between convex polyhedra, testing all vertex - face and edge - edge combinations. For performance it is best to keep the number of edges in a convex polyhedron low, using simple shapes such as a tetrahedron or a box.
The constraint solver currently supports two constraints:
point to point constraint (ball-socket
fixed constraint
It can be extended to other constraint types. The constraint solver uses the same algorithm as Bullet 2.x.
It is possibly to try out Bullet 3.x using the Bullet 2.x API, using the b3GpuDynamicsWorld bridge:
Copy the source code of both versions in the same location, and click on build3/vs2010_bullet2gpu.bat to generate Visual Studio project files.