This commit is contained in:
erwincoumans 2017-09-24 11:41:46 -07:00
commit 4ff22a710c
9 changed files with 248 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -449,7 +449,11 @@ configure_file ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/
OPTION(INSTALL_CMAKE_FILES "Install generated CMake files" ON)
install ( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/UseBullet.cmake

View File

@ -988,7 +988,8 @@ bool b3RobotSimulatorClientAPI::getBodyJacobian(int bodyUniqueId, int linkIndex,
if (b3GetStatusType(statusHandle) == CMD_CALCULATED_JACOBIAN_COMPLETED)
b3GetStatusJacobian(statusHandle, linearJacobian, angularJacobian);
int dofCount;
b3GetStatusJacobian(statusHandle, &dofCount, linearJacobian, angularJacobian);
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -3310,13 +3310,17 @@ B3_SHARED_API b3SharedMemoryCommandHandle b3CalculateJacobianCommandInit(b3Physi
B3_SHARED_API int b3GetStatusJacobian(b3SharedMemoryStatusHandle statusHandle, double* linearJacobian, double* angularJacobian)
B3_SHARED_API int b3GetStatusJacobian(b3SharedMemoryStatusHandle statusHandle, int* dofCount, double* linearJacobian, double* angularJacobian)
const SharedMemoryStatus* status = (const SharedMemoryStatus*)statusHandle;
btAssert(status->m_type == CMD_CALCULATED_JACOBIAN_COMPLETED);
return false;
if (dofCount)
*dofCount = status->m_jacobianResultArgs.m_dofCount;
if (linearJacobian)
for (int i = 0; i < status->m_jacobianResultArgs.m_dofCount*3; i++)

View File

@ -316,7 +316,10 @@ B3_SHARED_API int b3GetStatusInverseDynamicsJointForces(b3SharedMemoryStatusHand
B3_SHARED_API b3SharedMemoryCommandHandle b3CalculateJacobianCommandInit(b3PhysicsClientHandle physClient, int bodyIndex, int linkIndex, const double* localPosition, const double* jointPositionsQ, const double* jointVelocitiesQdot, const double* jointAccelerations);
B3_SHARED_API int b3GetStatusJacobian(b3SharedMemoryStatusHandle statusHandle, double* linearJacobian, double* angularJacobian);
B3_SHARED_API int b3GetStatusJacobian(b3SharedMemoryStatusHandle statusHandle,
int* dofCount,
double* linearJacobian,
double* angularJacobian);
///compute the joint positions to move the end effector to a desired target using inverse kinematics
B3_SHARED_API b3SharedMemoryCommandHandle b3CalculateInverseKinematicsCommandInit(b3PhysicsClientHandle physClient, int bodyIndex);

View File

@ -6618,9 +6618,12 @@ bool PhysicsServerCommandProcessor::processCommand(const struct SharedMemoryComm
if (tree)
int baseDofs = bodyHandle->m_multiBody->hasFixedBase() ? 0 : 6;
const int num_dofs = bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getNumDofs();
btInverseDynamics::vecx nu(num_dofs+baseDofs), qdot(num_dofs + baseDofs), q(num_dofs + baseDofs), joint_force(num_dofs + baseDofs);
for (int i = 0; i < num_dofs; i++)
const int numDofs = bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getNumDofs();
btInverseDynamics::vecx q(numDofs + baseDofs);
btInverseDynamics::vecx qdot(numDofs + baseDofs);
btInverseDynamics::vecx nu(numDofs + baseDofs);
btInverseDynamics::vecx joint_force(numDofs + baseDofs);
for (int i = 0; i < numDofs; i++)
q[i + baseDofs] = clientCmd.m_calculateJacobianArguments.m_jointPositionsQ[i];
qdot[i + baseDofs] = clientCmd.m_calculateJacobianArguments.m_jointVelocitiesQdot[i];
@ -6628,20 +6631,24 @@ bool PhysicsServerCommandProcessor::processCommand(const struct SharedMemoryComm
// Set the gravity to correspond to the world gravity
btInverseDynamics::vec3 id_grav(m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getGravity());
if (-1 != tree->setGravityInWorldFrame(id_grav) &&
-1 != tree->calculateInverseDynamics(q, qdot, nu, &joint_force))
serverCmd.m_jacobianResultArgs.m_dofCount = num_dofs;
serverCmd.m_jacobianResultArgs.m_dofCount = numDofs + baseDofs;
// Set jacobian value
btInverseDynamics::mat3x jac_t(3, num_dofs);
btInverseDynamics::mat3x jac_t(3, numDofs + baseDofs);
btInverseDynamics::mat3x jac_r(3, numDofs + baseDofs);
// Note that inverse dynamics uses zero-based indexing of bodies, not starting from -1 for the base link.
tree->getBodyJacobianTrans(clientCmd.m_calculateJacobianArguments.m_linkIndex + 1, &jac_t);
tree->getBodyJacobianRot(clientCmd.m_calculateJacobianArguments.m_linkIndex + 1, &jac_r);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < num_dofs; ++j)
for (int j = 0; j < (numDofs + baseDofs); ++j)
serverCmd.m_jacobianResultArgs.m_linearJacobian[i*num_dofs+j] = jac_t(i,j);
int element = (numDofs + baseDofs) * i + j;
serverCmd.m_jacobianResultArgs.m_linearJacobian[element] = jac_t(i,j);
serverCmd.m_jacobianResultArgs.m_angularJacobian[element] = jac_r(i,j);

View File

@ -6956,8 +6956,7 @@ static PyObject* pybullet_calculateInverseKinematics(PyObject* self,
/// Given an object id, joint positions, joint velocities and joint
/// accelerations,
/// compute the joint forces using Inverse Dynamics
static PyObject* pybullet_calculateInverseDynamics(PyObject* self,
PyObject* args, PyObject* keywds)
static PyObject* pybullet_calculateInverseDynamics(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* keywds)
int bodyUniqueId;
@ -6966,14 +6965,21 @@ static PyObject* pybullet_calculateInverseDynamics(PyObject* self,
PyObject* objAccelerations;
int physicsClientId = 0;
b3PhysicsClientHandle sm = 0;
static char* kwlist[] = {"bodyUniqueId", "objPositions", "objVelocities", "objAccelerations", "physicsClientId", NULL};
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "iOOO|i", kwlist, &bodyUniqueId, &objPositionsQ,
&objVelocitiesQdot, &objAccelerations, &physicsClientId))
static char* kwlist[] = {"bodyUniqueId", "objPositions",
"objVelocities", "objAccelerations",
"physicsClientId", NULL};
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "iOOO|i", kwlist,
&bodyUniqueId, &objPositionsQ,
&objVelocitiesQdot, &objAccelerations,
static char* kwlist2[] = {"bodyIndex", "objPositions", "objVelocities", "objAccelerations", "physicsClientId", NULL};
static char* kwlist2[] = {"bodyIndex", "objPositions",
"objVelocities", "objAccelerations",
"physicsClientId", NULL};
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "iOOO|i", kwlist2, &bodyUniqueId, &objPositionsQ,
&objVelocitiesQdot, &objAccelerations, &physicsClientId))
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "iOOO|i", kwlist2,
&bodyUniqueId, &objPositionsQ, &objVelocitiesQdot,
&objAccelerations, &physicsClientId))
return NULL;
@ -7072,6 +7078,149 @@ static PyObject* pybullet_calculateInverseDynamics(PyObject* self,
return Py_None;
/// Given an object id, joint positions, joint velocities and joint
/// accelerations, compute the Jacobian
static PyObject* pybullet_calculateJacobian(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* keywds)
int bodyUniqueId;
int linkIndex;
PyObject* localPosition;
PyObject* objPositions;
PyObject* objVelocities;
PyObject* objAccelerations;
int physicsClientId = 0;
b3PhysicsClientHandle sm = 0;
static char* kwlist[] = {"bodyUniqueId", "linkIndex", "localPosition",
"objPositions", "objVelocities",
"objAccelerations", "physicsClientId", NULL};
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "iiOOOO|i", kwlist,
&bodyUniqueId, &linkIndex, &localPosition, &objPositions,
&objVelocities, &objAccelerations, &physicsClientId))
return NULL;
sm = getPhysicsClient(physicsClientId);
if (sm == 0)
PyErr_SetString(SpamError, "Not connected to physics server.");
return NULL;
int szLoPos = PySequence_Size(localPosition);
int szObPos = PySequence_Size(objPositions);
int szObVel = PySequence_Size(objVelocities);
int szObAcc = PySequence_Size(objAccelerations);
int numJoints = b3GetNumJoints(sm, bodyUniqueId);
if (numJoints && (szLoPos == 3) && (szObPos == numJoints) &&
(szObVel == numJoints) && (szObAcc == numJoints))
int byteSizeJoints = sizeof(double) * numJoints;
int byteSizeVec3 = sizeof(double) * 3;
int i;
PyObject* pyResultList = PyTuple_New(2);
double* localPoint = (double*)malloc(byteSizeVec3);
double* jointPositions = (double*)malloc(byteSizeJoints);
double* jointVelocities = (double*)malloc(byteSizeJoints);
double* jointAccelerations = (double*)malloc(byteSizeJoints);
double* linearJacobian = (double*)malloc(3 * byteSizeJoints);
double* angularJacobian = (double*)malloc(3 * byteSizeJoints);
pybullet_internalSetVectord(localPosition, localPoint);
for (i = 0; i < numJoints; i++)
jointPositions[i] =
pybullet_internalGetFloatFromSequence(objPositions, i);
jointVelocities[i] =
pybullet_internalGetFloatFromSequence(objVelocities, i);
jointAccelerations[i] =
pybullet_internalGetFloatFromSequence(objAccelerations, i);
b3SharedMemoryStatusHandle statusHandle;
b3SharedMemoryCommandHandle commandHandle =
b3CalculateJacobianCommandInit(sm, bodyUniqueId,
linkIndex, localPoint, jointPositions,
jointVelocities, jointAccelerations);
statusHandle = b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus(sm, commandHandle);
int statusType = b3GetStatusType(statusHandle);
int dofCount;
b3GetStatusJacobian(statusHandle, &dofCount, NULL, NULL);
if (dofCount)
int byteSizeDofCount = sizeof(double) * dofCount;
double* linearJacobian = (double*)malloc(3 * byteSizeDofCount);
double* angularJacobian = (double*)malloc(3 * byteSizeDofCount);
if (linearJacobian)
int r;
PyObject* pymat = PyTuple_New(3);
for (r = 0; r < 3; ++r) {
int c;
PyObject* pyrow = PyTuple_New(dofCount);
for (c = 0; c < dofCount; ++c) {
int element = r * dofCount + c;
PyTuple_SetItem(pyrow, c,
PyTuple_SetItem(pymat, r, pyrow);
PyTuple_SetItem(pyResultList, 0, pymat);
if (angularJacobian)
int r;
PyObject* pymat = PyTuple_New(3);
for (r = 0; r < 3; ++r) {
int c;
PyObject* pyrow = PyTuple_New(dofCount);
for (c = 0; c < dofCount; ++c) {
int element = r * dofCount + c;
PyTuple_SetItem(pyrow, c,
PyTuple_SetItem(pymat, r, pyrow);
PyTuple_SetItem(pyResultList, 1, pymat);
"Internal error in calculateJacobian");
if (pyResultList) return pyResultList;
"calculateJacobian [numJoints] needs to be "
"positive, [local position] needs to be of "
"size 3 and [joint positions], "
"[joint velocities], [joint accelerations] "
"need to match the number of joints.");
return NULL;
return Py_None;
static PyMethodDef SpamMethods[] = {
@ -7111,6 +7260,8 @@ static PyMethodDef SpamMethods[] = {
"This is for experimental purposes, use at own risk, magic may or not happen"},
{"loadURDF", (PyCFunction)pybullet_loadURDF, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
"bodyUniqueId = loadURDF(fileName, basePosition=[0.,0.,0.], baseOrientation=[0.,0.,0.,1.], "
"useMaximalCoordinates=0, useFixedBase=0, flags=0, globalScaling=1.0, physicsClientId=0)\n"
"Create a multibody by loading a URDF file."},
{"loadSDF", (PyCFunction)pybullet_loadSDF, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
@ -7359,6 +7510,19 @@ static PyMethodDef SpamMethods[] = {
"Given an object id, joint positions, joint velocities and joint "
"accelerations, compute the joint forces using Inverse Dynamics"},
{"calculateJacobian", (PyCFunction)pybullet_calculateJacobian, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
"Compute the jacobian for a specified local position on a body and its kinematics.\n"
" bodyIndex - a scalar defining the unique object id.\n"
" linkIndex - a scalar identifying the link containing the local point.\n"
" localPosition - a list of [x, y, z] of the coordinates of the local point.\n"
" objPositions - a list of the joint positions.\n"
" objVelocities - a list of the joint velocities.\n"
" objAccelerations - a list of the joint accelerations.\n"
" linearJacobian - a list of the partial linear velocities of the jacobian.\n"
" angularJacobian - a list of the partial angular velocities of the jacobian.\n"},
{"calculateInverseKinematics", (PyCFunction)pybullet_calculateInverseKinematics,
"Inverse Kinematics bindings: Given an object id, "

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ idScalar maxAbsMat3x(const mat3x &m) {
void mul(const mat33 &a, const mat3x &b, mat3x *result) {
if (b.cols() != result->cols()) {
error_message("size missmatch. a.cols()= %d, b.cols()= %d\n",
error_message("size missmatch. b.cols()= %d, result->cols()= %d\n",
static_cast<int>(b.cols()), static_cast<int>(result->cols()));