Modify inverse kinematics to also support robot model with fixed joint.

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yunfeibai 2017-10-09 18:28:52 -07:00
parent 7c7b9735c4
commit 55b60e90f7

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@ -7667,14 +7667,16 @@ bool PhysicsServerCommandProcessor::processCommand(const struct SharedMemoryComm
btInverseDynamics::vecx nu(numDofs+baseDofs), qdot(numDofs + baseDofs), q(numDofs + baseDofs), joint_force(numDofs + baseDofs);
for (int i = 0; i < numDofs; i++)
q_current[i] = bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getJointPos(i);
q[i+baseDofs] = bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getJointPos(i);
qdot[i + baseDofs] = 0;
nu[i+baseDofs] = 0;
// Set the gravity to correspond to the world gravity
int DofIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getNumLinks(); ++i) {
if (bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getLink(i).m_jointType >= 0 && bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getLink(i).m_jointType <= 2) { // 0, 1, 2 represent revolute, prismatic, and spherical joint types respectively. Skip the fixed joints.
q_current[DofIndex] = bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getJointPos(i);
q[DofIndex+baseDofs] = bodyHandle->m_multiBody->getJointPos(i);
qdot[DofIndex+baseDofs] = 0;
nu[DofIndex+baseDofs] = 0;
} // Set the gravity to correspond to the world gravity
btInverseDynamics::vec3 id_grav(m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getGravity());
if (-1 != tree->setGravityInWorldFrame(id_grav) &&