Simplify the parameter interface for NNWalkers. Keys 1-9 cause speedup.

This commit is contained in:
Benelot 2016-09-18 00:42:34 +02:00
parent f0f694145d
commit 7cf4a2352c
2 changed files with 185 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
#include <string>
#include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h"
#include "LinearMath/btVector3.h"
#include "LinearMath/btAlignedObjectArray.h"
@ -25,14 +23,16 @@
#include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonRigidBodyBase.h"
#include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonParameterInterface.h"
#include <BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.h>
#include <BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btNNCGConstraintSolver.h>
#include <BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraintSolver.h>
#include <BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.h>
#include <BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btDantzigSolver.h>
#include <BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btSolveProjectedGaussSeidel.h>
#include <BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btLemkeSolver.h>
#include <BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btMLCPSolver.h>
#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btNNCGConstraintSolver.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraintSolver.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btDantzigSolver.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btSolveProjectedGaussSeidel.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btLemkeSolver.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btMLCPSolver.h"
#include "../Utils/b3ERPCFMHelper.hpp" // ERP/CFM setting utils
@ -55,19 +55,20 @@ static double /**/NUM_SPEEDS = 11;
// add speeds from the namespace here
static double speeds[] = { SimulationSpeeds::PAUSE,
SimulationSpeeds::QUARTER_SPEED, SimulationSpeeds::HALF_SPEED,
SimulationSpeeds::NORMAL_SPEED, SimulationSpeeds::DOUBLE_SPEED,
SimulationSpeeds::QUADRUPLE_SPEED, SimulationSpeeds::DECUPLE_SPEED,
static double speeds[] = {
SimulationSpeeds::QUARTER_SPEED, SimulationSpeeds::HALF_SPEED,
SimulationSpeeds::NORMAL_SPEED, SimulationSpeeds::DOUBLE_SPEED,
SimulationSpeeds::QUADRUPLE_SPEED, SimulationSpeeds::DECUPLE_SPEED,
SimulationSpeeds::CENTUPLE_SPEED, SimulationSpeeds::QUINCENTUPLE_SPEED,
static btScalar gSolverIterations = 10; // default number of solver iterations for the iterative solvers
static bool gChangeErpCfm = false;
static bool gIsHeadless = false; // demo runs with graphics by default
static bool gChangeErpCfm = false; // flag to make recalculation of ERP/CFM
static int gMinSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::PAUSE; // the minimum simulation speed
static int gMaxSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::MAX_SPEED; // the maximum simulation speed
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ enum SolverEnumType {
//TODO: In case the solver should be changeable by drop down menu
// solvers can be changed by drop down menu
namespace SolverType {
static char SEQUENTIALIMPULSESOLVER[] = "Sequential Impulse Solver";
static char GAUSSSEIDELSOLVER[] = "Gauss-Seidel Solver";
@ -157,11 +158,11 @@ inline void changeSolver(int comboboxId, const char* item, void* userPointer) {
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SOLVERS;i++){
if(strcmp(solverTypes[i], item) == 0){ // if the strings are equal
SOLVER_TYPE = ((SolverEnumType)i);
//b3Printf("=%s=\n Reset the simulation by double clicking it in the menu list.",item);
b3Printf("=%s=\n Reset the simulation by double clicking it in the menu list.",item);
//b3Printf("No Change");
b3Printf("No Change");
@ -187,17 +188,16 @@ inline void clampToCustomSpeedNotches(float speed) { // function to clamp to cus
inline void switchInterpolated(int buttonId, bool buttonState, void* userPointer){ // toggle if interpolation steps are taken
//b3Printf("Interpolate substeps %s", gInterpolate?"on":"off");
// b3Printf("Interpolate substeps %s", gInterpolate?"on":"off");
inline void switchHeadless(int buttonId, bool buttonState, void* userPointer){ // toggle if the demo should run headless
//b3Printf("Run headless %s", gIsHeadless?"on":"off");
// b3Printf("Run headless %s", gIsHeadless?"on":"off");
inline void switchMaximumSpeed(int buttonId, bool buttonState, void* userPointer){ // toggle it the demo should run as fast as possible
//b3Printf("Run maximum speed %s", gMaximumSpeed?"on":"off");
// b3Printf("Run maximum speed %s", gMaximumSpeed?"on":"off");
inline void setApplicationTick(float frequency){ // set internal application tick
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
void initPhysics(){ // initialize the demo
setupParameterInterface(); // setup adjustable sliders and buttons for parameters
setupBasicParamInterface(); // setup adjustable sliders and buttons for parameters
m_guiHelper->setUpAxis(1); // Set Y axis as Up axis
@ -266,25 +266,7 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
void setupParameterInterface(){ // setup the adjustable sliders and button for parameters
solverTypes[0] = SolverType::SEQUENTIALIMPULSESOLVER;
solverTypes[1] = SolverType::GAUSSSEIDELSOLVER;
solverTypes[2] = SolverType::NNCGSOLVER;
solverTypes[3] = SolverType::DANZIGSOLVER;
solverTypes[4] = SolverType::LEMKESOLVER;
solverTypes[5] = SolverType::FSSOLVER;
ComboBoxParams comboParams;
comboParams.m_comboboxId = 0;
comboParams.m_numItems = NUM_SOLVERS;
comboParams.m_startItem = SOLVER_TYPE;
comboParams.m_callback = changeSolver;
void setupBasicParamInterface(){ // setup the adjustable sliders and button for parameters
{ // create a slider to adjust the simulation speed
// Force increase the simulation speed to run the simulation with the same accuracy but a higher speed
@ -308,6 +290,50 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
{ // create a button to switch to maximum speed simulation (fully deterministic)
// Interesting to test the maximal achievable speed on this hardware
ButtonParams button("Run maximum speed",0,true);
button.m_callback = switchMaximumSpeed;
if (m_guiHelper->getParameterInterface())
{ // create a button to switch bullet to perform interpolated substeps to speed up simulation
// generally, interpolated steps are a good speed-up and should only be avoided if higher accuracy is needed (research purposes etc.)
ButtonParams button("Perform interpolated substeps",0,true);
button.m_callback = switchInterpolated;
if (m_guiHelper->getParameterInterface())
void setupAdvancedParamInterface(){
solverTypes[0] = SolverType::SEQUENTIALIMPULSESOLVER;
solverTypes[1] = SolverType::GAUSSSEIDELSOLVER;
solverTypes[2] = SolverType::NNCGSOLVER;
solverTypes[3] = SolverType::DANZIGSOLVER;
solverTypes[4] = SolverType::LEMKESOLVER;
solverTypes[5] = SolverType::FSSOLVER;
ComboBoxParams comboParams;
comboParams.m_comboboxId = 0;
comboParams.m_numItems = NUM_SOLVERS;
comboParams.m_startItem = SOLVER_TYPE;
comboParams.m_callback = changeSolver;
{ // create a slider to adjust the number of internal application ticks
// The set application tick should contain enough time to perform a full cycle of model update (physics and input)
// and view update (graphics) with average application load. The graphics and input update determine the remaining time
@ -323,15 +349,6 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
{ // create a button to switch to maximum speed simulation (fully deterministic)
// Interesting to test the maximal achievable speed on this hardware
ButtonParams button("Run maximum speed",0,true);
button.m_callback = switchMaximumSpeed;
if (m_guiHelper->getParameterInterface())
{ // create a slider to adjust the number of physics steps per second
// The default number of steps is at 60, which is appropriate for most general simulations
// For simulations with higher complexity or if you experience undesired behavior, try increasing the number of steps per second
@ -357,15 +374,6 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
{ // create a button to switch bullet to perform interpolated substeps to speed up simulation
// generally, interpolated steps are a good speed-up and should only be avoided if higher accuracy is needed (research purposes etc.)
ButtonParams button("Perform interpolated substeps",0,true);
button.m_callback = switchInterpolated;
if (m_guiHelper->getParameterInterface())
{ // create a slider to adjust the number of solver iterations to converge to a solution
// more complex simulations might need a higher number of iterations to converge, it also
// depends on the type of solver.
@ -437,6 +445,8 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
void createEmptyDynamicsWorld(){ // create an empty dynamics worlds according to the chosen settings via statics (top section of code)
@ -454,35 +464,35 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
// different solvers require different settings
switch (SOLVER_TYPE) {
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::SEQUENTIALIMPULSESOLVER);
m_solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::NNCGSOLVER);
m_solver = new btNNCGConstraintSolver();
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::DANZIGSOLVER);
btDantzigSolver* mlcp = new btDantzigSolver();
m_solver = new btMLCPSolver(mlcp);
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::GAUSSSEIDELSOLVER);
btSolveProjectedGaussSeidel* mlcp = new btSolveProjectedGaussSeidel();
m_solver = new btMLCPSolver(mlcp);
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::LEMKESOLVER);
btLemkeSolver* mlcp = new btLemkeSolver();
m_solver = new btMLCPSolver(mlcp);
case FSSOLVER: {
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::FSSOLVER);
//Use the btMultiBodyConstraintSolver for Featherstone btMultiBody support
m_solver = new btMultiBodyConstraintSolver;
@ -524,9 +534,9 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
// fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec, 10, 1);
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_splitImpulseTurnErp =
// BulletUtils::getERP(fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec, 10, 1);
//b3Printf("Using split impulse feature with ERP/TurnERP: (%f,%f)",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_erp2,
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_splitImpulseTurnErp);
// b3Printf("Using split impulse feature with ERP/TurnERP: (%f,%f)",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_erp2,
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_splitImpulseTurnErp);
m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_numIterations = gSolverIterations; // set the number of solver iterations for iteration based solvers
@ -538,7 +548,7 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
btScalar calculatePerformedSpeedup() { // calculate performed speedup
// we calculate the performed speed up
btScalar speedUp = ((double)performedTime*1000.0)/((double)(mLoopTimer.getTimeMilliseconds()-performanceTimestamp));
//b3Printf("Avg Effective speedup: %f",speedUp);
// b3Printf("Avg Effective speedup: %f",speedUp);
performedTime = 0;
performanceTimestamp = mLoopTimer.getTimeMilliseconds();
return speedUp;
@ -589,7 +599,7 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
if(mLoopTimer.getTimeSeconds() - speedUpPrintTimeStamp > 1){
// on reset, we calculate the performed speed up
double speedUp = ((double)performedTime*1000.0)/((double)(mLoopTimer.getTimeMilliseconds()-performanceTimestamp));
//b3Printf("Avg Effective speedup: %f",speedUp);
// b3Printf("Avg Effective speedup: %f",speedUp);
performedTime = 0;
performanceTimestamp = mLoopTimer.getTimeMilliseconds();
speedUpPrintTimeStamp = mLoopTimer.getTimeSeconds();
@ -600,7 +610,7 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
mFrameTime = mThisModelIteration - mPreviousModelIteration; /**!< Calculate the frame time (in Milliseconds) */
mPreviousModelIteration = mThisModelIteration;
// //b3Printf("Current Frame time: % u", mFrameTime);
// b3Printf("Current Frame time: % u", mFrameTime);
mApplicationRuntime = mThisModelIteration - mApplicationStart; /**!< Update main frame timer (in Milliseconds) */
@ -634,7 +644,7 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
// In the example browser, there is a separate method called renderScene() for this
// Uncomment this for some detailed output about the application ticks
// //b3Printf(
// b3Printf(
// "Physics time: %u milliseconds / Graphics time: %u milliseconds / Input time: %u milliseconds / Total time passed: %u milliseconds",
// mLastModelTick, mLastGraphicsTick, mLastInputTick, mApplicationRuntime);
@ -645,6 +655,64 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
virtual bool keyboardCallback(int key, int state)
case '1':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::QUARTER_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '2':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::HALF_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '3':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::NORMAL_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '4':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::DOUBLE_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '5':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::QUADRUPLE_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '6':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::DECUPLE_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '7':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::CENTUPLE_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '8':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::QUINCENTUPLE_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '9':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::MILLITUPLE_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = false;
return true;
case '0':{
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds::MAX_SPEED;
gMaximumSpeed = true;
return true;
return CommonRigidBodyBase::keyboardCallback(key,state);
void changePhysicsStepsPerSecond(float physicsStepsPerSecond){ // change the simulation accuracy
if (m_dynamicsWorld && physicsStepsPerSecond) {
@ -668,11 +736,11 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
gCFMSpringK, // k of a spring in the equation F = k * x (x:position)
gCFMDamperC); // k of a damper in the equation F = k * v (v:velocity)
//b3Printf("Bullet DynamicsWorld ERP: %f",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_erp);
// b3Printf("Bullet DynamicsWorld ERP: %f",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_erp);
//b3Printf("Bullet DynamicsWorld CFM: %f",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_globalCfm);
// b3Printf("Bullet DynamicsWorld CFM: %f",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_globalCfm);
@ -716,10 +784,10 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
mPhysicsTick = 0; // no time for physics left / The internal application step is too high
// //b3Printf("Application tick: %u",gApplicationTick);
// //b3Printf("Graphics tick: %u",mLastGraphicsTick);
// //b3Printf("Input tick: %u",mLastInputTick);
// //b3Printf("Physics tick: %u",mPhysicsTick);
// b3Printf("Application tick: %u",gApplicationTick);
// b3Printf("Graphics tick: %u",mLastGraphicsTick);
// b3Printf("Input tick: %u",mLastInputTick);
// b3Printf("Physics tick: %u",mPhysicsTick);
if (mPhysicsTick > 0) { // with positive physics tick we perform as many update steps until the time for it is used up
@ -727,7 +795,7 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
mPhysicsStepEnd = mPhysicsStepStart;
while (mPhysicsTick > mPhysicsStepEnd - mPhysicsStepStart) { /**!< Update the physics until we run out of time (in Milliseconds) */
// //b3Printf("Physics passed: %u", mPhysicsStepEnd - mPhysicsStepStart);
// b3Printf("Physics passed: %u", mPhysicsStepEnd - mPhysicsStepStart);
double timeStep = fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec; /**!< update the world (in Seconds) */
if (gInterpolate) {
@ -748,10 +816,10 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
} // The simulation therefore gets slower, but still performs all requested physics steps
mModelAccumulator += mFrameTime; /**!< Accumulate the time the physics simulation has to perform in order to stay in real-time (in Milliseconds) */
// //b3Printf("Model time accumulator: %u", mModelAccumulator);
// b3Printf("Model time accumulator: %u", mModelAccumulator);
int steps = floor(mModelAccumulator / fixedPhysicsStepSizeMilli); /**!< Calculate the number of time steps we can take */
// //b3Printf("Next steps: %i", steps);
// b3Printf("Next steps: %i", steps);
if (steps > 0) { /**!< Update if we can take at least one step */
@ -770,6 +838,10 @@ struct CommonTimeWarpBase: public CommonRigidBodyBase {
void renderScene() { // render the scene
if(!gIsHeadless){ // while the simulation is not running headlessly, render to screen
void resetCamera() { // reset the camera to its original position

View File

@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ void* GROUND_ID = (void*)1;
class NN3DWalkersExample : public CommonTimeWarpBase
btScalar m_Time;
btScalar m_SpeedupTimestamp;
btScalar m_targetAccumulator;
btScalar m_targetFrequency;
btScalar m_motorStrength;
@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ public:
NN3DWalkersExample(struct GUIHelperInterface* helper)
@ -150,8 +152,6 @@ public:
// virtual void renderScene();
// Evaluation
void update(const btScalar timeSinceLastTick);
@ -520,7 +520,9 @@ bool legContactProcessedCallback(btManifoldPoint& cp, void* body0, void* body1)
// Make a circle with a 0.9 radius at (0,0,0)
// with RGB color (1,0,0).
if(nn3DWalkers->m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer() != NULL){
nn3DWalkers->m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->drawSphere(cp.getPositionWorldOnA(), 0.1, btVector3(1., 0., 0.));
nn3DWalkers->m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->drawSphere(cp.getPositionWorldOnA(), 0.1, btVector3(1., 0., 0.));
if(ID1 != GROUND_ID && ID1){
@ -558,7 +560,7 @@ void floorNNSliderValue(float notUsed) {
void NN3DWalkersExample::initPhysics()
setupParameterInterface(); // parameter interface to use timewarp
setupBasicParamInterface(); // parameter interface to use timewarp
gContactProcessedCallback = legContactProcessedCallback;
@ -760,19 +762,17 @@ bool NN3DWalkersExample::keyboardCallback(int key, int state)
case '[':
m_motorStrength /= 1.1f;
return true;
case ']':
m_motorStrength *= 1.1f;
return true;
case 'l':
return true;
return false;
return CommonTimeWarpBase::keyboardCallback(key,state);
void NN3DWalkersExample::exitPhysics()
@ -791,15 +791,6 @@ void NN3DWalkersExample::exitPhysics()
//void NN3DWalkersExample::renderScene()
// m_guiHelper->syncPhysicsToGraphics(m_dynamicsWorld);
// m_guiHelper->render(m_dynamicsWorld);
// debugDraw(m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->getDebugMode());
class CommonExampleInterface* ET_NN3DWalkersCreateFunc(struct CommonExampleOptions& options)
nn3DWalkers = new NN3DWalkersExample(options.m_guiHelper);
@ -919,6 +910,11 @@ void NN3DWalkersExample::update(const btScalar timeSinceLastTick) {
scheduleEvaluations(); /**!< Start new evaluations and finish the old ones. */
drawMarkings(); /**!< Draw markings on the ground */
// if(m_Time > m_SpeedupTimestamp + 1.0f){ // print effective speedup
// b3Printf("Avg Effective speedup: %f real time",calculatePerformedSpeedup());
// m_SpeedupTimestamp = m_Time;
// }
void NN3DWalkersExample::updateEvaluations(const btScalar timeSinceLastTick) {
@ -1020,19 +1016,21 @@ void NN3DWalkersExample::scheduleEvaluations() {
void NN3DWalkersExample::drawMarkings() {
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_WALKERS;i++) // draw current distance plates of moving walkers
btVector3 walkerPosition = m_walkersInPopulation[i]->getPosition();
char performance[10];
sprintf(performance, "%.2f m", btSqrt(m_walkersInPopulation[i]->getDistanceFitness()));
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_WALKERS;i++) // draw current distance plates of moving walkers
btVector3 walkerPosition = m_walkersInPopulation[i]->getPosition();
char performance[10];
sprintf(performance, "%.2f m", btSqrt(m_walkersInPopulation[i]->getDistanceFitness()));
for(int i = 2; i < 50; i+=2){ // draw distance circles
m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->drawArc(btVector3(0,0,0),btVector3(0,1,0),btVector3(1,0,0),btScalar(i), btScalar(i),btScalar(0),btScalar(SIMD_2_PI),btVector3(10*i,0,0),false);
for(int i = 2; i < 50; i+=2){ // draw distance circles
m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->drawArc(btVector3(0,0,0),btVector3(0,1,0),btVector3(1,0,0),btScalar(i), btScalar(i),btScalar(0),btScalar(SIMD_2_PI),btVector3(10*i,0,0),false);