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synced 2024-12-14 05:40:05 +00:00
cmake build support for VR demo (WIN32 only)
update to latest OpenVR 1.05 SDK from https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr add keyboard support to tune default camera VR position VR revert to double 'distorted' views on Desktop, since the single view isn't showing full scene
This commit is contained in:
IF (WIN32)
openvr_api Bullet3Common BulletWorldImporter BulletInverseDynamicsUtils BulletInverseDynamics BulletDynamics BulletCollision LinearMath BussIK OpenGLWindow
TARGET App_SharedMemoryPhysics_VR
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/ThirdPartyLibs/openvr/bin/win64/openvr_api.dll ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/openvr_api.dll
TARGET App_SharedMemoryPhysics_VR
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/ThirdPartyLibs/openvr/bin/win32/openvr_api.dll ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/openvr_api.dll
TARGET App_SharedMemoryPhysics_VR
@ -4943,7 +4943,7 @@ void PhysicsServerCommandProcessor::createDefaultRobotAssets()
loadUrdf("husky/husky.urdf", btVector3(2, -5, 1), btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), true, false, &bodyId, &gBufferServerToClient[0], gBufferServerToClient.size());
m_data->m_huskyId = bodyId;
m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->setGravity(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->setGravity(btVector3(0, 0, -10));
@ -77,22 +77,22 @@ static void loadCurrentSettingsVR(b3CommandLineArgs& args)
//remember the settings (you don't want to re-tune again and again...)
static void saveCurrentSettingsVR()
FILE* f = fopen(startFileNameVR, "w");
if (f)
fprintf(f, "--camPosX= %f\n", gVRTeleportPosLocal[0]);
fprintf(f, "--camPosY= %f\n", gVRTeleportPosLocal[1]);
fprintf(f, "--camPosZ= %f\n", gVRTeleportPosLocal[2]);
fprintf(f, "--camPosX= %f\n", gVRTeleportPos1[0]);
fprintf(f, "--camPosY= %f\n", gVRTeleportPos1[1]);
fprintf(f, "--camPosZ= %f\n", gVRTeleportPos1[2]);
fprintf(f, "--camRotZ= %f\n", gVRTeleportRotZ);
static float getParamf(float rangeMin, float rangeMax, int midiVal)
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ void midiCallback(double deltatime, std::vector< unsigned char > *message, void
if (message->at(1) == 16)
gVRTeleportRotZ= getParamf(-3.1415, 3.1415, message->at(2));
gVRTeleportOrnLocal = btQuaternion(btVector3(0, 0, 1), gVRTeleportRotZ);
gVRTeleportOrn = btQuaternion(btVector3(0, 0, 1), gVRTeleportRotZ);
// b3Printf("gVRTeleportOrnLocal rotZ = %f\n", gVRTeleportRotZ);
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ void midiCallback(double deltatime, std::vector< unsigned char > *message, void
if (message->at(1) == i)
gVRTeleportPosLocal[i] = getParamf(-2, 2, message->at(2));
gVRTeleportPos1[i] = getParamf(-2, 2, message->at(2));
// b3Printf("gVRTeleportPos[%d] = %f\n", i,gVRTeleportPosLocal[i]);
@ -1071,7 +1071,46 @@ public:
//printf("button=%d, state=%d\n",button,state);
return false;
virtual bool keyboardCallback(int key, int state){return false;}
virtual bool keyboardCallback(int key, int state){
if (key=='w' && state)
if (key=='s' && state)
if (key=='a' && state)
if (key=='d' && state)
if (key=='q' && state)
if (key=='e' && state)
if (key=='z' && state)
gVRTeleportOrn = btQuaternion(btVector3(0, 0, 1), gVRTeleportRotZ);
return false;
virtual void setSharedMemoryKey(int key)
@ -1089,19 +1128,19 @@ public:
if (args.GetCmdLineArgument("camPosX", gVRTeleportPosLocal[0]))
if (args.GetCmdLineArgument("camPosX", gVRTeleportPos1[0]))
printf("camPosX=%f\n", gVRTeleportPosLocal[0]);
printf("camPosX=%f\n", gVRTeleportPos1[0]);
if (args.GetCmdLineArgument("camPosY", gVRTeleportPosLocal[1]))
if (args.GetCmdLineArgument("camPosY", gVRTeleportPos1[1]))
printf("camPosY=%f\n", gVRTeleportPosLocal[1]);
printf("camPosY=%f\n", gVRTeleportPos1[1]);
if (args.GetCmdLineArgument("camPosZ", gVRTeleportPosLocal[2]))
if (args.GetCmdLineArgument("camPosZ", gVRTeleportPos1[2]))
printf("camPosZ=%f\n", gVRTeleportPosLocal[2]);
printf("camPosZ=%f\n", gVRTeleportPos1[2]);
float camRotZ = 0.f;
@ -1109,7 +1148,7 @@ public:
printf("camRotZ = %f\n", camRotZ);
btQuaternion ornZ(btVector3(0, 0, 1), camRotZ);
gVRTeleportOrnLocal = ornZ;
gVRTeleportOrn = ornZ;
if (args.CheckCmdLineFlag("robotassets"))
@ -21,12 +21,9 @@
#include "LinearMath/btIDebugDraw.h"
int gSharedMemoryKey = -1;
int gDebugDrawFlags = 0;
bool gDisplayDistortion = false;
bool gDisplayDistortion = true;
bool gDisableDesktopGL = false;
//how can you try typing on a keyboard, without seeing it?
//it is pretty funny, to see the desktop in VR!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
@ -343,6 +340,19 @@ std::string GetTrackedDeviceString( vr::IVRSystem *pHmd, vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_
b3KeyboardCallback prevKeyboardCallback = 0;
void MyKeyboardCallback(int key, int state)
if (sExample)
if (prevKeyboardCallback)
// Purpose:
@ -398,6 +408,8 @@ bool CMainApplication::BInit()
//sGuiPtr = new DummyGUIHelper;
prevKeyboardCallback = m_app->m_window->getKeyboardCallback();
CommonExampleOptions options(sGuiPtr);
@ -843,6 +855,8 @@ void CMainApplication::RenderFrame()
} else
//todo: should use framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled
//See https://twitter.com/id_aa_carmack/status/268488838425481217?lang=en
glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
glDisable( GL_MULTISAMPLE );
glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, rightEyeDesc.m_nRenderFramebufferId );
@ -857,9 +871,9 @@ void CMainApplication::RenderFrame()
vr::Texture_t leftEyeTexture = {(void*)leftEyeDesc.m_nResolveTextureId, vr::API_OpenGL, vr::ColorSpace_Gamma };
vr::Texture_t leftEyeTexture = {(void*)leftEyeDesc.m_nResolveTextureId, vr::TextureType_OpenGL, vr::ColorSpace_Gamma };
vr::VRCompositor()->Submit(vr::Eye_Left, &leftEyeTexture );
vr::Texture_t rightEyeTexture = {(void*)rightEyeDesc.m_nResolveTextureId, vr::API_OpenGL, vr::ColorSpace_Gamma };
vr::Texture_t rightEyeTexture = {(void*)rightEyeDesc.m_nResolveTextureId, vr::TextureType_OpenGL, vr::ColorSpace_Gamma };
vr::VRCompositor()->Submit(vr::Eye_Right, &rightEyeTexture );
@ -1629,7 +1643,7 @@ void CMainApplication::RenderStereoTargets()
btScalar dtSec = btScalar(m_clock.getTimeInSeconds());
dtSec = b3Min(dtSec,0.1);
dtSec = btMin(dtSec,btScalar(0.1));
@ -1879,7 +1893,7 @@ Matrix4 CMainApplication::GetHMDMatrixProjectionEye( vr::Hmd_Eye nEye )
if ( !m_pHMD )
return Matrix4();
vr::HmdMatrix44_t mat = m_pHMD->GetProjectionMatrix( nEye, m_fNearClip, m_fFarClip, vr::API_OpenGL);
vr::HmdMatrix44_t mat = m_pHMD->GetProjectionMatrix( nEye, m_fNearClip, m_fFarClip);
return Matrix4(
mat.m[0][0], mat.m[1][0], mat.m[2][0], mat.m[3][0],
@ -1959,7 +1973,6 @@ void CMainApplication::UpdateHMDMatrixPose()
case vr::TrackedDeviceClass_Controller: m_rDevClassChar[nDevice] = 'C'; break;
case vr::TrackedDeviceClass_HMD: m_rDevClassChar[nDevice] = 'H'; break;
case vr::TrackedDeviceClass_Invalid: m_rDevClassChar[nDevice] = 'I'; break;
case vr::TrackedDeviceClass_Other: m_rDevClassChar[nDevice] = 'O'; break;
case vr::TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference: m_rDevClassChar[nDevice] = 'T'; break;
default: m_rDevClassChar[nDevice] = '?'; break;
@ -2246,13 +2259,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (sExample)
//until we have a proper VR gui, always assume we want the hard-coded default robot assets
#if 0
char* newargv[2];
char* t0 = (char*)"--robotassets";
newargv[0] = t0;
newargv[1] = t0;
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -111,10 +111,11 @@ enum EVREye
Eye_Right = 1
enum EGraphicsAPIConvention
enum ETextureType
API_DirectX = 0, // Normalized Z goes from 0 at the viewer to 1 at the far clip plane
API_OpenGL = 1, // Normalized Z goes from 1 at the viewer to -1 at the far clip plane
TextureType_DirectX = 0, // Handle is an ID3D11Texture
TextureType_OpenGL = 1, // Handle is an OpenGL texture name or an OpenGL render buffer name, depending on submit flags
TextureType_Vulkan = 2, // Handle is a pointer to a VRVulkanTextureData_t structure
enum EColorSpace
@ -126,8 +127,8 @@ enum EColorSpace
struct Texture_t
void* handle; // Native d3d texture pointer or GL texture id.
EGraphicsAPIConvention eType;
void* handle; // See ETextureType definition above
ETextureType eType;
EColorSpace eColorSpace;
@ -161,11 +162,8 @@ enum ETrackedDeviceClass
TrackedDeviceClass_Invalid = 0, // the ID was not valid.
TrackedDeviceClass_HMD = 1, // Head-Mounted Displays
TrackedDeviceClass_Controller = 2, // Tracked controllers
TrackedDeviceClass_GenericTracker = 3, // Generic trackers, similar to controllers
TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference = 4, // Camera and base stations that serve as tracking reference points
TrackedDeviceClass_Count, // This isn't a class that will ever be returned. It is used for allocating arrays and such
TrackedDeviceClass_Other = 1000,
@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ enum ETrackingUniverseOrigin
TrackingUniverseSeated = 0, // Poses are provided relative to the seated zero pose
TrackingUniverseStanding = 1, // Poses are provided relative to the safe bounds configured by the user
TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated = 2, // Poses are provided in the coordinate system defined by the driver. You probably don't want this one.
TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated = 2, // Poses are provided in the coordinate system defined by the driver. It has Y up and is unified for devices of the same driver. You usually don't want this one.
@ -206,6 +204,8 @@ enum ETrackingUniverseOrigin
* tracked device. Many fields are only valid for one ETrackedDeviceClass. */
enum ETrackedDeviceProperty
Prop_Invalid = 0,
// general properties that apply to all device classes
Prop_TrackingSystemName_String = 1000,
Prop_ModelNumber_String = 1001,
@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ enum ETrackedPropertyError
TrackedProp_ValueNotProvidedByDevice = 7,
TrackedProp_StringExceedsMaximumLength = 8,
TrackedProp_NotYetAvailable = 9, // The property value isn't known yet, but is expected soon. Call again later.
TrackedProp_PermissionDenied = 10,
/** Allows the application to control what part of the provided texture will be used in the
@ -358,13 +359,13 @@ enum EVRSubmitFlags
// If the texture pointer passed in is actually a renderbuffer (e.g. for MSAA in OpenGL) then set this flag.
Submit_GlRenderBuffer = 0x02,
// Handle is pointer to VulkanData_t
Submit_VulkanTexture = 0x04,
// Do not use
Submit_Reserved = 0x04,
/** Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit.
* Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. */
struct VulkanData_t
struct VRVulkanTextureData_t
uint64_t m_nImage; // VkImage
VkDevice_T *m_pDevice;
@ -518,6 +519,8 @@ enum EVREventType
VREvent_PerformanceTest_DisableCapture = 1601,
VREvent_PerformanceTest_FidelityLevel = 1602,
VREvent_MessageOverlay_Closed = 1650,
// Vendors are free to expose private events in this reserved region
VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000,
VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 19999,
@ -703,6 +706,11 @@ struct VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t
uint32_t nVisualMode;
struct VREvent_MessageOverlay_t
uint32_t unVRMessageOverlayResponse; // vr::VRMessageOverlayResponse enum
/** NOTE!!! If you change this you MUST manually update openvr_interop.cs.py */
typedef union
@ -724,6 +732,7 @@ typedef union
VREvent_ScreenshotProgress_t screenshotProgress;
VREvent_ApplicationLaunch_t applicationLaunch;
VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t cameraSurface;
VREvent_MessageOverlay_t messageOverlay;
} VREvent_Data_t;
/** An event posted by the server to all running applications */
@ -944,6 +953,8 @@ enum EVRInitError
VRInitError_Init_InvalidApplicationType = 130,
VRInitError_Init_NotAvailableToWatchdogApps = 131,
VRInitError_Init_WatchdogDisabledInSettings = 132,
VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardNotFound = 133,
VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardStartupFailed = 134,
VRInitError_Driver_Failed = 200,
VRInitError_Driver_Unknown = 201,
@ -1131,7 +1142,7 @@ public:
virtual void GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize( uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight ) = 0;
/** The projection matrix for the specified eye */
virtual HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix( EVREye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, EGraphicsAPIConvention eProjType ) = 0;
virtual HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix( EVREye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ ) = 0;
/** The components necessary to build your own projection matrix in case your
* application is doing something fancy like infinite Z */
@ -1384,7 +1395,7 @@ public:
static const char * const IVRSystem_Version = "IVRSystem_014";
static const char * const IVRSystem_Version = "IVRSystem_015";
@ -1640,7 +1651,6 @@ namespace vr
// steamvr keys
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_Section = "steamvr";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_RequireHmd_String = "requireHmd";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForcedDriverKey_String = "forcedDriver";
@ -1677,27 +1687,26 @@ namespace vr
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ShowMirrorView_Bool = "showMirrorView";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewGeometry_String = "mirrorViewGeometry";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartMonitorFromAppLaunch = "startMonitorFromAppLaunch";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartCompositorFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startCompositorFromAppLaunch";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartDashboardFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startDashboardFromAppLaunch";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartOverlayAppsFromDashboard_Bool = "startOverlayAppsFromDashboard";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_EnableHomeApp = "enableHomeApp";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SetInitialDefaultHomeApp = "setInitialDefaultHomeApp";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec_Int32 = "CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_RetailDemo_Bool = "retailDemo";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_IpdOffset_Float = "ipdOffset";
// lighthouse keys
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_Section = "driver_lighthouse";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisableIMU_Bool = "disableimu";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_UseDisambiguation_String = "usedisambiguation";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisambiguationDebug_Int32 = "disambiguationdebug";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_PrimaryBasestation_Int32 = "primarybasestation";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DBHistory_Bool = "dbhistory";
// null keys
static const char * const k_pch_Null_Section = "driver_null";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_EnableNullDriver_Bool = "enable";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_SerialNumber_String = "serialNumber";
@ -1830,7 +1839,7 @@ enum ChaperoneCalibrationState
// Errors
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error = 200, // The UniverseID is invalid
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationUninitalized = 201, // Tracking center hasn't be calibrated for at least one of the base stations
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationUninitialized = 201, // Tracking center hasn't be calibrated for at least one of the base stations
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationConflict = 202, // Tracking center is calibrated, but base stations disagree on the tracking space
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_PlayAreaInvalid = 203, // Play Area hasn't been calibrated for the current tracking center
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_CollisionBoundsInvalid = 204, // Collision Bounds haven't been calibrated for the current tracking center
@ -2236,9 +2245,20 @@ public:
virtual bool ReleaseSharedGLTexture( vr::glUInt_t glTextureId, vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle ) = 0;
virtual void LockGLSharedTextureForAccess( vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle ) = 0;
virtual void UnlockGLSharedTextureForAccess( vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle ) = 0;
/** [Vulkan Only]
* return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing
* null. The string will be a space separated list of-required instance extensions to enable in VkCreateInstance */
virtual uint32_t GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired( VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize ) = 0;
/** [Vulkan only]
* return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing
* null. The string will be a space separated list of required device extensions to enable in VkCreateDevice */
virtual uint32_t GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired( VkPhysicalDevice_T *pPhysicalDevice, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize ) = 0;
static const char * const IVRCompositor_Version = "IVRCompositor_018";
static const char * const IVRCompositor_Version = "IVRCompositor_019";
} // namespace vr
@ -2414,6 +2434,20 @@ namespace vr
// If this is set on an overlay owned by the scene application that overlay
// will be sorted with the "Other" overlays on top of all other scene overlays
VROverlayFlags_SortWithNonSceneOverlays = 14,
// If set, the overlay will be shown in the dashboard, otherwise it will be hidden.
VROverlayFlags_VisibleInDashboard = 15,
enum VRMessageOverlayResponse
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_0 = 0,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_1 = 1,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_2 = 2,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_3 = 3,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_CouldntFindSystemOverlay = 4,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_CouldntFindOrCreateClientOverlay= 5,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ApplicationQuit = 6
struct VROverlayIntersectionParams_t
@ -2731,7 +2765,7 @@ namespace vr
* pNativeTextureHandle is an OUTPUT, it will be a pointer to a ID3D11ShaderResourceView *.
* pNativeTextureRef is an INPUT and should be a ID3D11Resource *. The device used by pNativeTextureRef will be used to bind pNativeTextureHandle.
virtual EVROverlayError GetOverlayTexture( VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, void **pNativeTextureHandle, void *pNativeTextureRef, uint32_t *pWidth, uint32_t *pHeight, uint32_t *pNativeFormat, EGraphicsAPIConvention *pAPI, EColorSpace *pColorSpace ) = 0;
virtual EVROverlayError GetOverlayTexture( VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, void **pNativeTextureHandle, void *pNativeTextureRef, uint32_t *pWidth, uint32_t *pHeight, uint32_t *pNativeFormat, ETextureType *pAPIType, EColorSpace *pColorSpace, VRTextureBounds_t *pTextureBounds ) = 0;
/** Release the pNativeTextureHandle provided from the GetOverlayTexture call, this allows the system to free the underlying GPU resources for this object,
* so only do it once you stop rendering this texture.
@ -2794,9 +2828,18 @@ namespace vr
/** Sets a list of primitives to be used for controller ray intersection
* typically the size of the underlying UI in pixels (not in world space). */
virtual EVROverlayError SetOverlayIntersectionMask( VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, VROverlayIntersectionMaskPrimitive_t *pMaskPrimitives, uint32_t unNumMaskPrimitives, uint32_t unPrimitiveSize = sizeof( VROverlayIntersectionMaskPrimitive_t ) ) = 0;
virtual EVROverlayError GetOverlayFlags( VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, uint32_t *pFlags ) = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------
// Message box methods
// ---------------------------------------------
/** Show the message overlay. This will block and return you a result. **/
virtual VRMessageOverlayResponse ShowMessageOverlay( const char* pchText, const char* pchCaption, const char* pchButton0Text, const char* pchButton1Text = nullptr, const char* pchButton2Text = nullptr, const char* pchButton3Text = nullptr ) = 0;
static const char * const IVROverlay_Version = "IVROverlay_013";
static const char * const IVROverlay_Version = "IVROverlay_014";
} // namespace vr
@ -3041,7 +3084,7 @@ public:
/** Gets size of the image frame. */
virtual vr::EVRTrackedCameraError GetCameraFrameSize( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight, uint32_t *pnFrameBufferSize ) = 0;
virtual vr::EVRTrackedCameraError GetCameraIntrinisics( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, vr::HmdVector2_t *pFocalLength, vr::HmdVector2_t *pCenter ) = 0;
virtual vr::EVRTrackedCameraError GetCameraIntrinsics( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, vr::HmdVector2_t *pFocalLength, vr::HmdVector2_t *pCenter ) = 0;
virtual vr::EVRTrackedCameraError GetCameraProjection( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, float flZNear, float flZFar, vr::HmdMatrix44_t *pProjection ) = 0;
@ -3062,7 +3105,12 @@ public:
/** Gets size of the image frame. */
virtual vr::EVRTrackedCameraError GetVideoStreamTextureSize( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pTextureBounds, uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight ) = 0;
/** Access a shared D3D11 texture for the specified tracked camera stream */
/** Access a shared D3D11 texture for the specified tracked camera stream.
* The camera frame type VRTrackedCameraFrameType_Undistorted is not supported directly as a shared texture. It is an interior subregion of the shared texture VRTrackedCameraFrameType_MaximumUndistorted.
* Instead, use GetVideoStreamTextureSize() with VRTrackedCameraFrameType_Undistorted to determine the proper interior subregion bounds along with GetVideoStreamTextureD3D11() with
* VRTrackedCameraFrameType_MaximumUndistorted to provide the texture. The VRTrackedCameraFrameType_MaximumUndistorted will yield an image where the invalid regions are decoded
* by the alpha channel having a zero component. The valid regions all have a non-zero alpha component. The subregion as described by VRTrackedCameraFrameType_Undistorted
* guarantees a rectangle where all pixels are valid. */
virtual vr::EVRTrackedCameraError GetVideoStreamTextureD3D11( vr::TrackedCameraHandle_t hTrackedCamera, vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, void *pD3D11DeviceOrResource, void **ppD3D11ShaderResourceView, vr::CameraVideoStreamFrameHeader_t *pFrameHeader, uint32_t nFrameHeaderSize ) = 0;
/** Access a shared GL texture for the specified tracked camera stream */
@ -3263,7 +3311,6 @@ namespace vr
// They will go away in the future.
typedef EVRInitError HmdError;
typedef EVREye Hmd_Eye;
typedef EGraphicsAPIConvention GraphicsAPIConvention;
typedef EColorSpace ColorSpace;
typedef ETrackingResult HmdTrackingResult;
typedef ETrackedDeviceClass TrackedDeviceClass;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public struct IVRSystem
internal _GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize;
internal delegate HmdMatrix44_t _GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, EGraphicsAPIConvention eProjType);
internal delegate HmdMatrix44_t _GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ);
internal _GetProjectionMatrix GetProjectionMatrix;
@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ public struct IVRTrackedCamera
internal _GetCameraFrameSize GetCameraFrameSize;
internal delegate EVRTrackedCameraError _GetCameraIntrinisics(uint nDeviceIndex, EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, ref HmdVector2_t pFocalLength, ref HmdVector2_t pCenter);
internal delegate EVRTrackedCameraError _GetCameraIntrinsics(uint nDeviceIndex, EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, ref HmdVector2_t pFocalLength, ref HmdVector2_t pCenter);
internal _GetCameraIntrinisics GetCameraIntrinisics;
internal _GetCameraIntrinsics GetCameraIntrinsics;
internal delegate EVRTrackedCameraError _GetCameraProjection(uint nDeviceIndex, EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, float flZNear, float flZFar, ref HmdMatrix44_t pProjection);
@ -820,6 +820,16 @@ public struct IVRCompositor
internal _UnlockGLSharedTextureForAccess UnlockGLSharedTextureForAccess;
internal delegate uint _GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired(System.Text.StringBuilder pchValue, uint unBufferSize);
internal _GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired;
internal delegate uint _GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired(IntPtr pPhysicalDevice, System.Text.StringBuilder pchValue, uint unBufferSize);
internal _GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired;
@ -1106,7 +1116,7 @@ public struct IVROverlay
internal _SetOverlayFromFile SetOverlayFromFile;
internal delegate EVROverlayError _GetOverlayTexture(ulong ulOverlayHandle, ref IntPtr pNativeTextureHandle, IntPtr pNativeTextureRef, ref uint pWidth, ref uint pHeight, ref uint pNativeFormat, ref EGraphicsAPIConvention pAPI, ref EColorSpace pColorSpace);
internal delegate EVROverlayError _GetOverlayTexture(ulong ulOverlayHandle, ref IntPtr pNativeTextureHandle, IntPtr pNativeTextureRef, ref uint pWidth, ref uint pHeight, ref uint pNativeFormat, ref ETextureType pAPIType, ref EColorSpace pColorSpace, ref VRTextureBounds_t pTextureBounds);
internal _GetOverlayTexture GetOverlayTexture;
@ -1190,6 +1200,16 @@ public struct IVROverlay
internal _SetOverlayIntersectionMask SetOverlayIntersectionMask;
internal delegate EVROverlayError _GetOverlayFlags(ulong ulOverlayHandle, ref uint pFlags);
internal _GetOverlayFlags GetOverlayFlags;
internal delegate VRMessageOverlayResponse _ShowMessageOverlay(string pchText, string pchCaption, string pchButton0Text, string pchButton1Text, string pchButton2Text, string pchButton3Text);
internal _ShowMessageOverlay ShowMessageOverlay;
@ -1436,9 +1456,9 @@ public class CVRSystem
pnHeight = 0;
FnTable.GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize(ref pnWidth,ref pnHeight);
public HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye eEye,float fNearZ,float fFarZ,EGraphicsAPIConvention eProjType)
public HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye eEye,float fNearZ,float fFarZ)
HmdMatrix44_t result = FnTable.GetProjectionMatrix(eEye,fNearZ,fFarZ,eProjType);
HmdMatrix44_t result = FnTable.GetProjectionMatrix(eEye,fNearZ,fFarZ);
return result;
public void GetProjectionRaw(EVREye eEye,ref float pfLeft,ref float pfRight,ref float pfTop,ref float pfBottom)
@ -1710,9 +1730,9 @@ public class CVRTrackedCamera
EVRTrackedCameraError result = FnTable.GetCameraFrameSize(nDeviceIndex,eFrameType,ref pnWidth,ref pnHeight,ref pnFrameBufferSize);
return result;
public EVRTrackedCameraError GetCameraIntrinisics(uint nDeviceIndex,EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType,ref HmdVector2_t pFocalLength,ref HmdVector2_t pCenter)
public EVRTrackedCameraError GetCameraIntrinsics(uint nDeviceIndex,EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType,ref HmdVector2_t pFocalLength,ref HmdVector2_t pCenter)
EVRTrackedCameraError result = FnTable.GetCameraIntrinisics(nDeviceIndex,eFrameType,ref pFocalLength,ref pCenter);
EVRTrackedCameraError result = FnTable.GetCameraIntrinsics(nDeviceIndex,eFrameType,ref pFocalLength,ref pCenter);
return result;
public EVRTrackedCameraError GetCameraProjection(uint nDeviceIndex,EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType,float flZNear,float flZFar,ref HmdMatrix44_t pProjection)
@ -2268,6 +2288,16 @@ public class CVRCompositor
public uint GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired(System.Text.StringBuilder pchValue,uint unBufferSize)
uint result = FnTable.GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired(pchValue,unBufferSize);
return result;
public uint GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired(IntPtr pPhysicalDevice,System.Text.StringBuilder pchValue,uint unBufferSize)
uint result = FnTable.GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired(pPhysicalDevice,pchValue,unBufferSize);
return result;
@ -2574,12 +2604,12 @@ public class CVROverlay
EVROverlayError result = FnTable.SetOverlayFromFile(ulOverlayHandle,pchFilePath);
return result;
public EVROverlayError GetOverlayTexture(ulong ulOverlayHandle,ref IntPtr pNativeTextureHandle,IntPtr pNativeTextureRef,ref uint pWidth,ref uint pHeight,ref uint pNativeFormat,ref EGraphicsAPIConvention pAPI,ref EColorSpace pColorSpace)
public EVROverlayError GetOverlayTexture(ulong ulOverlayHandle,ref IntPtr pNativeTextureHandle,IntPtr pNativeTextureRef,ref uint pWidth,ref uint pHeight,ref uint pNativeFormat,ref ETextureType pAPIType,ref EColorSpace pColorSpace,ref VRTextureBounds_t pTextureBounds)
pWidth = 0;
pHeight = 0;
pNativeFormat = 0;
EVROverlayError result = FnTable.GetOverlayTexture(ulOverlayHandle,ref pNativeTextureHandle,pNativeTextureRef,ref pWidth,ref pHeight,ref pNativeFormat,ref pAPI,ref pColorSpace);
EVROverlayError result = FnTable.GetOverlayTexture(ulOverlayHandle,ref pNativeTextureHandle,pNativeTextureRef,ref pWidth,ref pHeight,ref pNativeFormat,ref pAPIType,ref pColorSpace,ref pTextureBounds);
return result;
public EVROverlayError ReleaseNativeOverlayHandle(ulong ulOverlayHandle,IntPtr pNativeTextureHandle)
@ -2663,6 +2693,17 @@ public class CVROverlay
EVROverlayError result = FnTable.SetOverlayIntersectionMask(ulOverlayHandle,ref pMaskPrimitives,unNumMaskPrimitives,unPrimitiveSize);
return result;
public EVROverlayError GetOverlayFlags(ulong ulOverlayHandle,ref uint pFlags)
pFlags = 0;
EVROverlayError result = FnTable.GetOverlayFlags(ulOverlayHandle,ref pFlags);
return result;
public VRMessageOverlayResponse ShowMessageOverlay(string pchText,string pchCaption,string pchButton0Text,string pchButton1Text,string pchButton2Text,string pchButton3Text)
VRMessageOverlayResponse result = FnTable.ShowMessageOverlay(pchText,pchCaption,pchButton0Text,pchButton1Text,pchButton2Text,pchButton3Text);
return result;
@ -2940,10 +2981,11 @@ public enum EVREye
Eye_Left = 0,
Eye_Right = 1,
public enum EGraphicsAPIConvention
public enum ETextureType
API_DirectX = 0,
API_OpenGL = 1,
DirectX = 0,
OpenGL = 1,
Vulkan = 2,
public enum EColorSpace
@ -2964,9 +3006,8 @@ public enum ETrackedDeviceClass
Invalid = 0,
HMD = 1,
Controller = 2,
GenericTracker = 3,
TrackingReference = 4,
Count = 5,
Other = 1000,
public enum ETrackedControllerRole
@ -2982,6 +3023,7 @@ public enum ETrackingUniverseOrigin
public enum ETrackedDeviceProperty
Prop_Invalid = 0,
Prop_TrackingSystemName_String = 1000,
Prop_ModelNumber_String = 1001,
Prop_SerialNumber_String = 1002,
@ -3093,13 +3135,14 @@ public enum ETrackedPropertyError
TrackedProp_ValueNotProvidedByDevice = 7,
TrackedProp_StringExceedsMaximumLength = 8,
TrackedProp_NotYetAvailable = 9,
TrackedProp_PermissionDenied = 10,
public enum EVRSubmitFlags
Submit_Default = 0,
Submit_LensDistortionAlreadyApplied = 1,
Submit_GlRenderBuffer = 2,
Submit_VulkanTexture = 4,
Submit_Reserved = 4,
public enum EVRState
@ -3218,6 +3261,7 @@ public enum EVREventType
VREvent_PerformanceTest_EnableCapture = 1600,
VREvent_PerformanceTest_DisableCapture = 1601,
VREvent_PerformanceTest_FidelityLevel = 1602,
VREvent_MessageOverlay_Closed = 1650,
VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000,
VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 19999,
@ -3369,6 +3413,8 @@ public enum EVRInitError
Init_InvalidApplicationType = 130,
Init_NotAvailableToWatchdogApps = 131,
Init_WatchdogDisabledInSettings = 132,
Init_VRDashboardNotFound = 133,
Init_VRDashboardStartupFailed = 134,
Driver_Failed = 200,
Driver_Unknown = 201,
Driver_HmdUnknown = 202,
@ -3507,7 +3553,7 @@ public enum ChaperoneCalibrationState
Warning_BaseStationRemoved = 102,
Warning_SeatedBoundsInvalid = 103,
Error = 200,
Error_BaseStationUninitalized = 201,
Error_BaseStationUninitialized = 201,
Error_BaseStationConflict = 202,
Error_PlayAreaInvalid = 203,
Error_CollisionBoundsInvalid = 204,
@ -3564,6 +3610,17 @@ public enum VROverlayFlags
Panorama = 12,
StereoPanorama = 13,
SortWithNonSceneOverlays = 14,
VisibleInDashboard = 15,
public enum VRMessageOverlayResponse
ButtonPress_0 = 0,
ButtonPress_1 = 1,
ButtonPress_2 = 2,
ButtonPress_3 = 3,
CouldntFindSystemOverlay = 4,
CouldntFindOrCreateClientOverlay = 5,
ApplicationQuit = 6,
public enum EGamepadTextInputMode
@ -3662,6 +3719,10 @@ public enum EVRScreenshotError
[FieldOffset(0)] public VREvent_TouchPadMove_t touchPadMove;
[FieldOffset(0)] public VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset_t seatedZeroPoseReset;
[FieldOffset(0)] public VREvent_Screenshot_t screenshot;
[FieldOffset(0)] public VREvent_ScreenshotProgress_t screenshotProgress;
[FieldOffset(0)] public VREvent_ApplicationLaunch_t applicationLaunch;
[FieldOffset(0)] public VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t cameraSurface;
[FieldOffset(0)] public VREvent_MessageOverlay_t messageOverlay;
[FieldOffset(0)] public VREvent_Keyboard_t keyboard; // This has to be at the end due to a mono bug
@ -3768,7 +3829,7 @@ public enum EVRScreenshotError
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Texture_t
public IntPtr handle; // void *
public EGraphicsAPIConvention eType;
public ETextureType eType;
public EColorSpace eColorSpace;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct TrackedDevicePose_t
@ -3789,7 +3850,7 @@ public enum EVRScreenshotError
public float uMax;
public float vMax;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct VulkanData_t
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct VRVulkanTextureData_t
public ulong m_nImage;
public IntPtr m_pDevice; // struct VkDevice_T *
@ -3895,6 +3956,10 @@ public enum EVRScreenshotError
public ulong overlayHandle;
public uint nVisualMode;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct VREvent_MessageOverlay_t
public uint unVRMessageOverlayResponse;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct VREvent_t
public uint eventType;
@ -4139,7 +4204,7 @@ public class OpenVR
public const uint k_unControllerStateAxisCount = 5;
public const ulong k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid = 0;
public const uint k_unScreenshotHandleInvalid = 0;
public const string IVRSystem_Version = "IVRSystem_014";
public const string IVRSystem_Version = "IVRSystem_015";
public const string IVRExtendedDisplay_Version = "IVRExtendedDisplay_001";
public const string IVRTrackedCamera_Version = "IVRTrackedCamera_003";
public const uint k_unMaxApplicationKeyLength = 128;
@ -4148,12 +4213,12 @@ public class OpenVR
public const string IVRApplications_Version = "IVRApplications_006";
public const string IVRChaperone_Version = "IVRChaperone_003";
public const string IVRChaperoneSetup_Version = "IVRChaperoneSetup_005";
public const string IVRCompositor_Version = "IVRCompositor_018";
public const string IVRCompositor_Version = "IVRCompositor_019";
public const uint k_unVROverlayMaxKeyLength = 128;
public const uint k_unVROverlayMaxNameLength = 128;
public const uint k_unMaxOverlayCount = 64;
public const uint k_unMaxOverlayIntersectionMaskPrimitivesCount = 32;
public const string IVROverlay_Version = "IVROverlay_013";
public const string IVROverlay_Version = "IVROverlay_014";
public const string k_pch_Controller_Component_GDC2015 = "gdc2015";
public const string k_pch_Controller_Component_Base = "base";
public const string k_pch_Controller_Component_Tip = "tip";
@ -4200,6 +4265,9 @@ public class OpenVR
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_ShowMirrorView_Bool = "showMirrorView";
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewGeometry_String = "mirrorViewGeometry";
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_StartMonitorFromAppLaunch = "startMonitorFromAppLaunch";
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_StartCompositorFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startCompositorFromAppLaunch";
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_StartDashboardFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startDashboardFromAppLaunch";
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_StartOverlayAppsFromDashboard_Bool = "startOverlayAppsFromDashboard";
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_EnableHomeApp = "enableHomeApp";
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_SetInitialDefaultHomeApp = "setInitialDefaultHomeApp";
public const string k_pch_SteamVR_CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec_Int32 = "CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec";
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
,{"typedef": "vr::VRNotificationId","type": "uint32_t"}
,{"typedef": "vr::HmdError","type": "enum vr::EVRInitError"}
,{"typedef": "vr::Hmd_Eye","type": "enum vr::EVREye"}
,{"typedef": "vr::GraphicsAPIConvention","type": "enum vr::EGraphicsAPIConvention"}
,{"typedef": "vr::ColorSpace","type": "enum vr::EColorSpace"}
,{"typedef": "vr::HmdTrackingResult","type": "enum vr::ETrackingResult"}
,{"typedef": "vr::TrackedDeviceClass","type": "enum vr::ETrackedDeviceClass"}
@ -34,9 +33,10 @@
{"name": "Eye_Left","value": "0"}
,{"name": "Eye_Right","value": "1"}
, {"enumname": "vr::EGraphicsAPIConvention","values": [
{"name": "API_DirectX","value": "0"}
,{"name": "API_OpenGL","value": "1"}
, {"enumname": "vr::ETextureType","values": [
{"name": "TextureType_DirectX","value": "0"}
,{"name": "TextureType_OpenGL","value": "1"}
,{"name": "TextureType_Vulkan","value": "2"}
, {"enumname": "vr::EColorSpace","values": [
{"name": "ColorSpace_Auto","value": "0"}
@ -54,9 +54,8 @@
{"name": "TrackedDeviceClass_Invalid","value": "0"}
,{"name": "TrackedDeviceClass_HMD","value": "1"}
,{"name": "TrackedDeviceClass_Controller","value": "2"}
,{"name": "TrackedDeviceClass_GenericTracker","value": "3"}
,{"name": "TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference","value": "4"}
,{"name": "TrackedDeviceClass_Count","value": "5"}
,{"name": "TrackedDeviceClass_Other","value": "1000"}
, {"enumname": "vr::ETrackedControllerRole","values": [
{"name": "TrackedControllerRole_Invalid","value": "0"}
@ -69,7 +68,8 @@
,{"name": "TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated","value": "2"}
, {"enumname": "vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty","values": [
{"name": "Prop_TrackingSystemName_String","value": "1000"}
{"name": "Prop_Invalid","value": "0"}
,{"name": "Prop_TrackingSystemName_String","value": "1000"}
,{"name": "Prop_ModelNumber_String","value": "1001"}
,{"name": "Prop_SerialNumber_String","value": "1002"}
,{"name": "Prop_RenderModelName_String","value": "1003"}
@ -179,12 +179,13 @@
,{"name": "TrackedProp_ValueNotProvidedByDevice","value": "7"}
,{"name": "TrackedProp_StringExceedsMaximumLength","value": "8"}
,{"name": "TrackedProp_NotYetAvailable","value": "9"}
,{"name": "TrackedProp_PermissionDenied","value": "10"}
, {"enumname": "vr::EVRSubmitFlags","values": [
{"name": "Submit_Default","value": "0"}
,{"name": "Submit_LensDistortionAlreadyApplied","value": "1"}
,{"name": "Submit_GlRenderBuffer","value": "2"}
,{"name": "Submit_VulkanTexture","value": "4"}
,{"name": "Submit_Reserved","value": "4"}
, {"enumname": "vr::EVRState","values": [
{"name": "VRState_Undefined","value": "-1"}
@ -301,6 +302,7 @@
,{"name": "VREvent_PerformanceTest_EnableCapture","value": "1600"}
,{"name": "VREvent_PerformanceTest_DisableCapture","value": "1601"}
,{"name": "VREvent_PerformanceTest_FidelityLevel","value": "1602"}
,{"name": "VREvent_MessageOverlay_Closed","value": "1650"}
,{"name": "VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start","value": "10000"}
,{"name": "VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End","value": "19999"}
@ -440,6 +442,8 @@
,{"name": "VRInitError_Init_InvalidApplicationType","value": "130"}
,{"name": "VRInitError_Init_NotAvailableToWatchdogApps","value": "131"}
,{"name": "VRInitError_Init_WatchdogDisabledInSettings","value": "132"}
,{"name": "VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardNotFound","value": "133"}
,{"name": "VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardStartupFailed","value": "134"}
,{"name": "VRInitError_Driver_Failed","value": "200"}
,{"name": "VRInitError_Driver_Unknown","value": "201"}
,{"name": "VRInitError_Driver_HmdUnknown","value": "202"}
@ -570,7 +574,7 @@
,{"name": "ChaperoneCalibrationState_Warning_BaseStationRemoved","value": "102"}
,{"name": "ChaperoneCalibrationState_Warning_SeatedBoundsInvalid","value": "103"}
,{"name": "ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error","value": "200"}
,{"name": "ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationUninitalized","value": "201"}
,{"name": "ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationUninitialized","value": "201"}
,{"name": "ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationConflict","value": "202"}
,{"name": "ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_PlayAreaInvalid","value": "203"}
,{"name": "ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_CollisionBoundsInvalid","value": "204"}
@ -621,6 +625,16 @@
,{"name": "VROverlayFlags_Panorama","value": "12"}
,{"name": "VROverlayFlags_StereoPanorama","value": "13"}
,{"name": "VROverlayFlags_SortWithNonSceneOverlays","value": "14"}
,{"name": "VROverlayFlags_VisibleInDashboard","value": "15"}
, {"enumname": "vr::VRMessageOverlayResponse","values": [
{"name": "VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_0","value": "0"}
,{"name": "VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_1","value": "1"}
,{"name": "VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_2","value": "2"}
,{"name": "VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_3","value": "3"}
,{"name": "VRMessageOverlayResponse_CouldntFindSystemOverlay","value": "4"}
,{"name": "VRMessageOverlayResponse_CouldntFindOrCreateClientOverlay","value": "5"}
,{"name": "VRMessageOverlayResponse_ApplicationQuit","value": "6"}
, {"enumname": "vr::EGamepadTextInputMode","values": [
{"name": "k_EGamepadTextInputModeNormal","value": "0"}
@ -712,7 +726,7 @@
"constname": "k_unScreenshotHandleInvalid","consttype": "const uint32_t", "constval": "0"}
"constname": "IVRSystem_Version","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "IVRSystem_014"}
"constname": "IVRSystem_Version","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "IVRSystem_015"}
"constname": "IVRExtendedDisplay_Version","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "IVRExtendedDisplay_001"}
@ -730,7 +744,7 @@
"constname": "IVRChaperoneSetup_Version","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "IVRChaperoneSetup_005"}
"constname": "IVRCompositor_Version","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "IVRCompositor_018"}
"constname": "IVRCompositor_Version","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "IVRCompositor_019"}
"constname": "k_unVROverlayMaxKeyLength","consttype": "const uint32_t", "constval": "128"}
@ -740,7 +754,7 @@
"constname": "k_unMaxOverlayIntersectionMaskPrimitivesCount","consttype": "const uint32_t", "constval": "32"}
"constname": "IVROverlay_Version","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "IVROverlay_013"}
"constname": "IVROverlay_Version","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "IVROverlay_014"}
"constname": "k_pch_Controller_Component_GDC2015","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "gdc2015"}
@ -833,6 +847,12 @@
"constname": "k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewGeometry_String","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "mirrorViewGeometry"}
"constname": "k_pch_SteamVR_StartMonitorFromAppLaunch","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "startMonitorFromAppLaunch"}
"constname": "k_pch_SteamVR_StartCompositorFromAppLaunch_Bool","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "startCompositorFromAppLaunch"}
"constname": "k_pch_SteamVR_StartDashboardFromAppLaunch_Bool","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "startDashboardFromAppLaunch"}
"constname": "k_pch_SteamVR_StartOverlayAppsFromDashboard_Bool","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "startOverlayAppsFromDashboard"}
"constname": "k_pch_SteamVR_EnableHomeApp","consttype": "const char *const", "constval": "enableHomeApp"}
@ -1035,7 +1055,7 @@
{ "fieldname": "rfBlue", "fieldtype": "float [2]"}]}
,{"struct": "vr::Texture_t","fields": [
{ "fieldname": "handle", "fieldtype": "void *"},
{ "fieldname": "eType", "fieldtype": "enum vr::EGraphicsAPIConvention"},
{ "fieldname": "eType", "fieldtype": "enum vr::ETextureType"},
{ "fieldname": "eColorSpace", "fieldtype": "enum vr::EColorSpace"}]}
,{"struct": "vr::TrackedDevicePose_t","fields": [
{ "fieldname": "mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking", "fieldtype": "struct vr::HmdMatrix34_t"},
@ -1049,7 +1069,7 @@
{ "fieldname": "vMin", "fieldtype": "float"},
{ "fieldname": "uMax", "fieldtype": "float"},
{ "fieldname": "vMax", "fieldtype": "float"}]}
,{"struct": "vr::VulkanData_t","fields": [
,{"struct": "vr::VRVulkanTextureData_t","fields": [
{ "fieldname": "m_nImage", "fieldtype": "uint64_t"},
{ "fieldname": "m_pDevice", "fieldtype": "struct VkDevice_T *"},
{ "fieldname": "m_pPhysicalDevice", "fieldtype": "struct VkPhysicalDevice_T *"},
@ -1114,6 +1134,8 @@
,{"struct": "vr::VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t","fields": [
{ "fieldname": "overlayHandle", "fieldtype": "uint64_t"},
{ "fieldname": "nVisualMode", "fieldtype": "uint32_t"}]}
,{"struct": "vr::VREvent_MessageOverlay_t","fields": [
{ "fieldname": "unVRMessageOverlayResponse", "fieldtype": "uint32_t"}]}
,{"struct": "vr::(anonymous)","fields": [
{ "fieldname": "reserved", "fieldtype": "struct vr::VREvent_Reserved_t"},
{ "fieldname": "controller", "fieldtype": "struct vr::VREvent_Controller_t"},
@ -1132,7 +1154,8 @@
{ "fieldname": "screenshot", "fieldtype": "struct vr::VREvent_Screenshot_t"},
{ "fieldname": "screenshotProgress", "fieldtype": "struct vr::VREvent_ScreenshotProgress_t"},
{ "fieldname": "applicationLaunch", "fieldtype": "struct vr::VREvent_ApplicationLaunch_t"},
{ "fieldname": "cameraSurface", "fieldtype": "struct vr::VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t"}]}
{ "fieldname": "cameraSurface", "fieldtype": "struct vr::VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t"},
{ "fieldname": "messageOverlay", "fieldtype": "struct vr::VREvent_MessageOverlay_t"}]}
,{"struct": "vr::VREvent_t","fields": [
{ "fieldname": "eventType", "fieldtype": "uint32_t"},
{ "fieldname": "trackedDeviceIndex", "fieldtype": "TrackedDeviceIndex_t"},
@ -1294,8 +1317,7 @@
"params": [
{ "paramname": "eEye" ,"paramtype": "vr::EVREye"},
{ "paramname": "fNearZ" ,"paramtype": "float"},
{ "paramname": "fFarZ" ,"paramtype": "float"},
{ "paramname": "eProjType" ,"paramtype": "vr::EGraphicsAPIConvention"}
{ "paramname": "fFarZ" ,"paramtype": "float"}
@ -1713,7 +1735,7 @@
"classname": "vr::IVRTrackedCamera",
"methodname": "GetCameraIntrinisics",
"methodname": "GetCameraIntrinsics",
"returntype": "vr::EVRTrackedCameraError",
"params": [
{ "paramname": "nDeviceIndex" ,"paramtype": "vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t"},
@ -2572,6 +2594,25 @@
{ "paramname": "glSharedTextureHandle" ,"paramtype": "vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t"}
"classname": "vr::IVRCompositor",
"methodname": "GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired",
"returntype": "uint32_t",
"params": [
{ "paramname": "pchValue" ,"out_string": " " ,"paramtype": "char *"},
{ "paramname": "unBufferSize" ,"paramtype": "uint32_t"}
"classname": "vr::IVRCompositor",
"methodname": "GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired",
"returntype": "uint32_t",
"params": [
{ "paramname": "pPhysicalDevice" ,"paramtype": "struct VkPhysicalDevice_T *"},
{ "paramname": "pchValue" ,"out_string": " " ,"paramtype": "char *"},
{ "paramname": "unBufferSize" ,"paramtype": "uint32_t"}
"classname": "vr::IVROverlay",
"methodname": "FindOverlay",
@ -3100,8 +3141,9 @@
{ "paramname": "pWidth" ,"paramtype": "uint32_t *"},
{ "paramname": "pHeight" ,"paramtype": "uint32_t *"},
{ "paramname": "pNativeFormat" ,"paramtype": "uint32_t *"},
{ "paramname": "pAPI" ,"paramtype": "vr::EGraphicsAPIConvention *"},
{ "paramname": "pColorSpace" ,"paramtype": "vr::EColorSpace *"}
{ "paramname": "pAPIType" ,"paramtype": "vr::ETextureType *"},
{ "paramname": "pColorSpace" ,"paramtype": "vr::EColorSpace *"},
{ "paramname": "pTextureBounds" ,"paramtype": "struct vr::VRTextureBounds_t *"}
@ -3250,6 +3292,28 @@
{ "paramname": "unPrimitiveSize" ,"paramtype": "uint32_t"}
"classname": "vr::IVROverlay",
"methodname": "GetOverlayFlags",
"returntype": "vr::EVROverlayError",
"params": [
{ "paramname": "ulOverlayHandle" ,"paramtype": "vr::VROverlayHandle_t"},
{ "paramname": "pFlags" ,"paramtype": "uint32_t *"}
"classname": "vr::IVROverlay",
"methodname": "ShowMessageOverlay",
"returntype": "vr::VRMessageOverlayResponse",
"params": [
{ "paramname": "pchText" ,"paramtype": "const char *"},
{ "paramname": "pchCaption" ,"paramtype": "const char *"},
{ "paramname": "pchButton0Text" ,"paramtype": "const char *"},
{ "paramname": "pchButton1Text" ,"paramtype": "const char *"},
{ "paramname": "pchButton2Text" ,"paramtype": "const char *"},
{ "paramname": "pchButton3Text" ,"paramtype": "const char *"}
"classname": "vr::IVRRenderModels",
"methodname": "LoadRenderModel_Async",
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static const unsigned int k_unMaxPropertyStringSize = 32768;
static const unsigned int k_unControllerStateAxisCount = 5;
static const unsigned long k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid = 0;
static const unsigned int k_unScreenshotHandleInvalid = 0;
static const char * IVRSystem_Version = "IVRSystem_014";
static const char * IVRSystem_Version = "IVRSystem_015";
static const char * IVRExtendedDisplay_Version = "IVRExtendedDisplay_001";
static const char * IVRTrackedCamera_Version = "IVRTrackedCamera_003";
static const unsigned int k_unMaxApplicationKeyLength = 128;
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ static const char * k_pch_MimeType_GameTheater = "vr/game_theater";
static const char * IVRApplications_Version = "IVRApplications_006";
static const char * IVRChaperone_Version = "IVRChaperone_003";
static const char * IVRChaperoneSetup_Version = "IVRChaperoneSetup_005";
static const char * IVRCompositor_Version = "IVRCompositor_018";
static const char * IVRCompositor_Version = "IVRCompositor_019";
static const unsigned int k_unVROverlayMaxKeyLength = 128;
static const unsigned int k_unVROverlayMaxNameLength = 128;
static const unsigned int k_unMaxOverlayCount = 64;
static const unsigned int k_unMaxOverlayIntersectionMaskPrimitivesCount = 32;
static const char * IVROverlay_Version = "IVROverlay_013";
static const char * IVROverlay_Version = "IVROverlay_014";
static const char * k_pch_Controller_Component_GDC2015 = "gdc2015";
static const char * k_pch_Controller_Component_Base = "base";
static const char * k_pch_Controller_Component_Tip = "tip";
@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_DefaultMirrorView_Int32 = "defaultMirrorView";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_ShowMirrorView_Bool = "showMirrorView";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewGeometry_String = "mirrorViewGeometry";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_StartMonitorFromAppLaunch = "startMonitorFromAppLaunch";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_StartCompositorFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startCompositorFromAppLaunch";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_StartDashboardFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startDashboardFromAppLaunch";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_StartOverlayAppsFromDashboard_Bool = "startOverlayAppsFromDashboard";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_EnableHomeApp = "enableHomeApp";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_SetInitialDefaultHomeApp = "setInitialDefaultHomeApp";
static const char * k_pch_SteamVR_CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec_Int32 = "CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec";
@ -216,11 +219,12 @@ typedef enum EVREye
EVREye_Eye_Right = 1,
} EVREye;
typedef enum EGraphicsAPIConvention
typedef enum ETextureType
EGraphicsAPIConvention_API_DirectX = 0,
EGraphicsAPIConvention_API_OpenGL = 1,
} EGraphicsAPIConvention;
ETextureType_TextureType_DirectX = 0,
ETextureType_TextureType_OpenGL = 1,
ETextureType_TextureType_Vulkan = 2,
} ETextureType;
typedef enum EColorSpace
@ -243,9 +247,8 @@ typedef enum ETrackedDeviceClass
ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_Invalid = 0,
ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_HMD = 1,
ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_Controller = 2,
ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_GenericTracker = 3,
ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference = 4,
ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_Count = 5,
ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_Other = 1000,
} ETrackedDeviceClass;
typedef enum ETrackedControllerRole
@ -264,6 +267,7 @@ typedef enum ETrackingUniverseOrigin
typedef enum ETrackedDeviceProperty
ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_Invalid = 0,
ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_TrackingSystemName_String = 1000,
ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_ModelNumber_String = 1001,
ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_SerialNumber_String = 1002,
@ -376,6 +380,7 @@ typedef enum ETrackedPropertyError
ETrackedPropertyError_TrackedProp_ValueNotProvidedByDevice = 7,
ETrackedPropertyError_TrackedProp_StringExceedsMaximumLength = 8,
ETrackedPropertyError_TrackedProp_NotYetAvailable = 9,
ETrackedPropertyError_TrackedProp_PermissionDenied = 10,
} ETrackedPropertyError;
typedef enum EVRSubmitFlags
@ -383,7 +388,7 @@ typedef enum EVRSubmitFlags
EVRSubmitFlags_Submit_Default = 0,
EVRSubmitFlags_Submit_LensDistortionAlreadyApplied = 1,
EVRSubmitFlags_Submit_GlRenderBuffer = 2,
EVRSubmitFlags_Submit_VulkanTexture = 4,
EVRSubmitFlags_Submit_Reserved = 4,
} EVRSubmitFlags;
typedef enum EVRState
@ -504,6 +509,7 @@ typedef enum EVREventType
EVREventType_VREvent_PerformanceTest_EnableCapture = 1600,
EVREventType_VREvent_PerformanceTest_DisableCapture = 1601,
EVREventType_VREvent_PerformanceTest_FidelityLevel = 1602,
EVREventType_VREvent_MessageOverlay_Closed = 1650,
EVREventType_VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000,
EVREventType_VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 19999,
} EVREventType;
@ -667,6 +673,8 @@ typedef enum EVRInitError
EVRInitError_VRInitError_Init_InvalidApplicationType = 130,
EVRInitError_VRInitError_Init_NotAvailableToWatchdogApps = 131,
EVRInitError_VRInitError_Init_WatchdogDisabledInSettings = 132,
EVRInitError_VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardNotFound = 133,
EVRInitError_VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardStartupFailed = 134,
EVRInitError_VRInitError_Driver_Failed = 200,
EVRInitError_VRInitError_Driver_Unknown = 201,
EVRInitError_VRInitError_Driver_HmdUnknown = 202,
@ -813,7 +821,7 @@ typedef enum ChaperoneCalibrationState
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Warning_BaseStationRemoved = 102,
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Warning_SeatedBoundsInvalid = 103,
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error = 200,
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationUninitalized = 201,
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationUninitialized = 201,
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_BaseStationConflict = 202,
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_PlayAreaInvalid = 203,
ChaperoneCalibrationState_Error_CollisionBoundsInvalid = 204,
@ -876,8 +884,20 @@ typedef enum VROverlayFlags
VROverlayFlags_Panorama = 12,
VROverlayFlags_StereoPanorama = 13,
VROverlayFlags_SortWithNonSceneOverlays = 14,
VROverlayFlags_VisibleInDashboard = 15,
} VROverlayFlags;
typedef enum VRMessageOverlayResponse
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_0 = 0,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_1 = 1,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_2 = 2,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ButtonPress_3 = 3,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_CouldntFindSystemOverlay = 4,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_CouldntFindOrCreateClientOverlay = 5,
VRMessageOverlayResponse_ApplicationQuit = 6,
} VRMessageOverlayResponse;
typedef enum EGamepadTextInputMode
EGamepadTextInputMode_k_EGamepadTextInputModeNormal = 0,
@ -987,7 +1007,6 @@ typedef int32_t TextureID_t;
typedef uint32_t VRNotificationId;
typedef EVRInitError HmdError;
typedef EVREye Hmd_Eye;
typedef EGraphicsAPIConvention GraphicsAPIConvention;
typedef EColorSpace ColorSpace;
typedef ETrackingResult HmdTrackingResult;
typedef ETrackedDeviceClass TrackedDeviceClass;
@ -1071,7 +1090,7 @@ typedef struct DistortionCoordinates_t
typedef struct Texture_t
void * handle; // void *
enum EGraphicsAPIConvention eType;
enum ETextureType eType;
enum EColorSpace eColorSpace;
} Texture_t;
@ -1093,7 +1112,7 @@ typedef struct VRTextureBounds_t
float vMax;
} VRTextureBounds_t;
typedef struct VulkanData_t
typedef struct VRVulkanTextureData_t
uint64_t m_nImage;
struct VkDevice_T * m_pDevice; // struct VkDevice_T *
@ -1105,7 +1124,7 @@ typedef struct VulkanData_t
uint32_t m_nHeight;
uint32_t m_nFormat;
uint32_t m_nSampleCount;
} VulkanData_t;
} VRVulkanTextureData_t;
typedef struct VREvent_Controller_t
@ -1215,6 +1234,11 @@ typedef struct VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t
uint32_t nVisualMode;
} VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t;
typedef struct VREvent_MessageOverlay_t
uint32_t unVRMessageOverlayResponse;
} VREvent_MessageOverlay_t;
typedef struct HiddenAreaMesh_t
struct HmdVector2_t * pVertexData; // const struct vr::HmdVector2_t *
@ -1453,7 +1477,7 @@ struct VROverlayIntersectionMaskPrimitive_t
struct VR_IVRSystem_FnTable
void (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize)(uint32_t * pnWidth, uint32_t * pnHeight);
struct HmdMatrix44_t (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetProjectionMatrix)(EVREye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, EGraphicsAPIConvention eProjType);
struct HmdMatrix44_t (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetProjectionMatrix)(EVREye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ);
void (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetProjectionRaw)(EVREye eEye, float * pfLeft, float * pfRight, float * pfTop, float * pfBottom);
bool (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *ComputeDistortion)(EVREye eEye, float fU, float fV, struct DistortionCoordinates_t * pDistortionCoordinates);
struct HmdMatrix34_t (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetEyeToHeadTransform)(EVREye eEye);
@ -1510,7 +1534,7 @@ struct VR_IVRTrackedCamera_FnTable
char * (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetCameraErrorNameFromEnum)(EVRTrackedCameraError eCameraError);
EVRTrackedCameraError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *HasCamera)(TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, bool * pHasCamera);
EVRTrackedCameraError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetCameraFrameSize)(TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, uint32_t * pnWidth, uint32_t * pnHeight, uint32_t * pnFrameBufferSize);
EVRTrackedCameraError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetCameraIntrinisics)(TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, HmdVector2_t * pFocalLength, HmdVector2_t * pCenter);
EVRTrackedCameraError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetCameraIntrinsics)(TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, HmdVector2_t * pFocalLength, HmdVector2_t * pCenter);
EVRTrackedCameraError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetCameraProjection)(TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, float flZNear, float flZFar, HmdMatrix44_t * pProjection);
EVRTrackedCameraError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *AcquireVideoStreamingService)(TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDeviceIndex, TrackedCameraHandle_t * pHandle);
EVRTrackedCameraError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *ReleaseVideoStreamingService)(TrackedCameraHandle_t hTrackedCamera);
@ -1631,6 +1655,8 @@ struct VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable
bool (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *ReleaseSharedGLTexture)(glUInt_t glTextureId, glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle);
void (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *LockGLSharedTextureForAccess)(glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle);
void (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *UnlockGLSharedTextureForAccess)(glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle);
uint32_t (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired)(char * pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize);
uint32_t (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired)(struct VkPhysicalDevice_T * pPhysicalDevice, char * pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize);
struct VR_IVROverlay_FnTable
@ -1691,7 +1717,7 @@ struct VR_IVROverlay_FnTable
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *ClearOverlayTexture)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *SetOverlayRaw)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, void * pvBuffer, uint32_t unWidth, uint32_t unHeight, uint32_t unDepth);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *SetOverlayFromFile)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, char * pchFilePath);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetOverlayTexture)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, void ** pNativeTextureHandle, void * pNativeTextureRef, uint32_t * pWidth, uint32_t * pHeight, uint32_t * pNativeFormat, EGraphicsAPIConvention * pAPI, EColorSpace * pColorSpace);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetOverlayTexture)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, void ** pNativeTextureHandle, void * pNativeTextureRef, uint32_t * pWidth, uint32_t * pHeight, uint32_t * pNativeFormat, ETextureType * pAPIType, EColorSpace * pColorSpace, struct VRTextureBounds_t * pTextureBounds);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *ReleaseNativeOverlayHandle)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, void * pNativeTextureHandle);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetOverlayTextureSize)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, uint32_t * pWidth, uint32_t * pHeight);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *CreateDashboardOverlay)(char * pchOverlayKey, char * pchOverlayFriendlyName, VROverlayHandle_t * pMainHandle, VROverlayHandle_t * pThumbnailHandle);
@ -1708,6 +1734,8 @@ struct VR_IVROverlay_FnTable
void (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *SetKeyboardTransformAbsolute)(ETrackingUniverseOrigin eTrackingOrigin, struct HmdMatrix34_t * pmatTrackingOriginToKeyboardTransform);
void (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *SetKeyboardPositionForOverlay)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, struct HmdRect2_t avoidRect);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *SetOverlayIntersectionMask)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, struct VROverlayIntersectionMaskPrimitive_t * pMaskPrimitives, uint32_t unNumMaskPrimitives, uint32_t unPrimitiveSize);
EVROverlayError (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *GetOverlayFlags)(VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, uint32_t * pFlags);
VRMessageOverlayResponse (OPENVR_FNTABLE_CALLTYPE *ShowMessageOverlay)(char * pchText, char * pchCaption, char * pchButton0Text, char * pchButton1Text, char * pchButton2Text, char * pchButton3Text);
struct VR_IVRRenderModels_FnTable
@ -111,10 +111,11 @@ enum EVREye
Eye_Right = 1
enum EGraphicsAPIConvention
enum ETextureType
API_DirectX = 0, // Normalized Z goes from 0 at the viewer to 1 at the far clip plane
API_OpenGL = 1, // Normalized Z goes from 1 at the viewer to -1 at the far clip plane
TextureType_DirectX = 0, // Handle is an ID3D11Texture
TextureType_OpenGL = 1, // Handle is an OpenGL texture name or an OpenGL render buffer name, depending on submit flags
TextureType_Vulkan = 2, // Handle is a pointer to a VRVulkanTextureData_t structure
enum EColorSpace
@ -126,8 +127,8 @@ enum EColorSpace
struct Texture_t
void* handle; // Native d3d texture pointer or GL texture id.
EGraphicsAPIConvention eType;
void* handle; // See ETextureType definition above
ETextureType eType;
EColorSpace eColorSpace;
@ -161,11 +162,8 @@ enum ETrackedDeviceClass
TrackedDeviceClass_Invalid = 0, // the ID was not valid.
TrackedDeviceClass_HMD = 1, // Head-Mounted Displays
TrackedDeviceClass_Controller = 2, // Tracked controllers
TrackedDeviceClass_GenericTracker = 3, // Generic trackers, similar to controllers
TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference = 4, // Camera and base stations that serve as tracking reference points
TrackedDeviceClass_Count, // This isn't a class that will ever be returned. It is used for allocating arrays and such
TrackedDeviceClass_Other = 1000,
@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ enum ETrackingUniverseOrigin
TrackingUniverseSeated = 0, // Poses are provided relative to the seated zero pose
TrackingUniverseStanding = 1, // Poses are provided relative to the safe bounds configured by the user
TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated = 2, // Poses are provided in the coordinate system defined by the driver. You probably don't want this one.
TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated = 2, // Poses are provided in the coordinate system defined by the driver. It has Y up and is unified for devices of the same driver. You usually don't want this one.
@ -206,6 +204,8 @@ enum ETrackingUniverseOrigin
* tracked device. Many fields are only valid for one ETrackedDeviceClass. */
enum ETrackedDeviceProperty
Prop_Invalid = 0,
// general properties that apply to all device classes
Prop_TrackingSystemName_String = 1000,
Prop_ModelNumber_String = 1001,
@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ enum ETrackedPropertyError
TrackedProp_ValueNotProvidedByDevice = 7,
TrackedProp_StringExceedsMaximumLength = 8,
TrackedProp_NotYetAvailable = 9, // The property value isn't known yet, but is expected soon. Call again later.
TrackedProp_PermissionDenied = 10,
/** Allows the application to control what part of the provided texture will be used in the
@ -358,13 +359,13 @@ enum EVRSubmitFlags
// If the texture pointer passed in is actually a renderbuffer (e.g. for MSAA in OpenGL) then set this flag.
Submit_GlRenderBuffer = 0x02,
// Handle is pointer to VulkanData_t
Submit_VulkanTexture = 0x04,
// Do not use
Submit_Reserved = 0x04,
/** Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit.
* Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. */
struct VulkanData_t
struct VRVulkanTextureData_t
uint64_t m_nImage; // VkImage
VkDevice_T *m_pDevice;
@ -518,6 +519,8 @@ enum EVREventType
VREvent_PerformanceTest_DisableCapture = 1601,
VREvent_PerformanceTest_FidelityLevel = 1602,
VREvent_MessageOverlay_Closed = 1650,
// Vendors are free to expose private events in this reserved region
VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000,
VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 19999,
@ -703,6 +706,11 @@ struct VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t
uint32_t nVisualMode;
struct VREvent_MessageOverlay_t
uint32_t unVRMessageOverlayResponse; // vr::VRMessageOverlayResponse enum
/** NOTE!!! If you change this you MUST manually update openvr_interop.cs.py */
typedef union
@ -724,6 +732,7 @@ typedef union
VREvent_ScreenshotProgress_t screenshotProgress;
VREvent_ApplicationLaunch_t applicationLaunch;
VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t cameraSurface;
VREvent_MessageOverlay_t messageOverlay;
} VREvent_Data_t;
/** An event posted by the server to all running applications */
@ -944,6 +953,8 @@ enum EVRInitError
VRInitError_Init_InvalidApplicationType = 130,
VRInitError_Init_NotAvailableToWatchdogApps = 131,
VRInitError_Init_WatchdogDisabledInSettings = 132,
VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardNotFound = 133,
VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardStartupFailed = 134,
VRInitError_Driver_Failed = 200,
VRInitError_Driver_Unknown = 201,
@ -1257,7 +1268,6 @@ namespace vr
// steamvr keys
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_Section = "steamvr";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_RequireHmd_String = "requireHmd";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForcedDriverKey_String = "forcedDriver";
@ -1294,27 +1304,26 @@ namespace vr
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ShowMirrorView_Bool = "showMirrorView";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewGeometry_String = "mirrorViewGeometry";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartMonitorFromAppLaunch = "startMonitorFromAppLaunch";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartCompositorFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startCompositorFromAppLaunch";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartDashboardFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startDashboardFromAppLaunch";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartOverlayAppsFromDashboard_Bool = "startOverlayAppsFromDashboard";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_EnableHomeApp = "enableHomeApp";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SetInitialDefaultHomeApp = "setInitialDefaultHomeApp";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec_Int32 = "CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_RetailDemo_Bool = "retailDemo";
static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_IpdOffset_Float = "ipdOffset";
// lighthouse keys
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_Section = "driver_lighthouse";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisableIMU_Bool = "disableimu";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_UseDisambiguation_String = "usedisambiguation";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisambiguationDebug_Int32 = "disambiguationdebug";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_PrimaryBasestation_Int32 = "primarybasestation";
static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DBHistory_Bool = "dbhistory";
// null keys
static const char * const k_pch_Null_Section = "driver_null";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_EnableNullDriver_Bool = "enable";
static const char * const k_pch_Null_SerialNumber_String = "serialNumber";
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
// Handle non standard code.
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <cstdbool>
#include <unistd.h>
#define sprintf_s snprintf
#define vsprintf_s sprintf
#define _stricmp strcmp
#define stricmp strcmp
#define strcpy_s(dst, n, src) int(strncpy(dst, src, n) != nullptr)
#define fopen_s(fd, path, mode) int((*fd = fopen(path, mode)) != nullptr)
#define _vsnprintf_s(buffer, size, fmt, ap) vsnprintf(buffer, size, fmt, ap)
#define OutputDebugStringA(x) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", x)
typedef int errno_t;
#endif // _WIN32
Reference in New Issue
Block a user