mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 21:30:09 +00:00
add option to set stress clamping limit
This commit is contained in:
@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ void GraspDeformable::initPhysics()
// build a gripper
bool damping = true;
bool gyro = false;
@ -269,18 +270,18 @@ void GraspDeformable::initPhysics()
// create a soft block
char relative_path[1024];
// b3FileUtils::findFile("banana.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("ball.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("paper_collision.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("deformable_crumpled_napkin_sim.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("single_tet.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
b3FileUtils::findFile("tube.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("tube.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("torus.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("paper_roll.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("bread.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("ditto.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
b3FileUtils::findFile("ditto.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// b3FileUtils::findFile("boot.vtk", relative_path, 1024);
// btSoftBody* psb = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreateFromTetGenData(getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->getWorldInfo(),
// TetraCube::getElements(),
@ -290,12 +291,13 @@ void GraspDeformable::initPhysics()
btSoftBody* psb = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreateFromVtkFile(getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->getWorldInfo(), relative_path);
// psb->scale(btVector3(30, 30, 30)); // for banana
// psb->scale(btVector3(.2, .2, .2));
psb->scale(btVector3(.7, .7, .7));
// psb->scale(btVector3(2, 2, 2));
psb->scale(btVector3(.1, .1, .1)); // for tube, torus, boot
// psb->scale(btVector3(.1, .1, .1)); // for ditto
// psb->translate(btVector3(.25, 2, 0.4));
// psb->scale(btVector3(.3, .3, .3)); // for tube, torus, boot
psb->scale(btVector3(.1, .1, .1)); // for ditto
// psb->translate(btVector3(.25, 10, 0.4));
psb->m_cfg.kKHR = 1; // collision hardness with kinematic objects
psb->m_cfg.kCHR = 1; // collision hardness with rigid body
@ -307,20 +309,22 @@ void GraspDeformable::initPhysics()
getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->addForce(psb, gravity_force);
btDeformableNeoHookeanForce* neohookean = new btDeformableNeoHookeanForce(100,200, 0.05);
btDeformableNeoHookeanForce* neohookean = new btDeformableNeoHookeanForce(8,32, .05);
getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->addForce(psb, neohookean);
// create a piece of cloth
bool onGround = false;
const btScalar s = .4;
btSoftBody* psb = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreatePatch(getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->getWorldInfo(), btVector3(-s, 0, -s),
btVector3(+s, 0, -s),
btVector3(-s, 0, +s),
btVector3(+s, 0, +s),
const btScalar s = .1;
const btScalar h = 1;
btSoftBody* psb = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreatePatch(getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->getWorldInfo(), btVector3(-s, h, -s),
btVector3(+s, h, -s),
btVector3(-s, h, +s),
btVector3(+s, h, +s),
0, true);
@ -344,7 +348,8 @@ void GraspDeformable::initPhysics()
psb->m_cfg.collisions = btSoftBody::fCollision::SDF_RD;
psb->m_cfg.collisions |= btSoftBody::fCollision::VF_DD;
getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->addForce(psb, new btDeformableMassSpringForce(.2,0.02, true));
// getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->addForce(psb, new btDeformableMassSpringForce(.0,0.0, true));
getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->addForce(psb, new btDeformableMassSpringForce(1,0.05, false));
getDeformableDynamicsWorld()->addForce(psb, new btDeformableGravityForce(gravity));
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public:
m_lambda_damp = damping * m_lambda;
btDeformableNeoHookeanForce(btScalar mu, btScalar lambda, btScalar damping = 0): m_mu(mu), m_lambda(lambda)
btDeformableNeoHookeanForce(btScalar mu, btScalar lambda, btScalar damping = 0.05): m_mu(mu), m_lambda(lambda)
m_mu_damp = damping * m_mu;
m_lambda_damp = damping * m_lambda;
@ -73,12 +73,10 @@ public:
size_t id2 = node2->index;
size_t id3 = node3->index;
btMatrix3x3 dF = DsFromVelocity(node0, node1, node2, node3) * tetra.m_Dm_inverse;
btMatrix3x3 C = dF + dF.transpose();
btMatrix3x3 dP;
// firstPiolaDampingDifferential(psb->m_tetraScratchesTn[j], dF, dP);
btMatrix3x3 I;
dP = C * m_mu_damp + I * (dF[0][0]+dF[1][1]+dF[2][2]) * m_lambda_damp;
btMatrix3x3 dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * m_mu_damp + I * (dF[0][0]+dF[1][1]+dF[2][2]) * m_lambda_damp;
// firstPiolaDampingDifferential(psb->m_tetraScratchesTn[j], dF, dP);
btVector3 df_on_node0 = dP * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
btMatrix3x3 df_on_node123 = dP * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
@ -157,13 +155,17 @@ public:
virtual void addScaledElasticForce(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
// btScalar max_p = 0;
int numNodes = getNumNodes();
btAssert(numNodes <= force.size());
btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1,-1,-1);
for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
if (!psb->isActive())
btScalar max_p = psb->m_cfg.m_maxStress;
for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
@ -173,47 +175,21 @@ public:
btMatrix3x3 U, V;
btVector3 sigma;
singularValueDecomposition(P, U, sigma, V);
sigma[0] = btMin(sigma[0], (btScalar)1000);
sigma[1] = btMin(sigma[1], (btScalar)1000);
sigma[2] = btMin(sigma[2], (btScalar)1000);
sigma[0] = btMax(sigma[0], (btScalar)-1000);
sigma[1] = btMax(sigma[1], (btScalar)-1000);
sigma[2] = btMax(sigma[2], (btScalar)-1000);
if (max_p > 0)
sigma[0] = btMin(sigma[0], max_p);
sigma[1] = btMin(sigma[1], max_p);
sigma[2] = btMin(sigma[2], max_p);
sigma[0] = btMax(sigma[0], -max_p);
sigma[1] = btMax(sigma[1], -max_p);
sigma[2] = btMax(sigma[2], -max_p);
btMatrix3x3 Sigma;
Sigma[0][0] = sigma[0];
Sigma[1][1] = sigma[1];
Sigma[2][2] = sigma[2];
// max_p = btMax(max_p, sigma[0]);
// max_p = btMax(max_p, sigma[1]);
// max_p = btMax(max_p, sigma[2]);
P = U * Sigma * V.transpose();
// Eigen::Matrix<double, 3,3> eigenP;
// eigenP << P[0][0], P[0][1], P[0][2],
// P[1][0],P[1][1],P[1][2],
// P[2][0],P[2][1],P[2][2];
// Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix<double, 3,3> > svd(eigenP, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
// Eigen::Matrix<double, 3,3> P_hat = svd.singularValues().asDiagonal();
// P_hat(0,0) = btMin((btScalar)P_hat(0,0), (btScalar)20);
// P_hat(1,1) = btMin((btScalar)P_hat(1,1), (btScalar)20);
// P_hat(2,2) = btMin((btScalar)P_hat(2,2), (btScalar)20);
// eigenP = svd.matrixU() * P_hat * svd.matrixV().transpose();
// max_p = btMax(max_p, (btScalar)P_hat(0,0));
// max_p = btMax(max_p, (btScalar)P_hat(1,1));
// max_p = btMax(max_p, (btScalar)P_hat(2,2));
// P[0][0] = eigenP(0,0);
// P[0][1] = eigenP(0,1);
// P[0][2] = eigenP(0,2);
// P[1][0] = eigenP(1,0);
// P[1][1] = eigenP(1,1);
// P[1][2] = eigenP(1,2);
// P[2][0] = eigenP(2,0);
// P[2][1] = eigenP(2,1);
// P[2][2] = eigenP(2,2);
// btVector3 force_on_node0 = P * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
btMatrix3x3 force_on_node123 = P * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
btVector3 force_on_node0 = force_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
@ -235,7 +211,6 @@ public:
force[id3] -= scale1 * force_on_node123.getColumn(2);
// std::cout << max_p << std::endl;
// The damping matrix is calculated using the time n state as described in https://www.math.ucla.edu/~jteran/papers/GSSJT15.pdf to allow line search
@ -261,12 +236,10 @@ public:
size_t id2 = node2->index;
size_t id3 = node3->index;
btMatrix3x3 dF = Ds(id0, id1, id2, id3, dv) * tetra.m_Dm_inverse;
btMatrix3x3 C = dF + dF.transpose();
btMatrix3x3 dP;
// firstPiolaDampingDifferential(psb->m_tetraScratchesTn[j], dF, dP);
btMatrix3x3 I;
dP = C * m_mu_damp + I * (dF[0][0]+dF[1][1]+dF[2][2]) * m_lambda_damp;
btMatrix3x3 dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * m_mu_damp + I * (dF[0][0]+dF[1][1]+dF[2][2]) * m_lambda_damp;
// firstPiolaDampingDifferential(psb->m_tetraScratchesTn[j], dF, dP);
// btVector3 df_on_node0 = dP * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
btMatrix3x3 df_on_node123 = dP * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
btVector3 df_on_node0 = df_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ void btSoftBody::initDefaults()
m_cfg.diterations = 0;
m_cfg.citerations = 4;
m_cfg.drag = 0;
m_cfg.m_maxStress = 0;
m_cfg.collisions = fCollision::Default;
m_cfg.collisions |= fCollision::VF_DD;
m_pose.m_bvolume = false;
@ -3195,6 +3196,12 @@ void btSoftBody::applyForces()
void btSoftBody::setMaxStress(btScalar maxStress)
m_cfg.m_maxStress = maxStress;
void btSoftBody::interpolateRenderMesh()
@ -703,6 +703,7 @@ public:
tPSolverArray m_psequence; // Position solvers sequence
tPSolverArray m_dsequence; // Drift solvers sequence
btScalar drag; // deformable air drag
btScalar m_maxStress; // Maximum principle first Piola stress
/* SolverState */
struct SolverState
@ -1107,6 +1108,7 @@ public:
void updateDeformation();
void advanceDeformation();
void applyForces();
void setMaxStress(btScalar maxStress);
void interpolateRenderMesh();
static void PSolve_Anchors(btSoftBody* psb, btScalar kst, btScalar ti);
static void PSolve_RContacts(btSoftBody* psb, btScalar kst, btScalar ti);
Reference in New Issue
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