clean up: reverted some unnecessary changes

This commit is contained in:
jingyuc 2022-01-30 17:41:44 -08:00
parent fbeafa0249
commit bfef75f871
5 changed files with 425 additions and 429 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if [ -e CMakeCache.txt ]; then
mkdir -p build_cmake
cd build_cmake
cmake -DBUILD_PYBULLET=ON -DBUILD_PYBULLET_NUMPY=ON -DUSE_DOUBLE_PRECISION=ON -DBT_USE_EGL=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/include/python3.9 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/lib/libpython3.9.dylib .. || exit 1
make -j $(command nproc 2>/dev/null || echo 12) || exit 1
cd examples
cd pybullet

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@ -111,93 +111,93 @@ void AllConstraintDemo::initPhysics()
float mass = 1.f;
// ///gear constraint demo
///gear constraint demo
// #define THETA SIMD_PI / 4.f
// #define L_1 (2 - std::tan(THETA))
// #define L_2 (1 / std::cos(THETA))
// #define RATIO L_2 / L_1
#define THETA SIMD_PI / 4.f
#define L_1 (2 - std::tan(THETA))
#define L_2 (1 / std::cos(THETA))
#define RATIO L_2 / L_1
// btRigidBody* bodyA = 0;
// btRigidBody* bodyB = 0;
btRigidBody* bodyA = 0;
btRigidBody* bodyB = 0;
// {
// btCollisionShape* cylA = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(0.2, 0.25, 0.2));
// btCollisionShape* cylB = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(L_1, 0.025, L_1));
// btCompoundShape* cyl0 = new btCompoundShape();
// cyl0->addChildShape(btTransform::getIdentity(), cylA);
// cyl0->addChildShape(btTransform::getIdentity(), cylB);
btCollisionShape* cylA = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(0.2, 0.25, 0.2));
btCollisionShape* cylB = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(L_1, 0.025, L_1));
btCompoundShape* cyl0 = new btCompoundShape();
cyl0->addChildShape(btTransform::getIdentity(), cylA);
cyl0->addChildShape(btTransform::getIdentity(), cylB);
// btScalar mass = 6.28;
// btVector3 localInertia;
// cyl0->calculateLocalInertia(mass, localInertia);
// btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo ci(mass, 0, cyl0, localInertia);
// ci.m_startWorldTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(-8, 1, -8));
btScalar mass = 6.28;
btVector3 localInertia;
cyl0->calculateLocalInertia(mass, localInertia);
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo ci(mass, 0, cyl0, localInertia);
ci.m_startWorldTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(-8, 1, -8));
// btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(ci); //1,0,cyl0,localInertia);
// m_dynamicsWorld->addRigidBody(body);
// body->setLinearFactor(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
// body->setAngularFactor(btVector3(0, 1, 0));
// bodyA = body;
// }
btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(ci); //1,0,cyl0,localInertia);
body->setLinearFactor(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
body->setAngularFactor(btVector3(0, 1, 0));
bodyA = body;
// {
// btCollisionShape* cylA = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(0.2, 0.26, 0.2));
// btCollisionShape* cylB = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(L_2, 0.025, L_2));
// btCompoundShape* cyl0 = new btCompoundShape();
// cyl0->addChildShape(btTransform::getIdentity(), cylA);
// cyl0->addChildShape(btTransform::getIdentity(), cylB);
btCollisionShape* cylA = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(0.2, 0.26, 0.2));
btCollisionShape* cylB = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(L_2, 0.025, L_2));
btCompoundShape* cyl0 = new btCompoundShape();
cyl0->addChildShape(btTransform::getIdentity(), cylA);
cyl0->addChildShape(btTransform::getIdentity(), cylB);
// btScalar mass = 6.28;
// btVector3 localInertia;
// cyl0->calculateLocalInertia(mass, localInertia);
// btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo ci(mass, 0, cyl0, localInertia);
// ci.m_startWorldTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(-10, 2, -8));
btScalar mass = 6.28;
btVector3 localInertia;
cyl0->calculateLocalInertia(mass, localInertia);
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo ci(mass, 0, cyl0, localInertia);
ci.m_startWorldTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(-10, 2, -8));
// btQuaternion orn(btVector3(0, 0, 1), -THETA);
// ci.m_startWorldTransform.setRotation(orn);
btQuaternion orn(btVector3(0, 0, 1), -THETA);
// btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(ci); //1,0,cyl0,localInertia);
// body->setLinearFactor(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
// btHingeConstraint* hinge = new btHingeConstraint(*body, btVector3(0, 0, 0), btVector3(0, 1, 0), true);
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(hinge);
// bodyB = body;
// body->setAngularVelocity(btVector3(0, 3, 0));
btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(ci); //1,0,cyl0,localInertia);
body->setLinearFactor(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
btHingeConstraint* hinge = new btHingeConstraint(*body, btVector3(0, 0, 0), btVector3(0, 1, 0), true);
bodyB = body;
body->setAngularVelocity(btVector3(0, 3, 0));
// m_dynamicsWorld->addRigidBody(body);
// }
// btVector3 axisA(0, 1, 0);
// btVector3 axisB(0, 1, 0);
// btQuaternion orn(btVector3(0, 0, 1), -THETA);
// btMatrix3x3 mat(orn);
// axisB = mat.getRow(1);
btVector3 axisA(0, 1, 0);
btVector3 axisB(0, 1, 0);
btQuaternion orn(btVector3(0, 0, 1), -THETA);
btMatrix3x3 mat(orn);
axisB = mat.getRow(1);
// btGearConstraint* gear = new btGearConstraint(*bodyA, *bodyB, axisA, axisB, RATIO);
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(gear, true);
btGearConstraint* gear = new btGearConstraint(*bodyA, *bodyB, axisA, axisB, RATIO);
m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(gear, true);
// #endif
// //point to point constraint with a breaking threshold
// {
// trans.setIdentity();
// trans.setOrigin(btVector3(1, 30, -5));
// createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
// trans.setOrigin(btVector3(0, 0, -5));
//point to point constraint with a breaking threshold
trans.setOrigin(btVector3(1, 30, -5));
createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
trans.setOrigin(btVector3(0, 0, -5));
// btRigidBody* body0 = createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
// trans.setOrigin(btVector3(2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, 20, 0));
// mass = 1.f;
// // btRigidBody* body1 = 0;//createRigidBody( mass,trans,shape);
// btTypedConstraint* p2p = new btPoint2PointConstraint(*body0, pivotInA);
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(p2p);
// p2p->setBreakingImpulseThreshold(10.2);
// p2p->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// }
// #endif
btRigidBody* body0 = createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
trans.setOrigin(btVector3(2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, 20, 0));
mass = 1.f;
// btRigidBody* body1 = 0;//createRigidBody( mass,trans,shape);
btTypedConstraint* p2p = new btPoint2PointConstraint(*body0, pivotInA);
//point to point constraint (ball socket)
@ -241,391 +241,391 @@ void AllConstraintDemo::initPhysics()
// {
// btTransform trans;
// trans.setIdentity();
// btVector3 worldPos(-20, 0, 30);
// trans.setOrigin(worldPos);
btTransform trans;
btVector3 worldPos(-20, 0, 30);
// btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
// frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
// btRigidBody* pRbA1 = createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
// // btRigidBody* pRbA1 = createRigidBody(0.f, trans, shape);
// pRbA1->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
btRigidBody* pRbA1 = createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
// btRigidBody* pRbA1 = createRigidBody(0.f, trans, shape);
// // add dynamic rigid body B1
// worldPos.setValue(-30, 0, 30);
// trans.setOrigin(worldPos);
// btRigidBody* pRbB1 = createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
// // btRigidBody* pRbB1 = createRigidBody(0.f, trans, shape);
// pRbB1->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// add dynamic rigid body B1
worldPos.setValue(-30, 0, 30);
btRigidBody* pRbB1 = createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
// btRigidBody* pRbB1 = createRigidBody(0.f, trans, shape);
// // create slider constraint between A1 and B1 and add it to world
// create slider constraint between A1 and B1 and add it to world
// btSliderConstraint* spSlider1 = new btSliderConstraint(*pRbA1, *pRbB1, frameInA, frameInB, true);
// // spSlider1 = new btSliderConstraint(*pRbA1, *pRbB1, frameInA, frameInB, false);
// spSlider1->setLowerLinLimit(-15.0F);
// spSlider1->setUpperLinLimit(-5.0F);
// // spSlider1->setLowerLinLimit(5.0F);
// // spSlider1->setUpperLinLimit(15.0F);
// // spSlider1->setLowerLinLimit(-10.0F);
// // spSlider1->setUpperLinLimit(-10.0F);
btSliderConstraint* spSlider1 = new btSliderConstraint(*pRbA1, *pRbB1, frameInA, frameInB, true);
// spSlider1 = new btSliderConstraint(*pRbA1, *pRbB1, frameInA, frameInB, false);
// spSlider1->setLowerLinLimit(5.0F);
// spSlider1->setUpperLinLimit(15.0F);
// spSlider1->setLowerLinLimit(-10.0F);
// spSlider1->setUpperLinLimit(-10.0F);
// spSlider1->setLowerAngLimit(-SIMD_PI / 3.0F);
// spSlider1->setUpperAngLimit(SIMD_PI / 3.0F);
spSlider1->setLowerAngLimit(-SIMD_PI / 3.0F);
spSlider1->setUpperAngLimit(SIMD_PI / 3.0F);
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(spSlider1, true);
// spSlider1->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// }
// #endif
m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(spSlider1, true);
// //create a slider, using the generic D6 constraint
// {
// mass = 1.f;
// btVector3 sliderWorldPos(0, 10, 0);
// btVector3 sliderAxis(1, 0, 0);
// btScalar angle = 0.f; //SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG * 10.f;
// btMatrix3x3 sliderOrientation(btQuaternion(sliderAxis, angle));
// trans.setIdentity();
// trans.setOrigin(sliderWorldPos);
// //trans.setBasis(sliderOrientation);
// sliderTransform = trans;
//create a slider, using the generic D6 constraint
mass = 1.f;
btVector3 sliderWorldPos(0, 10, 0);
btVector3 sliderAxis(1, 0, 0);
btScalar angle = 0.f; //SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG * 10.f;
btMatrix3x3 sliderOrientation(btQuaternion(sliderAxis, angle));
sliderTransform = trans;
// d6body0 = createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
// d6body0->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// btRigidBody* fixedBody1 = createRigidBody(0, trans, 0);
// m_dynamicsWorld->addRigidBody(fixedBody1);
d6body0 = createRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
btRigidBody* fixedBody1 = createRigidBody(0, trans, 0);
// btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
// frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInA.setOrigin(btVector3(0., 5., 0.));
// frameInB.setOrigin(btVector3(0., 5., 0.));
btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInA.setOrigin(btVector3(0., 5., 0.));
frameInB.setOrigin(btVector3(0., 5., 0.));
// // bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = false;//use fixed frame B for linear llimits
// bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = true; //use fixed frame A for linear llimits
// spSlider6Dof = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*fixedBody1, *d6body0, frameInA, frameInB, useLinearReferenceFrameA);
// spSlider6Dof->setLinearLowerLimit(lowerSliderLimit);
// spSlider6Dof->setLinearUpperLimit(hiSliderLimit);
// bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = false;//use fixed frame B for linear llimits
bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = true; //use fixed frame A for linear llimits
spSlider6Dof = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*fixedBody1, *d6body0, frameInA, frameInB, useLinearReferenceFrameA);
// //range should be small, otherwise singularities will 'explode' the constraint
// // spSlider6Dof->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-1.5,0,0));
// // spSlider6Dof->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(1.5,0,0));
// // spSlider6Dof->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0,0,0));
// // spSlider6Dof->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0,0,0));
// spSlider6Dof->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_PI, 0, 0));
// spSlider6Dof->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(1.5, 0, 0));
//range should be small, otherwise singularities will 'explode' the constraint
// spSlider6Dof->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-1.5,0,0));
// spSlider6Dof->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(1.5,0,0));
// spSlider6Dof->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0,0,0));
// spSlider6Dof->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0,0,0));
spSlider6Dof->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_PI, 0, 0));
spSlider6Dof->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(1.5, 0, 0));
// spSlider6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_enableMotor[0] = true;
// spSlider6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_targetVelocity[0] = -5.0f;
// spSlider6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_maxMotorForce[0] = 6.0f;
spSlider6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_enableMotor[0] = true;
spSlider6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_targetVelocity[0] = -5.0f;
spSlider6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_maxMotorForce[0] = 6.0f;
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(spSlider6Dof);
// spSlider6Dof->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// }
// #endif
// { // create a door using hinge constraint attached to the world
// btCollisionShape* pDoorShape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(2.0f, 5.0f, 0.2f));
// m_collisionShapes.push_back(pDoorShape);
// btTransform doorTrans;
// doorTrans.setIdentity();
// doorTrans.setOrigin(btVector3(-5.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f));
// btRigidBody* pDoorBody = createRigidBody(1.0, doorTrans, pDoorShape);
// pDoorBody->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// const btVector3 btPivotA(10.f + 2.1f, -2.0f, 0.0f); // right next to the door slightly outside
// btVector3 btAxisA(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // pointing upwards, aka Y-axis
{ // create a door using hinge constraint attached to the world
btCollisionShape* pDoorShape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(2.0f, 5.0f, 0.2f));
btTransform doorTrans;
doorTrans.setOrigin(btVector3(-5.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f));
btRigidBody* pDoorBody = createRigidBody(1.0, doorTrans, pDoorShape);
const btVector3 btPivotA(10.f + 2.1f, -2.0f, 0.0f); // right next to the door slightly outside
btVector3 btAxisA(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // pointing upwards, aka Y-axis
// spDoorHinge = new btHingeConstraint(*pDoorBody, btPivotA, btAxisA);
spDoorHinge = new btHingeConstraint(*pDoorBody, btPivotA, btAxisA);
// // spDoorHinge->setLimit( 0.0f, SIMD_PI_2 );
// // test problem values
// // spDoorHinge->setLimit( -SIMD_PI, SIMD_PI*0.8f);
// spDoorHinge->setLimit( 0.0f, SIMD_PI_2 );
// test problem values
// spDoorHinge->setLimit( -SIMD_PI, SIMD_PI*0.8f);
// // spDoorHinge->setLimit( 1.f, -1.f);
// // spDoorHinge->setLimit( -SIMD_PI*0.8f, SIMD_PI);
// // spDoorHinge->setLimit( -SIMD_PI*0.8f, SIMD_PI, 0.9f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
// // spDoorHinge->setLimit( -SIMD_PI*0.8f, SIMD_PI, 0.9f, 0.01f, 0.0f); // "sticky limits"
// spDoorHinge->setLimit(-SIMD_PI * 0.25f, SIMD_PI * 0.25f);
// // spDoorHinge->setLimit( 0.0f, 0.0f );
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(spDoorHinge);
// spDoorHinge->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// spDoorHinge->setLimit( 1.f, -1.f);
// spDoorHinge->setLimit( -SIMD_PI*0.8f, SIMD_PI);
// spDoorHinge->setLimit( -SIMD_PI*0.8f, SIMD_PI, 0.9f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
// spDoorHinge->setLimit( -SIMD_PI*0.8f, SIMD_PI, 0.9f, 0.01f, 0.0f); // "sticky limits"
spDoorHinge->setLimit(-SIMD_PI * 0.25f, SIMD_PI * 0.25f);
// spDoorHinge->setLimit( 0.0f, 0.0f );
// //doorTrans.setOrigin(btVector3(-5.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f));
// //btRigidBody* pDropBody = createRigidBody( 10.0, doorTrans, shape);
// }
// #endif
// { // create a generic 6DOF constraint
//doorTrans.setOrigin(btVector3(-5.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f));
//btRigidBody* pDropBody = createRigidBody( 10.0, doorTrans, shape);
{ // create a generic 6DOF constraint
// btTransform tr;
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(10.), btScalar(6.), btScalar(0.)));
// tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
// // btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody( mass, tr, shape);
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// // btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody( 0.0, tr, 0);
// pBodyA->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
btTransform tr;
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(10.), btScalar(6.), btScalar(0.)));
tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody( mass, tr, shape);
btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody( 0.0, tr, 0);
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(6.), btScalar(0.)));
// tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
// btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(mass, tr, shape);
// // btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(0.f, tr, shape);
// pBodyB->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(6.), btScalar(0.)));
tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(mass, tr, shape);
// btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(0.f, tr, shape);
// btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
// frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-5.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
// frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(5.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-5.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(5.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
// btGeneric6DofConstraint* pGen6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, true);
// // btGeneric6DofConstraint* pGen6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, false);
// pGen6DOF->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(-10., -2., -1.));
// pGen6DOF->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(10., 2., 1.));
// // pGen6DOF->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(-10., 0., 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(10., 0., 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(0., 0., 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(0., 0., 0.));
btGeneric6DofConstraint* pGen6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, true);
// btGeneric6DofConstraint* pGen6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, false);
pGen6DOF->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(-10., -2., -1.));
pGen6DOF->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(10., 2., 1.));
// pGen6DOF->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(-10., 0., 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(10., 0., 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(0., 0., 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(0., 0., 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_enableMotor[0] = true;
// // pGen6DOF->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_targetVelocity[0] = 5.0f;
// // pGen6DOF->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_maxMotorForce[0] = 6.0f;
// pGen6DOF->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_enableMotor[0] = true;
// pGen6DOF->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_targetVelocity[0] = 5.0f;
// pGen6DOF->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_maxMotorForce[0] = 6.0f;
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0., SIMD_HALF_PI*0.9, 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0., -SIMD_HALF_PI*0.9, 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0., 0., -SIMD_HALF_PI));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0., 0., SIMD_HALF_PI));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0., SIMD_HALF_PI*0.9, 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0., -SIMD_HALF_PI*0.9, 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0., 0., -SIMD_HALF_PI));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0., 0., SIMD_HALF_PI));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, -0.75, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, 0.75, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0.f, -0.75, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.f, 0.75, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0.f, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 1.98f));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 1.98f));
pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, -0.75, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, 0.75, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0.f, -0.75, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.f, 0.75, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0.f, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 1.98f));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 1.98f));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-0.75,-0.5, -0.5));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.75,0.5, 0.5));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-0.75,0., 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.75,0., 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0., -0.7,0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0., 0.7, 0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-1., 0.,0.));
// // pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(1., 0., 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-0.75,-0.5, -0.5));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.75,0.5, 0.5));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-0.75,0., 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.75,0., 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0., -0.7,0.));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0., 0.7, 0.));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(-1., 0.,0.));
// pGen6DOF->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(1., 0., 0.));
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pGen6DOF, true);
// pGen6DOF->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// }
// #endif
// { // create a ConeTwist constraint
m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pGen6DOF, true);
{ // create a ConeTwist constraint
// btTransform tr;
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-10.), btScalar(5.), btScalar(0.)));
// tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// // btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody( 0.0, tr, shape);
// pBodyA->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
btTransform tr;
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-10.), btScalar(5.), btScalar(0.)));
tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody( 0.0, tr, shape);
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-10.), btScalar(-5.), btScalar(0.)));
// tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
// btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// // btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-10.), btScalar(-5.), btScalar(0.)));
tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
// frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInA.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, SIMD_PI_2);
// frameInA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-5.), btScalar(0.)));
// frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInB.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, SIMD_PI_2);
// frameInB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(5.), btScalar(0.)));
btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInA.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, SIMD_PI_2);
frameInA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(-5.), btScalar(0.)));
frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInB.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, SIMD_PI_2);
frameInB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(5.), btScalar(0.)));
// m_ctc = new btConeTwistConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB);
// // m_ctc->setLimit(btScalar(SIMD_PI_4), btScalar(SIMD_PI_4), btScalar(SIMD_PI) * 0.8f);
// // m_ctc->setLimit(btScalar(SIMD_PI_4*0.6f), btScalar(SIMD_PI_4), btScalar(SIMD_PI) * 0.8f, 1.0f); // soft limit == hard limit
// m_ctc->setLimit(btScalar(SIMD_PI_4 * 0.6f), btScalar(SIMD_PI_4), btScalar(SIMD_PI) * 0.8f, 0.5f);
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(m_ctc, true);
// m_ctc->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// // s_bTestConeTwistMotor = true; // use only with old solver for now
// s_bTestConeTwistMotor = false;
// }
// #endif
// { // Hinge connected to the world, with motor (to hinge motor with new and old constraint solver)
// btTransform tr;
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
// btRigidBody* pBody = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// pBody->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// const btVector3 btPivotA(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// btVector3 btAxisA(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
m_ctc = new btConeTwistConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB);
// m_ctc->setLimit(btScalar(SIMD_PI_4), btScalar(SIMD_PI_4), btScalar(SIMD_PI) * 0.8f);
// m_ctc->setLimit(btScalar(SIMD_PI_4*0.6f), btScalar(SIMD_PI_4), btScalar(SIMD_PI) * 0.8f, 1.0f); // soft limit == hard limit
m_ctc->setLimit(btScalar(SIMD_PI_4 * 0.6f), btScalar(SIMD_PI_4), btScalar(SIMD_PI) * 0.8f, 0.5f);
m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(m_ctc, true);
// s_bTestConeTwistMotor = true; // use only with old solver for now
s_bTestConeTwistMotor = false;
{ // Hinge connected to the world, with motor (to hinge motor with new and old constraint solver)
btTransform tr;
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
btRigidBody* pBody = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
const btVector3 btPivotA(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
btVector3 btAxisA(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// btHingeConstraint* pHinge = new btHingeConstraint(*pBody, btPivotA, btAxisA);
// // pHinge->enableAngularMotor(true, -1.0, 0.165); // use for the old solver
// pHinge->enableAngularMotor(true, -1.0f, 1.65f); // use for the new SIMD solver
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pHinge);
// pHinge->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// }
// #endif
btHingeConstraint* pHinge = new btHingeConstraint(*pBody, btPivotA, btAxisA);
// pHinge->enableAngularMotor(true, -1.0, 0.165); // use for the old solver
pHinge->enableAngularMotor(true, -1.0f, 1.65f); // use for the new SIMD solver
// {
// // create a universal joint using generic 6DOF constraint
// // create two rigid bodies
// // static bodyA (parent) on top:
// btTransform tr;
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(20.), btScalar(4.), btScalar(0.)));
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// pBodyA->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// // dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(20.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
// btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// pBodyB->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// // add some (arbitrary) data to build constraint frames
// btVector3 parentAxis(1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// btVector3 childAxis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
// btVector3 anchor(20.f, 2.f, 0.f);
// create a universal joint using generic 6DOF constraint
// create two rigid bodies
// static bodyA (parent) on top:
btTransform tr;
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(20.), btScalar(4.), btScalar(0.)));
btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(20.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// add some (arbitrary) data to build constraint frames
btVector3 parentAxis(1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
btVector3 childAxis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
btVector3 anchor(20.f, 2.f, 0.f);
// btUniversalConstraint* pUniv = new btUniversalConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, anchor, parentAxis, childAxis);
// pUniv->setLowerLimit(-SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
// pUniv->setUpperLimit(SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
// // add constraint to world
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pUniv, true);
// // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
// pUniv->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// }
// #endif
btUniversalConstraint* pUniv = new btUniversalConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, anchor, parentAxis, childAxis);
pUniv->setLowerLimit(-SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
pUniv->setUpperLimit(SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
// add constraint to world
m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pUniv, true);
// draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
// { // create a generic 6DOF constraint with springs
{ // create a generic 6DOF constraint with springs
// btTransform tr;
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(16.), btScalar(0.)));
// tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// pBodyA->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
btTransform tr;
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(16.), btScalar(0.)));
tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-10.), btScalar(16.), btScalar(0.)));
// tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
// btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// pBodyB->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-10.), btScalar(16.), btScalar(0.)));
tr.getBasis().setEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
// frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(10.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
// frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
// frameInB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
btTransform frameInA, frameInB;
frameInA = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInA.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(10.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
frameInB = btTransform::getIdentity();
frameInB.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
// btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint* pGen6DOFSpring = new btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, true);
// pGen6DOFSpring->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(5., 0., 0.));
// pGen6DOFSpring->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(-5., 0., 0.));
btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint* pGen6DOFSpring = new btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, true);
pGen6DOFSpring->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(5., 0., 0.));
pGen6DOFSpring->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(-5., 0., 0.));
// pGen6DOFSpring->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0.f, 0.f, -1.5f));
// pGen6DOFSpring->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.f, 0.f, 1.5f));
pGen6DOFSpring->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0.f, 0.f, -1.5f));
pGen6DOFSpring->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0.f, 0.f, 1.5f));
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pGen6DOFSpring, true);
// pGen6DOFSpring->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pGen6DOFSpring, true);
// pGen6DOFSpring->enableSpring(0, true);
// pGen6DOFSpring->setStiffness(0, 39.478f);
// pGen6DOFSpring->setDamping(0, 0.5f);
// pGen6DOFSpring->enableSpring(5, true);
// pGen6DOFSpring->setStiffness(5, 39.478f);
// pGen6DOFSpring->setDamping(0, 0.3f);
// pGen6DOFSpring->setEquilibriumPoint();
// }
// #endif
// {
// // create a Hinge2 joint
// // create two rigid bodies
// // static bodyA (parent) on top:
// btTransform tr;
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(4.), btScalar(0.)));
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// pBodyA->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// // dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
// btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// pBodyB->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// // add some data to build constraint frames
// btVector3 parentAxis(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
// btVector3 childAxis(1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// btVector3 anchor(-20.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// btHinge2Constraint* pHinge2 = new btHinge2Constraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, anchor, parentAxis, childAxis);
// pHinge2->setLowerLimit(-SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
// pHinge2->setUpperLimit(SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
// // add constraint to world
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pHinge2, true);
// // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
// pHinge2->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// }
// #endif
// {
// // create a Hinge joint between two dynamic bodies
// // create two rigid bodies
// // static bodyA (parent) on top:
// btTransform tr;
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(-2.), btScalar(0.)));
// btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(1.0f, tr, shape);
// pBodyA->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// // dynamic bodyB:
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-30.), btScalar(-2.), btScalar(0.)));
// btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(10.0, tr, shape);
// pBodyB->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// // add some data to build constraint frames
// btVector3 axisA(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
// btVector3 axisB(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
// btVector3 pivotA(-5.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// btVector3 pivotB(5.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// spHingeDynAB = new btHingeConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, pivotA, pivotB, axisA, axisB);
// spHingeDynAB->setLimit(-SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
// // add constraint to world
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(spHingeDynAB, true);
// // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
// spHingeDynAB->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
// }
// #endif
pGen6DOFSpring->enableSpring(0, true);
pGen6DOFSpring->setStiffness(0, 39.478f);
pGen6DOFSpring->setDamping(0, 0.5f);
pGen6DOFSpring->enableSpring(5, true);
pGen6DOFSpring->setStiffness(5, 39.478f);
pGen6DOFSpring->setDamping(0, 0.3f);
// create a Hinge2 joint
// create two rigid bodies
// static bodyA (parent) on top:
btTransform tr;
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(4.), btScalar(0.)));
btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(0.0, tr, shape);
// dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.)));
btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// add some data to build constraint frames
btVector3 parentAxis(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
btVector3 childAxis(1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
btVector3 anchor(-20.f, 0.f, 0.f);
btHinge2Constraint* pHinge2 = new btHinge2Constraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, anchor, parentAxis, childAxis);
pHinge2->setLowerLimit(-SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
pHinge2->setUpperLimit(SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
// add constraint to world
m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pHinge2, true);
// draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
// create a Hinge joint between two dynamic bodies
// create two rigid bodies
// static bodyA (parent) on top:
btTransform tr;
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(-2.), btScalar(0.)));
btRigidBody* pBodyA = createRigidBody(1.0f, tr, shape);
// dynamic bodyB:
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-30.), btScalar(-2.), btScalar(0.)));
btRigidBody* pBodyB = createRigidBody(10.0, tr, shape);
// add some data to build constraint frames
btVector3 axisA(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
btVector3 axisB(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
btVector3 pivotA(-5.f, 0.f, 0.f);
btVector3 pivotB(5.f, 0.f, 0.f);
spHingeDynAB = new btHingeConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, pivotA, pivotB, axisA, axisB);
spHingeDynAB->setLimit(-SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
// add constraint to world
m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(spHingeDynAB, true);
// draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
// { // 6DOF connected to the world, with motor
// btTransform tr;
// tr.setIdentity();
// tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(10.), btScalar(-15.), btScalar(0.)));
// btRigidBody* pBody = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
// pBody->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
// btTransform frameB;
// frameB.setIdentity();
// btGeneric6DofConstraint* pGen6Dof = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*pBody, frameB, false);
// m_dynamicsWorld->addConstraint(pGen6Dof);
// pGen6Dof->setDbgDrawSize(btScalar(5.f));
{ // 6DOF connected to the world, with motor
btTransform tr;
tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(10.), btScalar(-15.), btScalar(0.)));
btRigidBody* pBody = createRigidBody(1.0, tr, shape);
btTransform frameB;
btGeneric6DofConstraint* pGen6Dof = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*pBody, frameB, false);
// pGen6Dof->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
// pGen6Dof->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
// pGen6Dof->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(-10., 0, 0));
// pGen6Dof->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(10., 0, 0));
pGen6Dof->setAngularLowerLimit(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
pGen6Dof->setAngularUpperLimit(btVector3(0, 0, 0));
pGen6Dof->setLinearLowerLimit(btVector3(-10., 0, 0));
pGen6Dof->setLinearUpperLimit(btVector3(10., 0, 0));
// pGen6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_enableMotor[0] = true;
// pGen6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_targetVelocity[0] = 5.0f;
// pGen6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_maxMotorForce[0] = 6.0f;
// }
// #endif
pGen6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_enableMotor[0] = true;
pGen6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_targetVelocity[0] = 5.0f;
pGen6Dof->getTranslationalLimitMotor()->m_maxMotorForce[0] = 6.0f;

View File

@ -209,18 +209,18 @@ void ReducedCollide::initPhysics()
// rsb->scale(btVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
btTransform init_transform;
init_transform.setOrigin(btVector3(0, 4, 0));
// init_transform.setRotation(btQuaternion(0, SIMD_PI / 2.0, SIMD_PI / 2.0));
rsb->setDamping(damping_alpha, damping_beta);
btTransform init_transform;
init_transform.setOrigin(btVector3(0, 4, 0));
// init_transform.setRotation(btQuaternion(0, SIMD_PI / 2.0, SIMD_PI / 2.0));
rsb->m_cfg.kKHR = 1; // collision hardness with kinematic objects
rsb->m_cfg.kCHR = 1; // collision hardness with rigid body
rsb->m_cfg.kDF = 0;

View File

@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//remove all existing objects (if any)
// sim->resetSimulation();
sim->setGravity(btVector3(0, 0, -9.8));
b3RobotSimulatorSetPhysicsEngineParameters args;
@ -27,12 +26,11 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int planeUid = sim->loadURDF("plane.urdf");
printf("planeUid = %d\n", planeUid);
int r2d2Uid = sim->loadURDF("reduced_cube/reduced_cube.urdf");
// int r2d2Uid = sim->loadURDF("r2d2.urdf");
// printf("r2d2 #joints = %d\n", sim->getNumJoints(r2d2Uid));
btVector3 basePosition = btVector3(0, 3, 3);
int r2d2Uid = sim->loadURDF("r2d2.urdf");
printf("r2d2 #joints = %d\n", sim->getNumJoints(r2d2Uid));
btVector3 basePosition = btVector3(0, 0, 0.5);
btQuaternion baseOrientation = btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
sim->resetBasePositionAndOrientation(r2d2Uid, basePosition, baseOrientation);
@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
btVector3 basePos;
btQuaternion baseOrn;
sim->getBasePositionAndOrientation(r2d2Uid, basePos, baseOrn);
// printf("r2d2 basePosition = [%f,%f,%f]\n", basePos[0], basePos[1], basePos[2]);
printf("r2d2 basePosition = [%f,%f,%f]\n", basePos[0], basePos[1], basePos[2]);

View File

@ -136,8 +136,6 @@ void btDeformableBackwardEulerObjective::updateVelocity(const TVStack& dv)
void btDeformableBackwardEulerObjective::applyForce(TVStack& force, bool setZero)
static btScalar sim_time = 0;
size_t counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)