Apply using the _clang-format file through all the cpp/.h files.
make sure not to apply it to certain serialization structures, since some parser expects the * as part of the name, instead of type.
This commit contains no other changes aside from adding and applying
EGL review.
EGL dynamic loading, windowType to int
moved to glad2
Require GL 3.3 as GLInstancingRenderer.cpp uses glVertexAttribDivisor
glad2 update with dynamic X11 added
removed old file
build fix
fix mac/win
EGL w/o c++11, off by default
fix premake
fixup: premake fix 2
1) (win32window) don't convert char to wide, use char direct to window.
2) (CMakeLists) Don't link one library as static CPPLIB and no others (mismatched allocations)
3) (macros) Fix Gwen macros for mingw64 on windows build. (changes are by compiler(msc_ver) not platform)
4) (FileUtils) sprintf_s reference by platform, not compiler (mingw64 support)
5) (b3OpenCLUtils) fix bad define name _MSVC_VER->_MSC_VER
6) (compoundCollision) remove unused variables, simplify operation.
7) (impulseconstraint) remove duplicated code block
Note that our copy of GWEN is modified and GWEN is not under active development anymore.
We plan to integrate and modify GWEN further into the Bullet Example Browser or rewrite the GUI and drop GWEN
fix cube.obj and cube.mtl to enable textures
store command-line arguments in bulletDemo.txt
save/load of configuration, save demo name instead of index
add setBackgroundColor as example (background_color_red) and
mouse move/wheel speed config (mouse_wheel_multiplier and mouse_move_multiplier)
(saved after changing the demo)
default btIDebugDraw colors can be changed
b3CommandLineArgs::GetCmdLineArgument returns bool, and b3CommandLineArgs::addArgs added
fix copy/paste
until we find the issue with some failing test cases in btMultiBody
fix a crashing issue in MyMultiBodyCreator.cpp (uninitialized variable)
disable excessive debug printf in URDF2Bullet
add example description for all examples (with word-wrap)
add the VoronoiFractureDemo, note that the collision are disabled after breaking constraints.
add optional GwenOpenGLTest, to make it easier to see Gwen user interface features.