b3LauncherCL constructor takes string, to make it easier to determine failing OpenCL kernel
b3SetCustomErrorMessageFunc, printf error and exit(0)
add crude screenshot facility (using F1 key), it can also be used for debugging
start with shadows using shadowmap, not working yet
add experimental 'ignore' body index in raycast, using b3HitInfo.m_m_hitResult2
The Bullet 3.x B3_PROFILE can be customized using b3SetCustomEnterProfileZoneFunc/b3SetCustomLeaveProfileZoneFunc defined in Bullet3Common/b3Logging,
so you can hook Bullet 3.x up to your profiler of choice.
The Demos3/BasicGpuDemo will show the Bullet 3.x timings inside the Bullet 2.x btQuickprof profiler.
add option --no_instanced_collision_shapes, this only applies to the 2 benchmark screnes at the moment
always use the user specified b3Config file, so the settings can be set at runtime, not just at compile time
adjust default constants in b3Config (needs more tweaking, ideally at run-time)