This is an alternative to passing options="--background_color_red=red --background_color_green=green --background_color_blue=blue" in the connect method.
expose pybullet.changeDynamics(sleepThreshold), default 0.05, for both useMaximalCoordinates=False and True
When the dot(vel,vel) < sleepThreshold for longer than 2 seconds (this timeout is hard coded) objects that have the ACTIVATION_STATE_ENABLE_SLEEPING enabled with be deactivated
p.changeDynamics(ob, -1, activationState=p.ACTIVATION_STATE_ENABLE_SLEEPING, sleepThreshold=0.05)
Currently the return data has to fit in shared memory, 8MB (Linux, Windows) or 1MB (Apple)
Preparation for streaming is added (to allow unlimited return data, see CMD_CUSTOM_COMMAND_STREAM_RETURN_DATA)
New C-API: b3GetStatusPluginCommandReturnData
PyBullet reports return data if available, in pybullet_executePluginCommand
For the plugin developer:
plugin can provide additional return data for executePluginCommand in the b3PluginContext, during executePluginCommand.
Lifetime of this m_returnData pointer is minimum of next call to the next executePluginCommand or plugin termination.
1) allow to render deformables in 'getCameraImage', for TinyRenderer (tested OK) and EGL (untested)
2) allow to have textures for deformables. See, and for examples
3) deformables: allow to request simulation mesh data (even if there is a render mesh) See for an example usage
data = p.getMeshData(clothId, -1, flags=p.MESH_DATA_SIMULATION_MESH)
4) fix deletion of deformables, thanks to Fychuyan,
5) allow to enable and disable double-sided rendering, p.changeVisualShape(objectUid, linkIndex, flags=p.VISUAL_SHAPE_DOUBLE_SIDED)
6) fix GripperGraspExample, model not found
7) Fix deformable anchor not attaching to multibody with object unique id of 0
8) Fix issue with assignment of unique ids in TinyRenderer/EGL renderer (always use broadphase uid)
9) Avoid crash/issue of simulation with pinned vertices (mass 0) in btDeformableBackwardEulerObjective::applyExplicitForce
10) Store uv/normal in btSoftBody::RenderNode to allow textured meshes
11) (uncomment in btSoftBodyHelpers.cpp): dump vertices and indices in obj wavefront format, when loading a VTK file, for quicker creation of a (textured) surface mesh
12) allow interpolateRenderMesh also for old position-based soft bodies (not only the shiny new FEM deformables)
13) fix a few premake targets
14) update build_visual_studio_vr_pybullet_double_cmake.bat so it suits c:\python37 and installs locally
for local install of Bullet, see also this example
This will allow to exclude (filter) certain bodies.
By default, static bodies have collision group 2, and dynamic (mass=1) bodies have collision group 1.
As long as mask & group != 0, a raytest will be performed.
(by default, pybullet.rayTestBatch reports the closest hit, so you can report 2nd closest or 3rd closest hit etc)
Fix pybullet.createCollisionShape, in some cases (concave trimesh, convex mesh) two instances were created.
(hash function on structure with uninitialized padding, and Reset not called in destructor)
expose sparseSdfVoxelSize in PyBullet.setPhysicsEngineParameter
don't call deformable wireframe drawing in the wrong thread/place (it can cause crashes)