[pybullet] updated pybullet_quickstartguide.pdf
Fail clearly (assert, return BT_INFINITY) if link index is out of range for btMultiBody methods localPosToWorld,worldPosToLocal,localDirToWorld,worldDirToLocal.
pybullet getConstraintInfo
Fix warnings due to Mac OSX 10.12 upgrade (with backward compatibility)
added b3InitSyncBodyInfoCommand, to retrieve body info, when connecting to a server with existing bodies
pybullet will call this b3InitSyncBodyInfoCommand automatically after connecting
Avoid overriding the py.setVRCameraState setting in VR
add inverse_kinematics.py and hello_pybullet.py pybullet examples
add m_worldLinkFramePosition/Orientation fields to b3LinkState, and in pybullet.getLinkState (URDF link frame in Cartesian/world coordinates)
Windows shared memory: allow to use custom key.
Improve GUI performance on Windows, submit letters in text as a batch (fewer draw-calls)
quadruped.py: first try to connect to SHARED_MEMORY, if it fails (<0) use GUI
increase Chrome about://tracing json export capacity (press 'p' in Example Browser)
UDP physics server: add --port and --sharedMemoryKey command-line arguments
PhysicsServerExample: add --sharedMemoryKey command-line option (for VR example too)
ExampleBrowser: sleep a few milliseconds if rendering is too fast, use --minUpdateTimeMicroSecs=0 to disable
vrevent.py: add a Tiltbrush-style drawing example using pybullet
Expose getVREvents to pybullet / shared memory API, access to any VR controller state & state changes.
Improve performance of user debug lines (pybullet/shared memory API) by batching lines with same color/width
expose rayTest to pybullet/shared memory API (single ray for now)
add pybullet getMatrixFromQuaterion
allow 'useMaximalCoordinates' and 'useFixedBase' in pybullet.loadURDF.
enable split impulse for btRigidBody, even in btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.
allow initialization of velocity and apply force for btRigidBody in pybullet/shared memory API.
process contact parameters in URDF also for btRigidBody (friction, restitution etc)
add pybullet.setPhysicsEngineParameter with numSolverIterations, useSplitImpulse etc.
add option to perform filtering of 'getClosestPoints' using linkA/linkB.
don't use 'realtimesimulation' as default
add/remove debug items within same thread
pybullet, report contact points and normal as [x,y,z] triplet/vector, not 3 scalars
separate 'getClosestPointsAlgorithm': box-box doesn't report closest points with positive distance, and the query shouldn't impact regular 'closesst points'
always pass in width, hight and viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, optionally lightDir
added helper methods computeViewMatrix, computeViewMatrixFromYawPitchRoll, computeProjectionMatrix, computeProjectionMatrixFOV
see Bullet/examples/pybullet/testrender.py + testrender_np.py for example use
add missing base_link.stl for husky.urdf
add UDP network connection for physics client <-> server.
also set spinning friction in rolling friction demo (otherwise objects may keep on spinning forever)
//Use at own risk: magic things may or my not happen when calling this API.
This allows to enable/disable robot assets (samurai world, gripper, KUKA robot etc) in Physics Server (and App_PhysicsServerVR etc)
1 = create robot assets
2 = create experimental box-vr-gui
Add optional command-line parameter for App_PhysicsServerVR, --norobotassets, to start with an empty world, no assets in VR (no gripper, no kuka)