1) add AabbCaching versions of btPolyhedralConvexShape and btMultiSphereShape (this speeds up btMultiSphereShape 'getAabb', and reduces size of btBoxShape)
2) btCylinderShape doesn't derive from btBoxShape anymore
+ Minor fixes in drawing for btMultiSphereShape, btBoxShape.
+ Don't re-generate btDebugFont every frame
+ Disabled velocity prediction for btDbvtBroadphase. Previous default can be restored using btDbvtBroadphase->setVelocityPrediction(1./2.);
It is disabled by default, see Demos/Gpu2dDemo/btGpuDemoDynamicsWorld.h for instructions how to enable it
Cleaned up Extras/CUDA folder and libbulletcuda project