this allows zipfiles to be stored anywhere in already registed fileIO (such as zipfiles inside other zipfiles)
see Bullet/examples/pybullet/examples/
enable vhacd, fileIO and zipFileIO in premake version of PyBullet
fix potential memory leak in mtl loading
This allows to render at a different machine, sending all assets across the TCP network, using port 6667 by default.
You can use ssh port forwarding to get this working:
ssh -R 6667:localhost:6667 -v
python3 -m pybullet_utils.graphicsServer
python3 -m pybullet_utils.graphicsClient
Note that there are still some tcp networking issues that can cause a hang, just restart graphics server and graphics client if it hangs.
There is missing } after previous edit (226819), which leads
to error when using build_visual_studio_vr_pybullet_double.bat
Adding it back fixed the error.
PyBullet: improve sleeping: if the base is static and all joints in the chain between this link and the base are fixed, then this link is static too (doesn't merge islands)
Fix PyBullet compilation of Visual Studion 2010
move back to eglRenderer extension, use pkgutil.get_loader('eglRenderer').get_filename()
disable dlmopen by default, unless B3_USE_DLMOPEN is defined.
add grpcPlugin, it can work in GUI, SHARED_MEMORY_SERVER, DIRECT and other modes.
example script to start server from pybullet:
import pybullet as p
#if statically linked plugin
id = p.loadPlugin("grpcPlugin")
#dynamics loading the plugin
#id = p.loadPlugin("E:/develop/bullet3/bin/pybullet_grpcPlugin_vs2010_x64_debug.dll", postFix="_grpcPlugin")
#start the GRPC server at hostname, port
if (id>=0):
p.executePluginCommand(id, "localhost:1234")
Only in DIRECT mode, since there is no 'ping' you need to call to handle RCPs:
numRPC = 10
while (1):
p.executePluginCommand(id, intArgs=[numRPC])
add UDP network connection for physics client <-> server.
also set spinning friction in rolling friction demo (otherwise objects may keep on spinning forever)
URDF/SDF: add a flag to force concave mesh collisiofor static objects. <collision concave="yes" name="pod_collision">
VR: support teleporting using buttong, allow multiple controllers to be used, fast wireframe rendering,
Turn off warnings about deprecated C routine in btScalar.h/b3Scalar.h
Add a dummy return to stop a warning
Expose defaultContactERP in shared memory api/pybullet.
First start to expose IK in shared memory api/pybullet (not working yet)
Expose inverse dynamics to Bullet shared memory API, through b3CalculateInverseDynamicsCommandInit and
b3GetStatusInverseDynamicsJointForces command/status. See PhysicsClientExeample or pybullet for usage.
Add option for Windows and Linux to set python_lib_dir and python_include_dir for premake and --enable_pybullet option
Expose inverse dynamics to pybullet: [force] = p.calculateInverseDynamics(objectIndex,[q],[qdot],[acc])
Thanks to Jeff Bingham for the suggestion.
(for now, start the example browser in 'physics server',
then compile using premake --python option,
then run python in the bin folder (so it finds
and run the script in examples/pybullet folder.
The robotics shared memory C API is very suitable for this.