1) allow to render deformables in 'getCameraImage', for TinyRenderer (tested OK) and EGL (untested)
2) allow to have textures for deformables. See deformable_ball.py, deformable_anchor.py and deformable_torus.py for examples
3) deformables: allow to request simulation mesh data (even if there is a render mesh) See deformable_anchor.py for an example usage
data = p.getMeshData(clothId, -1, flags=p.MESH_DATA_SIMULATION_MESH)
4) fix deletion of deformables, thanks to Fychuyan, https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3/pull/3048
5) allow to enable and disable double-sided rendering, p.changeVisualShape(objectUid, linkIndex, flags=p.VISUAL_SHAPE_DOUBLE_SIDED)
6) fix GripperGraspExample, model not found
7) Fix deformable anchor not attaching to multibody with object unique id of 0
8) Fix issue with assignment of unique ids in TinyRenderer/EGL renderer (always use broadphase uid)
9) Avoid crash/issue of simulation with pinned vertices (mass 0) in btDeformableBackwardEulerObjective::applyExplicitForce
10) Store uv/normal in btSoftBody::RenderNode to allow textured meshes
11) (uncomment in btSoftBodyHelpers.cpp): dump vertices and indices in obj wavefront format, when loading a VTK file, for quicker creation of a (textured) surface mesh
12) allow interpolateRenderMesh also for old position-based soft bodies (not only the shiny new FEM deformables)
13) fix a few premake targets
14) update build_visual_studio_vr_pybullet_double_cmake.bat so it suits c:\python37 and installs locally
for local install of Bullet, see also this example https://github.com/erwincoumans/hello_bullet_cmake
Adding this makes the library build successfully on Mac Catalina with Miniconda 3.7 on the latest CLANG. Otherwise you get errors that in C99 the functions "write", "close", and "read" aren't defined.
this allows zipfiles to be stored anywhere in already registed fileIO (such as zipfiles inside other zipfiles)
see Bullet/examples/pybullet/examples/fileIOPlugin.py
enable vhacd, fileIO and zipFileIO in premake version of PyBullet
fix potential memory leak in mtl loading
Add inverse dynamics / mass matrix code from DeepMimic, thanks to Xue Bin (Jason) Peng
Add example how to use stable PD control for humanoid with spherical joints (see humanoidMotionCapture.py)
Fix related to TinyRenderer object transforms not updating when using collision filtering
A fileIO plugin can override custom file IO operations. As a small test, load files from a zipfile in memory.
Default fileIO implementation is in examples/Utils/b3BulletDefaultFileIO.h
Affects URDF, SDF, MJCF, Wavefront OBJ, STL, DAE, images.
PyBullet Allow OpenGL/EGL hardware to render segmentation mask. Use pybullet.ER_SEGMENTATION_MASK_OBJECT_AND_LINKINDEX or pybullet.ER_SEGMENTATION_MASK
PyBullet.removeBody fix indexing bug (use foundIndex, not i)
PyBullet bump up version to 2.2.3
Apply clang-format-all.sh using the _clang-format file through all the cpp/.h files.
make sure not to apply it to certain serialization structures, since some parser expects the * as part of the name, instead of type.
This commit contains no other changes aside from adding and applying clang-format-all.sh
move setup.py back to eglRenderer extension, use pkgutil.get_loader('eglRenderer').get_filename()
disable dlmopen by default, unless B3_USE_DLMOPEN is defined.
EGL review.
EGL dynamic loading, windowType to int
moved to glad2
Require GL 3.3 as GLInstancingRenderer.cpp uses glVertexAttribDivisor
glad2 update with dynamic X11 added
removed old file
build fix
fix mac/win
EGL w/o c++11, off by default
fix premake
fixup: premake fix 2
1) (win32window) don't convert char to wide, use char direct to window.
2) (CMakeLists) Don't link one library as static CPPLIB and no others (mismatched allocations)
3) (macros) Fix Gwen macros for mingw64 on windows build. (changes are by compiler(msc_ver) not platform)
4) (FileUtils) sprintf_s reference by platform, not compiler (mingw64 support)
5) (b3OpenCLUtils) fix bad define name _MSVC_VER->_MSC_VER
6) (compoundCollision) remove unused variables, simplify operation.
7) (impulseconstraint) remove duplicated code block