_clang-format file and applied to HelloWorld.cpp
clang-format -style=file -i examples/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.cpp
THere are still some issues with clang-format and its style
- explain in comments the shape of the ground and better group that code
- give enough time for the sphere to hit the ground
- don't ask for confirmation to exit, it's annoying
set a default camera targets for each demo. note that it is only reset when switching to a different demo, so you can restart at your chosen location.
no OpenCL pairbench drawing in OpenGL2 (there is no VBO available etc)
add sphere2.urdf
move btSpatialAlgebra into LinearMath
remove some warnings, introduce BT_ZERO, BT_ONE, BT_HALF as defines for 0.f/0., 1.f/1., 0.5f/0.5 respectively