use b3RaycastBatchAddRays API to enable MAX_RAY_INTERSECTION_BATCH_SIZE_STREAMING num rays.
Old API (b3RaycastBatchAddRay) sticks to 256 rays, MAX_RAY_INTERSECTION_BATCH_SIZE.
(and issue with TaskScheduler/btTaskScheduler.cpp, add JobQueue::exit, call it first, since it uses the m_threadSupport which was deleted before the destrucor was called.
Use a hashmap to store user timers, to avoid allocating many identical strings.
reduce 'm_cooldownTime' from 1000 microseconds to 100 microseconds (overhead in raycast is too large)
If needed, we can expose this cooldown time.
Replace malloc by btAlignedObjectArray (going through Bullet's memory allocator)
To enable the feature, enable the BULLET2_MULTITHREADING option.
Increases the number of rays that can go in a batch request by storing
them in the shared memory stream instead of the shared memory command.
Adds the API b3RaycastBatchSetNumThreads to specify the number of
threads to use for the raycast batch, also adds the argument numThreads
to the pybullet function rayTestBatch.
Rays are distributed among the threads in a greedy fashion there's a shared
queue of work, once a thread finishes its task, it picks the next
available ray from the task. This works better than pre-distributing the
rays among threads, since there's a large variance in computation time per ray.
Some controversial changes:
- Added a pointer to PhysicsClient to the SharedMemoryCommand struct, this
was necessary to keep the C-API the same for b3RaycastBatchAddRay, while
adding the ray to the shared memory stream instead of the command
struct. I think this may be useful to simplify other APIs as well, that
take both a client handle and a command handle.
SharedMemoryPublic. This was necessary for the definition of
Extract faces directly from btConvexHullComputer (in initializePolyhedralFeatures), instead of reconstructing them, thanks to Josh Klint in #1654
PyBullet: use initializePolyhedralFeatures for convex hulls and boxes (to allow SAT)
PyBullet: expose setPhysicsEngineParameter(enableSAT=0 or 1) to enable Separating Axis Test based collision detection for convex vs convex/box and convex versus concave triangles (in a triangle mesh).
Split examples/SharedMemory/b3RobotSimulatorClientAPI_NoGUI.* and move to examples/SharedMemory/b3RobotSimulatorClientAPI_NoGUI.cpp and examples/SharedMemory/b3RobotSimulatorClientAPI_NoDirect.cpp
See for an example.
PyBullet: Expose p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(solverResidualThreshold=1e-2) (b3PhysicsParamSetSolverResidualThreshold), increases solver performance a lot
PyBullet: Expose p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(contactSlop) Set it to zero, to avoid issues with restitution.
PyBullet: Expose isNumpyEnabled, return True is PyBullet was compiled with NUMPY support for 'getCameraImage'.
PyBullet: Expose p.ChangeDynamics(objectUid, linkIndex, contactProcessingThreshold), to avoid issues of speculative/predictive contacts with restitution.
See also
use p.JOINT_FEEDBACK_IN_JOINT_FRAME if you want the joint feedback expressed in joint frame (instead of link inertial frame)
use p.JOINT_FEEDBACK_IN_WORLD_SPACE if you want the joint feedback in world space coordinates, instead of local link/joint coordinates.
Example: p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(jointFeedbackMode=p.JOINT_FEEDBACK_IN_WORLD_SPACE+p.JOINT_FEEDBACK_IN_JOINT_FRAME)
Use glBufferSubData instead of glMapBuffer/glUnmapBuffer, much faster soft body vertex sync.
Don't use a separate btSoftBodyWorldInfo, use the existing one in btSoftMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.
(due to local convex-triangle collisions causing opposite contact normals, use the pre-computed edge normal)
PyBullet: expose experimental continuous collision detection for maximal coordinate rigid bodies, to prevent tunneling.