Apply using the _clang-format file through all the cpp/.h files.
make sure not to apply it to certain serialization structures, since some parser expects the * as part of the name, instead of type.
This commit contains no other changes aside from adding and applying
remove targetdir from all libraries in premake, so it is much easier to create a separate folder for all binary+lib
transmit the serialized btMultiBody data back from server to client, after the server loads a URDF file. This includes base+link+joint names
tweak the serialization routines, so it is easier to skip pointers and to serialize directly to a shared memory buffer
also tweak the serialization code to allow to process data without 'DNA' schema data (assuming file-DNA = memory DNA)
b3LauncherCL constructor takes string, to make it easier to determine failing OpenCL kernel
b3SetCustomErrorMessageFunc, printf error and exit(0)
The Bullet 3.x B3_PROFILE can be customized using b3SetCustomEnterProfileZoneFunc/b3SetCustomLeaveProfileZoneFunc defined in Bullet3Common/b3Logging,
so you can hook Bullet 3.x up to your profiler of choice.
The Demos3/BasicGpuDemo will show the Bullet 3.x timings inside the Bullet 2.x btQuickprof profiler.