btRaycastVehicle and btKinematicCharacterController are derived from btActionInterface now.
Some cosmetic cleanup: changed sourceforce/ url to
1) Add fast branchless SIMD support for constraint solver (Windows only until we get other contributions).
See resolveSingleConstraintRowGenericSIMD in Bullet/src/BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.cpp
resolveSingleConstraintRowGenericSIMD can be used for all constraints, including contact, point 2 point, hinge, generic etc.
2) During this refactoring, all constraints support the obsolete 'solveConstraintObsolete' while we add 'getInfo1' and 'getInfo2' support.
This interface is almost identical interface to Open Dynamics Engine, to make it easier to port Dantzig LCP solver.
3) Some minor refactoring to reduce huge constructor overhead in math classes.
virtual void getAllContactManifolds(btManifoldArray& manifoldArray)
See Demos/CharacterDemo/CharacterDemo.cpp for example usage of getAllContactManifolds
Added btDbvtBroadphase to btBulletCollisionCommon.h headerfile
Enable soft body vs concave (albeit slow)
Improved contact point debug rendering (moved from constraint solver into debugDrawWorld)
Add option to compile without btClock and without profiling: comment out USE_BT_CLOCK, and #define BT_NO_PROFILE
Fixed typo/case in #include "LinearMath/btQuickProf.h", in SpuParallelSolver.cpp
Removed unnecessary files from libxml CMakeLists.txt
This was harder using default arguments. Thanks Vangelis Kokkevis for pointing this out.
- Fixed memoryleak in the ConstraintDemo and Raytracer demo.
- fixed issue with clearing forces/gravity at the end of the stepSimulation, instead of during internalSingleStepSimulation.
Thanks chunky for pointing this out:
- Disabled additional damping in rigid body by default, but enable it in most demos. Set btRigidBodyConstructionInfo m_additionalDamping to true to enable this.
- Removed obsolete QUICKPROF BEGIN/END_PROFILE, and enabled BT_PROFILE. Profiling is enabled by default (see Bullet/Demos/OpenGL/DemoApplication.cpp how to use this).
User can switch off profiling by enabling define BT_NO_PROFILE in Bullet/src/btQuickprof.h.