add rolling/spinning friction to cube, remove it from plane/samurai.urdf
URDF2Bullet: support joint limits for revolute and prismatic, only if defined (if upper < lower, disable limit)
add some profiling markers to improve performance
URDF/SDF: add a flag to force concave mesh collisiofor static objects. <collision concave="yes" name="pod_collision">
VR: support teleporting using buttong, allow multiple controllers to be used, fast wireframe rendering,
Turn off warnings about deprecated C routine in btScalar.h/b3Scalar.h
Add a dummy return to stop a warning
Expose defaultContactERP in shared memory api/pybullet.
First start to expose IK in shared memory api/pybullet (not working yet)
add wsg50 gripper with modified r2d2 gripper tip
expose a fudge factor to scale inertia, to make grasping more stable
(until we have better grasping contact model/implementation)
When running the Example Browser with Basic Example, 'visual leak detector' show no leak.
Many other individual examples still leak, so it is work-in-progress.
Disabled the profiler window (too many leaks)
Fix uninitialized variable jointDamping/jointFriction in SDF importer
Add SDF <pose> parsing in visual, inertial, collision elements.
Slight improvement in TinyRender loading performance of largish meshes (30k vertices)
Reduce #define MAX_SDF_BODIES to 500, due to some issue in client code, todo: figure out what the issue is.
b3RobotSimAPI support SDF file loading
Tiny improvement in OpenGL hardware renderer lighting, to distinguish faces without textures
Parse and use colors from URDF file (single rgba color per link, not per visual)
Rename btMultiBody 'stepVelocities' to 'computeAccelerationsArticulatedBodyAlgorithmMultiDof'
btHashMap, add const Value* operator[]
remove a few more obsolete btMultiBody methods (on the non-multi-dof path)
fix spelling typo in fillConstraintJacobianMultiDof (fil -> fill)
Add mention to Jakub Stepien for his work on btMultiBody