Please see HfFluidDemo.cpp for examples of how to use the height field fluid along with buoyant collision shapes.
The implementation is still lacking in my ways:
1) Need to complete more collision algorithms for buoyant collision shapes
2) Support compound buoyant shapes
3) The buoyancy model isn't that great
4) Fluid volume can be lost over time
virtual void getAllContactManifolds(btManifoldArray& manifoldArray)
See Demos/CharacterDemo/CharacterDemo.cpp for example usage of getAllContactManifolds
Added btDbvtBroadphase to btBulletCollisionCommon.h headerfile
Enable soft body vs concave (albeit slow)
Improved contact point debug rendering (moved from constraint solver into debugDrawWorld)
move btShapeHull and btConvexHull into its own library in Extras/ConvexHull (it allocates memory using mem/delete and refactoring into using btAlignedAlloc/Free takes too much time)
fix heightfield / btOptimizedBvh for quantization, so that raycast can use quantized aabb (clamp up for maxima and down for minima)
work-in-progress (update projectfiles etc)
Add option to compile without btClock and without profiling: comment out USE_BT_CLOCK, and #define BT_NO_PROFILE
Fixed typo/case in #include "LinearMath/btQuickProf.h", in SpuParallelSolver.cpp
Removed unnecessary files from libxml CMakeLists.txt
This was harder using default arguments. Thanks Vangelis Kokkevis for pointing this out.
- Fixed memoryleak in the ConstraintDemo and Raytracer demo.
- fixed issue with clearing forces/gravity at the end of the stepSimulation, instead of during internalSingleStepSimulation.
Thanks chunky for pointing this out:
- Disabled additional damping in rigid body by default, but enable it in most demos. Set btRigidBodyConstructionInfo m_additionalDamping to true to enable this.
- Removed obsolete QUICKPROF BEGIN/END_PROFILE, and enabled BT_PROFILE. Profiling is enabled by default (see Bullet/Demos/OpenGL/DemoApplication.cpp how to use this).
User can switch off profiling by enabling define BT_NO_PROFILE in Bullet/src/btQuickprof.h.
Some dynamic memory allocations have been replace by pool allocation or stack allocations.
quantized aabb versus quantized aabb overlap check is made branch-free (helps a lot on consoles PS3/XBox 360)
Collision algorithms are now created through a new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration, to decouple dependency (this is the API change):
btDefaultCollisionConfiguration* collisionConfiguration = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration();
m_dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(collisionConfiguration);
support user-defined broadphase collision filtering (thanks Marten)
make sure btSimpeDynamicsWorld doesn't use cache friendly optimization in the solver (added an assert, and updated BasicDemo)
Thanks Jay for reporting
Added braking capability to btRaycastVehicle, see Bullet/Demos/VehicleDemo/VehicleDemo.cpp
Added glutKeyboardUpFunc, for vehicle demo (keep accelerating/breaking, until key released/UP). Hope this is compatible with most GLUT implementations.
Original aabb nodes are 44 bytes (with full floating point precision and additional part index)
- added meter-unit scaling support in ColladaConverter.cpp
Added btStackAlloc to Bullet (right now only used by btGjkEpa)
removed default constructors of btCollisionWorld/btDiscreteDynamicsWorld, to reduce link-time dependencies
Improved vehicle interpolation of wheels, and added Z-up axis option for the Demo
made 'getWorldTransform' const method in btMotionState
added future 'deactivationCallback'(not used yet)