Add several MSVC optimization flags to cmake.
Bump up VERSION because serialization format changed
Expose btScalar& jointMaxForce, btScalar& jointMaxVelocity to 'getJointInfo2' API, add backwards compatibility to examples\Importers\ImportURDFDemo\URDFImporterInterface::getJointInfo.
pybullet: expose 4 more fields to getJointInfo: jointLowerLimit/jointUpperLimit/jointMaxForce/jointMaxVelocity
fix performance issue in CMD_ACTUAL_STATE_UPDATE_COMPLETED
causing serialization issue in URDF/SDF loading in double-precision mode on Windows 32bit.
(it was fine on Mac/Linux 64bit)
bump serialization version to 2.85, as we change the file format
fix in name clash in makesdna.cpp -> intptr_t is already defined.