-- Very basic Lua script to create some Bullet objects. -- See also Demos3/AllBullet2Demos using Demos3/bullet2/LuaDemo --right now we cannot interleave adding instances of different shapes, they have to be added in-order --hence the two loops. this will be fixed soon world = createDefaultDynamicsWorld() cubeshape = createCubeShape(world, 30,30,1) pos={0,0,-3.0} orn = {0,0,0,1} mass = 0 body = createRigidBody(world,cubeshape,mass,pos,orn) pos={0,10,0} orn = {0,0,0,1} mb = loadMultiBodyFromUrdf(world,"r2d2.urdf", pos, orn); pos={2,2,0} orn = {0,0,0,1} mb = loadMultiBodyFromUrdf(world,"r2d2.urdf", pos, orn);