#ifndef URDF_PARSER_H #define URDF_PARSER_H #include "LinearMath/btTransform.h" #include "LinearMath/btAlignedObjectArray.h" #include "LinearMath/btHashMap.h" #include "URDFJointTypes.h" #define btArray btAlignedObjectArray #include struct ErrorLogger { virtual void reportError(const char* error)=0; virtual void reportWarning(const char* warning)=0; virtual void printMessage(const char* msg)=0; }; struct UrdfMaterial { std::string m_name; std::string m_textureFilename; btVector4 m_rgbaColor; }; struct UrdfInertia { btTransform m_linkLocalFrame; double m_mass; double m_ixx,m_ixy,m_ixz,m_iyy,m_iyz,m_izz; UrdfInertia() { m_linkLocalFrame.setIdentity(); m_mass = 0.f; m_ixx=m_ixy=m_ixz=m_iyy=m_iyz=m_izz=0.f; } }; enum UrdfGeomTypes { URDF_GEOM_SPHERE=2, URDF_GEOM_BOX, URDF_GEOM_CYLINDER, URDF_GEOM_MESH, URDF_GEOM_PLANE, }; struct UrdfGeometry { UrdfGeomTypes m_type; double m_sphereRadius; btVector3 m_boxSize; double m_cylinderRadius; double m_cylinderLength; btVector3 m_planeNormal; std::string m_meshFileName; btVector3 m_meshScale; }; struct UrdfVisual { btTransform m_linkLocalFrame; UrdfGeometry m_geometry; std::string m_name; std::string m_materialName; bool m_hasLocalMaterial; UrdfMaterial m_localMaterial; }; struct UrdfCollision { btTransform m_linkLocalFrame; UrdfGeometry m_geometry; std::string m_name; }; struct UrdfJoint; struct UrdfLink { std::string m_name; UrdfInertia m_inertia; btArray m_visualArray; btArray m_collisionArray; UrdfLink* m_parentLink; UrdfJoint* m_parentJoint; btArray m_childJoints; btArray m_childLinks; int m_linkIndex; UrdfLink() :m_parentLink(0), m_parentJoint(0) { } }; struct UrdfJoint { std::string m_name; UrdfJointTypes m_type; btTransform m_parentLinkToJointTransform; std::string m_parentLinkName; std::string m_childLinkName; btVector3 m_localJointAxis; double m_lowerLimit; double m_upperLimit; double m_effortLimit; double m_velocityLimit; double m_jointDamping; double m_jointFriction; }; struct UrdfModel { std::string m_name; btHashMap m_materials; btHashMap m_links; btHashMap m_joints; btArray m_rootLinks; }; class UrdfParser { protected: UrdfModel m_urdf2Model; btAlignedObjectArray m_sdfModels; btAlignedObjectArray m_tmpModels; bool m_parseSDF; int m_activeSdfModel; void cleanModel(UrdfModel* model); bool parseInertia(UrdfInertia& inertia, class TiXmlElement* config, ErrorLogger* logger); bool parseGeometry(UrdfGeometry& geom, class TiXmlElement* g, ErrorLogger* logger); bool parseVisual(UrdfModel& model, UrdfVisual& visual, class TiXmlElement* config, ErrorLogger* logger); bool parseCollision(UrdfCollision& collision, class TiXmlElement* config, ErrorLogger* logger); bool initTreeAndRoot(UrdfModel& model, ErrorLogger* logger); bool parseMaterial(UrdfMaterial& material, class TiXmlElement *config, ErrorLogger* logger); bool parseJointLimits(UrdfJoint& joint, TiXmlElement* config, ErrorLogger* logger); bool parseJoint(UrdfJoint& link, TiXmlElement *config, ErrorLogger* logger); bool parseLink(UrdfModel& model, UrdfLink& link, TiXmlElement *config, ErrorLogger* logger); public: UrdfParser(); virtual ~UrdfParser(); void setParseSDF(bool useSDF) { m_parseSDF = useSDF; } bool getParseSDF() const { return m_parseSDF; } bool loadUrdf(const char* urdfText, ErrorLogger* logger, bool forceFixedBase); bool loadSDF(const char* sdfText, ErrorLogger* logger); int getNumModels() const { //user should have loaded an SDF when calling this method btAssert(m_parseSDF); if (m_parseSDF) { return m_sdfModels.size(); } } void activateModel(int modelIndex); UrdfModel& getModelByIndex(int index) { //user should have loaded an SDF when calling this method btAssert(m_parseSDF); return *m_sdfModels[index]; } const UrdfModel& getModelByIndex(int index) const { //user should have loaded an SDF when calling this method btAssert(m_parseSDF); return *m_sdfModels[index]; } const UrdfModel& getModel() const { if (m_parseSDF) { return *m_sdfModels[m_activeSdfModel]; } return m_urdf2Model; } UrdfModel& getModel() { if (m_parseSDF) { return *m_sdfModels[m_activeSdfModel]; } return m_urdf2Model; } }; #endif